SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS ! Are You Going to Replenish Your School Library ? Have You Ever Bought Libraries From Us ? We have thousands to choose from. Our prices are the lowest, and we solicit your patronage. : : : : STRATFORD Ocular Pains Many people suffer from contin- uous pain in the head, In the great majority of cases, defective eyesight is the cause of them. For drugs afford no lasting re- lief. If you are a sufferer call and sonsult our doctor of optics, HIS. SERVICES ARE FREE. -!- -i= 0 -i -STRATEORD -Repairing Carefully At- tended to. soraaager oe Milverton, on Thur: day, Oct. 19th, Henry * Sehi arholle 74 st ars and 8 months. WANTED BORN Coox—In Hesson, on Oct. 22nd, wife of Mr. Joseph’ Cook, a daughter. At ee Store 1,500 Ibs. of good Dutch Sett Onions at high- Ss Q Q Q Raima es Q W. D. Weir’s tt market price, to be: delivered A “gs Q Q Q Q Q Q List of farms for sale during the last week’ol 125 acres, lot 4, con. 13, Mornington, Also 3,000 Ibs. of Dry Ap- splendid farm, good “ho ‘house, bank|# ples. arn 45x70, driving house. pig with ‘cement: trougha, me. tioor Call and see our stock of plenty of good water, 10 sores 4a || Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., now complete, at lowest. prices ever ed. h, 14 miles to school, 2 miles from ace village, 7 miles te rice jown, balan 3 per cent, Must sell owing ca ie see and west half of lot 28, in ibe ciath i OR een lot 27 i 13th e acres clear, od LARGE SCHAEFER & WHALEY Friday and Saturday Specials a Ready-to-wear Trimmed Hats at Bargain Prices CROSSHILL. and six from Atwood. Price $10,500, |, Mrs: A- Heipel and and Mrs. ae half down, balance on time. or other visited in Glenallan over d- Mrs, John Webster visited friend in Stratford from Saturday until Monday~ 2 Q Q mg Q 2 2 a a a a nn. 4, Mornin; foal being that por-|__Mrs. Wm. Hastings and — B. J 2 Q 2 a a 2 a a 2 2 Q Q T, E. Williams, of ee eas Sun- pe the Guelph and | Hastings spent Sunday in Linw | corporation of ‘Milverton. Frame) day at Mr. J. Webst | use, ban. i | house, bank n, land in splendid}! Messrs. Cressman aa the Misses order, Price $2,100. hantz and Cressman, of Riattavile, 70 acres of the north part of Lot 3,|were the guests of Mr, N. Shant: Con. 3; Mor i ton, bank bern, son: yon Sunday. | ‘ortable frame house. Well fenced 5 5 Githittie bestot wine fenclag-olose tot soe aac aye of Bee ene chool, 2 miles from Milverton, If a want a we howe, buy this. Price $4,400. Rasy terms, South half of tee a con. 6, Morn- td. ‘The best ot, 224 hope to hear of her speedy recovery. | Mr, Sam Gibson has left to attend the ient to market and churches, A fine| Toronto Veterinary College, and Mr. homestead. Price $5,900, A great Jas. Gibson the medical school. As both snap. are young men of ability, ae will doubt- 150 acres, lot 81, con, 7, and the| less make their mark in the years to north 4 of lot #0, ebnocssion 8. “Ehua, | °™°- | Threshing is about completed, and x45; furnace in | Plowing well advanced. t week if house, acetylene gas, 4 miles of tile| the weather tonne fine the turnips drainay fenced, 2| Will be safely housed. drilled wells with wind mills, 11-4| The tax caletr has started on his miles from school. Price $9,000, half ann ual round wn. H. M. Me’ Paddin is home for a few 00 acres square, south half of lot| days from Toronto. 49, sonesssion 1, Morning Great a Wm, and Mary Kerr visited with dist beaker Jauae a Wellesley village distance from school; rare chance. a couple of days last weel ee We are very sorry to learn Mr. a ee Dic hemee, with Kiteh-| oss, who some time ago fell, hurting his ood-fraiie barn, wn as Carth-| elas not fully recovered from oe hotel property, suitable for either |] ¥¥ ve 38 jane at whe dbase ieeis ee area ped he willsoon be aroand again. | T have also severat nouses ror’ sal Sorat ge et atone ere tly | lin alilverton, “Gall ab the offs amd| Pleased tot a5 few of those who had | gee Minnaiiae? to do. a now teams are to be Q W.D. WEIR, __{Seeninevery fie IM Real E: Mr, Walter rade fine new brick mi docgiasa tine Cee ‘he 11th line, is fast being com: jet Stewart is to be congra‘ Q Q Q QB Q Q \Q QB Sees Ses |Q FERNBANK. |B 1Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q will have one of the Ree art ofthe country. j | FOR SALE! lated as he ie houses in this p: Clearing Sale 1: Having sold out my business, I have only a few week’s time to clear out my large stock of FANCY CHINA, NOVELTIES, JEWELRY LEATHER GOODS DISHES, And in order to do so quickly the prices witl be greatly reduced, in fact, AT COST _ VERY SPECIAL 5 Only Celebrated Berliner Gramophones And about 10 atran large and small plates, about 1,000 needles, all of which I will sell at COST. COME QUICKLY ! C. A. FINKBEINER ‘WILVERTON, - ONTARIO at parcel of land k ken woaspart of Lot} Mrs, Tom eases and child visited Sera ee ot friends in Palmerston over Sunday, ie Se a -eplendid Pigee far Bayone Mr. Tom Reid spent several days of rm orci r and two way Wells. For further particulars | 28t week in Stratford asa juryman at npply to WEIR the Fall Assizes, Milverton, Ont. “ROBTOOK. VOTERS’ LIST, 1905) returned from Wate: OSEPH KexrcneR, | s, Maurer pod. Master. Hea “ MUNICIPALITY OF THE Miss Susie Reis ee Rac is visiting Saco OF MILVERTON |'?,0u btrs- UNT Miss Ape eee has return- NTY OF PERTH Special anon services will be held NRE fs hereby given that I have trans-| ; getbe) ahnsch next. Sabwtliz mitted or delivered to the persone, men- in bsg Eva pened th ee ae ested ote Orta ndrew Reibling ban sold his farm id sections to be so transmitted ied BY | to ai Daniel Seblotahan at peregua appearing in the lant revlecd Ae |, 4 Paring bee was held a Ghee. sessment Roll of the said municipality tobe | Eggerts on Monday evening. Setisstacanats UR ERLE | Mr Lani Wikio. lost «hound the sembly and at Municipal Ek tions, ant tac | other day while hunting in the higiee was first, posted office | It had strayed on the railaoad track a1 was run over by Mr. and Mrs, William Leoder, of Strat- jord, spent Sunday with friends in our re for fen aize Boctors are called upon to examine the said list and if any omissions <r any 0} nd therein to tak iinmediate Proceedings to have said errors corrected ding tolaw, Dated at Milverton, thls 25¢d ye of Sep tember, 1905. Henry Zolauf, of Milverton, is arr eae visiting her mother, Mrs, Baumbach, OQ 2 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q All appeals or at ae must be present. | WhO is recovering from her illness, Q Q Q KL) Q Q Q 2 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q g S ed to the clerk within thirty days from date of the abov W. D. WEIR. Poole School Report. : The following is the standing of the COMMERCIAL ——_ | ay tui chet Sat of MILVERTON, ae 21. 1905 Fall wheat per bush 3 Spring wheat, per bus! Barley per bush . Outs) m, B. Flemming, W. Whitney, J. 3, *W, Neumeister, Sr. 3rd:— sa echt, J. 90|E. Kipfer, *M. Flemming. ' Sr. 17 B. Farrell, L. Speer (equal). $. Kipfer, 7 J. Farrell, M. #0: 12 Neuimeigter,C. Manz, 8. “ete etal 5 mers, *H. sid.——Lonis Schwindt, ieotte c Schwint, T. Fetter Sie eet i Connell, H. Schwint, D. Spenler, 5 arked * were absent for exami- 1b 17 ene bw 1 8, J. Morrow, Teacher. We will place on sale Friday and Saturday, a table of Trimmed Hats and s. The profits have been clipped off this lot, which means dollars in Remember, first come, best choice. your ce. Here they go -— 5 only Ready-to-wears and Trimmed Hats, all good, all neat ae Bie shapes, regular value $1.75 up to $2.50. Special 1.35 The prices of the above hats will make it pay you to come and help us clear out this lot. Caps and Tams at Easy Prices We have in this lot about four dozen girls and boys tams and.caps. The regular value of these caps and tams were from 40 to 75 cents. Special Friday and Saturday - 25C¢ Seotch Wool Underwear at Little Prices *¢ One of Our Best Offerings in This Line.’’ 8 dozen only Shirts and Drawers, Pure Scotch Wool, selected, clean stock, soft finish, rib- bed cuffs and ankles, pearl buttons, bound neck and pout covered seams. Ressler value $1. To clear out at 75 Garment Ladies’ Fine Wool Underwear 4 dozen only Ladies’ Vests and Drawers, fine wool ribbed, “Watson’s Un- abrinkible: ” “We secured this little lot at a big saving. Special per garment. .50¢ only “favor” we ask from any underwear buyer, that she will come and examine this line and compare with what she has been purchasing at a bigger price. $5.00 Ladies’ Black Skirts for $3.56 8 only Ladies’ Black 2 ee: new ae ae to-date in ee way. Regular price $5, for 3,50 Ladies, here is your chance to save in buying a skirt. Men’s Cardigan Jackets An indispensible winter garment for railroad men, teamsters and 75 farmers. 24 only good grade wool, single breasted, regular value $1. Special Cc House Cleaning We think you will like the way we are selling Carpets, Mattings, Floor Oils, Curtain Poles, etc, these days. You will need some of the above lines after house cleaning. Here are a few specials :— 10 dozen only Curtain Poles in white and 10 oak, regular value 15c, special complete Cc 100 yards heres Migting) pes 1 value 20 cents, special : - 122 100 yards Heavy Floor Oil Cloth, Bes 25 and floral patterns at per square yard Cc We are offering big values in Lace Curtains We have Curtains that will suit the taste and pu Prices from 25 cents a pair up, and every pricea special one, Thanksgiving The swiftly Speeding days have brought us once more face to face with our great national holiday —T HANKSGIVING, This store is Grarerut for the generous patrodage it has enjoyed. We have certainly earned its prosperity. The fullest values have been given for every cent HIS ‘H received, Our prices are the common prices, our values the uncommon values. Takes quality to find room in our store, but it costs no more to buy here than to buy the common sort. ‘This being so you should naturally want to shop here. Therefore we ask for your trade. SGHAEFER & WHALEY as SSSSESESISSSESSSSSSSSSSSHSHSESESEESESSS SSSSSSSS OM ceeccvcee Vk cecccsousydbuscrvesevecesendédecosrnushoes SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSISSSS