oe “It Shines For All.” 4 Vol. XIV—No. 44 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1905 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher SAVING IS A HABIT 4 Times One of the most profitable habits you can form, i Start now. Deposits of $1.00 upwards received. Interest Paid Sovereign Bank of Canada a Year R. J. RANNEY, MANAGER, MILVERTON Dentistry DR, R. LEDERMAN, ome Licentiate Member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor graduate of Toronto University. Regulation of teeth, Crown and Bridge work a Specialty. Honra 9a. m. to 5 p.m. Office above Finkbeiner Bros. hardware store, Milverton Medieat PARK! Graduate and Geld Maal ‘rely Med eal College, also Go Id and Silver Medal tise |° ae versity, Toro tie ‘Gannon wssor to Dr. Egbert tt. Office in. Post Office block. Telephone connection with Poole, Brunner, moserville and Rostock Legal, ont PAN NTON, Barristor, Solicitor, Etc. apen every Thursday, Wm. Burton’s SSR SRE LOCAL NEWS Ie =< —_—~s Mr. John Mewhinney who has becn seriously ill, weave glad to note, is improving. he biggest bargains of the season in Boy's and Men’s clothing at Schae- fer & “Whaley’s mmemorate St. Andrew’s Night by haste Rev. e E. Knowles lec- ture on Abraham Don’t forget 25 ee Silk Neck Rib-| h , 6 inches wide, Fegular, 25e for only 124¢ at Rose & Dum ‘A little nonsense now at ‘then is ill Piast, ilvertor eapencing month with h friends around Carthage. Nek ,@ last to select your Neck J. W. BARR, Me en pie SUR- Ribbon. - this price as they "t last GEON, Milverton, (Graduate of On-| they must go at 1240 nid os. rs se <— Veterinary | College, * rroronto.) & Dumart. eats alll diseases of domesticated animals.) Qn dozen fine photos and one in a Galle by telephone or otherwise Promptly attended to, Olfice at J. H. Engel’s old stand, Livery BERT, to J. W. J. He re Bars the Hos be sia rigs to be obtained at all times. coe ‘Garcia irciagie Seca Give usa Socteties ©. 0. F., No, 99, Milverton, meets ‘seco! ne tT eee oloone anderso1 |. H. Pugh, sae Secretary. 202, jilverton, Friday night at mi heir ‘ath, post « office building John Me hiets 6: Wei Lo Loe fs Business Cards W. 1D. WHIR,jAactioueer for the Coun- ties of Perth ay AVaterloo, Conveyancer, Deeds, Wi Mortgages drawn a Affidavits Village Clerk. Office, ‘over Grosch’s Shoe Store, Main street, - Milverto Motels EE Ena ee Pa HOTEL, Lari" 10t Ont. John a= a and cigars oe the tion and large stablin, GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. First-class accommodation for commercial - travelers and o' thers. Three large sample a, Good = be tae ors and cigar Main sani streets. Chas. Bille Proprietpr: QUEEN'S HOTEL. Milverton, ot The for commercial trav- elers nnd 0 eee “Two large : fe choicest o} 3 oats AY the bar, ool eocas stables plenty of shed room, ceo. F. Pauli, mo . F., “Silver Star|day, w Best brands ‘ofl R, dis; pene of boy nals. Out of ears of other Provinces contributed seven out -of a total of 570,714 pede ae that »Larency wa: chief crime with the girls. button for 35 cents, these prices will hold good until boo ae the 20th, Maitland’s Old Sta: There are 192 "ynuniipalite in Ontario where ne hotel licenses are granted Loc ai Option campaigns aro f | now on in 60 thes places. Prof, G. Alm: the well ca | knowa Epo Specialist of Guelph, will be at the Central Hotel, ton, the oe Monday in every month, ving secured the services af Art. Smith, late of Griffin Couc’ sae of Toronto, we are aes kinds of repairing in ‘toner, ine c. R. on ich & & Ani village were guests id Mrs. Thos. Burnett, of Poole, on | Wednes who gave a party. ads enjoved themselves to ise tallest they say there is a girl’ in Atwood ot a caramel hanging ont the washing in the bac ard, can take thirteen clothes pins in per mouth at once. v. Wm. Penhull, of Atwood, on Su de eae conducted the Education- al services at Milverton and Millbank. est while here ewar, tax collector, will to Nov, 29th, Tome 2. to4p wton, council meeting Please plat ee 8th. Mr. G. L. Griffiths, C. E., has _re- ceived from the head office of the C.P. Milverton s‘ation yard ycn2 de- siring a location for anelevator or a eres should call on Mr. Griffiths resident Hays of the Grand Trunk re pub- lish steamship aid cable connections across both the Atlantic and - | Pacific, will operate its own express and will build and manage hotels. nowles, the elo- quent Divine, iene on ‘Abraham Lincoln,” the martyr nt, in Grosch’s Hail oe ae eyening, h. tertainment ant lecture will ie acted under the ——— of the Giilvacon public li Ti is now drawing near to the time of year when the municipal elections swill take place and the various candi- ship of Mornington ucually has an elec- tion once in every two years and this bids fair to be election year, Robt. Allingham is now after the covet seat held do by Reeve Da n. In Milverton we under- i stand that Mr. Miller is looking for Fromotion to the chief_magistrateship of the village. No doubt hear other aspirants as the day grows ChIAS) Bg nearer. o| Andrew’s church, Fergus, mber of aie Deoplet reac the pais , the plans and specifications of the| w we shall| adi: mart boy wanted to learn Beets | at H. Mohr’s. Rose & Dumart are paying 22 cents for fresh eggs. Cows sold iat $41 per head and year- lings at $26 at E. Gibson’s sale. Dont pany Sohaeler & Woaley are selling millinery a cost these Sul ie SUN, ae now until the end of Py year 1906 for one dollar. Compare our 12}¢ Neck Babbox ray ee in town at 26c. & ‘Do a fail to hear R. EB, Kno leeture te Abraham, Tinéola™ Noy. arate Globe :—Will J. White had two Beagrannme 2 numbers and was re- called nine Mrs. on J. Reid left for Brantford aucnay after spending a wes ek with friends in she villa; . Cres: photographer will be here Maitland’s ap- Chesley, iss McNaught on Dec, 12 in Grosch’s hall. Wanted at once at W. K. Loth's 5 barrels Spies, 6 barrels Russets, 5 fee Greenings, 1 bag Fall sn, 1 bag turnips. Rev. James B, Mullen, pastor of St. as resign- ed his charge and intends to retire into private life. eginal Rose, of Hamilton, black face monologue mae . 12th, on the cy S association will rectory. eres is pre- paring an interestin; 50 pair of felt slippers ve sale on Saturday at Mr. W. Zimmerman’s See ea aes slippers made by the J. G. Grosch Felt Shes Caanaee versary services will (D.V.) be bel in » Zion Presbyterian church, 3rd ine, Wellesley, on Des. Brd.at 11 a. m, and 7.30 m. gous ted by Rev, A. Meviedr, of Atw e annual meeting of the SO aver: vey braciol bible society will be held in the En; pa ish Church, next Monday 7th, at 7.) ‘30. Theagent of the society wail be present to address the meeting. of cows, now that there is nothing to be gleaned from the streets should keep their cattle in the stable and not allow yy their neighbors by paren them overrun the er and law: ‘The fine cold anit of late is a welcome change from the sloppy weather ane we have Lie having for the past tl or fou ‘he frost, howe has a evented many farmers from getting up their turnips, Messrs. H Spencer, W: be at the piace nd places on the fol-| who was instantly killed by falling a lowing ae peigla Nov. 28th | distance of sixty feet, while aged from 9 a. sala in bricklaying. He leaves a widow and family os six eh children. lessrs, Robt. van and caaae Schmidt returned from Cy & ie specimen of deer. While in the woods they could easily have secured a couple of moose, but not having secured license were unable to shoot. The boys are ted over their success. Weir will sell by public =p tion on Saturday next, Nov, 25th, the ee in Milverton, horse 5 ware orking horse, Jersey cow due to cave in January, cow due to calve in December, cow due to soye in a Haeok brood sow in pi r, buggy, sets of harness, olen Hlankets, bells, ¢ overcoats, and a host] wer of other things. Terms will be given Come and get a lock, tock dealers are year. bought a year ago at bc. a pound that are being sold now at 4 cents, and some at even a lower figure. reason for the depression in price is 0 doubt the western cattle The Ontario farmer cannot compete other countries are dis; the British Sr ‘ket, ‘an horses, hogs and lambs keep veal up in geen as do cheese and wiles | Hon. James m, Spencer | wa: : | programme of song, speech and story. Dono- | ; W | ain, France The | foo! Sea Shells worth 25c. for only 10c. t Rose & Dumart. Miss Mectse of Stratford, visited at home over Sunda, 25 pieces Nec! k Ribbon, all colors, reg: nia 25c., now at half price. Rose} - eD Dumart. Chas. Spencer left on Monday to attend the funeral of his cousin, Mr. George Baked. tees Don’tfail to hear Mi iss McNaught, of Mitchell, who is bet ous 4 famous of Galt, was the pe of Miss Gertie; Weir over Sun- PP os SaLe.—3 new dwellings, red brick veneer, 7 room, hard and so! water, Appl. ly to C. R. Honprricu & Sox. wo tured by tl ae ae at tf. 50 per pair.—John 1 Stzationd Bat “Will J, White in his comic. songs ; Dae ee the e he-a pet: ent iy was vigorously White zal appear in Grosch's Tall on ni jec. 1 eee Broadviows | vs. Listowel. ‘What paeeitee to be the match of the season will be playa between the Broadyiews, of Toronto, and the Listowel team for the Ontario Cup, snSaturday next. Gamecalled at 2 30 Listowel was defeated on Saturday a? at Toroiito by _ 0, but are con- fident of winning o eae eae - W. D. Weir's Sale Register. (Sales to commence at 1 o'clock.) Tuesday, Nov, 28th, Lot 2, Piece at, -| Ellice, Real: Estate, Farm Stock and Ee aaa = Friday, Dee, Sth, East-half Lot 12, Con, 12,’ Mornington, 100 acres, stock ‘ ‘Also Sale every Saturday next door to the Bank. pclae RSAC EEN a Political. pi mosting:. aoe Annual Meeting. ie the Liberal i North ° esday, Nov. 29th, at 11 o’clock for the purpose of receiving the finan- cial report, election of officers and the gence business of the Association. e attendanee is expected Dasiness of importance will come u; at this meeting.—J. H. Gunther, Pres- ident; ree Spotton, Sec.-Treas. ce egaeae reTA A Local Military Event. Captain A. M, Panton, haying re- pont received his cornmission as Cap- | © o. 9 company of the Regi-| to enh celebrated the event by enter-' =: = B = officer, on his promotion, the evening very pleasantly spent in a varied ieee oe ‘The half page advertisement in other columns announcing a great) | the te ot its purchase of the one ton Block a few mont meet the requirements of a greatly cnstaet business. Realizing that pan ea and district demanded the very frequent business trips to Great Brit- and Germany impressed him with the oe that great savings ted by wholesale ie of of which hi whole of his ep career. The intention of the Duncan eta guson Co. is not to initate department stores by cutting ap e the Dominion, with a wtalinala de- otherwi the highest money-anving oneibalicies to its custom The davesdiensint other col- umns outlines the scope of the alter- ation sale. FIRE PROTECTION. Editor of the Milverton Sun:— r Sir,—I have read over with interest your able article in the editor- ial colums of jase. vee issue of ‘The Sun” and I hea: wi stand you take in oe to better fire protection for our village. As you have very truly stated there is no protection whatever from Fg & re— (;| no fire-fighting apparatus of any kind and everyone is dependent upon the respect to the handling of all kinds of heating a lighiting arrangemen are several places in this ells lage where ifa fire got the slightest headway and under the least goes Ne circumstances whatever, thing could prevent a wholesale eetpaicvion of property, Happily in the case | the late fire in evra no suitable mater- ial was within the immediate sweep of the lurid flames that « atone time reach- ed almost to the street. Qi ited and that would in all probability have settled the fat f Milvertor yeast A bri- ade with pailsona roof cannot leng withstand the heat and smoke of e generally ack- it may be easy enough review the nag pal but to suggest | m: some satisfactory means of protection requires thoughtful consideration, and it is with this et in view that I venture to offer a few suggestions. In the first place Mr, Editor, it usp be interesting to know what m: of protection from fire has been ene ted by villages similar in size and sit- uation to Milverton in the surround- tern Ontario. This aye easily secured by our village Clerk communicating with the proper authorities in such places. rating of a town or vi ter of fire insurance dépends largely on the manner of fire protection, I do not know ezactly in what class the fire underwriters have placed this vil- lage but it might be interesting to some who pay heavy insurance to discover. be well to con- fighting fire that been brought to the notice of any business man that has travelled and who is of an enquir- ing turn of min Probably the simplest, cheapest ane together with an ample supply of pails the entire outfit hustled e alarm is rung, by willing hands, if no team it available. ~ But the water supply must st.. | be considered, ani organization of some kind will make this plan more effective. This is better ha no pro- tection at all. Then there is the old-fashioned hand engine with from ten to twelve men tc a side that has sone oo execution in t red ry outfit described in the pl An me races per weuld ee of horses ould be a’ silable % nibbEE notice The tanks are filled from time to time by the engine pen pine from some central source of supply y. Anotl wes method is to ta large ank, | andpi pipe, or reservoir at a high. lteade ah as to fficient head or pressw This be aouplted to| With rata by some kind of a wind o1 steam pumping apparatus, Water mains are then ue ba bier along the principal Gane: and h rants place table eeorne In fact this sa bebo sid cie be increased by being supplemente by the other pice age tioned. The revenue derived from water privileges would materially S¢ [lessen the cost of plant and running also a class of chemical villa; ages, tes " well worthy will effectually distin- guish fires ae have not assum - siderable headway, and at short notice. ac} B es at nings ago, the people would not know there had been a fire. No water reservoir is necessary, but it must be. bed properly c charged, occasion requires. It: has proved instantly quelling a fire in its earlies stages. It is also used as an aueitary to the fe b donerepent in some towns and citi hese nd several oes methods, Mr. Editor, are Baba pe olen! = Sat more sp than I fret Hatented: but it seems to me that this 2 and I hope it attention sf our PARTE and of the re- sidents of Milverton, CirizEN. Ellice Plowm The Ellice plowing match postpon- ed from Tuesday last mee held on Fi farm of Mr. very successful. spectators was the largest ever present, at an Ellice match Following is the list of prize winners; First class nee ope to province, dil not fill, t Fred Jundt, the only plowman in nh Fhe was aadaeed gene of pri ond nie men, open to ioynaiy a James Armstrong; 2, Jam , Henry Chisner. Boy’s class, township ony oe Armstrong; 2, Albert Daub; 3, nuel oe chtel ridge ir in sy, class—Fred Arm- aoe (15 years winner of “he ener for f County y Ehgot tz, yohn Ranier: and Thea Brick- Atay the match supper was provid- ed by Mrs Bambauch, and a good time spent. ROSTOCK. Joseph Wi ingefelder has returned Scan hin haoting UF Mr. rane ‘of Wiarton, is visit- ing friends in onr vicinit iaity ‘An auction sale of boots, shoes, rubbers was held in shut ra Stratiord,, spent anode i” bi ‘OROSSHILL. and Ms A, Doering visited friends io wet on ie Pree Sack has returned toms ath extended visit orth Hite in Toronto, Mr, a mpbell are visit- ing in Marshorou Dave renter, nd erie is ol acquaintan Gledallen wae tn, cen she vig ay ebster and Libbie spent Sunday |. Gibson, of the 7th line, held an auction sale last Friday and dispose of all his stock, implements and grain. The farm is also pnates, for sale as Mr. les intends ig for the West, We oe, their departure from our midst but wish them suecess in their future Oe a. es Mr. r, Robt. Campbell, an old settler, slag intende. eelling out and moving {0 lin, where he has use, Phe e sale will be held on Monday, ‘Nov. uu Lahde Mr. Robinson is very ill and ander i FaSStOr 's care. Mr. W. D, Banday an spent Sunday at West eee ‘ Mrs. D, McKay and Master Loyd 3 Me- ae have been quite ill with bad e: . Toole and his bride from Plot, ‘h line.” ere ater nt too! Mrs. ©, O, P: visit.to.Toron! Bante ight. The Petry 1 Bible Rosey meeti held last Wednesday night Rev. ) BORN + tr GO: Willard a aceanee iss Mi Citas beat meni the, with ber wacle, Mr, Al ie Methodist church in Linwood } bui ty | passed through Linwood on saturday for Mone- d | ton w pla rsill has retired from a r. and Pears congregation gathered to hear GW, Carter's farewell service last sg er of Beeton, the iny e-Pres., Rev, of the. Presbyterian | tak rs, | Th hel ab a4 ia Se Wash., on . and Mrs. W: The Ganadian Bank of Commerce $8,700,000 $3,500,001 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO HON. GEO. A. COX, President B. E. WALKER, General Manager A General Banking Busi- ness Transacte Municipal and other debentures bought nd sold. Drafts.on all points issued. Farmers’ Notes Discounted Special attention given to the collection arena nee Capital Paid Up est = Deposits of One Dollar and upw: ceived and interest allowed at current rates. each sere =a ee tated ‘and November: to no dela; enatever ik She ‘rithdras ol ‘arene whole oF portion of the dep WM. MAY NARD, Manager STRATFORD BRA! NEWTON. Janet Davidson, who has 3] ate a few weeks with euia? a8 ‘oodstock, returned home Wedne evenin t Joe Gies left for Berlin Friday Pats he will resume his studies at St. Jerome Colle; Mr, John Jack left for his home Watford, Feiiny evening. His ‘amily follow this week. ‘Their friends wis them every s The friends of iss “Mueller, sister of thn a is ital SeriE with erysipelas ste] so haves speedy recovery. . irs, J, Zimmerman, a ig ae end Sunday with Mr. Calpe .May gie Davidson, of Burns, who last two months ‘Aiex. Davidson, has + |retur 2 ae Thos, Brent and Mrs, George irkland spent vith Mrs, John Campbal at B e Rev. a Bhanek, held service in German inthe ball Sun day evening. | Tn afternoon the ent e ild of Mr. and aptised. ma, spent a few days with Brimstin on her way hoime from Stratford, Haig, ot ‘ina will ol ld prayer me meetingin M vening at 7 ina 8 ‘thig shipped a - Cassel load of hogs o ‘Menara, Mitchel ae Hawks haye ‘im= 2 from the our Seca a hand- tends Esepiig lime, cement an ‘was a visitor to our on Whale shipped two cer ond ‘ofl lumber on Monday. pigs fe Ty to his well equipped: abst installed bo lay r cae mith al ith. are these Pre seein their fall work finish: ed before r closes in. beer for ‘acouple of w cured: one of the fine antletet ‘sribe for his ore ts, (Too late for last week. ) cet Hawke left. Fabel! for her hom® ith Mr- after spending @ Mie! aap are a guests of Miss in Gal O'Connor, John ai On Tuesda ae Nov. 7, the people| Honsec of with the Bathleliem eppeiztaien present- ieapeoiie 6a their past death , Sterling, with a] being for a fang weeks with a handsome fur were et ay i ster Bmierson Browa epeut sbeaade| © mea pons a eae rt of the week in Haw! owilles | of Miss Flossie Donnelly” w ‘Leander Meyer's traction engine is in| Mrs, Knobloch, fora merly of ee nm, teehiot Sand tori near - 8 spent a a = ‘with Mrs, Albert Rath: ests of Mr. and ay. 2, Chas. Gies, who has been lying in a ry ei condition, is slightly im- Mise Annie Smith robarned tram Pree, ton, pending several weeks with her sister. Mr. Thos, Hatchison, our enterprising ligt, ia busy preparing the Alas Set for before Christmas The Hie ould leas that tir. Hutchison an interest in his school, tof ue education and a great to they map Ny, 8. Lockie very Fleas, anly entertained the married he village te a progressive euchre Thesday evening ere were eight tables an