‘RAININ POINT B. 4 ARR ; we cats 5 AND D <. OW, ALASKA, “ROAST DUCK pos =n»: One of the Les wie A Remarkab Bek : a. Loneliest §; IT W a Fall of a Charles ‘ ae, NOT A i Ae mint Thow- | farge De, Brower, who TTEST PLAC Z i fe %, J 5‘ ae ‘There was a sh tans bint Pesci ternary Meee FAITH CURE ‘One of the IN WORLD. t long ago. ower of roast di pacts cate poet > Make eee me Thirty- Indian Pro were roasted t Many of the tuck | San ey lement of ‘S$ KIDNEY The ee eg a few of th seh setts ducks |0f'six Faeibco,” recently tbs. ur. PILLS aration tof Rain. ts re ne akon zee) eraaugt (iz and piglet FbSs Se S. ADAMS’ begs. ‘aediin to ie aed ih shower bed {6a |or8 rere wall nde rs, ab.ence ese BRIGET . | cal» Journ: he Russian ke See Sas - A Pl of lightnin; pApinieashs . ASE. i teorolo; eas ge thi = ey. wh the i i. the Indi ue, i jogi- » an Grandlieu, at took | Vial aie eee ee sail- | She ee indi ior we ae nai : apunji, SE Ste ae hatin rise ee the Did Not Beli 03 po int S "For tea drinker Surpri pes Bee ene: re violent Be een een throug a’ Atte To-day Sh eve in Them, b gearing ates 3 5 re s is to give th e nul ight! fol in the Heda ie e is S 5 but | cnvi 228 2 ) s em aa umber of boats Ws ig and onder. blubber hunt! hazardous | se isah hee Crete trong and Wi ‘environs meters (n a hot, steami eo au as they wert ae der. 1 9 ee Spree ‘ He we tnaes BET ee) Ont as ed an pobitis Bombay sree: the | > ing cup of fr nie ther in fe rocked al in is prin move its. es thi But i 3 * agi erash of thi @ came a sae es 897, whaler rescuing 860 cipal- | 7, ved here ab "Thos. Re in at at the it shoul mie} rant q ately: th under. ADO ae , and n si ie en ‘Bark’ about tw Pas ae Kamerun, station of la Pe apts < ‘ 2 2 boats ‘Mmost i ug {Station fe aintain ummer ete og 's Fall ‘0 years four feet) of 10.454 Debi ; ; 5 ic aii ape ii ton tae. eae He ere eee NP cikeaiase ae recente te agg MARAE TEES pene = H 9 $ . of a lar, ered with rived from. ire year, _ that right’s Dise: ins Who of the | Chi summer. fell annually, hirtz- | . ge flock im. the, outsh until sus and se and ‘onee hi errapunji e wi y,, chief- | id Kk of aa ea ell. Lik now ad | (forty-ei; ji was ettest ye ae TEA < : aC vee eee ere e all the strong | Debut ight feet) i ee ee instz ad of P i sy an ha Dodd's Ki hers sh pundscha 1 ) in 185 i a ( enough, the pear i ° s eight mon Kidney Pills ¢ | feet) in 19 4.133- m 51, and i= y then nothi inary kind. t vias ants ius. | there 902. In eters (fe 4 ing will di They'lt A 2 « invalid,” fell the lorty-si = Coa jo them y' It notice sat isebeet le aid,” |16, 1902, inthe, one et eee be G RE PED but Blue SS, difference ° wero ao Tees es i mori He orga 5 De. of Wiileaeclers: (ou i ood ED on Tea, ce quiets s and a ae papkin, ae cpvieedl uring th tact rd eree mi a zy rs Es A Piece gags - Sppewgtp eh it out eae ee ee rw hush z é 733 Ee. ; ae ae cold chicka addition. the tea net hes 0 civilization rarely ant eh At induced me ug g 0 “ serbeag amis mand a sa ota ane ee 85 , secluded f Tis exi red. | in ne? a 0 giv ny ¢ A Bi straw And M: of orld, led fr isteneeles then: trial. es | § E M cart, al Sa arian Sree LS oo co ee ee heed fe Bes eo faith | 100 | 2 aay and Quick’ NE Or, The St Segre er erny ct and an aid Sane a ae i cea aie en Bek ne Se Ee ee. a 2 A! 9. S208 ocieT ickly for You SOR range Dis, SP ee ieee ons peor ss ee on Bare. ie ee ro | aussaiy Sete N r Church : appearance ait o be ety Fe iS Col inder of h year. h au Ack lieved, > than a BATON ith anxict vate! ounten~ terpreted, “feeding,” hear ympanioi the ti ney er sine! ave hi 0 as has bi infail by (*) R ce CHAPTE Y y- ing hi i: ing,”” einen faraac { ime he Sees ee good in Javi een hith teat a Thats, se is wa: ER X ‘ou do er now os Ogee eer .”” correctl: wo g icebou' ed. Dod k ‘a and S er" raeePuacg es oF or 4 Pi S lat XV. petit not st by with suppl yin ae rid. irom nd at d's. umi quit al suas ena crea art} e in 6, dea eem t of f tha’ ying most. extr There egabeaariet Fi eee: Kia- | Mrs. Hir alr zie of fe arent snes, ee Drax tuorag of Cire Ree Fete February b ss eS 2 tale ‘© have an mes re ae Nae Ciel st AE aordinary affair Plvnmlistieenge try Secs e | “HARMSWORTH vertisemnt zy op $301 00,8 a, SEY us be ans eraa ee “Sac teenage CCA aL Sane See ee AWS | ion, ris! PF nc¥ ms Recess the’ ors —- anal it ody BBIES OF KIN has |OPY- ae ans SE! Bote pe a8 insert anytime wt Sete also 1 re ee neetitn aa n sat sti Ba cete cea i ee 8 bod - ‘The ee in the ix or |Fi ‘LF-EDU sake, a ee this ad. : action ee. pipes ep le epis out Mai hastened. bark | Beati e overch il—his fi rising ‘y well,” should ould r. Fed ly| EMP’ a 2 littl ‘irst E; CATO! don’t. » but, f ad- = Oe Peat! maser Es ode rian. ci! ion and jouded wi atdine hens ref and i said I; not 1 not thus, ERO: — tet “Rock, Rabin ta ot Sap uaee je col- glia Sse Rk.” don ee for_g0ou- EY paid: e ot VR ree ¢ishe kn anger. M ith i teat taatryy ee ee Be Raa ecome fi RS AS Bites is cin to ten, ai eatrina th he. teacher eriodica! tk felp. Want x x a nate Ra ene ener! related. ew not how ecish estates: oS ig with dill ie tahie, . S ig ight, show increase m: ne AND BLACK: etts are i pause oe Shri ueensitiee wy lish i 1 Firm pee ee WES iy See n not Thur Lone sitatec; t's leulty’~ from Eso Ag Reine cas) cLock: SMITHS qua) e. The erg a in Canad: to The to dom $5, se eiront 1 forest n Se Resets on Seiad tom é soni cout Gada fe, ana, | To MAKER ee EON poe: rae BE th ns up + econ e: e last g . -000 REWARD eo footpath wis f= Seis Na fs ockemt d inf Is as oped Migpunue Stowe: Se cag — Ss. night tives, @ about fou e settle 0 ant (a ee oe be paid will eee ee eae iad | th her. | {£0 oe BG ang reteor beer) Th critical 1 | tise and free fh cuibitaa Seals pare Shij he Great aaah flares“ 1th , Who 1 os i y asain ‘i this wa; {piety Set aoe soany ee ane a Bea © waiae es me sal service ‘oosday my a e litter a time a: ue. ‘Th rom sul ‘ell deve! ipbuildi: Was F 5. fee were $he-pol it Si o. all 'y held inj Pon mile thi rab 1) He iely. thi a ae eating as any i | ed by si ese ends rplus te ng—Loui ‘ond € : calpain 6 ro} 0. He di Sa Sbsr, owin’ w c te re in ho} y sim] Is. cal adipos ais of ee. point an red sae | oeunle, “£ “a rower ie el aa a oe the it a quarter of | ar Rnueston camer pate ob win’ up tight ‘in ten ; ee slp ea by sos 1%; Sora Eupd fo brates Saye secre Re be Bsns: Lig e foun eg CE Re Yt overed natural es_ they 0 Several 3 is near! cus ered ant ‘ive organ: ion. Beto bad. yy to ove arious ki rse upon a smi Be Soe mrey theta se gee ad ° This Ben pa Pee eas asker Ci iyde ale Mee aes ina arte erent is sal ‘5 to ity om of lor e 14 sti a ion by and f eq feed, a} n St. Pe St. Peter: so tt saa liminishing thro elteacy of Pars prrere kciiae once ui tif Caio folets “G me." een the esd pis nes Ts Tet Ae: ana peut ia coer ters ° ae on ababtin medical att og Sp meseo's V ponials, as to with. es For s Sek. lA eae PHS a ood-nighi not be a e to preve __Im the avi ietrimen- | lies i the m rsburg ‘and St i psn gota nis Ria ec manne cal te: -archii thr. ie t, th ¢ tO sa? , | 18_ov pee lige “in ‘ost int may bo s050 : Riga ae salpe, ne ia poumanrane,! tiiey never fail $0 “Shoe ‘dacths paras neo rf Given A) TAG alla ough th odie ven, shoal ana es means ¢ F is overfed, hen telee hi pe oe he (ae Ai eee Ea Mala of and nd> other ried 193 ‘and: organs. if proper. prod ring that sree ort an pepe tags araebecsti way ange re in its was ss Ggeate of etburdad an said. beter tet sere ted te cod xv labor al ‘Tess larm horse vo-century-ol id, in reay! naval re- seeabionleca, eosukt mber 3, matty perve centres. reaterpn ge ees Foe neem sifu Wack fale the ee > Lik steps W: C erhe than adise: tter pigs, bet cessary od eae ened in va’ proud nam d_boat whi form of a - f ber and Chi ives bite ay it cpen: equilib: iaigests aad with nice aes, ants e bi f ‘ith ee an nothit ing pigs ased ti asa Eons ter blood cas expense. tained ‘auc | Russi: ie of the ‘ which be a hirds sre cis re visitati ristmas nd this ing rium to the Spe yey pnts i eit ave a4 “ny Sebati open e, ‘hear mm mded the ing bet eae pee y appl circulati se when hi . This’ i at unnee rare pees ‘Gra bears tho stom Tornitot ion of meas! that year, is mai Bani pia the Pills, th aoe 8 salah ating mee ae evenin, eek country a edtuibariyt to: Its ee -s more bor: ple tree give ion. with ha: is mang‘ is surely sine Lona st et,’’ and of andsire of #! pneumonii be eotit a number ale ube ve uughter—‘"Thi bose wa 5 But th in purpl ond othe satisfied iene & and ki ne and musc es more thes othe ad cae nd is kept tne | One ory. is of which thi ae a. men hi eirinesee ane very own, isn’ his yes ; ane op e fai le haza CA ih rcultee en tut eeping Ri sbi he other o1 ne end of ‘tufted | deri y Pe told. is ro- i ing from ave comi e Hari scot ihe isn't i no is ri = ee Me pened hi rest RBOL! ults you har unts ich to ciple. mn the “ of the ed Cera e ter th Es th men ms- my coed m isa Da, nesers, etc. we “Thu ad ni prospect INE Al ur mont grow’ put flesh, . The hi ‘self-f year to} f hii wien e Gre: a ronto Ree wate man dear a?” perfect cl SoG Sar ah that NTIS! ey cheerf yi a hay: ay-stufl RAE pres his, a con at was The {0 . Mr. M .§ Building i ish- | 19° ry I cai “An ts tani clean ‘ocalliy to receive ‘ea few hon 0! than if i ‘e attr, ever EPTIC M. fully ref diti ~stufled ied m: rin- | 20 estates. npanion wan- peratior lurray is ing in Tt 1p” n take id Taal ot injure er and wii Vee DON” sp again ad Seitsace w: if it had action fi & TRY JAKES TI pure 2, wt are ition he ii horse, anger mi n old stor when, over 01 EL abebatind op isepasu na a Bcd ertainly, Ce nt anythi ill e }ON’T SEN tae Ge es ad been Gr: BES A costal HE PICS oad. be pita? Bia, Sandie unateoy Stee cet an gape aici Ra Sasi Sania tot arge ot ly n't. tell > my me, can’t Be: ing. Sat iD ANY roun a er ‘a Viow | f pace aah Manel AND P! er. nt of to do at. cor | “WI av boat.tur Fe Se id into Peotly. th sit-Bdu Decue ie o ees: ‘ = st for all h ve MONEY ne Meri Passed hi eek nea Houk trust an; Feeney Saks ENS GL! Suiiy as maxim: ‘What is th ea wiped dactc Bee aia: oe ata eax Geter aie ae aneesae poses, Si jousehold aadresgan agree Perm inne Sate a quart vustees that visit t of the %, TARE EAN. y and wit um | his curiosi ee nena une ae its’ ki emarkabli eing spoil , Sunlight pur- other to hi ulders, oe ‘either,”” detained from 1b, Teront La boat’ i losity e Empei lown. says that ind ever ai e" publica- AG pase joi ight So. ana iS side, and and di mn! ea er,”” sail you' the E 0, Ont, boat “in. aroused ror asked, ; te ica | tom reat Con rity is ap’s sui ‘net Dogah ta and irew ar ‘put I th id Mt 2"” "Th such eee ae on which every possib! empted. Las mbinatis most per- ot strings. tou with Ra | vic ae I arian, .at,”? an Sunt finding . ie ted, He nb ee vip th cons, tie he c e and g must t y_ nervol an ue inexpects go Via rae eE ane subject feed er nd ats 2 washii picuo ay oft er i ie Sep eghials English red his ed. plac, ci ifon sieci r wom “up- > gives u own by all ing £ us in = me 8 this won- | feelii bed. enny’s bei: in it, boat; is compani: ace. mole ity. by thou: ares, bel is incl an can cen oy eee ‘nivale of cloth t oe ot little 1 lings, ad- KE! ing th iw ‘and if panion, “ isc sands, s, being a let with need fore Saat rs pee Com: es. é . Ther ir heautes bonnet. and left —- the a @ most wind, ould qf you had 6 As the ows: on Bryne tha enn brsestonn anatase Trin "Ta |i a 2S ee a a te om oe TUCKY’S GREATEST festa rare ara ok es ron s; nearly ev vents in th Een on Bal ocular ge atiatar one's fi ‘ et roy Med sewed i. ng chee ee ere: wept. pails! : mi pando AL a ate ae on | vessel to re e “sprained pea ait very littl est Hi additio. arts eee riends surf: or Vv. 8 sora magnitcent Sol whe: arian! er bi Rah ugh th ERE Bio her ‘ iserable F: 1 to tre yy the le too | 2 removi avo th int Batata je lonel: notonot e only | sh mn to teachii and s¢i st to req ‘The is sel- faces of arnishi i ‘Beart, wit sas, n I sei 1 right 1 lo} start hsb Euan woos ep * breaki more night, ‘asi. iberall, at hi e farme | and sail: ed, fi he dis ~ steppin; knee o the s bee ly col us life ortha: yee eae ay aac ee best, of wood: e out ai head, eon vel jocks | hi and ti ishwood aking i of Thu Mar g-Ti H ys is horst er wh») Ya su and fittod iscard sd 1S. ne or ankl treets | shi in to ony. ‘The of the and, ty] we six las in plan is take the work 2 , I thi ly the my qui ead v remble. S' made id Pr ah ston pto: E es kind. », Yanza aunt with mi “A Jocal the reptil le owing ships o1 look foi ra poe a pewriting neuages 4B e color rk and The D nee ‘can, soon: a map Re Be ot pous par with the atti She raised her | ed th r int Seger sta To B nm ee 3 SAL ly and ays; Was the w Bea oa the iy sts Y doctor les. to |nin; m and wr the arriv: ple | home, ake ot and al z pusier Pr % = out of ck Ls ame sme present: my. ey! your chi ur ripplii of your attitude Bi her e same ervals, n he cau E HELD oe i E es ‘and work of he river “ mi was f g the hi after J vival of 4 * everyd ‘the | Mrs Am rae sa ‘ven th clothe FUR our Medi ¢ "hadre eyes jet be ing, was si pri of one coolnesi and mai F AT ixth ‘ARM Ni might but Saas Fen thts: jorced t ese orizon July 20, ication 100] or jay er Kc. sane Wo ee he dainti Se DEPT. icin 2 —th fall te eauty; bu sunny | h so dark gan pre- war ess and di aintain- WILSON’. A Tho OTES. a oat he a yy pleas a few th ‘o driv ath of eager] , sean- si bi work, a abel hone stnut, Result.”. or | jaintic . Nore—1 9 ie Co. -there never © the bloo: but er hai she ight. es he dista: N’S Hi nnwu genuin . 9, leclaré sant it iver, e |sail smoke ly for th arts e ae ROWER “UH: Rh ae whitd is lace, o1 est line: This tsa Gr TORO! ay vivid er Wi lobiniatereek nds bef could sc Pend with maten LEXIN ORIE al S$ ie, full-b’ Rib dist delight cee ge was Chenoa . But or the je first: ble Privisg yi semi- S| ee ea ine , or the m n ofter by a NTO, ON’ 1, yet Bhagat} appro ‘ore her, arcely “oe E GTON MEN'S ale, farm ood, his ted w: © navi ayebe Onan ship ee glint of ae = cents A ER ES rare changed ue South Am t|| colorsm ‘ost delic: irate Urciad: T. Setaee cool i an bee Te » but as th ce i eb CEM |, KE a » er -mever. ilk oie SORBET Ge ‘toy as the gate er | AL Pe the a jess. than a eats eae y." She sa} the son from meric i ay be safe ate pany: ol and fi 2, 60 ee Miuing ear said: he st?) prs cote B NTU ARTER yev in ha: Bier ao terthwith 10. ach the first Sn tage is Sibeasene pai with Sunii ely w: Pract fase ves) sat dana ie sige you ‘Mai her B R 3 te Stee Se. forth ‘machi! - 2 po al € vatism—a ‘uni: ashe steal ike ra ac it. of larian, i with ints we hope! Lake P’ with. aay Bie Gasekcpped oe pain until ©, SURE OF ate. | Reh ceea te aes aeepers | Sunlight ight Soap in ed FARM aoc y Lessons on the dam- and ‘Thurston em since ae beast for, bay. wgg gto pens eee disposal sale 12 = 16, ate vide Sea bee leshche- y he might b Bue: with and the driv: nae nee i give Sou IMSELF. oul sy beste dayeemring Bhetmatio | tions ay (Follow di ines fh eel eh aleah eld hf nee C's, 2 mi jan xe eee ee her ae strane. ee spe Leen om a veoh. ae G. Th iSo5 lar v #0 e Pia nee ee eR injately. fe ES SS edb aide rer |the I h to start w: a nositi seenaigey at, . irec- Ne numb ub ighest-pri onths old, pai turnerstos Bee Ot aeariag We of Bis. fag NDT rn a f Se ae ‘0 build ot ‘or hi mn kill e that loneliest ‘and ith,”” ion as 2 first Hous: shi iced es $8.'S) and, t him, ie Mar- | str is soul whi and cou ion, th in; nena Simm & Thos. vat ust a simi- ‘of toad: im he f led. eae pay yor said the clerk eed Equally E ipped. cr | On ilver’s through ley » holdi strom, i whirled nter-cul ‘3 1S Aer, aie a ons; R. ‘H Ii ie x is, which: b fell on ‘ortu- on eal Tg that uu what merchant, |* after yea Iy good wit ox 415, Chat h Plattsb nly best But as ig him t ing out | science pias i sa Sh rents ions, Br Nr BRE hha Gara: and ‘S OWN “curious Books | os @ cushion | F- Sai cae “Oh. coh tlaaet ty are W BES prrcelt ssoes or soft with hi ean, Oat, sburg, N. se ADS F. pigs ea ae raw ience thre: both re oral maul ‘ood Mares, EDERS ‘ove Stud, ner; shi thus co. HANDS Sere eae e_shock. EEDING gradua pateeely ie orth, [hac a cp Pee rinlienps 5 water. ard : tose pean bathe eh ead her on ened tee e ason and cor » Year have TEREMREGSE TELE + e sce: rane ne gainst of -a to . j sd atin not oe Sse dey thes 0 be con mi S Pliny at him ing, hi [pacr pone melee git peste onda 6 HOOL CHILDREN: Sue eae aa soe the collegs Meter eeaacnclees = ‘ne ae eens ene | saan ua a RR EMERY. hor | 0 Seen desea nate te Co mencing Mond ative han entries, Sopra the panes pete Holand ee be Bene ‘i lub fe with ount: = 2” think the in utted |} fin yo = fate he fru IST - CLASS so, forward ) he |ver, Rud Heide. as dude on of aft, hol to Lor v’ Jed. LE Sr ae members y Cunci A wila raavcusere Buy Suni vy the dealer farin; SS , Maria it yon bonne sh Bora tae F, ay Morni When paintin, oate woke ole myst ndon’ t npitebal the 6 of Meals 1 wit seit | Sef, Soothing ‘Vegotati ‘Thei Cuenta cael < | _city _ limi ; only o. Mari n. I at eee! ‘: lost. laries~of d. an tain rape orn t en milk ig and lit lacksmit stery of 2 , as. in ble am isitatiol at Cost Brae Oil.—To acti ae Pals ir Actior mnplaint Col He ab ie ne jan wel 0 a> : right the N & in ain. im} has bi in- | Jat ise tawenk ship + ce sects oun’ mn notal & almn ‘water thi ion. They are ver. —P. | 01 Niag: e closel nt 1 His and Cc = purit een fe er y favor ntel Sa bed Bin? "goubied ws Ais Senin: 1 spol, mest, reas to subdue ¢o the stomach "on fx cy amid ta" eie Lever Brothers L th End, Ont aim, oe th ioeaoae is a bo folowoe with hig moods. a a Ranch sy HERA NE ae ecember ra Pare es ER Mule a Tin vorite patie of - 2. OTH ‘5 | school ‘d cay s ahomen, Pl a apres any. pill Bot eM RRH PELE ited, T as ned, at t ed i a h ‘arian oO . » New Ys ‘A ao ‘0, th PG uit ia ef “ were scen When the wi i? ere ols, though ion Count; to Hema ee aaa ectric. O11 4 fear delicate quae dat arae: neon foronto 8 ABLE P: ing her" = a si he had ow tl in silence | | en Very wave . a ‘ork Cit SSELL dealt ae olathe a fault Ss catch and to f ‘orges >! ni in little hi Wind arose so age ale pitatate ce air Balen Sie st ds rack the of, unpleas Ne Oe ea ea here | machine ketfet ALLIES ‘0 hi one of ees alone in not. left at she knew ly denoun angry hi 43 Comprisi Paso y, the ent: and sna enccetd milk, is laid with hi hands, forge iron 3 : they | cud selected a lal i} pent Pe reed aE ed wit aoe orane, B the ast || ni(tin S is sid stas: s+ | de ‘the wi t her ok OTE he e would prising Stalli Sst ire ate man, ton To eens been ron Wi ee Se eee fe igs tah ude a‘ Lo Sern seat Heals Bru qiublugation, oF | out’ ins pleasant, results. 7 = > $10 pe ¢ for us fa foune 7, stra eply 1 ‘oods, @_momi euterinn «vatian meni tallio ud, tion, th the Hoey tap ok ah ing ead " Aelad: geome pee P ae is somone He: |e Hh Sporeggar guents, It he | low — istered ta 55 hey Rem | saver Ww ee wee! eaeapen hi on in- | fied sciapad iat oh she tee nt | trap] gw a cold al ions and B , OF a eres 1. 's| icular bh : In New had bl opr entre, age (Gasca “seth a nano qures | PreP' ing the. penal iden ingt | istance n ¢., “furnis! m his sh ped re Se avi more ped him , who | prudent, FOR ©. rood Cal Frid eae ent th mark, South fewer | coe led for the comin i Eye a ae Split “not eo ear roe Remington Typewriter (ee eolare Ge aoe eet e. mephee Bee binsly qe cada bine cat Vase and having into a ad ATALOGI Mares ifo md the Beta oes Fak 5 Wales pay arkabl, the schi ar ny ailmer nol as not so ypewr it is s jars addr nee, For ae b: r—she wi ing im. At rei-| now ri ing: sect secret LEXIN UE OF of exti rnia Beason forge is of there Ww: alfpence. Ii ly. low pri olars at ate ae ‘carefully ier when some consol ting Co., ess the 1) yr full: pa ashful as blush ay, de last shi ww risk 0s: “ marriaj NGTON reme * us tool: and anv: a ee selon onan CG of. th ig aps — \j ‘a girl 3 sation Dept, M, smminjon | iF 1 love al eh dear Pray, lo. not |b ¢ | himself nothing. f iene at SAL’ quality. is of a bi aL he? is! ated offic ree- {hi Na: stock { sheer efuses hi O a yor Orillia: Knit- jone- = urstol e, angry a asa for. would ‘ADDI E OR C. . lack- Bi eae rts cially th coer {under he n re plan. im on yout E an eaters “a n.” -y with pease es v4 Thos. RESS RA ATALO e-payer, al ‘olve no ae eons ak ‘inate and repeal sre A a ie eet railw: ous process It's th Zs ree et a pg noe me, | Who! equtileh, Sad tact ene F. Kolly, NoHo GUE OF : payer, and that wurden Mrs, to ae yor ere eencniis welll a that Rieie teeta to Se Se one; gry that mit PRA sy , Lexingt: oe P the thre. lieve it. Ba jee credit is watking tans adic i and f, honor to and you d I snow cumvent, ould be! nds ipl ‘on, Ky. ae S. 5. nein gs— "Do ic | Dia | omy ne A HAND ies oy ener tobe: | Saeat oi a a ee tae oh Me dette J jastisiabl omit ys Fasi ALE £0 3 aie nd ‘t your be- id you notice art was T Ss SOME S 2 ve spoke id 1 ‘on’ stand me, ox yout m smu Y. at, and to ¢ir- ig-Tipton such 0.” Pte does F 80 that old num) end ni Th en ‘ooks, y|a Dr. Gri 1¢, Once, ay mot to h re Maul such 9 depth, that a tra snerthas care ee ins abs sig my iteout|*2 Sry a ion “ra ele ‘Si that geneman's ‘a, wd" amoting {o's ston Rabie rt rerrery itm reer sects hi 3 a stands! rain had to fe pee: later, pat back 4 pee ame and Piette foldowhas: neither t! leman’s chi “any Phase oF abduct a str felt a desi: g yr ; 2 be SIZE sk he will TY S ‘Oh, earnest ai | yor he’ tyra aracter. of | Powe her—to end tel sire, veTY rails and be cl he it mittee poi . OF TI Aw DERLY © , do no as u to at whi eae er, and mptati - TTT Beet thi eared dit’ inted ou W. HE bi woman u: for the H Pats ie Oeste co., penenet ot t think a|-yet exact 0 will am} No 1 mak ty het i ion, | = ated, the with s] 1 Wheel from. ional vi out, wil z sometii s and is sually is fleart restor atl ie om so. the your. persecute law ~ her f fe into his Meo Pes eriod i thin; e h shovel. fect aie engl management tor th sl have an ad. ee nae tain ECAR ea aa pr egene Pes Prescsrasc RR SSS eee ae health, "Th DH. BASTED ham, Ont. may r tward fe ot, te eas mle a ite | Bim to oul protect at ‘that eee ¢ Oelock ar longer than SE a Pheciatl had on » | most economi necessari ap cand | ni e in the moon, oO ‘ about manta hint NE eased altoget! rolief, and ft = E Sa 3 accident » In eith wheedli ill coax jut here was @ may iF pun ¢ ornins ight to fi in. from cau: ie mai ammo) Orne st c il: ninety e hi , occupying t it. ink Ww ether. in a day z O& ni spis er char‘ ie for y ax | Which was tb ie ish + Jon havi five o’cl Bix istic pe mure nium when its shower: ie of th so suitable ical. descripti be of ety moons’ ens so nig ect need MOD E y suf. | FF FUR mer co. ae mysel aracter your fav. reacti he extr b e getti e nevi lock in resol. otash unitin; ni- eo. her ‘3 oni ¢ re- |, The a chi ription, ‘a | just suff ms’ bre large 4 rane NO ELS Husband Emir, eid a elf too I sho ‘av- {tor 'T! ion gener: reme co} ing uy er kno pop (ooh of the ig with t! watch or fe a at was eater 6 paren! ildren. and al- suffice t adths that | the al occu appear NOW READY. wie ie jae - tis Pay one i ei oe rome : = "ein at eB: rae ue : "a al Pointe ok eee. Ear 6 pre s have b eas wont ee Weibe the oes momen ripe ee READY Re aera igrily)—E ds Lap to on Thaw eed ee ae i comaanent see T | lack of Comers night. to feed ene od_ashes is 1g clocks Ce yall Of a ‘ore | teresti paraticsia peen infor ‘gts ee) woula £11 Yet th M sed “fe : a eee most Every Wife (cal ied you. lon’t see W. gs" aud MES arent! Bhat be. eure at ‘ plea! ston, yo! ‘er 2d | such in. that sot cont en, | > it. owe wucers fate i al CHARE aad ane i NS mall esting ti , and med oj we had fill all hades bonne ard to Di Sa tere eg wi imaly)—| you ai by | py N’S FUR 8 me sure any tin sed, or uu are a Part ae +444 "Theo! dered atten ith th N hi BS Vv. ena t overed. oe ‘0 note ill i | 000,! ad ap) that ly] and servin a caller aka € | Remi ma Sil mmingtor ise I wot Undoul: re a f rything. and FU! for s to 1 me—whicl and I eck v deeph, And , for € +$$4- retical; for the o} poe soil - iad al: . OF ie ee ae made gece Giese ois 000m ecached (04 Space 5, deserving, of, litt are dis- he ee yon uld ha ntedly. es! RAW FUR: Shs cae degers fac rae Cr ie eas ich T Tam would iy dis: fw hen an inst +444. ° foi y ‘ be si Gan er posite eel cert keecice “SPAIN pariete =e “8 files" of snp elect le ears gc THEN ailace eee ee ave ‘refit “IRS e end for ing th ing bi eG Rares very, ¥ not speak nd chow ai bad ant Ex: $444 + ed th lieve rials effect, ieee door = 40 fieat: « compelling ians | ment have Te fan je parent him. in 2. | erm ey oles paiderati Sie EW was sed yor xe vey Be hi an th: etter love! « n a ery. SOM eak so ould show hi +4444 practice it is cons » deca S| hil ich sion for ti hasty. many | clear endeav. r the ex abit misiate Once oi ithe eee ee results on. | pl substance {ODEIS rej Alten yo Dr eeoitiens- fa is boso: that. I hi and mi ‘Do a tremul Orr . him i ENCE} rt ically I ne the better erve the use thes hires time retreat. that ored to peri- ravel , were we m his A Bick erate eee eark jus $0 yoars of all eprosont the he ung Bafs Hist. Send heart m wor! ave a hi ore | m 2 distr lous voi sai. fete T have WITH letect a have pe silage, * pounds. volatil ie ved ts pieces, ery di! in- philantl here i make speed hereon e perm the e's Anti: colds Geis ailding. of ex) meington sum os gor a in wi Sa es Be vis that in i th all eart ii ey fai _ distress ic ang FR ave th THE fact any dif rer be bus . le ammoni' 0 suri » oy yg ere hiropie is to b it do! n, and M tted-| of the thr HS i perience tuccene— the re hich tes Ts a KNEW, tice eet fenretul. PERArael yoursel feY Meroe ark SE saga lad Foal ts onium round Alder ble. sh childre about Dae Ba expre! with thr ened oe tig ae in typew taugous tl Ee ro. in ne in, hin, Peer tele, elf is he rest, no mor I shi self abi Some ie out 3 silos hol righ to be . The i at, ee ate es cout iba pee 1 ower the the ‘sch ing re five. wl ss tra! the gota ice an am will be glad cr | #100: bo hat ape Hon ant nngs as ig show — ih eart tl worth: ‘an inner wo al Wi ‘¢ aiter thi all tr out | pre ‘an Aly: 00 t din; ight sort. regular _importi Thous took | Come +6 ete ieniecars as Tete whole years. it ow aaecti fr Siege oS shag abupe ny Henle ds you. ane oN han a as hat ni y of ei eape (lett Zeer Neds Bacuinee peg teehee: pa sehen Ihav of feed ie Alias SENTE Dntiahipom | oe ake ae do are ne | the ines years of ould: |. Mr- ions Metated et you call a3 sages. = es,” pinche asualty either ti your rul 1d | Thurs iid he vente 1?” oh and cs eects Si eee SAY is Ee Get ne oh ke ENCE S he coment. vantage as-wel- is Delors cauibiny fell Senbist. deat maodels or oar. = 25e. tight fi af ate that can me, fort le—a. ey 3 mean Wha id he woul ship, w tg ane of feed et rules 2 e right ti ne. site ERMO: onveni oorest ar- orb. es dres ion | ots am told Se now posse: 5 eon squeeze. or, “a and b you n Hace Lash ua ‘ter this ‘roubl. ould i thy upon 7 he raj 0 they u: ry to bi e amout ‘onest pi nnot sel , asa high offi maienee for thi Geairaine s twice," er wears that Remin: esses the meee a eh yor eautiftl hear nesta evening! iy ae , eaven, and iy of tr er de pidity witl t, de sually | Set al alance the it} Athei rayer Ge eae ota Fernack @ children,” | 8 at is sm belle)—* Miss the sar oe Type T ya ma ive Holle fou when sont: in your, atre ‘ough the word: She did nv signin, upon h heciation oe T ith whi pending © lone with Cea Baa scales ng Ming ith a Ne w Yes, de Pink me 33 YPE write: fi us ved Way's when you al and ‘ong A igh her b is, but ig but: fo himself in to| c2 80 hese si they in| Per cow one ites hi ply cept pee! i) erry | ba elling oo ing +e ndersti , that ink (riv: ‘Adela r Co seata ae eh Corn. Ci n you re old will lov id not Guecies they piled cor cre jo that silos re fil. | Baa ead) pound 1 Ki ave do! bee 3, {hard work, isn’ Se is [set of and. that is true; al eure . 8: aopicetty: eck MU GaR scorns. fro ure a ti Pekeke: Vee me tian a cae Potenen ta cee ike a sw went mnspirato ie-| moving can fi y that ~hi lay than jess grai ae eee: little ‘anarehy. HARD’ O! nothin; oe cog So aa es she has and Tj mecha des falar ae sige Soa) et et ei Dae what it rial. Bu: Love of the red y, and y ed to sai e coul ord. She rf saree ‘are al the cutter ilk either ruct- | mature. as been when I ain} No chu e is thro’ ‘or the rig] ze NH 1s to oe week.” for ev a differ: lie HER! Sa eter th: i do agaii hat se ‘of leemed ‘Oh, 1 not. SI are able to er. Fi without | th: . In m allows fo.) | Sit eh is wing i shi ‘Now, Hi ARRY, ery da; jong, Ba: st when ut ys than oth Wo gain. r his VO, of} my ‘Thursto he idly. |'T get the: ‘requentl, at there ii experie! ed to full t in her rich w ife aw: s e: li y in a 5 eel d in th er soaps, | Wi men ai is, Mai my heart—) on, if: this f ese fill iy we | ail re is ab tence I ully | Tr pews less. eit grocer, an arry, go t lay. son's mou! the rs. E = 8 ap 8 oBonlight way. en kcal hard (ees Ae ‘ci how you coi is fall, we led quit jerence ou also fi ‘immed he po , and gé o Smit ith twi Bett Ee ae fardu, aan a fi icliow ight way. | I ick because to plea: n thos ould ni ow singly, i ld have ‘e sol- | Oth; betw end | its_a) pede or jest; treacl,(% nd get a quart ith’s, thi ice er ere’s pe J ae Gireoti | lous cause hi = se. So ot the Ly it 0. ve put up 25 iy. O1 een ch at aad pear does gave CI A +t eee. eae thai with ¥ a bu ‘ohn, REASON ions. i of her, er hi - n ‘havi is’ dev p 250 | fro ats al clover er Th ance. not ii e Charl oth An a pais Siu of the bes He— ‘Th m With o} out a S' Mir. Hard rglar i SON Fo ist y and ai i every doninvigd : tt gee m one t nd pea and t : oa improve | WS les V. gee tinea Piso aiak eres one a ee ena comiaan (ior pe ac ints tbe Tange bs R coMMEN noth pokes to ca era ete oe aa ak 4 Tne alle ee e Ue maces ae the ake to it. 4 got a i im; I Well, I cs oe ad. inv: ENT. re ench: ere ress hi sae an pound: all fe Be 's lint soldiers. ing of sa) = o you! quit apple Ti ‘Dr. E kn fe fr invite a er— carb clove is les: jor ec] e th n nt * whee ‘he f good-sized outs hovel mother used ae as soe ie Dr. Von Stan’ onstant aay Ne foe : ar fend who had. a to dinner a For 33 Ye fe ae mited with her lovel and ti but i prot over. T have eran | he lesinstical Mosel @ larger | Sent So eueay Nechaical me ¢ gcthel ad_gone, that, Fi thi ns. Let e the di york | Caught : ‘akin is nose i a Aaleeka tin eee veliness ate th cha: rotein, I in the ho| ‘The with pl ing fi ys Centioe gird and pra: “You , I said bs red?” rae ings of I one ej iges- | Pléasas er aside b ng her in ‘Shiloh’: aS It and ‘is mani a wot at: inward sed grain. deper Bilazentt less a saad of uurnishes | hibited n—a girls, fyi pr id to roubl jife and joy: the Doge yo ade f autioned e before hii young loh’s Con feeli regr ner, af- he sul sto! that eu nd on 4 Bey ues th man fuel ed quit uit i lying bird thing in in’t tell hi le. ee te good | th or Fietee fet her to i$ arrivi is Toni, vasumptis ing wi ‘etted thi an i len, rma. wat oye sual: he pur- Y © great inks ‘Alex: @ marvi whi ir ds eta Ber tt to get vest. pock pga bad ef | Graves’ Worm. be very bs a een Helo the WEE PRE gy is, though he i be See aL ecaeOin cin buialon'« thets of his vie-| ™2 A a settled » Teave it at er jug. Is h any- et—60 in bi eae eatest orm 01 careful t this, togeth: before = oe | a was very clea: igh her most di grain | reflecti a SE Alte Gees ie robu: Qf Skil y dest : bai jer_with, the pale thou; rather learly di have ee igestibi ion of life’; ‘ife may pasti ist hh issia, snd th oh the groun oa ae esl e going £ OX, ae eatin str a it out. i Wersteadily i © eek quit ight, and i an instf defined e uttered R THE e| A doi ife’s y be ime wa: " = 8.4 Sage ss had LE nkey opinio: pa and sa’ s the fi His fe boats Lap Rae ind and else it back "s HANDSOM s| If the age. pr jncreased year b; its sales e subservi it was fice tna (oe ad her When LAST cash, may mn of y a wit lin, favorit passer where, ae Cee: h Le) ¢oxbi E SOU! a girl i: ft forsa. ti eo merit: sgles ient latent ain |G life dey Ai the pi MONEY. Seogu but hi buy a yu. is) bald ing them is of hug ite Son’5 WV fc ince ngers by a ut why she ring Tig ENIR young mi at nies the: 10 ond “ time. of e ge “aged ‘and oon. Mt a pended fray Piscine s rogue. SS Eaaniae deg ae ‘that into pl He sii ‘eekly. onvenionc the quart send tw B hav and Tru att an, he world face it een studyi ntil Carri ove! al love . fe oad ae is iat ik Pp. und anyt) right, The: th cont Gon | Comes not one lanks, ai & re ¢.—Pear- of treacle?’ 23 2 jugs t @ issued a mk Railway FS of natural to a| ipqui in. apparen lying. th rie, are,’” h ngel! hh ok, an th , the moor ne Spey hing better I hay 10 time t ceal his | STO™ ing a of. his nd ic oe Well, o get a ing. cards beautifi ay Syste earth popes tas resents ipquiring]; t perplexi he guest's he oee panei! onch: Re 51 is mixed hi and etter thi | sin is wl © be mo: ind with forest gi subject: Sn EA = has Sine sc tiarineesaens a neh Se an pe eae eee per omeer E a tg Be oe denen of Giudn, Glte i Ris arm aad inne sat phere 198 ane aera pe," attend vs Ss ae ear pen 28 nat ney voy an a Bee: ie ee ne econ 4 Hicks—1 S BU: 0 dipping hi each hat Ba oduced~in h es on. thei fifty-two | Thao! — fa, Why a : ash ose whe ¢ lungs and ai and Glo’ i kisses Field tit ri never wi id and I ‘o materi eight. Li rted t ake thi one. of the T beli MIPS anit g his fi nd, he c: illu: lin hali- eir lin eaver’ ks are nothit lid yo 440 0 have used Shi air passages. wing ae on hi hen..Mar: Cottag the w would used erials ust, he i, tl ie saints 5 ‘er somethi Yates a . nd eatin, nger in can’t stratior tone es, re- tell ot Ps Corate due from ing about u_tell 7. without it used Shiloh to rel with c er| ** ian si i wi light || A’ id be ntil theii cons| 2 malt were e domi: hem s tendes Fe . ing. ma ig it as hi the t Th mon tl engravin: per pn ey the pro He has Me asia to pa it. Th would not lease hi olor, Mai ‘You hi sh ‘as visib nid hh roclai lr “wat in sproi too | not ‘inance in hot ee ae 7 sort of e com reacle ie stock fac gan tthe Gerais good 3 who I prietors of n't got bins say 4 it should ove who hi ol us le: arse’ ** Fan ee o Le. e durst aimed. at- imdb nd. co! ats, dri cure th ‘of oni water 1S Tie, can us! owl} © es ‘along. made i of whit if each esa cped morse, aye writtal Ss any. jon’s ni ‘sold wit know that ave never fi ave thi: . Let strov etter ii not ti ° I sub: ttonse ied e differ ¢ church ket. Ten fe wally fi aller (to le is the ich the rd. ‘and othe saiceusdcal to 9 088? with a” posith t every bottle i she ple: is place, me e tin: leave sho) rust hi asture i: f stitu oa rences ch will @ must g for in ind | left ply a for st th: cards 4 akin dis paces Fy doesn’t positive jottle is iG aded,tattem dear TI go—- ig UP. me no’ be a rei resence, mself in | Tsht is short, ‘the pri _and u: mendic: nces of the Eeple Pa oe ee ere Vee aes AE mhioes mother Ban Sraterproot mao, aa 1 8 | nat ies Like goods Saal Peer tS vit ese fy Sed a it ea ee. perpting es Peele, ud, Watching shoe rege it in| the silos. = trom eanetlined (feed thaterts Pamblpi ts ee eee church lose he many.| doors’ with @ Pa “dark, "mm ni c- |rible—’ , my dear.” OC inglish ocess. by by net ike ability ish , youn, may ha it, Shilob und me?” iy do: you in st ‘ night fs iL milia- |e 0 Ae is ed out 50 corn it an su ig Ss a mi sl with a open «tl manasa oe pees ie Bisse ek ree ity aes es ty ee ee Se anes te os Suteeety f ee pa ic ee pees Se es at Has Cured ee ee ee hia hes Le ee Ra igs very dari ‘greater porti ior aoe Beat se been fe ok eee Piatra ee ee apart -O ee takes iy P eee a push of Hii ae stowtost @ |in the me I lo a sign contai ons, Loi 7” nto anythit ey | 8 inder dil fortitud: tho: a out ars appro: ‘apidly, which 1 os oblcone the Pies Spi i 8 uch as rain dai find al ne of tl is his FREDE) Herculea i chair, bee Dei atag olting eight Re tsteieg: stung antan 2 Presid: y thin, Sepsr ah iscoura: pati- wasards of the tat is Jato! releasi ached the t asd Thu in at ni cows feeding | ft. can usual ily is bevut. | bo k he po! ser: | had RICK Lin , because ay siti t col ly lith ndsoi = ent @ rength ding “Soird Coughs, eri: Face os bad ing | on ti = t as vrston | BORC: W ight. Wi ee teen | ee More phe dtp ae now orest. Ww: Sag THE GC: cushion! there’s ing edges lors. The jographi 2 Sam Slava t bs ae circum- Colds and obstinate “ ie ‘Thur: the igure wi se Mari. all ‘rom. he cut fe substi then. thi > grain w e fed wi about people is ays of axes, ania fc REAT i a hole a and ar cards hi ed in Insta ple, presiden 0 Catarrh. it aie as care you. Lung tro cates of “Phat Naess in va ‘ston, it aeons. tornen andering tae other _h: y. ‘Th PAGED A {ec lotisecet ill usual h pro-| . 7 them. finding getting every for collec’ e ior sal e neatly ave goid| P' eat Co! ent of Sau — | mi: our- “Lat wi troubles. Let it es ae ague ala is| lat g toward and which about to: aunt WoW. ¢. shrink: feod of e ly ee ‘he man out things land of wi ‘one of ting snl id le by news boxed. Th a, Writes: e: ph mple’s. = Jae Teckel matter—I es 2 ery 2 her wii sudd radu: encoui as ver, age in ly tuce | OWN i who. hi few hich he 1 which he afl i = a * : 3 th of jo; with ienly PE comets y mark agi Hialls is anxi oa nad wer thai left b 8 Uso. ins, and enon: igen afflicted wit “For ington, tones om ere for three month vail ae ‘with eg henge pen encore i ly began ever per ani ed, bei mil ot | Piece payer mina tuan eno 130, vi hind hi , P the raid ae h Chronic I | know ont as be ang whe aod ay anxi earnes self wy ‘as Miri icu- el 4, m with AL tiia aeecesh role it. give eve of his $1,250,001 alued at. im r. ‘sue for interesti news stands and treat ic Lies: Whekoes £ patie is Oe rte T took ald nxious abi As tness.o! (pon Maria am, who | @i aa d nt good past ‘his hi iy ou are ery one more thi 000. Li ‘much mi ne distant ‘one’s he ing souvel is |only gavé tment b; Bese sir eos tao: igsse ft ey wi out me, t notic f welcor in ae istractin; ch as Ppossil re com ur first ure pens, with G not a.| jewel: an a WO! ouis XIV. ore 3 + friends, ome but t mir not |I was e me tem) ¥ speci h ‘yas net able een CoS od will be es ete me that si such | Ja 1g comp: ssible i oA aun oeeaHae our : wi Ba dGol es of els, and emia e + had ind poras . han oe wage He Be had a very bad ton! T ie ale sh Bese rston, wl e did equelina. any of th nto. ths} CPened il Oct: e frost m= Bee ac oon ane being rij ing th spent fo passion Catarrhal juced tou: ry relict ek nish f Do you wi peed olay Pena rhurst 0 get Ae nee eI DAL Rt rye , who. no id | Dr. Grimsh But th he prett; & haves did nos pe a Lore you are right | w 0 dazzli supe for as is ee T ix bottles of on? Y away. ‘ ing | idl slight iy fr fe fons -| di rimshaw ‘is—whili y elt me b silo and lany wr ould ing baul on col instan’ 1 Powder. atin “23 further proof?”’ me to pay pele ou dis ‘Thu ly aw A ae nie heats didn alm ile itt shel bey 2 eouseerat church ‘on exhibit ect- t relief. . It W's ie Jorroh, St. Hy of then men fo soczal poe stress: rs-| EL ays and head, ot help. Thi ost. int hrew cow? = about gan feedi on, secrati ‘s pn with a . 50 cent gave almost A m Oe =D. ube. ever tien ae ere sh walked good and urston 0» freni tailk Te cilace Fikes cS range ete when aying f child's he ts. 49. pe an isn't 2 at he aimed i ist”? ie is rap-| by beautif to fo! aie was 8 ho! lage in the peepee, cate 5 5% kit sto] in cried moth yy Contr: utiful M. rget eee urs thi bs. A mi collec! o it begins to an old bach if isses. pped ian wee ea more ast, it si ‘arian. the| SILA ic eee Be. flow oteotag a dili eee oe ane chetor. atl cuarian sudden! Be rman eben 8 dress, and Scene Bi beeated secon peer 12 ate att GE FED AFT a pepe ae tea in suigenee Tat HORA ay ome i See , and ly cea: “Oh! ing h be ely. er @ amo’ SEE oe iligent jon as is Te guarantee _at_all_drogeits, by a sed. M eri Conti unt of si KING Yo busi his at 5 b sti to hav lari in tl inued. of sil i, yu ar iness. reli; TNU = cs peek tne ie Ae ey Brae! spate hake, made aaa pH pepe he | Fussy Ol ) LW lage to be giv hy. inchiny not likely to igion’ Taste £5. 45-05, thas ge pees tS ee Be ae soy You tri id Gentleman e Mase tet ee an hot ig de aha be Pa egies a , 43-05 ei , wit ; iy Se: ma i. | mos EN auton oy ‘said: h her cleus “ ne lg of i a eee wen B,/ _chanee undant andj think it ig it the Gere ae dag plea ge SP you a ve Ce z i ” det: ol fial milk wise co eee ight. les, a “abe are sed t gon a*low aind, 3 king to f é ; nd. pal tT ees OO eee a to strieo,| ing Pees Facteind, 9 said: Mar- bes hy aad nips ot ditses beto JUST RESE e atic Uaaiecn age as rms dro} r, you] enot The ev room was which i ‘an “gdditionat ard a, ce The pri NTME! : ‘ACTS Al hoe ped fro: nough ening very ai is suppl ut’ -si itionai gainst | bai pretty INT. c: BOUT Glad sais ee nib ae phere irae tho just. eB 9 piseptod wis LIVE i cio elisa hie ae the auby in 804 Indians di ee ree, a i: eos agreeabl eb ue a -smi STO! a never burn | ver s decreas » Marian a graii ol atl CK e Si "dreamt 19038. sed by 255 aroae p ata ee sat th fratsla is gain G28 ish, Bor stent or ert {Tt will not NOTES. me ai that yo “Mr, Smykins, cee aPC den ae Peles of ie tea- ay v7 7 8 fin 0 given king. 1 iced ee squeal f wrt. th of re anytl uur att 1 gest pi Capea ee st Pot and ! 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Dy 3 ol i ‘ol si: oO Co ie Brose tint less you could elotvies at ting ee Sate pleas. of seeing gt pe ein al a year. vor one. | hey. there Es o librarie Carne; c Here and end on Tetting out ioe hoe ei) prtsced bal Tn 1908. ¢ t fi to. anatlien one the! a strap |d jany a mat i cent. ‘anada. ex] SS nae lie aiticaee uaa Fe ana pulp aul age oe: : still yor the.mé hat he | State? ills, chicfl Pat ates! ang Soe “to's of nag hee ee ly to the aes get wis Ni mar- Os 3 Feet oon yoann: ones be pega ee Pat pure iw tata rato want at ni ight and ses PIS AS net yell [ried, of tour mill : ir million $<: i tens @ pean.