Opinion—-~ pam Prot (ef Carnefac Stock Food) ing to reports made that certain Stock Foods on eur market are not pecorunton ded by peers meh, we give the following mae on CARNEFAC from Pro! , late “Professor of Ge uy Guelph,— Thi Mr. W. G. Douglas, W peg, ito! his Bock ‘pega hare been. ited ome for my opinion regarding thei val ay say with rel ‘0 them, I am satisti healthful, "it a, ended they should to them, endid tonic for live stock, more espectally when the dig {Make ¢ splendieking order. ‘They will act as'an appetizer, and wi to stimulate the digestion so that when fed to animals i Of thrift theresult should be to quickly improve their conditt: me pose that this food would be especially healthful in feeding horses them for spring work, and putting in tone the stomachs of swine that have been pushed t ould also oo hard in feeding. It shi re not Deenteag fheceyic of toaigention = sae ta report coming from one who is universally known as Meies on FEEDING and BREEDING of Farm Stock proves again that VARNEFAC, whieh is the enting tock TONIC, stands @ Profemor’s test, A trial ix-all vince any man that it pays to use the genuine Stock Food which always brings results. TRY CARNEPAC for yourself and be convinced, TAKE "STITUTE, NO SUB- FOR SALE BY < «< FRED PRUETER HARNESS MAKER MILVERTON ~ 4 ~ < ONTARIO er Free Mannereé, sci Hewlett writes of the pee | of Certaldo, the Italia! bolt upright, like all mountaineers, but with better reason than most, for their res are remarkable. The men sing gay songs, are happy and free man- Boccaccio is not at the bottom of it the mischief is. I saw here at I have never seen elsew! meee in all long Italy, a man stop and kiss a girl in open street. No fete either. | He was a baker who came—a floury amorino—saw and considered the bend of her industrious head and stooped | i-J Cv : gEUEGEEEF ER* é af A rae é Bee He 2» ar BE Se . 2 & S s ement the madcap went a whole e good wife, chucked another's sie and lifted a third bodily into the air, singing all the while.” eriptien ‘The ath tae at i of ihe famous health resorts of Euro} A Good Man! * SIGHIRIGANT FAGE : Will provide for his family in case of his death, Canada. which, from their pro- Deas have long been look- ASensible Man ed upon as leading all others. Will baie nalas the dan ~ % : ee as The Mutual Life The Dominion Life Will Guarantee Safety to Both “dy issuing one of its reliable Life or ~ Endowment Policies. important reece) (a) Tt p one of oe and (b) creased its surplus $10, tote more renin arease of the four companies. een Special;privileges to Total Abstainers, a Head Office : Waterloo, Ont. » Tuos, Hinn1ard. fore not witectea an any way President and Managing Director. | enormous shrinkage in values in ce Pp. * tain securities, “3B. BS Gax \ Vice- ing the past year. g J Presidents. | 17° "Hon. th ad SMEMULDAN, W. H, GROSCH, Local Agent Frep Hursreap, Supt. of Agencies, There are four Life Sones in of Canada, out distanced them all in two very a Larger Amount in Beniitsin ith een ded than any by the combined in- The Mutual Ma of Canada owns] the hearer somewhat in th which occurred dur- D. STEWART, Stratford, Gen. Agt. nd gentlem aides ot ilttle cell-like rooms, each containing a bathtub, a couch and a a ru) After the patient.gets into his tub the doctor waits outside the door, watch in hand, timing the immersion, Then the masseur gets to work with vigorous rubbing, still timed by a doctor. eee es the patient appears The doctor ‘ans diplomatic ay on favorite symptoms, sympa- thizes a little, flatters a little more ands, with a sweeping bow, hands his victim | into # carriage. The “Language of Music.” The best chamber music, like the; finest symphonic music, is a sort of transcendental language, which affects same way as the ahs of astronomy or the high- er mathematics perhaps more vividly than any other form of art, It also evokes many other images and thoughts of a definite = XMAS PRESENTS? See I have just received my Christmas Stock of Jewel- ery and Novelties, and it certainly is one of the largest I have’ever had. Drop in and let me show you my stock of Jewelery. If you have any engrav- ing you want done, you had better place your order now and avoid the’ rush later on, Pick out fyour present now and have it laid away until Christmas, Ladies’ and Gents’ Gold Watches. Ranging in Price from $10 to $50 SOMETHING NEW! Ladies’ Chatelaine Neck Chains Alsoa full stock of Stick Pins, Brooches, Solid Gold and Gold Filled Watch Chains, Solid and Gold Filled Lockets, Engagement and Wedding Rings, Bracelets (Carmen and Chain), Cuff Links. Ladies’ Gold Guards, a large stock of Fancy € Clocks _ EBONY “TOILET SETS FROM $1.50 to slo Everything guaranteed to give entire satifaction or 26: your money will be refunded. SEE MY STOCK OF DIAMOND RINGS ! aes Carn daa Music Love! gt ‘Tatar and iversions that they are fitly Thus the misconception took root. ———— Albino The human species offers frequent examples of individuals attacked by albinism, It is found oftenest among White albinos viable aspect. In some cases it is white as milk, and in aidieee it is like pase ot rather, resembles the hue of & Col zx Timekeeping. Captain Cattle 's famous watch, which would keep “correct” time only by various shakings and sbiftings of the hands during the ba is ae by a Yorkshireman’s resented the imputation tant there was poker, wrong with it, “It goes sb thim ‘that knau how t' rea “When its hands eke an kes 2 and wae Aw knaw it’s half past 7.” ‘Wise Counsel. ‘Don’t be too anxious to get a bi bands ” said the wise matron. Don't e around hunting for o1 “Think I should just sit down and wait for one, eh?” replied the maiden. ‘Yes, for you'll sit up and wait for one often enough after you" ve got him.” mene is S just cipemtble for me te keep cil, People are always pedi nae a know, and they always Brown—Why, I never bays oe trouble Pag Tve bas . whole < Sing ae bat pore pee i 1 mai i their ardent devotees. | r-| It suggests the ineffable and the infinite ‘Tartar. ar” is a word which gives an, illustration sof etymology gone astray. | correctly | org. George Sand, or Mme. Dudevant, the famous French woman writer, scandal- | ized her ae friends by w ‘A long rae men’s clothes. “ ersel she bi tie and—and. ir Satie tae Joy. “I longed to sleep wi with th em. On th eir little iron shod heels I was firm on my feet and trotted flexibility, 01 e other.” er, her ne coul Saanination of the e pel French working class woman's and the aristocratic or royal lady’ "s hand. It nd “astride” of the two classes, the peas- antry and the aristocracy. A Guat Somewhat over a int Proclamation. hundred years ago Ale a majesty the king and queen is e3 ected to honor this ancient eieation ith their presence in the ha? of their Bight in order 2 pre- Ws nor shop! ps; and all wheelbarrows, door cabbage stalks, marble stones, Irish po- Die bail his majesty his worship the ma minerals must be swept or mainprize. the — and queen and The Skull Shrinkers. The Haumbises Indians, living in the northern part of Peru and near southern bout! indary of Ecuador, follow tripod over a pot of boil- ing water and ficult to obtain the heads at any price. yw much tal, | miles of the hive, | eight miles to get honey from a field of ! buckwheat. They are very partial to have a | the buckwhe most delicately developed scent. W! a bee leaves its Hive é it rises in the iS au scents the wind and follows s tie scent to the flow hot has watched a bee v! ; flowers without getting load enough to ad- he ee honey does a bee find in a prate A vatoraiiat says he has ob- served a bee extract a whole drop of eat bloom, Bees honey bearing flowers in ges In National Feature: ‘Whether we look at portrait galleries, more alert, active face is more keen, leaner and of less or turn over illus- trations in old books, it is evident that Socist ak ices A Same t ey an English paper ints out nine ways of pronouncing allowable), enuff, thaut, tho, thi e Irish lough and the Scot’s ee nunclation of final consonants in the last ae words represent ttur- als in German. The editor in, comment ‘bor adds, “There ™M “Can you still?’ said ficla 1?” sough, “such,” the two correspo! is one other—‘bough.’ ” series “me and love me the newly made “Thank heaven!” eried the groom as he snatched off bis wig, “Now I cas cool my head.” jones—=| ‘The pleasantest things in the world thor great them are pleasant art in life is as possible ms “ie Ce as £ ee ‘a, balan = cent. lav owing titi healt ‘tg see me, 3 3 iz. ge 8 2 z . 3 a8 Ca P = t | BUSINESS COLLEGE —“Aspects oe brida| 31st, 1904 “when I confess that my teeth are arti W. D. Weir’s List of farms for sale 125 acres, lot 4, con. 18, Mornington, splendia farm, good K , driving Tibowe pig pen ghs, stone floor; village, 7 miles 7, 000 Mast 49 fiat 0" 250 acres lot 27, and west bale be oe 28, in the 12th lot etree ar Miiea th aaa. cleat the balance well timbered. Good one corner; te barn and six from Atwood, Price $10,500, half down, balance on time. or other terips to sult purehaser Good mon- here for som ‘ou wi up tei Pa - children, articles decided We would hie ee mported at and th to aoe you aroul be eer ee ae J. H. KENNER 4 Doors From Post Office. ‘Gity Book Store, Stratford ave the largest assortm: Goods, sr Goods, Toys, Dolls at 1 soon be wondering Then, | are very reasonable. at you will get for the vn grown Where You will go to get the je in and see us, and we will of Books, Stationery, Fancy Novelties ever shown in the No trouble onder Price 2 100, 10 acres of the north part of Lot 3, ornington, bank barn, com: ouse. Well you want a nice home, buy this, rice $4,400, Easy ten 001 100 acre ead kaa woe a“ Great snap for somebody. 100 acres square. south half of lot 12, eonceelon Mornington. Great distance from school ; rice $7,000. A xaluable brick house, with kiteh- Attached, and half adre of laud, Good frame barn, age hotel property, suitable foreither hotel, store, or private dwelling. ave also several nouses ror sale in Milverton. Call at the office and W. D. Real state eae rare chance. === WINGHAM: Is a High-grade Commercial School. is << IN ADMIRING << ‘There comes a dee to possess. We are sure of your admiration when you examine the quality of our— fh BROOCHES Gold an d Filled They are the kin® that improve on acquaintance ; the kind you like and want. J. WELSH @ SON Official G.T.R. Watch and i Clock Inspector. STRATEORD t Repairing Carefully At- tende Me ig ; REE COURSES ial Stenography, Telegraph. ‘wriTE—GEO. SPOTTON. PRINCIPAL EROSSSOSHOSOSS S JD ENTRAL ‘STBATFORD, ONT. ‘The Jargest Business College in Western Ontario. ‘There i is no bett er in Canada. Enter now ae oe & ocr INCIPALS CHOPPING Done Daily HIGHEST PRICE Paid for Wheat and Coarse Grains PFEFFER BROS :/Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Results for 1904 Assurances issued and paid 815, 911,904.24 Increase over 1903 1,744,698.77 errr at 31st. December 17, $51, 760.92 Inerense over 1903 2,345,984.44 Profits paid —. 117,238.21 Life Assurance in force Dec. = 327,662.85 Increase over 1903 9.646,473.98 A. S. MacGrego! I's Mgr. Western Ontario, London. A. oi Stratford, District Superintendant. C. A. FINKBEINER Christmas GROCER & CONFECTIONER Announcement Now is the time to make your selections and have them laid away for Xmas, as my stock is large and complete. The largest line of Toys, Dollis and Faney Goods in Gold, Silver and Leather A direct importati descriptions and prices, — 1 of Japanese China of all A {ull line of Colored Picture Books also such books as Gui Chatterbox, Brit A specialty in Toilet Sets never si Call and See. A few Gram at cost. is, Young Canada, Ete. dies’ and Gents’ ig in Milverton before. ones left to sell iy ie Sis ie Si sie ie i ot % sehettetiatatetnettehahetatnaianaiataiabeaabel taste taateettetitiateatatatael ~The place for your shopping. only 22 cents. ~oniy"3 cents, re \4 EEE EE SEE EES Sih Sh Sie Si Si Sh ST Se Se SS See SIE Se SS Se SES Si RS Sh Sa ae See ae Sa Sie ier ‘Clea Plumes at cost. Bring us your trade. eae $4.75, Salt $1.35. “What we will give him or her.” ever to answer that question for you. This store is replete with Hundreds of Cift Giving Things Of both the useful and ornamental kind, both for young and old, at this time when needs are many and gift giving brings your wants to the highest point. tant to make your purchase at the stote where you get the most for your money. Did you ever stop to consider which is the store deserving of your patronage. planning your Christmas purchases, the question will arize as We are are in a position to supply yonr wants. a pleasure to demonstate the fact that we give the greatest values to be found. All bought for this seasons trade. have bought so many, and they are more than right with the better priced tickets. ie K "i ‘Rose @ Dumart : ‘ : It is fast sales that makes this store the busiest and ‘ most enthusiastic. 2 a ye CHRISTMAS SHOPPING é si x = Another year has sped by and the season of joy is at hand. question that confronts us each year is before us now— We are more ready than It is impor- to the most desirable It will be Fur Department Our stock is the largest in Milverton, and bought for Spot Cash. Owing to the quantity of our purchase, at 15 per cent. less than the price to ordinary dealers. Xmas sale of Furs December starts with an immense showing of Christmas Ribbons, silk ribbon, plain satin ribbon, in practically every wanted shade, and a _big“range} of Fancy Ribbons, suitable for fancy work of all kinds, elties, suitable for belts, bags, and cushions, imported direct from the makers in New York. Ribbon—6% idches wide, all silk, cheapest 25¢, Plain some particularly handsome nov- Xmas sales only roc. Taffetta Heavy Silk Ribbon—guaranteed pure, regular 30 cents, Xmas sale Fancy Baby Ribbon—suitable for Fancy Collars, regular 5 cents, Xmas sale SEE THEM IN THE WINDOW. Neckwear Dozens of the very newest novelties from New York. Every kind of neck- _wear made will be found in this store. 25cto $2. SEE OUR WINDOW. Gloves Fur lined and wool lined, in fact, every kind of a glove made. Handkerchiefs This is certainly our strong line. We have have a very fine range of silk and hemmed handkerchiefs for Xmas trade. SEE OUR WINDOW a Forced to cut wuss of new, up-to-date goods owing to the open weather. Jackets They are the newest, but we should not Overcoats We just got one shipment to many, we will not carry them, our mind is fixed You know, what this means in dollars and cents to you, Millinery : ae sale of Millinery Goods—We purpose selling the balance of our Coloree Felt Shapes, Colored Trimming, Fancy Feather Mounts, Ostrich Tips and We err having this sale a few esis earlier than usual, so that every- shing Oey be sold before the end of the season. WE WANT YOUR XMAS TURKEY! Special prices for produce for the next thirty days. we ae ae he ah the RE Ae the ak ike Ale A Ah the Aha le Ale le Sle he He Ale he le le he ihn the ha Me he Me he He te he Hite he He the Hite He ie le He He The Milverton Sun = THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1905 GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES Joe Satter swaite of Douglass, Kan., who has been conducting a civic| Pol righteousness campaign in his town, i in this epigrem: If}, there is no hell, a vast amount of raw . Mr, Wilson, who hi a (ns against the penetra with- drawn his suit. In all these pleadings of manufac- roducers generally before Maple ey ee the ag! Haw: When. the antiseptic *“Caturrhozone” isinbaled it Sa breathing organs, carry- yale APES Six at a Birth, it Heals The Lungs. vapor Wel lesley an epiment anthro- bmitted a curious Cheap Meat ———— ‘aa por: peat shale bs peti Ss is ee great xeductlon in prices, They a i re, R. HONDERICH “QSON Furniture and Undertaking 10 cents a Ib. or 3 Ibs. for 25 cents <2 ROAST 7 and and 8 cents ing in the ¢ ci ve si is going to waste. [birth recently to sextuplets. Photo: Mr. Frank Wilson, of Listow: phe were shown of the six infants BOILING MEAT who with his well-drilling outfit | tho, although they were well formed, From 3 to 6 cents s died sporty atter their birth. This, went throu; ridge i Peay. town. | says saor, is probably tl a ip in the early partof the summer, | first timethat s birth of sext att was given $100 in settlement of his|has titte aude BY THE QUARTER ao at last ting eel al 8 this firm dissolves partnershi Jan, Ist, 1906; all outstanding accounts who hase bemiPe paying if the had been free? Where Str ohn wealth of ae great firm turers of farm pele beif it were not in the hands of the members of the ‘Would it not be note pocket of the farmer? ‘“ransparent as is the fallacy of looking only to the interest producer and not to that of the con- sumer, it seems that we shall never get rid of it. Many people are apt to think too much of Canada as a with no past history. with the European countries this is to a k | ed. young country red, SEEFRERSET REPRESS ESERSEESRA SELES SE @ ee4B ES blazed the paths of settlement from the | 80! whose adven- | ‘he Anty itable fi throat case, but so far no traces of the thief or thieves have been discover- Sone aa A Poser for Chamberlain. “Catarrhozone” e minutes, bronchitis it lungs are fed m Miller & ee You'd Not Forgive Us" If we sold you: _— goods Even though we called it trash, You'd forget about that and the cheapness — would not smooth your | ruffled feelings, when you” realized your mistake in buying. We do sell furni- — ture at low prices, but it is the reliable, a kind. We sell good furni- On all Xmas goods wi everybody, We will 2 aa pee see you whether you buy or not. FURS! tarrhoxone; it is prescribed b MILVERTON housand_ physicians in . erien alone, andused by the people 5 of nine nation: : oe C.T.R. Station Store Burglare At Woodstock. eR ERTS | Woodstock, Ont,, Nov. 27.—A a tional robbery took i mn xMAS t the re: Pair of John Sale a Christmas is eid nigh once more avenue, furin, e absence 8. i White, Miss White and Mrs, Harding, | °4 We Pl y that our stock mee were nee Although two ser-| of Toys, Fancy rciiag Dishes, Bite ert ouse, ab five ‘ Fee iaase Tari. eared eae re pe | and stripped the house of everything|Plete and a better assortment than at could be carried, amounting ‘to be-! ever before. tween three to five thousand dollars, ‘ing a number of valuable articles ——: THE PRICES :_— longi Police and detectives are en- 2 Ki an aan TH Please bear in mind that our Annual, before the tariff commissioners a ‘| Fur Sale will be from Dec. 11th to. some idea of the difteulty attending 28rd, consisting of Men’s Coats for $12 eitnatevavenetia niafriey ok and up, Ladies’ Astrachan Jacket for| Id be the task ture and save you money. — and finished. This ane | fonier will prove a wel- ° people. What wi #36 and up, Kuffs andjCaperine for $3 & | in the romance of bec, the| that would confront the Governments| ana up. Come eat Seti hase hi ae) ic | Pationt peer of the raat settlers | of Great Britian and all her depend-} : rca of Canada, and the sacrifices |encies were the Chamberlain fad to choice. All kinds of produce taken at é [of the United Empire Loyali indorsed by these governments ?|the Highest Market Price. | all of these there is enough for Cana-|How to reconcile the varying needs : : dians tothink of and be proud, ‘The |and demands of manofacturers, farm- aS E|probability is that in the futre an|efe.and, workingien of these, coub-| R. YOST & SON % re ap arise from among the sible one, and those who attempted rss z ae | descendanys: 50k fe poate it would find dissensions and heart- dee Loyalists, as is the case in the burnings sufficient to drive the: abe with those descended from the Pilgrim r Consta si aoeiaa ‘ig ngs fathers. wou mi and something like H k 4€| Mr. Balfour is hanging over a pre-|°0#0# would be apt to result, oc ey Ss #€ | cipice by a rope in his hands and his SRO MNES IE He (sinews begin to crack, Shall he be Early Christmas Shopping. Shoes : let go? This was the question, it : HE |coenee, a6 the taotenaah reat st was | .2t i8.not to early to talk about early shopping for Christmas, which is less ne | decided againet resignation. Fer the|than a mont vege oe | Patty apparently resignation would) or three reasons why people should i ‘ be the best course. It deprive| begin soon, in fact, at once, in con- This is the season ie ae Liberals of there eoiae issue pee for the merchants, their and their only certs nd of union, | em) 8, especially we . r a ¥E | the unpopulsrity of the Government, |hours are’ generally lengthened out that ice will be form te is sted that the Opposition | ®t Christmas time, stores are crowd- . “ | might defest this poly by deoliaing | oo Se re rseaden ‘and olerks. have to ing and skating com- wor! ‘Oo gin iz | to take office till there had been an ap-| shoppin Ry deaributes: th " ‘ € Flin would huve pret cht over eho te tte Stes ee resign woul ave mi n at of self interest. e- ‘ 4G | same effect as ans Jt could | tenths of the goods p e need is to ready for it.and have longer be said. that “condemn fou shelves of the stores. : ‘ Cacia eee ‘Po wait isto run the risk of havin on hand a fine line of the will at the people. ‘The upshot © choose fro lection already icked over b: eds. Compe- hockey shoes. -:- seers to bea dissolution about Piet checks ean vow be found to: wall of great majority is . The criti- cal question is whether it will enough to them independ- generous pr. We are ever and anon called to note monarchical trim- pointment of judges, Head did ref fase to dissolve aoe at the instance of n. Lord Lorne de- much ef en* weight ‘and. st orem pee All Thin, Pale Women, in Learn the Cause of Their Ner. yous, Used-up Condition. With women, ill aiid “Op nourish the body vitalize lis: tlervée,qot ma0Ke flesh and bl abundant nutriment and e st! rent that was ap ago. rred to mi missal of 1 peacumarerice 1 But he ad RE cots Tae SEFSETAETE: 3 issues of life and gerbe tired. s Lome restful Kad as variables and ini igestionbothe i. perty ets fowere sr, seems to be tablished, even ree the extent of forcing the Governor-General warmly to con-| gratulate the country on Suction of transactions. Inst s errr ee rs ss Ss SS Se ee ee ee ee ak Pi Sea priaeaiie Governor- could fully es-| Rey derived in one week from Fert same y cece Color z My vitality | the most | renewed nerve stead a sul oma grads h ‘health is usually eable to nerve aaasioa Feel- d most of the that more Pier coger and nerve force that a ‘tes sickness of [3 or Pre in A new arrival of— RUBBERS Call and secure a pair |W, ZIMMERMAN addition to the house ~ furnishings, on account of its spacious accommoda-— tions. ie wood is sur- face oak, stands 4 ft. 7 in. high and has a German bevel mirror The price H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY Fresh Fruits Arriving Each Day: As the holiday season is drawing near we are putting forth greater efforts than ever before. Our aim is to get the 85) best and freshest oo for sears searcely believe the bene- appetite ine eart palpitation, iN te orc nd better spirits | ‘one did a. world of