Milverton Sun, 14 Dec 1905, p. 2

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PIANIN n A ———____. . ; PERMANENT, FORESTS. CURIO 5 ees } US VO cu ' s is The Question Will be Discussed a TING SYSTEM RRENT TOPICS ‘THE MISER. f. mipey Convection {OW SOME Swiss cxroose ' A Most, Acceptable Christmas Gift | cos stu. were ereis a treatin Store for You * : «The 2 a whetlior our for THEIR OFFiceRs Premier Balfour. rejoices } to/feel 1S. eS eas ee ral cas is nating mas @re to be permenent is one of special 3 . aes ss Seo THIS. HANDSOME epeneree See ves IF YOU HAV The Chatham Inicatbat d Intereat to Canada as “the private|A Fine is _Baposed i that, whereas exactly a century ago) RUBOSE. — NOT TASTED ata =e cdbaior “an ; ; , alle bere par capiie a Man Does Pitt predicted a long period of strife | Vey ee iM R et having said” that.» to 3 Suicid of 326 : : es ‘ : ss . es al > Brooder has created a New Era = therecom. bas De cet the spp er ong Distances, 7" ote, Tare, he is privileged to. pred yery: woalthy—and qa So 3 E = 3 S t dict, not only for Great Britain?but y prec & ss % large numbers of our people. ‘The| In some parts of, - 2 N ‘ the, cqnsreeatl se an 3 Or, The Strange Disappearance in Poultry Raising, £ peLcnanehey of the forests depends on {people Ee Se retina tke for the Whole civilized world, a Yong : pExselly ke cut, “Frames: st chiy i jollar. 4 , Th Several considerations. — ‘To ~ argue jouce Beepiais z period of peace. Every sincere “Tover | : uilt of solid oak, hand carved and ff ashe sat down a o d e sett e 3 . , ands, S lish vith . Ia ceiling ‘a 4040404040404 OO "2 ap ing Hen asa Hatcher jibat forest should be continued as the Churchman. This Lendeneentne of progress rejoices to know that the | eH cae actins, best! Quatiee Bi ee | bd tigre 5 ae eae egutee . A : has been proven a Commercial tees See ets tn voting precined cere tem: d British prime minister has excelent} ed colors. ‘The design is new and of called out the Pin dir : I've always contended that a lo- i ccuclitins a ee soit obi fe eaies it set Failure. West or the. fruitful of peters reasons for his prophecy. ‘The wish ‘s Seatt | bimportions, taad and com- Ruatgke-zpe would give fifty falas: ROR eye: Wer little less ""n / Bomcnge acquelina fancie 1 you. Command a re , it yt ea teoud vitzorland, not Wahi A‘ é ortal is adjustable to four po- That was too much for an enthusia’ sai sl ‘Dr. Grim-| liket said ‘tho’ elf. THE SETTING HEN Her it lontebe ee pe e last Sun a to'his thought, . Critical (sitions, swith brass ceabushing.: Ted and present, who, forgetful of everything, eylon Green Tea, b sha Thek he aden nie: ince ehh sd % _| have discouraged many a The Chatham Incubator and ese lands ate bet-|in April. This form a, voting is the oe of the international sitva- mounted r ci it fervel “eC a FES nag ys Give it up!’ thundered the pro: the. purpose to whie 1g is the all t fervently, YO Lord, hit and. the holy fathers hoped thoy. had | fessor, esi his slight hold upow | You pair e Ridoder hiastaleavs proved “a, ; cee ee phate: tion discloses ‘bao ground for his Howie a : a him again!” superior to the finest Japan Tea. rt—Thurst he a e ) people a ,. value ny na =~ urchas- Ria ae ules ahaa che. Jealousy ait | gelf-con ‘3 : rash ing chicks. ia tha ght ati : ee the ques: | gathered in the eumneny, ; optiniistic vie Wate feqnnit bs burs cate Faire 4Oc, 50c and 6Oc perth. BY ALL GROCERS. has poy “Satked up by & Gita and the oath ie Poeun do it, sit,” said” Jacko, Money Maker. tion should, be. considered | is #1 Same! of the men have eo . Si0s0. Gur" special price Highest Awar c 2 piste end sodgut only of the | gravely. down cléaa) Bea eh ghinc Med ties alte Cae ee ; eee 2 tage Send for OurLarge Il ok Re oR ote tee OTR Bee ae GBT pyc SOR TOs POR Site vr Our Large Iustrated LP RAUL NIA BH SDSeeatt creat the -haui ‘it is. an_appointment, you impu- ig hate Oboe Su rata vies has ener ma mma. agraph by sein fie fone hone y tudsia by the shock fo ‘s ia oa uncing wiatdory Of Marlany and) 5 isan apeointinen: pu |g one anita thine ee nba = A Light, Ploasghtamad Profits mor mancythant mare fared oe caf ai io ne ting dee ts 4 See ty tee of the collisioa FURNITURE . CATALOGU “Kn Will Find a Certain Cure in the See Ss D ‘ nd finally, bored F ‘Users of the Chatham Incubato, an Brooder able Bu for W Ble sub of chicks, ‘ol cate! hee the voting eae etween the new order an j E Use of Dr, Williams Pink Pill ‘ 3 MAGNIFICENT a ae penta beyond endurance, he e| “Not a8 you know of!’ . laughed baveall yiade money. tee " suit cling to siness omen possible ou! ee i grown regime to which reactionaries Containing nearly 560 Mustrations of newest designs in furniture for the : se a5 : i 7 zh that the frei ope er a lor a pla ch. .i nting . h here i. ver lea you can successfully run. ane Man: G a 01 a vil ving Rheuma is is he setths - ; s 9st abot: tor a pldn, by. ‘whieh j-t0 > Jacko tauatingly shaking it ove ible ase stents htc a pouliey patang, yomen are today. making. an nee Every Farrer Should ich it. pays be This nia serves imorely as : "j Ga MeIGGh Westie cling with dooper- |p oome. 5nd shguing.avenrine -gtiirpm 3 to (eee RENE, TROT Re j ies Blu iat ‘a locomotive any harder 4 hap i was only That neghporhoos| "ite made « enh to catch oe ee 1, agath raising gonltey with a Chathasn Raise Poulter g|should never disgppe a 0 See Hage Naot eB yy B88 f ation, the world is calming down. In THE ADAMS FURNITURE co i t this to be the fact. Doctors used tc | jaan Sagano thas the actus al DUS ness at hari s she was afraid of, he thought—per- She sprang Pir the pay, ‘and clap-| youractual casi loss rien eho hens "Any woman with @ little lelsare timélat hor. sry farm\ ps hons,” but, while. peaceful ai r it is i the far East, in the near East and i thins that} rheumatism was ‘brought | BM : i % haps in some other place she would| ped the paper into hee mot Phowlt lay during, the Une you keep, thein aisposal can, without any, previous exhesienco no lunges that theresa corain amount of prot | yoy Bacay tbnd ih aa carried in st 2 in the middle East diplomacy: and ‘et mited y Be out two years |b : be less scrupulous. Satan hai |" He overtook and caught ie by th for s Chatham, Incubator and Br gh to pay or without a cont-of ashy begin the poultsy 1 [Re Des oven when letting it, take care | ™ay Ve" put: | mations Battorsa ith brella a - eos ans Oiae sn bataaes sooner’, whispered. this thought ect gaarauaeing % = the | orsix hatobes, 10 soy not pee peta \d make money ri ayia al thor re loluegvery rey Se oe ow match ought joveriebly, to contain this form an ee ia e yellow plat f isting treaties, including, as Mr. Bal- 9 3 i ‘ ls s erhaps a frie1 . orm on which the can 7 3 8 halons ar han Pde ile 2 ae ender Ms Tanger and, better Seoul alfa aby the ue rena rae schemes setoe ee the pou aoe ihtnes touch A sey'as to jens, Cid 9 Idemepibed J called [OP OM Te ded gee: é ; a Bore y Femtete the natiows} 7 : he if, Rheumatisin ca i : ee ie ensuing au- i you aes tI = ic ing on! sur- cine sett ¢ hen as a hatober will be a es HERE: 3 » lague itration convention— = ly od by oe he bad : ‘a iN fee Paris—and on making Mar- ‘une elie bey gee wes “ fine Pele by th gases rapidity with which the nes Seuss ier ‘pune ie a Swine cot the pees Totoro the | votina .bosins wail : so0f we Hope, to be broadened and Blood Pshich ch causes it. Dr. Williams’ | es he MONEY REQUIRED companion while there. Pir- Y chickens), oF Of om nd sh a only. | é $ vee 3 Is. ef f Pink Pills always cures rheumatisir. | i. 3 me : ; eight weol la muds fo raise chicks to Ysa W jan le are asse Ks strengthened— " 5 of : : J EA Bink ot Ht «Deal Rat of Bue Fox the ed with this new idea and this new numbled the Seen Se pee ee oy et deeae right olan Yon at south pee right, “You con Rie ees fete Eierami Browder, | which forests..ere. growing or from escort of fete povasee eee ‘ oC onhaete 4 : because they actually.make now. | ee pe IS aes sae hope, he sat down and wrote her aj imp, chewing up she paper, and kee] Sait ‘while the hen goes on laying Never male any conslderstye eho “Yow ona lan @ Fou omg angen naee Bs ey Rave boon burnt or cut tim ae KS ware pore \ problems without resort to physicel r which drives. out. the | ‘ ae + ia that w for a —' rs. ‘o = et 5 7 5 4 t - pis Ss “ umer ané brn bare «vases addveus or, signa: |ing, her’ lips tight. ENe cece hatch sauce oe EEE ea ncaa orYou cat at a Se crop off your felds in | off. (Those Yauds, produced ood tita- ad geri ant vias ys. ea ; FF {Gee tee elo-anaucse, the Fra: ‘asa WT Eesha dalate ; | ae Sua i cr als [MEQ WP give met or Papo! ANG SIRNA TALIS AROSE, Sethi er aed ose Rite Pee ee |e Carers heme pore dei set Sema cy giv e de te 7 nake ler and ordi ry_attent nm i S es e ae aut u reeds Gicd. Cteven Clan x | evden oe a cal ay, shes asic 0 bene oe SiS ane this ee Where our special ghlekens fom coir Spin econ ac sption of a poole iy Siechsion © of are guaranties of peace, and equally N onder Christ ‘Used the amd = health and app 8. Dr. ies ihe Wie far lectin’ Tae who ce, . it ption ‘a 's t e el " ie, e Ly ju = to ‘socure at’ once our happiness, | shaking her. ag it he would have| = tor Bwesksy how mus wel rar ght ase in cacicil wa wil ect vou x in et ‘discovered that is oa’such lands if at RE aha he ‘i i pS a abpebeiresm aie ‘ Fales baonie sre ia seuaaunee [ages dogs Oe. Me. 0 ae pot Meet: me inthe Mossy dell this even-| shaken her bi {Ma 8 doren-eggs, aud eggs are #9 pou ig business without a cent of cash whee ate ea See that See farsa dee ares, parle jheppen to be ee ey ee Ds ¢ ngs'* between “Englajd ; of Hunger and Thir st. | ; lesa ate eases 28 Ing, and let me explain it at your] | But Jack ‘ chewing up a eran cree enony T Ane-—$9.00, oethathe vad Pecnter te the best, end that PREY have installed et i ee ae and France, Russia and Germany and | é Picture Post-Cards cies tue : tha paper, and, sho swallowed the| , Therefore, whon the Chatham Inoubstar is Witt and a reasonable amount of effort on Soimany after trying the fine This is one of the “questions, it ah gay, but in Appenzell ese and Ital; | : he wasn't worth her. salt written this note, ‘Thurs-| pulp with an effort. that nearly chok- hatching the number of eas that twenty hens Your part you wre gure,to make moneys, we aganape you think Wh ee oe ee great | will no doubt be ee ‘colors are black thd white, and 4 oe bl al eg ee seiko het cokes. 8 how. ‘The road foreman of enginos 2 4 Aedes ° abet nee § | ea Se i oe a : hae pe Laas, nay ae ott Hh Rt Ort fe then ae her m $2.00, besides pro noing for Tone prode picks CiaAMB EF san cee ramen: ith 6 Coe neu: | Forestry Convention ey has beonjo ae pi SAS i There is no likelihood that Europe ney oe MagsAP- (in reer Agger accept. the rigorous climate of lofty erippled : i conic iy ape ios tar vbee cto es rian’s ihc A ar e y the wholesale, and boin to do. th OF ah fora. If 80, you are groatly 1is- : 2 ini “3 + GEREMON r righteousness 1 ide : ‘ urn ‘het over to ghto\xhe village post-ofties wa yea iA RS gries creme shricks, | Same thing Overhenin the moment each hatch eee areeneeea y caviis Gino meet sn Ottawa in Santa ei ct, [o thie nanticulnn algeHon: under: ope ‘| or the western world generally oat itled Matt., ei6iDe te aks ie coies Oa ot, content| a DiLttiey nan & ‘wt ye : ba and oe eat 7 Rose it to prying eyes of © Miss; that brought the whole family Doa't you think theretore, that it Sab ieetoring Peper : i = tion. begun th a solemn find itselt prepelse form Hi is the central beautitude; i ek . ea Sitges ie ates help_ me. va Is pana Ge cara. Dent. marie WM |with her, Murphy 'n’ sie ae pein’ Ee te aching and loth their regular houschold | and it’may be expected that the dis-' rn a coali t le; inal seek to cultivate taupe and. fruits ee r Fe m 5 phy mesel Nancy Skamp. To i 1d | ing oe room, ahd obliged keop thd hou: and fot the Chatham WE WILL SHIRE NOW anities, mM Barts Or: LOS Saat from th jure it embraces all the i . SOEB ‘oft th 4 pened by q 3S throw aulaeraule, light 1e yn agai a too ambitiou: Wi es all the others, | of paradise on the st terile, rocky soil ocomotive trained nurses ‘n’ Wields,; by a messenger; _w of Eistustesle tee batouiaet aT caackel ie.always good and prices are | CUsSOM {house where AEM Sa cbaah sri is t ny’ a > was stilt| Professor to relax his Hold, Beanie Saas aver lowe hedemant ieaivaye @|on it. Tt may be worth while how. | 3 een waiting { prepared ieee Sos of the human heart. This is. the life gettin’ all the-lame, halt ‘n’ blind more hazardous. ‘To slip it into Sea Sant ike. ehaebenteauetalpra pe Se tbatoe other reasons why the TO YOUR STATION the supsly and at ee ee acoe ac taotae, ob he to the platform. ‘Then followed the P: eo, reTeD le Ce the rights that Jesus shows:the dite) that seeks bureaueracy, rol y ther as | 3 aortas onthe road to brace rian’s own hand, he would hav. |r ie Ran the coeecere rous- | the setting h a if , san prac askior | that affect. the problen 18 | singing of the Appenzell pairs of its neighbors in pursuit and finds thats ye tire in pes |% pak Sei a re eles arc a aa ng de fe ean 3 B e e # affect the pr m. e ns chs oe rt ver been an hour when order could | ch: lance a, Walt the Whole Wek Gatil Sekdee| ed up trom hiss Hac noah seis yyhen sho ts ready, ening FREIGHT PREPAID fend btn ioe ‘Yin European countries, such as ea e Landmann, er gears Of. Rapreuy ceed: Peppers gonetoy apa me ionate ardor riehy slppigns red Mar Bal ; r spate Se ne peace smn Sas a Seatury eet a te a Seach aaah might not be able to do|hair and bear fotako offs hatch at the right tine, you may {ime to bring. cre ope oe many, the forests are found on mova a n removed his empire, In this industrial age, both with. his fellows and with his root if ittitng {like De eeetcatshavalngty me se rs i : tn | have plon rol ithe supply. is very low an Re 5 4 : “ z f Didnigs ates watch at braver des tg Pipe One ea ae dro soace and prices at the fog notch ity rices accordini iy high. his Foucoukdnever | {eneNs OF pore er dae steers feitent Gaeta ne peB LOR con Ais vito UL Fe | pewter d been willing to order a {pointed soldiers may sweep the Bim. des ake ily, ought, he|@n almanac. And f was, , Mc: | depend on the han, your chicka will grow to. fo srith hens As hat Germany ‘are situated; at~ least: $ a nd SHAR Guat, oxpentl erience, in the midst of his own ‘The | pire into chan ities depends upo: ‘joel detormined, without admitting’ the) Waugh, with rolorsJust when every 6 lhe ey Shape SF Rens ne aac ney ia the poultry jin the largest compact areas, in the |then the voting began. nen to 4 cepa nciag emnee struggle he’ encourages all who his. is the determination of educated opin- no use eit into his Tull consideyes, to ene] er hand Deng nankoleds and when the pric le nobeo busin for ovary farmgr who will go sou TF ecentadace pgeuae, country, whiny |S Voted. for- happened tebe, ofcars ven colonial and imperial _ d. strive; they shall, be satisfied. Ni any a ‘Of the reasons’ Why they have ion in Russia to rally round e eon- ak Grist Gis delivery, of. the, nots jue with the te ‘Thehen isa careless mother, often leading he: I NCUBATOR Tae aivand Brooderand start it, But per- |seventy or cighty per cent of the | ho areal eS ee it at all enlightened, shrinks from |yuneer and. thirs Bp Be Sik Grnep Pratl aay rdereri persisted and insisted: that. the Czar lagen Pe throne, to strengthen vi just pinin® scaelina, Matias ithe? the eeetedinedaret ieee acest vending her - Hage youarenoe peeranet Jago topped | Ind is Under forest z cent of the |p for’ re-election.” <The. name of ae a is a aa rst for righteousne se igce no none endcayor: Tor. *thel Garveg “Dre: Willams’ ERAPHIs ill otoT Me eet we snow. of force, - Bands) ott Constitutional #rithe Min: at’s all le therefore copied it int the} on her head. And Festus, with where rats can coniiscate her young, si make the largest areas are the sani each candidate was called out bs fi cotton nest, supreme ire | right was over in vain; the soul finds * The Czar was in a position a z The Chathany Bro 1B offer. e iy 7 y fic Penetration’ and open doors. ‘Anti endeavor st F you, because they ah new ap es iste ister, io make the fullest 0 iw eha smallest pees rolled it up tightly, | B ag of meal js his hands. And all | perfech mother and paodenee ae oe ee eS and BROODER IS THIS FAIR 2 heathsiint Hanover and Fast and'jthe sheriff in a voice that was al- f ari ats Woe ‘ fs Ae aici be right and to do| itself in seeking the supreme good: rich ‘lod; which goes right to th difficulty—a position su nsible spirit of the parliamen-| “I was of the nee Jae my- and took it with, him when he went with their eyes and ears and mouths | and isnot infes Hoge chia hele ssl’ tuncedataoney in ekiste oni kone, West Prussia, so that really only st, if not quite, a roar. ‘Then e cean episode caused a rs f eee times}“the appetite for root of the ‘disease and fatal to Charles I. a1 xv . tary privileges now Monadacedh What jself, but I n't in’ to give nape a Piso: with cmererients wad sniure | Leet tagatcs, nero abelitaly no reasonable We know there isggoney fnratsing ahfckens: | gout tem per eent. of the forests are |° question, “WIL you Fe- deuebeous strain (ane oPNeiohe e ered 2 Te par Sto SA aA poly Nicholas Tl. descended rom the Stoners mamite-eould not do the economic Muri the satiation of havin’. me spent the aueld afternoon at|. ‘‘In the fiend's name, what's tho Seago an ae eae en a hen as a : Brooder has no equal. growing ot good agricultural land. ce him?’ tween Germany and France, and for setts righteousness may Se Se Williams’ Pink Pi Ka an autocratic thro st wica weapon of a general om rey with the, mimialon ‘hovas, “without having) matter? What. the d-1's broke 1ooss? ahh decals? att eaten should ou Pay us no Las! sort eae ee Svith any reagonable orton | These for! the most part are situatxl) “NO one dy but at the ques HE cles aR oct apne on eae o ctoale urea EW HER: CUAMMAR: bles as anaemia s st | plishe Mabsecds whens Sorte es an opportunity to | slip it into the| 18 the house on fre again?”” renter ghee making, 8 special offer, which ‘ll The Chatham Incubat 2 in, river Valleys where the land i you confirm him?’? | a Gatiey aid se ent, Due | ae boat coHaltoh! oF cloak to cover| ‘The judge’s liltle daughter, although| tation of the heart, neuralgi ble -) Mepaetica! i success with her, It just s iz ‘ har is of Jacquel ated the commodore, secing that n Swill pay you to investigate, After Harvest site gy ual we goblect Men apie. A gradual ceeenate or teatanke ermany did not want war, and the Levitan ainehage MA Lda of neal she had talked several times, through the and backaches liberty to his subjects—all clas: edvas if she wheeved ‘n’ snorted like 3 Raunt gE AS a ‘every cant ‘ 8 ee * . controy cat ‘i 3 . But men. w : SET a . saat ( e Be rast aes. Mout on not a | olgo side: what's: all ‘tis | Small Premises Sufficient Inet checefullyand irompttyazd fhatinsnany | Cos oS nee taking Rites ine Such controversy was satisfactorily 9a |ive ext to real things care nothing tolennbis Ua: bens fo itis evapo rer on ea ne 3 or Natl oP ssa Lf dais See ya ood woman being in| about, Nace Grimshaw? For Poultry Raising. casos, money was ‘ccomp anied by letters ex- | the Prussian State esp iy is bi imity wi justed—so’ satisfactorily, indeed, t | through — the for sary in and the on jem bly, “She had one of. the hiideti‘eounds. Naaes panos sitting at ono end of] | “Aske your pretty, ulece, sic!” said y Raisin: Dressing eatletaction. a heaton in melo ing up pgor, sandy: Ia god that-is parently. there wai all interest in the con touts of girihood if Gotermining” the conditions dom of speech Sn the press and upoo jin’ chime: whistles am was’ delight - ternly, turing away. | Ofcourse, fyouhayolote of room, so much “Gentlemen,—Your No, 1 Incubator 35,9 suis proposition to every honest earnest ing qutg@t cllvivation ‘and. plantin © parties. ‘The people ; Morrocco has. died nly the “gentiine pills can of the cone she-Platiorm...frecdem, of thecting,.to the:ear’ yew: ever heal ey fe ie ryan latter car | me oleae, RUE maa cd es fre ight. (1am pevtortly satisfied with it, Will O° ‘woman, who: sae te ib withpine. During the vt ‘twenty snow thelr ten, and know. what they and these always have mi} 2. and, above ia freodom of conscience, ‘i ggners Oh, youre a hones | Sie sari ar tain it He Kev outa You next your. HLM. protits with a small exp enditare pf time and. | years, $B00/000 "have been. spent an rhe vote is unavimous for thergsis active di name “‘Dr.Williams', Pink Pills for| ‘Though it has-been stated: that-up Show. ow fer the old Hugels is 0 e took his cove. What, have you heen “doing with fais ize SRNODE, LINGER Oat cubator and yi teallzmenne that wo will sot zou ups hually the. Pagpoes eek large!oach man, Dut one of the judges had ad WP tiana itneen Pale People.” on the wral o © the present. time there has never | {dies Mame sedition imp?" ried the old many tht Tard can vain p pouty — es coer alse nie both Incubator and. the poullzy, business eo thal, you ‘hn make {areas Pronuluvalye. stocked with| qed in October and his Bi e Bhs tated entra: ch box. Sold by Medicine dealers Spin tes censorship. ari ing fiereely to Jacquelina, “Answer | away trom the old idea ot trying, zou an iget Brooker te oe ee prmtung Pinttevilie, Ont.” none Meht tro mm the Slant, without asking for Scotch pine. In. France the same jt be ah ae ‘A le faltering pursucr) < BSi r,” she answt urprised, | everywhere, or sent b; i mi Shaw was! te, you little vixen!—what does va! Piuhpecing neng achat gto do business “Gentlemen, had never seen an incubator ence polly is* followed and the exp penili- [ye a Conia beta tec Seca d treee: | Ome ates she [cents a bok or six boxes for $2 bel caret oe penubinerera ods to wot a fale startin the sili atislrarn, ata ditty PASTAS Tet as tla @ for repurchase of denuded land3tfor nominations ela ene erecimraaamalt UF something ot the rid iene oe Re ae Oe ai Willtaay Medilne s pretending to-read, “Better ask ‘the genilemanly pro- | right w oultry. business, wa make Bee all eon. nd hes thy, A child could esis Faaueated book, « How Js always an important item, in 0] i5ery jan has g 36 F on Co., Brockgaile, Ott: ee 5 THE GREAT TEAC Bivardror look 6 = tens. 0 eects {Gleets why be solamhtind\, nearly. |S feo a an ee dor whieh it is Worth your successfully. Jas. Dav, Rath- st of chicka” Write to-day | Pudget Gey any) On # TEACHER pent: The future, was full of per Thurston or J: eis ‘ook the head of my ghbalders and | "het investiga ‘well, Mane 1 Chatham. fee oli¢y is not.confined t0 | citizen and resident. of the z Scares nothing about imaginary vir + “ : ‘The. return of. the troops ed and laughed and reed ‘and feate) the breath: out, of bosom!” said | ,.,,W7ecan sty oy vo alll ru our distributing warehouses at, Calgary, Brandon, Rezina, Wianipes, New Westminster, B.C., Montreal, ae Continent of Furope. ‘The Stat Pageiaa S ks hg tot ths canton, a good understanding with Gerntany | tues; he praises | those who ardently a te Brae uria’ ‘Was ‘certain to af of nightmare Goal iikentad: noc one “clsovinn. thes dnequelins, Hnrecres halidaugh-| oats ‘Chatham. Factories at CmaTHaM, ONT., and Detroit, MICH. a 512 i New. ¥4 is Paying, up. to $3.6 Seasee eke OOO without prejudice to France, seek. the re . He jk ey THE CHANGES IN RUSSIA tablish a new!’ drder of tHings; b.- |tight. ‘Under the t he Czar’s senate wh on ae a hard- Sih ood epee Be e MANSON CAMPBEL!) Limited, De TH Aairondachs : é in niarket . Suet aR a ea AC wd prowenne ag religions persecution ia) Neat ed aN ne oC On ae last a little negro appeared at The comimodire apnea mipraudly td NSON CAMPBELL CO., ited, Dept. No.35, CHATHAM, CANADA Wo, e008 Ola eee nat eis oar 1s The foreign, and particularly’ the|alone ‘i y; here -y annat geen 2% been broadened by travel. Alded to 8S dead a ae aie st Be ot i z be x to stmmon Mrs. L’Oiseat| ward Grim. Shaking a woma‘ ns. 4 . patie vy agen 4 4 astern, i if ituti REVOLUTION HAS ACTUAL-|this was the fact that the O71 no’ be ‘ standin’ alongside of her seein’ that Tang, but in the , policy of a constitutionally cheeks s the Ozar had Ks a forgivevont supper and Mary aro [ead of Be cults, and breath Let as quote you prices on a good Fanning Mill or g d Farm Seale. | stats susl A ads eeiate Gaveiried ‘ssia will be practical 9d | fi face ii tter b: receecistied soit HRS mh pg ae suffered a loss of prestige in his con- Manat ee bt solely. and tty /her Journals were eo6llia everything a room of her body, in his house, rk ae vi , like impoy- es, a aecprobiasoct ecow ied) v8 nat Men aele at ' veplanting [some halt oS sensible, based on coe tin om a crate h z ae tes orcs at Facauel pace Steers . resell, ‘hese, lands with Sat|chosen they were read aloud and : faba aka. thé teal SOR TS wet erished blood, needs a proper he pr wea Have tracy of Noe res nation’ éxtats 0 (cl little see acide thee even — nsplvania, has adopt rapeseed toe ts oiie by 0 At | OF 5 Jit: tiliz z i eople Been gupere Gah weniip aude wen ete “What have you taken, then, .un-| ¥istantly what were ihe contents of | speaking of the impossibility of liv- each nae hale | pene i by SS Li chapter of ae ace fertilizer. A chemist; by analyz Crtished. + lett then intone Logninel ee Out chil Jo ‘ ing longer without her society—in- Mihands over the crowd ¢ Be ecnpverjloeed:: but the prec ing the soil can tell you what Revolution is not Bais possible SEETHING | TROUPE: y common trick of|has driven me at times. Bxplain| They allowed an as ignation./* pee eaprould toll diam, event; Xctorming Wer. of _ bis Intention to go jarsived tha’ inajority Et pac ye SEAS peeked lanes e/fertilizer to use for different re the doctor's lately, and ‘no one could | your brutality, sir.” aid the rae ‘as pase as a. judge. ety ae ecules tell_ you even | (o Paris, and proposing that — sue crowd had evidently fixed w Mr. Balfour's reassuring forecast. ‘Teething is gener enerally accompanied 4 imagine why he did it. “Tt was to forse tpincheesbahd a what? cexelaimed-calliaenta a Vd would. Haven't the least idea | should cither precede or Was him e {then came the same’ unmistal —--+——— oh odacta: nervousness, irritability and |g. ; “Tt ae @ fuse, a trap, the grim Peper ehickia has. swallowed.” he Pe wi ald a Rae. it was, = A thither, and join him ci upraising an hi ach numbers , DRINKING ly. ~NGLAND, roe stomach disorders, which may leai| ‘This was pretty hard lines, 'n’ idiot! to sce what we will say to|said Dr. Gi Sonia with Bineaeeold a assignation,” eat ack>, fe a ee panels i : ra ay © iY It was her duty, he’ ae ne iol se that re Ds ake oe no doubt — If your blood is impoverished ‘© serious consequences if no’ prompt-|you bet if self-respectin’ "n* each other Benin ie hack vO. T'd' Tea’ caliiness’ andi aoleers| Ree wig poss ep wel: |hershusband. and ais a who was clected, and his clec- Decreased Consumption of Wines, ‘our doct ill tell Tablets is|tidy passenger locomotive 'n’ was ose wistt hurston low swallowed the Ogre} ‘The following Sunday, after church, ee Mies cariiecach mately will be dnolaved “at cuean by tbo Spirits and Beer. your: or will tell you what medicine in the world for! relegated t dittyical Ks u 1S ike Ghureh without looking at | ar spe VRE ni | ‘ites ¢ i hi chia They al sleeated. 10. ey A ae eae uid vinoueht * wha fel tnat has eS OeaR NS u king at} Marian placed her ae in. hi : r Geis well know ree you need to fertilize it and give od ing children. They allay the in-|o¢ haulin’ Dagoes aroun’ like that it H ‘ it; “And it is just as indigestible! |hands. The letter was © of popula- 1 the officers were elecied . i aha ets Senate in ender swoollen ey Jacquelina, the Te ACUDI Mle tho | Madidos (inch y tenes Mee! Dulles ta, eiy-> thro : all the officers were clecicd , Perish, tele aabks tnvorable SERS ich; reds c Jen “tie would be the last: straw for me. dae armitage bie pecabgets oc? MOE Sa ee Oe teehee emer, vag elttun mn tadtae® of Jher—elear, frm areas re are vir-| che Landmann took the path of ot 4 Pe ecntiaticn seacononie aclu e rich, red corpuscles that cot the dlaorilerea: stot ly rugtet cenit anes Alt emanate Bogan £6. Be 8 bewitching as she eo and Mary. L’Oisean Jookad| tion ‘they could get out of Jacko. us eS er Es Ce i ee then the ehole erowd. 1 iE 4 are lacking in it. It may be you |¢%" Bpation conta Foot ye ie, nba Pia dl fi i pain: |ios. Td: done! the: eve 1 could te new how. the astonishment th si “ ing thei a 2 3 ersbur, : js Ry ‘ But Thurston was not thinking of Pray. explain yours aa we HAGE 8” Took ere go ee ee clapdestinels. p Dee Ae salen ise oe A ha oF ALL ROTANCE. 3 need a tonic, but more likely you | correspondent ‘4 ‘My ‘baby. suffered terri peep be ee T moneyed along, ina’s ief, though eee lo ‘ Nace: Ss Lecor self, }follow you to Paris and join » Jand which, so soon as the ti1a-/;opeating aloud the for need trated fat. food, It ds undoubtedly tie ae Be hy while teething, ae as soon a8 I| wim, next int T lei played direct hatte face, rsaid the commodare,: “Who |:¢here,, suspicion and calumny. rou Bet is gone, will be of no valtio ani cort; aa dt was read q eineed a concentra ‘at. fo in he fs pear Tbe Kner ee a eiesmiek 4 : fins with dlstiact_ empha eel ee OYE ty ppursde anes DBEONCY wt is masala fori. | 18 any of the offi 4 and fat is the eletnent, Igekings| general —propositio Ta’ aot bob ER ew Pash a High indoor ® he. improved. in every ay cae Moppadias masa ithe poee ab 4 4: A my met must be forward in: f back F ort ig Mi in fe S Mt ee th a at, aoe ne auditors looked from one to another| “I hope, sir,”” said the professor, | bear, we e in your system. Bake,’ forPinstaseey te pba ih Nicholas 11. to vant’ to “his people stipation, |826 to pass a few words with the o Teed hae inte briakinbs Oneen Pa a | with great assumption of dignity. | cause; but here it is_nc | ‘ieee GA te, cancel akg it _ {point iberties promi eatbed ia thllgentton isola fevers |Toundhouse foreman gagoent already Rdvancodeto Galea i ae cnn ae fants dae ince Pe cbartlnent subg and ; rhe right"| ‘There is no fat food that is | omy, was conceded go iar\as Russia WILL THE DYNASTY FALL? st iar’ ia are rainee en die ies eilenes for ; ‘ 5 ie ee ee } i such ‘a fine machin of b professor, coming forward, and! coxcomb the house."” more spiritual. Every form of spir-)so éasily digested and assimi- puld. probably ‘make the’ concessioa, |’ The interesting problem at the pre-| $p ninbE ONE Kiersey if, sara. aes she to5gp" Salen osquelong * he said, lowering his addressing himself to the commodor>.| “Shall do nothing . of the sort Se it tes Newed ti hattiliatton | Sipe Papietons | eT ere. he) lated as Fee” ree Mm Acainy ined tae bapreen yt oul a werk ea to-morrs it fi ° : : 0 ¢ sort, ‘w ; ili ow uncouth and strange, is is and unhappy land, | q ie tt : “Mr. ‘Thurston Willcoxen was here|Grim. ‘Thurston has no more idea sorrow— i Tie apt ot tia aeokiog . Fast Count, Beckendoril, who now repre- i mle toy ete ea pon bah ry, OF bey re ee orn got the, words ta relati ‘a fi te tlisbia atte Court’ of © King > Mua child. Sold by all druggists or sent|of Tay) inten when ie" toreiien this caltemoon! one visit to your| of falling~in love with little Jacko heart would be half broken by such 2 Son eet a8 sk ices, sit. In, taking leave he slipped] then he has’ with her mother. or; desertion, But 1 speak for the cies pele Seeate reeaalive Lar iors to the infinite. ’ 1 sents S$ t of how the troops act upon their return ‘a i e 3 What a, gloviows thing this pas: Scott’s Emulsion jBaward, is regarded as a fatrly good trom/ Manchuria, they are satisied He ine: De Williams" Psedicine 005; Tee aT ee pee Se at fe x s : 0 sion, sp the 4 right; Brockville, all of the roundhouse. I tried to an poor lands, when kept in when no one into. her ae a small note, which, Henvietin. not a bit more.” And then! of talitgrnud seliclou: bere ‘this | Steadily iner ile ‘thé. clear [happy Feanariate ‘being Sook Gir weairieg ae perplexity, Gear chat, how eame you to do sucl. when I “domanded, aly Bote APC ele istics apnea to turk. bis | Suatbochqod wbetarws A a in acti ‘anton . is sai i tall By mmo of LAGS. BS a OT tough, | nha eee nce [asian ah tio gaping nage oos, Bo SP ca noe we ee ae forest and the attempt tu SH oting, wher there arises ta. theic’ eaten ee a siren Of Cod Liver Oil iit wens wiine'ts tngtend oni [ee er newt or Mnasbla," they oy TE, grab the nile 'a' slimy on, Dut aha Pe ADE *) MR i alae St it ag properly, too. at | with a flourish of his stick sent them h influence for good ‘and abandoned. @ doubt as to the vote, the voters di aaeicn “aniot and for Russia, they may EXPLAINED. i a nd ‘Thurston, with a rateful ‘Oh! crazy! crazy! it is somethin, right had you a cise much influence for goo or lat- ti e that, moving* resth and ‘re- es ,; ica, ani is appointment is of| count the losses in the Japanese war got away me acked are vals oa oa he Me Hite thaciatens ner fea eee ee frat RE Li 3 ret Tae gis their ‘business, and left the} evil. Wait patiently £0 for those happy = Aa, : aa aoa in Beet the<pl sistless in our bosoms, has carried It will nourish and strengthen. * a character which would pacify the|as being worth all that Tey cost. |. Mrs. Hiram Olas Hees Petes see |through the hee. wall hike pes ot took leave and depa Oh! Dr. Grimshaw, how can you nantly. pee trercaina TMasiNn Seat A Lak On| pe nyie She oe LIVING BAROMETERS. SA gdh Set officers, the toward God. We cannot but! ine body when milk and cream eee aes ane aie bther hand, it they should Wee Biche ae nee the: big, college teams would | 60 ok leave and teres gl about? T{have the heart to ‘stand there and| “I was not addressing iny + ed Bes tol te svaraeee | oa sue mieten Kb ck the best of the living bars ara believe “it is born of him. It does) FAC 0OCY : oom regs Precs > saystimae te Oty primurt aac ioe Seg ehcp Bridgel—Yei throug the “Hive of 4 prep schivol could easily untwist and read it, |not go? Probably opium.” fo, Fou, eacans, seine Inyo pro tion’ of seeing, Marian, who, of course| this trying. Cuno; end thai’ os ails, aor nae {a eens might. be Rot oomiente aan, for it aisturhs fail to do it. Scott’s Emulsion ete restoration of Poland to|the throne, already tottering, must aon ou (Gon Havent impress Se cote prpeentieeme ols se hut T would not do so for a king-| Jacko laughed till the tears. ras! fess did not make her appearance. : aap 9 “ fash- . + so 7 0, weep un- {nati otbal said oto herself as she|down her cheeks—never, since her ‘That will not Keep me from mak-| ‘The morning sissy, Sa Gna tn phere ae aso at passed satel Fee ee teak tae brocght. ube and Dremel” a? ere. seems t gotts Binh ip Fe oe er he ig always’ the same; ‘always Maa sheet “Back of the rounhouse was a big ve mail the. tiny note about in her|marriage, had Jacko aughed' soling a runing commentary up| appointment and mortifying conjec Bey dhtpuats ead Sees , down. One 5 position to. substitufe» grape. pro-j fore Kim Sia Nee ever eer of 3 opt | palatable and always beneficial beer) fivateg awe re oleayare "sao ral tt Sve eon ee i them, however,’ responded the Tadv. | t to the cause of es ise rain products which is ¥ 3 " ms ‘i # a er aes al “Hand mé that note, madasa\ “Qh, Dr. Grimshaw! Don’t you s.e} ‘Hold your tongue, Henrietta. Go| pearance, ‘Thurston Pi ae a gate poe Uap ea reason why the people ors oe 2 tin ie Sentimen Reenticy iktls (eet ee e where the body is wasting from peg ee eee btcactioan cnt , 0 swept it u tion. As was backin’ through Rs wid Dr. Gri imshaw, ¢. Mart ana|she is getting worse and worse. How |on, Nace. I swear you are enouzht | self before Jacquelina at Luckeno' tebe Se xiv not to have oS Bed with ee acetal 4 to health.—Harper’s Weekly. PE REECT WORLD. any cause, either in children | threatened in that quai febeae pplar gee fan the Phe Mero of strikes which| eee ta the rear ay a brick or suthin’ tusky tones, as, ttn brovh, he [ean you Maver ths heart 0, Stand |to, rive peaceable men mad be-| He happened to find her ale inoistare too quickly, [ernment is that, while they Literal appetites have apr saes : Fi cytaar Sia ie a ied 04 Sire Cem pene hc ae YOUNG, ..MEN _ OF. CANADA AND ust "al got cols, “te aol toatl before her. there and not go for ia eon you,” said the commodoro,| alll her playfulness of va ian's heart eee th creating @ premature thirst, [pended tage. sms See ATISFACTORY START. | tives back of the world’s struggle for | OF adults. fn ee eT MS incll wren, LEG ie oak Peete uth, OT YOUNG WOMEN 00. her whistle cord, ’n’ the most dolo- “No, sir! ft was aot intended for Wetate, walle Mary 22 bringing his stick down emphatically. | poor fairy had too tcl gell-rea pect | sett ‘petore seeped foe ey Bel eee -|without raising the faxes | ‘ a Pe xk rightness; . ye W- é fare eerie matte OF ia soso Petersbutg during H's | get a Business or Shorthand education |fu screech went, Up fre se te re fou," she said, mockingly- ‘on, mute with terror, to relate the seene to which she had| tence: they keep, during dry weather, iblic debt: of the et nat Gusher—“‘Man is born to makej ings have not been more na derg “S| We will send you a sample tree. Petob ation! aetsgk this beat «that absence. A year ago, probably—ce~~ noining will pay you so well, and no {as she rolled down that ravin “By the demons, I ‘know! Hand it jand Mil Sommodare stood: witts bia |." ae my attempting to take it|been exposed the day ito ee Conti Strict seclusion, moving abroad | there are places in Switzerlane i mistake E more forceful than those of tho soul. hi f at |tainly before the war—this grant of | school can do s0 well for you as the | ‘“There Rasn’t enough Iett, of 326 5 b (To ‘be Continued.) only casit or just. balore eaimoim=|can boast better thaa this. In Seeks Laser —Thas right. es mate a 7 Bes re that thie = oped ser eee Yulee tse free ight “have “secu is te tere!’” fat eyes protruding nearly to, burst~| from her she put it in her mow uth and | she contented iarail with sa; ae ~ an boas ea for hunger and thirst man would 1] pic- | ment ona 8 par with that of the aia s 3a shih: Cama (ind cot [to Tun @ merry-go-roumd. Somehow “Don't swear nor get angry! ing. swallowed it.” “J found no opportunity Walia tely before a downfall, they jam Rhein the people. not only, Kitt sad one the day T was born, ha’ in perfect. content with ture i form. ner ee PON uae Ce ee con ae indefinite Bene MOR Wve “eBtk: pined (OSE, Stee Shee slipped Mer CECE oth unbecoming fessor!"” oh, go, Dr; Grimshaw"? ine} "Vest and then he seized me and|ing your note, ‘Thurston, and so I) there 1 nothing so tiresome as a thay. be een limb hag: jahet trsuibsiet a takes ee ton oa Gushér— ‘What war that?" pe eer facts of life as be po a Ne kh fat pe. Be ety aduaies in good situations backed through that wall, “but 1s ‘aid the elf, with mocking gravity. yaa “Mrs, Waugh. shook me, as if I had been a fine-| thought it best to destroy it.’’ man er is vain of her beauty-— |e b i st |trary, cach citizen merits aa ee i Lushe: for a found rogress, all that we CZAR Pere MODERATELY. nged, and the-agits =o Ey during the incoming year. We my 0} opinion chk 826 ge natchely Hd, the font will you give it. up?| ‘I asgure you it is mot necessa-y, | bearing little plum’ tree tn harvest} “I thank you. Under the ciretia-| w it is avman vain of co! A 4 learned afterwards there was whisky | call civil ization, would have fai i if that es del, they | f thie year and can do it again. This [committed — sui 5 amped the doctor, in fury madam,” said the professor, witn| time.” stances that was best,” replied the| what he is pleased to call his. brains. Ls ae 3 peal ibid cored whieh ap. is the old reliable College of Canada, Soe yd eas puilal by tie ate ot “* ‘Perdition, 10; ™ mocked the | stern scorn. “And served you right, I begin to} young man, much relieved. When he} | One ‘of Lord Rosebery’s hobbies is Bye Pee Sp Minn is happy in proper | pear on-paper at least enormous and Cstaplished 44 years; 26 years under {Jim Cregan when he heard of : airy. “There is no danger, aunty. I) think, you itCle in, you: What reached home, he sat down and wrote} the collection of books. He is some- was TC 4.2 comet compels him to : nk : present principal. Over 3,000 gradu- “Hand it here, I command haven’t taken any poison since = was a had, you little hussy?” | long and eloquent epistle. implor- thing of a poet himself, and will, “Phe wild yay js one of the ing’. So is git inthe {moral “THE CRITICAL MOMENT NOW. |‘ ates in successful business life. Try adam!” ottea the firolbaear’ trying took a dose of Grim before the “An eae ation, he says, and he} ing Marian’s ‘foruiveness for his rash-] on ‘occasion, turn out impromptu a) bret of creatures.” world; the struggle has asec our on Apparently) Rusait sai eta: nds’ now at | it rite Aadampose ‘himself and recover his |tar!” said Jacko, through her Yeon lought to know—being « professor.” | ness. and folly, assuring her of | hia) verses for the amusement of his and pigeons may 0 you trans that out? . To cease to. tie Zeiden moment of constructive| Re B. GALLAGHER, Principal x havo $0, mich, Nook toon fignity. and laughter. ent mock us, BMinxt ‘Tell us|continued love and admiration; | {riends. Nhe dove-cotes earlier than usual. — Iseok refreshment. oiteapsies o- matter what ness. is to. ceas 3 |compromize, "whom. overything de se GB: College, Hamilton, Ont ine that vier Seve cin ecient < ft is sure ‘odie gam ‘and ‘hationally they are sapere Sends ‘upon establishing a sane eguil.!¥. M. dings. a

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