Milverton Sun, 14 Dec 1905, p. 4

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jonal a The Milverton Sun ; w. oO. rs : —— “ f Carnefac Stock Food) : ———= | List of f —— Meee syle eae ee wee hte hehah hahahahaha The Milverton Sun mae : : THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1905 arms for sale Be H R I S ay SEE See alae Ts h 1 sale sie i inte ps Synopsis of Canadian North-West | = SS | teres, ot 4, con. _Moraington, MA Ss 3 O D THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1905 cn 3 harry to z es a 0) tl : with pneumoni 08 2 a 3 Big Business in Pumpkins. | tone on hand it ki i (. R. HONDERICH & 5 pa y [Ridgetown Dominton.] yay i Siar and Gronehitie: . k sy suptisa bare boon i, demand at| CateeThozone is the boat remedy Furniture Dealers and Undertakers so, and | pane Homestend Regwiations GENERAL NEWS _|imis'bxat'Mleie hones. pig ben IS COMING! P : Cl ea i i a t G Sa I | e anae PRICES CUT TO PIECES ! As We are giving up panes Rus will, for the next 30 days, offer goods at d pric at this is a genuine bargain sale, as the prices below will testify. “The bargains vil be given you every day until SATURDAY, JANUARY 6th, 1905, when we close for stocktaking. Dress Goods 13 pieces Cashmere, all colors, regular 50 and 60 cents for 37 cents a8 pieces Lustre, all colors, regular 50 and 60 cents for 37 cents 2 pieces Lustre, black, regular 1.25 for 75 cents. 14 pieces Black and Blue, regular 50, 65 and 75 cents for 37 cents French Fliannels 11 pieces all weaves, regular 50 and 60 cents for 37 cents DELAINE—13 piece, al! patterns, regular 50 cents for 37 cents Silks 2 pieces Peau de Soie, regular $1 for 75 cents 1 pieces Peau de Soie, regular 75 cents for 48 cents 3 pieces, Black Taffeta, guaranteed not to cut, regular $1 for 75 cents 9 pieces Japanese Silk, all colors, 28 inches wide, regular 50 cents for 37 cents 6 pieces Japanese Silk, all colors, ordinary width, regular 35 cents forj20 cents 4 pieces Japanese Silk, all colors, ordinary width, regular 25 cents for 20 cents Velveteen 4:pieces Corded, regular 50 and 60 cents for 37 cents 13 pieces Plain, regular 50 cents for 37 cents 8 pieces Silk Velvet, regular 1.25 for 75 cents Corsets 5 dozen Tape Corset, regular 40 cents for 27 cents 7 dozen Girdle Corset regular 50 cents for 38 cents 8 dozen C, & W. Dip Hip Corset,regular 60 cents for 38 cents 4 dozen C. & W. Dip Hip Corset, regular $1 for 79 cents 5 dozen D. & A. Corsets, regular $1 for 78 cents. Wrapperette 19 pieces 38 inches wide, regular 15 cents for 10 cents 22 pieces 28 inches wide, regular 12% cents for 8. cents PRI INTS—so pieces new print, regular 1234 cents for 8 cents TOWLING—9 dee regular 1214 cents for 9 cents FINGERING YARN—75 lbs. left, regular 75 cents, for 60 cents a Ib. SHAWLS—6 dozen, all colors, regular 1.25 for 78 cents s Flannelette : 9 pieces regular roc for 8 cents * RE 1 NY even number Serene an t WG. Di w A Nia edn CULLED FROM ALLSOURCES vices, exepting 8 and 20, not : m, Tam sntiehed they are healthful. 1 erly fi : Shout ie Berson. who. = The Lucknow Presbyterian churct 3 plendid fonie for ie _ blended’ they ead ofa tam, ‘OF an: le over | C a f at i alt or eae hese aeeeors contributed over. $3000 on a recent /f0 Listowel. Pri You will soon ing what you will get for th ne alonne aes : tice the debt on their |12W9; balance at 5 per cent. imate lie Me ae you will go to ger ne n lace Ge digestion so thee we £180 sere, mo re cone sell owing to ill-health. articles decided on; go to get the estion i it also Herta shou be ce qu f09d conaition rarttsg mag bewmade pevonaily atthe ocat/ church: At the annual meeting last Garry'n Catarrozoneinalen in your prepari aa ape fasan an appeti pocket, use it occasionally aud you'll; r material have fore.the season mever ee cold— that’s worth re- 3 1 Fe sea a 4 th aa] tenner eae rd Annua i ce for the district in whi t 27, west half of lot i A Send wi is situate, or if the Fae ver it was decided to ask for a co: be situate, or if the homestea ie Jand | winter it was decided to ask f n-| 250 acres lo’ and west half of I. -m repeing rai) - eat = t has shedigo Iara Hf 8 att 1c ¥ ay, ‘pplication to. the ‘Minister of the | trib ri 9 We 2 i Aervlce when ed fo Alves that are not pede. G at Higr, Ot the Commi: ot ime akin oe ae he Dg SB IOE SF Tote hel ‘ Se Suggest that you come in and see us, and we will ‘THOMAS SHAW es jon.— ire’ nipeg, or the local Geant re- help you decide from the factory to various des-| Bsa, or McArthur, Con. 12, Bruce, hat act ps row in S800 bushels of tarnips of 8) Christmas Sale of pte agape All the municipalities of Brant, Th Jd is fall of them. counties have decided not to vote on’ H X B Furni hi ng r vag coe Tistl Ee mgeed Local Option this year, ce) se 1S 1 Ss : for'some one to minke tatty e above full report coming from one who is universall shi pe o have the largest e known as e homesteader is required’ to shipped by express. fr: fi ; bank bai gest assortment of Books, Stationery. enh Sutapriey oP PEEING fer ne vot Ferra & the cobsaitiens’ Conner Destorm 28 ae 3 ; Goods, eat ” : mery. Faney again that CARNEFAC, which is the iainits Uveie ae F : Fs ollowing plans: ust» Snder 200 baskets of fruit, representing | Gy ther Goods, Toys, Dolls and Novelties ever shown in the the test iat it be the feeder’s or the Professor's test. A trial is. all and eee armani credence anon | of 8S Pes ioie pounds stamore ac ince Scan er atik a‘ i ¢ land in: ¢: year fo: 27 tons. this amount 565¢ i i ~ Imported di: reek Aha ieee convince any man that it peysto use the Periara “3 HE father (or mother, he father ig PABKELS contained cherries, almost the bee nil Milver slow ace and the prices are very reasonable. No trouble % oun of the t 8 upona|the whole of th as : : saned) of the hor “resides tp of the remainder being and six from Atwood, Pries: $10,000, ont NEFAC for yourself and be convinced, TAKE NO SUB- the ence mae wat | PDMS. palf down, balance on time. or other |@ © ~~~ : by such person res i 5 = Bee yy such -person fa hos. Kay, formerly connected with terns to suit purchaser, Good mon- a oe gelay, HEthe settler has nis permanent res. he Listowel Banner staff, has pus-|°¥ bere for somebody. FOR SALE BY << eens re ete Shs eo nel tho, Falaeegiin Sréctaaie and ae ; J. H. KENNER De 3 ng ein; require- Satishal by | 18 now in possession : f om Gon. ; Ee R. ; ° 6 sad land. i getic your i ion lying north of the Guelph and 4 ED P R UETER a = notice seriling aiowia be ea : Godesiet railway, within § np a 4 Doors From Post Office. Gity Book Store, Stratford tent ner of Dominion | C8 i semana ok Baatsien bate) on omar nadoad corporation of ‘Milverton, Frame 3 on We poe Palen eee eee neue bank barn, land in splendid M ON xe Ne xe xe ONTARIO Deputy of the Minister nf fF Patice: town. Sore AEN ake: ee epiecaling tte oe em A Walkerton visitor_to the West} _ 70 acres ot Sue north part of Lot 3, 5 wrote home that during a hi ind | Con. 1, Mor G.T.R: Station Store nie one day recently pe rome farm near Brandon w : choo), 2 : lt Head gainst a barn ab f ib re Oe ade i ies’ x Spoeesd ie fd whee ea | fs aby ges 8 ih eadquarters for Ladies’ and ict eat : gas : Ty fe continued fores of the wind for 'g t There are four Life Companies in = tour days and starved to death. te 01 100 acre farm ie East belt Gents Gold and Gold 60 ae ase of his d vhri i vi if ss leath. Canad from their pro- Christmas is drawing nigh once more There was no local option Rens t 14, Con 5, Morningtor lf. ee ene Weta eon! That always anxiyusly awaited event, |3 the most successful trade event of the in| vou Lack the Vigor Courage an entire year. The remarkable furniture taying Power that ‘‘Ferrozone’ peo Cen Supply. values offered during this great sale action, efiective and!’ Se 2 Get Dr, Hamilton,s Pills day, 258 | ig comes and iy hard to sleep, |33 warrants us in saying that our sales will eanxions, eae ee ealing esi "tere. Dont elec be donble-those of one year ago, Our ee) en Ere ee ting atch, purei=q Stock must be reduced. We will sell ‘ollowing is the rep > report of S. 8. No. 1] blood, Fe ont ickly 81 y aington for November, = the ee and ball for cash only at prices quoted below. = | FOU Arete “SreYES: | Tosi e th: |. Homentr vod are aware that sone Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect es |Ploted energies, At ouce. you feel 24 and goods delivered free. ri ton xs Bedroom Furniture Sideboards, Buffets, Etc. medicine ever discovers is of tiredness, bat, 1 Quarter Sawed Ouk Dresser 1 Raine Oak Sideboard, can- and stand, Sipps mirror, re- opy t oP, | dogs wo. sale $50 price +3 lar $65, sale pr Jones, George Wyre, Bei a fold, of Bowsman, Man., in at in! ae Jr. rales Jones, seers 4 the following words of pra raise; i Quai Oak Dresser and 1 Buffet, 14 oak, handsome NGFORD. ‘Teacher. |” “I state my case because I think it ere highly polished B. B. thing, feeulat $35, sale price ‘The following is the standing of the : Pin oe $40.00 ale $25 pupils of No. 1 Mornington for the pre-| year ago I was almost a wreck. fe pris gu ant i pri - hf Li } : 2 things going wrong inthe Louse both | 1 fac, Birch Dreser ie 1 Buffet 1-4 oak, regular $25 00 rer a ae igen i bot th ads = lifer: Stand, extra large ror, small che but good Sane elina Bruce, ton | ent re s but they a" elp. 8 itl Hana Sehtefer Alber 1 Yout,| Ho said my low condition was due to! apc oi $35.00 rok & eens Scakness that might never be cured. Altes 1 Buffet 14 onk, leaded ae innie Zim: | Ferrozone had a 1 Surface Oak Dresser and front, drawers lined, sre Man ae weved from age pured Tain = Stand, round mirror, Serpen- mirror, regular. $98.00, ne dice ale $30, sale pric $ ‘ich, minence, have long been look- | 84 we pleased to say that our stock | Bruce Herald. clear, & $1500 Pine, Black Ash and Fi ed upon as leading allothers, | of Toys. Fancy China Dishes, Glass-| The town couneil of Paris has just | Cedar Bush: Saran d Ze illed Watches ill guard against the dan- But last year ware, Nuts and Candies is more com- eee a by-law, plocing a license fee | es, 's arkety. shone Sh. ger of poverty in his T 3 . plete and a better assortment than |; i m Milyerton Station.— % the limits ati : tation.—A ‘old: is he Mutual Life ever before. ie tically promsaitin, ee is | Great snap for somebody. Mee an ordinary 7- -jewelled movement to of Ganada —: THE PRICES :—— nan pay.that figure, and is hence re acres square, south halt of lot ; 3-jewelled one, fitted in all the latest Ona Mies guile “CHL bastvo suiy| lened: petition: Bee Enea ae heat fara, bai, b ass Tree , ; chard, ten out distanced them all in two very}everybody. We will be glad to sce of the town, and an appearance before | wood bush, it ing of wate And if you get ft here, it will be a constant a Endowment Policies. (a) Tt paid a Larger Amount in dent whi 2. aelametes Prot tots poleyheders than any BS Sy ee ke te ae Keep nothing but the best and at the. low- ecial®privileges to Total Abstainers. Pee, A valuable brick house, e est prices. 3 r vos lone oF chEH Please bear in mind that our Annual| He had just reached the shovel when |en attached, argh ait acre of sree 4 sae ¥ “> $10,000 more than the combined in-| 23rd, consisting of : ; ‘ = he fell heaily aeross the ES ae aed told property, suitable tor eithee Head Office : Waterloo, Ont, | srease of the four companies, me ae ae ee for $12| Two of his ribs were broken an hotel, store, or private dwelling. away and carefully watched until required. iP; ies’ Astrachan Jacket for r ries. a ve also several nouses ror sale $100 on the sale of cigarettes with- arded as a decided step. A well. | 12) Concession 1, Mornington. at best cases. by Hssuing one of its reliable Life or eel cls ¢ you whether you buy or not, i acorn a ee bad acci-|distance from school; rare chance. oe ee (b) It ek its surplas Ly|Fur Sale will be from Dee. 11th to} MS fect Slipped on the frozen ground | Good frame barn, Known as Carth= ae ee ee eles i ee ‘The Mutual Uife of Canada ‘owns| $26 and up, Ruffs and Capevine for $3 g to fis home in Blyth |in Milverton, Call at the offiee and oan ee - 8 bits i and up. Come early and have first and ane doing as well as can be| See me <a iy Woe J WE ing Dit enctindue-siviakane te snes a a eee ‘ iter of produce taken at ‘Advocates of the license system. at Real Estate Agent = L tS) H Q@ Nn) Oo I Y Sis iy a tain. securities which occurred dur- ghest Market Price. eos fon claim pet ths world STRATEORD YB Baron Frater et —— ready loca i aan Presidents prohibition, " Official G.T.R. Watch and Repaii 2 } an J W. H. GROSCH, Local Agent J. R. YOST & SON world. is getting mere eulightencd, ——=WINGHAM———— Clock Inspector. spores: Corey 45 bu at will not : Horsteap, Supt, of Agencies. |D. STEWART, Stratford, Gen. Agt. aes onl eere eA ; BUSINESS COLLEGE Hockey 6 Side juts elm, eae fro) ickness appy 1 White Enamel Dresser and oy to $15, sale price choi ost, Emersot stand, Jones, Anda Crosby, Flora Mank, Geo. |help you—let { : 2 and “ys 56, Mery at ye Wyre, Bert Dodd.—Pt. L.Je.-—-Walter jee 50e. per b P Bao second hand Sideboards, Jones, Hila, Zimmerman, John ;Pollock, tor SE H : 15 Suites in Elm, Mahogany, upboards, Bureaus, Ward- any, aes dared Maple, Surface Oak, all at robes Ete,, goi reduction oi 15 per cent. e need {2 ro Desks Here is a Chance ! § 4° se.s, sx a ie prises 5 'olso1 made to_obta La LaNnarorp, Teacher, | A. cod Sicotecn, Ont. Is a High-grade Commercial School. Pe ee ee ee ee ee ee ae ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee eS ee ee ee ee ee ee ee eee % SE ah ae We St a ee wil not allow the people . This is Pe = - BE soul "YDUENTRAL 7 es GROCER & CONFECTIONER Z : In the following seven years that ice will be form- average anntial expenditure. has bee $2,365, in it. — Witho : a te 4 z 4 _the people will elect sponcllor who wnirm—Gr0. SPOTTON, PRINCIPAL Shoes ete worth Journ! 7: a hot . for seven yi rs is re toa Leather at $40, Having put in a brand new stock of Boys’ and Men’ 1 Library. Case, auarter pak ead pete € eat ee Suits, also Men's Overcoats, will start ea mirror, berch front, book case iaeuell dari ‘te s oving by giving 15 per cent, off for cash for 30 days, regular 250," sale price ae ele oe ae ectaniag FRIDAY, DECEMBER sth. | i Eee $18.50 3 1 Weathered Oak, Ladies’ Desk Parlor Suits“ Boys’ 2-piece “Suits $3.25 for - E Enission style, regular te: i Boys’ 2-piece Suits $4.00 for - : price . $11 3.piece oop we bave them Boys’ 2-piece Suits $5.00 for - iba in. eis $10 up to $50. ; Boys’ 3- piece Suits $5.50 for - 1 Elm Desk, mirror and 2 doors In 5-piece suites we have them Boys’ 3-piece Suits $6.00 for - from $17.50 to $65. &@ Youths’ 3-piece Suits, long pants, $8 for $6.80 SI 1 Ble Dake & beeen Men’s Suits $7.00 for - oe 5 regular $4.75, stle price, ..$4 Men’s Suits $10.00 for - ye 1 Roll Top Désk, solid oak. * Men’s Suits $12.00 for - $10. gular $26, sale prite:..$19.00 Men's Overcoats $10.00 for Men’s Overcoats $12.00 for - $10.20 Hall Racks io pieces, regular 14 cents for 10 cents 8 pieces, regular 8 cents for 6 cents GREY FLANNEL-—3 pieces regular 4oc for 29¢. 2 pieces regular 30c for 20c. SHiRTING— 10 pieces Black and White Stripe, regular 1234 cents for 10 cents. Ladies’ Underwear 5 dozen Fleece Lined. regular 50 cents for 38 cents 5 dozen regular 25 cents fori 9 cents NECKWEAR —10 dozen Ladies’ Ties at cost. Hosiery 10 dozen Best Cashmere, regular 50 cents for 38 cents 10 dozen Cashmere, regular 25 cents for 19 cents. FURS AT COST 1 MILLINERY ¥% PRICE! ‘ tree = ee 0, a of $6: Sepa TPOnS ONE =: ery. and Novelties, fy it pS is one of the He Ane SUT CO eee ae golieng’ scien Dest Commer ang Great Cl litios bls Gace shorth ool in - largest I have ever had. Drop in and let me show mencing. We are erate of $132,500 annually The ees y = EE" foodl goruons ate earl n a € p it ‘4 ~ you my stock of Jewelery. If you have any engrav- ready for it and have ca the Guten Guy nme as been ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN Painciene ing you want done, you had better place your order : foo peedplisegip sant ag | Sa at Santa Ciaus Headquarters ae aa : on hand a fine line of In speaking of church a Ri ye as rush later on. Pick out your hock i ees Dr. Milligan, of Toronto, whe talk CHOPPING present now and have it laid away until Christmas, Se BARD selpeeetan teas AVING SOLD OUT, Mica e 65) when “state Dene Dai HY I must clear out the entire stock arriva : ; ily = v in 20 days ; not ‘at cost (but very near it.) We nEBE Panic a mane RUBBERS ually resale ifthe preaene Wage cay — certainly have the largest stock in our line to Be found such a union. - y Slaneear ee ence Sea Tt a HIGHEST PRICE anywhere in the county. Plain and Fancy China, an endless variety of Toys and Games at prices from e Gold Watches pee need wor Tad dual spn in|raid for Wheat and are! cents, Leather, Celluloid and Plush Goods, BS just about extinct, the ‘ eal Evony Toilet and M S. Watche d bake a a aye Coarse Grains 'y anicure Sets, ‘atches an Ranging in Price trom fg | We 2EMMERMAN certs cena ves cer Chains, Purses, Bags, Ladies’ Shopping Bags, Albums is ee F : = iy aking tte pailtoad spore the — Fancy Work Baskets, Books such as Young Canada, E —— “= R 5 laughter onus tle gear PFEFFER BROS Chums, Chatterbox, British Workmen, Picture Books BAT1S—Regular 9 and 18 cents for 6 and 12 cents H. MOHR’S in paper and linen, Christmas Tree Decorations. i i z SOMETHING NEW! RELIABLE GROCERY AND |isrge number willie trom wounde : Candies and Nuts at Special Prices § ea ‘Men’s Underwear Ladies’ Chatelaine Neck Chains ree : B aCeG - Sun Life Assurance : f 14 dozen Drawers and Shirts, Fleece So regular 1.20. suit for 80 cents k 33 di ater ev Also.a full stock of Stick Pins; Brooches, Solid Fresh Fruits Arriving | <i ious wi vhich Co an of Canada TURAL “WOOL—>s dozen left, Pea, 1.25 for 98 cents _ Gold and Gold Filled Watch Chains, Solid and Each Day: An aes Pee crowd of “both Can- mp y Fancy Bon-Bon Boxes 25c to 5,00 A big assortment always o: and. i A large assortment in Elm H. GUSTIN =a NEWTON Quartered Oak, all at Ried prices, pAb: spi Seog on pe at prices Curtain Poles make you wonder. ASSEGSHSESSSSSESISSSSSSSSSSSES 100 Oak or + Mahoge y so ple Cash f : Cash for Suter’ |The Premier Store | Eee ‘A good number of the readers of this paper will be thinking about 3 where to buy their FRUITS, NUTS, SPICES, GROCERIES, Etc. FOR THEIR CHRISTMAS BAKING ford, ‘eb tir ners twa our store oo Welingto Ties ite the market. Our new stoc! Nuts, Canned Goods, Fruits, Teas and Cette, Patent Medicines, Etc. has arrived, and as we give the best of goods at the Lowest Pistead ‘call on us will convince you that what we say in this ad. i: J. A. MONTEITH & CO. 20 Wellington St., Stratford BASED TRINA IIE See ae reer es ee OA Re RUS re Roe ee oa oc8 99 OO OOS ESESESESSEESE SESEEEESESSESSSSEssysssors. 100-Brass Baesope ~~ to clear at each.. cents 50 Small Oak k Poles to clear at each . (ALL NEW STOCK) Ba ae 12 dozen‘all wool, regular $1 for 79 ce! Pe othe She tle Hike She tn he Hike Ae the ihe Fn sth he Ne He Tn Hie Hh he he Hh in he 3 CLOTHING AT COST! TOYS AT A BARGAIN! adians ~ Gold Filled Lockets, Engagement and Wedding As the holiday season is drawing near| hunting ground this year, sae Results for 1904 The largest line of dolls ever shown in_ this section, a * Maple Leaf Salmon, reg. 15 for 13¢, Pink Salmon, reg. 12¢ ioe ween A % Rings, Bracelets (Carmen and Chain), Cuff Links. we are putting forth greater efforts pease tickets sold at Toronto ee ee ae the prettiest dolls you ever seen. Prices from 5¢ to $3 Currants 6c 1b., Brooms reg. 25¢ for 19¢, Figs 5 for 4c, Prunes 10 for 6c, Lily White Ladies’ Gold Guards, a large stock“of Fancy Clocks than ever before. Our aim is to get the] Loyalty to home merchants is a| for $15,911,904.24 Baking Powder 15c for 10c, do toc for 6c, Blueing 5c for 4c, Yeast 5c for 4c, Lab- - best and freshest goods for yourXmas| characteristic that every true citizen ete Nee New Mexican and Naval Oranges rador Herring 25c for 19c, Fresh Water Herring 25¢ for 19¢, Corn 10 for 7c, Peas # a EBONY TOILET SETS FROM $1.50 to $10 cake. . si should possess. A person who spends Increase over 1903 1,744,698.77 : ; y # 10c for 6c, Tomatoes 1214¢ for 8c, Biscuits 3oc for 26c, do roc for 8c, Tea green, ' * * * He For Christmas, we have ‘unpacked no- ae dak 150 pictures in all sizes, styles and prices. © Call and examine our stock, it will pay you. Space does not allow us to quote any mare price We have over 1,000 ee of furniture at cut pt that are not mentioned her e. The cut prices ae Christmas Eve. If you want anything in o| call in now to get the choice. ; hhis money out of town for articles that] ae cae 4 2 : : N. bought aR ssets at 31st. December, Zs ete aera stat ter 10e Boe Everythi ge euavaitioess te nive bala. saearetort or prints ao Ga Todapeivo ee or| (00 17,851,760.92 Fresh Lemons and Grapes Imported ae ack and Japan 25¢ for 19¢, do soc for 39¢, Al here, as’ you are your money will be refunded. New Dates a just deal means that the money that Inerease over 1903 2,345,984 44 We make a specialty of rich and beautiful case goods, It will pay you to buy your Xmas Toys, Nuts, Candy, etc., here, as’ y Bae getting reat bargains. Everything in the store must go, as we are giving up busi. ‘¢ are desirious that all outstanding accounts be settled before JANUARY i< 36 1906, either,by cach or note. shouldbe asd for losl im ts i i is? Because} Profits paid Polieyholders 117,238.21| the most suitable gift for a lady or gent, select now and have them laid away for Christmas. ee MY STOCK OF DIAMOND RINGS ! ie Life A inf | Nemaimte theo dtu | eyo Teo Ba, 060 85 Jew Now Almonds the result being that the home dealers : S27 08.8 tt the money to spend. The Increase over 1903 9.646,473,98 - | Oranges New Filberts ope ne Ry Pp, Hi. BASTENDORFF Highest Prices Paid For toe coa pas ne we Mea 2 3 : ee Sat "ch ag 8 Magu, C. A. FINKBEINER | JEWELER ; OPTICIAN “| the hom y las Mgr, Western Ontario, London. SS ae *PHONE 122. OPPOSITE THE MARKET H. MOHR es“% aor Se As Masel, Strato, MILVERTON, os ES ESS, | town, patronize the local miecohaate Dis i 2 é i : s : 4 cn A Ss | d ’ 4 YI [ SSS SSSSIS SS a ee a TE TEAS TE TE TE FETE TE IE TE TE TS TES IS FE ISIE AS. AAS SSAISSSSS SSIS SSI ASAI IOS SS SSS SSS SSIS SSS SSD SDSS S SS 3

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