Rovolutionary “Apents Report, Success in Siete eon at aerate ae in - Bebastopol and the tine from . Gen. tay Sheen as Minister War, and who recently, resigned, wat ‘at the exMinister, who was instant- y kitieas Fe PORES ie member the tertorist”scttion: ofethe ‘rev Futons ‘one of eae dogmes the Wotton a capital geen: prupicig pr det ails of the atans at Gel ‘atoll, inclu Sak breaking “the news to Mat haroff, ‘The event has ge @-pro- round Joe bwin to fours | & hp pe Rive will toler exafopigethus sel ‘The inland telegraph Jine wass6pen- ad) on -Werlnesday. (A cordon (ofygold bi n Oxed bayonets held the. of ite accepted: for | only a wns, If is illustrative of the Russian character that) al=ma- Soritg Tt ‘eve med ates ee ag tions addressed ta Christian naing of Cat ground the meet- ng ‘relativ res of bighly- t of thei The city OFFICERS, FRIGHTENED. St. Petersburg: correspondent ot The London Daily Mail,. in a de- patch sent by way of Pydtkuknen, even he is losing heart.’ let the ne for the oer 2 has been ordered’ to be read in the churches throughout Ireland, warn- ing the younger » generation of ils of emigration; appealing to the le not to be allured e) dicements held «forth: in letters from: across the Atlantic,» and Dy dilating o di + she the path of girl emigrant pam ae Pe THE RANK OF PREMIER, {An ‘Ahomaly in. British Court Gifcles| Has Been Remoyed. | Io A despatch from ioiidbn say ‘ir Henry Camp- accom curious anomaly in English court, ceremonics. A Royal order was _ gazetted on Tiseday igh althortefig, that the “Premier shall in future have after_the Bech! Bivuest in Gourd and State ceremonials the Pr 5 ized, only rank by virtue of ‘his membership i hi Council. © Thus, precede by several of his Minister ing Edward want e change during the Premiership Mr. Balfour, but the latter was ave BRITISH DOCTORS COME | Py fans, Of Motherland Meet at Toronto in August.” Asaeepateh: -troin | “Totonte ae The coming meeting .of the British Medical . Association at Toronto next to ha thelr eyes opened to the beauties of our climate, the splendor ‘of our country, and the great. oppoitunitics for the investment o! BRITAL Board se gam Stalemen it for November ‘s Immense pears A London ee sa ‘he Noveni- ft the Board of Ba ae enon wer 56. coe ot over 2 5001000 more than infor the whole of 190. ie import ts leven, months. of the presen’ veal cites $68,240,745 over the eleven months of 1904, fat ‘outs ae points: pe Wil THE WORLD'S MARKETS REPORTS FROM THR LEADING TRAD: CENTRES. Prices of “Cattle, Grain, Cheese, and ris; orthern Yo. 2 Saino at B41 quoted: outside 2 quoted at 51 to 48 to 48c; and No. a a8 ie ate ‘ab outaie) | Pota 2 quoted “at ‘The-demand for Canadian 15 dull, with prices nominal at 42. to 430 "west. Antcrican new’ cé¥n dy at 59° to ‘52c for No. 8 yel low on track, To Buckwheat—Prices nominal at 52 © 58 outsi Rye—No. 2 quoied at 70¢ at ovt- side point: Flour—Ninety’ per cent. patents for export quoted at $8.10 to $3.15 in buyers’ sacks’ at outside’ points i / at $3.40 to $3. feed—At outside points ‘bran is qubted r dee to $14.50 and’ stiorts G. $17.50. - Manitoba nah a thes $16 to’ $17, 7 and sh TRY ge ICE, Apples—Choice stock, $3. to ae fee bbls amas interior palities 75 to $2.25. Beans—Hand -pickes, ¥1.80; primes, $1.65 to Honey rhe tare GS ates at ig for strained, and at $1 Cy neg dozen combs to 46 db, ee “No. 1 timothy are uated, Hs oes oF $8.50 on track here and No. 2 at 86 to. § raw—Oar lots quoted at. $6.° om aa track. ‘Toranto, ‘otatoes—Ontario stock, 60, to 7C2 er _bag, eae aan “spony 70 to 26 Per bai th eae steady: .. turkeys, e fre killed, 9 to 10c, and chickens, 8 to 10c per, Ib; live chickens, 5, to Ze per Ib. THE DAIRY MARKET: i Lee Sere rolls are jobbing at 22 28e; large rolls at Poe marl to chbled dairy tubs, 20:to. 22, o.19¢, Creamery. , and solit > per dozen in_case lots; ¢old storage at to 24! ‘New, Vaid) Burch pani Large cheese, 13 to 1240) and twins at 18¢ per HOG PRODUCTS. Dressed hogs in at $7.60°'to $7.7 clear, 10} to 10§e ‘per Ib. inv case ‘ured meats—Hams, light to mo- dit, 124: to. 18e;: do:, heavy,” 12e; roll 4c; shoulders, 10c; hacks, 154¢; breakfast rolls, is A oiid- Miancaes 101 Guin SAGA pails, 103. BUSD nitreal, Dee. 12- ane mesh ok resi hy hone in. fai, sup- Sr both in “amount Xo Pickled are sellin at wate . WESTE! CROP. Bihae op Ge A aR e Yield Estimated at Eighty-eight Million} sa, 5 B - "r 7000. sie west ot Wi inhip 00. sh, by ball ein ‘ate est fate Dai, ec Do., pulls Hew Calves, ‘each Hogs; 's This Year ‘A Montren Hon dollars iy the’ expor Hutter this year over. Montreat Gazett a inbire po “|weigh 3 Ibs. as heretofore. oe is ae peciaue oye last vee and 5, a 492, an increase of 82, 455.268, Sam, Americans Wonder, Base aoe saints 3 in R., it eae OBS fa ish. sa pire can be sent plicant, pat if an actu ceive: 020 aout in sar and i haw the Director Ottaw: Sip etors tho iatot WONDERFUL GOLD FIND. that all the sainples asked for Stil Fook, Place i rat A Wwabigoon, On nito! bran, in. bags, $16 oe “shorts; $19 to $20. Hayes, ae 59 to $ clover, in comb, 13 to 1 section; extract, ‘G to, . t pound lard, 6$ to 7c; Canadian pure lard, 11 to ¥44e; xettlerendara d, 123 to oe aa, 12 Ned abate avid sceiecr moe UNIDED STATES Sete ETS. Dec. oether, et to 86ic; May, 90 to Je Sa +3 0. dari +" somple, 87 ~ 4bje bid, the. 4 couple’ of shots A | in’ while drifting from the north side of the : shaft at: Yor “e-foot “level BY to the Cental Experimental Farm, Otta so inves aged titty sere ceit— PPiinptons Dinbs wali pn = | day. that ies es en found a the Gistnet, fhe’ strike occutre from a in trai as: esac <= Japanese Arm o rows. Reception, i A des ce frbm Tokio snys'—Faeld a his at depth of 25 feet in the aa Stat exposure of Tuesday last: ently indicate a six-' leath. ict | A PATHET.C APPEAL. A Young Girl Writes the Superintend-| ent of shales A ‘Toronto neat of Re living northern part of Ontario, vith dis rd ey mediately got an old picce of wrap- ping Paper and wrote him the fol- lowing letter: oe i tell. “you the money +0 ure aad stay with you and your wr if not, you would get his is all for this Kelso sent is * she is under good influences ard is now a happy ang contented young woman. EN ge SAMPLE! sie 4 GRAIN, Will be Sent ay 8 of Charge on Ap- ication. atch pak Ottawa say: ay instruction of the Hon. Minister Agriculture another distribution will be peels 4 only) and potatoes. The quantity cf oats to be sent this year will be 4 Ibs., and of wheat or bar! of Indian corn and potatoes tity of eac! the following vai ti peen secured for this distr orc) Laurel and White coarse & Indian Corn Mor ens: Early and "Langtellow: ats . Select ats aon ana White Jap Foro Dent. Potat 1, White Pee ly Andes ee ate Purita: mer ‘may apply bt only 1 be sent free of charge thro} the mail. address Applications should be hich the lists will rene nd that required. on Saall ‘matter addr TOKIO W aon 3S OYAMA. stallion 2 Palace. ‘The newspapers ggg of opinion are highly — cul 0. achievemer. officers have» _re- a Tio? in the Chinese er | dis lady teac Brantford Publi hay Odes- al si was ae 1! in honor. of Sa CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS ‘}ixapPEninGs FROM ALL OVER ‘(THE GLOBE. Telegraphic Briefs From Oar Own and Other Countries of Re- CANADA, All attempts to release the strand edi aarian this fall will be aban: awa D. Coulter was Snes sph iee fees without e expenditures of “Wihipeg, dur year totalled falifax Will organize a. children’s aid socicty on the lines of the on: in ‘Toronto. Glencoe is negotiating Canada Flax Company to factory. in «that ada’s disc aigs reieliile for five Oth show an with the establish a 6 The nk Railway will spend $61 500,000. in a new ‘station’ and pase at Montre The OK the loternsdiage ada. te the West Indies Tee yee cents 000. Ment, mami of gold. and ebal-havevbeen found about. Fort sours, sn: thei Denes and Finla riv- treal have been disqualified muni pally for non-payment ot the water rates. plan mas card,’ in aid of the unemployed pee: al Roberts has resighed froii +he committe of Imperial Defence, nize the work of universal milf. Archbishop Pete of Montreal pag Sepled a ae ond warning to Mon- real Shoat ticat managers against rst of the Berlin, Ont ols have resigned because boi ‘efused = to 001 ae i ch aski erOouwen to ail w to raise Ag 000 to build ‘ad: s to eastern holiday, rush fie. begun ssenge: i is qigaesilel number of Hamilton capitalists i new navigation com in opposition to the R. v authorizing the expendi- 45,009 for extending . the Fiity= thousand ‘export cattle and 20, 000 cattle slaughtered in Canada e heen shipped this year over the Ce tae tne revise ote a. . A. Ansell, Mexican Consul- A eral at Montreal, Ayes sou i a 2 ge snippet | of, wheat have Become g jcndes ‘Government control, the well gi aes r ation. ile aan Y BRITAIN. GREA The British Admiralty proposes four Jarge armored — ships There is no material check in in- dustrial vactivity in Great Britain, says ‘The London ‘Times ees proposed: memorial in London © the colonials who fell in the Boor war will not te erectet UNITED STAT! A rival to the tabi cave hake College, drowned Charles 5 3 pe "e ntoa rR test against. the supaneee protectors ate. During the, rio ipa | 238 offic public puildings till rescued by’ the police. Charlotte pxabeele, pe Rutland, Vt., feared her chool so {| much that sada 18 oa any, int the woods and was found Goines. nearly c ‘The anthracite coal operators wil! recognition and a minimum rate for day labor, and strike may engue. a SEEEEY MEMORIAL ‘TO WRECK VICTI | Obelisk ticiea in Churchyard Where buried. undreds are A ee from Halifa: says'—On the first ‘April: ago. Atlantic, 3 White steamship wid mone han 900 st at who ut the tne sine arec of we ity eng thousand electors of Mon- | ASS: |nold Peterson: was \Browr oe Alexandra has sanctioned a pW: to issue “The Queen's Chrisi- | credi Some casualties to B of ». | Bet he ho} She was altected ay fof which TEN KILLED, MANY BURT. Cayatins Limited, 0 on Union F lides with Freight, nin, Aes despatch sa cific, ayith Passengers. oallidedt with oe anrying Tei “ 3 Fess was throw ned spec ‘was v E pe were killed outrigl and relight w jured. AIL of thse ‘ated were 1 of, id wi e aud ‘of the accident was a~mis- heap was entirely wilh the baggage,and the mail. ———+—____ SENTENCED AT WINNIPEG. Dr. Peterson G ealing Furs, A Winnipeg despatch says: Sentences ——$——— DEATH | wee OF THE ‘a Twenty-five Ye tish Blue Book just published ditaiiies jarae SOOM: to chen of human life through wr: ships. ending June, passenge iby seine seaie, saan teeetb'e calamities at Tn 1901-2 the steamship Cana while on a ae ‘trom Calingapa- Ten te hacccen, went week crew of 82 nee Gineluding "7B Las. of Castle, and 2 the On Wo,”of London, He ol lision. In the previous year 1,450 Chinese soldiers were drowned. by e sinking of the Kow Shing, ion. ‘ARM NOT 2S. A great deal of fertilizer is Jost every yep by. Hestroying decaying Incorporating it with the PSS whee it—wil nish humus and valuable miei elements. Many intelligent ‘people have adop*- ed wide tires row tires and heavy loads. The best stone road ever built will be cut to pieces in a short time by narrow i ing the plans that we lay out. If we do ‘0 handle in the bad traveling. Bot- fe see to this early. STOCK NOTES pire on ae Gicates that they ar We n oe they should be disposed of ore aring calves for the dairy or is steers, skimmed milk will serve nda mixture of. equal partsccby cs pes old, good clover hay race also be ‘before them all the peek ee though there is. no-profit ea TO CHECK EMIGRATION. Catholic ken = Ireland Issues Circu- People. a Cardinal Logue ‘and Signo an, ese Roa 1 cease your attentions to me. Te—You ean. She—How, prov? ie—By marrying we- while all the injured st ~ one of whom, it is yen Four Years. <For Judge pee iue. ir the Dr. d to . four for robbing store here a month=ago. for attempt to. detvand sentenced to three nionths in jail and fined. Galamitics of the Past ‘$/and ar’ 29 thus met with oe Ege aout 6,000 d ‘5 kneols sie Is mould iat Os at pane sito of the and ‘on thelr wagons in or- zara, foe o> > you to THE WONDEREUL.WATGH|, 7 WHY SIXTY MINUTES MAGE AN HOUR. — i Some esting Items ..You Didn’ = foe About Watches locks. If You pull your watch out your pocket, you will have in your hand _ one. \of the. ost gponderiak pieces of hinery|ever: @onstricted. ithimethow Tt wont “throughout the day gpd night, “and how s it 3B, ear in year out. Think how d hand points 10 3.600 di- visions of time during every hou Tt never sleeps. If it is like the averaje watehy it i haying 260 threads to the fiche each thread being well cut. Actually the ttle as part of an inch, and i would) take no tess a number than 100/000 similar screws in order to fill'an ordinary thimble as used by Hath screw has a nome: nea nae Bag Gabo hardened i ening process the screws are oes ee frames, being placed in will th Bedis. Ups ards. 1 ie instead of by and ygreat ra- pidity marks the skilful operato Benepincs about a hundred screws are placed in each frame, and the attached to a machine tie 3 ee 3 4g at a ae seen how maryellous ne arkable re o rticle; When apiclal watches vo: ‘or instance, take the watch which} was presented to Catherine 1 1 s ! "Sie Russia. This watch was one of, the most* remarkable ¢éonstricted) instru madi ide of the works timekeeper wa. n ct repr Sentation of the holy sepulchre, with a carved ing ‘of the Loren: guard stations outside it ax the wateh ‘opened ithe ipstaion rocks zal Leway team. thio ee of soldier SWEET STRAINS OF MUSIC be heard. gals remarkable wateh took nine years gopiitocanted labor in oper tof oe a Th first. Mosk Sik any. ape sembling i wa! ee showed this obstinacy hen brought the new tim di made a grievous ae as the figures to pacts te pes hoi ae four se JIH, instead of IV., as. should the case if the correct numeration. were follow: ¥ People have the and ten tothe night? THE REASON IS SIMPLE It is because the people of Dab: reckoned bat only by a decim Cs ise a, Os agesimal hat is to say, pee Pe Fea 8, but x * "The Babylonians bt, / people, id no means the best. They knew thet no number had so many divisars as has sixty. ‘The Babylonian system was adopt- ed by the Greeks. It is one of the most, remarkable ee “ol histor; that ©¢ the stem ‘ived through every cies siiaile kind the ‘Ss oy French’ revolutionized all ots and joing so far not sae! pee the old sexage~tmal method 03 ig time shod be und on Twas Sion at the Convict Prisor moor with the benediction of the prison. i was an old burglar. But | that es him. Stil nowledged that he would Haste it pastime if release and would add to the forty y sentence: if more violent be c g a wart ruthlessly slaughtered Pan pecans Pet mouse and only friend. He told als of a convict who. pos: that no return to the path of Feriine is a fruitful cause of rheumatic _p Fauld be: mane a ame Biggest Féed There ‘Seems monster dinner by ously al dinner was served by 30 Weer couspjot-the nd, feast, cto sieriba [ she iglasses and thus and drink to} work it into the Orton. <tsat, aInEae Pent OU 06 tone pene: Hie: ete | the egg has passed through the dis- aumed wuteb had arvived at, the bane | fen it cfdrs St would asin a AL its queting hall in black coffee, Ince, the 50,000 ing tte wvth, bands pi en} eee as So which to $ pr symbolizing "mul ma i THE “COFFEE HEART.” This took pis dust ht naon tte wine — mies of tables being spread on a floor) It Is as “Dangerous as the Tobacco ttles oO! ; haye oflen been held s aay eer: at offée Beart’ is common to many conte: cote users and is liable to send t 000 guests were oe ‘the sight was a a 5 ct pe ee home if the a Fabulous. ope, but even a more athoz, ag is #40 SEES and find out if your |hie de lent. wit 232 to made merry by frequent -potations Tack dabeed the talk 1 ore areal ments for’ the peladet were remark I h le people: couli eat, while the service was almost perfec! wae gyby tee” MAZEPPA AND THE COSSACKS. dite tha name Cos! the in manners, a pear language like the e said not to oe ‘Rue Cos-| condition -ara) sacks ot oe las and the Don|Suaded me to begin’ the use of Pos Cossatl be boi a borne aWay 6. his fate, was pg the week, sth oF eis 01 Eng: ation” do | Jan Switch is hefed A ‘the es as Postum Co., maiivag reek, fe Sg one man. it, ere’s a reaso! altered. ovis dativls alt ie eewesn 1810| book, "The Road “to” Wellvilte and 1817, by John & pkgs. THE WoRST CRIMINALS. RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS. vison Chaplain S Says They Ar¢| Their complete bome cure. Bost ten “Beetotallers. free to readers of this Baper. Si fe call sieihe triend of, \thé For-limited period oily. dog, which is silane i ee rea- ¢llustratea treatise, giv- asked -to. moet yehoumattsn en uct Ton ae tan Hi. hascmade a neat he "Brerace Wurtenurg. ‘Send portal " rc i recelvg.t a ss oH S wy = ddressthe “Vena Whi ir. Cartmel-Robinsow! ing Sty Next % very f that drink contri- PENG T buted very little to the downfall of jaan Sn slog the sip those that he wet tate ‘hg | Havented im Britt in Glct orth came woes tocotale represe: oth lsat gine aio than £230,000,000° ibrling. ne conviel, who remindedvhim of ick, had spent forty years The hay or Woe!”— , | stomacl nis, a no grudg woe fect digestion “— perfect digestion ot | means strong and’ steady nerve centre rong nerve centres means goo ation, oe boo od_and "good Meath, makes > ne National A Anthin was first ecne in public in. 17 unlight Soap is bettor than other soaps, iat hee when used in the Sunlight w: Buy Sunlight Soop and follow directions, ‘The oe peal, © Gravit ing. do. United ingdoin Oa iy sa cor "| pleted fs Southampton, and: will he [Tormally opened ‘at. the end of dhe sent month A for. Heboumatism —Tha ir tri- Rion of One ae nmr ernE tic od vist c asked mo to ma e (ag ae one en wats Anvon subject to this painful alfectio in jeo’s F ain it “ould be iste! a 1 ene HaRy noble- hearted girl to a ace bear gist “ahd pronase andl “a08t boned | D nanared name. From his| they correct’ impurl Y ofction HOW SNAKE EATS EGGS. e, whose life is now ou of hap- ess and uprightnes Throat. ke was recently ge to the Paria ae a “Tecora wait in aie) Tet, way of owatiowing ne tbe ee ny 1 obs NINI on. World's Biggest Hal i sto be no doubt that the} ‘Th 5, NE ‘Ob: Rre=| ness of Ses La carne OLR ate man’s’ finger, and was act of swallowing a : “how t s hans 5 sshich throat such erie des Muchi-| not only so m! Me pe evoiee enraneous ‘olds covered, one on ea! jeopl over nine ‘miles h ch sideyoi the sont day hold upon the —- 00 The bever-| bu olidity Nee ee ina Gobuisted/ ob wind, wile: water and) comparatively inelastii high were drunk out ofj t ree al which| prove fatal to animal. rom all| This snake has no teeth, called gular teeth are present, th ies {0 mark! really the tip: dent tube lermot| de. galan teeth it is ejected, wut ia id into the stomach, the Tuileries RED ED AGA ‘ST LOS. N Naggs—My wife ne a ver loses her tem- per, use.| Jaggs—How do you "account for | that? da statuette] al aid. Then the| use it hi Bl on to. their” record- he keeps it in such constant no ehanee to get lost. in. You can presented PVs with theas standards fs art s Be ‘oubled. 224 RSs champagne ‘and od, wine; literally 2 n courses, as much as ewe bale rapidly ‘ord coeeae means robber, | ter I drank my cofier, and gi s was iste by ice. iio Lae'g “I gave up the old coffee en _cimolutely, and made This w gst Tigi, 8 getaborts oland, and, being rescued by , became Dir chiets aly ee poaren hn tings Lae ck pigs TO LIVE AND DIE Tea is to a SERIES Without knowing the bs joy of LL! Luge Wh SATISFACTION of sipping a hot cup is FI BREE: JO eflgeatndee sy TORE AS Tolanrant FINDING CAUSE FOR COMPLAINT. I r GOLD & 00., No, 2, The Watch House, Dolamere Crescent, London, W., Engiand, Sunlight Soap is better than other séaps, but is HOW TO RAISE MONEY pe beak Hy S32 for bi Church best when used in the Equally good with hard or soft water. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto Size, Sixth, Placque same. Tin g jinea shirt: fr ents eis nee a SPREE This Beautiful For Scart Given Away pray at y sented to become mayor of Darlin ton. for. the-otsuing year, commenced Be £2 Little Reptile Gets Duck's Egg lure ow THE RAIL c.P. RB. ENGINEER'S EXPER- ss, a as ne Hee a ee elie ‘an, ree but They Brought Back His. Strength |sp “ ¥ is We ae Wh The i ie Medicine Co., i% nian ag owiars hey Dodd's isis >i “Tote pou on tndien ime an feof D, H. BASTEDO & CO. 77 ing Bast, Toromta away 1 s ri od tal id Febtineyed Bil yo the first night aie AP) “In restorative these "Pills arevin the arst eek te ie wit Collinenroot Es Y vei to 481 Bertman. Ho, 000 for reat of pre: dle pal” Ment Rute all fuyard roll onte? plastors, “Haled o ogee | ne tract from this luscious fruit sd tho hes aie Parliamentary aS itllowes Be dir figures ont a hte are aoe ‘the ces ae aes getting ay eitieation Sm THOMAS LIPTON’S RECIPE: nag | partie dg hit |ineving about By