LINWOOD CARTHASE. mother for some time have returned House and Lot For Sale! A-guostantial mmodious solid brick! Jy order io give the public a better At the monhtly meeting of the} Mrs. D. Kropp is iting friends in dueling: centrally situated, te erees i iy to sce the ‘msay beautiful | Foresters, L.eld last Thursday evening | Zorra, PP ig Mater, g00d *t#Poseresion given ia JARGATS- Apply to f 5 4 Tee ine rane, chewing, | the following officers were elected for) Dialogues, songs and Reeitatious % they have decided to keep open every A iges year: I! be features of the concert to be] % D. ie 4 4 4 FET TEREORS, Silver: ro. G. Lines, C. R, Bro, A. | given here on the 2ist. . Bro_O. Hastings, F. nite a number from around here A. | spent a very enjoable time on Friday Burnett, | evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. y J. Berkner, Milverton. SSE SACRE, raaey Jobnston, . Ww. Chalmers desires to. tntiinate TOPPING. Jobinston, ‘Treas, Bro pik GhaimersaTscd Srouine| se eprane ae stall Wt che as opened wp = ream Se : ie mee = report was left over till next SB Brpad. A Hiehats ments in the house W. H. Malate All Work Watson, Court Physician Dr. re BURNS. ms ¢ and Coneert in the Topping 2 —— school on Friday evening, Dee. 22nd.|~ pho’ - i 4 = rr Ba San |" ‘Phe North Mornington 8. 8. intend} Mr, Golil’s sale at Hesson last Friday. The Thin Man’s Danger. Aces Weents. A good time ex- having a Christmas tree riday even) Mr. John Davidson Erene fers pe 7; 4 Nae in Stratford last week. i Cameron, of Listowel, spent ected. Mr. Christian Nafziger is entertain-} yj Mr. Chris 4 will be furnished. ng visitors trom Towa, U.S: A. Miss Millie Moore retarned home|S last, Week after a two week's visit h friends in Buffalo, I as mbes s NEWTON. Mr. E. Hamilton, Miss J., Thowip-| visiting the former's ‘mother, Mrs. C. ; oe big tt oe ieee : son, Mr, J. ‘Thomipson and Miss A.| Davidson, and other relatives, Bun Ase ORES Foe te thata vies {hee inside of | Meiiever of Britton spent Sunday at| Miss Jessie E, Davidson returned last Od eer Per, | this Paper, ‘ ; R. Johnston's. week from her trip to the Northwest, 1g ai ace itriment needed | Mrs. A. J- Zoeger visited her sister, ‘Mr. E. Moore of Brussels and B.|-vhere she has been for tho past three utr evdly con: | Miss Mueller, fora fewdays last week. | Moore of ‘Trowbridge spend Tuesday | months. . rapidly (rng | Mis: Mueller's friends will be pleased |with their Brother, Dr. J- Moore. We -understand, that Mr, Conrad y tissue: The | fo hear that she is able to leave the}. The home of Mr. B. F. Johuston| Klockman, oneaf ourenterprising young ht is being added, hospital. was !APPY. week by the|men, has bonght the Carthage cheese “fd stay well, use Ferro-| | Mrs. Brimstin. visited her son, arrival of a fine Lig boy. factory. We wish him the. success he Fo be witty chocolate coated tablets | Thomas Brimstin, fora few days last Some of the young ladies of our)deserves. | - : " r 5 pore Gepee tina pots fen Pre; ee are ge made for the Tike Wanieeh el who hegwment oe) hes isses Burnett of Britton, | annual Sunday School Christmas enter- last fw ont ia Tee ae eee fe, [last Saturday afternoon, ainment to be held in North Morington arded howe. : 5 3 Aw el ble afte: v1 it Mrs Dan Ross was a business visitor POOER TE ee Ra roeit iad h {fora dag Sn aan Take: Weeks ‘The following visited at Mr, P.|Saturday, when the Misses Barnett ombo entertained a few|pames on Sunday; Mr. and. Mre, |eutertained about twenty of their girl ly friends toa quilting which was) John Wittig, J Hoffman off fiends to a tea-party, A number from i. enjoyed by those present. Milverton and Miss A, Neumeister of here were present. ; Mr. Frank Tank of Carthage spent | this place. Another of the old pioneers of Morn- setts with bis sister, Mrs: Win. | Miss Mary Kipfer visited at Mr. |ington, in the person Mrs. Winches- Mi nd Mi ei 4. ry = ee By iy ina bo: at ell¢ 9, ce oda obo oOo obs ole obs of Velles . bridal party entered ri ae eeocaina of Shs } Beir's on Friday. Mr. and Quite a number of young people for their home in Petersburg after froin bere spent a pleasnot evening at oer spending a few days with friends-in|the home of Mrs, D. Kropps, Mussel: Ai 5 Hesson aud Mrs, Gies of the Grand | burg on Friday. place on Friday to the Millbank Pres by- TA. Burginan of the classic city] terian Cemetery, was quite largely at- 5 th of Listowel i st| visited Mr. Will Shearer on Monday. | "hdede) $ Ae RE Aida is the guest | visited MGpper'a orchestra on the] Mrs. KR. Kincaid, of Detroit, énd Mrs, Our school entertainment will be | evening of the 2lst. : PEERDY, OF Tipu, spent ew as 8 held in'G. Donnnely’s ballon -Thure-|_ Mr. A. Large, our eutesprising nat week. at May, Gy. Robins incar dey evening the 2lat inet. All who | Merchant is busily engaged filling ¥p ‘oweasion of their, visit being the allness wish to enjoy a rare treat should not | bis Christmas stock whieh he intends and death of theirmother, Mrs. Winches: wiss this. to dispose of at prices to sui y= | ter. Mrs, Dave Grieve of Millbank was|body. |. x renewing acquaintances in our town| Miss Alice W, Helm spent Sunday last week. inadiiwertons ok ae a yr. Walter S, Turnbull spent Sun-| Come and see Prof. Bullock at the day with his parents. school house on the evening of Dee} REXALL 5 DYES ‘There was’considerable excitement | 21st- i M will dye Wool, Cotton, ed Goods in one bath ‘oe Qe of TES w bride, D, Be cde ohn eho cde ole ce ols ole ade of ju r. p of Illinois intends These Dyes which was caused by one of the Don-| spending the winter at his home in Silk, Jute of Mi: . % i i vil ef il re rik st A ely House's chiuineys being on fre. Musselburg, He will return in the Ser aeont apt ghost impron 3 evlors 9, of ne obs Ee ode eh ee Bt EP eS narchased a | peda number of hogs on Wednesday | Messrs. Albert and William Witt, Ps ae : residence, We entend hearty congrat:| Remember the school entertain-|snd Miss Lizzie Witt who have been The Public Drug Company, ulations. ment on Thursday evening, Dee. 2st. Jattebding at the bedside of their. Milverton, Atwood, Gorrie. 9, «Oe od Farmers, Attention ! pe copecer. HE MAN who straddels the Real Estate ques- EAL ESTATE in its various forms is my con- T tion is likely to lose unless he is well acquainted R stant study. I know Stratford most thoroughly with conditions and surroundings. The assis- ssist anyone desirous tance of one who makes Real Estate a study, of buying property in the city, either as an in- and the buying and selling of Real Estate a busi- vestment or as a home. . Stratford affords many ness will greatly help you in making a good se- advantages just now. If you wish to retire, to lection, In a growing city location is very im- invest your money, to educate your family or to portant. give them trades, Stratford is the place to go. I have sold over $300,000.00 worth of Stratford property in the past few months, and my list of Property for sale is constantly growing. _If you have any intention of seeking city property, I will be pleased to assist you in se- curitig something to suit, No trouble to show you what I have. DEEDS, MORTGAGES, AGREEMENTS Etc., Carefully and Correctly Drawn De, De ab, se ae ode cde oe ode oe ode ode oe ode abe ode cu oe ode ode oe oe oda ode ode cle vba be ce obo cla ode ode ole cle ole Qe ole cde cle ole ofa cle ofle of oe cle offe oe abe elle ie oe of offs of. ode ef eB RP a RY RP EP EP ESR ST PB RT RS ME OT ES ET ET ES ge ET I am a Licensed City and County Auctioneer sd wil be adie revive a siete Reasonable Rates and Satisfactory Service to my Clients is my Motto. GEO. WESTMAN, STRATFORD ee See ee ee CECCESSS CCS CSS CSCC SESS EST eee ee eee PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET EE EEE SCHAEFER & WHALEY: | . EERE Christmas Bells __.. Only 10 Days Till Xmas if Christmas is coming with flying feet, and our counters are loaded with every- r Will soon he ringing EEE thing for Women, Men and Children, that is suitable for Christmas gifts. e are doing quite a large holiday business, simply because, at this time, as at other tim during the year, we adhere strictly to popular prices. Take for instance our lin Neckwear, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Mufflers and Toys s of EEEEEEERE We challenge any competition to produce anything that will excel them. We are disposed, if anything, to sell goods cheaper at this holiday time than at any other, for with us it closes a season’s business away beyond our widest expectations and we feel like doing our share towards making the Christmas season of our customers as- pleasant as we can. We shall be pleased to serve you at this season and you need not look any further than RIGHT HERE for the best in the market. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEA EEE EEE SELES Men’s Exquisite Neckwear A display that is unsurpassed. Handsome Four-in-hands, 2 Puffs and Bows, at.......+++sseeeeeeeerecrers 25 & 50c Ladies’ Handsome Collars In all shades at 75 cents. Ladies’ Beautiful Silk Belts at 25, 50 and 75 cents up to $1.50 - You Might Give Him a Pair of Gloves We have a big stock at from 75 cents up to $2,00 Men's Handsome Silk Mufflers In different styles at from 50 cents to $1.50 Handkerchiefs A standard gift. Always welcome. A beautiful range to close : from price from, . Gps chek eens e ors Pinas $2,00 Handsome Toilet Boxes Comb and Brush Cases, Manicure Setts. Prices to suit 25¢ to $10 EVEFY PULSE. sees sees eee cece ees Don’t forget to have a look at our display of Toys, Books, Games, Etc. for the children. Prices from 1 cent to $1 + * bg + + + + Ld > i + * * * * Candies of every description Rough and Ready Mixed, Christmas Mixed, Cut Rock Mixed, Special Mixed Mints, Loves Echoes, Chocolates. Saturettes, Wintergreen Berries, Pearley Carra-— way, French Creams, Seafoam Kisses, Walnuts, Almonds and Filberts. You will find our Candies and Nuts to be No. 1 quality and our prices right. a tt 2 - Big Specials for Friday and Saturday 2 25 Ladies’ Jackets, well made, some are lined throughout. Regular 4 c value $4 to $7. Friday and Saturday - - - F: a a : 1,50 13 Ladies’ Heavy Tweed Skirts. Regular $3.00 to $5.00. Friday asi and Saturday - + - = - - - . Ps 2 ss 1.50 These are odd lines left over after the season's selling—and are very special BRING US YOUR PRODUCE values. Turkeys 14 cents. Geese 8 cents. Chicks 7 cents, ~ Ducks 9 cents. SCHAEFER & WHALEY: . PEEL EEEEEEEEE LEEEEAEEDEEEL EE EEED EEE EEE EEEEE EERE EEE EER