Milverton Sun, 28 Dec 1905, p. 1

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“It Shines For All.” Vol. XIV—No. 49 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1905 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher For Small Amounts Use Are You Sending Money Away ? SOVEREIGN BANK Payable anywhere. chasers, Issued at the following $5 and under - 3c| Over $5 and up to $10 - 6c | Over $50 ae issued 3 ree me Remittances fraseter. eign Countries, No Blanks to fill out. yy Cable Bills of Dahaes sold on all For- R. J. RANNEY, Manager, Milverton MONEY ORDER Receipts given to pur- rates. ste and up to $30 - $50 - i5e p ints b or Telegraphic The Merchants Bank of Canada STRATFORD BRANCH : A. M. Campbell Manager Capitan Pap UP. RESERVE Str H. MonTA@UE ‘Autan, President. . HEBDEN, General Manager. counts. Rrs to Whom money is lent at lowe: Interest at most favorable rates allowed on Savings Bank Ac- Special attention given to the business of FARMERS AND DROV- st rates on promissory notes. Dentistry DR. R. LEDERMAN, Lo palbew Licentiate re d’ Member of Roy al College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor graduate of ‘Toronto University. Regulation of teeth, Crown and Bridge work a Specialty. Hours 9a. m, to 5 p.m Office above Finkbeiner Bros. hardware sore, Milen Medical RKER, M. Hono: often Gold Module ‘ney Medi- sie iver Medallist, eivity U Fe! "Tee jephoub connection with Poole, Brunner, muservilly and Rostock. Legal, on PANTON, Barristor, Solicitor, Etc, nevery Thursday, Wm. Bur Block, Niverton. Veterinai ee _patennene for sale at THE Boy ‘Wanted to learn the baking ipsineas Apply to—V. Weitzel. et a es spending his nels at his home in Wall 4 . of Listowel, is eae his holidays at his home in Milverton. Remember the Farmers’ Institute ti t Milverton and Shak and Mrs. Peter Jacobs and feully, of Berlin, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. P, Jacobs, of Milverton. When ane want a pleasant laxative take Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablers For male fos Public Drag Co Milverton and Atwood. ie oes e well sek ‘Bye Specialist of Guelph. will be at the Central Milverton, the 2nd Mondsy. inevery month. ames Roulston, who has been “| spending a month with friends around Milverton left on Wednesday tees vara ig animals, | last for his home at Austin, Minnes- Calla by telephone or otherwi Prom tly | ota. attended to. ce at J. . Eugel’s| Mr, D. Allen desires to notify his old stand customers, that he will after Jan. 15, W. joors east of iethoral store, cays _welcom . H. Pugh, Dibondiag Secretary. I, 0, 0. F., #Silver Lodge,” No. 202, Milverton, ects every Friday night at 7:80 p.m. in their hall, post office building. Visiting bretbren always weleom Westman, N. G.; W. Loth, R. “3 Business Cards W. ‘abate cperne for t he Coun- ties of Bert Deeds, ie risl: Morigurse drawn a Affidavits lar Village Clerk. 01 « Shoe Store, over Grosch Bain street, Milverton. Hotels a EXCHANGE ee tag? Brunner, Ont Ps ‘Best liquors and cigars at the Bee wi Slaed accoonmacda- tion and locas stabling. fake bier oe ae GRAND Skat HOTEL, Milverton. First-class acco! lation for nd sar etill strects, Chas. Riiter, Proprietor. PLA OES QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton. Ont. oe for ee - | whether the 5. » train from the north #1 wi = | while in office it was expect 1 | six commence collecting Luan aries and also for ike work don As he does not wi to make a Y cat trip have your ce rea Lost on Saturday a ine check book with two days sales. Should it have inadvertantly dropped into any ones basket or been rolled np with their we wish that they would return it as soon as possible, — . K. Loth. After Jan. Ist the 8.00 o’clock train from the south will have a regular mail service. We have not yet learned mail, probable that ie will, irons from Owen Sound to aires tepayers of Mornington will be focioeial surprised to learn of the retirement o! milton from municipal Consider the life. ring eneregy that he always exercised he would a ee devote his talents to munict eal. aie * Milverton has been without s an acting magistrate, riser we understand that the want has been remedied through the appointment of M r. Charles Trim as Police Magi-| strate hihi salary, Mr, Trim’s appointms will meet with general is recognized as 0 will administer the Sheer of his office without favor or ity. nm ascetyline gas Spat took Place in the store of Mr. A. J. Babb, Milbank, on Christmas Evening at o'clock, partially wrecking the blowing the front out and doing ples mage to the large stock of merchandise which he Very fortunately neither Cigars at the bar. plenty of shed room, deo. F, Pauli, prop. received any injary a re-opens LOCAL NEWS Renew your subscription to the Sun. Fateg meal and oil cake at theStation gist eaey Smith is visiting friends in Bramp' Christmas ei ‘friends in Ay Paisley, was e Mr. Samuel Boyle spent a few days | © lant week with friends in Bay City, Xe spending his holidays at his home in Milverton Miss Ida Merklinger, of Hanover, is spending her holidays at her home in Mi Cran s. Chas. Beese, of Blyth, spent the holidays atthe residence of Mr, H, w iisrcinlen and daughter, Mrs. Minna, apa Christmas with friends at Fan la uis Boy f the Toronto Shas inst is pei his holiiays t. hom: Miss Lily Mtb) of Stratford C I., is spending the holidays at her home in Milverton. Miss Margaret His-ox, of Toronto, pending Christmas holidays with Mr, A. Nile and M eee Nile of Water are spending Christmas with ri ee jenck. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Becker and dau- ghter, Lleulla, of Chesley, Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Merklinger. ‘iss Elsa Smith who has been re- siding r the past six month returned home last Wednes- day where she will remain for some sees D. aun to Agricultural Ecotetien the ing must on oe las E. Hartmier is petne Chas. Morlock. of Guelph, is] mre be ‘ing to an amendment to the Act}, Mr. E. Klenck of Berlin is visiting at i home in ‘oo iio her, Owen Sound, is spending “his feudeys in Milverton. Nominations. Owing to Christmas falling this year on. Monday, ‘the nominations were held on Monday. De bout Be ueua! number of candidates were eid reore; A Million Dollars It is estimated this sum was wasted returning. Thad Catach in it’s worst form” wri der prevents the chance of disappointment with Catarrh- ozone—it’s certain as death to cure your Catarrh—just try i pi ie Sd A Suaprice. ~ Avery pleasant and happy surprise ve of Dec. 26, whe: the embers of A vangelical Church Ladies’ Aid, invaded — the residence of Mr. Mrs. J. C. Mor- ‘Mes. Wey ident of the Ladies —We as the Ladies ps have aie here, ane ed do honor to you for your faithful work, to show that we as our President, Take this chairas a mere token of valuable services Aid’ God may spare and bless you, and long may you live and enjoy good health is our earnest prayer. Mrs. ner accepti: gift and are the ladies for their he evening was spent in pleasant tow ship hall, ing on Jan. ae will be held S Done ley’s ‘hall New Mr. ae gi =D: ‘ox, of Palmer- ston, Mr. ad Mrs. on Micon Ss Smith’s Crh Mich., Mr. Rol Mrs. Johnson. of Dorking, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. S, Lavery. Mrs. me} Boomer, of Berlin, Mr. and Mrs, J. Cc. paihertonts of pe and and Mrs. B. usselman daughter, Helen, f eran were Cows visitors at Mr. ani m’s, oad residents of Elm: departed this life on Friday last as the person We the late James Cuthbert- wate who iter an dings extent ing over on coir Cuthbertso1 ery sterling | f. character a Yela | in igh esteem by his _ fri nd His rs. mortal remains were Day, intered th Presbyterian Daesery: was largely atten in Tuesday evening Dec. 19th, Miss Lotta White’s music class held its last recital of the year Piano solos were y the Misses Beatrice Goodhand, Edith Hammond. Fri Pauli, Jessie Goodhand, Mary Me- non. Duets Miss _ Milverton He sighs part of the program was given yy Ruby and Wilfred Weir, and by Mies Minnie Pfeffer reading was given by Miss Barbara Grosch. Class n interesting reunion Milverton on Christmas Day without rand Miss Edith | ho Bis Chis tmas | j The funeral aj MacBeth ay music. A San Claus pea also and added to the merriment ot i the evening. Ratepayer No. 2 oe Editor ot Tue 8 § Dear pu Deaked ve tlette -d the Traanarer calle ought to get anoth va rae bat he rather stumbles when discussing their actions, as he ad regard 0 justic: apace Bp dedasd -avaaedlai a he descriminate betw of «01d th Boys” of West's Corners took place in P., some ‘Bothaermet Milverton, George Kirkland, Newton, Alexander Ki: ine Dulath, Minn. and George Kent, Brantford. eee news of the death of Mr. Chas. im, Sr., came asa surprise to the terrier this vicinity on Chsistmas y. Mr. Trim had not been well for some time, but had pee going shout i almost u the ti of his dea‘ He ate his Ghiistoons Rane and short: ly after had an attack of from which he seemed to have rallied. One of the members of the family in returning to his room, sae a few sence, found him dead. the = | as a hardworking man. His rem: i Meth- | ii were interred in the Milyerton beyond a severe shock. odist cemetery on Wednesday after- oon. Daniel Boss. | and weakness any prearrangement, when the glad rae band of Inendship. was extented It | Meciingemegas a7 eo round. Acsplendid social hour war ‘as Ses passed in an exchange o! of early days. Among thoes present = Saar a pape, Mundell and Maw. ANGUE Nanton Miwecten aoe: dunia Alice, add Mr. and|® C. Dorland, Stratford, W. H. Dorland, | Mrs. Wm. | Barnett, of Glensilen, Conrad Hasenpiiug, Henry Schneuker, | 4 ifandell — . Wier, James Torrance M “et thats Bemle.t of Woo Be holidapinesonder the parental of Stratford, spent Christinas gee ome « x Frame, of Berlin, ome is spend- 4 deep sym} head ia thelr of fl reavement. oe d Radolph Miller, to} tl loge when the address was | fully appreciate your efforts put forth con a: Ohianse ‘and Henry Alles—re' nie, of Benin worthy ship "the following were Conrad. Hasenpflag we +] e ex-reeve, retired lea’ M, L. Grimm, Finkbeiner, Samuel Whaley, john Rothaermel, F. uen- ‘The follow- ey. I, Cc. B. Merkdins, Win. Zimmerman, ap ; Pfeffer and Mr. Weir retired allowing the ates elee- tion by acclamation, In Mornington the following nomi- nations were sn eeve, Join mi . Hi ilton, John Me apy es J. Scott, and Christian Yost, M . G. Hamil: ton and John Sec retired. ELL n Ellice the iseatlae was lively and interesting throughout and there was rable diversity of opinion 4 we, your friends and | stead sc a | your intended departure, cbiefly on the ‘schools and drainage | bee en All accounts must be settled either yy cashor note by Jan. Ist.—Rose & Dumart. To Cure Mears Chills, Ague. We know of no remedy, so reliable as Nerviline, ‘Twenty drops taken in hot for nearly fifty years, it te t, oroughh; ‘olson’s Nerviline in large 25¢ satisfaction guaranteed, Bide e 3 Acdress And Presentation oTe following address was presented JE. Christie teacher at Hamp- baton eid ay last who made a very miiableaid fooling ie Mr, | T0 MR, J. E. CHRISTIE: Te was with foolings of deep regret that the Ham- The Canadian Bank of Commerce Centtel Paid Up - $10,000,000 = $4,500. OFFICE, TORONTO HON. “OEO. A. COX, President ~~ B. E, WALKER, General Manager A-General Banking Busi- ness Transacted nce alae other debentures bought and sol Draft i all points issued. Farmers’ Notes Discounted Special Pry e Bae to the collection of farmers’ sale nc ial Sttesaan: is sae A te the fol- wing advantages offered by Savings Bank Department of Os of Mi Irke depositor fa wubjece. to no delay whatever iu the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the d WM. MAYNARD, Manager STRATFORD BRANCH. ool section, eel gee uring your short stay with us of only nds. of a most Parting more een! ‘cipal of out’ school you have Your literary ta length. omieationa wereas follows: ror ach 2, sii Schenel th eis Couneillor: rickman, James tock, Geo. Ehgotz, Michael Crowley, Geo. Ris n Bau h, Milton doetz, John Scott, Henry Chisner, Chas. negan, Michael Bannon, and Henry Alles. Messrs. Johi Soott, Chas. Finnegan, Michael n Baw NORTH BASTHOPE orth Easthope the old Coun- cil was returned by acclamation. Omond—McTavish. rhe: beautiful home of Mr. jancan ~ MeT’ r8. Tavish, Riverside ai ellesley was the scene of | happy event last esday after n, Dec.20, when their youngest ter, Catherine “Victoria, w tnited in'marriage ir. Benjainin orn, pai nt. the bride pees of he ated for the occasion, a lace under an areh of evergreens eg holly, and mist: jecort letoe er- pacute re Yh bride Lob k iit charming id attrac- tive, attired in adress fat ecceart silk, with lace and ap- bridal veil caught ui roses, and was ably assist sister, Miss Minnie, who acte bridesmaid and eatried a bouquet, of pink carnations. ‘The groom is yee orted ny his youngest ecbher Mr. James Omond, {atte justice ae that, had been so libel urst of the eat 3 ite tothe bride “was oa bridesmaid a The Ss oskeh pAb ie as action Y | ruchings an ge blossoms, a éd the standard of our schoo! to the hig) sition it now occupies, W. ad it not been for your many of time and. patie ool at the examinations would not ng the abilities you possess, feel, confi: fatyox téain name ‘and fame in ont cacwen uesteant "And now as you are about to leave us we ask yout to accept this cane as a small appreciation of our friendship toward mn and hope that in latter years when this cane will be of-more practical service to you than it is now you will think of piecsery ea Dinish awe ns One of Milverton’ 8 foremost Ae dlrayima, assisted by ‘of Burns Church. Mies Ella room, acted ty entere ea the favlon tate sweet strains of the “Wedding March’? played by Miss Lotta White, e in a go id= eried Pehifton with trimmings of chiffon wore & rich design with a wre: an carnation: w he ‘Dridesma cl of pink carnations and aves Miss Violet Edwards, sister of the je, met as flower bearer and ed y in white silk trimed with Vlenefonnes lace. A beautiful evergreens was erected under of many sit pa useful presents, ic waa ‘porforaieds ik upton dejeuner was spread in From her | large family bible and from eet brother Win. n, beautiful astrachan coat hey m received a gol and chain from his broth ni incle, Mr. Alex Ham- ilton while her uncle, Mr. John Me Tavish of Manitoba, gave her a gold watch guard. Other presents from Marney, Mat from uncle John o! some cheque. he groom presented the bride with a Geautifals apt ruff, and the eee maid a gram feces Miss Lotta seen piaye the. erent re inet ; their home i: foe ‘hem, They have the bert saibhied ifor along and prosperous life, ch bat/To the Electors of the Nulags To the apiegepe oa Village AsIdo bad an estag a Dea al canvas, I desive to inform is kindly solicited. ©. R. HONDERICH of Milverton : x ir vote and influence is Addons tu “aollcited as eeeonolitar for W.-F.. FINKBEINER : lander the ® | complexion us tive Herroaone regularly, i by. rs. Loney and elson, John McDonald ton Foues | |nave spent CMe Tuatciiple of ontitl seneet ant fe Mc De hak with friendshere, left last week for Edna Hoffmeyer Sen Rober their home in Fo: liam. Meg. Hanipsten Dee 2isb, 1905. H. Freeborn accompanied them to Harriston. hall did| to ey 0, Dra : one fale are filed with a fesling hh elearn you are The ! faithful in the imparting to us of s1 Are Good Looks Valuable ? If nature had her way every complex-. ion would be clear and delightful, Buc many allow their blood to become weak — hence pimples, sallow skin, darke circles ave a beautiful iuraddy glow to nobis ther bce eigen pim health and Lie ‘erroz You appearance will im; ove & hundeed fold. Eth neeebaye x of fifty chowlatecouted’” Fertosoin eee at om ccet Fereanaae to- Neste Rees PEFFERS. unro hos gore here lately-—buzz saw bes * Mr. Gillis, o! Bai Axe e, Mich., is the guest th ae cousins, the Messrs ast i of 9t! t purchased s doen ait fine ‘eitie ane week {roi Mr. W.. ig those who are a hee in, t thelr homes here @ Miss Le - iss Jel Freeman, teaching in the district of ae — ON. George Lantz of Stratford is eventing Ae Christmas holidays at is home hi “Mn sel ‘Kieffer of the Central Business College, Stratford, is spend- ing his beers holidays under the peri Mrs. E. Knoblauch spent Christ- mas with her daughter, Mrs. Dona Se at Galt, rv. J. G. Gatschene wes to Strat- ton ast Tuesday on busi Father Rennes an New Ger. of "spent Edel sore last week saith ev. Miss Agnes co Haid, of Galt, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, John Foster. Robert Hossie, of Linwooi, rristmas with J. G. Gatschene. wore of ah the Seprate ae w, When wi td’ cease your duty as our teacher. W! can truly say that you have | knowledge as wa! our probably we snk ae thought you were yw that in baie so he were auiion? es us that you — took an interest in our welfare as well (as our intellect ste ‘that success Wi in aces by Zena Mittlehots, Hl 4

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