Milverton Sun, 28 Dec 1905, p. 2

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Be revio — of the aging and Minubeese. Courtlans ee ‘he the ie on br Ki hee 5 el ‘ok ak oL.! Wednesday were occupied by trom, “Meanwhile reinforcements of artil-| St n atresting the str ike leaders as rapid- other kel is “that ess Killed and wounded. void ing in secret, each time at 9 dilleront cality. Yih ae to learn the Polish lan- F Cossacks surrounded the nes ne the aie lenny, at midnight, arrested whe ed- “A. despatch from St. Petersburg i orestry Report “Says Fire Ranging| Defective Electric Wire Causes $550,000 System alue. Experiment. Gays ne aks of ue ee ot ue as “rapa Je (ales, mn increasingly useful institution in ‘he “tt profs Sie be applied 6 extending the sch ne fa “that. rel wise used railway 3 nee and feglinguleh any incipien 7 ain ee the report of bs ein are piven to desperation by the rai ial ite Western Seiseerl and the Mis- i dor able and intrctve one on ive eft g “Son ration. of a rors that a valuable made at th whe she had pe “communicated to DUKE OF COD wiles tos VisiT. of) Expected oI fect Ganda About Last WORLD'S MARKETS REPGRTS FROM THE iggas oe TRADE CENTRES. Cheese, Prices of Cattle, aes mre ee Dai Home and “abcoad. 26. sie ror polite grad ints. No. 2 q sil the hee vor milling. Th ae with buye ma so w ee is ae y at Sle for No. § yel w, on track, 52e aes Floni r—Ni oe quoled: ih Me re to ers’ sacks at outs al $3.45 to $3.50, 0 $17.50, and cart at $18.50 to $19. COUNTRY PRODUCE: AD) inferioe qualities, $1. peines, $1.65 to for Match and 8c dozen on ‘pouty Turkey etiliens, 9 to 10c; t r ID. Eges—Picklea are ae at 21 to 220 per dozen in case w laid are nom! net HOG PRODUCTS. to 1c; pails, 11 to 1 BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. nireal, Dec. i eee we ‘WAS: aoe was quiet. The mi s 3% for No. r under: theo gues: primes,” $1.75 per bush: fe bags Ibs, 53 t in comb, lo Lhe 7% to an paciahest 5: sfons—Heavy Canadian cies cuP ie $19 to $20; light short wate $18 to Si American a cut, eed fat bas 19 te to tes asi hate ve tot CS eae aes 12% to 12, UNITED ae Ss See Duluth Dee. 26.— — Sas be i No. 2 Northern, 81 5 May, 8 ec feat. 83¢; ‘No. 2 hers 508%, sie bi 2 sae, 3B to Shc. hia WYige Ahullaloy Bec 26, iat Com—Un- Batley—Ollerings light ‘ ‘0. 1, 7474¢ on trae! army ata iil ec Deaneeas at ee Pindi, | the ee Lise ices are’ ninehanged No 2 chener, at 7%, and No. 2] impressed deeply 2) al uoted at 78 to 80c out- and ie Canadian is beaten 10" ronto. pul Bie heal Poe nominal at about Rye—N 4 muses at 70 to Tic outside. g| condition Au the ‘The Pri firm; No. 1 patents, ste 2 patents, $4.30 to $4.4 akers', $4.20 on track, ” Maulféed—Bran | conti Ontario, with pri outside. Shorts ae “quoted at sit sib outside a bran in sacks, $16.50 ples-—Choice stock, $3 per bbl, ana < s-Hand-picked, SLIs 10. §1.80¢ eae es i Honey—The aecel da vateady Seto at $1.50 to $2 per fresh Killed, 13° to ree ducks, 10 to Itc; geese, 10 to Itc; live chickens, 6 lo} future sell at 25 to oie and roltas at 23% to ee 500 de athbede, ; iresh al 25¢; and ts are quoted at aieth, so dieth the othe tremely. dull. Sis are still eae out akers’. . and definit roposal Po! tatoos —In a anit mig ste ibs. 60 9 foe, Fauve Wille slovarrdn per tb section; extra, rovie New SAS merican cut ce nat adian. pure lard, 1034 12c; hams, ; fresh eee blatt says initiate man differences, friendly 1 ack abattoir reseed tibet NS to 80.25; liv lots. Egus Straight glock, 20 to Lies i _ be 200. ul st ore 10 23940; heer 224, to 280: ‘iy 1) to She. , 12% te 5 Quebec, 1 North- De- con =x) our—Quiet and the population had about 8,000, 4c; No.2 a view No. 2 wat, 45. to| tin} THE PRINCE IN INDIA. Reviews the Greatest i Army Ever * Gathered Here, ne says:—The concluding Sten geek restau the Com and mixed at 5 ide, who were privileged 20086, TB to Tie eer ae No. British soldier ii E Gee EN at 80c. orgian Bay| khaki contributed their color to the 1 Se at cies and No. 2} military mosaic in wl Heer “at Goorkhas, Punjaubis an Oal eae 2 white are quoted outside} also ti; Pifty-five tl at 34 te men in all marched past Bane ame ia Jaap at 48; No. 3| at the saluting point, m extra at 46c; . 3 at Me at-out-| if they were on a AanSoatrats war, amon ting real tests upon the men For four days the had made austing marches and engaged in ut they: showed no trace of fatigue Whey Rliey paraded | to lay. WI ru ness s the epicnald. my. Geos cspaad ies Naa pee aS previous foui Seeds <Uut ho. vovihiaal cin na Saddle for five hours abthe, review and enjoyed thoroughly the super! spectacle that had been prepared for him, ee DEATH BED VISION A FAKE Have. Lived, With Little Thought of the Future. York despateh saysi— now .of Enj ee Hops Stenay at 15 to 18¢ per his latest ; Bay’ at “de Hay—Car lots of No. noth are! bed’ visions, Bales in by auciol at $8 to = 50 on cate here, and sands ant Gt there’ are score No. 2 at $6 to : su) auth ntie _ records, coe Eman als quoted at $6 to $6.50 Si nonsen: reover, he sup- ae ron by Dorts hig declaration by 500 death- lagen nts stock 70 to 7c per} hed observations of © ae vind saware, 80 to 85¢ per bag] he thinks prove anon that such re Era as always keenly i THE DAIRY MARKETS. tists, clergymen and physicians, and Butter—Pound rolls are quoted at £2] it is certain to provoke general to 230; i hoice dairy tw says: “As ferior has lived, svauAGeneed prac ally by oe thought of a fu- life. I hav: careful records \of studied Ba Io . ‘| two positive ; one expressed ise ites ee ae spiritual exaltation; one bitter r to Siz short cul, 20 to 2c; hams, light| morse. The great majority gave ‘no Be ec gah any beawy a eieaced See vay or the other; like their (ene. fe: shouiders, 10c: backs, 15 10 birth, thelr death was sleep an ‘bee brea vole, 1h to 16340. fo ae coe ee right tak 2] in this matter—anan hath no pre- Lani—Tetees, 1024 to 10%¢; tubs, 103] 5. oe cee 4+ MUST USE THE RIFLE. Minister of Militia’s Proposition to Min- 9%! ist of Education. aging replies had been received: with M} promises of cordial co-operation. Sir Pa ederick hoped that by the next aid have} © ession of Parliament he wor to introduce in ——- AIMING AT FE FRIENDSHIP. Cabinet to ee Rela- wi ith Germai A Bertin despatch sa The Ta; w. Britis h Cabinet will oussion ot the Angie! }-Ger- ing ations pics the es na- tions. Chancellor Von Buelow con- gratulated Prine. <Minister Campbel- Bannerman and Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey on their iaing office, and Feoeived cordial replies pasbe A a ES PORT ARTHUR GROWING. The Town Claims a Population of Eight *~ Thousand Now.” ‘4 Port, Avihur | despatch jee emg eonipleted TO) Dome ion. ails in, Port Avi iE From the figures ‘rom ‘hidel of als a ards it seems thal ‘esent population despatch says:—The Mili Sir. seek o take a ison ang Fine. ed cases. aver: oh es ee FOLLOWED TI THE POLES. “eka Little Giet A despateh from Tandon, England, ‘hree weary little girls High street, ‘Colnuseae, and vill them were going, i er, sai to pes mn. They fold. a pathetic story. ha’ tty Ypaues father beats us, Seopa following the telegraph p =a police the workhouse, and n back to Maidenhgad. men on Blackwell's Island carly Mice from the hospi! Ree ay Starting evthtiive a the fire had r o'clock, when it wa: dise ‘The fire engine on the island, prove inadequate and a call for ca soon that fille “A cells. = the res eats ardma) rshalled ve aghting “ore. aL paglae ork. sei Let that Gage hopelessly, inadequa By to sie: iS ar ‘of the women prisoners. SUFFRAGE BILL IN HUNGARY. en the last Ant Hanipsrians Over 24 years of A, despatch from Budapest, The terms of the props _ sullen il made anchise Hungiriens over 2 years of fo read and write, shall be direct and Hung versa male esd ri that fies a ae fae fch a fi 2 mprising concent: ate —< Cadiz.-with a iy nes panotn 2 ABE HUMMEL SENTENCED. New York ae Gets Qne Year in York despatch says:—Jus- tice monies fentenced Hummel to, one nt iv Cai 7 Sesel hg balk a are awiierehe, oibece ship companies. s Hoag: Act Off to = master, at Jar were found weangbrings. hax Mee hand in they had lost their way “We away from home at Maid- and we are going to find our mother in iden- morning without i H deesiont to have _ secu the for ihe, Seatirbot of) ti poles to eee communicated be t morning their aunt called at took the child- gubsianle) Ree vision hours of labor. co! PROVED HEROES. Woman's Workhouse on Blackwell's Island Destroyed. A atch from New Y bet i Men for peor that they were and remembered only that Rae were on Wednesday morning when the Tale hie flamed spread so trail ea iia han prison- ood and they bore enter- hey densest smoke Age ‘pubs il pro ing and that ee one entitled to vote sh: mal election provid | | ae Briefs From Our Own ther Countries of Re- CANADA. pane Arthur of Conn will vis nada”on “his*return fro! Canadian apples are nate St in Franc Mr. E, F. Hebden has been appointed General Mapager at the, Mes rehants’ ver a million aa a half dollars were ce by the City Engineer's department during om = ish Canadian Union, to foster petro sentiment, has, been organized Earnings of the Temiskaming Railway trom April 1 to October 31 were a ttle wer $34, Willian. G. ‘Craw! ford, formerly elasst- is Street Collegiate institute, Toronto, is dead. overnment aeciaed toctioig an tion. into yor! pore nes Co. areas ng of St. Catharines commilted suicide. al. Niagara Falls by shooting himself on Saturda; ‘Three: y Sons of Jean Parent of Scoistown, Quebec, lost their lives in a oe es destroyed’ the family dwelling. rong Toronto syndicate, is, un: caw pipes Coba: Se "Bennett, the Brantford Indi an, found guilly of mui will be The “Cabinet will? not inter- The Minister of Railways: will call for tenders for the superstructure of the proposed two-million-bushel ceva tor at Port Colborne at an early date Dr. Haanel, Superintendent of Mines. has received a sample of the first pig iron turned out at the Government ex- ai eanentat bleh a smelter at Sault Sle. superior quality, e opened ‘in ‘Kingston in January un- der the auspices of the Marine Depai!- it ment. Nt is reported that all the departments of the C. operating between Fort Willem and’ Sto John ‘will ask for of wages and re- The en Northern Rai ‘wa ‘ay has re- ahi fa Belght tariif a ean in the ee provinces. uction lo from sixty cute ae a dollar et. per ioprang fe rstood that the Dotinion preset has’ decided on pushin: | the Trer Valley Canal. he yncom- pl rortions etl pushed to com- Be |Bletion in. the spring The Quebec Board of Trade has de- cided to_ sel: its property, in the cat to hat city will be port Rie ude uae vot the C. P. R, and Quebec Transport’ Company At- lantic line the Monsignor Laflainme, the Quebe. Une tn hie penctt on Mle Falls, says that the time will cor vhen the American channel at Niagara ‘alls will disappear and the inla Seven engines were sent over, but sheveanatlian works will be* dry. were not sufficient to save the wo-} Bishop DuMoulin Ae sa pa men’s workhouse from destruction. | {oral letter to Anglican are On op floor this building | diocese pointing out that in aie ‘the v increased ts eubpabe wal placed in liquidation pie the court, ational oe Son a! appdinted jiquidat Ww. H. Cross will eoncucl the inv tigation into for the Government GREAT P BRITAIN. aa e ar of the late S ondon realized’ si 000 oe $100, 000. Rider Haggard ering that it from the couniry to FE should be sent a the colonies, énsus of the ed in one_boroug! lakes of the affairs of the company thi t Henry jeving’s told an English gath- was ‘the people who. came ar os not he a disas London FOUNTAINS TO RUN WINE, And Madrid to be Turned into a Flow- er Garden When King Weds. A London despatch says: Pp says that on the o the marriage of Kifig Al ror Pri Ena_of Battenberg, Madrid will be transformed into a lower garden. Wagon loads of roses, other flowers a we given by the government: for ecoration city. ‘The founiaias i Magia wilt run wine. There will be huge tume processions, in which oe others will take part. 08- students ceremoni bishops and ae NO MORE YANKEE HOGS. May be Imported in Bond and Slaugh- tered in Canada. con in the markets of the United Kingdom ere is reason t be- lieve that inferior United States bacon has been brought into Canada, exported from here to Britain, and sold there as Canadian bacon. x BERRY TERMINAL. Defective Electric Wire Causes 8550000 A despatch from New on Wednesday Ceeinotea, hte walt, "ok immense Union Rai minal a the Ah of West ofeed gor Ripatine at the ries of explosions were heard, and immediately ad the great buildings, fot real a tes fein New cee. at ‘Ss at the be mit Ss trol. ‘The fire started. in a paint, sho in the Lackawanna ing, presunt- ably from a defective Beco aes Ree eae THREE CHICAGO BANKS FAIL. Three Institutions arced to ut wan by Speculation. Chicago, Dec. 18.—Failure of _ the hicago National Bi av gs Bank, and the n, Loopy, all of Chie o'clock this- mornin caeive ee Chicago House Association after a sess! ing 18 es of these three bank- B a a ese? Ba5 25 Se” °3 o ’ ever “authority of e coffers of the united banks @ city. Ata meeting at the Chicago Nation: al Bans this morning all of the ir C. K. G. wiingss igned, ar directors, except M he is no! city, te ie places of the retiring di filled by the selection os members of enjthe Clearing louse mittee and National Bank pxemiere C. H. ‘Bos- worth as directors. Hopes are entertained that {ie genen rove) ae a7 thi 7“ reach the $3,000. a limit. That the capi- fa bee Bc of the three institutions will remain unimpaired is the claim of ca ae gusand. out of work among ten haeeint usually worki a Walsh . Bak his friends iin Redmond, the Nationalist. Tend- er, in a speech, declared iis eonfidence that the present British Government | j oe Would aise Ireland “an tndependent pees Reeth ae a bank vith | 8 y Mr. Walsh. ed a bank safe with other stockholders a large equity. fle tele. Conn. aE alia ‘on hand security id losion was heard a ard : ae away, but the has con- mer Ti vere « ‘oloious Suni Sones hall into The ighthour day, to tak ‘Typbthictie of New York > ha refused to grant the pographical Un. ¢ eight-hour. day, and are prepar sab shot H. C: 2g ime conyert- t ine Renee: 358 oe an ae the prison. made ‘asian chao- extin- nm on Loubet and a bunt. ey -es- anil ite miners* peat e ~ “lor hang out one bank ha cash covering about 4 per cent. of its deposits. ep LIGHTS OF LONDON. ottnoll thought itself most ng an act 0 or more lights. sufficient cotton wicks, om penalty of 4, shilling. Walter G. two children, escap ath in a. fir Williams, his and eae “pupnied ths nyed thi 25 |THE ARGTIC MAIL CIRCLE a ap bane ON" THE ees waters ROUTE. 453 REAM SEPARATOR of sour tnlll, two cups of unsifted whole ~ obyian Rial at GREEN Tea-will prove its superiority over all Japan Teas. Lead Pac&tets only — 4c, 50c and 6c per MB. ESSENCE OF REAL Man is Religions as He Seeks the | ates hed Kien’ A the envelope the ee 21 oe a $25 to $75, according to Teng and ‘ fly stiff, tara the taney moulds on What doth the Lord require of thee men are sig ay efi ad mak oe verley, in Yorkshire, distributes ~ | The National Manufacturing tof t rhe “pail is divided into two ts int 2 sao 8 together marriage oor were instituted s{ Mark in squares ‘and break part when | ere 96 g ier rge pan (I use my largest granite dish- a “ that he seeks the Tite that deals just- pan), and cook ve the pieces ane trans: orysn the head with a wooden spoon night a layer at wood ashes made into pore ‘Edmonton to ‘part Mecpherson is dU arrives at the fort in April | ont toe me th am mounts to cat est, the | Pe ih flour lis ao be laid ea eines when Spon psu a ae . paler sft enough to mold_into | wil siz lati r mingling tn Ui pie. ood roo jom of | any. fi de Ch tiahity can. give the eont a motler for eid fs of US FIND AND FOLLOW IT. ebbing. trifing, and the rugs will wear twice as i ‘north via Lake Winnipeg ‘ind the packet SUPPOSE THAT YOU WERE oe AH ie at Matawa aie gees via ‘Abitibi hha is, ook on the fine a Bre will be ats thoy, f serve this and ah ey history. here will be only ‘on*account of their ts whether 0 7 igs !|__That’s what a prominent e\druggist said of Scott's Emulsion a short iime ; is holy, or fe a ie ori ste aan ae “the of the rauek "etter Pans winter Bea es ine. the Infinite, too deep pene nid 2 hi 2 es the office, the sakODs wherever sacred for expression as piu ay i. GIES merely on ed for a little jonger chal a? use or refer to testimonials ‘in addressing the public, \ |but the above remark and similar expressions ar€é made so often in connec- . {tion with Scott’s Emulsion that they are worthy of |, g vising visionary ‘schemes’ for cou neThe circulation of “apeaiehee anti- okey a neo beat or an pinata He Says the emesis be leah Try- ge sal mould you “Teel enthusiastic over: a papers convey the Tidings at ahs wor infancy to old age Scott's “4 ee of fk regula duties i wi ash nats au ait acti ong os se it in the he| proper and weak develop- ‘Would you a being sent. to the! e}ment, restoring lost flesh sland vitality, and repairing |, , pre: br wah Fs 2 ittle ited butter, , and broil ove ‘ : fou | baby mache after as while te parents. more of a secret than the seein a were "ena ged for general “4 2 a peerres of the pai hi on echt i ner it ibe eaten, hed rine right ae ‘nto ment—the kind ae seal oe ment that cannot Be ob- | No system is too weak or delicate to retain Soak s-| Emulsion and gather sols ‘A short time ago a boy fresh from ry.

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