ble Subseription anata aici _| order. “| Con. ~\fortable frame house. n.. zu aries “| Price $4,400, Easy ter e must have the office, amply large enough to| jn choose and pay for his prains, bruises, burns, sealds sf from pain, bu’ anees fine Bees te heal in about one d the time peunires by the Lee coe a BINS sae eee Sold » = jance aa tele to ill-health List of tarms for sale\ rea, lot 4, con. 13, Mornington, house, ban! at 5 per cent. Must s lot 27, and west half-of lot peat bed on on and straw shed 56x80 ft. ; welling, kitehen flowing artesia aired. Two miles and schoo! 1, five miles from Milverton and six from Atwoo rice half down, balance on time. or other ‘erms to suit purchase ¥, Good mon- ey here for som = ofthe nods part Ba ae ington, being ton iyi Goeth at ns uel oh cod railway, within } mile of the oS MALES of ilverton, Frame house, bank barn, land in splendid Price $2,100, res of the north part of Lot 3, . 1, Mornington, bank barn, com- Well fenced with the best of wire fencing, close to school, 2 m Mily It nice home, bay thle large frame and woodshed ; 70 ac 001 100 acre farm AD East press on. Great snap for some! 100 acres square. south half of lot 12, concession 1, Mornington. Great barn, good dwell- distance from school; rare chance. Price $7,000. A valuable brick house, with kiteh- en attached, and half acre of land Good frame’ barn, own as Carth: age hotel property, suitable foreither hotel, a ‘ore, or private dwellin I also several nouses tor sale in Milverton, Call at the office and W. D. WEIR, Real Estate Agent 3| Paid up Capital niles | R les | Reserve Fund EstaBuisHED IN THE Year 1817, Bie President, Lord Strathcona and Mount ‘ Royal, G, C. rl. G. $14,000,000 $10,000,000 SAVINGS BANK DEPT. Interest paid or conipounded ‘half yearly. Srrarrorp Brancu, E. P. Winslow; Manager & Q C.T.R. Station Store x< Mm Ss Christmas is drawing nigh once more and we pleased to say that our stock of Toys, Fancy China Dishes, Glass- ware, Nuts and Candies is more com- plete and a better assortment than ever before. ——: THE PRICES :—— On all Xmas goods will be to suit everybody. We will be glad to see you whether you buy or not. "RURS! Please bear in mind that our Annual ;|Fur Sale will be from Dec. 11th to 23rd, consisting of Men's Coats for $12 and up, Ladies’ Astrachan Jacket for $26 and up, Ruffs and Caperine for $3 and up, Come early and have first choice. All kinds of produce taken at the Highest Market Price. J. R. YOST & SON Hockey Shoes ondon Globe.) er in a train the other tall” oti sa remarked; “We Ive-story ay vse for many yeurs and has never fail, vin; Chamber- in’s. Cony a ened, ompton of Market. ‘Texas, pe: of it, [ hamberlain’s Congh ciways gives prompt. r le by Public Drag Co Milverton & se shaolraon. wes too cold he. was mindliy 2S ar oes arin Quickly Knocked Out. ome we ae the severe e eather Per Sy. wit and my- grip. ‘al ealthly action of the Ineys which ™ mis por attack of the grip. Bor Public Drug Go Milverton and a =e pREFFER BROS b| Assets at 3st. 1904 | Profits paid Policyholders 117,238.21 iis| Life Assurance in force S it A. S, MacGregor, -WINGHAM=————— BUSINESS COLLEGE Is a High-grade Commercial School. THREE COURSES ;—Commercial Stenography, Telegraph. WRITE—GEO, SPOTTON. PRINCIPAL This is the season that ice will be form- _ing and skating com- * mencing. We are ready for it and have ~ Winter Term Opens Jan. 2 CENTRAL poLE Geet ONT. largest Commercial a shriiber wcnool in che ewes oat Papo ce get good positions. <Cata- ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN,PRINCIPALS CHOPPING Done Daily HIGHEST PRICE Paid for Wheat and Coarse Grains on hand a fine line of hockeyshoes. = -> A new arrival of— RUBBERS Call and secure a pair W. ZIMMERMAN a & 2m Q& a am Q& & & & & & Q a & Q Q Q Q Q Q Q aq J selecting your holiday remembrances SS9ssg9ssSEsesgsggg999999 CHRISTMAS BELLS Will soon be ringing, and you will have to think of We soba Sie of articles which are always use- ful and appreciated — Perfame in Fancy Boxes. Hair Brushes Clothes Brashe: Military Brashes We want you to come and see these and other articles for yourself Ghe Public Drug Co.,.imitea DRUGGISTS AND STATIONERS Atwood 3 Milverton 3 and 3$ Gorrie SISSSSSSSS SS SS SSSSSSSSSS @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Ko @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ e@ PHENOMENAL GROWTH Canadians are not flow to recognize superior merit wherever it 1904, production, 300 pairs per day. December, 1905, production, 3,400 pairs per day. ‘These two lines tell graphically the wondurtut growth in 3, and the demand If your Shoeman doesn’t sell them, HOME OF MERCHANTS RUBBERS J GEO. TELEPHONES—Main 5708 Main 1 E. BOULTER NORTHERN AND CENTRAL ONTARIO AGENTS CHAS. A. DAVIES Prompt attention given to Telegraph, Telephone and Mail Orders. BOULTER, DAVIES & COMPANY Special jobbers in all classes of High Grade Boots and Shoes, 24 as edie WW onto, Ont. | “| Sun Life Assurance = Company of Canada’ Results for 1904 Assurances issued and paid $15,911,904.24 Increase over 1903 1,744,698.77 December, 17,851,760.92 Increase over 1903 2,345,984 44 Dee. 31st, 1904 85,327,662.85 Increase over 1903 9.646,473.98 Mgr. Western woe London. id nage sassasessaesssssssaeasssasse"9 9998 Merry Christmas We Beg to Extend Our Best wishes for A Very to Our Many Patrons assssesesssssssssseessss99gsssss9999999~ “The House of coe CHARLES H. DAVIES unmrep OUTFITTER TO MEN, F. B. Deacon's old stand, Stratford, Ontario Speen Sevavcsseonuscssccvesecesrereeeereraer SSSSSS SSS SSS SS SSSSSSSSSS SS SSSS SSS JAEHAHAAAAADAAAAEDAADEEa eg HAPPY NEW YEAR ’’ TO ALL Watch This Space ext Week Our Great Stock-taking Sale will commence on JANUARY 5th — 3 Wait for these bargains in Ladies’ Coats, and Overcoats, Men’s_ Suits Furs, Etc. away. One more week before the the Gold Watch will be given Bring your pen by January 1st, 2s: 3: SEMEL EMEA SE SELLS IE Se SL ESE eS nL a i SL eS SY AM SY eS W.K.LOTH HATA IEICE AA AEE TIES TS ROSE & DUMART As we give up business after Satur- day, Jan. 6th, we will in the mean- time offer to the public the best bar- gains available, It is to our own best interests that we dispose of as much stock now as possible, even if we sell at cost or a very slight margin above, as we have disposed of the bal- ance of our stock at a little below cost. So you see every dollar’s worth sold now is worth a little more to us than after stock-taking. Space or time will not admit of details, but just drop in and secure bargains at your own price. We desire to convey to all our customers our most hearty thanks for the patronage they have bestowed up- on us, while engaged in business, and feel satisfied that they will receive the same cordial treatment that we have endeavored to bestow, by our success- or, Mr. Charles Finkbeiner. Wishing youa Happy and Pros- perous New Year, We remain, Yours truly, ROSE & DUMART Per W. H. Dumart NITTEPTTTTOVTETTVTeTTOTTTTU ETT TTT eTeTv Pre RITA IIIT ATE AICHE TACIT IER IEA TEAS TEBE IE I TEI IEEE IE TS AEE IIE TS HABEAS XMAS PRESENTS ? Ihave just received my Christmas Stock of Jewel- ery and Novelties, and it certainly is one of the largest I have ever had. you my stock of Jewelery. ing you want done, you had better place your order now and avoid the rush later on. _ present now and have it laid away until Christmas, Drop in and let me show tf you have any engrav- Pick out your Ladies’ and Gents’ Gold Watches Ranging in Price from $10 to $50 SOMETHING NEW! Ladies’ Chatelaine Neck Chains Alsoa full stock of Stick Pins, Brooches, Solid Gold and Gold Filled Watch Chains, Solid and Gold Filled Lockets, Engagement and Wedding Rings, Bracelets (Carmen and Chain), Cuff Links. Ladies’ Gold Guards, a large stock of Fancy Clocks EBONY TOILET SETS FROM $1.50 to $10 Everything guaranteed to give entire satifaction or your money will be refunded. SEE MY STOCK OF DIAMOND RINGS ! P.H.BASTENDORFF JEWELER AND - - OPTICIAN © A Happy and Prosperous New Year To our Many Customers and Friends. —Watch fhis Space SMITH & FINKBEINER _Milverton’s + Leading + Tailors Next Week--+ A Bright New Year TO OUR CUSTOMERS SEES eB HAT the holiday season may bring to you all the-blessings of content, kind- , joy and peace and so freshen you that may the more easily begin the New with cheerfulness and courage, is our t sincere wish. SSSSIISISSSSSSSSS wtie 6 hae LSIGEGISISSSESSGiSSSSSEESISSEsS SUEEOV OREN ERE HORST ECE 8S The Milverton Sun The = bei se pos the Door | The men of eighty -five and Binety years of not the but tl Soa slender diet. Be ascareful a however, a man past middle cna, wil} oeeasionally eat too much o1 article of food not euited to hi stitution, and will need adose of; lain’s Stomach and Liy to cleanse and invigorate his stomne el is ‘Cham- and regulate his liver and bo * en thi: ss “ no -— the wverage, man should live tool sale by Poblis For rag Go Milferton and Atwi Ee RSS Wheat Possibilities of Canada. (Philadelphia Ledger.) ‘The British are evidently looking for- ward to the time when Canada shall meet be the principal source of the Euro- pean wheat eupply. ao eee Five Years Dyspepsia Oured. “No one knows what I suffered fi and was much troubled iness and specks before my eyes, Dr. Hamil- ton’s Pills were just what I needed. TI o symtom of “my. My health i can be desired.” By all means use Hamilton's Pills; 25e per box anid SOE tia Scotch Ascendency. Hamilton i eral. ) mpbell-Banner- ernment of the United Kingdom man, and the THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1605 | A Good Man | 4 ae ver Tablets by issuing one of its a Life or Eni b | H Special‘privileges to Total Abstainers. lets How: Jas. McMULLAN, A SIGNIFICANT FACT There are four Life Companies in Canada which, from + minenee, have long fee son: ed upon as leading all others. Bi Will provide for his family in ; case of his de ASensihle Man Will guard against the dan. eaetep eo The Mutual Life i The Dominion Life of Canada out distanced them all in two very Will Guarantee Safety to Both important respects : (4) It paid’ a Larger Amount in dowment Polici ‘rofits to ie policyholders tham any one of them, ani b) Tt increased its surplus by $10,000 more than the Foamnen in- arease of the four compan The Mutual Life of omede owns 30 stocks, and its assets were there- fore not affected in any way by the enormous shrinkage in values. in cer- tain securities, which occurred dur- ing the past year. W. H, GROSCH, Local Agent ~ |D. STEWART, Stratford, Gen. Agt. Head Office : Waterloo, Ont. Txos, HILLIARD, President and Managing Director. P, H. Sos, \ Vice- ple gang J Presidents. *|Frep Huisteap, Supt. of Agencies. Carnefae Wishes for its Patroas == “A Happy-and Prosperous New Year,” ~~ ‘There are thousands of Users of CARNEFAC in this fair Dominion who write us of the Comforts and the Profits we have brought to them. By the use of CARNEFAC they ars now able to keep their horses sleek and h_althy, always ready for work g mill month e year, their steers go nger, their calyes are a joy to-look at, and their hens bys Abe in January a in June. (Those letters make US happy). This is no idle dream but cold ie facts, and from the far East to the farthest West the shrewdest farmers seni CARNEPAC, they are delighted with it and our system of dealing. FOR SALE BY < ~~ FRED PRUETER DEALER IN Newland’s Robes, are and Black fur sca Plush Rugs an@ all kinds of Horse Blan! Harness of all so1 mn hand and made to order ee promptly aad seals done, MILVERTON .~ ‘ea ONTARIO ation 4 is about to step into the place of power. TRY TO ESCAPE BRIGHT’S DISEASE. Look Well To Your, Kee] Them Healthy Ai aad Incurable Didbeter and Orighe s eine aareyt ase aaa eure attends ae use, WATCH YCUR WATER! Does it smell bad Is it red, bloody Painful and too teautatt Does it dri isco pet After standing 24 hours, if the trine is cloudy, ‘highly ‘colored, stringy, contains sediment like toriek deat, thon YOUR KIDNEYS ARE DISEASED ¢ your svat against the | farther inroads of kid yom" Di, Tamilton's instant relief to the bi raging too ofte: mvinerstod will improve, a medicine on ¢a e 25e per box, or five bottl for 8, atall dealers; or by mail fr json & Co, 1 Cous., A sey Kingston, Pore (. R. HONDERICH & 8 Furniture Dealers and Undertakers We Wish Our Many Friends" and Customers | “A Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year” C. R. HONDERIGH & SON C. A. FINKBEINER GROCER & CONFECTIONER Great Clearing Sale at aie Claus Headquarters HeyiNe SOLD OUT, I must clear out the entire stock in 20 days ; not at cost (but very near it) We certainly have the largest stock in our line to be found anywhere in the county. Plain and Fancy China, an endless variety of Toys and Games at prices from 5 to 10 cents, Leather, Celluloid and Plush Goods, Real Evony Toilet and Manicure Sets, Watches and Chains, Purses, Bags, Ladies’ Shopping Bags, Albums Fancy Work Baskets, Books such as Young Canada, Chums, Chatterbox, British Workmen, Picture Books in paper and linen, Christmas Tree Decorations. Candies and Nuts at Special Prices (ALL NEW STOCK) Fancy Bon-Bon Boxes 25c to 5,00 The largest line of dolls ever shown in this section, the prettiest dolls you ever seen. Prices from 5c to New Mexican and Naval Oranges Fresh Lemons and Grapes Imported We make a specialty of rich and beautiful case goods, the most suitable gift for a jaay or gent, select now and have them laid away for Christmas. REXALL "orp DYES Seas popes ay Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath fare the latest and m Dye ia the world, eye Sram ‘The Pablic Drug Company, - peers! Atwood, Gorri C, A. FINKBEINER ‘MILVERTON, ONTARIO . e : Here is a Chance ! Having put in a brand new stock of . Boys’ and Men’s Ready- -made Suits, also Men’s Oe will start them moving by giving 15 per cent. off for cash for 30 a beginning FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15th, Boys’ 2-piece Suits $3.25 for - - $2.75 Boys’ 2- piece Suits $4.00 for - - $3.40 Boys’ 2-piece Suits $5.00 for - - $4.25 . Boys’ 3-piece Suits $5.50 for - = $4.75 Boys’ 3-piece Suits $6.00 for - - $5.10 KF Youths’ 3-piece Suits, long pants, $8 for as 80, — Men’s Suits $7.00 for ~~ Men’s Suits $10.00 for - uits $12.00 for - Overcoats $10.00 for Men's Overcoats $12.00 for b STRATFORD. aa GTR. va and “Repairing lock Inspecto: :