nt. | i Minates of last meeting read and sign-|on veral commana were read and attende: en wor! ry, seconded by fe a share of bitrators, Ca. “ot & | of sa wi ent aalyects tee oJ. Petrie, s.r. con. 10; 5.00 facing and Buchannan, 5 culvert con. 1 hing and rep. Stevenson, con. 9 Burke, and culvert, ravel; plank; “Joseph Stee . 1a. in taxes, | the fatter greatly delighting the | ttle lone and 25¢ rep culvert an lks. A pleasing feature oaul-|evering was the presentation oy a tle on beaatifal opal ring to Jessie sell & ow. rnett by the school children of eee and nails; assisting en; rain; G. Han gineer Ihmer: law and adising same. eee ae abe i re ys C Road C loumtisione? ship matte ers, as for schools Ir s treasurer Hamilton for the holiday essrs spent last Saturday in Listo Mei I easrs Miss nd Mri Stratford, are "Noliday friends é Municipal pot is again boiling suatle didates are numerou The Christmas tree” and entertai connection w ton Sunday School last Friday even: nt in Bad 17 days Couneil bet: ings and 31 days Ro: me rose G: Lochbead, 7 cil meetings and pale tT. s clerk ani A. M. W. J. raha. A. re-stak’ milton, 2 70 over charge me statue labor refunded part Co. Basra of Health ui Board of ‘ane h Donegan. ee bs Mr. John Carey has purchased Mi: Bult, 36.61, and 10.00, Toeal option, by- to le agi and intends moving “4 George Smith, of Toronto N 5 etings “and .| days Road Commissioner. annan, te a Fullerton, 150. 0 balance Sede 3d. 30, | ing was well Morte the ta amounting to $25.0 Th consisted of music ‘tritls an tions by the child Shade, 5.00, sted in thei No.6 TRALEE for same; Miss Sybilla Smith, of Glenallen, is Visiting at her home. | Mr. Jas. McCauley from Washington Sta Miss. Lange has gone to spend a vacation at her home in pee returned re sorry to report the illness of the infant child. cf Mr. and Sere mal Sehool, is spending the holidi with his psreut "| dwelling, centrally situated. Hard and soft House and Lot For Sale! A substantial and commodious solid brick water, good stab! wen in January. Apply to JACOB KELTERBORN, Milver- Girls to Learn Dressmaking. anted, girls to learn how t© cut, fit and Bibra iat in dressmaking, shirt wai from the plainest, abora ¥ persi meat my appartments Main Street, Milver- ton, MRS. W. CHALMERS. THE ANNUAL MEETING Mornington Agricultural Society will be held ig Donley's Hall, 10th, 1906 WEDNESDAY, “JAN. a MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND R BAKERY Buch- Fesh Fruits Arriving Each Day: As the holid: we are putting forth greater efforts ner; rate bills than ever before. Our aim is to get the best and freshest Eady for your Xmas son is drawing near t Synopsis of Canadian North-West Homestead Regulations bered_ se Manitob ion of Dominion or, the North-west ot re n of 16 **Botey may be made personally ‘at the local fi in which the lai cake, we rants ¢ Robingon is home from ee OM New Raisins . Glenn ane: y New Dat New Figs Henry. spent ¥ Mr. en ttie Dowd, 1 New Walnuts : Eeup boing the holidays at her New New Almonds mpbell, of| Cranaes New Filberts visitors with} Highest Prices Paid For re. Produce calls from a diffierent can- ith N. Morning- Lemons iH. MOHR> and off ce for th si align, Winuipee, Or the loca thority for some one to make entry cd to perform The homesteader is rea rewith under the conditions connected one of the vollowing plan ‘siz months’ residence upon of the land in‘each year for ars. the father (or mother, if the father is ved) of the homesteader ‘resi farm is the vidluity of the land the requirements ae to residence may be sat- isfled by such person residing with the father or mother. (8) Ifthe settler has his permanent resi- gence upon farming land owned by him, in ¥ of his homestead, the require: satisfied by ould be ritin, ion iutention a opel toe W. W. CORY, ister of the Interior, E Seeh. PET eS She Sis bike hd Sk Sd Si n, seus central, wea joomec 90d Bath, $2400. ode orn 7- Roel odes Mod cellar, central, $2 aoe $1600. nomed Frame ood cellar, $1200, ode rn Brick ms, fine location, House, aes Ame ttage, ; ae House, good cre of land, ick +House, location rame — 7-Roomed food cellar, $1500. rick 7-roomed House , good bath and cel- snap, $1700, Roomed Brick ellars, $1550. Roomed Brick House, mod- é Solid Brick tigeee gee Hoe good renal House, 8 =" | Real Estate Agent k House, Mod- carefully and correctly drawn. particulars, write or call and see = REL EB I) A Good Is your best advisor when you wish to pur- chase property in a city such as Stratford is. There are locations particularly suited, as ei quiet, residential sections. Other lo- cations afford chances for inv: estment, etc, I am in a position to advise you in the respects, and as the properties here advertis- ed are only a few of what I have on my list for sale, you can surely be suited if you spend a few hours with me driving about the city. READ THIS LIST CAREFULLY and if it is your intention to buy Stratford property during the next few. months, ar- range to come now, It costs you NOTHING to see these prop- erties and may profit you much. DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND AGREEMENTS" For further ZEO. WESTMAN Estate Agent and Auctioneer, Stratford He eerrry Teen ee ee A 7-Roomed Frame House, good garden and fruit $1000. A New 7-Roomed _ Brick House, good bath and cellar $2300. fs aks atts ats cs ats ate ak An 8-Roomed Frame House, gee repair $1509: A Good Frame House, $1300: A New Brick House, 7 rooms and bath, $1800, A Fine Compact Residence in the finest residential part of the city, $3000. A Brick House 7 Rooms and bath, good cellar, $2500. A Frame House, 6 Rooms, in good repair, $850. O New Brick House, 8 Rooms good cellar and bath, fee A New Brick House 7 Rooms and bath, $1800. A. Frame House, Good Lot, good location, $600, A 7-Roomed Brick House, good cellar, $2000. Frame House, Good Location 2-Story Brick House, 7 Rooms cellar, 2% acres of land and good stable, $1800, with privilege to buy more land at $70 per acre if desirec. A 2-Story Brick House, Cen- tral, witg,gvod stable. a naseascnscneneeneeensess “Fadel bul UG” £ UU uE 31 fala a BEEEEEEEEEE EEE EER LEE EEE EEE EE he MEEEEEEEEEEE EEE ESET EEE EET EEE ESE SCHAEFER & WHAL for their kind patronage during tht year now closing, and trust they will to wish them, one and all, A Happy «4 Prosperous New Respectfully and thankfully, y' obsdient servants, EEEEEEEEEELEE DELETES