Milverton Sun, 4 Jan 1906, p. 4

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Messrs. Rose & Dumart at a low rate on the dollar, we are prepar- ed for the next thirty days to sell stock of spring goods. The en- tire. old stock will be cleared out, bargains will, be given. Stock- oe will be completed by Jan. goods at very low prices in order to make room for an entirely new | J. McDonald, Sovereign Bank, MILLBANK _ ‘Phe Orange Concert held in Mill- ‘Eiteesteh ELEN Ls RCE RY BS ET RR? PRS PR BP ee ience, ‘The cantata given by the scholars exhibited much painstekyog” and ca Seki tig 08 Ni task ot Os ences oat Grace Church Sabbath School as good reason to feel proud of the enviable position they ‘occupy in provid- ing-such excellent concerts, The -con- ter titi parte oe eee sustaining their past. reputation, The proceeds amounted to something over $40. - House and Lot For Sale! A substantial and commodious solid. brick welling, centrally sit situated. Hard and soft ater, good stable: gfew fiuefruit trees are also on the lot, Possession given‘in Jam Apply to JACOB KELTERBORN, Milver= ton, Ontai Farm hse Sale. “Phe south halter lot 30 and south half of x7 ched Kithen and w. voodshed. well"drained. - Dri Fare chance, Price $5,000—$1,000 down balance at £14 per cents: ADphy. W. D. WEIR: Girls to Learn Dressmaking. ‘Wanted, girls to learn how t? cut, fit and nit “togethier everything. fn dressmaking, mi from the plainest shirt waist to the most laborate dret t the use of paper pat terns. Be taught in two weeks, System and fall course of lessons OS Jan. 22nd. son wishing to take this ‘course, sec nea © at my appartments Main Street, Milver- MRS. W. CHALMERS. ‘LOST ! A brown water spaniel pup. Finder will be suitably reward- ed by returning same to Mr. ce E - ~ e 4 J E EC 4 - S 4 - - - = ~ S 4 E Ee - = = ~ - = 4 - ~ E E 4g E - MEP EP. EY BS Ee ME ES PES ME PE BP PES RY i Ee MES OE ee BP MG" OS BP ES ME Ge EP MR PEP MEPS? EP NEP RY IR Milverton. THE anne a ae Mornington. Agricultural Society will be held in Dontey’s Hall, fewton, on WEDNESDAY, JAN. pos ants at 2 o'clock p. ma when of t ming year willbe and other bunk fess transacted, large a dane. ten 4 J. B. WEIR, MALCOLM MacBETH, President. Secretary 5 &e COMMERCIAL * —_ eo Munverrox, Dec, 14. 19054 .¢, ee wheat Fae bush $ 7 78 io ey pe 40 40) 33°88 65 Boe e- | SSSEoSBSSes oer Ge SSSSSroSBUSSH we ss & flo Shocts, per ton, || Synopsis of Canadian North-West Homestead Regulations ANY even numbered section of Dominion Tapia tn Manitobe oF, the ‘North-west and 26, not reserved. may be homesteaded be any person wh the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 yes ‘o the extent of one-quarter section of deres, more or Entry nade personally ‘at the local land off ce for the district in which the land is situat e, homestea res, ay, om the Minister of the Interior wa, the Commissioner of 1 migrati innipeg, or the local agent re- — for some one to make entry or hi esteader is required to perform the Conditions connected’ therewith under me of the following plans: MG) At least six months’ residence upon Sai cultivation of the land in each year for sfled hy person residing with the father oF (B) It the settier has his permanent resi ten jotice in. writing should be Dominios “and at Ottawa ofintention to apply 2. olde vide olde ee ole olde ode obs ode ole ode oe ode ole ols ole ode ole ole ole ole ole ols ole obs ole ole ole ode ole.cle ole of Deputy of the Minister of ihe taterior 2, cde ode ode ole vba ede cle ede ole cb nS OES ER EP ES EY Ee Bt BY e" eeerrrrrrrrerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ss '¢ SCHAEFER & WHALEY i COME, DEAL WITH US WE WANT YOUR TRADE EFORE THE HURRY of our Pre-Inventory Sale takes place, we want to First’ say a word or two to our friends and we take this method of doing so. for the many favors of our patrons during the past year. Secondly, we canno emphasize too strongly the fact that we want custom. ~ In these days of stenous com- petition after business, it frequently happens that profits are overlooked in the race for trade. We plead guilty ourselves of quite often throwing profits to the winds for the purpose of making it easy for you to buy Of course, we could not well do this on everything and all the time, and you would hardly expect that. But you will always find here that we See have a sufficient number of lines at low prices to make ours an attractive place to deal at present. We are making it well worth your while to shop right here. Highest quality at lowest possible price, is our maxium and has been from the first day our business was started some ten months ago. Our business has increased week after week and we are now in a position to take less profitsthan ever. Smaller profits and quick returns, and a larger turn-over with same expense makes it pdssible for you to share the profits the coming year. Come and take a share in the profits of our business without the usual attendant risks and your rake off will be commensurate with the amount of goods which you buy. To our town customers, we are pleased to deliver your goods free. To our country customers, we would say, that when it is not convehient for the men folks to come out, we will only be pleased to have your horse putaway andin any other way try and make it comfortable and profitable to trade with us. Here’s a Small List of Our Offer- ings This Week: Ladies’ Trimmed Hats 5 only Trimmed Hats, regular values $3.50 to $5.00. Special to $1 00 $1,00 | 256 clear 10 only Ready-to-wear Hats. These are wees hats, new Spe up-to-date. Regular $3 to $4.50. 1 Specia 20 only Ladies’ Trimmed Ready-to-wear a UES s Hats, guiar $1 to $2.50, Clearing at each S A Big Special in Ladies’ Fancy Collars We cleared out a lot of Ladies’ Fancy Silk ue Chiffon Collars at just half price. We are offering them at a big saving. 6 dozen only Ladies’ ae aus and Chiffon Collars, regular 35 to 50 cents. Special - : - Si i. 2 ee Stee 19c, Our Pre-Inventory Sale Watch this pape for our advertisement next week, This great’sale will com- mence on Friday Morning, Jan. 12th. This will be the greatest sale on record. Accounts We have all the accounts made out for the past year. We would kindly ask to haye them paid by cash or note on or before February Ist. |ESCHAEFER & WHALEY LEEEEEEEEELEDELEDEEEE DEERE DEEEEEE ER EEE sc ssccste acces sandessarsseensan tec oie ae ¥ EEE

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