derstand what to | see that door? Tt leads maine fais 2 fae son ta the highway—that is your through Grim’s, for you, and pupabe ould have said, had a understanding bet leads directly through Portal out imto the lawn, "Th , drew his tablets from his mae tore a leaf is il, laid the 7 corner of tel. few lines, folded the ve Fea mth stig Heatonsaty no en SH Peat it, dearest Thurs- ng t of Mrs. Waugh s Phat 3 , then— “Do have pity on th eal Fie won were Suddenly cut short o plly on the fools, and go, w a That of Tauston Mrs. and without, laughing, if i : went to met the eialipasvpoaa burn: gies on “felp i, ing written, took up his game bag ne gun, ‘And ruled a ew laid’ the trophy eet. Stabe! will you please ta aie es Interesting Gossip About Some Promi- - nent People. The Shah : | table on which either salmon or lobster re placed, f capacity of belt ope a, he ae omportinity “of anise ut, et ata eae te will travel miles Doug Powell is s Physician 1@tra- ing, oe exalted. station trom the hum- ‘art. ‘show as ety sis “Jacqueline: _ And 1 And the party which he believes will be rice. * eturned fo power at the General Elec. my YePhets teotatater and non-smol ce mperor of aap is entitled 10 be considered the most aristocratic of fhe. Great thought he had conquered the ‘gain i Thurston's words were sud- wi viata ‘that my Beart has not ortured—t ane down mh vite os emphatic bib *'Henttta was A pleased to | 80. otle ae husband; the Rev. this ic ue cirstion iv happy, but hs only, as Mrs. alls healt gave say, and she died inthe following t/ te of the best decorated men in ty the ‘commodore thumped down | under d S|his stick and left’ the room—the im- ion. going 2 s (To be Continued.) —_+ PERSONAL POINTERS. of Persia will not sit ata we M. Rouvier, the head of the French Saaee Office, was at one time in i flesh. te evethers not onty {eke more, food to mbs, but they ce he foot ate pect a ‘Pouna of ga fh This is a Wholesa! an one in the if he hears of a a position ee er erent isa stan ich Men. rafteni J *heiher the aaa therefore, — in bs than in purchasing low grade the fl t 2,500 years ‘as ne 300 years before Alexander “ie of you that the|49 cent | Mia 15 a inet ‘descendant of thelr eae Abou ic} é Fis esick ttt. oi Bee c = 6 we in the work. pertant of those diser wri Quality as used here has reference 4 tie capacity ec) c gait It will be influenced mn in wethers. The condition of the animals at ftme of purchase is important if pur- chased by weight, It is more profilabl. ever, Por the pecve a eck Fossil re development, because condition, It is usually futur vf its lean jaa ther ‘ma? nutrition ae een oldest que in London—so far <s| weth on Tr veal is a great favorile}alone has mad aue, is spown a ae the bese profitable than the feeding of eae id his a ke he - extended the General's ing wer aoe the command of the Imperial | mand res at all the Russian Royal resi- “Shirle; islikes exercise of all pris since then ‘it is. Bean’ gis it in this form, Beavonntokta of life, fess isk oa bh meat sells more readily in 1h> . ‘pages than wether meat, ana: usually in he was Ore yed in osre at a price ey high Be ting down riots in Moscow, and he shot pare oe ne. argin hee the Pri lambs. a “eonsideraiy more in oe change eee ees on until a point is eached such instances, fause he suffered from rheumatism. teen urease! very che: . ean t It is pays: the meiner best also to sell} oi nbs. wethers as He «can past ; Wel.) FEEDING SILAGE TO MILCH COWS, flow own ay ones to the Z the Prince is the least mili- had 4 silo paps the past 11 d men; he is well dressed | ears, w Pwrfies is B, ots The first the make tatit'e good ee it cut. The | se rola more, and Py Ais ye AS +; +e eeeaas t the Farm? am — spent long years ‘in| not aj | ar g of sheep oF lambs toni r obtained from feeding lifferent conditions. The adel Eg 2 g Be Be 28 3 3 ‘ites Prof. Thomas Shaw. of the purchasing low in a Mgbeooseraen ofl w Ww of ani- 50 abl ‘consequently the original weight of ing peter increased ents during the | ae selling price a than of wethers. Whea price when bought, an however, ee ewes have twenty-on2 30 pretty certain that s. e ture a ewe almost —as| cheaply a5 welhier. The ewe will flize lim a fleece 1 that of the wether end will also furni 2 no wi besis m badly frosted will fter mil ee ee eee ie mil ee is fed ic ihe dry stock twire 01 ees ss, WAR PREVENTS NATION'S DECAY. The Changes in International Strate; Reviewed. " hat that which calls ae more food | well Teiatively in| proportion to the gain nade the pee the snimel is. This ved merous experi- ch inged ments, including one conducted by the writer at the Minni n. ference of our ey cites, but to ithe Asiatic the ai Itt a f well-| behi trained raiiteey. men, it to fight by land | ¢ |e Thames her ankle. th pate of the Tithes, which latter ies damages et Lambeth ue in other day. slurred. chit bla Theory rh ca by a London is thing if I would meet it o1 eisertion were plained a De Ge in Pa in big writin’ on the black- oe a compulsory retirement fi “rom | pfotessional eo set up which culminate in mental of nature are improve on natu “tt with oe eyes, teacher,” said a Ti “air im the class, w is that, pele he asked. ae “nature thade ‘me she fa “and the doctors fixed my eyes | arr th is the best that can be said orn inch peel =| shipbutder, cs Sey eI MERRY OLD ENGLAND wens (BY MATE anour si JOHN mercial World. For tethering a wounded ro it stake to scare away pies ee Ino. s fined ibs "Shal akeshaft, fe “Coventry dis jJover by a Brake and killed, rest oe}. The . “dumping”. of Yorkshire and , | Midland coal into Lancashire a now or s a hair-drawer at ae 5 ‘Sulfos, Elizabeth Fenn, 37, suddenly developed ee be . er. loctor named English, at Manchester Coroner's ag, [he was Irish, asked that he ‘ight y [allowed to take the Scote a .W. Garon aie be ju Rak Wied ay es a family of $ ears” service as town cl} - Linea, Mir, JT. i is. pariralt, tobe paioled re inte Jobn se | Mill, seri about 2.5 ted by his step~ da ie iss Helen Taylor, to Som Cage Oxford. ee Was stated at an inquest at Brigh- pe workhouse, tha 165, was aor Sh pointhent! ae sparetal keris nation é {that he fell dead. 1 ar’s awards for ntly the Leeds coroner Sey TIME TO QUIT. a A janitor of a school threw up his job When asked the trouble, bar honest, and I won't stand bein, ing | It If 1 find a pencil or a handker- 10 cowardly to face me will give me A little while ago 1 see wrote on e greatest common divisor’ “avelly 4 says to mysel. both of them things ‘are lost now, ed Til be of takin’ ’em, so I'll ‘ (ites SEEMED TO HAVE HIM CORNERED. z| spend the. aes of their existence in idl the number ot} re in | te, | wethers and lambs. iiativeis that have =| ut after an intra al of ahieen months, fed. TI mbs aria! i Bronte married proportionately h corease | in, the aicong ot | ti m the farm, at least, ic be] bi 80 with everything. =Pobert P. Houston, M.P. for eth, Liverpool. who, it is said, al. i ean for the Amerien Cup next san engine }| principal owner of the Houston Line of steamers to South Ai ica. jecurrences the Laie a Reigns Pane in the She abialny =i oun! Every little st common multi - ugh edhe, sting is sill sharp, i je the needle work: superior tot cae \- arin; urglari kafiled the ingenuity of the abe fe served on | don ‘Tit-Bits ‘h Other—Interesti Cases. td os champions ag es gz 3 2 = 5 & e s instructive story is poche’ IS price of marrying his cook. The cere- THE aracit CONFESSION SCALED AT THE ae moon, he tock me to his home and to itis to be feared that such misrepres- entations as these are far from wncom- mon, and that in a large a cas marriages are procured by “falsa pretences” which cannot feil to bring DESERVED PUNISHMENT, a case which is within the: wolers knowledge. ge his matances which had a tragie: pees the daughter of a Wi te clergyman became the wife ofa a. andsome, eres man Yes ae = Havin boarding-house. He prof Perino Army ons of porate ug the match was regarde pag 26, bride's frien as ‘ingularly orn inate: one, For a few monibe the zoe ee i was unable to explain to ter ete From one of these ab- sences he failed to return at all, and r a peri learned that her husband —\, under est_on a charge of being concerne: a series of burglaries. He was sen-. 2 ven years’ penal servitude, for VIEW MASCULINE. “Women,” she rotested, “do. just os. oe as think ed MATRIMONIAL — VICTIMS MARRIAGES imate nna FALSE? ROUTING OUT THE REBELS Brides be Bridegrooms ‘Who Deeeive: ing matrimony - does oceasionally, lea an disillusion” is a fact be = of a certain 'rench count, of ‘whom ‘this mony hag duly LIke apt at the Mairie,. ang turn home the count ie it bux bride to felch the 2 2 he ticket, Then ci that the ticket was no longer hers; she: had, given il to her cousin, the coach i impos- | Sible-to: ascerlain. the numberof killed oats J or wounded, but many v0 be OSS (OVER $3,000,000, kilied, and hundred wounded] A despatch from Moscow says: Sta- had a glass eye, of which the pelitioner ‘} was ignorant’ until her Ne side street, and was twice fired upon be- y Czar was eins be ASE 1. Trust: bewitanville came out in evidens that i ha wooed the lady at Blackpool in the chare base Seni agli with an ai imple in~ come. was no wiser," the Ta stated in is unt after the honey- REVENUE FROM ASYLUMS. “Aarge Increase in "Receipts From the ey os ‘|| LARGEST BANK IN KINGDOM < gross receipts: a ie Provinela i al PP ‘but they spoil the- aa by dies Cie thoughts eh Gen. Doubassoff Calls on the Peace-|* ful People of Moscow to Aid. RIOTERS. DISPERSED. chief conspirators are two students, e army officers, have been trcops and police the resistance of the|“"Ty"Diot was discovered by one of the surgents in Moscow has been shatter-| cficers losing a carefully neo fae cf the Tsarskoe-Selo Palace St. Petersburg correspondent of and are flesing in disorder. Many of] “rho exe been, fie » ond the! the London Times, denying rumors that their u Though organized revolt has been d of ali his resources to i vide ; oul ‘of this terror to hang over the people during the joyful Christmas festival. 1 have, therefore, en positive orders thi Christmas (next Saturday). according to the Russian calendar, every quarter of the city must be swept clear} yy agemMony OF “RED SUNDAY.” have called on the peaceful part of the} A despatch from Be Peters! or wing to the com- mel n distress and the teroruuinary propaganda, nig ot eianalily KILLED ‘ gramme. All that is thus far known $ that they are planning to turn the anni- A despite from Riya, Livonia, Rus-|yersary of January 2nd. (“ un sia, by courier to St. Petersburg says) day"), when the most serious rioting in but $,000 armed forkmen before day-| St. Petersburg geeutred,,tnio a day, of ber factory, and the military, as th nessage is forwarded, are. bombarding ins Seeetiae and. theatres the factory. The revolutionists» killed he street car and the policemen who were guarding the! railroad services will be stopped. -Re- building anda detachment then crept | qui “A AleBen ad rocessions, in which the workmen will will march “o paper will be and wounded eleven others. One man excont willy black! managed to escape, and gave the alarm sed to make a gi- to the troons, two pees of which | gentic, neatly qasnitea ation, but if with artillery and six quick-firing guns,| they altempt to carry i out the leaders arrived at the scene a ta on In the if meantime the revolutionis| thrown | pitate bloodshed ie cae: pee barricades and a terrific. fire was} 4 private eae eon Ufa, in Euro- ned by the troops upon these de-| nean eae says that the Governor has fences ne el pee ie sae fess assailant was arreste, have ares eet carried to the hospi- oe place the pecuniary loss by the ke that has just come to an end ot 25.0 ‘The soldiers are almost insane with Bt ritory in ue ae se located has beet nel dof hy PLUNDERING COUNTY SEATS. t guaeds who: threaton’ to kill -an approaching. The Contesoondent dada <paae Stel plete huniy Aa ane intry s setting fl ire lo mi Rouse ane. iy Baltic. ae of Estho. tore he had an opportunity to explain. PLOT TO MURDER CZAR. A’ St. Petersburg Sect to onan themselve under Mo und y aby Bie date aj ating Aa plot pure ks and infantry in ing ie eapiass: il HORSES DESTROYED. NEW LOCOMOTIVES. ‘Outbreak of Glanders in an Ottawa} 7#¢ Grand Trunk Ratt Orders ieee yrastiie) arnt -one i ‘Bs For some| ,.A despatch from Montreal saya: The time past the existence of Bee in| Grand Trunk have: pias to spend more than a million dollars by placing the S| placing thes atsble of Joseph Landreville, Sparics| following exceptionally large orders for Ottawa despa {teen Richmond compoun entes polldated engines, Eo omptive & Machine Co., Montreal; six Richmond compound di inion, Inspector Morse: ‘destroyed | Co... Montreal: six Richmond Co ichmon eleven horses, which showed symptoms ‘oronto; 40 Ri d- compoun sett sana to | a ay cae th eee f fachine Co., Montreal, making n all St ‘ment ‘allows only’ $50 per head tor each locomotives, 20 of which are passenge ole al killed, while the eleven horses away ae were worth on an 2 y se 61 sea eneine, As the Tapas: ievemcs $150 eacl ne Paying Patients. A Toronto despatch says: The reven from paying patients asylums for {| Balance Due me ed is Ten Million i te Seow Aeshicn’ favs! At the an 3 nual meetin, las yin December. During the four| Ban Ghassan, eaten, ovo a id for the first time is ae bunk’s History the balance due to de en itors hi reached ten mi ti The increase is largely “due to a The bank was the lar; oy of its ‘the systema! atic plan ol salen collec-| kind in the kingdom. No ee than tions. trom peente able to afford it, of}one hundred thousand dep patients. w! ‘ oer ery ten aioe at their credit. Glasgow de- ‘their maintenance, and from trustees or| pcsitors had more at their erat Ese ‘guardians of patients who have property| Liverpool and Manchester com! adi . ——_+—_ Ea ei ceoe HOUSE TO MEET MARCH 45th. RECEIPTS WERE HEAVY. Federal Government tire Fixed Date of 2 Ses: icial Secretary's pie tiga Made “w Record in 1995, A despaich _from Oise Says: TI De A despatch from Fee says: The call the next 's Depaninent to the ry m: the net receipts eu artillery officers are implicated. The Pioaie 1 “ondon ot the intention of Him mneictecl it would be necessary before real vefors rr away. mich of he trash and litler left by his Fy | Spreads Wreck City no doubt that the LESS LIQUOR WAS USED. Decline of | ‘Over 360,000 Gallons Con-| sumed in Canada Last Year. oe ey i from Ottawa sé cise ns just issued, hyn he the goat or Seiten “liquor col pete oo ction to tt chips an er. During the ne fiscal year ai 380 gelians, valued at Ronit 126, mnsumptior com- entered co) cat with 3,481, 287 gallons, ae the value $6,656,602, in the previous twelve paved for the last five years being as follow 1900-1901... se =| There were 90,140.07 gallons, mamulac- tured, being an increase | of 3,004,085 alion: olatics Ae the. fragrant weed show signs of diminishing devotion, for in the last fiscal year 8,115,00434 pounds cf tobacco, 6,708,800 cigarettes, and. banat smoke. ared with 1903-04 this is a gain of at: a y' (}pounds of tobacco, 4,522,309, cigarettes, nd 5,739,266 cigars. SROAE SY BES: TO STRENGTHEN ARMY. British Secretary of War Has Been (iiv- e m Free Hand. despatch from London says: Rien and Burdon Haldane, Secretary of War, peaking al a free trade meetin; sday night, said it Was ye at at rat SOS fu is imone al decessor, H. O. old-Foster, but sui! at the former Sona bad net Leen given a free hand by the Untoxist Gev- es tary Haldane ‘said 4 . was: Ss ee the standard of comparsm cf tie military needs of Great aria was ti compare the hai ee plus been shot and severely ‘wounded, " His itt P 313 ee urs a Oa ie RUT TORNADO GEORGIA. of Albany. Albany, oe , despatch says: lornado of terrific force passed over Albany at on, y oreaing wreck and igs tc a over portions of a dozen blocks. Sever persons are dead ani nth bs hes wa die »s Albany have not been received, led by a blinding deluge Ol rding angie sind iaiiea a rien i struck the Thair place, south-west of the city. where it killed a and —+4+—— SURROUNDED BY SHARKS, The Tragic ion ee ot Three Keone sae F French Pari: stroyer tis cracene into. pen ta the cole survivor of the steamer bula, which ol ey rounded by shai bee and eventa ally E sen went mad and drop him into the sea. — Liset finally risked the sharks and swam ashore, — STEEL PLANT AT SANDWICH. May be Commenced i in Spring--Options e Renewed, Sandwich, Jan. 3.—~ led Slates Heel mpany will complete ihe purchase Com} S| th the property it has ‘undér Splloit here and build the $10,000,000 steel Bist talked of some months, ago. Mat options have renewed. ai ieee ption. that. the location. of the docks is being | -| decided upon and that the erection of he e new plant will probably begin= a: i ens. soon as spring ops pres on. Lire Toro Boule, 13e; ducks, chickens, 8 ‘a rai live ob, 9 ut i a taust Prem vad and solids at 23% to 2 Eggs—Pickled are selling at 21 to! per dozen in case lots; fr eee, to 2 and new laid at about 350 Che ee cheese, 13¢, at twins | at 13%e p ‘king, to evolve a He teak scheme, aba i not dupladte on selves joc Democrats, are Plundering scripti and Desolation Over i he per Duckie 5 y. Canadian et eut pari cut, “$18 to U Viele now seems Ae 35% to 86. ee ye—Na. ; Sample, 39 to d | 8 quoted ry at 79, eae rgian COUNTRY PRODUCE, ADI thoice sie & pec one and | “this w: inferior suaites, “8178 é at rket Saeaae er_ dozen comil ee tb 60 por ib. lots. of No. 1 pee. rn alana 80 to r fresh killed, al t dic; geese, 9 to i to Wot THE DAIRY MARKETS, Butter—Pound ous ae, quoted at food to 28c; large, rol C5 oice dairy bs 20 8 10. este American is steady at 50 to 50% for No. yellow on: track, Toronto. Buckwheat—5t to 58 per bushel. Reerte 2 quoted at 70 to Ticat out- acy y. 1 ‘Northern al 86c, and No, 2 Norihern t 830, *"Oals--No. 2 white are quoted outside | as % Basley-No “2 quoted at 470; No. 3 6x: and No. 3 at 4c at outside Pa 2 quoted at 77 to 78c_out- a rn—The demand for Canadian is tals, aL AB to Bow our Ninely per cent, patents for ex- port quoted “at $3.10 to $3.15 in buyers’ lhe’ bran, in sticks, $17/t0 | (he 817.50, ond shoris al $18.50 to Sit. - {Jap picked, au to sl 80; primes, "108 ws $1.70. Honey? fe 8e/ for ape heh and. at} thy are quote at ee to $9 on ‘oaks here, and io. 2 at $6.50 to $7. Straw—Car ae quoted at $6 Fs $6.50 | 6 stock, 70 to. 750 per 0 per bag on} arc Do she and stonion a 19. Gredmery prints sell/at 25c, ~ HOG Propucts. Dressed hogs in car lots are bls us $8.25. Bacon long clear, 10% ai Jb in case lots; mess Bae’ $18; ne i be 505 t torme- hams, 3 do., et ie to rolls, 116; ai 10340; backs, 15 to 15%} breakfast trols, 4 to pee ie market is any a. prices ia fee We 10}; tubs, 10340; pails, 10%. res, BUSINESS AT VED EEE: 1 pes, 8 straight rollers in bis, $4.10 20; bags of straight rollers being $1.90 nd 6: ing $1.65 to oi 8 ib. elo: vexed 6c, | to. 7c; Canadian. pare Jara. 10% ketUle rendered, 11% to 12¢; ham: 5 42 3c; bacon, 13 to Lic; eeeat kilted aba. toir dressed fogs to dressed, to lots Bey ieaikiie xd, 20c. 3 to ie undrre to Deer ‘dairy, ‘Ontario, bree io 13%; phases an 13e. aes pled No. 2 54% to a May, He usked, LIVE ge MARKET. ket and anoles in all lines is quiet. Oats are stendy at Ste for No. 4, 380 for allow on track, mol} for car Jets, How 8i3 ay to S440 y, | Sttong balers $4.80 to, $20 in bags, ae shorts, a 50 10 $9 per ton on. eo 50 to. $8; clover, $5.50 to clover, Beans— | cel Choice, primes $1.% per “bushel: ‘an ee of 80 Tbs, 60 to lover in severed to BS a to” 2, $6.75 geal stool, 20 oS —Choi ED eee bs ae Bose ed heat—May, July, Sixt No. ? ine, fee: we t Not rihern, 833¢c; No. Flour—First— patents, ‘gind io! 84.00; os cond do, $4.30 to $4.40; first $3. —Wheat—No. Northern, 1, 67. thi weg ae a ey ins d | that 1 rount he quality of males BLY i na great aes very fair, a few extra Ss its | exp) ng pi th for export and thet toeal bute "trade. - Prices wer tes a eines are is wil | tea out all the. |and a; hew Beclared se etch ty ies Ready nue of the Tamsdort of the bain col oman ind 7 | from: jen ria par ai a re hea that Hon. Me ‘Mitneson, | ine Provinciat " eniree ry ill be show ® su ig eNses ns tl Great Basta, ae Broeey the power of ED. ite trated Eh “the Bish “ial ee tor 9 rral pojstvensta’s letter was publish the same as you will ae ean mt ile ean te ie aking seas case; the second is_ ae a hae nae “tenon te Rovels ents se, pete ‘ CANADA'S REVENUE. 574,000,000. use mainly f But’ Over Geers ahite Added to te} A. despatch Financial Department's ee onthe pub- to ee i is to yi amount of $15, Sas tr slready’b een | 85 ile The viatance to ere in ih Gov- and — Post-Ofi et Ae Workmen Meet nan West ‘a an Bsc oe fehl gas in the he Ake : Durand will take up “the e question of tte revision of the treaty, of ai you arn lakes. Then will be leeainesd the ) = connection with the ransmission of goods in bond, and th regulation ot nmigration, A Toronto eae says: ‘The ‘reve: - atario. went for ot as nowt ma all departments have n¢ been pleted ik ‘it may be: found. that | the cel 6 ot 20k | pea Ale Nea got from Protoris. razon | rea eae tal homes | out of On arrival at the w and ref tis is | 3 nsing pro-| enga peti | owe “realy a fo praca fine” Bi i nal Bluefield West Virginia, despaich | Gus ee of ae ina ne Aa every i r a & Rex soap | Pi | vat ord youl coh “1h ing “oon ies three oe pean comes in sacks direct from the for the best soap; beef nine: rear - old.