Milverton Sun, 11 Jan 1906, p. 3

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areas tuivand my looks havebeen hockey shoes. -:- - : travelling public. much in < dull, sallow com- A new arrival of— loa Sptsy ane: you painted. 299999999990919999990999998) WAALS AEE EIN i€ ~The ADilverton S } ilverton Sun .[ccacese<"\§ CHRISTMAS BELLS °? Great : : . | ie Q wilt soon be ringing, and you will have to think of @|#* ra | PLA | THURSDAY. AANUARE TD eo lecti eH = *e ; Synopsis of Canadian North-Wes selecting your holiday remembrances Sto e kk f a kk m a ‘An agreeable movement «f whet @ . a i g - .! pac {Regulations |, els without any unpleasant fest < + f Dominion | j, by ber! Stomac! Q We submit a list of articles which are always use- : x * ae etna a aes Tpablets Tor tae bY | that, my Te S heres | 3 ful and appreciated :-— S$ fi aces, - of wie i3| Public Drag Co. Milverton and At- x ‘ a ae eee * irae ea See ee eS ee Asay ak roe | 4 cal ae tee eed sea = 2 . entry may be made SE eae “at the local 3 @\* We take stock in a few weeks, and in order to *€ sand oft cc for the aletricein wyhlcl, he 1a and Beggars in London. en - Ne OLE. Dieta, | system ol . a Gi reduce the stock in heavy goods, we will sell at Seon Sypucatton rahe Sinister be the ss ater eniasios sur q r} ire Ave his brother, el 4 INE g cost and below in order to clear the same. We € Paty ration, Winnie, Sethe local agent re- (Boston Transcript.) pe a & eel ive hority for some one to mal ake Seatey. ag ‘hol tow DB; | never 2 @e\> do not want to carry anything overin the shape *€ for aia cs a eonen a Te is ealoulated that in | Lasaen ; = jer is. reauire to Rie . aM G\# of Ladies’ Coats, Men's Suits, Furs, Fur Coats © ce i eS ste ‘ea therewith under | mone a] ee bye sland Rie Wie . She of the following Bl ree ‘ ‘ork | was performed by Rev. ML. Wing, | QTaReist vine a Hatton's Pi Q : : @\> Rufis and Mufis. The price will be spot aad calvation oft Soe ne fee eee ae de | acme al ix sola and done, visitng with P. E., of Berlin, after wh Re sci ea ORs We want yon to come and see these and other @|% cash on these reductions. *€ iy ERR fone oemosber ane fates ST on waste. ‘Last’ yenr about 2| friends must always be the most dell- y pi 2 E a articles for yourself. ol ee os ) oe Homentender residen 370% 8 000'perapas were arrested for begging | cate of pleasures. Of all forms of so” & @|% — * Geri a eo gad coc [op dhe trent of London, tt | Gla hays toe ost compete a & @|* Read This List Carefully « fUeaglreneat an fo tides adic | of them were possessed Ot const le; | party ie prba y e y and even Of | satisfactory. It is only su i 2 . Ly | 2 settler has his. pe' dine it bank books showing haudsome de-| short yacations (and on board sbip) highly pecbe that a solution Ss Ghe Public Drug Co.,Limitea : 2 and note the prices < it nig mi aie rea ie posits. that the galling harness of every day ©! pion oF: fe Q DRUGGISTS AND STATIONERS @l 1 Ladi i ' «€ ie Becence Soon tne said Tad. oe es ESSE routine drops complet. oak oaye ry 1 Ladies’ Jacket, regular 15.00, e pri 4 ix months’ notice in. wri jould he Short Stories Retold weary shoulders; ere ‘ a3 Q Atwood 3 Milverton 3 and 3 Gorrie @l 3 « fackes segue 1 0e pals Pues = i tists cone Saris “ae wey cxcane eately trom the myriad | %e : \ The late General Isaae J. Wistar | ttle cares and worries that tle in wa Mie te St Le 8.00, % \ ao SepRa Shae Ad plate eee | for us outside. On,looking back many 0 Saas ah auras aes a Ag aes le SSSSSSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSSSSSS'S z oe mee “ 7.00, = Depety of tbe Miia oe io weet." At he was, condemning | Ge" ys will be surprised to find bow eo | Back stinelt money Esra ‘have | of the old town itself, ‘et 3 “ © “ 6. ee ‘ tee ( cription of war's horrors, he smiled, | most of our truest friendships date y b ye ath Di ee ae sic mr ana fro Sanept oe ryrygrs ae IBANK OF z “ “ “ Bal * (se, man, fe said, Senis married. oun the soon ee eee ees suk pe ae rag medium 00. is stood with her second husband be-| One may go on ets, | Atwood wil ch to communione all this ieee —————— WINQHAM=——— MONTREAL 3. 1 Ruf, regular price 30.00 ss a a Side the grave of her first. ‘Here,’| decade at formal entertainments, and A"? itis See NEES fi new: BUSINESS COLLEGE ovicipaicen iu SREY bak 1819. Stoll 7 f she murmured, a ero lies. "Yo| at the end of that time know less of ie a We esi cade aE sph Th Advatoe, G 3 1 Stole, regular price 30.00 for - a * would not be my husband, to-day, | their real selves than ts revealed BY! guts) bri antes | postage free, to any address, Is a High-grade Commercial School. President, 3 3 Raffs, regular price 25.00 for - 2 %e i have long been look- ack, had John not been killed 8) one short “weekend” passed together +y beens hdsubmerine “Doats, At a 5th Class —Ullda Bay Edna Lavery, : THREE Cl : Putt Sheets sed tease ae Mink stole, regul f Poco sc nitien a thers. Pigs ati the jan rle@'| under a congenial root—especlally f 18 pack as 1802 Mt. a. French n Allinghera, Mary. Bas: | — Have You H Heartburn? ee Royal, G, C, M1. G. gular price 25.00 for - . * | ed upon as leading all others. ercely, be a home where the welcome 1s si0- engineer of note, Drocent o prodeet “ Ree Ss Paid ap Capital ereoorbod 3 2 Sable Ruffs, regular price 15.00 for é *e { But last year An old captain and his oe fer: cere and the berty is complete, and des itt quit, common with people ko, Proven PAINOIESE BIT evan. + g10,000,000| 4 2 Sable Rolls, regular price 10.00 for * ; if UCT arity Peer ear ETE Beiccasceeh sederecactnens ar ene y dors are aero, igestion ia poor. Itmediate a Saas The Mutual ire er, The waiter, with ordertlerable| the trouble to sleep from time to Hime. Mier follows tie use. of Nereiline. SAVINGS BANK DEPT. Fur Gans, Etc., 20 Per Cent. On * | Aer foh, placed A plate of thin, | thee cna chambers.—liot Greg: Stomach is strengthened, digestion is Entocest. paid. or _ compounded hatt| 2 F % I of Canada watery-lo itn a before ench of | ory in Cen S eer pete raat cee pat ee CENTRAL fe 3% 3 Ladies’ Fur Coats, regular 35.00, sale price 29. 50 € | Sree ae tontod te fellow, ete an dle. : to construct, at a | Ae ‘and you'll Bale ‘be, without it i Seis, okacs, # 3 Laeger pecee Lamb reg 12,00 8.50 \ eet eal ne nae ousan ats raruent Fa Ae Why do birds live so much longer |! just @ tunnel bored acoth of sty set below the water, 4 ai cause y of stomach dis- g 1 Fur Lined Coat regular 65.00 ih \ ey ee under his nose. “Soup, sir,” replied | than mammals, which are often a hun- oe Rul vitian rie | order _is ‘conquered by a few doses STBATFORD, ONT. E. P. Winslow, * 8 Sie i $0.00 * ) It paid a Lar ‘ger Amount in|the waiter. “Soup, Bill” (turning) a; im es thelr size? Possibly, among a fol Basler : arise poo Narvillnes SW Os |b ia tcading Ci Wai Ga Mavager| 1 Fur Lined Coat regular 50.00 38.50 | cane s i aiteshalders than any|{2 the mate). “just think of thatl} otner things, because they hav fe beaks py meuns of a ‘han, David Be nes Seong years everyw ere or the ‘ing Commercial an: Sipe 3 I Berlin Robe, large size, reg — “ 7.00 %e \ _ Saat = Here you and me have been sailing | instead of teeth. All carnivorous beasts | ne mip top Pea atend nee arr, Florala oe Marvin Caaheia e 2 » ‘ Gis 1 one y ee Jives an’ never! jecome woak and liable to starvation | abot the sea like so many monue bee lenry Wyhe ae: atany time. ‘i (b) Tt increased its surplus by as their teeth drop out or break. Nek Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy 'y Fs £ Ei Men‘ S Suits, re ular rice 10.00, eats rice. ...7.50 \ 4 i i the Best Made. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN,PRINCIPALS| All Kinds x 3 8 B Zo ee we is ee 4 o ; $10,000 more than the combined in- ae the ci u oe siete eepieginaiee animale tm | Te a - ; oi : s 8 : ip 2 oa ¥ ee o a % grease of the four companies, giment, which he Ganteotled wa acdies ae ie ole oF etacre teen Wid) 208 Pete. : , Po 4 F «| tator. ile the army was restin Cough Retuedy ie Hace Toast ainda: toe ‘ of Repairing! 2 a Ce eee: se * } ane ee eae nada own | Arter Colonel Gabe first te arpuigis | thelr teeth would fail them; indeed, in e Ninety per Sut at of colds,” says Mrs. Cora Walker of CHOPPING : Bia Alois, Bnd p: NeSe atter neront, evangolist wandered in-| Some stony countries old horses have pe rons braces. eonteact consumption ee ” | Porterville, California. ‘Fhiere ‘is 110 Now that the rush is over, §| 2 6 Children Ss Overcoats, regular 6. er sale price 4.50 | fore not affected in any way by ate tn tinp and, approaching the col-| to be killed because thelr teeth are i Boge be the motive paver Hes ed resist tance DS tarieen wing doubt about its being the best. No bring in all your watch, clock @|3f 4 5.00, « 3.90 \ enorinous shrinkage in values in cer-|onel, asked if he was the command-| worn away by cro 88 close to | and res Fee other will cure a cold so quickly. Done Daily and jewelery rdpairing thatyou fl(3 7 Boy Hn : ‘i b 5 tuin securities, which occurred deel ee otticer. | Sbght® ‘snorted. “Old| the tock, Rodents constantly dle from | et , p:| No other is 80 snre a preventive of idk Gk. Alt wiek ia oars a 6,00, 450 -% {ng the past year, Gave,” “what do you want?” “I au| injuries to teeth. But a bird's bealk | construct: ears. a tem us Re pneumonia. No other is so pleasant | ~ : year ; “ 1B a Meus base only A servant ‘of the Lord endeavor- ses 1 Bis the eight 2 of this woul fp a healthy evebei oo mption ts 6 en 's ony, Short Coats, reg 3.00 I a 5 nelther wears out nor drops off, and this scheme by © ther France or dimentt take root. Bat sc there is weal sen ere eee are good) HIGHEST PRICE SE on hare x 6 ‘ 5 if es W. H. GROSCH, Local Agent ing to save the souisof the unfor-| fg it constantly swallows fresh get 0 ‘been it ult to ima- ness ae ach aed ere find e'_prefer' = j '- I have: ja8t te) he camP} iq in grinding food in the gizzard "All tunnel and tube schemes have, Forde any other. The fact is that ee D. STEWART, Stratford, Gen. Agt-|of the —th Massachusetts, where ze ctlarsounatrenet Sy ears aaliatiadioeilln ang oict Paid for Wheat and|f Gold Watches = 2 pair Men's HS Dog Guantlts reg 3-25 for 2 ee aS me Se ete el itaesding. cu ‘0 repairing either. ai toittae, tim atest aimeulty ne “ane after-having once used this ri Femedy _ Coarse Grains dR 2 mbat 7. 2.95 % q men into f righ: i SETI nutrition con ppe as ena: tonand Abwoode pee able beag Co: Milv: an ings 3 “ Wenne “ “ 1.50... gsc HE 1 G Man Adiat ty thundered Colonel Bouali) on tat pecan ter sa da area tood to nutri- | 8 2" ave tase ss ze Z ( A ood “detail ten men for baptism. No the nicest line of i pene ‘regiment shall’ beat| covered flourishes in the island of a Watehes and Rings ever @| 3 The above pricts are very low, as you will no- nine for piety. Se one of the largest of the Canary Canada’s Great Advant Great Advantages. PFEFFER BROS Gok gs over * r his famil ee : con: shown in Milverton. Come in ff] 3% tice, but we are bound to clear them out. If you are ye i; Will pene for his family in group, This island is so dry that not Ts eae Beak zone. If tire : and let me show them to you in need of anything in the above line, it will be in ps ge even a rivulet is to be found within ho Dnglish a ee [oft it cents sbuya 8 box Of tf (Boston Herald) are # “ om bec its boundaries, yet there grows a spe- | Gri French shore. At ‘at all dealers : cama shaving a growth in im- Sun Life Assurance ‘The prices will please. 3x Your interest to look through this stock, “a | ASensiblie Man Hotels Under Local Option. | it belntiet leaves eee ete on ghe Ere migration of a much more homo- VUrahive i narrow and long and continue green the t in, mi FoR HEE geneoustype than that whieh we in kal All accounts not paid b : i : (oronto Globe.) a. Th ot-worth going, Judgment giv eat fui tuantey ars ealoriee = woe tus Ebony Toilet Sets P: y Jan. 15th, will have © Wil, gua against the dan- Tic athine eoabonantha Base ee eos There is also a | taneo y 0 |e one the main those just refer- ; to be settled b h ts e y tant cloud surrounding the t rainage Case: steadfast. maintenance of free insti- mpany oT Vanata e settled by cash or note. of poverty in his a popular yote. on a local option, by-| Sree 4g” ig ae tutions it is distinctly to the advant- We have a few Ebony Toilet ea e old a is anite another thing to which is condensed and, falling in - Judi anon has been | ee out by | age of Canada that her weople are to erent Sets left, which we will run off 9] 3 oe Re 4 mectadequately the situation created | drops, keeps the cisterns placed under idge Barron in the cage| be those, and the descendants of those, Results for -* at cost. Ifyou want a bargain, | 54 % \ T e D 0 i ion Life|' by suchavote. Monday's vote will| it constantly full. In this manner the ight to the n who have bee! * ae nes come in and secure one of the is e m Li] cut off at least 130 liquor patie and| natives of Pierro obtain water, and a8 | actually commenoed on the political coatitions thal Assurances issued and p: fa gibe Ed fe will greatly increase the number of| the supply is limited the population | gide at Langette, but ‘the proprietor Dn er 1! gree approximate to anes Sa ene e i SO Will Guarantee Safety to Both Teantelpaites ies in Ontario Ft which | must of necessity be limited also. died in 1876, and his a ty ease the platntit r brought |and thelr children are to live under for sis, 31, 904.24 Fa ° e 1 ne sale of iquor is prohibited by Law. Saori aaa ca ‘an action to have it declared that|in the future, thus giving a: Increase over 1903 1,744,698.77 p H Baste dortt # € by issuing one of its reliable Life or} tn that tis at will be not a few import- Haa A brid; as suggested in 1949, Ae hee of $157, the ar aia placed | that the problem of Rataianen rill ate: Nn! *. Endowment Policies. ant to’ and yillages. hat fact] «gn ie} twenty years later Sollector's roll under” ‘the | not be a seriously difMfealt one. The| Assets at 31st. December, RIERERE ERECT EICRE EEA IAB IBA IS ; Ht ee Peer conmtiertlon [rails ee ee eee ng in ny po ae hale loridge; Di and W: urses’ Act, | barriers which the io bere aera 1904 17, 851, 760.92 Special privileges to Total Abstainers. | the leaders in this loeal option camp- asked a caller at an insurance office th more p) ‘ P i don to take t o= eas | sae throws in the way of Re migra- Tnerense over 1903 2,345,984 44 aign in the varins districts, ‘The Ae sebte eee report thing appears to have been es a site pane ut at sa acing on.are quite as onerous as those we sie: ae roblem of the barroom may be' ttled “Channel ‘1 G cee aa in eae ug i Prt pad Pleoldes 117,298.21 ACESESSSEEEGSSEEEIHESSESSSESSSESSESSESSSESs oad Offico : Waterloo, Ont, [Pz oma, vots, ut the, more) Tet a a pene Wiens Pun he tl rouoh Pave | oR Taahres tobe, aoe . io mportant pre lem esi iy ing bh C1 te up the country with undesirable citi-| Life Assurance in force 2 “ egy @ f Dnaltae oe of" the" Hotels tie sare ase: 2 bent ich ene ee being we must rest con- zens, and thus far, apparently, it has| 31st, 1904 $5897, 662.85 | & : The House of Quality. @ oe ‘One of the things that has bronght| “I haven't moved anywhere,” re-| But after seven years only a mlle's t pote ne ie, Se eer atat ee pole coneniar ike Increase over 1903. 9.646,473.98 | Q @ Tuos, HituiaRp, Re Rik atten qritir large Joined: tn6 callin. 21 Bae ae 6 he ‘way of excavation é is : =~ ie Ee z ublic is the! change in my residence by painting it | had been mai I tho. nf ‘a| cream of immigration—that is an i Q @ | ; ing Di wretehi ne utterly. villai pi 3 i ‘ President and Managing Director. 5 dy canara ke tee sisal color and putting a chim- peoble: meets posites see A. S. MacGregor, Q ’ ° @ k P. H, Sims, Sop epRTTe localities ‘Phe | B&F fhe’ kitchen ecedl ees Yeareds what alarti~ 3 ‘yare t 6 Dealer in ‘Newland's Robes, Gr 706 icher and posesses larger and niore ‘3 Q @ hy 8. B. Brioker. | Viee- so-called hotels.are often cheap and | think "tbats all, Good day! ed them wi Rugs and all kinds of Bs nor, in iealving judgment, ‘Aivorsifed induetries, fe may drag Mgr. Western Ontario, London. | @) Ul S a V ercoa S \e ee ae J Presidents, | nasty, managed without intelligence, 000 would be : ‘ he an immigration from oy hoes @ f ov. Jas. MoMULLAN, and fornished after the model of a ings. che as ie Eire yin uid tes and aii Flas De pe, bat, eee eae A. apres Stratford, Q @ ‘ Frep Hoursreap Supt. of Agencies. pale boarding house, 1f the| The best things are nearest—breath i Ss sreaD, Supt, -llocal option movement is going to| in your nostrils, Nght in your ak p the, sete Ova Mot the | class of populat fon. Distriet Soperintendant . : > \ =— —— hold its own, there: syait be aiatinst mara AE aE teat, Path shea 3 al y é e invested in the| hand, the path of God just before you. sold'the land to the laintitt before At 9 hotel business. Otherwise thi ben x ‘the amount Pty phases _ EXQUISITE COMPLEXION. iN s g af oO Ss il th ise there| Then do not grasp at the stars, but do Tee eae Te aidoet oe QU H Oo ck ey Q We have everthing that mothers could desire for their boys : a: H. M HR mul sore ae tre ae Solas life's plain, common work as it comes, 1s as a the plain A Quiekty Acquired “it_the System is : 4 RELIABLE GROCERY AND |opinion and’an organized reactionary | Ce*tain_ that daily duties and daily, : ddge ie] Beal by Dr. Hamilton’s|_ A S = @ Se BAKERY movement. bread are the sweetest things of life— Revy, came ie ciriatenie dos sseaet: ot of considerable S W W | It ought to be possible to run a} Lmpressions. 7 Soe eared ueried frst. pal enh wer of Dr. Hamilton's Pills hoes Q Suits That ill Stand the ear and Tear : ieee hotel in 6 Biase Sot oe eae Py OT ORS us BT ol eee Being etormiea' |e a Marae got @ fudicious iat ea 4 . ‘ Z : cali ed ee Q @ Fesh Fruits Arriving|atedtment, Wellcooked and welt | , Went sour learning, ke your wateby | £1 c fons 29 tet in ak 8 ae al “The ie jude: | ang Q Ss b fol imea: inallal - Each D e served meals will always be required, in a private pocket and do not pull it | SUT oy gow it oe pp ve oe E z Beni if, apnea wit revolutionise oy This ie the season uch as boys can give them, in all the newest and most up- @ AC! ay: sun lodging aie ill be| out and strike it merely to ane a — aicaly ‘i Dead eat a 7 sent system of levying diteh | ay es wee Q fceice and CG Le ‘ @ g vi jomad’ Bat all this must be done| you have one. If you are asked w atin phosellegtap ms 2 jee he is altonether likely that oe an, eye a, ctostay. I It is by aritylng E iiatics willbe form: Q to-date styles and patterns ; als vercoats that cannot be @ ig eee eee an sees business _basis.| o'clock it 1s, tell it, but do not ae ‘rains, ae the ter # Saal sale trots netadgustt i blood, a9 thet Q ene ies Solid As the holiday season is drawing near | QweuSoundssoms| = Clatia it hourly and unasked like «| cculd not be used, and the cost was me of the trial qadae: buildings up ti cme insets ing and skating com sold again for such low prices. Solid all wool. overcoats @ fe aia pitsing torth gceiler’ efforts | tue even uotars (tection ie watchm t x . : is ion SAS emcee a in 80 short reine: ee ‘ KA sizes 25 to 33 at $3.75, $4-50 and $5.00 ‘. <5 G | than ever before. Our aim is to get the| vote takes effect, there are first-clas armas, little came of this as ~ | Se " Sir James Watson's Opinion. snc aay highly recom mend Dr. Ham- mencing. We are MY "759 PA Aer ee me = : best and freshest ree ee Kinas | Dovel eenaea ees ieee ess—She's a professional nurse, I th ‘8 is for the com, d in i # , He sa: a that the « eee of all | Miss Laos Porter i cake. ::} every town and village on all lines of Saar Jess—Not at all. What gave ‘pro- 4 Te” tow] eters ready for it and have — | GOODS ALWAYS AS ADVERTISED ! @ every town and village on all ines of| you that idea? ‘Tess—She remarked ; fi plesion, aa ead’ fine litie of Q @ z Now Currants New stage of the local option movement | that she sat up last night with a sick | 4/4 e 4 ere ash a fine line o! ie Rein pémduek rse than the first. And| man. Jess—Love sick, that was all. It hee ag brag eee aii MS @ 2 sual hotels should hold a Govern: was that fiance of hers. sc @ New Dates ment inspection as asecurity to t) el Bs New Walnuts S bs ee RUBBERS CHARLES H. DAVIES LIMITED ye ics ensued aa a a aut SReech~y him | wale he ra . = ar J jow 1S self.” Host—Well, rage I by myself? bat he met ca 3a br Call and secure a pair OUTFITTER TO MEN, ene uignost — =o ees: REXALL ‘ion DYES | auere ain't nobody else pout eeeoredad Silom. Vanttoieg fob aberetel, enmiy F. B. Deacon's old stand, Stratford, Ontario Boars Piss clearer he Midd | Rule oleae Sie dap eg Ag they are the latest and most fi er than he who can bide bis posed Dyeing fn he worlds Heya pockage All | Lavator: having 2 ac 7 When the heart ts won, the under: Va prbtal eek abote he Whiar'a, money H. MOH R_'2 2eeue pave couranz stmnelag Io sully, caglsced. — Sum $4 geo gh Woo sree 1a saatae! Milverton and Atwood ae Gris ws Bi - Bere wer ma 1 SOS: a! : : Q | Aci coRawiE eure ecept_no sub-| or by mail f for Tl ie cl jone Q camare Gate O° Loa, Gat “|W, ZIMMERMAN 3 5959956555555555 955 SISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

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