This Sale... Starts Friday Morning, Jan-° uary 12th, and closes Satur- day Night. January 20th. zen W. G. & R Shins, new Bright, pis date stock, hard soms, regular $1 aud 1.25, sale 85c. 3 dozen only, hard and soft front es regular 75 and 85 cents le price 50 cents. so a lot of joys’ Faney Shirts, eee 50 to 75 cents, to clear 100 dozen W. G. & R. Collars, any style, sold everywhere at 5 and 20 cents, sale 10 cents. Men’s Heavy Wool Cardigan Jackets, reg. $1, sale 69¢ ‘s ie ae te od ‘Shirts, regular 85 cents _ UNSHRON KABL! _ UNDERWEAR gular value $1, sale price 50 sale price 25 cents. ‘ Men’s Underwear 35 dozen only Shirts and Dewars: pure wool, fine ribbed, re- 10 dozen pure wool shirts and drawers, regular 50 and 60 cents Men’s & Boys’ Caps regular 50 cents, sale 25 cents. price 60 cents, 5 dozen Stanfield’s Heavy Ribbed all wool, reg. 1.15 and 1.25, sale $1.00 5 doz. Stanfield’s fine ribbed, pure wool, reg, 1.75 and $2 sale price 1.35. cents. 2 doz, only Men's and Boys’ Caps, Also 75c caps, new inner band, sale 15 cent Shirtings for 12% cents, Dress Goods 400 yds plain and fancy dress goods, regular 50 to 75c. at 38c. 10 Skirt Ends, “Harris Homese noes regular $1 and 1.25 yard sale price 85 cents. Also remember every yard of shee Goods reduced. special values in blacks, Wrapperettes, Prints and Flannelettes, etc. About 500 yds Wrapperettes, regular 12% and 15c, sale 10ct%, 1o and 12%c Prints, sale 8c. 1,000 yds Extra Heavy Flannelette, 36 inches wide, worth ail sale price 9 cents. 0 yds. Flannelette, reg. 9 and 10 cents, sale price 7 cents. Extra 12%c Crums Prints at 106. 12% Shirtings for 10 cents, 25 cent Extra Heavy Cottonade sale price 21 cents. fs y, $4. 50 for $3. 50 ~ $4.00 for $3 00 $3.50 for $2.00 Z Also Smocks, Rain Coats, etc. ‘ata big reduction. itts, Gloves, Toques, ete. ‘i es : 3 dozen Ladies’ Wool Black ” Ribbed Mitts, regular 20 cents a Pair, sale 2 pair for 100 pr guaranteed Kid Gloves — ‘reg, $1.25, sale price \ 3 doz Children’s Toques, spec- ial sale coe 25e. Re dice Caliees Hsien Etnavy White Tingwood aUines reg. 40c, 2 Sale price 25 c 1 only ‘Tapestry R 1 piece Linoleum 2 1 « « ke = Table Linens 1 nee regular 35c for 25¢ piece regular 85c for 60c. 50 dozen Table Napkins regular $1.75 dozeu, sale price $1.25 CARPETS, CURTAINS, FLOOR OILS, Ete. 1 piece English Wool ae 4 By reg. $1 for 80c. 1 pieces. Wool Carpet regular 85e for 1 piece Union Bre regular Ge for Ae 3x3}, regular $12 for $8 50. Ty Velver Brussela Hug, regular $26 for $20, Ends of Carpess at less than cost. Lace Curtains at almost give away prices, ft wide, regolar $2.25 for $1.90. 2.00 for $1.75. 1 piece regolar 50c for 40c. Hosiery Never before ae bigger bargains been offered in hose. Lay in neh serpy 30 doz Plai an ‘Wea Hose, size 5} to 9, reg. price 2 pair for 2 15 doz Ribbed Worsted Hose, reg 35c, sale price 20c. Big values in Fine Cashmere Hose for Ladies’ and Children. FLOOR MATTINGS 1 piece regular iu for 20¢, 1 piece miler 22c for 18. iece regular 18¢ for 12 1-2 fade! your elma’ now, spring isn’t ey, far off. 25c pr., sale Tonly Coon Coat, size 40, regular $6590, wear, reg. $35, snle §29. 5o sale $15, $18 Stoles for $13, etc. sale price $55 00 only Ladies’ Astrachan Jackets, bright glossg curls, reg to $33, sa ; ies’ Electric Seal, Sable trimmed, regular $48, sele $39.50. 1 only Ladies’ Fur Lined Cape, special value regular $28.50, sule Children’s grey Lamb Caps, Mens fur mitts, cap3, collars, ete., at prices to please everybody. Furs You owe it to yourself to make an exceptional effort to be present at the beginning of this sale, if you are needing any- thing in the line of furs. To satisfy yourself. by undisputable evidence—the furs and the prices themselves—that we are right now in just the beginning of the winter giving you a chance to save all the way from one quarter to one third the price of what you ordinally will haye to pay for anything that comes under the head of FURS. Never perhaps will you buy furs at os prices again, as furs are advancing in price eyery year. are a few prices that will give you an idea of what we are doing oy lonly Men’s Fine Heavy Shell Rat Lined Coat, No. Persian Laub Collar, size 40, reg. yalue $60, sale price $50. 1 only Obina Dog, a coat that will give good wear, regular yalue $20. or sale price $15.00 2 only Australian Coon, these coats can’t be beat for only 1 only Ladies’ Fur Lined Cape, spec regular $30, $10 Ruffs is Ane $8 for $6. Se our Men's Heavy ‘Tweed Suits we are sceneiae at $5. : BES ce! suits going fOr $3.25. Overcoats oe ye only a small stock left: BUY NOW. ~ for $7.50. $9 Coats for $6.50. $8 Conts for 5.50 xtra me yelase in Boys’ seit and Reefers. — Groceries: 3 ~The very highess spulieye of groceries at this sale, no ‘Gags trash and if you will consider quality, you will find . our Prices ‘so low that you should stock up for weeks to come, aned Cunants eae er ~ 22 Ibs Redpath Yellow Sugar $1, 21 Ibs Redpath Sogar ait SERA 60 ; ¥ Cleaned: $1, 5 Ibs Selected Raisins 250, 4 Ibs Cl Ladies’ Underwear We don’t think that you eyer bought such good quality underwear for so little price as you will buy at this great sale. We hiave not a large ee left, so come early, 3 dozen only sleteree at very eas: 5 Tw sale 1.25 see kent, regular 600, a lozen only Stanfeld’s pure wool ansbrinkable; regalar $1 to 1.25, sale 85¢ Ladies’ Vests and Drawers, pure wool fleece, reg 75c for 60c. Also a sinall lot a eligi Un- eed Skirts, some wiiad through- out, fegalnr $3 to $5, sale price $1.50. 12 Wrappers, reg. 1.50 and 1.75, rem a few Silk end Sateen Waists at Jess than cost price. s’ Vests and Drawers, "hie sanitary that are not mentioned here, but remember, some >, the best bargains are in anil quanti so don’t wait too long, or what you want will We're enthusiastic about this Sale, you'll be surprised too when you come in and see what a little piece of money will buy. you never had any idea could be bought for so little money. Sce the You'll see things that are not mentioned here that Crockery, Glassware, Wall Paper Remnants, Ladies’ Coats, Etc., Etc. & A. Corsets finish can’t be beat. 1.25 Corsets for $1. CORSETS SPECIAL—60 pairs Corsets reg. and 75c, to clear at 45e pair. accepted as cash. for style, fit and $1 Corsets for 850. Terms of Sale : CASH Butter, Eggs, Poultry will be taken as cash, also all Due Bills will be BRING THIS AD. ALONG and examine any of the items quoted. You'll find that we didn’t over- praise the big values. Salmon best quality 12 1-2c. = 8 Ibs. Oatmeal 25e, 10 Ibs Corinaieal 259 10 lbs Sulphur 25c, bee in Groceries at Teduced p i: or > POBACOOS Bobs “| SCHA EFER & WHALEY “|MILVERTON, ONTARIO