Milverton Sun, 18 Jan 1906, p. 3

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Be Hopeful. gti ye ) Lead Bree tired The eerste Sun in the bast old it Adver jedium. Ri sethey we 5 wuistress "ot all things? % | and he that despaireth isa fool, $1 per ne strictly inadvanee. a 50 it fot 60 paid. “ —M, MacBera, Poriasuer, ASuccessful Horseman. G. T. R. Time Table ‘Trains due Se leave sce os OING SOUTH. q 8am. Bxptese © 9:07 kin a.m, Express Me xpress, . wrpres Express. pm 56 ba ane allows i nee to suffer He alw ses peviiine oted Tor ouving stiffaess, rains. z 5 ple e g pain it’s a good racing stables \Nerviline is al- THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1906 An exceedingly interesting bye- elec- tion for the Ontario House is now going on in the city of Kingston. Kingston is known as one of the most corrupt constituences in Canada, in- deed it may fairly be granted the palm in that respect. ‘ 7 by C.J. South, si tation hath in the Commone | eine of the Children’s Aid Soeiet Girls e skins, and the Local, have been inseated for corrupt practices. At the last trial, corruption was so rank on both sie that Judge Street declared the ci should be disfranchised, and sees of representative in parliament alto- gether, if the responsible citizens of “the community did not arouse them-| 9, selves and put down the electoral corruption that was shown to exist in their city. To the credit of each party both candidates and 150 fol- lowers of each have signed an agree- ment binding themselves in honor ‘and good faith to absolutely refrain}™and from and prevent as far as they can. ay Aideaction of tie Ontario Electian= law. A tribunal of three representive men chosen apart from the courts has been appointed to try any charge thatmay be laid against a candidate or his supporters and it is agreed that “the candidate shown to have beer lv benefited by questionable practices, will, if elected, resign. ‘is. experi- ment will be watched lies interest and it is to be hoped will have a bene- ficial effect on the city of] Ringstan q ri and the province at large. s ete i Chamberlain's Cough Rem- edy Absolutely Harmiess. The fault of giving children medi- eine containing injurious substances, is sometimes more disastrous than the disease which they are suf- fering. Every mot! now y, that Shamberian’ 's Cou ie perfectly safe fo: Tas as coughs, oldaneatmoupieul For sale by qnale Drug Cou! Mi oerkes an QurGood Old Winter. (From the Brockville Times.) Dom @ 81 Indies ‘it Sate e get it. Jt is aur it-cry about any io winters we ought to be proud of them and hold the manifold blessings of the land. ——— bo ane Bata and Con- stipat 3 “Chamberlain's Bismech, and Liver plat Tablets are the thing for roubles and constipation I evel com re Fobiie Dig 0. Milverton and Wide Sleighs. di in fact, we w should compel the that are| s better ways used,— horses any Bales vetetionry ln ‘Twenty-five cents buys a large bottle of mearling: try it. IIE ES ER RE eee In neenant: |Tegarding th being signe: superin- “Girls with whit thick, brown hair braided down their backs, {big innoeent childish & sol and have been sold for y | yea ra to Bettiah: Coluinbia to” the highest hide. slave “imasters are the Cape ; the slaves are white bandoned those baby girls, too, when they grew up to young girlhood. iDeslera have created a market which “Isconstatly gro Rate oene rh » Feported that Rock Bay suarking in this ‘aw(al industry.” Sih HERMES ERIE nz, Cured ue epetiing of Rheu- . H. How rd of Hus nd, en aS nia. “At es she was unable tomovest all, while all times walking was painful. ni n pines Balm keeps a pain sheformer ly was Reupleae Teith er For sal ‘ablic Drug Co. Milverton rat ra ood . Sea ness Sas Short ihe Retold ae soldier had been. wounded in the A man asked him in which battle h pales been injured. ‘In the om ae at Bull “Well he man, auolonetioal ye. vattor. I hai ron @ ihe or two t careless and ack. e proprietor of the Dundee rene artigo aud numer- was disco: lative attitude on é = 8 pares Fees 6B es Pe we are not keeping you up, A patient called on a well-known ysician. “What is your his cigar. next to him ob; guard, intending to tell les | but ine: American was i] 5g 558 a plained, ‘it was sticking out of his pocket, nae it was-the same Moyet as mine!’ Sie RGSE™ ‘| Chamberlain’s ough, Remedy the “In my Cough Retna Ls os ve made for colds, Walker of Poi rervitie? Californie, ethers is no Raine oy ie StSOLT he “pieterred to t is that few f her sadne: ts sted Tiga ‘the for or; a eee ioe (pace eth is wise, wit creatures, sold | ville schoo! become so great that other of w | cipal election expenses $75.00; Stock, for assisting engineer on survey, |, B. C. Drain $1.75 | gobo. The Muni th opinion Chamberlain's ELLICE COUNCIL. e members elect to the Ellice coun- pointed viz;—Jnstus ames J. Brown, Treasurer ; James Me- Donnell, Assessor; George Jundt, Col- lector, Robert Armstrong and Joseph Quinlan, Auditors; Messrs Smith & le, Township Solicitors; Patrick Lennon, member of e board of health; Dr. F. Parker, medical health officer; Joh: r, Township Fngineer, under yusand dollars, was read ree times and passed on motion of ‘he Frintig contract was awarded to ir, M. MacBeth, Milverton, for the sum of Baiy-ave: dollars, ss Robertson, re aid hi ‘for Sick children, » Toron- 1d $5.00 eaggIadssgas:a9gs999999999 a Silenced Cough! ANY COUGH REMEDIES telieve the ‘symptoms and not the disease. They con- tain opium or other narcotic that drug the cough into silence—but that is not curing. The right way to cure a cough isto cure it to stay tured. The right remedy ‘must go to the real source of the trouble and remove it’ Mitchell’s Cherry Balsam is such a remedy. It stimulates the decretions, soothes and heals the irritated surfaces 25c e loosens the cough, natures does the rest. Ghe Public Drug Co.,.imitea DRUGGISTS AND STATIONERS Atwood 3 Milverton 3 and 3 Gorrie SSSSSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSSSSSSS SISSSISSSSSSSSSSSS SSIS S SS Ss UGESEEESESESESSESESESESSsESssss sys toward snpport.of sald Hospita Account of Harry sson, = liver: charge wae presented, The Gouneil dir soted tho clark to write Mr, an him to char; ae gineer Petition of Willi simpson ci ling point, was read and over a8 further consideration ént made between. the corpora- tide of fllibe-aisd lms, rvs ko aaa ssed on Elma, of Y ie su i e by Ellice sein, to be paid with- in four months after said township of Elina is served with a copy of the pro- visional By-law by the township of Eli ice, was read and considered and ace motion of Brickmal a tter from Smith & Steele re judgement in suit Wicki s. Ellice, was read, Th e reeve to consult with the township solicitors on this mat- er. ‘The council passed a resolution where: made to each holding counell ngs, during iz: Sarah Hill, Sophia arloft ‘and- Jos, r. lowing scoonnts were pasted : M, MacBeth, for extra Ro yeratt pipe Se Nowa line ton 4 cost, tudér, 4 cost or ditching pe ‘plowing anow on Haron 905 $5.15; Michael Crowley, for Tor aa ‘Mice and Morning- work oe ley, for farm culvert allowed. a oley Drain, "310.00; 0.00; ‘Con, Crowley, Oo; ductus rouse: to 2 460, ‘Armstrong, Ds Do, $10.00; Wor! can for copies of the Munisi nisipal We V fn for the members M. mn, Treas., Tp. Logan, lices orton Sof Hingineers fect re Davideon Award, February, s Sf [ness and receiving the Auditors report. tus Kreuter, Tp, Clerk. +| DR. seine 2 gag RHEU- You Use ae Mandrake and tdalbace kort Guarantees atlas begins and ends in the ich at no time is ever free from Paes jut if the kidneys is out healthy, they aot filter e | wast it vk ant n be no cure, no permanent rll until ithe kidney: sare stimulated. the kidneys are renewed by Dr. Hamilton's Pills the trace of rheu- matism disap) <7 ables N Chonie to ons i influence spent nearly three years ex- perimenting with betanatle remmentes writes Geo. sheet Ee Pee eae almost j ivext A when ried Dr. raped Pills they conietly poe So rem Dr. ly to- wil ere yer regret’ usin; Halton! : Pills. ord, Conn., -:WINGHAM: BUSINESS COLLEGE Is a High-grade Commercial School. THR! NS gukere a ;—Commercial Stenography, Telegr: wRiITE—GEO, pee PRINCIPAL BANK OF MONTREAL EstaBisuep iN THE Year 1817. President, Lord Strathcona and fount Royal Cc. 11. G. Paid up td - + $14,000,000 Reserve Fund - - $10,000,000 «“|\CHOPPING =| PFEFFER BROS sation BANK DEPT. Interest paid or compounded half early. y Srearrorp Brancu, Bare Slow, Manager JDUENTRL 7 //- ‘STBATFORD, ONT. The leading Commercial and Short} hand schooli io, Write atany time. -. ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN,PRINCIPALSI All Kinds Bie of Repairing! Now that the rush is over, bring in all your wateh, clock and jewelery rdpairing that you want done. All work is guar- anteed and at lowest cost. Done Daily HIGHEST PRICE Paid for Wheat and Coarse Grains Gold Watches and Rings We have the nicest line of Goid Watches and Rings ever shown in Milverton. Come in and let me show them to you. The prices will please. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Results for re Assurances issued and _ ps for Ebony Toilet Sets We haye a few Ebony Toilet Sets left, which we will run off at cost. If you want a bargain, come in and secure one of these, P. H. Bastendorif si3, We 904.24 Increase over 1903 1,744,698.77 Decembe 17, $51, 760.92 Assets at 31st. 1904 YARAIAAAAAAAAIA EAA Great Stock-taking Sale @ @s @ We take stock in a few weeks, and in order to reduce the stock in heavy goods, we will sell at cost and below in order to clear the same. We do not want to carry anything over in the shape of Ladies’ Coats, Men’s Suits, Furs, Fur Coats Ruffs and Muffs. The price will be spot cash on these reductions. Read This List Carefully and note the prices 1 Ladies’ Jacket, regular 15.00, sale Price. 2429.90 3 es 12.00, 4 “ “« “« 2 3 if “ “ 1 Ruff, regular price 30.00 ie - 1 Stole, regular price 30.00 for - 3 Ruffs, regular price 25.00 for - t Mink Stole, regular price 25.00 for - 2 Sable Ruffs, regular price 15.00 for 2 Sable Ruffs, regular price 10.00 for Fur Caps, Etc., 20 Per Cent. Off 3 Ladies’ Fur Coats, regular 35.00, sale price 29.50 ae ° 3 Imitation Persian Lamb reg 12,00 8.5 1 Fur Lined Coat regular 65.00 a 50,00 1 Fur Lined Coat regular 50.00 ss 38.50 I Berlin Robe, large size, reg 10.00 S; peel ; “ 25 3 Men's Suits, regular price 10, 2% te Price. a8 on 50 6 8.0 vies O25 68 « “ “ ao, “ 12490 ae +3-95 6 Children’ s Overecas, regulit 6 00, Lal pues 4.50 ae 00, fh 3-90 7 Boy a! 450 6 Men's Heavy Short Coats, reg 3 00 o 1.75 6 Ms 1.40 2 pair Men’s Black Dog Guantlets reg 3.25 for 2.50 2 “Wombat is 3.75.58 2:05 Bats “ [mitation sf? EERO ARS URES The above prices are very low, as you will no- tice, but we are bound to clear them out. If you are in need of anything in the above line, it will be in your interest to look through this stock. All accounts not paid by Jan, 15th, will have to be settled by cash or note. W. K. LOTH RIERA ERT IERIE IDET IAI TS ICI IS IETEIEISTE ISAT ISIE TETAS ISIE TE BIST AE IE TETEIE IE IE ISIE ICAI TE IE IE IE TE ISIE TET IE IE IS TS EIS IE I IEA TE IETS TS IS IE IIS IE IE IETS ICA ACA IS, sg i tlh ac ache le ech Michela Tasieh hal iutela dite Increase over 1903 2,345,984 44 Profits paid Policyholders 117,238.21 Life Assurance in force Dec. 3ist, 1904 85,327,662.85 Increase over 1903 9.646,473.98 SSISSISSIESESESESESESSSSSSSSESESEE9NEsEss “The House of Quality.” A. S. MacGregor, Mgr. Western Ontario, London A. MacBeth, Stratford, District Superintendant. SSPSSSSSSsS Hockey that ice will be form- ing and skating com- ed prices. meneing. We are ready for it and have on hand a fine line of -hockey shoes, -:- -:- A new arrival of— RUBBERS Call and secure a pair |W. ZIMMERMAN UISIGIHSSGSISSSSSSSSESVSSSSSSSSSsEs LARGE REDUCTION SALE : “alas is the time to buy your Overcoat, while our great sale is on, Come ear iy elore your SIZeé Is one. ;.| Shoes a Men's all-wool Grey Cheviot Overcoats, regular $10 for s $7.75 This is the season Men’s Black all-wool Beaver, $12 for - - - - = $8.75 Also $13.50 and $18 Overcoats in Tweeds and Cheviots at the same reduc- Boys’ Overcoats from $3.75 to $7.00 GOODS ALWAYS AS ADVERTISED CHARLES H. DAVIES wore OUTFITTER TO MEN, F. B. Deacon's old stand, Stratford, Ontario SSSSISSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Timm IN QOVERCOATS SSSSISSSSSSSSSSS SSS SSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSS oF ¢ OVERLOADED STOCK SALE In order to reduce our large stock, we are going to give BIG REDUGTIONS on all goods now on hand. We are going to unload this stock on our customers in a way they will fully appreciate when we give them Sale Discount 25 to 50 per cent. {ade to measure in best style from Genuine English Worsteds and Booth Tweeds. Fit and finish euet This is a snap we may never be able to duplicate. Smith & Finkbeiner Tailors Milverton’s + Leading + Synopsis of Canadian North-West Homestead Regulations AS NY a ‘numbered “sect ion of Dominion nds Prowinecsy ex may be hom eateae ny Pet the sale bead of 2 family, or oa iy ‘age, to the extent o! sof one-quarter P65 acres, more or less ry may be nade personally at the local lor the district in which the land desires, he r migration, TWinsipes: Gr the local -ageat re: hhority for some one to make entry or @ homesteader is required to perform the conditions connected therewith under ‘one of the following pla: SAT least ‘six months’ residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year for three years. (2) Ifthe father (or mother, if the father tg deceased) of the homesteader ‘resides upon seeefe‘ine vicinity of the land entered. for the requicenients Dp semkgece ang ta dake wich person residing with thefather or mother a If the gettler has Ils permanent, real. w ‘of Deputy of the Miniater-of the tateHlor. a Hi ee ee ee G. T. R. STATION STORE IF YOU WANT A STOVE OR RANGE to give you entire satisfac- ti t cooking or = You will then save what you were looking fo FURSI COATS on hand yet, also some PERSIAN We have a few FUR LAMB CAPS,which will be sold at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES J.R. YOST & SON pat 10s eee 2 2, 2 zy 2, b> enjoyment to the family. GIESSSESSEESEIGSSSSEEESHIEEsE Brighten up Your Dining Room To start the new year, we want you to improve your dining room furnishings, and give greater comfort and Weare confident that our Dining Room Furniture is the best made, the newest and most: perfect furni- ture produced. Come in and see the goods and the store we advertise. We can make it worth your while. Note these prices :— A solid oak Extension Table we sell for. ».... $10.80 A fine surface Sideboard, oval mirror.........$13.23 A black ash Sideboard, very large..........-$22.50 R. WHITE & CO. Stratford First Furniture Store East of the Post Office. Lk acl hath edd lactic aed SISSSSSSSSSSS SiS SSSSSSSS SO WARE SEMEL NESE SELL Se IE SL YL IL EC IL SME SY SS IE SE Cash for Butter | Cash for Eggs WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Orders snippet? to Pept: Monkton in, Etc. Grocery Orders bead, up and shipped to these places and to all points west of Toro: | The Premier Store All Grocery Stores-or Department Stores should have an Automatic Bag Rack Holder. Fruits, Confectionery, Canned Goods, Staple and Fancy “agatha Patent Medicines, Teas, Coffees and Flour, Etc. E! end us a trial order by mail and ye convinced that we can send on first-class goods.- Give us a trial TIE TE AICI RAEI Baa Your Orders to J. A. MONTEITH & SON Opp. Market (Box 416) 20 Wellington-st STRATFORD USE PHONE AT OUR EXPENSE BRR RIICK IAAI FERIA AAIC ICE REA EREEEEEBRER A SIGNIFICANT FACT There are four + Life Companies in nada which, from their Bre minence, have long been loo! pon as leading neler But la: rv The Mutual Life of Canada ent cian them all in two very important respects : Pi Profits to its OS te than any one of them, ai (b) It increased its surplus $10,000 more than the combined in- srease of the four companies. The Matual Life of enorinous shrinkage in values-in cer- tain securities, which occurred dur- ing the past year. W. H, GROSCH, Local Agent D. STEWART, Stratford, Gen. Agt. pre a) It paid a Larger Amount in us Canada owns | © Gorrie is in charge of Mr. MeLauch- Will provide for his family in case of his death. ASensible Man will ee against the dan- of poverty in his old age. Will Guarantee Safety to Both by issuing one of its ee Life or Endowment Polici Special privileges to Total Abstainers. Head Office : Waterloo, Ont. ‘Tuos, HILLIARD, President and Managing Director. P.-E. Smee, ivi. How, Jas: MeMuuzan, J Presidente. Frep Hutsreab, Supt. of Agencies. A Good Man‘ The Dominion Life}: The Milverton Su in “Post ofas: Returns. The Post THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, itasioa: Genbval’s report 1906| for the year ending June 30th last shows that 285,541,000 letters were GENERAL NEWS Few ladies are aware carry forty or fifty miles of hai of gold every morning. Ww buyers on calves for the sum of $8 bowel and Liver Tablets. woot -Obas. Kesso, of Atwood met ‘riday evening, where! was paints on Soe ccs uA amara, editor of libel rigged out of made the Frevld prices: tat of a book-keeper by remner. Hon. Mines and Lands for Ontario, forthcoming sess Legis! sold as Canadian instead of Uni States nickel. C, H. McFarlane arrived last S: in, the former owner, here, has not decided where Be i locate. m was wel ee everybody. cece The Assembly giv: the ger Milverton Harpers int neat pl lunch served by the ladies in E. T. season for g and happi is here, would i ii ree ir part to remember P eabiteiee by daatnec payment. rears to your paper. paper deliver what we receive for it: pay cash for the paper postage, but still there are some gutwariptlops: aa instances when billed asked the oo ae May 1st, but under extension, it will b H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY EXTRA SELECTS BALTIMORE OYSTERS 50c a qt. Butter 19 and 20 Cents Eggs 22 Cents lose season to where the extended permission been g1 fully and you will find that nine know of in tow: business of their own to atte! to do” is as true as gospel existence. women do something, and when they hav: work of their own to poses to introduce leoiatee at the 8101 th tal 8 Green- were started by Tostena, whe had CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES that pe air es mesaet the fair-| haired may cot 38 seventy miles of thread . Thompson, of Holly pasronghbred:eatsie. ae suckling is produced by Chamberlain's Stomach Public Drug Co. Milverton ane Ate John Burns, M. P., now the Hon with an accident at Forrest's planing mill e suf- red the loss of a portion of the fore- finger of his righthand. ‘The accident Mr. James cBelence: of Bremmer: Fair, Wallscton through his solicitors Mr. the Nfalksrton: pela’ be se re for ents “the Mr. Fiank Cochrane, Minister of lature to corapel refining in the ited atur- ice, the former genial manager of thestore will da by mn) ne Atwood in ales Bate Hall oi Poesy evening, of last week was a and pro- ic, which a wal Now that the ines few, if ny, appreciate the fact that a news- to you costs us about] Ros Aga have to who several years before paying their it many post aster to return the paper ae pote the e legal, hes to shoot the rats until they are It is illegal during the ae will probably not be sited has nt Did you ever consider how much trouble and turmoil in the world is out of the ten fusses ant cles that you hood no ds some mischief for His idle hands ere can be no such thing as absolute idleness. Activity ofsome kind is essential to have to @ no occupy their minds they get busy with the affairs | offic of others and make trouble always. ait REXALL HOUSS H. MOHR. Milverton and Atwood DYES ‘These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotto ae Pe tare ea aie TEE PUBLIC DRUG tabis hit show sent back The number years, the Dominion is 10,8 of money remitted by er und postal notes ¢ ‘as $36, The ou Lp of post y Posto e ord- revenue rice 83 expenditure ei 034.5 profit of $4 business. ‘The gross revenue of Post offices in this district for the year ACCOUNTING OFFICES se tereae Sega SALARY, 156. bri 80.1 toroos . "ie “890. ig 2,198. elles] 1,220. 888. 4,828. NON-ACCOUNTING OFFICES REVENUE. mulree... $ vonbank 00 00 00 thag Conroy . romarty 185 egal 102 ‘airview 2 1 6 lio 146 59 138 33 me 7 1 1 114 182 25 143 120 S88 nee ae Wartburg The business of the Post OMe Savings Bunk forthe year was §1- Male ot postal notes issued #4,054,- for re- 3 afd interesting material Gecrcn is ‘furnished by the lost letters, No less than 199 register- ed letters were lost or opened during the r. There were none from the able, an The letters lost from the County of Perth are:—R. Benson, Toronto to Mrs, Kidd, Listowel; Wm, Salkeli, Goderich to Miss M. Salkeld, Strat: rd; Varra Stratford, to Ei St. Marys, to Mrs.’ Chas. Toronto; Miss M. Wilson, Stratfoi to Whaley Royce Co., Toronto. uring the year the Department disposed of no less than 1,346, letters, post cards, books . which were sent in to the dead letter e, from outside offices, © jand” dra! letters sel reare a great many careless people in Canada. ten offices in ee eunent sup- 27.78, leaving @ 00,844.89, on’ the years . R. HONDERICH & SON Furniture Dealers and Undertakers The balance of our RUGS will be disposed of AT COST for the next 15 DAYS && CALL AND INSPECT C. R. HONDERICH & SON GOODS DELIVERED FREE ay To bring‘a bullock to a size that he can be brought to in less than seven months. Forest View Farm, Forest, Ont.. Nov. 22nd,, THE CARNEFAC STOCK FOOD CO., Toronto, Ont. BAR SIRS 1 have won first price at Sarnia for the heaviest calf, am grade unider seven months old, my calf welghed 786 Ibs. f attri: Speman seco wt tO si use) of CARNEFAC STOCK FOOD, which Thave used in having, tried other Stocks Poods have no ioe to savingyoure i ee nthe best, and farther that it will y any man who. feeds stock to usé CARN) 1905 ened) 30% Dx A. GOVENTOC ‘Winner Silver Medal 1905, for the best herd of aoe pure breed. What more reRpoL Ls pouicel than the above, but if you want ore ask for our booklet of testimonials, or better still procure a pail of CARNEFAC, ndtv it for yourself. ~~ FOR SALE BY < < < FRED PRUETER Dealer in Newland’s Robes, Grey and Black Fur Robes, Plush Rugs and all kinds of Horse Blankets. Harness of all sorts on hand and made to order Repairing ‘promptly and neatly done. MILVERTON ~< “ « “ ONTARIO —Why Take 2 Years Silver Plated Dinner Knives and Forks Table Spoons, Desert Spoons, Tea Spoons : Coffee Spoons Made specially for us and bearing our own guarantee in plain and fancy _ pattern; goods that will wear almost as well as sterling. You may want some to complete your table. - ts Ss ec J. WELSH @ SON STRATFORD Repairing Carefully At- tended to. Official G.T.R. Watch and Clock Inspector. { $

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