dN on i foo Sreiere pentesi eal Mapa ate. aeaaerens we nat eet Sec] —-Anwonsy woron cam. DISCOVERED BY DREAMS een |THE SUPERIORITY Ae it would serve an excellent purpose in] ¢ ts porate ‘Goes Over Rough: CVER JAPANS O! Sear he “ap- ‘ this form. a a 7 za ; ~ oe Animals Who r | proached, and the “amily ‘collected ia ? ; —_— _ Fields and Climbs Hill, ~ 5 I . 7 é s the dining-toom, Dr. Grimshaw "was About am sae _ Moy aot 2 STRANGE STORIES OF TRACKING = . 4 . . on of jealousy missing: messenger was ATHERED PHILOSOPHY. pany suteable,bire teen neta URDERS. 4 e : ae : | sent 19 call him tacainner, nant answer |+ °° : a years to adapt the automobile sof MEDD EIS: Gr ee < ) Cire tome titemarna es as returl that the professor was un- Ph: ~ Coddling is as pernicious in the poul- frilita ‘y us ies mainly for scouting o1 pee z . : Ses ie pars Salts and preferred to keep his room. & try yard as in the family. A condied | We issary or transportation d : z Be 2 Sed = OS nie va oi ti Sine ae eee Jacquelina was quivering between fun bird’ is. as prone to disease as a negiect-| partments, and gat in some few Mysterious Crimes Haye Been Solved zi Raia e : - ae fi Royal and fear—vague, smeconetiete fear, el-one, perhaps even more so,, because | Stances for “acti al use on the ng in Very “Strange SOME DAINTY DISHES. " Bin Edin h has @,occup ing | and Lo that hung over her like a cloud, darken-| FEEDING RYE. FOR BEST RESULTS.|the latier may develop a certain degree ine.” “But in enct case the ear thus de- ony iene eR naa Se eauons : ‘ : fl Se ie | ne ae pl pees a 5 - Duchess wi et andi hee fesse i avesesls rd Al pyueueueeun, Setter ing her bias t frolic spirit with @ we oful ‘That the best jiance which the former does ed has in converted. from an Ways. results may be obtained ‘ pound of sausage meal, and place it in — ~} | presentiment. | fot. Common fase sae a coddling are orsinary ier and would have been a e hen a a. ts n, AWN | _ After dinner Marian asked for the car is, stares Should moe for- | sworn enemies, {the front under real service|. Some of the strangest stories in the | Ceylon Natural GREEN Tea Is unquestionable, ;6 jar. Stand this in a Saucepan.of Poll Hs the veriee pest ar ey ai de sha nusatvan spas iownd: Soemmeaericnn. mon ad ascites ap | ages, and Mrs. h as. ihe pla nat De ins to head. At}. wdether. the egg or the hen is first is annals of crime are those which {ell ot z IT 1S ALL PURE TEA. ho oi seinen labor is much less. This roused the ire of pik the largest at dusk, 1 have Something that it should be brought around picts this. period, wey, swoop: |°f Small consequence provided the slock pained for’ th ery eo) ve din the dis- —_—— with & knife, adding & pinch of allspice hi gives such paying results, if properly fed, as th oS aptivity, and al ote el i in “The i : Fo gpl a | uae Necamicling Prepared 19: A00orOpSny tient, petblanies and righty digestible | Ser fe iret Io oan eee tb and build a real war car i ; day mm Sold in Lead Packets Only, at 40c, 50e and 60¢ per pound. By all Grocers. ot for’use, “Spread on toast cr] fm Ben, aeitis cenat action to lay eggs. i col sons ha She mnpled Marian home, and in an hour they were|ana’ In the ee natler of opportuni ference whe.| Well able to take care of itself at ‘the 8 Tar labore, shen passing . tT OEer AWARD, ST. LOUIS, 1905, P use. Spread 0 Pam Laken strode Sig nee h the park ‘thrust it t just as ready, and set-forth. Senate cline Pt anes ng euitie. | Mer Poultry rales soa hug binds or| front and sulfliefently. armored to pro-| tonely. mountain lake z Hercules Poult Food joo perenne Ley pa ANY one dee uzea! “ace looked over hi pas nay fell Grim, it he asks after|ient to supply the entire needs ot the eggs for hatching. The main point is to| tect its operator and ceo from the} England, saw in the 7 ers dead b | —Lin Patt a ‘4 dedi ie ai errand we reik cat could possi-| shoulder. ‘am gone home with Marian |eaimol. Ire ihe plant is teft until it is /£€%, One or the other so us to sinotant| Ri d-fire bullets. which when rescued proved to be that of = 9 rugs Beaman’ inacaron, vite sh contains the harmless your hens lay in w' in ae with the | at gt agi going to a all day with me,| {9 “old "Fields and that Tam not ceriain| fully headed out before beginning —to|/OOF stock or improve the present oe ‘This car has a canning tower and car-|q well-known Pelle Taha had myelek 4 wat oy, : como a ene ‘e en Taek ten eases Pry a | Mari hi whether I shall return to-night or not,” shies ard - cement afterthoughts with fore. | Bes a rapid-fire gun and is roomy | jously vanished about a month earlier. : 2 . ea ft koops thers condition to resist disease. 1. ve—that is, till after dinner.| Said Jacquelina, -as she took leave of es, scale es ee a target] thought when Jaying the ponialionte Enough to accommodate ils grew of. lwo The body. bore: mutks: of wp rene, une i paron-on ks tn Ns Beis te POUSE KICLER wil Teen yout ow free! from vermin, h ohn is Then st shall bavate mee secu levanrecaa tpinka dhe. trae Api: shake iba arofi] = ney Poultry. vealure.” Boll: chy bse | Bon a driver, whose seat may | pockets were emply, and it was clear 4 none nd : me ea anil CLYDESDALE, CARBOLINE ANTISEPTIC will keep your hen- lioness was erouching in a corher eae Aton eee ab y dear Lapwing, it you lovo. 008 | tases eed pean lin verge HRT | ee, moran Sines ena eT ¥ car goes into ac-| that the poor fellow: had bea Bralally : ii ‘ill mide with you,|old aunty, come immediately back ¢ wy he: used. “70 Ty or borrowed and both are always in de-| tion. "pressed steel is used as . 4 Bue t , and serv aoe production, pee Re “Mr. Robert Ford, the sibes" AHS catatsges ARGS by Che ways cy |e athae aa aa eee or tes | mand No ing iy belter fore and aft " Bn ithe motor ood "and ihe omer ge tery se . ie zr At the Beginning of the Year Men Tak fren ae ey vise for as Ths Fo oO ae eee re sold under a POSITIVE GUARANTEE OF Buive ade short work of bis ania rll ot StoHins 20n8 aul dear, 1 wish you , ei rie ic houghts. eri is ne io it ea tlons 7 one and ch. al Br coming, the, he posoce il $e auppntg "page, "weld, ¥e| as pity ates aie wil ses ay ited suena ime for Review and Dewae ir ig of «pound of asi S| | Ceara Ont the letters “and papers, terially reduc d, says Dr. E.|%! lity aliments if he. w istant, saw in a dream the : 6 ior heview ali Tevie MD it i Pout at set ney ys : china | Wangh. bry soplerialiy eae Ae ra Pinay svenllistion onal strict santa Ee eer uci flay MnctOde : : Se aps dot flours aaah | closet, and when she had done, she eek be in going, thon, Mes, Waugh, Voor 1 3) otaseeu yates Ged Z salt and a teaspoonful of baki . ol. her bine of Keys, and turning to Ma ser the onetomicy tot vunter ‘average me ear alesse Ca ld method is safe when followed eda pack ened acai ree aa ; . a all De ‘ bs jan, wo some rs m1 4 Froperly; so is the new is iS lessed is the people that know the, least interest in the mumblings and mur- milk, into a light ba! our int ng] Heb art Lanta go with me 0," said Mati en ae ae eee Care| urea the to thal liye hvee inthe to a Mola-nene: Able hoi te tla es 4] Ee coun: Mey stat Wali O° Lond, | murings of the drones and the dreamers greased pie-dish and bal be sei ak ie ol ‘rom One Thousand Farmers moments ahe tay ie beside er sat see poo . i iS} “Very well, bright Hebe: ‘i i vq | PCultry thoril e = i ithe light. of thy countenance. In| There are other ways o! i he se Med % i gfaying in one of our quarters: I | please, of fap at le a pa end Pea Ue ac poppe faethod | "Hardin ae ee Beat hs Heoti niiieer ee ae bite y name shall they rejoice all the day.|sloughs beside drink! Dusting sheets for covering up furni-| — victor then returned to his cage, and she hes not long to live, and I want you | etta. Se ee ee sencathe ox Safe: a oka contagion I is unnatural. This is 61 bent cath a heap oL eines: the murdered ~Peaims Ixxxix,, 15-16, there are other ways of hel P} We want 1,000 Pies eis for, Western throughout the day showed no sympto: a British to soles he ~ | And so they parted. Did either di Sey i 1b, good poultrymen; a sick fowl mith, Hy rid beside the oi ai y in evel { of unusual excitement. The value of | granted y parted. Did either dream | period of feeding, then the crop should man’s properly i 00 |. Macler What the tube willbe depends th fa for the spring of 1906 ia "Now! Hear Rianay atipe oli rian’ aril sek nin | eanaoa. ca case Ueltmen fe thse amt] Thee nou as peared as Hess” Teeth MH was, anpested, cn ibe OS Ps herors, Faith in Make these of ght ealieo, ea ie Poe, Monee wa gay o eniroveds te Pea Jet She) at “Yes, Nagas T am going to carry ‘seasons COI nd oe = ped i f om appear they look for and de- is ies in the happiness ree loveli- vi e pint and a half of ho! et air covers, rather than old + ¢ : K [some Bronkfést, So, ome along, a vers roll ys me and go, how many jseeding should bo made in the midd |stroy the cause, which is generally. llh the Ui iowal piviolls Sheceuntien toi dlret tee ‘rine first step to- i i limited sail capital, Sy stested SN ee Da ae spurs hors ge get your mantle,” said test again? i eis Tack of sun or venlilation- or bad breed:| him. An outside door, fastened on the} ANOTHER REMARKABLE STORY weeping away ils wrangs, and | ketchup, in; as late as the middle | ; iB way, yy toward the nor drew rei ing out through ae door. a oe s ng a is 5 Abe: ing. interior, permits him to leave the car if Soret Big and unloveliness. You do not| gently for two hours. FRIENDSHIP AMONG FISHES. until he recchad a ite tavern Hans f0 drawing. out “het ne Ee eens eevee maple Oe [ireeblenben Gepembeay, ties a the cause of any, poultry a Ammunition 18 sowed) fold of tragedy. ip Ireland ha id unlovellnes id is as good | break up the onions with a fork, thigken i : i bridle to an| pocket handkerhiet fo be over er ‘ wn up at the post:| seeding will make a much less vigorous ment Hi trcdho may nahi A Dead in ‘contagious entay en ae strangers presented them- yi eo etic ve at you do need to give | the gravy with flour, and color it, Serve} ture wear loni ra this notice, We can seltle you in| ‘The sea-cucumber, ath Jong. Body. = Donald “GI office. Old Oliver jumped down, andj growth t later in “y BpSH eI 5 y 1¢ great wheat-belt of Manitoba ‘or the th fringed with tentacles : ad; and note, if went in-to make the necessary inquiries. | spri vill be in tagion, sobratcs! bacteria, “and their| The top of the tower, eh pees selves at a wayside inn near Portland, its pecie credit for as much good, and on ene cut pieces of toast as a gar-| A RANE ei edy of great value is fat Provinces of Western Canada, and ied a few days after UF uae i minto a. privats| perceived by. er fate ‘ont, and fell They ‘wailed inpatient stay oeaeed 8 jcvill be ren Wien the couse is nat a fudge) the aun is"polnted, ca he rolled « and after taking refreshments cone vd SRS bo aoa geee perhaps a little more, than you find in Procure a little from the a '|ness, had been a prominen placed at] upon the ci peared, brin lai c pi d : aia dias beet ing it is in the manage-| that nn fico catt bo dieepiodst ny eir tramp in the direction of Sarticl- Gee toa ponwlatt hes e ea a cas hee fe Shortcake.—Sift together two yeal , for form’s sake, he roauae “impulsively darted pon i : ( t. » Most: likely filth or lack of sun| ter, The gun by its Feneey ean ‘pe|on-Suir, ‘The incident was common- ea spines Life is not such a sad business after | Cups of “hour, half a level teaspoon of | ) country. le newpaper, cigars and a| picked ‘opene When coedads pelrnaritfeat tors r ventilation. When they a orrect-| projected or withdrawn from the open place enough; but it led to Sarin de- The denouncing of life Le s fraud, the} a)}. Every day brings good cheer, every salt, one-quarter cup of sugar and four this is an excellent remedy for dry lips ik 1a he in leat at willy thus i which ne aie Faoqueting | Parst Dake to rele rian too png Parle gor iW ae wig {el the ailment will tiseppem ing if desired. The wheels are sheathed xSeries for in the wa: Byler the impeachment of the universe by some| pour some happiness; every step of revel powder. Rub ed hands, to which it should i i 5 Bhaltar ond (aia teccings Sene hale cattle-deal ‘k, ed the all lone so. But w eee ana Caretart ae bt ively, faery mages wat with half-inch ea landlady of the-inn recognized two men petty, overgrown infant en Hes only| your way you can cateh some echoof/in one-quarter cup of putter and mi i i Ay i is Lrastee fi (thelr hoate,, In injuries received the’ previous Ay De “dant, and sat wai ward be aoe rane eateuttied the Bose SR ete aes set seaitthe 4 95 ee All four wheels are direct driven,| Of whom she had dreamt a very strange Z played with life is a serious offense] ine joyful sound that the ne AllJoving ever with ‘one cup see ilk. Bake in two layer n rag, a friets, and’ our plans are such as. wil gs None eanigtiee ‘ing a horse, when Prienly ‘the aoe Las an ‘pilge Water) P yes began to and her | mark and Reintiahe lt wad tie for grain, usually two bushels per acre. i there being two twg|dream the night before tm her dream } sgainst humanity. It is like a child) sings orp the ages. Into the dark- t} boracie powder du: over it. If the} surprise you by reson ot | their fairness Gira arned him that his): ue r up*and do ae cue led from London, -and | ©OMPOSITION ‘aN AMOUNT TO SHARK HUNTERS. transverse springs. is arrange-| She had seen one of them Kill the other kicking against the door he will not| est jiv p | suet Seis une by keeping, it can bel and helpfulness. A with a few ie wile was Pereelieg, nde | hea jl 1 xf f FEED. — ment the vehicle can be started and run aon a con ie ee ehind, ri . | ty. aw With his much cine he 3 ee CONSOLATION. 5 melted “a ‘2 thoir an instant after oor was pene Stuest lina ited. the ve = Bocicsra is) op eulage meee Bh lover any kind of road, and experiments pockets of the dead man, and makes himself heard and heediess men > pread the top of one cake w! me Dusting--It iso" use. t6° emp = i b th. : ; TARE : g Het nek Treaties iis pron Rad] If used when in Dest, condition for eShse tes a ke_Up Crews| Con have already been made showed | stealthily bury him beneath a hedge. take his ravings to hearts the hatred of |The deeper we go into the valley ol the filling and set the other cake on it, Sift| feather brush if the object is the "cee Oa eeay anOee Ol eet ce ei ts ae ‘ich : SEEN neon cartaide a Anabel ee forage, 26, comains ian content of the Work. thal it can easily climb a 60 per eznt,| So Impressed was, her Inizband, when rae Sy in them and. its joyous-| sreagge the mare keenly do. we realize| powdered sugar over the top. removal-of dust {ro room. ed SHEA ed agate Woe Peat Men aia ston mit love to “Marian? : ae : grade, can yo down into a ditch. and | this dream was told to him that he madg 2€88 "hidden. moral anarchist is he ind ri sen- ren h Sal re in thi ect merel; fi fi H f i “hee me ae I've a hou waiting for you keeping. the enn. lose, too, for. fe hands, broke the and Sat wile genre ey eae at canes shar Y anne igedone in 5 ceed (RO ae Rosh gat aueal tis ater - ri ay Bethe: reed > foobuin lazy to ay in the race and ia ees meee wae the ese of a fresh egg it basin, and a| tri dust. To dust thorow a a Pio taee Bo Sune pot ae “a ving. tomb, | °F ming er peer abe oe, Sedge arta hea precede dey ao le wl el ceaatas "7S ce" sac ue te ata put ea tg i eo, ann | mts eel 0 ila cur lt‘ a ata pte ana tl Me When |S Se > uncon a | sean at Mss Sgr Soh inn Impaler aren) ae ae ‘ur fo, el pr maw PTR mds tn autem aie ning sim an scntcad ——Ae ei Ie pi, the iy nu ; age peor a Marge ergy Ab actly OE a i. » és 3 le 25 s m a, are Pa: i a at . rhis mf ‘ is a) EN i tana as tue bosom of the falry, and she sudden- By tee ies ‘and the érude| blooded descendants of the oe iy na de 25 miles an | "°.‘nere has seldom been a more myster- Bee ce aeplarionole, avg often 5 worth ot fepenns nok aan wa gold,| fard, sugar, pepper ands oe his mix: | al 1 shake ‘out of doors wi fenate 1H \G| ce bees rom Be ta and af he fn hase. boon son ting ad ne hin inust plague Grim @ AeA ceti at sone ron ee nd nitrogen-free extract. increas-|Wh0 are slill to be found in any num! yoad to anoter and demonstrating is |fous erime than the ‘murder of Mr. fiiought. ‘The people who. economize | ited’ “attr how neh is humanity in the| thick, By degrees stir in a tablespoon- “Never sun feather beds or pillows ie Peay ni Tand for timhie cathe onda pea theehins of frobical ser) Is nes mitch more rapidly relatively than|Der ainong the codfishers of Hammer-| gpijity to.fight in a broken Stockd z victualler, a great their brains are ever ready to take the] eternal wi aris ful of good vin i sy them 1 ‘s ae ane ae) fish.” fir afl Line You Brot eee oe then youlthe nitrogenous compounds and the| fest and Tromso. And a magnificent] \7 ay # S 3 . a eternal wealth of everyday goodness. | ful of goo egar, aa ttle tarragon n apg on a bcs day ii tend coming to rae 10 Bee 3 R z x our Dosoh a rarnies a eA Saad Treo ob nied AEEY SRT: Auriatnited feo While in the OS manoeuvres man, go; and the mystery would Be i Ra ral -malal a asthe] Many a heart has frst cau ght the an-| Vinegar. If the sauce is still too thick, | co The sun dra e oil a pees are sand the spot Kong this 40 ne gic Gilml. You seal Syne ta asp your id of idened. id, there-| boyhood to. 4 life of hardship, — they | 6 roads Waren to this day had eight of modern wisdom. ime |them of heavenly happiness through the }add more vinegar by degrees ti! the | giv snc se ‘ ic i ie peach Just-below the] T prot real hands ~ tightly “Sogettier” ae es Drayer| fre bee ert teas ae - FAHD: eaves wey ot. deenling pr eT eine wvas purposely ‘e ven “ros ee ee on the ‘intere ention of a Ms. d tapers nd women o of ed blood ah re-| minor ‘chor correct scosisteey is oblai a leh swe ain then you smile and ri ‘OUT BYES aS Or ‘a are a et 3 “Pi country to make est Ww , who came forward wit he ‘ing is ich Ss An ensive os. Procure | f! ” . vhich if bout hun-| {une with a slightly contemptuous. tol- é under Seek happines: Cultivate faith in Fs . | independent. want 01 ‘My di Neat nappie of i i him, if wrt aon tans zpani| ing! GNU? Tas wander nee ay Rene oe ie) ean sbiog avoid (lerd-et canto ogstble, bot the ear surmounted every Saari ne the lead. soa oa THE GOSPEL OF HAPPIN! your fellows, in thelr sincere seeking to a oma them in a saucepan with some on seltlers for the. spring gorse eae ey, ication be sue te = a thes Race tor carbol Ss, inoliding fibre, to-| uncertain temper,. whose: rapid changes i ‘This be decent, and) kind, a er fo iil th very carefule} meh in a a way, the oth fas, Sony tel antl thé tier oeatotat te ae eee: ee 2 oe tal poe obehically “equivalent to| from, emis benevolence to wild, bull. ae metet Ue oe al oper snore ins ee ate peat qeeriae oo ulate the ea’ for for the) 224 ie If this old wort in om tne Phot aay il aaa inet eae ae Ak d_ they clean | iv ela aa we auaantee the re-| hav ul creature upon the face| that contained in one ton wheat bran| blustering anger are on the whole ra-| tn: tor of 1 | found; while if another joyful sound every day of this to Rvorid an} a8 Be Biloes O ‘ i i i T pret Q Hot (he eat Jesh noes aad tncrrceooe| oa coulaided. in one ton. wheshintnat| ther amusing than olherwise- aa motor of similar power designed a joy! y of this year, to) en” Dont warehouse all your hep with the pieces, to fill up nd mould. may.bo used inslead Of. 00D e ‘miglo, | ase and ‘toy hae De i ane hit bee meee he Fale e005 an: esos contained in nearly oto. tons, though| They care hothing for danger and lit- a Pk BE cat cation: the mi on the Seength of tit this aaa - ee Spe gaa of happl-| tess in heaven. Circulate the currency n tact, if preferr red. ab od. and who is po} able She it ies a a We plighted oe nee tig ait astena csiaeen ie anibaadromeet ae tes “eet ane ae ahe might with a rate of digestibility, mck high |e, for sulleringin themselves or tal ing or any of sls parts galling out of clue it Jnan indicated was arrested, and It is only the people who live on the Weare ian ere yt feet pice; and x i ee oad 1 his characte! ce you be 5 b a G er than-for the bran. fhe relatively | others. Vhy, then, shoul hey sto; 4 froth y Ae fa the bottom of er pocket and the nol eter had Imought he assurance of Tol ing yield of mutienis togelher with | fo. think: that” perhaj sa alined il a i Saver Fae ee ine ort ae y aed pusiness {UP some one in need and help them. thte chopped parsley may be added jus GF ee haprh Caniite: Salers et ee tine! ‘hes r the dt thet it mey be oblained vith St living, shark, mt fet? Uae cnicke dpulesihi ms GUILT, to those who hav ber, Ucinesay trav God. te ears: Youn Oe A Pt a : ute Eo pe Canada, Lite, Baioe a 4 out large expense, and without inter- he fishing is none off the coast pes : ‘Se abi 5 than that of being foolish or of sepia ‘ : \ un is i peat coe the proj bad Be hursion. Now. the great] fering Gin the growing of other crops| Iceland. in sbout eighty fathoms: of| “pecas eure doe ws. but betrayed — his aveamplices thn eo cause Rha snerciaenk: <1 you wi Sek the sort sound. Of all the}it s! : + Y ~ MG tte et ofthe no preean ange 4 abertion of the miser to their marriage| the same season. make rye a crop wor-|water. Three or four gallowslike| Heaven is either anne aries the scaffold fry to live on mustard. you will find the| 8007 things of which men may boas| ¥ ents mayersation, which, however, seemed| {9 their” immedi peel Onear ie tbs a dunineratio : Many a tial isa test before promotion. | “ane” sya ine Sts. Rulhgeont syerage ot daily bread decidedty ~ Oat.| {10% "im tne ll places. with ee Eee eee nem is is close, for as, she took. her seal, | Thurston w i eae erat it vie eee apne F Ee eas unui itfs vile | arenined that” hee aged. relalve, ese iio special reason for being alive,| ad lifted “the, heavy ‘hearts itn the aban ine, Caer Ree ee pen, ‘of the first pont whic 3 Frances, ee | “Very wellIil attend to it, Nace,*| suspense. “Yes: 1 wil mare i, fet aout onedalf the quan: 1H te fills ‘even family jars with per- tan whom bose pee Batethe people. whoso bands are busy, inet a stealer ty Beleveing “in t|8 IS is a common. expres: the panty of at and. te ed his hat upon his head, and z N ity that the animals ust ire, me. 5 ie who work the hardest, have’ : z Seal any yeu lool She 8 ates | Sok a eee | 2 er day, and by the third Nth lite of your life is the proof of your| Gale Beh Cue UREN ane eet ot sion we hear on every hot. suds into pueteinae and took up a book. day increase it to 90 pounds for ieee. testi and asked per —_— f © | the nee un 11 is clean and soft; rinse awe but, cap,” said the guaree @, 1ooepound cow: 69 pounds will sup- the eagerness ce yah Ue: ao Unnecessary help is always a sad hin- nigh EVERY PLAGE ON SIXFOLD MURDER. side. Unless there is) thor stretch out the crown as eh ca am to be the means of” gnnching him! measly cine hatl ofthe “ola dirimed An ot these gatiowanice tf ie relat iecrpere are to be re [2¥INg to open the Ledeoom door. She i cave uC : me organic trouble, the con ti: possible, Ron a safety pin second pai iB cin iil Gaod siecen Let AI oy rattan oe ne ee lens ari brave tactain nosked ‘andelighling: Tor «it st sot refinement is to be re-| raised an alarm ai en the door, THE PRAIRIES Prisoner Wears in Court a Flower in| ready some flat round ns ol ie, he ough "ete clee ce on and pin it eat dep es, | oon wae 7 the tumultuous, generous | milk. Larger amounts are often fed, life all at the same time. | Ibis easy for the plugs in the race to brie sent eee aey Z js oobi wi the idan es dition can doubtless be remedied. sht pinot sullen gui we hip ince the en- rom th he eae peyctiee ard glance see ‘that z though not an to good pevaniapes Beatie za playing’ tee fish; it is| despise the priz ‘of the Heeain e — g Julius Linke, a glass manufacturer,| ste oven. These cakes should be about doctor is the best advi ai a that ‘spoils the smooth] ae ‘the Christ pounced upon ike @ pans} tears Serene seer vals mals are very fond of green | no ary of possible, and the| ‘The only way ta leave the bad is to)” The following story is, S; @ was 1s cunes _cneprrep ro| “5 Placed on irial for a sixfold murder | jyo-and- ai ai Inches. when Your doctor is best adviser. | cffect desi a - | this custom fe ‘still tbe. hens ma ther ait mts re ig rye, and ils feeding will always result | powerful iukle. tw hardly: likely. tol cleave to. the ‘g90d. MehoeR re tO Hat ; ; Bi “tu vi The sony and tan fle, may be used te rolls and other-ancl “What in the d an n, nd. those cle siolin an increase in the flow of milk, due| break, no matter how fiercely the hook-| . You cannot give a quart of love out of ages pee ean eye 5 DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. | Do not dose yourself with allo (apie mats fide | esi : ~— |were first” are i you feaven in thankfu its a nreh of England ie for mats, roun Iwo pieces : n if % " both to its Seng and to the fact}ed shark may struggle. a k} a half-pint heart. 3 in Normandy, and wer introdi ced it | ning after me f aur the rod folded up her treasured letter and placed a : , 52 clergyman, dreamed that the aahenies Z —_ 1" ___ | featherstitched. euetiee ‘Used for. in- a indy, ant e uc ‘out the land nowhere, | man as Jacko ov it b her eoson P that at the right stage of growth for] is not, for his size, a gam ‘The sermon that beats about the bush 8. Ou 4 a ki ol remedies sales, they m make shoes that are ae jarlotte Perkins Gilman was| England by the Normans after the tS at ‘on the rocks uy unele, I oe Saar Know it joull ane Wout mie rou nt them % ous soiling, it is very ‘well balanced in «ts; except when he is eevee “ye ing alwa: ren. int Pasce tia tunel here lovers wae }| John White Could get Nothing to Help edge s “i than likel ing, fit snugger, ‘as 8 ‘or | critici vorshij : mmot cap'n, T| please to give orders ie the Field Cotta eT A hed e, Eroportior — of nutrients. ed ci y| Religion will not keep at all so long Hine tae mulling: tor here ince His Rheumatism Till He.Tried the flour, and fry till b the get his opinion. More than likely | coid foot, they are DE Seae Ke the} fashioned, um t dmira- | d rere ‘thick ‘nist ine Ihave the, cara ing whe she ol bt oo vis ie sa henna Sete oe a ACRE, 8 ne | as you Keep it all to yourse Secluded spol and spending the lime eR nd vegetables from the frying-pan, need trated fat food (al night and hang up to| Hon the? wome an paid to her husband id |s z “No offense to you, Me, wa i " , Fan et in f rare even under good thods of manage- iz nh uae i at home in a aan Jumping out ee ees Hemet y Ona s i i owder, and set) YOU @ concen! rat | ae ron isbars Soe 0) cine be eds dd pia aa nwa eee the: aileron a vent; will “vary widely according t iich: he iano watchman on a church tower saw ‘ ay be made for om sli somest, br a fag that my busi Hegde seat on ne 2 Ghuareter of poli dnd eeasoni< The range lol of ditterence between a eine Dee WY Nellow Grass, Assa., N. W. T..' 780.) Linke's howge ablaze, and. called tho Ee iny a gl of 1 of to enrich your blood and tone hose ray 5 ‘in Eecahbled oe metal han = ving toe Ag arth og iste through the abtt cartiisets| broad grind’ pode. swollen head, e : fire brigade, which pul out the flami ; front elderdown: ° Double ‘the 60! s id ‘kiss. Miriam id r to just os the ‘man had haried the girl to i add to the fish, season it with lemon from e soles and * aN adieu ; e é 7 i ina ough one and en, aig that set fet acter In the exper: | 20US- skeleton of his head, and so sets| “The light of-the church does not de- the ground by~ the side of the open: The mutilated remains of the six ‘vic Let | UP > Sere canes oath clear-| through every. re 0 teaser rie ay ng hat Oe hee {cents a the New Jersey station, the| "mt. free. pend on the oilitiess of the saints. re ad peer ana 1 ie her ith tims ‘were: found: inthe bedrooms, and ss | mischief, went bac fe the. dra anes on her | Tyerage yield for seven years has been| nas a shark has taken one! ‘There are people who peseeaninaaata hapa inke, who was in the house, lared ; a + | a f a erate ee per acre. at a cost for seed.|C the bails the hauling tackle atlach-| the rose untit they apprehend the thorn] ¥ he was unaware of the crime until h Scott’s ” Emulsion pane topes icen Fo Jacque’ surprise she 0 ee re | Seven ome Ping of apout, $5.90, mak.|°2 10 his particular gallows is manned,| “The well of truth, would be food) - om ff Heaps Tete amarnow, Me doh | Was aroused by he eries-of fire, in ihe —$—$ tt cig her appear ridiculous. ioe note ing : 0 ine {On crop one ot the cheapest ef | 2nd. without any. superfluous fuss or] deal ei arer if we would keep our slitks BEFORE IT IS TOO LAT! : While is’; wre vonn" atreet, rey ‘a Holders os ce ‘around the hitehen f fre “once when she was Henan) eDen antes rae Rola arate of Ker happy se-| tose used for soilin ceremony he is hauled up to the sloop) out of it ae i ai Pe ‘experience almosls, “Tinie, who, Is 36 yeané of ago, i of Cod Liver Oil i Ih his Kk toward hers| cret, entered te cotta, ate rake iPPY “3 aharesibe Sannin are not favor:| 8d hoisted just clear of tha water. eal spoils your appetite for its Re have a gray-haired mother, : “1 think a Mr. White says, “I should tall, intelligent-looking man of dis! tin: fish AG yer aNy ae Pali ed 58 ae ante, i ag Bie of the eS She could! grins ‘or teeping hex applet PAY able for soiling, rye makes an excelleat vat wi. beaut oo board at all if you i your heart get puckered il = ae, mn ah sou ne OH aS be let the public know of the b benefit I got| Buished ores ie ae oe saded, The felt is ‘bs sture, and while but» from one-hit so is liver | pessim! A he setter: Ys Ki He wore a flower in uttonhole and = ee i re f qui uh es t thrown |. The man wha can be trusted. when ho}. {Yai pt mato “day. a ea te had Rhew| Was cool and self-possessed in face uf USEFUL HINTS. is just such a food in its best form. | doubiea ana sti nett ek poe ae the to aroun 5p Tre ind. One of them, as the expression. of his: counte- picked up the Te onedelf as. much food is obtemed|**,Cut out as he hangs, and i ‘ ss into a tub, fo be further dealt with lat-| one is looking will do work that all wit|Pon't k at. try a now is your nah mnt Meanwhile, at Luckenough, Dr. Grim-| longer period, provided it is not pas-|¢ Then out and he Reach ipeaven Le 3 ne good: sie po vo Pea ae es d ‘steps the hostile feeling manifested against} arm the dish covers carefully, oe 1 edge. They are easy to wash. 1) him in court, (Nene aie oer eanat will often | Ht will build up the weakened tho bi 1 |iee Deu Ouran =8 y a sae nl up and stood belore nee] shaw Kept. his room until ate in the Mad cio lis terly mews, is cat. adrif nd complele the| Meaven may: be the home of praise:|But show her that you link of hee When the judge pointed out to Linke mn browns ed in her face. Jaequelna could aero hen; descent elas [this is a favorite melhor of Sizing tardy. process OF Aplite: wlisee: aid bow bat va ido. ho bets. 10 Ieba, few i483 100 that his shirt and trousers, stained with spall a Casey DIE OS NF, tasty and wasted body when alll up into many useful, pr of pope old Erin, but there's One above as if et maid M ho. ss ry di: 2 | ui blood, were found hanging upon his} wy 5 hisk bi Iden wi now Wee 3 sete a5 IE ost shrek aon at he gist face! crop serves a most excellent purpose «8 squnds very horrible, but < men think that they are doing a| lf you've a tender message, ae Td tee pramee repos “LVS teen oe ching penssup put in soe other foods fail to nourish. If ta finished “in “imwteng fie Yess Gladstone, compla-|Feturns,_ some . to put off in a skiff i hastily hi that confrouted her he. ask cit bas Hea ration ose eat deal toward remedying this world's | Ota loving word to say, suppose they ‘were placed there by the 1 the btm Tha Heatiag ts ths (EE 2 bottom. The gen sore te peo in minute, jean be worked uk, by the aid of simpi ‘ghaabe tow tL tin cng iy drs ron : pes, ant a Nneee EArt the pa ial astures from bs death | Wo g them, ager Ul Som forget i cera ds of dis: Murderer 10 excite suspicion agains! | Yan n the sauce- | you are run down or emaciated, | wipers. 1 nave only mentioned roel fe is upstairs brushing his hair” [®t : 3 a 2 al yy i ot he girl, half} too y use. If eer co) a 2 heaven now, and yeu}, But w neers "4 8 * . Fy Be hore and take i fi Falowieonn cone Saealpeed Hy ike UAE ORS sepuichral | are See ance Nichk ney ee ‘about your ere} Who knows Aq Foay ti Dishes “sander of alin Ee calle ot the siete ers Deol Ge Poin Oe aan sate re give it a trial: it cannot hurt fat many us Ss are sda s a 3 im ik Folens sete, Gosia gona home ‘long ’o| tering will not seriously interfere with | Cre, they ul Sule SGRsEe i? Ree diced in court afid the prisoner alone, of | S22 Ooued: Meat is often. exposed ia : G.NO RISK, i mith T 1p | Miss Marian.” the maturing of a grain crop. Another | Shari'a exes. he will oflerw make your loved ones happy : all the spectators, appeared to remain | Guaty thofoughfares and exposed it! you, It is essentially the best —+ Hard “rn eee that rest esteur- £00 ‘went i trough ae she said W ‘hen wilt she he back, do you|advantage of the use of rye, which of by. coming and % —— quite indifferent while Dr. Streit ex-j ;, it is imperative to c 3 o deli. ANYTHING FOR AN EXCUSE. ant The i e I was there | Fost. It you nes these ny ask of all the Powers re know shiguld nat be lost sight of, 1s tts wseful- second tire. plained the nature of the injuries. alanesaes ier pee Rie possible nourishment for delicate j Bet ts got my overcoat and left his “in [end they’ would stretch a ‘Lord, Maria, _snibadering. ‘a3 a cover crop, not only absorb- incredity the state. ts NOT IN HIS LINE. % + h ic : pede havi suffered Several days| its place.” 7 060" Fale oe ee elt eat hen tell fold Mis’, he didn't ‘and holding plant aot but prevent: sroughiy Gann Veale anton ci ~ PT. How to Black a Stove-—W ash off alt| children and pale, anaemic girls. hii , during an exceed-) Weloff—“But the - proprietor wasn't to twee nm think she’d be back to-night.’ i washing or|¢d b nesses who hav ounting Bue ae like the eho if It is grease spots with soapsuds, and, if fs cold 5] Tommy | blame, was he?” , Hh Reo Nee “Ah?” said-the unhappy rane in a hol- seeded. later in ite a ‘a gem. wiee as| ‘The wedding ceremony was at an end. | there are any rough or rusty places, We will send you a sample free. isite “No, putt might meet the other low. tone, that scemed. fo come froma any other cro a ged ae an © S| Momma, snitied. couvulsively, end. the] rub down with sandpaper. Mix the| - pte “4 Pa) Ssaaione i n| tomb, as he passed down. starts earlier in the spring than inca ark these. some Jovel “The Dace § suits me exaclly. How. are bride dabbed at her pretty eyes with a|blacklead to the consistency of cream : —— inayat he reti And Maria, glad t iS tS ay ee, ‘well fo eed | ¢ ation i iow them that yor : CA IOR them he neigl filmy handkerchief. with vinegar or water. Apply this to} « N Be “Did "ga ae ing: tooth au led, dear? eee meee never paused until oe ir -thisee purpose f chest does ait fool p e it fr foo: lat “Nieest pial le in- the: neighborhood, One _ of the "bridesmotds was also! the stove when cool, and when nearly ask und refuge mote highly or; jdn't find a finer situations ‘most si chins to tears. dry rub with a stiff brush till it. shines. silage én! ne. health, sir, hy do you weep?” asked a genile-| It stoves are blackleaded while they are ti a guest. “I's not your wedding.” | hot it burns on, and will not take a nice and I node 2 ue Came! a take a bint ai Grim, and Sone hour after that, Professor Grim. ns, but-it has no ‘where I found it, and say no-| Shaw, closely enveloped in mul 3 cloak, Jett: Pockonnuets ands Hook ihe ing, the fairy, glided. road to wees | “That's the reason mr \ When washing windows you should use a sponge, ‘and then polish with news- pa sot ee which will do the work beauli- eA Ss anh ame ae ee eer a 3 : fol val si i ict fea The git] looked al him seomtily.4 polish. she snap} Pi lisfactors is difficult to pack it sulfic ciently tight | rmenfatlons, hough reaklastsoom, let 158 be continued), o silage. 1's # t fast A pee iactall bo mi filly. without Jeaving dusty. streaks. md ent inlo lengths # of 1% points pul Fac Se Re oto ae ot Ammonia. dissolved in, the water gives els warmer it’ quit hurt-|we say | ‘Happy A. blunt man usually has a sharp tong. and care taken to pac! fri ante aba you fel, like] excitement of oases had sub- it for r mise” ‘ he glass a much clearer Jook than soap. ing, “sels “cause the uist ‘be off,” | nother, ‘U Mek att Coe sles ad eee (ured, fee ne invited her up. ODGUC. 1y @8 possible in the silo.