WIDER LIBERTY OR FRESH STRUGGLE Russian Constitutional Democrats Hold First Convention. DEMANDS BROAD ELECTION LAW. A fel gles The first ni a M ee es of ee ees aan altitude tow: tha’ e agin a Prot. shat » Editor tions were _favoral tional Renee the latter rout a vith, ne from the ral colle; s he must te mobilized to war against the common x The celoasice reported. that the party Co) feerteaed they to Count Witt tion had been given. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the London imes cables:— 3 a mites by the persistent, nshalebi de- pn = ES Ros! ae on the Don has been 3 indice for The fonday truce in paisa pele is ver, i are over, and the new politeal parties 6 ores poe up .| Honey—The market is steady at 7 s vs | 8c for strained, and $1.50 to $2 per doze: ibs. Following ay pastes a their op oth- *E in Preis as “My faithful ante cls, Telegraphic Bricts ‘From Our Own and] ;, ay as aS Undo last aerhe ichel e ‘Ontario Navigation oe are t as Goldie of Galt has organized aj confident of a cont sociely with the object of beautifying tho Homestead entries in Manitoba, Territories a tee Lely d at Fall stroker ioe $1,000 damages bere USE ws ponte ot hota. ups by highwaymen armed from Obot 4 Two Guelph Seren C. E. Howitt and. Geo. Penfold, have of se immi, pert i n ‘Aceobistion to ral A bert Skea by the Farrar ‘Transportat re pulling C The ¢ British ‘Columbia cura Bes for| 1 1905 will be about 1,820, best year in ae AN of the ptainses exce Wi June 1st (eaind would be monn aan Toronto {0 P Bay line. wn ‘Wilfrid Lent ie bas been invil Eri Chamber of Commerce, at whatever date is convenient fore The of the Battleford oie December was entries An advance in prices of all kinds of. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS tube sp HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE and cu erect a fifty-slamp mill in the sotin e Denltione a ‘as for the last half yan is bine Sai wil $6: | Choice prime, $: a si 7 land-picked, ' $1.80. Potatoes—In bags of 90 Ibs, 65 to 70c. Honey—White elo- ver,, in comb, 13 to the per I section; Britain are rolling majority with- le third party in the, pr Be ns, bet in university ees ee Seba Roosevelt. will = late B2%4c. at the head of Chicago Duluth, Jan. 23. — Wheat — Northern, 697%0; & 2 Northern tet Pree engineers kcal ing for the ne ivory is in the preservatio on, some of the gan frorininn ta tneiverinakca tinouehe kn The Serer of Weights. and s unearthed an n sin fo $4.60, Export bulls are easier i $3.50 to bys einer: tne at over the eet: wio bela and killed another Coie a few THE WORLD'S MARKETS! <2 REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Other Dairy Produce at Home outside for Ni . 2 quoted outside at 70c. 58c¢ outside. ; and shorts, $18, in bags outside. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ap inferior qualiies, $1.7 com! Ontario stock, 70 to 75c | ace 10 to THE DAIRY MARKETS, Bulter- d rolls are quoted at 2 che PRODUCTS. heavy, ies rolls, ders, Aiees breakfast rolls, 14 to 14%c. Tie. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. and most dealers are quoting Gitte Be on) 5 on Hous nae spring pee ie S, went out and found John Flelting lyin, ng eas the trail about two miles ‘ong. baker’ Sih: winter ameae patentat $135 to ia, in bags, ate shorls. $19 t per. ton. extract, 8 to ‘9c; buckwheat, 6% to 7% ra Te, UNITED STATES MARKET. ce - Louis, Jai —Whei January, 8334¢; May, 863; onto. here was a heay. with la in feior «Feeders - no! choice aly et gpe ie quality. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and i 260. ions quoted at 25 to 360 for oon, and the suicide of Ayer late in the us Peas—79¢ Barley-No. 2 quoted at ig to 49c, No. ber nga se cgi tag and No. 3 at 42 to flame Corn—No. 2 Canadian, 44}4¢ Chatham freights, No. 2 American yellow, 512¢ he tanafly’ ephee ok Mee Lake- ind man, who was ir -in- Char! his wife and their five aie ages of the children ranged from 12 to | Mers. and $440 to 84. Bran—Ontario bran, in bags, outside, fe noticed about the he it o'clock on Tuesday might when a light was seen moving a Lake- not a an, and pples—Choiee stock, $3 per bbl., andj é ke 5 to $2.25, mealiven Lin Gees tetieee ane $1.75 to $1,805! inable to make her escape from lone to save the buildings and they a Peal of No. 1 timothy are urned very rpidly. For eek.| Hi quoted at $8 $8.25 on track, Toronto. ts} Potatoes 1 bag, and Delaware 7% to 80c per bag on ullry Turkeys, tres killed, 13 te cr ie os tues ducks, 1 e; geese, ae shickene, Sto 100; live Chickens, 5 10 te i before. the shooting Ayer had ‘sold the team with which he drove from ke, Pount to 23¢; large Polls, 21 to 22¢; good to choice dairy tul 20 to ‘ic, and inferior a lc. eamery prints sell at to 25c, and solids at es dozen in case lots; cold ante at 28 fet 28c, and new laid ‘at 26 to 28c per dozen. eri aint cheese, 13c; and twins. ib sy at 1340 The Mounted Police are Investigating the Case. T., says: A case which is attracting the inted Police doy Dressed hogs in car lots are firmer at $8.50 to $8.60. Bacon, long clear, 103% to 10%c per Ib in ease lots; mess pork, 50 hams, lighi| CoPding to thalstory which has reached th brother Jett Floydininsler One aflernogn pene Melee a month ago with, a team of| Lard—Tierces, 1034c; tubs, 103%c; pails, Montreal, Jan, 28—The local grain $4.50, and straight roles id to S10 in wood; in bags, $1.90 to $1.9: Rolled oals—$2.95 to rt 30 per * bag of 90. pounds. Bend Oularie bran, in bull, $17 to $18; bags, $20 ‘to $20.50; ao 0 to $5 poy $5.0 ‘0 $6.50. Wrote a Letter Expati Soc! ry Ci hy anorts Gk pork, $19 to $20; light short cut, $18 10 $19; fat hacks, ‘$19 to $20; compound] ¥ ; kettle rendered, 114 to 120; e ; bacon, 13 to Lie; fresh led sbaltoir dressed hogs, $9.7: $10; fry dressed, $8.75 to $9.50; alive, $723, mixed lols. Eges—Selects, ae; No. 1 candied, 18c per dozen. But ie Choe reuuner a 10. 23%; under-| lan 1750, eee ee Onan ve to sees Petes: unwor' ae of being allies. as the act of a spy. eady the Bishop has received \irentontng letters, and fear | a Milwaukee, Jan, heat—No. rthern, 85. to 2 Northern, 83 0, 84403 May, 87%. Mn Rye—No, 1 tisce, ar 2 ample, 38 to 51 Soe at—Cash, ef fo the Benin Islands. uly, lineapeli ian. B Wheat May, a No, 1 hard, 83340; No. ee nh do., 80%c. Flour Bran—In | bulk, $14 to Renewal of Atlantic Mail Contract to of tl run a the. oy Cattle Market to-day,| to Peet with the ,Application of the Al- raggi b Export — There were no very choice export ealile in the market. bits fey e demand for feeders is| fe though anything of © = Light iccerh cals onli er ser ime degre onbesss a very good banged, was Killed in an opium den in Chinatown. certain. stipulated conditions being ful- ompany. Milch Cows — Poor quality not want-| filled by the ¢ Thomas F. Clifford, County Solicitor ee erally, the quality of milk “delivered yo} Merrimac county, that there was little Buckoieat Ne 2 quoted at 52% to be ut thal - hi dered and the farm house set were two boys & & nothing could Le aie it was thought that ond iia! a DEAD BESIDE THE TRAIL. A despatch from Lloydminster, N. W. f Inspector Strickland. Ac- authorities, John Fletting and to their-claims, a ee ‘south. When they left they were | intoxicated and plentifully supplied with oner’s inquest. Owing 1 rts since ae circulated, the police are investigating. | —4——— BISHOP IN HOT WATER. iN ig on Japanese ‘ial ino in- A Tokio despatch s: etter last autumn to ne feo Te SRY BETTER SERVICE A CONDITION. the Allans to be Granted. mh Beegsteh from Otfawa says: At} thal session of the Cabinet the the sub-cémmiltee appointed land, Prof. Agricultural cee weave’ an eaaress}' ay tae ‘The Crazed. Man. Then. Set. Fire tothe Sane Toronto, Jan. 23.—Wheat—No. 2 On: it lespatch Pembroke, New the Western Dairymen’s coe tari. wie, eee cele ie Hampehee, saga Wha tae ihociioe ica held at Ingersoll last week, Geo, No. 2 goose, 5c; No. 2 spring, 7 to 75c.| Consider as the most appalling tragedy . ‘tor for Western fanitoba grades, “on track, at lake| vet recorded in New Hampshire was |{ario, presented a report of the work lo. 1 Northern oe 0. acted in Pembroke on Wednes- | Conducted during the past season. The ‘Bie; No. 8 Northern, o| day. Following the destruction of the of instructors in the district in 1905, ler revious year. In the aogteeh there are oe household on Wednesday after-|21 cheese factories, and of these 171 were visited regularly; 590 patrons ere = vy. al the town of Chichester, six miles oS ona ded in building ew factories sn Maden general impro' iris. The circumstances of the fire seem| few dry hard cheeses were made during shrouded in mystery. The last sign of the hot summer mont NEGLECT OF OPPORTUNITIES. Inam, Superintendent G. Farin natitutee in an address, dealt with some features of agricultural edu- should be by the farmers. Those who truction most. too often Fa ins' did not rps the trouble to come out to the meetin; eetit Referring to the bacon industry, M Putnam stated that several of the ‘inst tule workers who have been in different sections of the province report that far- -|mers are in many cases reducing their fe unless hog production received iss age ie stihl of attention, and he urged ie? temuera “ibe itanortenee oe maintaining bath the Supply of hogs and “ the desirable bacon t; CHEESE IN ENGLAND. Dealing with Canadian cheese in Eng- H. of the Ontario based on his observations while in the in pemicnie it more acid veloped, and more milk is make und of cheese, thus making it mucl re expensive to duce. Prof. Dean slated that early in the season English buyers expected to *| get Canadian cheese at a fairly. low - ce pads 85,000,000 to $6,000,000 better off than they would have been im the mer- chants not acted as they COOL CURING. tense feeling against wi Avwary, | Present the Anglican Bishop of South d Lake brings word of a ac J. idy, Dairy Commissioner for| dent which happened ther ew canaad, incnaes Geschere situation, | Year's Day. At the Hudson's Bay post and 'd {lention to the fact that as old cannon used for fir ° a supplies al per | salutes on fete days. discharging cent. of the cheese imported to Great|the gun on the day in question it ex- Britain. But the importation of cheese} ploded and badly injured Joseph Bou- into Britain has not i thin the | langer, ker, Captain Haig last few years, and in order that we may|John Seymour and the local school increase our shipments we must increase| teacher. Boulanger suffered most fro1 ine creasing the demand, is in having it -| cured at a temperature not above POINTERS ON BUTTER MAKING. -. corge H. Barr presented the instruc. . In the district there was an ex- pentiate of $18,210 on new creameries and improvements A feature, of the mecting was an at dress tthe production of “Gai ‘iry prodi the ae States in 1905 was Re eset tas Of this $300,000, represe1 vied in butter. The State of lowe alone produced butter and eggs in quan=| ry, tities which “ade them of greater value | po put of the packing ‘of Butler have agricultural high schools in various paris of the Province. LIVED IN A CEDAR STUMP. — th Scheme of a Chinese Leper to Retain} One thin; Liberty. si A. despatch re "Le the life in death at D'Arcy Is- ‘a{ land Lazi on: over the top of the tree stump in order home was a little damp, he was aw comfortable, The man’s mother in hi woodland residence, and ey will betel ern-yen to the lazaretto shortl; n no| BABES PERISH IN FLAMES. Explosion * Lamp agar in Disaster in Ne 1 tar a moment, leaving the children ep. the explosion, but he is expected to re- it | cover. © Ten eee More Last ast Than dy and J. A. Me- Feeters. of Owen Sound, dealing’ with e needs of the industry. Mr. Ruddy Pes TIttETt tt rte tt sett th land, one county would be noted for its Thi imal | g — + from Vancouver says: out the rain, and except that his ge rother are known to have had Tea and this led the other Chinese to watch | If the hen signs of the disense ap- Sasa Noa A es from "es cae B. C., says: mother had stepped out across thé road —_+——_. CANADIAN GRAIN. More Carried by Vessels of the United | £° States. n Otlawa despatch says: During the perlod front Sept Ast to the close of navi. gation, Dec. 12ih, there were. shipped Se fn about half a million isla stre to Eri 1904 only 2,724,135 bushels of Canadian wheat, out of a total of 17,116,281 bu- shels shipped, were forwarded American ports. Rapes THE CANNON BURST. Men Were Firing a Salute on New Year's Day. A Dauphin, Man,, despatch says: Aa Indian courier just arrived from Court- ee Se ns IMMIGRATION IS INCREASING. ig Last Sea: pe teat: tom pastes Gh For the year, ending December last there was an | actio i prospects are that the returns for 1906| W will ine proses al tor the past year, ZERO I PEKIN. i First . Snot Poor - Suffering and Beggar reezing. A Pekin despatch says: The first si EES ORE NS THE MIKASA DOOMED. Attempt to Pump Out Togo’s Flagship a Failure. = A Tokio despatch says: An attempt inesday to pump oul Mikasa which caught fire ath and sank alter an Tere ww Zee? in. to gi breadth to the shoulders rather than the sloping shoulder effect fashionable last Sige ¢ Provincial Po- bani in keep the sleeve ee falling in too close e arm. Ball gowns are made with the short- ee ok sleeves. Often only a strap is to noon gowns as formerly, for although there is most frocks a small transpar- pede ‘the corresponding period of | D® not changed in cloth and-velve! eequarter sleeve is, however, far greater than the Gove ing to advertise. Premier Saionji has announced the “ae of the budget $ the former § Tail ty fore, 7 od for boxes. He rennet that FANCY SLEEVES. ‘Anything « cibies!is/ 0 selling fairl thatler Baber Peeat vistemaiec 8s Pebrrrrrrrrt well at $40 to te $50, = CARE IN cepted ~ best. preventive measure agains! } — The market is strong and 7 5 } om, with | prospects steady. me (CREELMAN. Fashion x t market is ‘still showin, . | seh, ae hp going up another ide | CHEESE AND BUTTER DISCUSSED BY ont soe oe pane! 3 | “” 4 ; day. Selects, $6.7. WESTERN DAIRYMEN. an entertaining character adapted to . ts a, } Bees gids a andienoe where others than those in le - t rere nnn directly connected with dairy work were a eT } MURDERED HIS FAMILY. Valuable Pointers on Preparations of | Fe! or . rape Peer | u = ertt Sse ae he would see the day when, as in the old | | i this sweeping statement be true, there ertainly a marvellous difference in rule there is a rather small Again, there pone! es a pose inte pats piaae 9 on a foundation of chiffon F mous- Reception. dinner and thet gowns have the most fanciful lit- ; can be so much and so many 1. elaborately braided, as, in the ma- jority of coat sleeves are tri thi | et; or again it is seen quite plain, ve for the turned back cuff, which is 4 generally either braided or embroide colored silk. Lace is worn only mast ‘laborate velvet and fur 4 W | jackets, but is not necessary to trim an st outdoor pecan y Be woke her from her Biss re eR Crbnscnon 4 APPLE SHIPPERS FINED. Were Guilty of Violation of Fruit Marks Act. ~A.Trenton, Ont.. despatch says : , | of imporiance to fruit-growers i and exporters “are disposed. of belore Magistrate O’ourke here on Thursday, 1 debe eee an found to be below the d. SEEN EAS Sy FAMINE IN NORTH JAPAN, Nearly One Million Persons Known to be Suifering. A Tokio despatch says: | Conserva- tively compiled statistics, published in z 00 swspapers, show there" are 960,000 “pe in Nor' i 2 is Wi Rotana. He urger. Conse ‘ Monat to give him near undivided 4 ey tee be pow has ave Hare, e m Fol Division, Points, eu nt as the mel i! ore Marian Mayfield i: Or, The Strange Disappearance eethal pure bred or ad ‘grade chick- ared ches pelea more pore in the fattening ie IGA OEP RBA 8. tes, _ eerste ian ad aint chickens, or ok ore i Tore pret It re pone vee in his pocket. With this he bought a sack wi is. prob age at which a market chick- “Evan Naering gton,” and ae with hed information that the pre gly. cold; that iene ane, middie of the day had} storm did 83 ored legs without feathers on spurs, and 454 bestoy ot | Poration of Portsmout ie a 1879, or|. The German Empei endeavore to | Li follow the “rules of “ite” val down by | his favorite physician, 4s follows: "Eat n 3 3 8 “ me, wit th She had just. turned ‘fo go when. th 2 thing Il holds him up to better j tine feeding ts Kibet ep, c knows how de “ought ot bl wil give me mals, will tell you a nearly -w Hig id pastry and hot cakes. Only take potatoes once a day. Don’t drink tea or coffe ‘alk four miles every day, wel or e a bath every day. Wash wu er in wat water. Steen iat Alsi every night.” e Kaise his. ‘excellent physical Pe rs eae adherence to aes 5228 “Why, chile, jes afore sundown, as [ 10d. Bg bred pt to the top. ot lbs marcel and ae ‘hastened xa meet him, exclaiming in r es ae him, dfew up, and stood perfectly thet er & better class, of ven ind [au Rs a deme en eats ue a hey gi the Princess went was complete baa . ,H.R.H.'s. Women of the Bedet haraberst and mantle to one of the Princess's afl ite ground flansood and blood-meal as the best raat teams and the on SenV aS ‘aid as ae you? What did you him’ a ae but bid ‘whole Torm shook as. wi best ae sires ‘should be used to grade me chaimed iene. under her breath, as This restricted dietary, _ made But he cnaeaa stretched out his hand re] gins Metta houses from but one} ther his strength nor his weight, “Of i aid. in eae ai aan, vdeaghts Ihlow ttargaghthe ou small f toast and cera a ary. ment of rye bread. with Swiss choose, and s ns sixty, years old, and is worn aby, tesla a, m. until midnight. He may tas 7 more than five fae for a meal. that dairyman ble have his cows e foranat ad has twice had the et Try: ‘Dearest Thurston, Pais is the ae “Oh, Peas a rang! /a rang! clang! ch ir fh Titty pense in spraying dhe calves: three ti t on The late Principal Pirie, of Aberdeen pus! tad A Universtiy, related the following exper- | PP°Kr peel forws ie and paused feo ter! 3 ed). desietonti } WILFULL SSSI Young hopeful Inthe bathroom an other hand drew the steel out from hee 7 fl yee blo and ‘atelve calf. in Tike ce za inaeyésluabalarntan aoa Sheridan's father—the _rehbishop of} trate w ve eee ey awake ned ii rime, ang in horror, czernent, “and nbellet upon by her side, put his arn ‘ander Hes Heed Is as dificult to, get a man to adm =LOST “EYESIGHT ks Collec cape og aaie: we, airs the’ ground by the side was the tnd sound that broke the dreary silence Ex iiss ee Eas genera ne 3 ase the ye ical & ie vind iin Dr, lem Feat of Aurora ie about her. Pod sane ial thy patient is 0. A. Leet of Beach: Ae “B: enlace Outi yet could she. have | and in the last four months he has doo Saat There, now; hurry up4 stirs and chang nothing. me. ES oe a we ‘in pait of eh Bega fp para, a been sight PERSONAL POINTERS. Interesting Gossip About Some Promin- Sti Sarah Bern! iL. possess Heh chain or fine “fol 7 wie at liar fete ae eee < Siete to a ata tasted Meredith, the great nove- began his career with “ia one gui- oatmeal, and being too poor iy fuel, subsisted during the whole tt the time he wi riti 01 unpala- table drink of oatmeal and alae “Si Lipton possesses two teresting Nelson mementoes, both of ting his nes work, | ¥« which-he keeps on board his yacht Erin, e is a cigar-cabinet whic! made ot a n’s labra wed upon Nelson by the Cor- of the most charming traits cf the Caines of ele is her ae Eva arty for visiang the eae om which i poate mentally, and diminished nei- Aah a Tittle bit of ham, or a@ frag- ques to be a possible dream, but this eri Mr, Edison thinks that people eat and] S sleep too much and do not work enough. LONG STRUGGLE 1S WON ENGLISH INVENTOR ACHIEVES FAME a Lord Masham Issues Book Giving Story of His Efforts to Perfect Big Plans. Lord. Masham, one of the aes in- volume, telling the Biory ot his pirugiles and his triumphs i ‘kshire ankinguenns pansies where the very name of Masham is revered for his eporaal schemes has Pat food for h ‘Wool combing and silk combing were : special studies ‘of Lord Masham, who, .; with his brother, pot meas in 38 Ais wors! ners and manu- facturers under the ‘tame ne of L& S.C The inventive genius of the man speedily asserted itself, and in 1844 Kk he first patent for fringing direction by patenting aE Fol for the tre rating of soapsuds. TELLS OF ACHIEVEMENTS. “For many years, used to boast that I kept my “Due re of ay brain, as it made me sev jhousan j]2 your, In ten yours trom 1849 to 1858 f ad left nothing much for an: lyone t> do except to improve on aunt I ied one, “The silk comb was the result of pur- hasing the silk waste. It looked to me cl ine }to be nothing but rubbish at half-penny ound.” ent with it meant a great ex- Masham says his pride rose way. in @ moment, an ane wn bcoe ID his face, “We are deli fled 4 io “hear it,” said the governor, #o oe ning.” And the visitor was PRIDE IS oe ASIDE. nm in the street he saw his aie po , asked for ane Di ‘he special comb proved a godsend," shire; Holker Hall, in Lancashire; Boit-| be says. “There was an immense value -}ou Hall, on the banks of the lovely |!n Heana fe Rati evmttige Monts fe: es ; ni its use the profits of the it! nusiness for several years were $1,000, ear, LAMA OF TIBET VISITS MINTO. India, the Tashi Lama ot Tbe and tho jungster exclaimed:— “Don't say a Tongsa Penlop of Bhutan paid a stal visit to the Earl of Minto at Calcutta, nit in o1 be ni im, have. le! Riding on shaggy ponies, the Lam Lama's, their home it ice and taken a resi-| retinue proceeded through the of a Fone the Vatican. At every | Calcutta blowing trum) Tl ho Pas 1 At aid, a chair is pl for | wore’ quaint hats of varlous shapes, their” distinguished brother, ve al-}some resembling R never come to tl h steeples, and -o! person, is will h them, they ¢ say, A spirit. | with silken tassels at 50 certain Seca hen id fen Ir ec Uae ees a sion, en in audience | Sedan sn es gorgeous!; His with ‘him at the’ Vatican, one of them in-| pony was led behind the Harri and reve tail pepe advertently aaaceean him by this famil-| erent Buddhists kissed it orror of tl ae I Li ‘The Sha th of Persia never, under any ian Aitcaicas ties: sleeps on a bedstead; and} spec al conceived that there were such numbers it be in Royal Palaces or hotels, he has| of people in the world. im} Both fl (ates oI Gas estes “Now, Tommy,” said Mrs, Bull, “1 oul i ‘ignity beeduse ve retinue of bare-le y 5 jowever, gave eged_m indication that he had observed thi his n Sone of tho richest sil," ie serio a but ‘quite pardonable, breach of| ¢ pis lhe Lama en the Tongsa Pen Tr hi 8 ne seeping apartment, or else has rele-| lop are evidently well supplied — with vel i it to some remote corner, so mey, for they have driven to nu to aus him to sleep'in the exact cen-| ous shops and mat iy purchases of tre of Toor on a couple of huge| toys, pictures and phol sates cushions or soft Oriental matresses shi Lama of Shigatse who is stretched upon the floor.” Ai st be-| 22 years of age is te pina ae ot hind the cushion upon which his head] the ‘Buddhists of Tibet and Cent sia, p mpany hi : “Bh pe may be said to watch over his slum-| tan, permitted the’ construction of a eter | these triendly inst jad been licie wore established B Ses haa closed to Euro} > Many a man is oe be vas on hig on if Little ‘Gin: “Please, LS Hee a Nie ‘3 “1 wonder why it is said Fist ‘ant the bist ser io) Se Bute ‘oad loves ia ny yer?” “he expect il’s he-} dear; ee the world thinks it's hear his Tettere read in cotir 7 tile au wat fun be wort, a0. Y stole « wars one With brains