The Milverton Sun Local Ne r in the . a easy to takeandal ” ot Pe at he Best Advertising faction. I tell Perth. It gh rie Tablets are the best thin, Stomach ee and Con- stipa: “Chamberlain's Stomach and Live Mediem m. Rates reasonable, Subscription | them and if not satisfactory to 1. 50 i $1 per year, strictly in advance. not so paid.—M. MacBrru, Puriisuer. . G T.R. Time Liges 50if beck and get ge money, ‘but hhave | Provinces r had mplaint.”” For sale 7, Pablie eg "Co. Milverton and pase 1] Synopsis of Canadian North-West Homestead Regulations NY even numbered se Tan m who is the sole head ofa family, or any male over 18 xeare of age, to the extent of one-quarter section of 1 more or Entry ma: be made persoually at the local Papahe ye A pretty home wedding occured | m Lage atersite on Wednesday, Dec. mathe Ww : danghier of Mrs, M. Coe, became, the i wife of Ja Ip! , Kirke- THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1000 | Te Of nee ane oth Hire he marriage took place e idence of 8. B, Chap E. C n Cooke fe are much given to admiring] street, ‘The Rey. Hil Dewitt Williams, ourselves in Ontario our assumed superior school system. that it gives one a shock on account of assisted E ‘| = ore ae $2) § =. 8 9 8 aE ie iD to hear/white French lawn and carried a from Prof McCallum of Toronto Uni-|hower boquet of white carnations. versity that. we are really behind) Che omy attendant was little Tsabel other people in that respect. In a iss and ket of day- recent address before the Comadian| break carnations, ‘The house was|* - Club at St Catharines, he said that ren Ae diame Aneta meer the “primary schools are not as effi- and Mrs. Smith left for Kirkes- cient to-day as they were thirty years ugo, principally on account of| ny ville where they will reside. Only ees ves and imtimate friends wit- ceremony.— Waterbury the parsimony of the people. Though ratte rican living expenses have vastly increased, the salaries remain the same. The Canadian public is not aware how far behind we are in educational matters.” Tn respect to superior education, he sine Sap a said that ‘In the United States alee imes more disastrous than total expenditure annually for higher fering. Ever. Cl SUEEEEEEReEEEEE Chamberlain’s Cough Rem- edy poet ada Harmiess. The fault of siting children medi- injurious substances, isease from which they y education is about ae ne that Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy while in Canada the expenditure of the University of Mich: ae alone. ‘Most of our Canadian x McCall He added that the ee on oe part ofthe Canadian people with farence to our bea repre- | Parallel foi pouting higtse education, is most pro-| nounced, and this is also the A Fs oe haps n with reference to our primary schools. | from modest beginnings it hi ui res —_—_—_——____. Water In Your Blood ? people | have thin wate: ry Can Cad, tied exeeds tthe shvalation. oerey eat plenty but don't di gest. When digestion is poor, food shovel ghey ha to get a a time when peo T if they wanted all the news, but in:conseq' e the be pidly loses that prsadies has given way toa con- strength- To positively renew ith, | vietion that’ to really get the news nothi: Ferrozone. It excites | while it’s hot aud crisp you mu sharp appetite, — stomach | a live aftern: daily like the Toronto digest; forms life sustaining. Abu: ti at advances nade dant strength is sure to follow. If) printing machinery and telegraphy jn need more vitality, extra energy, largely responsible for this. On better nerv. 0 ‘errozone | it took ali night t +t all the previot edical triamph of theage. itty | day’s news into pri hat was the cents buys a of ifty chocolate) morning paper's er the ‘Tor. eee nae Seaweeds “Short Storie s Retold ere. is. practically a papers You ean get The Toronto Star and the paper’ you are now reading for one ott vard tells this anecdote of an’ English | °¥ening, so lecturer: There was a i straetoi alway: pressing | 192" upon hisstudents the need of perspi- euity, A man came to him| one day to get back an essay that had | ¥¢@r for $1°30. been subi ed; ‘‘A very good essay,” sal 2 5 Ea I= Ou Ba ‘he iz. man Jooked up anxiously. “What part of clear to you, pro- One day a stranger went to a ho: Sees ands wished and ti day’s outing. Ni. knowing him pareaureed ealer declined to als them fahishands, pct tran; a that he. at them back at ice If the sed, there- lently suffering with wi Sy eed Diseases of Women can inders OFTEN DUE TO: Deranged Kidneys. orse- Tom to hire a horse| When the Kidneys Are Weak It is jot i angen? for Any omen to e Happy or Healthy. girls and women who are si- iat they sup- se is “female trouble,” would look pose e horse and trap Seg Peles to their visepy they would soon find he same | the souree of f! i eir ill-health. bac! th the fe eould see no objection. The horse | vitality of the kidneys isin any way them . To this the other and trap were returned in ime, and after receiving a great suffering is sure to ma er r medicine is known for e tte! stranger turned to go. “Hold on,” the! miasepe ee Hamilton's Pills i e! aatoniahed dealer was | ev left to think ‘ie matter over. The late P. T. Barn crank upon ite subjeot of hess cane ‘inenee, | her experi man, 0 leeturing to andieuces upon thiy subject. A woman who heard | sickly and weak. of Mandrake and Bi milk; and ee eure are guaranteed in ery ‘Sofferer, don't wait, begin treat- t with Dr. Hamilton’s tee at i) a well kedea re- sident of the ‘own ‘of Portland. Read by his| once; they will pore you as id Mrs. A. two. cfente past I have been color was doll him lecture afterward met him one ; sallow, and [felt exhausted and weary day at hishome in Bridgeport, “Why |as if all my strength were being eat- do you preach Tabstinente to he Pp some hidden trouble. manity,” she asked, Sige itis well; I heard of Dr. Hamilton's Pills known that you allow ti e! ided to them. The change in ee Jombofourgallonaot witiske a@ few di surprisi They basco?” regulated my kidneys and bow rhum, and most ‘ran ra soe ied op the winter quar- hiskey.” Next eco or Gay ben got tthe following fine waa No m the trainer: ae eve ild cell for Jum! fala Me. band eared el my suffering; to-day he | am perfectly well.’” omen can take Dr. Hamil- very Wi in his squeaky | ton’s Pills with safety and benefit. aie Reali ‘ambo me u! the system ealthy, well regulated order edicine more gentle or more prol results. Now is down at once | toget Dr Hamilton’s Pills 25c.'per bo: 1 Bee grains ot bromide: He’s or five boxe: 2; T., and ; by m: ail from N. unt of Basaot the geision that he is. pee ue vitor, Conn., U. 8, Oe and ing: forming in Kentucky.” ‘1 The Mutual Life e. for|out distanced them all in two very = A Good Man | A Sensible Man 2 The Dominion Life elerndid nothing freah loth for dua ssest! hori land the district in which the land is siti ifthe homesteader desires, he ay, lication to. the Minister of the interioi ‘a, the Commissioner of Im- migration, Winnipeg. or the local agent re- geive authority for some one to make entry fo ‘The homesteader is required to perform the ‘conditions connected therewith under one off the following plan 4) At least siz morths’ residence upon fad cultivation of the land in each year for (2) Tithe father (or mother, if the father is sed) of the homesteader resi of the requirements as to residence may be sat- istled by auch person residing with thefather or mother. (3) I the settler has his permanent. resi- dence upon farming land owned by him in the we nity Of hs homestead, the reqnire- may he satis oy sidence id. ‘Six m in writing should be ven to the Commissioner of Dominion Eands at Ottawa Ofintention £0 ave for Deputy of the Minister of the iateHior. A SIGNIFICANT FACT > 66 ape SISSISSESSSSSiSSSESSSSSSSSSS A Silenced Cough ANY COUGH REMEDIES relieve the symptoms and not the disease. They con- tain opium or other narcotic that drug the cough into silence—but that is not curing. The right way to cure a cough is to cure it to stay cured. The right remedy must go to the real source of the trouble and remove it’ Mitchell’s Cherry Balsam is such a remedy. It stimulates the decretions, soothes and heals the irritated surfaces 2 loosens the cough, natures does the rest. Cc. Ghe Public Drug Co.,Limitea DRUGGISTS AND STATIONERS Atwood 3 Milverton 3 and $ Gorrie SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSC III IF SSSI SI SI SI SISS SIS SSSI S SSS SSS ss. SISISSSSSSS SSS SSS SSS SSHSSS Q. There are four Life Companies in Canada which, from their pro- minence, have long been look- ed upon as leading all others. tb eal (BANK OF MONTREAL EsrasuisHep in THE Year 1817. WINGHAM: BUSINESS COLLEGE President ligh-grac w i, $; Tea tee eae en Lord Strathcona and Mount 1. G oR pang Commer Reval 6, werre—Geo. SpoTron. Principat @yPaid up Capital - - $14,000,000 Reserve Fund - - - $10,000,000 of Canada SAVINGS BANK DEPT. important respects : (a) It paid a Larger Amount in Profits to its policyholders than any one of them, and. (b) It increased its surplus by ieee ore than the combined in- srease of the four companies. The Mutual Life of Canada owns Interest paid or compounded half CENTRA yearly, Srratrorp Braycn, . P. Winslow, Manager STBATFORD, ONT.: The leading Commercial and Short} h i io, Write atany time. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, Principat 'y All Kinds 5 Be Which occurred dur- ing the past year. W. H, GROSCH, Local Agent D. STEWART, Stratford, Gen. Agt. Will provide for his family in case of his deat enonnous shrinkage inane in cor CHOPPING tai ‘sec es, Paid for Wheat and PFEFFER BROS aay, of Repairing! Now that the rush is over, bring in all your watch, clock and jewelery rdpairing that you want done. All work is guar- anteed and at lowest cost. Done Daily HIGHEST PRICE Gold Watches and Rings We have the nicest line of Coarse Grains Will guard against the dan- ger of Nes in his ol ‘Will Guarantee Safety to Both by issuing one of its reliable Life or ndowment Policies Head Office : Waterloo, Ont. Tos, Hiniiarp, President and Managing Director. “e H. Sims, ~ S. B. Bricker, Hon. Jas. MoMutian, Frep Hutsreap, Supt. of Agencies. 1 Vice- J Presidents. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Special privileges to Total Abstainers. | Assets at 31st. December, Profits paid Policyholders 117,238.21 Life Assurance in force Dec. A. S. Mastogar and let me show them to you. The prices will please. SEMEN SY A MEY SL SE ESE SE SSM SIL SY SY STOCK-TAKING Our annual stocktak- ing has commenced. REMNANTS of all kinds will be put on the tables at a great sacrifice. :: : Furs and Fur Coats at cost and below. > * * Es ES % “4 We want Es ; $2,000 x by Feb. 4th. % We must close all ac- ; % % * Es ES > > counts by cashor note by that date. W. K. LOTH BRERA ERERICR ACEI IS IER IARI IIE ITER AR AAAI IAEA ICTR TEAC ASIA IEICE IIE HEA TEAS TET ITT IEE IE III TEA TC IC AS & VICTOR » ART * STUDIO Haying opened my new photo studio over Preuter’s harness shop, it will be found open and ready for business six days of the w 1 HAVE COME To STAY! Ebony Toilet Sets We have a few Ebony Toilet Sets left, which we will run off at cost. If you want a bargain, come in and secure one of these. Results for i ree! issued and p: si5, ‘311, 904,24 MADE BY US WILL NOT FADE: ou want Bromide, Crayon, India Ink or Water Color Enlargements, it will pay you to call and see me. ALL WORK GUARANTEED First-class work at reasonable prices is my motto, CALLERS ALWAYS WELCOME ! S Tacheke over 1903 1,744,698.77 P. H. Bastendorff 17,851,760.92 Victor Art Studio HN. McGRAE, MILVERTON Incrense over 1903 2, 345, 984 44 31st, 1904 85,327,662.85 Increase over 1903 9. ‘646, 473.9 98 ee Western —_ Paster - tastet, Strat District eee H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY EXTRA SELECTS BALTIMORE OYSTERS 50c a qt. Butter 19 and 20 Cents Eggs 22 Cents Felt Romoes from the J. G. Grosch Felt Shoe Co. at a ne price, and will rd the lot at again price $1.40, Gail nae and ize. WM. ZIMMERMAN at wholesale prices. Here is a Snap : Thave UB = pair of Ladies Charles H. Davies, Limited, Stratford’s Greatest Outfitter for Men and Boys, will inaugurate the most STUPENDOUS SLAUGHTER SALE of Swell, hand tailored Clothing and Up-to-date Gents’ Furnishings tnat ever was held in Perth County, Weare overstocked. A backward season stares us in the face. For these reasons and these alone, we have reduced every article in our store away below No reserve. 25th, at 9 a. m., Stratford's Greatest Clothing Sale positively commences. thing marked in plain figures. ig GOODS ALWAYS AS ADVERTISED 9 a. m., for 9 Days only Everything goes. THURSDAY, JANUARY Every- One price to all. get your s pesdeussnuassnacdbaevsisrdeasixacss H. MOHR. Qs ‘The Shoeman! CHARLES H. DAVIES jane OUTFITTER TO MEN, F. B. Deacon’s old stand, Stratford, Ontario S SISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SHSSHHSSSSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSSSS SSIS =, ye 4 SISSSESSISESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESESSssEggs “The House of Quality.” Announcement Extraordinary | Positively Commencing Thursday, January 25th, : = SCHAEFER & WHALEY We Thank You! We take this opportunity of thanking the people of Milverton and surrounding country for their very liberal patronage during our Pre-Inventory Sale. Py nF This week we are busy stock taking. We will have a number of lines of odds and ends that we will put on the bargain table at half price, such as Remnants, Odd Glass and Chinaware, Ete. Py OF Watch this page next week for our ad., we will have some- thing interesting to tell you. SCHAEFER & WHALE The Milverton Sun Master of human destinies am I; THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1906 GENERAL | NEWS ealule Drug Co. Milverton pad At- O'Keefe, the Toronto brewer, of cussing the administration of the li- law, close up tight when the law s; he must, and he should lose his Ticense if he sells a drink to a m: Hon. Col. Matheson, Provincial} ®® Treasurer, Saya, the receipts for 1905| X' will be over six millions, the largest since 1894, when they reached $6, 188, - wever, Was it minister, and called in a ra who officiated at the grave. oeeatien e oblat = ness trip to Startford on Mi reel syent Sunday with Mr. and {attended the ball 5 ton. Eine it . | best to relieve Mr “I wi me notice save lich | Fame, lara and fortune on my foot- Cities and elds I walk; I penetrate nae sand seas remote, and passing eed aha mart and palace, soon or late anbiddea once at ever: Save death ; but those who doubt or Goisiegested Di fates, penury and woe, Seck me in vain and uselessly implore, T answer not and I return no more, Sond: Ingalls, pea eR AS Seer ae The Root of Atta Head- ache Is an irritable e eepalblon of the n eryiline is in the hy Paint Weeke Mial seoINTiity ervi- In use Pek ity years; free Nerviline yourself. HESSON. Miss Farrel, of Listowel, is ppeactng a Weel eae her fi friend, "Miss Addie Hei nabager, of Bamburg, is visiting at Mr. ae G. Gatschene, rx ich Cae busi- and Miss Father, of Michigan, Quite a number from sround here at Newton last Friday night. Mise Johanna Schiebel, of Elmira. spent Sunday a ome here. ss Ida Helw left last Wednesday to work for Mr, Adolf — Proved in Mount Forrest. Wwery doctor in: ia tried his it necessary es have pal lows The official report of the Proceedings of the joint committee on church | union has been issued. ‘The reports | 4° of various sub-commitees senelies: the tentative basis of the union. whic! the Presbyterian, Me’ ist a Congregational churehes at their next meeting next summer, stan- ial uni mn. existing among the ‘three deno: sae ee is a marked feature of the find- of the committee. ok 1906 Fee! will be five seta three of the sun-and twe of the mooi The ones visible here will be a total eclipse of the moon, Feb. 9, visible to met retic regions, but not on the At- | lantic coast. If we are to receive the hard frosts ge | that usually accompanies er iecbir s, the heavy pneumonia does no! appear to is smaller eRe in char miata ~ Mitchell Advoca' One of Bia ci by anything else, so beware. I would | elixir of life. 5 , Will quiet your nerves not advise you to come up here either! will rest you, will sootheyou and give for you are not acquainted with the| health and. strength. a da: ey time, - HE Be ota? provision is e for ventilation, get one of those REXALL HOUSE. DYES. | attachments toa stove pipe or flue HOLD hich take the cold air from the Dyce, will dye, Woot, Coton, | floor, Bowls air being heavier than the m air, Barely al 8 to or near oe Be sith aie WP pi Simproved the floor and by th apparatus escapes to the fine. How mn TEE PUBLIC DRUG COMPANY poenle hav @ package. All M:lverton and Atwood. is| certain to thoroughly cure; try anda tl 1 Dati and cold and will give its unfort- n. unate occups t fall of snow of the last fev | COM obieets, bedding included, when wi i ho was can-| unpleasant odor from these vassed to buy tock in one of the|at it i z your took odors. Third; Your ed and room wal weight bedding. The sed i nd dried clothing, you will feel clean, rei wont vise rooms well ventilated in nin despair ig eared ‘of “Catarsh: ozone. = ita fectly cured.” This proves beyond a is & & “Gatatrhozone” yourself;ita guaran: teed. danuary Sale of Parlor Suites Prices Cut in Two, 1 only 5-piece velvet rug, plush backs, regular $60, January Special., $51 only 3-piece Parlor Suits, upholstered in best I silk on the market, beautiful design, reg, $50, January specials... ..e<eseree ce 39, fos) 1 only 5-piece Velour Suit, all stuff over, regular $30, January Special. 24, 50 1 only 5-piece Suite, show wood frame, reg $25, January Special..,.........- $21 5-piece Suite, show wood frame, up- only Maa in aoe regular $20.00, January Specialisoin Mawar $17 1 only 3-piece Suite, latest design, Hae good quality, regular $25: 00, ee eS cia " $20 onl 9.75 The opportunity of a life time Do not miss it Goods Delivered Free C.R.Honderich & Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers only 3-piece a ne ne Op: eee Special only - How To Keep Well. and very y important: Keep eee eee -—Why Take 2 Years cold room will make ant rian least, if not worse. jamp brooding Keep the “spare roo” closed at all ert Just before putting a guest in- t mild,is very thoughtless, To bring a bullock toa size that he can he brought to in less than seven months, : Z rest vier Farm, Forest, Ont.. Noy. 22nd., 1905 THE CARNEFAC STOCK rood eat; p it. DEAE SIRS :—I have won first price at Sarnia for the heaviest calf, an. ee heed or grade ‘under seven months old, ay cult aeat hed 785 tbs. I attri. Bur to the use of CARNEFAC STO whiel Lhave used in erd fo a yeatvand after bating ted ober Sue Foods have no hesitation in sayingyoura is the Dest, and farther that it will Pay any man who.feeds stock to us¢ CARNEFA\ (Si ‘A. GOVENLOCK ‘Winner Silver Medal 1905, for the best herd of any pure breed. ‘hat more proof is required than the above, but if you want more ask for our booklet of testimonials, or better still procure a veil of CARNEFAG, and’prove it for yourself. ; FOR. SALE BY < ~< FRED PRUETER Dealer in Newland’s Robes, Ty and Black Fur Robes, clade Rugs and all a of Horse Blankets. Harness of all sorts on nd ma order Repairing promptly and Henly. au PRESETS “<< ‘“ ‘“ x ONTARIO ‘ rm and dry, have plenty of light. just before resh and vigorous. Fourth: ct ve a very offensiye odor ‘om lack of ventilation, That Shines Like Diamonds “CUT GLASS” The aurea’ of our Cut Glass is acknowledged by all o be the finest ; our designs the latest and most artistic in Salad Bowls, Berry Bowls, Bon-Bon Dishes, Olive Dishes, Cream and Sugar Dishes, Knive Rests and Cases. Etc. Any of which would be acceptable and orna- mental to your table. J. WELSH @ SON STRATEORD Official G.T.R. Watch and Repairing Carefully At- ‘Clock Inspector. tended to. 4