Milverton Sun, 8 Feb 1906, p. 1

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“It Shines For All.” Vol. XV—No. 3 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1906 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher YOUR MONEY IN The Sovereign Bank of Canada never stops working day or night—and no money comes more easily than interest money. You can start an account here with only one dollar. Interest Paid 4 Times a Year whether you look after it or not. R. J. RANNEY, [lanager, [lilverton } LOCAL NEWS The Merchants Bank of Canada STRATFORD BRANCH : A, M, Campbell Manager ae Par UP RESE SiR i. Moweiens ALLAN, President. count: ERs to Whom money is | Interest at most favorable rates allowed on Savings Bank Ac- 8. Special attention given to the business of FARMERS AND DRov- ent at lowest rates on promissory notes '. HEBDE General Manager. Dentistry DR. R. LEDERMAN ee cides: Hours 9a, m ‘inkbeiner Bros, hardware RKE! ei Graduate and sia Mea allist Tr cal College, also Gold and Silver inet, ts ae sa60r tO ee @ block. ‘Telephone connection with Pooler aeeaad moserville and Rostock. 8 5 oO Legal, oft NTON, Barristor, So te. gh Sey ‘Thursday, Wm. Burton’s Block, shivverton, Veterinary “),_W. BARR, VETE BINARY SUR- {G rad otherwise promptly Ga lis b: pes hone or ot 3 ed E ffi ppel's at old at Livery J. H. LAMBERT, successor to “to J. j. W,{e Barr, Mill St., about three rat Give us a call Socteties F., No. 99, Milverton, meets ev wars welcoi amuel Henry, HL Pugh, Recording Seer etary. Fc Silver | Sta foam every. Frida wage at in their hall, a nore buildsag. Vintdag Fidelio always me: Joh Westman, N. G.; Li Business Cards W. D. WEIR, Aactioneer for the Coun” ties of "Perth ‘and Waterloo, Conveyancer’ Deeds, Wills ani Mortgnace drawn and Affidavits made. Village Clerk. Office, dyer Grosch's Shoo Store, Main street, Milverton. Hotels SS eae a BS EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont John Gropp, P-oprietor. fiquors and cigars at e bar. First-class accommoda n and large stal liqui La AIRSSEE Chass Rater, Prepeistor QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton. Ont. The jon for commercial tray- duate of On-| in th ey AM aay to Mr. Winter apples at H. Mohr’ baa Eparohniene for abe or THe Son offi Marmalade oranges Tete. per dozen at H. Mok First class holes a Victor Art Studio, Milver Miss Mary "Smith, of Millbank, is ie Led of her Bea Miss Ethel "Do not fail to hear Piper Macdon- ald on ne, (Thursday)/ evening in Gresch’s The trams of 8S. S. No. 9, Elma, and No. 1, Moringtoh, are putting libraries be ‘their resp¢ctive schools. ju need a new stov eription ? now you won't be sorry.—J. R. Yost and Son, Hear the ctlebrated Pittsburgh Orchestra under the leadership of Emil Paur at Theatre Albert on Satur- day next. Mr. Solomon Grosch has succeeded in passing his Christmag, eae. year course in e of any des- the secon 0.) Osgoode Hall, “Toronto. Wanted at sine a good smart boy to learn printi making your spoieaton if you want the osiion: —Apply at Sux Onis: looking over nie net thi. settee the reader will, evidently me to the conclusion that last i evidently preacher's week in Mil verton, Wantep.—A good smart boy for Millbank store to learn the general store business, age about 15. Wages $3.00 bei Ae start.—Apply to H. eas Ne e Leaeioed sold a hog the M. Grimm. that tipped the scales at 740 pounds. If there are any spre that have a hog bea’ Poni libs tockeac otis ee utler, of~Wellesley, two years ago purchased a team Hay, of Listowel, the bi claims it to be one of the Bleak ‘etal he ever han The annual meeting of the Milverton at cheese and butter factory will be held ee of oieert ae general ns and all others inter- cited are nordially invited. The foreign office has authorized another statement in reference to the Moroccan conference now in session in which the determination of Germany not to make the outco: ence the same of war against France in any event is clearly set out. Remember the debat to-night {Peoreisy) } in sedis hall, arbitra- tion ys. wai e affirmative will be upheld by Mane ai ce M ‘and Malcolm MacBeth, nkin and Mr. ee ent and wi iscourse on the pipe he programme in her highland dances. it not delay in| weight, we | the confer- | o es.|in a deplorable condition it advisable to | bert Renew your subscription to the Sun Maple syrup 30cts. a quart at H. Mohr’s. . Bargmen is at resent visit- ing friends in Muaselburg, Miss Ida Cook t a few days ee — with friends in Britto ton, 8 Lillian Smith has been visiting fatal in Millbank and ‘Wellesley. Mr. Preuter visited his parents at their home, in Listowel on Sunday, Miss Hattie Bradley, of North East- hope, is at present the guest of Miss aise Whaley. highland dances at Grosch’s hall this (Thursday) evening. Miss Daisy Smith and Mr. A. Lyttle, of Millbank, were the guest of Miss Lillie Smith Sunday last. Mr. aise Dunlop, of the Sover- eign Bank, nde, apent Sun- day with fiseds i in the Bring the baby graph taken at the Victor Art Studio, Every attention given to ee ren, arry Ford, of Listowel, has been engaged by Mr. William Zieamer- Mr. Wellington Smitt a situation as assistant book-keeper in the office of the Berlin Rubber Co. Mr. Eéward Baumbach, as the Sovereign Bank staff New Dundee, pay eres the guest of Mr. G. ace Louckes, of the Lanne left i Saturday for Tillsonburg, e has secured a jol Titel Bring your portraits to. us to be en- larged. will save you money. Satisfu ee Sosa OEe Studio, Mil Mins Ella MeCloy and her friend, Vera Jeffery, of Stratford, spent Santer: at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. McCloy, 3rd line. week, one or two schcol reports and considerable general news have been held over for next week’s issue, ‘The B placing new instruments in the shoe factory and in Mr. Louis Pfeffer’s residence. Mr. D, Sutherland, of Rene Mai fared and Mrs. Rev. C. Hutton, Toronto, are visiting ee and Mrs Issac Langfor at Sunn; Atthe county meeting of the L. L_ Associati sls i lecided this véar to celebra' preparation for the Leth “has for a number of years, occupied the position of chief salesman with his brother, Mr. W. K. Loth, of Milverton may be sai ree ed yarn without ar en On. behalf of “the congregation of Christ Sate we desire to extend to placing their lar, church at our disposal on the evening of Sunday, Feb. 4th, for the fareweli service of our late incumbent, Rev. H. McLeod. —J. G. Hamilton, Nicho- as Roe, pia wardens. ‘Leod, late incumbent Rev, J. H. Me Yr] of Christ paeain Milverton, and Trinity church, unday sreaing in Burns church. The church crowded to its utmost sepnelyy Mr bay was assisted in the service by Rev. Mr. Jones, of Millbank, phe Rev Archdeacon Young, of Simeoe Mr. universally on. Col, McCrae, of Guelph, on behalf cA the Guelph and Goderich railway Co., attended the village counci meeting Monday evening and asked for The by-law, as submitted to the electors, eted for the spincistion th pality. 0 years frot final poker namely, gee Tih, a that the request, providing the re be|ing main street is ales by the first of June, 1906, to enable them e | proceed with the construction of the cement sidewalks, which they purpose putting down on both sides of the street... The sidewalks, at and the council do not. think: delay the eas hicaicnae any wees necessary. louger See Miss Chrissie Macdonald in her } eee es is photo- | fa Victor Art| Mai wimg to pressure om space ae - hei x Bell Telephone Co. are extend- ing their system in the village and are 4 w for a few days] d present, are Ba Dr. Beattie Nesbitt, M. P P., for North Toronto, has resigned and ac- cepted the position of registrar for West Toronto. The Beet Physio. When you want | a physic eg Is ale aad gentle, easy to take an 3 use Chenabentonn s For sal by Public Drag Co., Milverton and Atwood. pete Ss National Festival. “RSE A national festival will be held in Burns church, Milverton, on Wednesday even- MILLBANK Lipo Spopeceer rea OS | ithe following “officers of Millbank Tables and Palas —English table ; | dae: > . 0, O. F., were instal- asad ete. Ger. ied into ‘their. ee ive chairs on the aktvkccont ening of dannary Sth, by Bro, Ges, *| Thompron M., Millbank cle Gade J. Teneines N. Ga 2 D_B. Griev W. D, Weir's ‘Bate Register. The farm stock ee gpienipate of John 8. Jantzi, of lot 6, 14, Ellice, on Monday. March bth. Bale to commence at 1: Wednesday. eeu Ath, farin- ithe implements and househota effects of Bit ma. William Aiken, lot 36, con. 1 esday Feb, 20th. Real estate, latin hook aac ninlenr ate ote late Peter McLellan, of west halt lot 1 con. Bor ningtoEs and north half lot 38, con. 16, Elm: e5 William Btehell; PRESENTATIONS ing held in Burns church o: ba fica Rev. Mr. and Mr. MeKitnon made a suitable Sunlts after which luncheon was serve the ladies of the congregation. and adherents of Burns church, Mil- verton, in annual meeting assembled, wish te n record, the high ap: proeeront Ee muy you are held, not only b; Aral regation, bat he BRE nie at t las ir ser- vices, a pastor, during the present fas been of such character wato call: forth encomiaun dames founilon R, 8,_N. G., ish sous Mel Wm. "Nellon LS. N. G. Win ther” ©. Mor-| ford; R. 8. Sa 8. See yea. Rab hats; Warden, W. SESE Ae rive: Gon Wiliam Whites 0. G,,| your ini bene and zeal for our wel- “i recitations | Paul Columbo ; T. G:, James Henderson ; | fare to it advooacy: of the fr taliowed by] BSS FN er Pg re ei 4 Whaley ; p., David Welsh ;—The Sotiakets tera ee “the above 25 ets, | auditors report showed the lodge to ‘be painters Soprdteated Neues . ‘ ‘ Proceeds for ehurch purposes, God save] TA ico “for a large increase. in| PUblic, Your manifestinterest taken Poros ee membership during the coming ye: in the material welfare of ‘the com- munity has bee subject of favos Afraid of Strong able comment. | Your intereourss in 2 is way with the masses is having a eae - ae suffer tea fart os vipat OS ene esau good “hove. , whic 0 rather tha an interesting event took place at Arey accept this far eont aud gaunt usually gir en for rheumatism, not|the home of Mr. Fred Ott, North|letseésa slight token of the Seen knowing that quick relief from puin| Ward, Mitchell, on ‘Wednesday after-| i u are held us. We mi b d simply by applying} noon, Jan. 1st, a Yelock, whi ps may be long spared in Chamberlain's Pain Balm and with-| his younge: hi ie puciee Gr health and strength to go in and out of’ Mr. gut taking any, medicine internally. For sale Milverton add Obituary. ‘Che death oveured mals on Sunday night, Jan. 28th, of rare! Hereep. relict of the ata lexander Hai d who predeceased her but a little over four months ago. CRS Bes Sick Headache. eo eoele Drng Co. ,} gL ing | Community. oe Mitehell Advocates 7 ing a disordered condition of the stomach. All that is needed to effect a cure it a dose or two of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets. In f e Wi ack appear Continuation Cla: Pauline Berger, race Kines, Fred “Guenther, Mins Hartmier, Louis. Hofft jenior hii} oe li. Henr: lie Klenk, Eddie Yundt, ite Kalbfleiseh, Fred Hasenpling, Tillie Schmidt, . Brupet, Principal ee ISION 11, Eddie Herr, Willie E, Russel Coulter, ‘Hlerbis Hoffman, take Coutts, Jimmie Coutts, Charles hit Senior ‘Third Cl Nellie McKinnon, Marjorie B: i Coulter, Edna org: Griffith, cess tie Pauli, Clarenes Miller, - eke: ae ae qlvison Barnaby, Ruby , Norman Brown, Freddie Krajeetski,Kawin sat ‘otten, 1 Senior:—Willie Kelterborn, Alvin Weitzel, Luella, Siegner, Wilmot ho, Mabel Griffith, Junior Part 1:—Maggie Jacobs, Hib- Loth, Veron Linder, Charlie Barr, Grant Ee Carmen 183 I. B, J. Gas. Teacher, and dancing. were driven to their newly torniched this young coup! ELLICE “VITAL STATISTICS, Mr. Kreuter, the division regis' af the township, reports as f feller ie the year 19 ‘he number of births antered on the register are ind 32 female ; the number of deaths sntered are 28, 10 male and 18 female. 7 of those were children under 2 years old, and 6 from 2 to 27 years old, the paeae were adults, 6 male-and $ male, the average age of the male wdults je 7 2-3 years and of the 9 fe y the oldest ay be gleaned from the following re- port of the medial ‘peal officer, F. Parker, M. D., To the Board ‘a etsaie ‘ef the Town- ship of Ellice ee —As medical heath of- brought to my attention. of the monicipal- officer is con- tious nature ‘The general healt ity so far as a health Je death during the year fromany infectious pues es present, So fer as I am able ascer- ious disease in municipality. "| During the year there was only one case of smallpox inthe township and owing to the prompt action taken by your board, the disease was not al-|Si een most excellent. There | which wi 0 infectious or Caahags 3 he BURBS aa oe shing you and-your family that measure of suecess which: is ever the result of duty well and faithfully | done, Signed on behalf JAMES Paes Chairman, SAMUEL WHALEY, Secretary. Mrs. McKinnon, DEAR Mrs, McKinnon :—We, the ladies of the Presbyte ressiag pels {kind AND ADDRESSES At the annual congregational Al ee Rest Mrs. McKinnon ade the recipients of fhetoHser te wenroas anda fur coat an ee lets and a dining room set of furn't The Canadian Bank of Commerce Capital Paid Mg: = $10,000,000 oe aa EAD OFFICE, TO HON. GEO. A, COX, Preancat B. E, WALKER, Generel Manager A General Banking Busi- ness Transacted Muniei, and sold. Farmers’ ini Diseotated Special attention given to the collection of farmers’ sale notes. Special attention ‘is directed to the fol- ‘ages offered by our jowing's Sect Bank Department Deposits of One Dollar and upwards re: ceived and einai allowed at current rates ‘WM. MAYNARD, Manager STRATFORD BRANCH. place in the hearts of the members of this circuit. In chrreh wor! ou you. On is occasion, when Mr jarnby has been remeubered by his people, we = ca R IE t the opportanity s without paying this tribute 10 you. Theret fore, we beg of the congregation by M or, Mire, Se Whaley Mrs atler, “Mire A iss L. Crookshanks, mie 'g. Gillespie. A large number of the members and. adherents of Christ church, Milver- purse containin; i en by surprise. The feelings. t yon By your abri- stant ereutan at ‘out Weakly. Pray- er-meetin; enjoy your presence inour midst, for many yearsto come. Not only by Your fidelity in churel work: batt cheerful and w id well toward you, this gift, on tata ate ane Tadies of of the congregatio: aa. Ker ane Wu. eee Milverton, Feb, 5th, 1903. On Monday evening a number of the members and adherents of the Milverton aaa anertiibe at the parsonage and presented Rey. Mr. an Mrs. Barnby with a beautiful fur coat, and set of ine and a gold watch and ohet along with the following addres To REY. R. H. BARNsY, ‘ASTOR : —It will soon be fonr years since you came to minister to us-as our pastor, and the time must re, when, a we desire totake advantage of this opportunity toexpress our good will towards you. We rting to the spiritual questious purpor Fy of this community. of the imitate in walk and conversation te! life of the Master. As our parting is not immediate, we ho for. t! next few months, to still enjoy social and spiritual 3 are held by the Milverton circuit, May they continue to remind you of the days gist you spent with us as our pastor. faved on behal€ of the congregation lowed to spread, and the patient made by Samuel Boyle, a uring the year | Rict ari Coulter, Lee Long, Joun Me! five cases of diptheria and three cases| GI, as Mier Chae a 2 ae scarlet fever were re| os = Thon Cenckaton 2 anaes, the precaution taken by m; prevent d any pies sont Se of these maladies. I have no for the future, but have to thank your board for the ex-| year in looking after the duties of MY to 8. Justus KrevTer, Diy. Registrar, Ellice. omas Coulter, Mose s1. Grimm, G. ard Whitney , Johu “Lan To ae: R. H. Barney, Dear Mrs. Barney :—On beh llverton cireult, we desire to convey , Di youinsome tangible mRaDee the meee t fad esteem in which we b Sass hin and stale ‘Tature has earned far jyo! nu 0 | gap made i You ave eudearon yod on all necasions| equally ve evening ss make in social inter- —— To. ee J. H. McLx Incumbent ee Milverton our tion of te true ‘Christia m and you have labored for but one object—the glory of e Redeemer, Hence, you have c with you 8 kind. of hallowin into‘évery company into which you have entered, whether it be in the death that your singnliarly, per and dis- position lins fitted you for the great wor of expounding the etasdat varie ob eke and sete estimable wife who also holds i ctions nee people, is notconfined to the limits of the congregation, but is shared in by the citizens of Mi e rd to fill, but we reco bility to turn a dea labor for the Master in another corner of His vingy. refore, be; congregation, Mrs. T. P. Ror, Mrs. J, W. as Milverton, Feb, 2nd, 1906, Se ane eee HESSON. Mr, Harold Kieffer, of the Central Business College, Stratford, spent Sun- ay with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Louis Kieffer, Quite a number from around here: took ‘nx Mr, Reatlo’s sale lass: weeksxe tae r. Joe Querin is busy hauling wood to'Morefeld, Miss Addie Gatschene is spending a few weeks with friends in Berlin, Mx, Heusy Inley had avery ¥ rlcoesfal sale on Tuesday. Mr, Joe Helm Natends putting in some ore machinery én ae with his sash bad door £8 rs.and adherents of tel Mr. “Andy Croke insoitin moving to ie Fred a Sisling entertained a few of aie cht, ie C. Ruoblaael en amp {0 Lise tema on Friday, fair day,

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