Milverton Sun, 8 Feb 1906, p. 2

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i Marian Mayfield Gr, The Strange Disappearance AAAAAY “Oh, sir, merster! 1 'spects she's killed!” bas “Killed! Oh, my God! she has thrown from the gig!” rie the young 2 o 3 3 ie cee zee 5 5 Ses ae seh Hoe at Hhecpna “here was she did it hay Enpent, "Oh if lint villain! y eagle before the sun na The that had been sushmoned aes previous, but had been di the layed by the storm, arrived in the mora: d]ing only to see the patient die. Many |t9 roo liries were mad ich a juncture. But Mel- iedek, poor, faithful fellow, having low | chi ne ews: 2 | followed his master’s steps, did not @p-| reached Luckenou shall pay for this wa your nie pear, and no one else upon ae , marster, have mercy, sir! "Twas- o' me an’ the gig it happene. ACh Sheeur "parted wi when I got there!” “Where ? od heavens, wirerat asked Thurston, nearly beside beach, sir. Jes’ as 1 got down imped oles de gig, an ced and then siete way, on the boy handed a small Poign: his It was. weapon, that he had lost some months previous in the woods of Luckenough. wi costly and curious specii ich taste and in; fon, kad as Wade corresponded to the! th “Jong pointed beak that gives the fish that name. Thurston scarcely noticed that it was his dagger, but pushing the boy aside, he ran to the sti ie. eeialed ‘a horse ith ‘he. swift thought, threw w himself into his s| sire, he galloped | gown, riously he beach. and the visitor: The morning pass slowly, in momentary expectation of aa was Th arrival. reach her, her helptess form, still living, Bent be washed off by the a savant waves. Thus he spurred and las! his horse, and drove him against ae and eee and through the dome of the oe mith all his desparate haste. it was ched the é ne a 2s é 3 aan aang furry. a as gone, lost, swept by Wes avast aha ee oe thought at wrun; him a cry of fierce agony, piercing through ‘all the discord 0! ik , as he ran up and down we shore, hoping nothing, expecting thingy, vet folly unable to tear himselt ‘Spol ey ‘ly walked ang Peete germ throug ih ihe. Tse until the storm 1s fury and subsided; unt the eee mosphere, the still, se- vere is doing stiff yun pot fees + Bre ony and crying an ing despairingly upon ne i f Marian, until the night waned and the morning dawned, and e horizon grew golden, then main all wos a beau the wi single geome “while sail, floating ievariilie on the bos if the blue waters. All around was beauly iat peace, yet from ee avin ae a into heart. He himself destroyer rian; he said it was his ishness, his wilfull- , his that had exposed farian usually wore a very money about her rson—enough to have tempte questions, alas! see oa was his self- reproach, \s a diatas and despa’ CHAPTER TER XV’ T.. b In the Hh tle roken upon Luckenough? ar hove on olaineld Cot- si| very. glad dia rofeing her. fend y irenched you, and I fel “Oh, sate cried ine lady, in a voice g U7 oe the morning} gie abou ge? At Deli-Delight the old men had ex- e Is of their y tal He had left the bedside ot his ne apg a ive at nine o'clock the night ges ara pao ‘since his saddl. returnt horse is gone eee the stablethat was all “that could be ascertained. Brightwell took his d pails to answer other pressing calls, But Dr. Weis- seeing that there At Old Field Selakey Edith Dae ies up late the night before failing for Marian; nit seelng thal ate aid wet return, bad (ony roe taken it ‘grant it she had re- eg 5 G =} 2 3 : 5 z 2 = same Tae forward to Marian’s return with 1e visitor, and the certain happy revela- tion she had p ‘sl She had ae over carly, toad the room very tidy, dressed Miriam in her liday ci near eleven o'clock when she tage. “There! I sai I knew Marian with Miss ‘Ihornton, te At avgule gh ome this now for the revelation! I wonder what bor it is,” said Edith, smiling to herself, er e arose and strok jown s! and smoothed her ringlets, preparatory to geelng er b: this time the carriage had ee cover, ni “What can be the meaning of this?” she asked hereel, as she went forward to welcome her visitor, iss Thorton was very pale and | d: tremulous, and she acted allogether strangely. w Sa a ae do, aoe Thornton? 1 ay ” said Edith, co! seized it, and drew her forcibly “owas the door, saying in a wind, | Bushy red ‘Come sree Full of aurpiiee, tai fol peed her, “Sit down,” she continued, sinking in- toa pap bas poming to a vacant one by her “Miss Mpetae what 2 you = happen “T do Neer euageein aot ane sd trust not—tell me! when did you see her | {i last? When did she leave home? this morn “No} last evening, about sund “Did | she promise {3 come back? and ce beer explain yourselt—Marian! ‘what of Marian’ “Oh, God pie you, Edith! what can | f ‘hi fo] Hecen oH where is Marien?” to find her here after ali! a“ alge ; bad ot ‘ound courage to come!” cruel—' “ant aor alt what you require to be told is far more cruel. Ob! Edith! a report jornin; id it but a Teor pray Hetven: that | is no more—' u “That Marian Mayfield had heen way- , and——"” from “Murdered! Oh, si cried Edith, as band, | rive me A tittle ‘ace “Dear urston, your pro 1 is as se oars them to Thurston. sunlonzen, &3 =) that I thought he must grr: ie And ik ns talking: fn id Pare frenzy, age an desi no, ate aS you eaoe eet Before the day was out the whole cil sympathy. Great horror and amazement ne strongest- Son of your soul, a 3 bi pallor oth wis countenance, the wildness thing eyes hat gazed Pes into her all answering eS He ere Dien, of Maa. “ahr id been live a cman iintil you beeome’ an gi Three weeks after this, Fdith lay upon to sg her, she was unable to receive ihe? fury of the British souwers, kindled ws next morning, however, Thurston eated his ee Ean was brought to ‘ih 7 seat, oe wailed n wonder for her further “Where is Marian? it” ‘shed ‘Miss Thorn- ton, in an agitated vo! “Where? Why, I Bicved a ns oe a our house!” ete eved Edith, to be ale, My. hi, do you follow mY shall ieee her to Aunt Henrietta — Th ‘she has not returned? Noun ine cor” ne n' we “She promised to return before dark! 1 judged the storm d thal it she was with poked pot him ith surprise and by hringing g her pias to the scaffold. dee} nce ‘Thomnion | for Heaven's sake! | tell_me what as occured” M see ees Edith! Minar started ad attended breath- hi k at me, Edith! ihe > death of Mar- mem! mber ihe agra Hit! folie sed nets visit! 1 ie nal packet ee yes from caiee ber pillaw. ‘co-heir with my young brother, Paul - | Douglass, of all I possess. Say, Edith, set at | EY into her whee. So you loved Marian—1 even judge? so when I saw you lal hardest of of ail for pret o MMINe more of that ty Ealth, st wit is S| strange a unusial-s tt is secrons. I thank st sincerely, a = name give ar time to look ati it ent ‘iin days after this Edith passed to A few be |the world of spirits. And Thurs'on ‘tool, and the orphan child to his own heart a ome, {To be continued). fae a CURIOUS SEEDS. ie good, woman’ & glass dish and placed it on the table. Alle Tater the gues! Hayrk vane! fruit with seeds like ae Bennett leaned guest's plate. kettle to keep ‘ine jam eau burnin; for | forgot to take them out!” n RAO KNEW TOO MUCH. A story told of a certain tradesman find me as close as any oyster!” engage —+_——_ THE TEARKE«CHIEF, place and spread over her dead face. eS “Woman!” he cried. “Woman! ask Haniippe for the gee really didn’t ec one, and I simply forestalled him! @ nol an object in lits| Hicks—‘How do you hap belt >| going fishing on Friday? Povet 04] revolutionaries are imprisoned, | Relieved Friday was an unluc 1/ Wicks —"Well, Y always. ha it e this morning that per- ve, But earily—“It costs so much more it used e if you wil Thurston pressed her hood and de- bi arted. The same day Edith had a visit from d this decision was made known to Thurston when he called the next morn- Mr. Bennett had an embarrasing nabit of bringing unex pected guests home to isco ger tee farelie andec wae a joments had been ane with puz- zled interest his saucer of jam, looked ion. “{ beg your pardon,” said he, “but “the seven round objects on the ‘or goodness’ sake!” ae exclaimed. e marbles I put vie the whos mises were almost entircly de- ened with an entirely new stock. and the tradesman advertised in the local news- paper for an errand-boy. Among the ing of having another flare up, you'll To ne youngster’s surprise he wasn't arts of the Tyrol a beautiful St! ounden duty to hand the sacred cl im your son, 98 you. received trom your sheds on leaving home. The tearker- i afte you thus spurn my heart after thus lead- ing me on?” “When did I lead you on, = of the forty of the people, and as you call it?” asked the girl. “Did you! the Emperor has the solid, sensible, in- tell me that a fortune-teller had iold| telligent people of this country wish,” said the oi thoughtfully, velt wouldn't u: ‘at expression, —“I was surprised to hear you to WHAT CZAR HAD TO FACE EMPRESS MARIE FOUGHT AGAINST WEAKENING AUTOCRACY. A Dane by Birth, the Empress Dowager is the Bitterest of Re- actionaries. People openly express yubts as to Wheiner the much-taiked on ome will ever meet. The Douma, however, is sure materi will assemble f bility about the Russian April 13. Add thirteen days, the: diffe! ence bel he two caiendars, and you will count it as May 1, or, at the latest, y 15. There are manly here who do not wish ily loyal throughout, and has never je | Once listened to the crafty insinuations {+ pass. down to history as the Emper who gave Russia a consiituti ion. YOKE WAS TOO HEAVY. OF rote BeirmbielE at what wan iol ine although a Dene by bicth, is mors peek than the Apis EMPRESS MARIE ACTS. Alexander III. and M. Pobiedonostseft & family scene whieh was not ordin that it eae have to be others, aa, eabave all, LAST APPEAL WON. care about your own interé father.” he bowed his hea Empress ‘Mies Me and possi yo rian “Well you know what kind URGE WITTE TO HURRY. martyred saint! loved that child asjof a time I always have on a sea voy- d 1 re.” ry up. Prince Troubelzkol, head ing of the Pevolutionaries ing they are unpopular wi De BS ose <a hate of al advocates of the constitution coming Iife— the adopt Mill live now: then Wwe 10," Cheeriy-= an admirable organization, and with “So it ought. It’s worth more to | live tbe now than it used to be!” other. the risk of his life and dynastic A sau ago, during the terrible times of the war, the Emperor decided that the yoke of the autocrat was one far too heavy for any man 10 bear rhe mperor, whose ideas upon the intoler- who has been od an heel ere: son. firm. He had n @ painful scene, and knew beforehand faced. hi far as I remember, Empress Maxie spoke about as follows: “Emperor Ar y janes ier e wakin; Emperor. was much affected and sts i the ceatid Dulko had ony but. Nichoiad i titu-| eft sums of money to provide e champion of the constitution, but | shin e pon them, as pe oo Bape it would be unlucky for the teh.” pes eae are going down should love this ae deacly., and cher- Soy ish ke. J fore, and asserting penser es with | numerous were SLEEPY-HEADS IN GHURGH SOME AMUSING METHODS TO KEEP THEM AWAKE. Quiet and Elfective Methods of Dealing With People Who Sleep During Service. The West-country Co aad who ees his congregation tue ower Sun- say uy leaving the pulpit in the middie le of his sermon to mainist oe my 55 § = i: (uan Dr. South under similar discour- agement. Once when the reverend doctor was tuen his attendants begin tou utter the olner, The nodding dsyener- aied into snores, il his sg na was continued to an ined ani tuent of ever so many ‘different keys, At last the divine pay as the unequal con- sound, and exclaimed, “Lord as loudly, lest you awaken Majest rebuke — administered that other rn clergym: wien ral uubers of his congregation nodding in their pews, came to a full stop and th With such crephegie, that even drowsiest o! voRe ore A START. r safe thing to Hosts, and’—bringing his fist heavily down 'on the pulpit and raising his voice 1 must and = B g e g e 2 > < oe aye; I have uk {waked you up, have 1? I meant to do rit” Another clergyman—a_ minister i i¢ | New York—adopted a quiet but effective Emperor ‘admitted his liberal’ intentions, method of dealing with "the, sleepy: Onee, When he made the pain- ‘tial a score or more of his congregation were WRAPPED IN SLUMBER, he stopped his sermon and said, “Breth- T have preached at least half my sartoon, ual pepaivs (het twentyaive G. thirty of my congregation are soun asleep. 1 shall, therefore, postpone the delivery of the balance of it until they wake Ae resuming his seat, he wailed. patiently for about en ruittes until the last of the drowsy ones dy 3 y:hen_ sermons nase not had 8 sopori- fic effect on some hearers. So long ago as eleventh entry we find Ulric, a monk of a ing bi fashing a lantern ‘tains we ing to ith 1843 Roger So ing in meetin, bet e:and fon repealed sleep: aia Day, and KEEP WORSHIPPERS AWAKE. ae in 1725, one John Rudge left 20s, Farmeote. left an annual 8s. for a simi- lar purpose to the church of Claverly in you that you wet sate Lim. ime ¢ blonde young man, with the grace ot All time the ner is asking} In one church an amusing and clever Greek god and the voice of an “Eolian and M. 0 when the | device was es ed to banish sleep. The harp?” De RY almost} teadle perambulated the church armed emphasizes the | with a long staff, at one end of which essity and urgency of calling it to-| was a fox’s brush, while at the other ‘ood, well-meaning. | was a hard knob. If the offender was and responsible peonle pene the} a lady the end was used to tickle country echo the monarch r into wakefulness, but sleeper as @ man a~sound tap on the with the business end of the staff an- A uurpose. At burch, in. swere: They send Count Witte telegrams by! Warwickshire, the slecp-dispeller was-a = thousands, one and all urge him if bifurcated wand resembling 9 hay-fork. ine Roelele: de ta Noblesse end’ the Moe. | tre eearerof Atvg.-wane kent’® Vist “ | cow province, a nalitation tats of liber-| sermon. and if he Spied eoyere asleep: ni rit and annly the fork to the neck with D ref gratifving resul's—to the fork L-Bile hearer.—London Til “Colored rain,” oh pe aire of miltions f little cree! w insects, fell recently at jhenomenon Jace . insects oked the water. oe in shovelled up in the eee Sy, mand the 2a g5 Sasilehicliees toa Gue anol tha coin try eartioad. PARIS CHURCH Storm of Protest Against Church Property Inventories. aly ceca mpnicipal oe and those of St. ene of the propery of “the Church Bait he del fenders = the Tater “etre ee wan foe of dignity the” Gay afternoon ‘Premier Rowvier’s reply to MANY. Baie LLIGERENTS INJURED. mi ri Brazilian sa il was funly determined to perform minion anmisted 49,000, of which Sool uty. came to Ontai ae AMONG THE ARRESTED. 5 a p}|COMMISSIONER PROCEEDS BEHIND Prank F. Bunker, assistant superintend. U. After the people had been driven out ps re | Prefect Lepine, to Unae une inter- elope to adopt the sternest measures order pers Intuang some policemen, vere iajurad oe ae ing. pick up those who floated out to sea, and Lineman Logan told him there were at least fifty persons "yho drifted sea- ward when the wreck broke up, some sal t instructed. . call on the: nined f drench the crowd, which obstinately, re- eh. German steamer Gemma, which arrived here on Tpaedey in yee ed DETROIT RIVER TUNNEL. Report ha Grand Trunk bee Will steamers had not all left the scene, On freaie nee morning dpe were pe ies ot unknown Dalionaiy fe tne Press ae it is the enon at the Gane a ship's length, and the first mate ar the aod Ger Repeal of Scott Act Carries in Prince Cor . n-| A Halifex, N. S,, despatch says: v ¥ rect ,.| dance here and the bullet was extracte en and when this ee isi hd carries, which seems certain, + A under a S eanikiiens Tae law. QUEBEC HAS A SURPLUS, |‘ manage r of the gold fiat Budget Speech Delivered—S101,118 More | jug abe Several Dynamite Cartridges Dist. ie Hon. Me Secon eas of ine pe ince, ad in view the blowing-up of the ae The bale are now making a diligent ‘Three ae bea sic on Vessel at | search. Ss Se MUCH FREIGHT BURNED. Destructive Fir ind nd & P. R. Sheds Z| Sinking Fund Plan Mae OP-| 29 $6 efing fund plan is Sete that Me annual deficit will cee SHOT DOWN A CANADIAN. Dr. Donaldson, of Br eee Killed by in Soldier. will apie Mor nihecioa at the end of five cars ale PS | burned. Sus bined Wis calfend bya SERS CE ERS RED AND GREEN RAT a? | King ta § Balt Oniy a Small june. it ts flat that Kin Unknown Schooner “Assad a German Steai ai poor and to deserving institution IMMIGRATION RETURNS. Arrivals in Ontario Nearly Thirty-five Thousand, Mostly English. despatch from Toronto says: The tole returns were given on Wed- ila aE eee guy, 1905, by: in, 10; Aus: tralian ®: Austra 5 97; iranian Be Slavonian, 26; Gallician, 312; Hungarian, not otherwise stated Alsa ed x Bavarian, Pr iam Stent lebrews, a 5 He i ; Hebrews, Ger ts Halians. 665; Japanese, 5; Newfoundland, ease os cunt Mt i 0, 493405 nd, 8; Portuguese, 2; Pol: jan, 2; Roumanian, 29: Rus. | Meigs Patras at 46 to 462é0, and No. 3 5 ineluding ot : aes 1 na ronke 2 quoted outside at 70c. anis! [celal wa : Norwealans, 58 ae ae arm . _Butigrat No. 2 quoted at 523% to rians, 23: Arabia = United States ilisens,-8t; negro, wfc segue: Nps eye CAPRI see ee 34, bo, ued roons, 4; India, 5. Total, 34,958. | and No. 3 mixed, 49¢, Toronto freight, ry: Flour—Ontario. wheat patents for ex- nai speaking 29,918] port ‘quoted at $3.18 bid; in buyers" bay ral Europe outside, Ontario high patents, $4. 159} Toronto, and per cent., Toronto, 1,332 | $3.60, ba patents, $4.30, Toronto { &Nn' a dieleptss. soon patents, $4.10, and vi nesé vse Russians, including 938 Finns. . 1,130, The English’ immigrants to the ea ey ‘WRECKED MEN LEFT HELPLESS. No Rescue Steamers Near When Va- lencia Broke Up. lespatch from Victoria, B. C., of whom might have been saved if the —_+—_- NEW PROHIBITION COUNTY. ty, P. E. 1. —— TO BLOW UP THE STATION. Acsdespatch, re st ae Jue., —__4+——_—— - ANNUAL =a 85,000,000. position in A despatch from Tol vie m in committee. The iil eaticates 2 $50,000, 000, as been made a field- imiral viscount Suke- Aoki, formerly Minister at i who is r to the Unita jeans —_+_—_—. WAS A CHARITABLE KING, jespatch a Cor y Tor tlie. relies a the [o wise . 2; Buckowinian, e| 150; ducks, e island ‘will be| oats al). Feed—Ontario $17 to $18; Shorts, in bags, $20 to $20.50; Manitoba n. . 8 | slons—Heavy Canadian’ short cut Pork, $21; cae ee cut, $20; American Sache dozen.’ Bulter—Choicest creamery, & to 28¢; undergrades, 21% to 2230: rae 3% 10 Northern, 84' to 0. to oe May, 8%0 bia. ee to 68: o- 2, Bais ple, S0340r Tels, M May, 84240; Tuly, 845 to 84%c; No. 82%; No. 1 Northern, 817 80766. ont ‘bulk, 814.50 to fering th *. $4, and | iow at $2.75 to $3.50. REPORTS FROM TUE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. Toronto, Feb. fay heat- 2 On- No: 2 goose, % Manitoba “eras Ro al lake ponarlse No, 4 hard, pes No. = pioaihecni 86k aren aa 2 North ern, 8334 to 84c; No 3 , 81% 10 | 8 820, All rail, North ae freights, ae The market is quiet, with No. Oats "| quoted at 35% to 96% outside for He Brtt~Onario fe in bags, oulside, to $16 to $16.50, and’ shoris, $16.50 $17.50 in bags outside. COUNTRY PRODUCE. ples—Choice stock, $3 to $3.25 p AP} bbl, and inferior qualities, $1. % to $2.: 5, Beans—Hand- Dickey $1.75 to $1.80; eta $1.65 —The market is snp at 7 to abs to 18c per 1 Hay—Car lots of Nol 4 timothy are | 4ce! quoted at $8 to $8.50 on track, ope lo Te oe = NG a 5 ies S 2 3 3 = g¢ fe| bag, and Delaware, 75 to 80" per r Dag | a j-| on track. La arts rats fresh killed, 14 a it eese, 10 to 11c; live chickens, 6 to ae le MARKETS. Butt rolls are quoted at 2 Maren mous 19 to 2ic; to good peasy iaairy tubs, 20 to 2ic, and ere Creamery pa it 24 to ae and solids at e market is ui tnchatgeds sith te ine ha are of new laid, quoted at 22 to 23¢ per a itty eese—Large cheese, 13c, and twins HOG PRODUCTS, Dressed hogs in car lots are easier at $8.50 to $8.75. Bacon, long clear, 10% ; pe 50; short $21. ahh to tuedhamn 3’ 1s3ee Geese i 12%c; rolls, 11 4 11%c; naa 10% to lic; backs, 1! 5% to 16c; breakfast Lard—Tierces, 10%c; tubs, 11c; pails 1X. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL, Montreal, Jan. 31.—Dealers reported a cru od demand for oats, there being ap- parently. considerable. eng quiry from the East. Prices were quite firm, No. 4 Butcher Cattle — one! lots, crea lo i. THE WORLD'S MARKETS sir * pe eee at $2 to $2. 70, ut ‘pulls. ss SL. - to No. inter, 4s on {t ep ant e ble at $4.50 to $4.75 per ore for 50 to $4 for FAMINE IN NORTH JAPAN. tions bat “To the eternal memory of the an EL three stricken provinces are in distress. fees Important Announcement by Sir Thom- as Sha R of ie a Pea pelition SW A Montreal despatch says: Sir Thomas Be for “strained, and $1.50 to $2 per | Shaughi jozen. combs. Pat 5 2s 2 Empress of Sehr and Empress of 78 a Funeral of Men Killed in Mutiny at Vladivostock. ue own regiment, Gen. Mode, who succeeded to the command, agrenl on Jan. 26th ae withdi the ore and release thi prisone! On Jan. 2th ite savas issued this ti proclamation:— “Comrades and Citizens:—The fin fie ‘s ras rele by our ee Cossacks, who have pir cae re- stove “tet the rane cease and order prevail. The city then calmed down. MANY BOMBS DISCOVERED. m St. Petersburg says: coveries of numerous bomb laboratories, a eae ee and filled and Hae vo also been’ discovered here and at Mos- cow. To. curb pecolenan ary: reas and enable estate owners to defend their properly ea further pe Beane upris+ ings the Government is distributing the oO ‘ilish_ steai is capt mn the Bri steam io} , sunk in the Gulf of Bo- re} thnia, Finland, in Septer r last, and revolvt eaptur is. which are often composed ich ef velerans and commanded by former non-commissioned officers: of the Tegue Jar army. — NEWS ITEMS |; a Customs Returns for January Show a 4 Biguer Havenubs MAPPENINGS bales ps OVER THE 1,721, an it i the séver| month the, customs revenue | Telegraphic Brlets From Our Own and inet or x, Calgary has now ten han fered banks. Canadian start elgg don Well Off ported -| A _report good strike ote tee in the old War Eagle m _ sens “ Hoots Feet a Lac! ie i a at be ‘Ollawa aay to pay oft t thelr the National Trust Company has been ins. appointed ea Ca eee ‘of the} ab! lrg catones Would peace this eeeson, 4 at ff a law e white wl prohibit Tne oA? eiidays io bran, in bulk, UNITED STATES MARKETS. Milwaukee, Feb. NA a cealg 1 fie Nek oe North he 8134c; No. $ iorinette 7340; May, A%C. finneapolis, Feb. 6.—Wheat ‘closed:=- Flour-Unchanged, Bren CATTLE MARKETS, Toronto, Feb. 6.—The ran of cattle of- at the “Western, Cattle “Market was ugoin only ae KILLED BY a SHE SPANKED. Boy of rth Alter Trcatening wey hide The prosecution of the trade sag mn) lesa grocers, will, begin ae ara é ‘ ' en-yoar-old 50 pies eee: under arrest on of ar une The A bullet oe me nck hee ee simation iat ‘Peete Seaenie of the} } Kaiserin Astounded at Small Sums Paid Toy Maker “s tal e x plant to nant steel tubes and 10 | in the ccs of paeen $213 from the con- An Ottawa despatch says : The amount of ponaty Dae on iron and ee ss the tion at Montes aa Miandgee re is wi Roget tie Pyrenees 2 caceniied we rab-oaid descendent a Gun io, in Graneda, covering the 560 ules in Fourteen hot ee or na = “et ave quoted at lo medium $% to rape a Sk, bulls at 50 tola ines. “A ehaia sd occurred a Coal Greek colliery, Bee sheet B. C., burying tour. ges ty Ds Martin ned 7. Sneddon.’ No one was hurt but several narrow secapes are reported. John McNeal, i panne, B.C, Exey stable employe, has just come into fortune by the death of his tar, aot, lector MeNeal, a retired Bri = officer, at Arey shire. A counter pet mt that of the ate i orted that rs. Elder, Demp: rop ing up the ‘est India-Canadian steamship — ser- vice, includi , with @ well from Montreal in summer. i GREAT BRITAIN. z Graeme Hunter is on trial in Edinbugh i charged with obtaining money from emigrants lay tyes r. bo abe Pg pais mn ingots poral British Livesets have ee one pee est number in the history of the Hote: “UNITED :D STATES, Warrants have been issued for the are rest on an Anarchist sche of thirty-one foreigners in Peay Miss Rose Weiler of T Conétablevitie, N.Y. has for oye a ub. & ont 2 fer nervous. 6 Hee ne Two boy bur; Kowals! ‘Jana Joseph Wwatusky, pee robbed re, mage ee py uae of Pei dy candy and wi flogged in a New “| York city Sane ‘the es ‘eta Tuska, Catholi church of St xp of tuat" city, GENERAL. Two new States, Oklahoma and Ari+ zona, will be admitted into the American 01 Voters in all parts of Russia have "| manifes! the foe in the way of an am) The 2 exploding of a soda water siphon cellar of pata se nt {el and wounde et an Gare Wide embroidery usd with the louble edge. is used for panels on'some ot Ne ae pretest tinge re "eSSCS, the very hem to tout qt pedi sear we ae Petey es sara bape suit of moleskin gray, set off ue fperaiees little ey . coat and hat were on chet tiny: tow of lates velvet showed at the ba Jace, imam ns of od ‘embroidery, is an exact reversal the’ lace-trimmed all-over embroider! aoe of a ee which, py. the way, are still in favor.

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