Milverton Sun, 8 Feb 1906, p. 3

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Chilis Prove Fatal | {warmth and circulation are not SEs Testo! ones The Milverton Sun Is tho best Local Nowapaper i in the County Perth, It ft Advertising Siedium, “Rates reasonable, 81 per year, strictly in advance, Subscription || SoBErn, Purmsusn. | cord has pro: of Polson’s ee sas Nervi ine Mon should cer wpetele G. T.R. Time Table —_- : ‘Trains due to leave Milverton. Thinks it has done Harm. Hk, corse sour. 07 a. dl THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1906; ™ Coughers, Hawkers, Spitters ! Public expectoration is against the common law, tee) the laws of n the at Catan ene reeling. quickly cure that itarrh throat ible with Catarrhozone. It positively prevents w attacks and cures catarrh forever ; and for alltime me. n't take ; oe ee for it, tr; gaternbecne i Onee used you'll be ce ‘ iene fie its pleasant and helpful : influence. The Effect Doubtful. (Goldwin Smith.) The effect produced at the time by ‘Dr. Torrey. and der. can- not be questioned, and it proves at all events a continuance of aoe inter- ch of it will ful. Nor is it relish ‘tr es lively d. est in religion. How ay be lasting is very dou certain that the of { was discussed at length, the general ion bei the phraseology of the Bible was rather to be taken a figurative and poetic than literal. This yas shown by Mr, Thomas and. Principal Scrimge hell of mediaeval times, and th: d Interest paid or be yea Si gun Life Assurance T| three days in succession on the literal i Company of Canada Vii CENTRAL ee NT. ¢ Commercial and Short- handteboolie Western Ontario. Write forourlargecatalogue, You may enter atany tim ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN,PRINCIPALS ject the certains conclusions of science and learning, may make some fanatics, “but he will gat more atheists in the —_+——_ Startling but True. Gough Remedy. following is an instan _ Too mach cannot Logan, New York. guia bythe sae: lie Sri Co., Milyerton and Atwood, ntario, Short Storie: Retold A rancher who is k known for work- mm can cut out buyin’ anew bed, and can scalars the ne wan fora lanthern.” Corn... Sold at the Station Eleva- AC “in quantities of 25 bushels and over, Less than that amount 56 cents per bushel. PFEFFER BROS tor at per bushel. WINGHAM. BUSINESS COLLEGE Is a High-grade Commercial School. ‘THREE COURSES A Silenced Cough Stenography, Telegraph. ‘werrk—GEO, SPOTTON. PRINCIPAL BANK OF MONTREAL EsTaBLisHeD 1N THE YEAR 1817. President, Lord abraenars ‘and Mount Roy: . 11, G, bo He as > + $14,000,000 Fund - - - $10,000,000 saa BANK DEPT. compounded — half rly. Srratrorp Brancu, E. P. Winslow, Manager Results for sos Assurances issued and _p: for sis, a, 904.24 Increase over 1903 1,744,698.77 Assets at 31st. December, 1904" 17,851,760.92 Tnerease over 1903 2,345,984 44 Profits paid Policyholders 117,238.21 Life Asraace’ in force Dec. 31st, 1904 5,327,662. Increase over 1903 9.646,473. 38 A. S. Meter Mgr. oes Ontario, London. A. al Bae Stratford, trict Bipenurendaab: H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY : All Kinds - ge of Repairing! Now that the rush is over, bring in all your watch, clock and jewelery rdpairing that you want done. All work is guar- anteed and at lowest cost. Gold Watches and Rings = We have the nicest line of Goid Watches and Rings ever shown in Milverton. Come in and let me show them to yon. The prices will please. Ebony Toilet Sets We have a few Ebony Toilet Sets left, which we will run off at cost. If you want a bargain, come in and secure one of these. P. H. Bastendorff ited Stat Johi sharp Williams! tells astory of adi fey ile who recen! y became a cone inquiry touehin ealth of the former'saunt, “She : Ys pore woman now thinks dat 'she's fiead.” “We berried her yesterday. SES SEE Sarat The Sous: vb Neuralgia. {t runs band in hand with poo piood abd weak nerves. Health relie 0 re, the system be nutritious blood, at can equal Ferrozone? It in- : Here is a Snap ! Cv aero ir Regular Price $i. ‘40. “Call early and ize. EXTRA SELECTS BALTIMORE OYSTERS 50c a.qt. Butter 19 Cents H. MOHR. Eggs 18 Cents ANY COUGH REMEDIES relieve the ‘symptoms and not the disease. They con- tain opium or other narcotic that drug the cough into silence—but that is not curing. The right way to cure a cough is to cure it to stay cured. The right remedy must go to the real source of the trouble and remove it Mitchell’s Cherry Balsam is such a remedy. It stimulates the decretions, soothes and heals the irritated surfaces loosens the cough, natures does the rest. 25. Ghe Public Drug Co.,.imitea DRUGGISTS AND STATIONERS Atwood 3 Milverton $3 and 3 Gorrie a, 2, 2 a 2) ay a 25 2, 3 2 24 2) 24 2 2 2 2 2) 2, 2) 2, ACCGGGSGSGGEGSEEESESEEESEEESES 2) a y SSSSSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSSSSSS AGGISSSSSISSESSISSSSSSSSSSSSS SS SSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSS S VICTOR * ART ~~ STUDIO Having opened my new photo studio over Preuter’s harness shop, it will be found open and ready for business six days of the w 1 HAVE COME TO STAY! ====PHOTOS MADE BY US WILL NOT FADE: If you want Bromide; Crayon, India Ink or Water Color Enlargements, it will pay you to call and see m ALL K GUARANTEED First-class work ab reasonable prices is my motto, CALLERS ALWAYS WELCOME ! 4. D. McGRAE, Victor Art Studio MILVERTON A Good Man Will provide for his family in case of his death. ASensible Man Will guard against the dan- ger of poverty in his old age. ‘There are four Life Companies upon as leading all others. But last year The Mutual Life The Dominion Life of Will Guarantee Safety to Both important (a) Is eer eae rotits to its policyholders than one of them, an ( t increased its surplus $10,000 more than the combined wrease of the four companies. The Mutual Life of Canada o by issuing one of its reliable Life or Endowment Policies. Special privileges to Total Abstainers. Head Office : Waterloo, Ont. ‘Tos, Hrrtarp, fore not affect President and Managing Director. P. H. Suns, Hine: cee ber bist fice 8, B, Bricker, Aes peer Hox. Jas. MoMuutax, J W, H. GROSCH, Local Agent Frep Horsreap, Supt. of Agencies. Canad saunas vot all in two very ects A SIGNIFICANT FACT in Canada which, from their pro- minence, have long been look- a ¢ Amount in any by in: wns ities, which occurred dare r D. STEWART, Stratford, Gen. Agt. T have purchased 50 pair of Ladies Felt Romoes from the J. G. Grosch ‘elt Shoe Co. at a low price, and will cleat the lot at per get your ra ‘y suffering—fifty cents buys Ferrozone, | Pitty chooolate coated tabletsina box at any drug store => WM. ZIMMERMAN Si GEESSSSESISSSSSSESSSESSSSSSSSSSSSISS. THE BEST VALUES iN CANADA HERE GOODS ALWAYS AS ADVERTISED ou The Shoeman Qs CHARLES H. DAVIES umrp TFITTER TO MEN, F. B. Deacon's old stand, Stratford, Ontario SSSI SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ACCGCGSGGSGSISGSGESEEEESEESSSSISSSSSSSSSSSSSSES “The House of Quality.” SSSHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 3 Pe SR ie De ne SR Si Se SS SI Se SS SS SES SS SS SE SESS Si SS Se SS SE SS ST SS Sl I i ei * * 3 . z z 3 3 3 rz, 3 3 re. 3 3 3 z E, z 7 z 3 3 3 + 3 3 7 3 z , & 3 3 q 3 J z 3 z 3 9 3 3 z 3 qi 9 J J 3 J q AAAI AEN AAA Hbe COLD WEATHER LADIES’ JACKETS We have 22 Ladies’ Jackets in stoek and ‘in or- der to clear the lot we will have a HALF PRICE SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 15.00 JACKETS $7.50 10.00 ss $5.00 4 $2.50 4.00 y Jackets are all last fall goods. hes . We must have the space for new spring goods. DON’T BUY YOUR PRINTS UNTIL YOU SEE OUR RANGE eap Canadian Prints are not in it with Walter Ch Crums Celebrated English Prints, in a few days. JEWELERY We aré going out of the jewelery business. need the room and in order to clear out the whale stock, we will give 25 cents off every $1.00 purchase. All goods guaranteed for five years. GROCERIES Alymer Peas 3 for 25c, Crown Peas 4 i Alymer Corn toc tin, Thames Corn. 8c, Alymer To- matoes 10c, Tip Top Soap Chips 6 for 25c, Sweet Heart Soap 3 for 25c, Black Tea 25¢ lb., 5 lbs for $1. Bring Us Your Produce ! W. K. LOTH RISES ASE HAE ICIS ICIS TB EIE ISTE AE ASICS AC AE IC AE 12.00 JACKETS e600 8.00 Ours will arrive Fc lrsiticsoust leatec matt Gee Cg Rpe Sirs Bots tule enogmons gro: L have used in my herd for -—Why Take 2 Years™ To bring a bullock to a size that he ean be brought to in less than seven months. Forest View Farm, Forest, Ont.. THE CARNEFAC STOCK FOOD CO., Toronto, Ont. Non first price at Sarnia rade under ¢ ont! wth to the use of CARNEFAC STOCK ‘@ year, and: after who, feeds stock to use CA. ied) JOuN “A. GOVENLOCK for the best herd of any pure breed. Wianer Sitver Medal 1905, What more proof is required than the aboye, but if you want more ask for our booklet of testimonials, or better still procure a pail of CARNEFAC, and prove it for yourself. ~— FOR SALE BY ~< FRED ‘"PRUETER Dealer in Newland’s Robes, Grey soe Black Fur Robes, Plush Boss and all ae of Horse: Blan! order Harness Noy. 22nd, ia for the heaviest calf, any ths old, my calf weighed 785 Ibs. I attri. having tried otuer Stock Beare ere soaeeaat the best,and farther thut it will pay a 5 of all si Wipeiciag promptly and neatly done. MILVERTON ~< ~ “<< “~ ONTARIO MEW WEES ML MLL SNL SY SI SME ML SM HE # * ea * # # # # ® SEAAIBIEAAAABEAAL Ibe | The Premier Store | WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Orders eg to a Monkton y Orders put up and gare to these places and to all ra eat of Toronto. Grocery Stores or Department Stores should have an carne Bag Rack Holder. Fruits, POSSE. Canned Goods, Staple and Fancy Cebap trod Patent Medicines, Teas, Coffees and Flour, Etc., E Send us a trial order by mail and a convinced that we can send you first-class goods. Give us a tri Send Your Orders to J. A. MONTEITH & SON Opp. Market (Box 416) 20 Wellington-st STRATFORD USE PHONE AT OUR EXPENSE RERERIEAR ER ERERA ERRATA ATRIA FS Fs BARISTA IIE ASIST TE IETS IE IETS IE AEA HK 4 i sil eat SS RO ha SCHAEFER & WHALEY Where Are You Going to Purchase Your Spring Goods ? Talk this question over carefully, determine which store can reasonably do the best for you. Which store is doing best ? Such talk will bring you here. We court discussion—investigation. We are now ready for spring buyers. Our variety is large. The patterns in the new goods were never before so nice. We bought all our spring goods both in cotton and woollen goods before the advance in price. It is not a question of value in our store, you know you will get your moneys worth here. You have only to please your fancy. New Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Curtains, Carpets, Rugs, Etc., Etc. Come and take a look at the new goods, we will be pleased to see you. sfententertertestentertente sberferdestententetente ste fe neste steste YOU'LL CATCH COLD If You Wear Light Underwear This Kind of Weather ! This cold weather is the best underwear sales- man we have. We have underwear in all grades and styles. Its remarkable how much underwear we sel and still not so remarkable either when you see the superiority of our goods and reasonableness of our prices. Gentleman buy ) UNSHR(NKABL . UNDERWEAR LADIES BUY a> WATSON’S UNDERWEAR We guarantee the above makes to give absolute satisfaction. ose sfasfsfesfesfe cfs fecha sha shachashacfssfacbashaspaseahe oe = =—T(0)-MORROW With Some People Means Lost Opportunity Not with us—not with you, if you watch our ad's. as they appear in this paper from week to week, then to-morrow means to you a special opportunity to save money— and who doesn’t want to do that—when it can be accom with p no effort. So make it a habit to look for what we have to offer. Every time we offer anything’ as a special you may rest assured that it is a “special’—that it is worth con- siderable more than we ask, Try us once and you'll come convinced. SPECIALS —sem, RIBBONS 1000 yards Ribbon, Fancy Silk, Plain Taffetas in all the leading colors, 4% to 5 inehes wide, all oe silk, sold pes isaelg at oe 20 to 25 cents per yard ~ - 2 yds. Z iC se are positively the very best values in Ribbons we ever saw. They The: make lovely neck or hair ribbons, etc., etc. OUR BARGAIN TABLE We have hundreds of specials on our bargain table. We are making Feb- ruary a busy month with the bargains we are offering on our Bargain Table. SPECIALS IN GROCERIES We have the nicest coffee sold for a long time at the price. 7 Ibs. choice roasted coffee for $1. 1 Imperial Quart Heintz Sweet Pickles for 25c. 7 bars Cas- tile Soap (twin bar) 25c. 10 bars Electric Soap 25c. Try our Gold Medal Tea 25 and 40 cents a Ib. black, green or mixed. Our Maple Leaf Baking Powder is the cooks friend at 15 centsa Ib. We have named only a few of our many specials. Just remember that you can get a little better goods here at a lower price than elsewhere, CHAEFER & WHALEY The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1906 GENERAL NEWS Markham township elections have been voided because of the use of the wrong voters’ list and other irregulari- ties. ‘The vote on the local option by- law is also annulled because far: Le sons were not allowed to vote at one ‘Tennessee farmer has raised some corn from kernels found in an ete eee vessel in the grave of one of the builders. It is said that the viel was sparse and the grains were sm: sooty, very hard and ‘wholly sane Ly wheat and still poses the germii in al concurring é county of Waterloo, in| petitioning the legislature to establish | 1 act amende se cioulities from the heavy respon- sibility ot non-repair of high ways Chamberlain's Cough Remeby |!" the Mother's Favorite. The soothing and healing properties of this remedy, its pleasant taste, and prowpt and permanent cures have wade it a fayor' Ly. prized by al a isy alta crane RMUHERe Gt The Public Drug Cor, Wlivertoo ned! Atwood, Ont. Britain’s Overworked Parlia ment. (Ottawa J as ) fanada, where function of dueteenteal: Serttahicet ri largely re- stricte: reason o} power: 0 the rge conditio: arely local administrat ad- muiniatered by parely oo aaseoiiee CLI SEES What Causes es Appendicitis. ne commonest cause of appe icitis is constipation, quire physic don’t use cheay When you a wel appendicitis. In one day you'll feel ‘he tremendous benefit of Dr. Hamil- son Las purifying the bloo yellow cover; get the genuine, pln tae ae He Smelt the Grit. (Montreal Witness) Many away from Canada are under the impression, Fecanse of ‘is home ule proclivities, that the Hon. Edward Blake, who has just been re- id, daoghter of an Anglican bishop in Ontario. Apropos of his interest in church work, Dr. Morgan, of Ottawa, tells the following story: While livingin Ottawa, asa member of the ackenzie government, ir ke regalar attendant with his ay winter season, whilecalling on the bla kes, Canon Pollard informed slei “es, at Blake, “you will require 'to be w. eiaphai an brrenn soa erro CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES | _the councillors! { worked pant eat ne a aie te a provincial telephone | For five cold. If you are not provided with a fur coat you would much oblige me y taking mine,” and he at once pro- enred the gai for him. Nex! day, the Canon, comfortably tortion his journey, accompai the dean, the latter driving. ‘'owards ly in the shalts, ‘ould not allow them to enter thesleigh, until Canon Pollai disposse he simply couldn't stand it. DYSPEPTIC Food Does You No Good, Halt the Hinegoul you're afraid to eat, is conted, mouth tastes | a stomach is loated. you t to get well, stop using avaperee pe blaky nid no so ti Leuk ee he eins eouaition= tugsbast quae? dn ls Dr. Hamilton's Pille which 0 and FIVE YEARS OF DYSPEFSia CURED, “ ealize my sufferings fro: stomach trouble and indigestion. (Bizned) “MARTIN E. WALKER, “Bri idgewater.”” Quick resus attend the use o| Hamilton’s Pills; thi me pel in the stomach and diges- ns by removing the se. You tel ites and strengthened at once, t Dr. Hamilton's Pills to- | day, y fuse an: substitnte. ' Price, 25 OX, es for , 8), at all bale dealers, or by mail. {from N.C. n , Hartford, D., and Kingsten, Ont. February Saleof ParlorSuites Prices Cut in Two, 1 only 3-piece Parlor Suits, upholstered in bee silk on the market, beautiful design, reg, $50, January special. sss sssereerereeeees only 5-piece velvet rug, plush backs, : regular "$60. January’: Spécidlesvesretenacss $51 f 1 only 5-piece Velour Suit, all stuff 2 over, regular $30, January Special...s- sss. I on holstered in velour, regular eae Special... 1 only 3-piece Suite, latest design, extra good . eae. aegis $2 5: 00, baad de Peas onl only 5-piece Suite, show wood 4 frame, reg $25, January Special..,.........- $21 5-piece Suite, show wood frai Jay 1 only 3-piece Suite, regulae sae be January Special only The opportunity of a life time Goods Delivered Free C.R.Honderich & Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. Do not miss it 5975'| 3 450) 3 me, up-' S17 $20 9.75, TT REAT CLEARING FEBRUARY SALE ALLL ee | —& 6,500 WORTH OF STOCK AT NEWTON mT I am determined to clear out the full stock of Dry Goods, Crockery and Wall Paper during the month of February. Bargains will be given in all lines. We have just placed in stock a full line of the Choicest Groceries, Our Dry Goods are well assorted and all vacant lines have been filled, A Carload of Salt has just arrived and salt will always be kept on hand. The Terms of this sale are strictly CASH or TRADE and the highest price will be paid for produce, d : Having purchased the stock of Mr, W, J. Zoeger at a low rate on the dollar, I am thereby enabled to meet the public in the line cf prices, T. HUTCHISON ZOEGER'S OLD STAND, - - - MV ITETTITITETI TTP PFPITE TPT NEWT TRV TE TTF eT TTT AT TT TT TTT ON Ls

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