Milverton Sun, 8 Feb 1906, p. 4

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The Absolute Purity}! NAVIES OF 1 DADA" REE sands bar drinkers of the artifi Japan, THE RECORD OF BUILDING FOR THE “AST VEAR. rj Hs Home: 4 Programme of 1. ‘wmqors for Increasing Great ag Sree aie launched during ue with bee ¥. tie sins becomes made Ln “rake ine fatlespscot tits ula 80 ee guilt. 2 eae le Worcester sa se oul shal and co Tg Sur't till v ee Shots y meri cruiser, cath two vaileships of paste. vay tem on bullered tins and United Stales four battleships and one Those gi Ass Net big sath for a Seat di In the fest place there has been trou- ble over the banana plantations. The The brs ace of cmon is lim- lo 670 z 5 | disastrous hurricane which ravaged the Germany wo battleships and two armor: a Olis in Dees that x lite ts one ct|! pe othe Bi it a nj competition of ‘energies compensate: e ee _ eee are ie the ane B Se lt 7; s eos one ss ‘and a a alt of butter into re ec} al Dundee ‘Torteta beat ‘one egg and " er $I a By is lable to very heavy penalties” negative quantity—we should ot eum wiole dish hater "Add to the Setter a ees ee ing more or less negligible quenuilee: Bhd of then elite Br ‘pas in_ the it into bo! 1 conscience, tmtrubled Dy Atte atee: | mixture, ine eight small tins with putt used thro} oft 2. . —_ THE INDIES ARE BITTER _) PEARL FISHING IN CANADA 1 PEOPEE MAL APN, ACA A SOURCE OF WEALTH IN THE LA- : GREAT BRITAIN. —; Bes BRADOR INDUSTRY. Hard Times and Withdrawal of Troops '|) Mussels in the Northern Rivers Hold and Ships Have Had : Rich ewels & Many Engaged » in the Sarch. The bitterest feeling obtains in Jamal 4 = 3 aS oe J] seal hunters are almost the only people the eople who know much of the northern L in the West {} dor coast, where it runs up into the Indies would like nothing bate “than to 1) Hudson's ‘Bay territory Barrenness and | Seg sails Meese te es Me uantia’ tong winlers and shcr i (ceil este aa 2, mit com of & } inclement summers are its cheil charac: proposition with any country which a ca cae saigicn’ ei ays eae ee wi Would interest ilseif in tho development Baad tee ey atitent oat Bi: Whe lands eaye a. Wine ae tuckel of Gloucester, when Greenland observation erties’ land fora day or two al a WEALTH IN THE RIVERS. B But curious at it appears, there is a e known source of wealth in that Jone land, It is found in the rushing rivers, which generally make their last Jeafyinto the ocean over a stecp hig@waterfall. The immense masses of Sia en = fresh water mussels, which in many places: actually choke’ the st fir du tention to it in late years. ‘| Men wondered why theold time whale ‘| ct seal hunters and the other early navi- galors had collected such quantities of shells as were to be seen. piled about the camping places. Then a short search ae ell read ne’er-do-well a few yea y the advance of loan: go revealed a large irregularly shaped ers to enable then pearl, under a pile shells, and ferval between the destruction of their immediately a valuable secret was re- ce id the growth of new ones, In- vealed to a few persons. Since that tine stalments of these loans have now been 4 certain f e maturing for repayment, and right <r expert pearl fishers, and now shipments wrongly, the gre eatest difficulty exists in are periodically, and in summer regu- gettin, repaid, The present gov- lorly, made of pearls. These men make vo 0 is not responsible for the fair wages by their labors, though, sf ‘al loan. gol after the planters with course, the returns vary according to : papas stick, telling them that the: the fortune, ae or bad, which at- seemed to think thal it was a gift and tends the individual. ji A i im ways of West Indian finance. regarded as being very tight the planters, On the aller band, Sir roloml im wool wow! POMRNVUOS wi "Bits ot Information Which it Wouta Be | Bo! fell to Know, a ed Bay ey ‘etoria Sanh rake one eng, ils -| Mean Aching Backs and Sharp Stabbing oe and I can er you that an will the ones That Make Life Almost) Unen- | ti There are 1,500 different apples rown in Britain. hei: The outlook Siiceats Interested ac |'™ a franeds ew shipbuilding programme, eeerens Abe rin ES 28 & ae stir i vie other or aries: 2 | eourse to be repaid, SOME RARE ONES. EASY WAYS OF FINANCE: Somme of the pearis are large and of i eat value. ast year one to sr Alexander Sweetenbam, who sue Be Yorker of rare discrimination in |st i i ards ge of 4 i Usual the planters that they are ready enougl they are silver white in color; though us ey, HD: returne then the time comes, nea oH en pe eas cate that some of the planters consider Stengel it rather bad taste of th ‘was’ not a pearl assume that hunter, but took @ clump of shells in his ue t down to open them with the tw r ay At wvhen it happens to be “ jore convenient. It can readily be seen msetehing ter find mn to ten sev went aie ism and serve vith Still another ey as one which has per- ite ‘villa, ge of L eoacel le, Pinker ‘wettest pla he ‘Bayern and Sachsea will be removed ye trom the active ist, and two new vessels Pts © tsepeecint soil, like i impov- erished blood, needs a proper fertilizer. A chemist by analyz- ing the soil can tell you what fertilizer ti ever; to suppl fey lly braille the corte ¥. your to supply European are as ‘orn poe rash cuca aay ry bill, to allow for ec ruction | ¢ there bal one pay yet the 1900 programme to dow roughly “re Or it m ry feut into slices tal an seamen ts orlly 18 content for the present to carry t : ; 800 per- It your blood is impoverished | 9°," il nd gully of murder: ot oughly. then put away ie arcane < your doctor will tell | you de more. eamaicaled tian the ues, About 2,000 vessels of all kinds disap- ery Pt Sli 12,000 ~| small SS Ltd ad put ona Le Bete and i @ loss of about $100;000,000 tn ae that the dsicontinuance of the large lo- cal exependiture which their. presence ie ~ & =9 perty. Mae year 40,000,000 tons ranges wae em carried 1} = nee but: more. ose you | ea all world, and out tao “oat onan | pan bas 0 valtieships projected tor vie able to nies eat ae ae eee dealing with’ [@ Nessel which can resist the ® forve at the Home Goverment and its repnesen: ee is no oe food tha 18 | shell porns pte 80 easily digested and assimi- SL | alsphacemneet “AN be Prrtored. ceuisare ns r "FEAR COLORED TROOPS. The English people ta Jamaica say that ft is well known that the withdraw- ifleen thousand eight nae ag ‘Ups! When the each gets too small < required Scott’s ‘Emulsion * of Cod Liver Oil _ It will nourish and strengthen = “the body when milk ‘and cream Pai Seah Emulsion pe ‘orentyeight ailerent wrecks Wien cooled ys should have a nice Sized cake =] 3 2 Ss { !had no more white troops to spare, and hereby was not without is effect om the cient ae of the. potent battleship. Great A coran at the United States Lae A me a 3 small depot near Man- self-styled the shai a kept absolutely free from ‘al hear ‘hint hold 3 rf the 8 The ‘ings. ounce wear “wigs bis pts and always ‘beneficial | _ where the body is wasting from hed any cause, either in children = | probably s convert the t ans. fad oked have aecustomed i nse! has tally been reported that ani hins of 22.00) ain} We eth bon pda theicla eae ight, fue afternoon the ralniest due of the day | te se town-hall which stands in pulation of Jemaica mH ye contains an hour-hand only on ee Uae 2 bosrd, and roll thn. Cut the ele ilo eve Tani cates e pone tan tween named points so mae “pipet of eee eee of course, at 3 ing the De o titlans Medicine ce nt. it Stir dee mmuies: then’ Geer tie te man says it will be colds’ Jo-m ve ing is gone entific rae {ha an that. The mussels a as regularly stacked seri- j ihe } military. and naval sit oi Pee ates : ve lecompose, Noth amentean cand: Well )} oben naturally, and are fan squadron, no} par bene ike cee vice squadron, no longer ates fee lesh. of the @ wesetern ‘side of ‘i hevertivave ts In ans of Wat j nown of these fresh over again, |] Pearls, ond that I ta is that England is Teele the 1} ol eee have been ri lieing of the Western Atlantic to the Ht oor th b4 United States, and th } le pearls collected : (| i olden ti 0 very alt ial fabric. Add sh “ins the erect st and have agents on the : shipments for Spot who secure | SEO CLES CRUSADE AGAINST SEReING: persons make a ‘lin in London by begging, and that thi tt ed found to have handsome | : oe banking —_+—_—_ WEALTH UNDER RAGS, At aa in the psedecalsie, there has been disco wered a beggar, named Tonge pees i, possessed of an inde- endent fortune. He arrived in the Plave a short time ago—from Havre, he said. Being a stranger, and dressed in most miserable rags, the police arrested him for a vagabond, giving him a. pri dress in exchange for fags whine constable was turnin; nev 8 EI 3 E 5 i z £ = é Hf a s Re SF g ¢ 3 & EB ee tee HOW ANIMALS ARE SKI Seen anita method of skinning a sable-is to er the head athe any. The feet and tail rs left as part of the fur. Every ae all to ge aA eth of an inch is valuable, for the IN MERRY OLD. ENGLAND NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL sh Occurrences in the Land That Reigns Commercial is equally gocd with hard or soft water. If you use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow directions) you need not boil nor rub your clothes, and yet you will get better results than ste ee ling ms hard rubbing | in the old-fashioned way. Is and is perfeccly Your money refanted pure, the most See fabrics mad dainty silks and laces may be vided kearsalidsinshaies” washed without the slightest injury. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto NLY ONE BEST TIA. BLUF_ RIBBON, _ ‘Oficiad denial is given to - ine 4 @ One Thousand Farmers fe acleda® Ceylon Nae = now be had Naval Yards sah a peach Machin- eer per pare as it a th purchased in ips and) i easier to wet into the workhouse, “the! the present tes is a "ror Gov-fage ale nchestel Made r Galvanized Steel, at pi per hui he! ee feet Cyan measure. eed urches, etc. ‘4 ‘ page aba mae are the iy tools requi as : may wait, instead of in the public house, ane vi a ‘ea ae gompany tain a the boiler Bhar the tube ayes ship: FIRE, | We also Ee were 2 ir 1 SHINGLES, in imitation of Briek or stone. | igns. ee oe Catalogue No. 14R Gnd free samples of “OSHAWA" Shingles. wire F ing able to hold only very subordin- tions. preached: “Our veel cos ing Na Is naked prize ne pains “happiness four ete ‘167 Graig 8t- 23 duason 36 Teaneros a one een, never shall do weil thie hi ‘could nok tell more | gy ady_o tol us have had a. smell buttery” tatooed. on e craze is again Sete ine attention Sunlight beh wn Deter — aint poorer BIG MONEY TO MIN WITH RIG. sek, for oe threw it ott of tae win- RHEUMATISM “AND PARALYSIS, |° Their complete __bome cure. ae forty-six pashas end innumerable eve at d neighboring willage-of Hisham for Gver TENTED MARCH i, a) throes smachines ‘ee ied te Walt and Cemont s z ;| DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS ea ROBT. ee tructiv boo! t um. —Addresn, ‘hie ‘ven Morag ee Bt His Doctor Who Said There Was Hope for Him, Now Pronounces Him ‘Well — He Tells His Own Story. father always got his sentences reduced ot fe une ida. ‘winnipeg, st has ste rater front, a) oe a ee s/RHEU pee Everyone This his own m2 crass tho heart ni helghborhood who tell of the ne work ieionicles i asia sepetaient is ea: pe “apparently wall and happy ioday, though he “nad a very "Da n't eed jiiiere goes a fellow sho likes to take stages of aaghte I ees a that there | is he | the Pats You,on Your Reet and keepsyon there var ind ed's Kidney Pills and nothing 2: 5 aah ‘hat will rai 2 Bright's Disease wit E Tt take believe that he is the oe man she ever loved. f IDENTIFICATION FOR WARSHIPS. at _ould you da Henry. ded bstantial on ee stable Don is of a Kidney Searcl When all sther corn led pote backache? Do Mes feel srowart ee and nO inconvenience in et Jagsby—Whot shell I take to. remove nee sitor: i, Mra: if the regions of the Many? aay. hae tee Sites ae the cuusurent” all will ae Lae mane a ‘ies i e sn “Eh? - ihe absence of any means ‘of identihes. rr at ie “cannot oo merry heart pe a ait pains, myuieaier ori therwise, ‘and for the speedy treatment ne colds hand - r cel Rheumatism — What'se the Cause? — nt, i im afraid you will find it seagoned ly. she si le sul exactly Susaned to seat my, laste.”

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