| E “FoR § SALE i proved Parms 4d wild land in ae tg Bs d full ater ee an particulars, ae BrRE W. McKINLEY, "Linwood, Ont. P HUTCHINSON, Newton, a ingston of Milvert ton. CARTHAGE. — ber of fu en » atte ded fair in Lis von Fe epee Aliss Gertie = of Milverton, spent days the guest of her friends. the Mined Mr. Bi ee of Fort William, is | visiting her cousin Mrs. W, Brown test “Thavaday for her hom i in Toronto a ort visit at D. MORINGTON. The following ig is a report of the g of th: pupils in'8. 8, 5, Names in order of merit, Farm For Sale. Morington. Svea - es Class 5-—Alex. eres A Jones, ‘The south half ef lot 30 and south half of i t 31, 80.acres more or less in the 16th con. erate, acey. - Sr. Jr.4—Jennie f Bilice—“Bank Barn 40X70, straw shed Peffers, Maggie Tarnbuil, Sas attache . brick veneered house witl 7 kithen and woodsh ‘and all cleared and Florida, Annie Freeman, " Walt Fare chance, | Price $5; ~000— $1,000 down alance at cent. "Api nities PAYS. WEIR. FREE ! ate ith that ol creaking rickety bed, : tress, Have a A ill feally rest peti oe your-ener- st of bright, strong, hand- and comfortable mattresses. ae, rea- : Rexall Household Dyes lo You Want a Good Farm ? i _ | tio ior 4, con rnington, i io ban Bara TO THE LADIES! coBNEEY, lady in Milverton vicinity is invited o The Publle Drug Co., Milverton, Atwood le package of ‘These Dyes will dve wool, cotton, silk, jute or bree 8. They are the latest improv ed dye in the world. (2-ins) FARMS FOR SALE of ae amie a ea pero tie a rn With, @ school and. on Soll paroles on appl Eation to. executo pipiens Executors’ Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of James Cuth- Derteon Jate-of Township of Bim ies eased erth, farmer, executors. wil distribute ‘the assets of, the the parties entitled thereto, haying only to the claims of whieh they shall fin have notice. Dated this 18th day of Tanuary 1906. ADAM FLEMING _ JOHN SE ae er iIverton, Ont. peel year’s Print on the low ;rice, as low as ill ae pivees of. ae ill bo sold at a ridicu! Noises hereby given pursuant to R. S. Executors’ Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Peter McLellan Jate of the Township of Mornington e County of Peeth, eased. 1897, Cap. 129,-Sec. 38 a3 that all pers nd_amend- ‘TuHos. MCLELLAN Milverton, Ont: s999998 eos sissssssssssees THES ) wee SURING FEBRUARY AND MARCH ‘SUITS AT COST PRICE | duleow -Saltiues before the spring % BE Se SS OE Se aE fe Homestead Regulations Jands in Manitoba or the North-west acres, more or less. made personally at the local the district in which fe land ‘toring ie ‘into cash without profit: hionable patterns, well trimmed and fs c aldo miss. REMEMBER, that w, haying been purchased last fall, oLD STOCK! oe PEPE ET shes. yy S wenteeseerers 3 ey ae , oF if the ho: may, on appiication t ipeg, or the Sexe fee es eae Interi migration, Wi shine authority probes! his permianent resi- owned by him. in he require: by ae Deputy ofthe Minister oft ine Interior. Br FREE ! John Metchian, Tarsbert: Rass aie Seika Bela Steckly, Douglas M Steck! , Annie Dongeie John W: Synopsis of Canadian North-West |" AN even numbered section of Dominion | If 8 and 26, not reserved, | y ewe Tesakin utVane n, when it | brol in the town try | Campbell, w fa sree teas | Tn Jeaas tall aaloop: Their better bei | Why then dej A few We reach the happy. Where death divided friends at last Shall meet to part no more. eae Bead fled EllaSquire (abaant Sr, 3. Reid, Huston Johnson, Luckie eae Maggie Reid, Stella Squire (absent) Annie McArdle. Jr. — Edwin Kress, Irene Peffers, Robert Fairman, ‘Tom Palmer, Jox- eph Simmonds, —ZFanet Florida Chasis Beamish, (Gent Lena Al- echt, Francis Kress,(absent) Mannie There (absent) Willie Thomas, George Ford, Lizzie Ford, Ben Hoy, Rich- ae Maddess Emma MeArdle. Sr t. 2— Chistina Kress, Freddie Thorp Hawa Hymer, Alex, McArdle, Tommy Reid, Willie "Sauire, Wilfred Mallee: burg, Arth r. Laura Johnson, Henry Herrfert. Pe 1--Austin Hawthorne, There are 43 names on roll, average attendance for anuary—was 26.—Eunice MBpRRIL, Teacher. PORES TER NOS Peo The elew re: ist the menaing of the ing | pupils in. S. No. 9, Blma, for the month of Tatuaee an Kuepfer*. Sr. 2nd—Jonathan Lizzie Parkinson*, ze Parkinson* art I—Katie Steol nape Mine Gern- =the ag pee Parkinson*, () E. Krnry, Teacher. "TRALEE 3 iss Atkinson, of St, Marva, is . viging her sister, Brg. R. Lyttle rs. ieConkey 5 |apent Saturday at the home of Mr. A. Large, ‘Mrs Davidson, Burns, sgpent a few.days last week with Cc. Nei de iss E Large spent the week-end with pice parents in Pool Master Wilfred Bitte is Ren ene ith a sprained ankle. in be rou: Miss Jessie Wood spent last week in Atwood withher sister, Mrs, Knox. ie of Mr.R. J. Lyttle has been made happy by the arrival of a young son. ee 2 BURNS. The sad death of th the late Mr. -Riddle, ome in Morington, miegreatly impaired. His death at the age of seventy-three, removes fthe most respected, and highly es. citizens of this township, was aman of s| Hehe in all his deal many kind deeds will live long in the hearts of who remain b a religion for a short time in the was un- lderness, experiencing all the hardships of pioneer sti ihe amassed Sri e wealth, i of the fines mes and farms i 2 he a Jane Campbell mat ofthe late 0 still survives him, besides fee. sons, | Mrs, Archie “ir ank at 2. 2 & on | home, Brown, of Toronto, ae one brother, Mr. Hugh Riddle, of List ‘ing rel eccveu harris heart: @ SOrTOW! felt i armpathy o of their many friends in rement. a ke comfort, Christians, when your frie never ends; short years of Fert al past, New P, rints nd Dress Goods have arrived at the People’s Store It is somewhat early to announce Spring — i Goods, but we were fortunate to receive a ¥ large part of our Prints and Dress Goods or- ders during the past week, and noting the great satisfaction and favor with which they | meet the demands of our customers, warrants us to place them on the counters. Now is 4 actually the best time to do your spring sew- ing. Our Prints comprise the best Canadian q and American Prints, warranted perfectly fast : colors, in all the new designs. Good heavy cloth, starchless, 32 inches “wide: at 10 to 123 Cents Some of our New Dress Materials have arrived, such as Cashmeres, Tweeds, Eolines Crispines, De Chains, Fancy Poplins, Mo- hairs, Roxanas, Silk Warps, Grenedains, etc. Don’t miss seeing them. y DID YOU SEE OUR : oy Carpet and Linoleum Department The finest display of Brussels, Tapestry ee Velvets, Wools, Unions, Rugs, Mats, Etc. you have seen in Milverton for many. days. Wait for our Curtain and Drapery Display SPECIALS: A special in men’s colored and white shirts, all sizes, ranging in price from 85c, $1 and $1.25, your choice for soc. A pure linen Turkish Towel, 38x27, colored stripe, very special at 90c per pair. : 36 inch English Flannelette in narrow and wide stripes, extra weight, special 12%¥%c. EXTRA SPECIAL We were fortunate to procure almost a ton of cottons and flannelette remants, mill ends, to be sold by the prounp. Flannelettes all colors, widths and qualities in lengths from 4 1 to 25 yard. Some-very fine English flannel- 5 ettes among the lot. You save from 25 to 50 per cent, in 1 buying this way. We have already sold several hundred pounds in less than a week, which shows that they are real value. Do not miss putting in a supply. a We call special attention to onr Grocery Department. Everything fresh and new, the stock is complete. Bring us your produce, highest prices paid. C. A. Finkbeiner * The People’s Store ” MILVERTON