{ : LOOK AT OUR WINDOW FOR CHEAP -SUITINGS AND OVERCOATINGS PRICES Bass bee ca One $16,00 Suitings for......-. Two $18.00 Suitings for.....:..eseeeeeeercese ess One $14.00 Suitings for......... s.sereee ‘Two $20.00 Suitings for One Unfinished Worsted, regular $20.00 for... He OVERCOATINGS.. One $22.00 i Deevooasing fot. 15,0 One $20:0 One $15.06 Overcoatings for.. Overcoatings for Smith & Finkbeiner ‘Milverton’s + Leading cy Tailors POOLE Mr, and Mrs. Berkner, of Milverton, spent Sunday at theresidence of Mr. Wm ton, on Monday of last week pen day with me - a P. Hel Seigner, of Milverton, for-a good figure, Mr, Seigner will sboiy occupy his new Mr. Mik ss secured the job Honeygrove cheese spent Thursday Toning with eee Bros. and enjoyed & pest of euchre, ere: Fi ‘red McCloy, of Toronto, is See mee friends in Nilyerton ana Mori Horses ee Sale! House and Lot For Sale! A substantial and commodious solid brick dwelling, centrally situated. Hard and soft Water, £004 a few finefruit trees are also on the lot. Possession given in January. Apply to JACOB KELTERBOEN, Milver- toa, 01 Stocktaking Sale a) Our Furniture Stock must be greatly reduced by March 1st, so we have fixed red tickets on a lot of lingering lines and lowered them 20 to 25 per cent. in price. There bargains that mean a sav- ing of dollars in furnishing any room in your honie and that will pay for a journey of many miles, There’s a Surface Oak Sideboard, reg. $22 for $15. Can you afford to miss such savings. House and Lot for Sale. A commodious brick building situated o Main Street, New Four rooms dows oy 4 able. ‘Need the money in business. For fr ther particulars a us TP HUTCHINSON, Newton Farm For Sale. ‘The south half ef lot 39 and south half of lot 31, 80 acres more sin the 16th con; OF ihicee “Bank bara, 4057 shed attached 80X36, brick v ouse_with en . Land all m1 well drained. . Drilled well.—Well_ fenced, — rare chance,” Price $5,000—$1,000 down balance at 4% per cent, “Apply -D. WEIR. R. WHITE & CO. Stratford First Furniture Store East of the Post Office. ; G.T. R. STATION STORE NEW PRINTS Have arrived this week. A big stock to choose from and the patterns are most elegant, ere are still a few pieces of last year’s Print on the shelves, which will Ce sald ae = ridiculous low ; rice, as low as 8 cents and up to c ee eNeER u ‘There are a few Fur Coats, Overcoats, Robes and Horse Gaps in Do You Want a Good Farm ? FARMS FO FOR SALE Bathe ee of land on the Tenders for Ini gigs soaren ree Pe nders for In: dian Supplies,” will crane eer for the sa of That seal year ending ores ni y be had by applyin or fo the icytn Capaiplonerat Winn peg. pied. J.D. McLpa Department of Indiin Affai ‘Ottawa, 3rd February, 1906. Bl weit w wie Fauthority. of the Tepartment ‘will not be. 7 Vinn, of Cleveland, while enroute Mr, an *. Barnett, of Listo- wel, sp ra aa and Sunday with friends in Poole. ‘i Mr. Casper Sutter on Wednesday last sold his House an nd lot, to Mr. Eckardt to .. congratulate the Carthage team on win- noeadar ‘of Elma and Mornington be- | ol as movingon him 1iContaining. 75 acres the west | rapidity. He was.a native of Donegal nafforioe Gon. , Morniugion, wheron is ‘4 i rected a good bank bi OM ee “shed | reland and-came to St. John N. B, i attached. ood. canifortable dwelling 1836 where he worked for house and a never failing spring. Parcel trade of ship carpenter, going thence The north part of lot 3 AS, Bima, © vt Mace TRAE OGe Ukonce te taining 50 a reels of | 60 Scam y ence land are well drained, et enced Sundin. the Peterborough Ont. where he lived two best state of cultivation, Located 2%4 miles | years, coming. there to Wellesley and d nn Supplies. | country) ke was a man of might both GBALED TENDERS addressed to the under west or any tender is not necessarily | Rutherford, of Toronto, Interment took ‘Secretary: Newspapers inserting this advertise- | Jac Wearing Away Your Lungs ? fee Com bownne re our expense not sati Sa Ss ee, CARTHAGE. mber of our - citizens attended the feet of the late hn Freeborn of Pfetfers on Monk Testi wi ind spent the past mon h her sister Mrs. J, Gam! left ie week for fachorsbin. Oil Spr oes . Jol he e day. Mr. and Mrs. W, Moore formertly of Listowel are spending this week with the former’s father Mr, R, J. Moore, Your MSLAnOnRY. Women! Can't even sleep—restless day and night—brooding over imagined the brain, but in the blood h thin and innutritious. Do the mht thing now and you'll be cured quick- zone makes. fe ag uscle, nerve— strengthens in a we res very quickly, Youll li fe a box of this good tonic (fifty choc fate boated tabletein every box) at all PEFFERS. Another link betwe en us and physiealiy- aad mentally, a ind and indulgent father. Robert in Mich. U. S. one sister Mrs, W. Loney, G. Hawthorne, O. Jones, Wa Scott, Robert Barrett and Alex NoMedisine Cu Cures so Many Sick. ets left, which must-be cleared out before spring. Step have a look at them anyway. E— JUST ARRIVED! e _E E| E ‘Ss THE ~~ KELTERBORN, TAILOR WILL SELL DURING FEBRUARY AND MARCH TWEED SUITS AT COST PRICE To clear out the balance of his Tweed Suitings before the spring stock arrives. He is desirious of turing them into cash without profit. These are.good, clean, fashionable patterns, well trimmed and “TADE TO FIT” This is a chance you should not miss. REMEMBER, that this stock is entirely new, haying been purchased last fall. NO OLD STOCK! JOHN KELTERBORN THE TAILOR ; “Opposite Post Offic2, - - MILVERTON sessosssosoose SEIESESHSESSISSSSSSSSEEEES ite Executors’ Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate eo fecs ate ol Re pmmanet Fe in 1e Cot MPa ey NSIS is hereby given Pursuant to R. 8. 1807, Cap: 129, See. 88 and amend: vi rs February, 1906; thelr names, scriptions and a full statement o lars of their claims and the Gfany) after the said ee cistnoate: the “abects of the deceased among the parties entitled ‘thereto, havin ‘ard only to the claims of which they shall tien have notice. ated this 18th day of January 1906. ADAM FLEMING JOHN CUTHBERTSON Px¢cutors Milverton, Ont. of James Cuth- |The One True ) Biesletne for Health bh od articn-| Health is established in a ehort time. held by them dul ccrtined, and that 7 7 7 id. tae che executors well proceed DIscoURAGED tate Founp New , Desbe pondent, Weak DR. HAMILTON'S PILLS and Sti will realize, a: as you read the rollowing letters, the grand ing don . Hamilton's bine, They have a direct action on the lood, nerves, hea i “Thad Beery. ynewry siveb baie feeling of awfu! “Dr. Hamilton’ . Pils <2 ines. from late of the Township of Mornington the County of Peeth, farmer OTICE is hereby given pursuant to R N ee, Beer 88 and amen ing against the estate ofthe said ‘Petes McLel ACGPGSGSSSISSSSSSSESSSEEEsS. SISSSSSSSS SSIS SSSI ISISSSSS cect ha hath he first. They must have strength- Executors’ Notice to Creditors ened my ood, for erat Pee, 8001 them. In the matter of the estate of Peter McLellan | Steady improvement followed, and J at all ing claims ont than Dr. Ham 8 Pills,” erie de Devine: trom iy soho died orvor about the Sist Gay 0'| Nad pain in the back and side, caus- oe i prepeldo7 or 4a BS iver Be its crema ed by sian oy. eroop! el homered Mare considerably with hea: ut Dr, thelr names, acai ahs A Se ription: ie 7 tele names, adaresoes and descriptlons, 20° | Hamilton's Pills cured me. quickly and the natu rity Gf any) held by n recommend’them to every ma: them duly certified, and that after the sai | You'll become vigoro ‘aero OB. Benson, Woodstock, | SrRENGTH AnD SPIRITS IMPROVED. “No medicine sour a pee ly be bet. am completely eure Mrs.) M a gains of which they shall then bavehad no | regulating you stem with D: ct fitore 3 Dated this 6th day of February, 1906. rive a ie eee joux McLe: 7 : n ‘Knees Mcbritax } executors | b¥ mail from ‘olson & Co., ‘Tos. MCLELLAN Harttora. Conn., ., and King- Milverton, Ont.' ston, Ont. t In going over our stock, we find a great many odds and ends. In several lines the stock is too large and must be reduced as we are put- ting in a new stock all through, so we have de- cided to hold‘‘A Great Clearing Sale” for the balance of the month. This will be a genuine bagain sale (open to all) whether you are a regu- lar customer at this store or not, we wish to meet you and_be- come acquainted, and ask you to judge and compare prices. It is our aim to make this store the BEST STORE. We have the largest, newest and best selected stock, and as to prices and values this will tell. We quote just a few lines: Extra Special ! Those buying their Dress Goods and Prints from us, we will give 3 spools of thread 10 cents, or 8 for 25 cents, black or white auy number, Men’s Odd Trousers, English and Scotch Tweeds, re- gular $1.50 to $2 .or $1, en's and Youth’s Odd Coats in single and double breasted, regular $4 to $6, for $2 50. Men’s and Youth’s Odd Vests in Scotch Tweeds, reg- ular 95c_and $1.00 for 50 cents. Men’s and Youth’s White and Colored Shirts, reg, 85¢, $1 and $1.25, your choice for 50 cents. Men's and Youth’s Linen Collars in all styles, slightly soiled. regular 15 and 20 cents, 4 for 25¢. Men's and Youth's Ties in flowing ends, bows, puffs, etc., regular 22 and 50 cents, your choice 2 for 25c. Men’s and Youth's Fedora and Stiff Hats, good Eng- lish Felt, reg. $2 and 2.50, for 50 cents. Ladies’ Pure Indian Lawn Handkerchiefs, narrow and wide hemstitched 8 for 25 cents. A Pure English Cambric 30 and 32 inches wide, 8 yds. for 25 cents. Pure Huck Linen Towelling 18 inches wide, regular 1214c for 10 cents A fine lot of Ladies’ Skirts, regular $5 and $6, your choice for 3.50. Don’t miss them. A Special i in Misses and Ladies’ Blouses, white and colored, all sizes, slightly soiled, your choice for 50 cents. Remember, all our Ladiesand Men’s Furs, such as Ruffs, Muffs, Collarettes, Caperines, Jackets, Capes and Men’s Coats at and below cost to clear. ou can bring produce dur- ing the summer to pay for fursand you have a chance to wear them now. Specials in Groceries 8 lbs Tillson’s Oatmeal for 25¢, per sack $2.50. 7 bars Sunlight Soap for 25 cents, 7 bars (Twin Bar) Castile or Oatmeal Soap for 25 cents 8 bars Comfort Soap fos 25 cents Absolutely Pure French Castile Soap 12% per Ib. 6 boxes Gillett’s Lye for 25 cents 8 Ibs. Best Roasted Coffee for $1.00 Heintz’s Pickles in pint bottles for toc Pure Maple Syrup 28c a quart (bring a jar) Try our Monarch or Red Rose Tea, a special blend at 25 cents per Ib. 3 Ib. packages Royal Seeded Raisins for 25¢. These are special prices durring the sale, other lines in proportion. Bring us your produce, the highest prices paid.