: GIANT TIDAL WAVE. THE: WORED'S2MACXETS |e ee a ce ‘FIREWATER’S VICTIMS. NEW STATION F FOR TORONTO ~ 2 < ° Us were easy in tone at $6.75 to $7.15 for — is i: Firms Wi “Received Con- : grain fed and $5.50 to $6.50 for mixed. | naians in Rosseaw River Reserve Being | New York is Have ed i FRENCH WIFE ILL s ble pa tanh Caused by Earth- = gs—Deliveries continue light, and : ~ THE KINGS PHEASANTS NEXT ARCTIG EXPEDITION], | "seu nas semi), ’| FRAGRANT AS FRESH VICLETS CHINES ee ras ieee: ene pee asnon |e eee ene res | ee Mi ee a - F — - = rw selects al Letellier, lan., des iW vat oe oe Sequel to Romance of Noted “White and 1 : “A. Gui Os Ecuador despatel * TS sala. cS cut LOraR TS ICE OE Ae et ee A oie spot aye sabe as gett adden a 2 Out e in the Province of Nganh- Cant, Hn Oe ieambhip’ Guo. was found dead last Saturday as a re-|tols of Montreal, Westinghouse, A DAY {N THE SANDRINGHAM /STARTS FROM EDMONTON BEGIN: utrag 2 which sarrives (roar Panamd vis. ti, aa a sult of intoxication. It is claimed that} Chureh, Kerr and Co. and Caniere and : arriage between a young woman ninco, Colombia,reporis What BIG JUMP IN TRADE. ___| the band is being demoralized by the} fastings, both of New York, have re- ss oe h ig 85> : WOODS WITH HIS MAJESTY. NING OF APRIL. vetoing to ‘a well-known family in ; 2 wei is Reported. ieved that all of the coast towns | be-| prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Bind illicit trafMe in liquor among them, ts] ceived a contract to build a new railway Chinese diplomatist, which y ‘ Awoen. Tumaoy. and Buenaventura shee | <7 o-oo Vrs anet Gaver Maniie aera Pregl, but for It they. would tanker a.respaslablel Geena eeaeina oe ed wees ; Z oa = ese much attention two se : a Peon cooly deena oF ie eae sua ; oak atorad: 7 ing. e -\to the Grand Trunk Railway Company. King Edward Spends Many a Happy | Discovery of the Land te Object—Young | £9, has had @ somewhat unhappy sV1© ‘ 4 al Paar ars =e ype ee ee. —+-— Mr. Ross, of Ross and McFarlane, also ek: 2 = , nennemeeemed : The correspondent at Shanghal of The) don Times says that all the Legati 0 Feb. 20. — Wheat — No. 2 itawa despatch says: An aggre-| 4 HOTENTOT AMBUSH, | made the announcement to-night, an ’ Day, Gun in Hand, Among Daniel and Two Compan- Afier a short period of happy wedded “ muards have been warned that danger {engulfing small buildings. Already Toronto, Feb. 20. e | AGeQHaWe Sespeleit ioe eens Aittieton eR eRe nt iden His. Birds: ions to Go life in Paris, the couple went to Pekin, si comes to othe home FRESH and PURE as when it Jeft the PLANTATION to be RS sare earner impe ending. e Seerelary of the |Fodies have “heen. picked up on the/ Ontario white, "79 to 706; No. ® red gate, i tht rade fecveaveo Coe Seti ec eee cero i: : : Where the young wife received anything y SAA we. Tih nufactured Poles SPECIAL CARE and CLOSELY SEALED in Gign mission at Neanking, provinee {| German Legation has oblained an addi-| beaches ne Gea TURNS Se oe RS bra i fo "Toes No. 510 hole of German eae sang. saad a ame iin Bs me cm Rec Nou may | search England through | Captain sinar Meikelsen, tne youug | 8 Gentine die haope Q ABOUR 34 eats gee Dat pond eadunenee ns Nganhweion, the left bank of the Yang- tonal dees srr coming in-|meraldas, in the “extreme north-west | Spring, 74 to 7c. Manitoba grades, on e a Sls on Killed: Grand ‘Trunk, it is known, has recel darin’s family. The female relatives of } agit : ina is becoming’ in i ; ; Raliway, Commission the right without finding pheasants more plus {Danish explorer whose expidition of ier husband quickly made her a butt REATER COMFOR 5 tse Kiang River, No loss of life is re-| “The position in Ch . Ecuador, who arrived here, re-| track, at lake ports: No. 1 hard, 899; ‘No. A Berlin despatch says: ‘The Rebel] from the Railway Commi gl more excellent flavor than’ those discovery to the Arclic regions is to/fer qupeadgiucs? jmade her | a butt seek Seinen Uy Only one best tea. Blue Ribbon’s It. Ported. creat atthe wits the north, {port that earthqyake’shocks were’ felt| | northern, S03c; No. 2: Northren, 8c; | seve Holtentots ambushed a German patrol of exploration of land bel a 1 York hh fall Belors His” Mnjeshy's gum At A pera alee ters Jett FOBIOD sha If especially tyrannical re PERFECTLY PURE GENUINE, & “Oh Wednesday. an oltempt was made) ably shecnt irom: the i ee jit Jan. 1, nd that several towns} No, 2 Norihorn, &6. All rail, Nori |sa it! near Sendoorn, German. South we est [Street and the Esplanade, east of 3 nor finer |recently, for New York, en rout2 to San |>, Og TeAmy senso me a ove FREE FRon ADULTERATION ALU DEALERS, =. e by hinese servant The oh sprigsaa’ Bien Sine nord iy E d| ay freights, 3%c giv anes ek zt a Killed Lieut. Bender | Street, Toront also wi or beller-managed eae te tna than | ranciseo, where he will make the final |Tey even induced her husband to mar- cattarnen mrarsecwen sae” | AUTHORIZED TO RETURN PURCHASE MONEY : Bae ae eats at Ge Frena 4 ae ie age Pat E RancoNa: aoaaat to O66 8} ol ge) that the City of "Toronto. will nave a Aes ting Ty a youn, inese w , to m Gomiainean moonsersnemicaa| TO ANYORE FLNDIND CAUSE FOR COMPLAINT, f murder the Sette h cl : ously damaged. t3— ths whic sian? he nts tne] erp forthe Great journey | aguund Chines woman to whom | a “Oshawa” Steel Shingles Mnpal Couns wile Ae was aio. [egners Viesoy Yuan Ahk Kat on the) Manabi were sous damaged At) als No : ion re a i home anywhere between Land's End Mickelben's first: -visit. to ‘London'| 14; act as a: sort of servant J ‘The attempt Ww s frustrated and the as- pretence of suppressing the Chur (vs [lapsed, inéluding the Government | Pease outsidi MARRIED IN COURT. the plans have not y bs and the Cheyiots, says London i hes ‘in response fo an invitation from) "At ast the wretched wife contrived sailan who are oan fr nae er is ‘arley—No. 2 wand at 49 to 40% y pores : The King had not led up Clements’ Markham -to, gubmit' his | (senda letierto her mother, who went ¥ “Man, ning six regiments Uhat the rea age cok bing picsiaars thane secon at 48 to 460, and No. 4) 4 Swedish ois Saved Frome-Long |. Gay yREN IN FOSTERIBONES a a m in Sandringham before he, set Peas Sonaideralion ot the Bayel| otto China, and Fecently retired with roys are af ne the esd a a enna frontier, was imindated by | at 43 Leu nees p cara : hai : i : : “trod espa , - eat 0c. ie icone eat Gee eR listing the interest and pecuniary. sup. her daughter to France. sat auitude w which ter na is that the army is Sneycombal with Sener Leiay Escada inhabitants were ta se I eat al 1%. to despatoh’ the Montreal says: A|Many Young People Adopted by Good i BIE UB au ae acters, Pate Or he baay.Belare bis departure Saree orale, Sunlight Soap is better | $5,000 thought SS ‘ rie A eer ae ony ey ura ST! fo Mele neteralctinsaee opis pestif Seer e : mas dehgntich ronibae salirreds AN ceketoun bl Ramnlliee -FAmnuplont he RTO, with every certainly that they would |the explorer informed a newspaper rep- Kl wishes to remove a dangerous wes re Re Canadian 1,82 ednesday —_nigl en Wil Have a good lime with their guns. "How |tesentative that he had succeeded in ac- HE WAS LAID_UP caaeed rs coe be neighborhood oI sop SaDilae paring ee “tne. Colombian age cian eights S aiverlcan yel:|considerable gains, but the most import-| Brown, a youth oflitile more than twen- up a ccoaaninet te he angen far he has succeeded may be told trom complishing both these objects. In ad- ‘: than other soaps, but is who eaty ports. { UPRISING PREDICTED. do Reneralses. 4 Tie (pe 1 9 to 49%e, Tyra freight, and /ant were animals and their produce, $4-|1y years, publicly espoused a young! the Ontario Government to the care and the fact that in one shooting seasoy,|dition to a generous subscription from P Bonetsoup A aoa ch from Sen Francisco 598 | ida Dawe: ad tee. hundead persona | Ne’3 mised. 403 to 400, Toront freight. [498,735, and agriculture, - $13,498,360.| Swedish irk. thereby rescuing his bride protection of homeless child éugh- at test: years -sgo, ‘he total Sondring’|the Duchess ‘of Bedford and a substan- FOR OVER A YEAR best wh d in th any rane nieved 2 were drowned. ‘The eruption of the Co-| Flour--90 per cent, Ontario wheat pat-|Shipments of maunfactured goods -ex-| from the shétlow of the prison bars and try by the various Children's bag was 16,131 head, including | #1 advance from his publishers, | Mr. est when used in the injurious es nh natn tho tonal xt ¥ Jembian. volcano Cumbal caused. the|ents for export quoied at $3.15. bid, in|bibit an improvement of $1,707,399. | securing -her with the suber bonds of out the country by oy é a il an ” jew et “ ite A % ii "3 erg, ast une aab a icine mentite | MPa nsmenm, be =, now. Gy —_ tay orn ot of armed intervention being feekat Wane earthquake. Tuyers’ bags outsidey Ontario high pat Sie a _ Matrimony, The gil, Hilda Sjoberg, a| Ald Socielies.| There are now neatly day, the last’ of December, 1885, ten | {ull amount. required at his disposal. complaint, Sunlight way. 5 RanneR on e pansies ae eS enis, bags included, $3.75, Toronto, an nt do ft engaging’ counte : 4a LaGRCyeabe “of hee “uniter ne accounted for no fewer than 28s The eexpenditure will cost about #2.00/u, DODDS KIDNEY pits cunsD| ———— : Bee ee estat cence “ce bn Sentiment that exists Ot er cent, Toronto, 800; Maniioba| MONTANA TO EDMONTON. fallen trom the path of relilude by glv-| {ancy up to twenty years of age, under Lee, ead, of which 1,275 were pheasants. the of Which. is LA oe ere aba HIS KIDNEY TROUBLES Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from $2.8 to $5.10] a : among the s redicts HIS LEG TORN OFF. Patents, $4.30 to $450, Toronto freighis;| : i i projectea| DE,Way 10, the, temptation of an evit| the, supervision-of Ms, Kelso, and hese =f is not only pheasants that Sandringham |The enterprise will, therefo ie probably 3 hundred fee! measure. This is the t ania = er ¥ i x! d patents, $4.10, and strong bak: |The Great Nether 3 ‘ailway’s Projected| moment and ae aside some o: md 3 is rich iny for the sport. covers. avvery [be known. as the TACO AME aoe Equally good with hard or soft water. |) Po, [Ui Sauars, {or covering measure This ig he mos aga in Shanghai (vo adiional compan. eerie _socing second ‘P alates he resull was | country. Mrs, Harvie) for, many, years x v ae + A ies of volunteers are being raised s -| Arthur t just as Magis- | one o most active Christian ne wide range, from wild duck, teal, and | ‘ic Expedition.” vators, Churches, ete. Any handy man can n lay the “OSHAWA” shingles A 1 Council Bran—Ontario bran, in. bulk, outside, p,| trial and a REE but just as Magis- | © rua ie cee anata eae widgeon to hares and rabbits. OBJECT OF JOURNEY. Now He's Perfectliy Healthy and Able to hemuter and snips are the only tools r reported ear eis Death at Port Arthu S16. 30, and shorts at $16.50 to $17.50| A Winnipeg depen aayas iy. fo ‘ tee trate McMahon was about to pronounce e ihe i asttinge ny Seanad Gout R The " i Lover Brothers Limited, Toronto Lad We are the largest and oldest ¢ sae ne ‘of the kind under the Britis! 3 i ping. piety, preneteh says: Ar- shee a New coniiden| Sent) sentence the young man appeared and | gaged. Wile TSE Ae ad a ee ns erie |g eon cree, all the. Gredit to) the Shg;jdnd have covered. thousands ‘of the best wubainige: wettignode Caesdes Bhat Pune eh el 4 stant miller in the| Us! Great Norihiem, Railtond, was] offered to pay any fine that might be im- | foster parents abd children, Mr Wil journey is, chiefly, to ascertain cians ¥ in Ki ag. f ) juncture SS a a r °, eee i es Side route io and. ff liam O'Connor looks after a at Scanian which was built Dade ireretinie and ihe noekor Raia | ee oe ae DISCOVERED WHITE CHINA. ‘The hardest work a young jady does | making them Wosreddce-the Relish Chivin ‘Squadron. = fend Tapshinn® pany ral here; “meta Hor. THE DAIRY MARKETS. ea ae Lat yoran pe the| Posed. As fining for such an offey f: Romar... Catholle:. ‘children. -Revs upervision thirty-six ' lh on Thursday morning when Ne e quietly was not within the reading of the law, Years" age in with one exception the Se, fo “investigate the shores af the| Wapela, Asa, Of many instenees in which an ace-| i dishwashing, and the hardest work . GA CREST Uearien Eng ee eee ee ne ON GUARD IN PEK Cet ae ruth S, * ia int the baceuente. Hale Runeeepeina “dll tare quoted at 21} west preparatory to securing a-charter| the Magistrate paused, But the youth| James Lediard, of Owe a game-room ¢f the late Baron Hirsch, in | country slready:, knawa in the Arctic |(Special,}—Cured of Caney Disease that dental discovery revolutionized @ whole | Known fo a man is nursing the baby./{ We also maunfacture Corrugated Iron in long shee iM seessan Peta 5 The Lanloue Cee mere evidently became entangled in the belt-|tc 220; large rolls, 18 to 200; good to/for his company to build @ line from] persisted, declared his love for the|charge of the visitation of eniidegr Hungary—the most commodious "in }Fegions, and to study life and habits, the|had laid him up for over a year, Mr.|industey there’ is nono, more string you put it? METAL SIDING, ‘ij imitation ot brick or stone SRE Pekin’ correspondent of The ‘Lon-| with:the, Ching {ni -and. when found -was lying on ie chaloe Cater bs, Aue 21s 25d inferior | Havre, Montana, to Edmonton, Alberta,| maiden, and finally, ona hint from the| Grey and Sound Bruce Count ean Europe, 1 ts ocl#gonial, Inahape,-and Nistory, be a Cape athe aac bestia, Min Hie peace aE Dodd's Rainey {an that which enabled Samuel We Page a fase INGS, in 2,000 designs. eo = oe un wu tee oe Fron tee Oe eae cones StS a ifonacarper Drei corementn yy roam: Take Mie Ao a {CRRA SAR AS when full presents a most impressive “3 his 2 bi that gy te nl eo Ne isd but still alive. He was taken to the hos-| 24 , and solids al 20° miles. e ife as soon as a license and a minis! 4 eae a leat ts sportsman, with,| The other members of the expedition | Pills for to than and nothing else he bate BAR fo: HOA pote, that = Sieg ae i See abeort, and Wate for € caus No. 14R and free samples of “OSHAWA” Shingles. Write ONT. ARIO LEGISL ATURE|: ae ce ction of es rilal, but died immediately afterwards, rae oe ‘New laid sell at 2f to on ‘per | branches touching the Canadian border. | could be provided, The Magistrate. visiting in that neighborhood; and ' erhaps, 4,000 pheasants in the place of |®"@ Mr. Ernest Leffinwell ithe American |claims he owes his cure. Chaneing, while journeying to London, | pert ‘Deon achieved. It builds and Ma iTeniiecpenias and Noi mario ie cand. child. cursive him. De-| dozen: The latter may be the preliminary step thought that the domestic fireside might | addition there is a large staff of volun- Bence tatite:ty ihe bonaved. partridges | geologist) and Mr. Ditlevsenz, a noted| Yes, 1 had Kidney Trouble,” Mr.|t, halt ‘at Banbury. hie oticed thai | srenethons. THE FPHDLAR PFPHoOPrPr: 4 ally oy.tor sheenast, Yoo has pee vey ceased's home was in peg, where] ChetsoLarge, cheese, 18% to 19}40}|at-aocoss to the great oll elds believe ‘abiding corrective than tary workers who can be replied upon to... $ and hares by the score, and a few wood- rae eee a nd artist, who saw Bartenan says. © ““{ ee pane ae MY one of his horse's eyes was badly in- Ss MonTaEAL, OU: STyAWA. our. ToRowve. owt. Low om, OT. | NLP, eae, ne. bag ete ne sea. pa ng ateely ig Tatton: resiles = He aa ey theisentant er ua 13% to te pr to be in northerr Alberta. i (inet ees of en, 30 he sus-| assist at any time. a Oe i ice in le Bal iti K Ot ried = st t appy seex 81 ‘Lombard P q e1 e: r A Ta ner boing abou SOS BRCOnE TNS on1.08. | Mee Mikkelsen ina toot part an thaubh he doclaeals where aatlt ine Be narrate fear Mor Pp ee risnioner: Oran ae happy a Yoon Nuipee Ont dae ae aus ae ‘The Open- | and that the Ee aA ORAS ott Oe cna or SEAN Chie etnies have el HOG PRODUCTS. rae of the over pledge, fhe ett -Uld not the children are well treated. Mr. Kelso Bul it is his pheasants’ of which the pole ee Sarin be oe alte r ork Brew worse Mil 1 Was wnable water, thereby easily reducing it to a Minister “th 0 Kes nly iss) | Bomoceede Works,” 2g ASS is eral Ww H es ae tet mee mer. wil T | drowned two’ years ago. Dressed hogs in“car lots are steady COPPER RUNES OU ARMED, reject the offer, 60 lime was given for jstalés that FS AE oS es z King is especially proud, and in order . and in je was at-|t0 work, rdér, whieh he applied to the injur-| Parishione hat makes only six.” ‘ith all the usual pomp and cere- ; : Kas, Wednesday night| miles was taken =a a eta eh oa Su care | ac i nytt Pe wh ig, fu a So mer, sectpariaal an |, Megara? anna Gee eae eee fete we aoe bith mia NS | Haringake Soc in tian tins | TPL: Mh oat lhc prot Rov Onto 0 10,000 birds are reared ennually at is services ler-of Merit from ney Pills, and T too them ail winter and! Process, guessed that al length, he_had | for nothing Two comering e second session of the ; ’ 8 po lends Bushell made the twain one. The cere-| there are frequently eapacluaaae pully ty tacnbatars at the King of Denmark Kn ee gummer while 1 was unable to work: 1 Pitveds he scramieny whigh ges ae peat & In Western Canada fection cleo call for the mest car eration SWINDLED IN KING S NAME S18. short cul, $2.50 to to S22; "hams, Many-and Violen . Tony .wasl vdieseed Hyran Antefeted plo, auttoea ilies off the aay ef i tay a ikkelsen Be is oun his; took in all twelve boxes, and” now I am| x im. He a th Biwi lost two rail i yee 4 3 A hton, Mich., despatch says: 1 the } through wild country to forge haber Ok Heise. win seen ex, Dla oF operations as Wil Eafe aldermen Gat BE iaic: had thera Wee ane pulverized, your appetite Deve youre’ conted Strong a soil oo sae cee mo slough, ¢ y-|ments to the Mining Taw will be sub-| An Accomplished” Rascal Bofrows | ie; rolls, 11 to vie hier! 10% Many Sane resigning their posi-| £TOUP of townspeople and fr gaene J Hs|{ltlie © fellow and encourage the foster ptional facilities for sport it is little} I epeions, and poss ey Caine BOR eu Tai one (ee rie heartily /and, mixing the powder with pipeclay| {°E"*/, «hye uo" uy, unpleasant ame See ee. y noon. Th Ny. beaulitully “dressed pL a anreree ot Moni and Left. fee es, He vearsrast PO") ions in. the copper mines in this ¥| an electrician, well employed. parents to Dep og 8 go0d ie wondel ly spends many ae ave ECmonton in the be-| rec nk 's_ Kidney Pills to al id water, applied it to his ware, which,! ache and have you gizziness?,_ If 80, R "PARSONS, 9 * “Wellesey Street, Torogto, Canada, / women on the. floor of the House made t She Crs a the: Di ‘A Madrid ath Bayes a 10: fo 1030; tubs, 10% | Cinlty owing to the continued earth- | zen. ese bri busy and happy day, gun in hand;|£inning of April in order to reach over-| sufferers from Kidney Disease.” after the final baking, became white and | your stomach is out LOSES iiesg Rees SS akatats eine ane aan: a brilliant scene. Immense crowds | has been arrived a with the Dominion Ly oh eaeione tae ierces, 10% quakes, or air blasts, which have now FAVOR OLD AGE PENSION. dren left homeless through no fault of ‘ ‘or | and the Athabasca landing, wh Dodd's “Kid: Pills al the i i venti q -| need medicine. But Fou aoc not ine ket y ge g|Government for the negotiation, on |of prominent residents of various towns, | to ae "pails M1 to 11% being maintained _ __ among his birds at Sandringham, or h a ng, where aj Dodd’s“Kidney Pills always cure the| shining. suns invention, which he im-| Medicine He the: prefers sickness to OR SALE—Best, cheapest and nicest Packed every place of vantage on. the | Gov 16-terms, of 8 Arealy. withthe | who werertoo'sllling-to"ehow sympnihy: Recome 0 frequent and dangerous that their own are now being mi that he is able to offer plenty of first.) Tost, wi) be Kept in readiness Brovis| fupunllen, elweste’ at Wiseioe nk oh ee Oe (he ateletes Eumatances tho ‘wise: man, would, procure STE P| EWoeted sock farm inthe. United Fone eects galleries. ‘The eoridors | Pisians” who. occupy Waegs-boblons of | with. the wedding OF RINK /Alfonke: and BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Ce eee te ane datinge Coe Eeldsh Premier and ( chance Mees dea the cam meant ERAS Seek 8 nit shat. [ons {0 enable us to reach the coast, we|the blood: “That's why’ Dodd's Widnes Bn it theo brea) bee sty. et ge ares, a RUBBER sa eutaet ee eee Rdmission, © Wit hundreds seeking | if "Province not now under trealy. rincess Ena. have. received with open! 4, io. Foy, 20,—Grain — ‘The de: | ast, Wonk, no, paroular damage was Delsgat pases eae pe 4 re ; u : himsel : 3, i , Feb. 20. The . 5 Dossibly “Indeed, among. the ‘King’s guests. you | Nill go down the Ath habasea River, Slave Eile cure a wide range of diseases. in. / tad “speed et EEN EO VEST ES IONS PROGRALIE, AMENDMENTS TO LAW. a i ae a Been ae idan teath over the able for Manitola Jot sticks, much more violent than at adh despatch, from London saysi-While| for a ile reward oe ep thy an will find some of i ' 5 ie elu S — eumatism in $1 Yard Rolls, The fi “The songfirnt hee oa pop i ebiernei att e ive .f| Spring wheat was limited, and trade ny. ti the past. Each day -since} declinin; mi ash promises, Pre- give’ on™ the Ss ocean. We intend to proceed on board|and Urinary ‘Troubles. pas AP nS, cet ‘te bage,| | Mrs. Braggs—“I wish you wouldn't be your wants. The speech from the Urone was as} Among the ‘Taeasuires. to. besubniitte2 | cent, who professed: to, be, a. relalive of 2 Ung. oat’ market’ continues fir |then there have been ‘numerals ebooks, kmier Camapbell-Bannerma and Chancel lias o wenislea ore ean due in whi THE MOST FAMOUS SHOTS Ja whaler to Cape Bathurst, where we Sarkache, solatlen, nowralaia ot. are also bal so positive. There ate two sides to ; (| BIG MONEY To MEN WITH RIG. ok to you for your consideration, in addi-)the Baltenbergs and an aide to King! auc dooce Telaty, ecevetdenai : lpr Of the. Exchequer Acqtitn on erhuna bane noihasbe e glad lo ave part in the world, such as Lords Walsing.|@9@age two Eskimos, who will have to —+_—_— ep in-one yard calla for physielans antamy don every question.” Mr. Braggs fue a Tia RUDE SPECIOIYED| One beginner made $6.00 first mor Mr d- Gent f the| tion to the amendments of the Mining | Edward. Many of those who entertained |» tone, uni ede eres seat ee A ohenletea: Meneelvaat int ented ora ye werd Such as. ate sw alsing, assist us in Banks Land, as well as to Bovis €Lwreice Co, a on Box 1008, Montreal jing. Whole or spare time. The b epenve Assembly; Ne a mentioned, will be: Bills | him Joan money. "_Among’ them | for local ‘COnsIMPMOR. sianiloha. Spring APTURE AMUR PROVINCE.| rothy wilh a depulation which called ¢n x ase the, 60 days” provisitne nice A SHIP WORTH TAKING. Sat Laas ee te 50c seller, giving 25c profi ers huy PEAT: | Seen 1 respecting County Councils; respecting | was Cardinal Sencha, of Toledo. ‘The| but quiet. Flour tena Dace RS] Oe ee Trane be Ba vOoRa tHe COsAbIEOnA Ent: aR peRING: WORKS HARD HIMSELF. wilt be ca On the 9th of June,-1857, Drake, com-|tat boarder at the bicaktasttable, “tha fron tadvally Seeeen sEveeaiaiCes f dgain as Tepresenalves ot the Provinee| the Meld ee an ee ee ere. nt posters’ and. has} been ar: /S Winter wheat palenls, $1.09 to’ 8641 Tne. < Chines to aucend ‘bn Aiwsdlan bs sietional’cyatelt ot OIAIaUe serslant Sas Veemanie ee win, {| raportant ethinag peed erg 19 pursue |ing back trom “singeing the King of! proceedings should be commenced oR H EU MATIS Mi: promptly if you want territory. in Parliament assembled. . [een a Abe Amendiie: ake Vannes 2 RE a 56, straight rollers, $4 to $4.10 in wood; irevritbey. The deputation urged that the schemg| Says ee tc sts “indepen a ently of and folkloris-| Spain's beard in Cadiz,” fell in with a| against this coffee.” “Why sore aquired Golden Crest Company, 9 Bathurst St, Our” very ei Grab ind. amend in’ bags, $1.85 to $1.90. Rolled oats — ae Saal Should be comprehensive and include the Unemployed. a denen -| huge vessel, “et captured. Shel the landlady. glaringly. nay org, and, old pce Posten | London, Ont nore due to Almiyh or the | El Ac ing an TOBACCO CULTURE. $1.90 fo" 81.85 in bags of 90 ts. min. |, despatelifrom St, Petersburg sey eae ns, men oF women, who 61961. Gessacn from London sys: en proved fo be the San Philipe, an Fast | refuses to sel eee faaed. Dountiful harvest of the yea | in af | ai). Feed—Ontario, bran, in bulky $18 qit@| age of sixty should receive at leas! e ne ier ON ome Ge Indiaman owned by the King’ of Spain est. | Magnet Se ewe he dansinete passed, whic! n i 1 to $19; shorts, in bags, $20 to $20.-| preparing to capture the whole Pfov-| Woeuty pension, and the money heing| Edward ola thee eves Wilebe oat Ue, The ash oat ct , | himself, "and then “he Jargest-merchant-} ‘Tie Most Popular Pill —The pill js mony which is given every day to_this} scoxtet. Agents wie MAGNETIC HaeD. called for our gratitude last year. With ™ rts Act, arenes bi ages Experiment Station at Ruth- ey Manitoba-brany in bags, $19; shorts, |ince of Amur, and that the Government raaha by means of Imperial taxation, | bead of es a Beata nen Pac dehy Uecamai aon he i man afioat. er cargo as a A ea MATISM.CURE CO., Sherbrooke, Quebec, this harvest, the market conditions hi ve a at enWill Make Experiments. 82); Hay—No.-1, $8.50 to. $0 per f He slariag a pone Bee ea jp the Premier and the 2 Cha acai ie face on ‘Thursday, thet he often worked! “| than fivé million dollars jodern mon- ‘ de intai 'y (P - ‘on track; No. 2, 0 $8; clover, $5.-| ing | c 2 | Exchequer in replying heart h i Sell wath fo forty dogs and a pony. Pro-|ey, wvas in itself the most valuable ever | hi ™elee,® “fametanie ele eres "4G, | letter, Piles, etc. 35 cents.— The Young Doctor—“Just think— si which our farmers have enjoyed lating to Public schools Toronlo despatch says : Hon. Nel |e to $0; clover; mixed, ince’s pr r ince of Te nouns; day unncel ie Knew the Visions for 140 days will d But there was something el: any ficté ci-nuy®: pauehioe: paewieradt ttle: ofr nehit yours; This ids boen jotiseable Th ;|Son Monteith says the: Depart iment 9} ns“-Cholce primes, $1.05 to 81. Amur is a part of Asiatic Russia, a1 ; lhe explorers go along they will kill he ane ig “He always seems ms to be very earnest. |The Old Doctor—“It's your own fault, the Tarving antes the- output of t griculture will make trials this season: Euishel hand picked, 81.80. Potatoes ——|has Siberia pro on it rth and vet Pony and_dogs for food. consisted of the shi x at any rate.” “Oh, very. Why, he cantiny boy. You spend too much time at which has been very large. The evi-| 804 amending the Supplementary Reve-| on the raising of seen ot i ae Per bag of 85 to 7c. Honey—|Chinese Manchuria on its south and * ctive |< Only two men are to proceed on the i ti a they giv inthe most ‘stub: | say, ‘How are you?’ and give you the |{he club.” dences of steadily increasing enter- |Nue Act, 1899, providing for the taxation | plant ot the experimental slation at | er Dag Of BO ts. He to, 70e. | Honey — | eteetis area. is 179,558 square miles, voyage of discovery, but they will be s e.| born cases. impression that he really wants to ee BS prise ai activity on the part of our|°f railways. tuthven in Essex county. ie great Rectiont Ex rae to jo; buckwheat, 6% | but its population is only ,000. a bi Royal blue, long brown | Pssitied across the broken-up land ce) nods and mysteries and oundless PSE hav y (ane neve’. Caltine etl binds aeeoram People, which have been apparent. for ELECTIC POWERS. GIR Cutty tg Cant A a ee aa ns—Heavy Canadian|{t has been largely colonized by Cos-| ¢ and a lowerowned hat, while| PY ,fe remaining while men and the) possibilities of the East India trade. In-| Debt Collector: “I have called to get as, Beer ee dust atiheat to several years past, are to be seen on far has been the curing of the leal, even | tr ov out pork Sis light etort ene don [sacks and Siberians, “It is vary moun: each wears a, is Tethpolenve, | Wee eéd. it would hardly be stretching the ere ee Te My Sonar | oabete,aad 8 signe of foul Blood, apply Wearerk Ribove SSinot withstand this wonderful PATENTED MARCH Sr, 1904. sides at the present time, and affort | qe tetice mane Mey eee aa, Which | after it has been ea the. coven andy American short cul, $20; American cut| tslnous, but is fine , and uring the period of waiting for the| ,gq1" ee Ke Place in October, | facts’ to say that the morning which saw mast ee Dab Col Te “Wet | Setale te oe, Fee Ae etree | rere Three Machines—Triplo Wall, Two Wall good reason for congratulation and | wmog te ani power are all attract plied ind to Hale one tp Ober amea ane aot dick $19, to $20; compound for pease ae appara ayia tts ely ~ birds the ters maintain silence 10 | [p0" RY My fathivtel oat ncisco. he capture of the San Philipe saw also | ten aot on eat acter meueat | Weavers Syrup to rid the blood of pollution. — re and Cement Brick Machines. thankfulness. ing increased’ attention on ‘tie ‘pert o will also direct its a lard, 6% to 7c; Canadian pure lard,| leys are very ehh Tear eat iny dortuilone: and toe the best of their ability. Arf amusin o se pacovered, 2} the dawn of Britain's Indian Empire, /S8w,bim go in at the door SYour money or yout, life?” said {Ne The tastest and cheapest in the market, making q ic saat Grech tose ote Ke 113 'to 120; koille rendered, 1234 to 130; Fatal Economy of a Woman Worth a| Wl stil Se eerie obeheht thankal 5 story; however, is told of the King, who Ebel, o We ee pecan ti tYViNE (The immediate result was the formation oe * senant Yes but here gl van Aunt: “You only visit me when robber. “Take me Iie.” responded the | Fata A a ‘and’ stronget FOR FARMERS’ COLLEGE. aan fan en ion ite4 yi ee 60,000 AEERICANS. hos Tip iiorbacone 1bco; treat SG SAMARAS oe aera . ashen ap eo ob bee the whole. nee during 'a tedious wait, amused {the East India Company, which was 2 want money.” “Trapecunious Ne. | victim, “im savin’ me rioney for me o te for Booklet The past year has‘been the most suc- : port of th pi : ve ied aeniesdhiced toce See 4 eal 4 ; ingstiek jennvenfent juncture, and devote th Paget an ee —- es tm ee IERLAMM, Stratford, Ont. ers appointed to inquire into and report serie r 1ogs, $10; coun- A acepatcll trom: Now Sork-sive Mise) EMaee : age near on, te [DO of Our time and eneray to gaining ral the world had ever, seen, et| RHEUMATISM. AND PARALYSIS. |22°%4,° thy fp cout come’ mor see — College fr onthe sland of the mum | UPN hyeraule and eleceie power in the /Thiety Per Cent, Increase in the Immi- te deste 875 12, S990, alte, 8725] Bands of Unemployed eatin Farms} ataria Corsa, 56 years old, whose Tor oe e nd ig them one after |®! least a tolerably fair estimate of the also the one that ever commanded A bottle of Bickle’s Anti-Consumptive | It’s impossible to convince a girl that mee pe number ef Tarm fReoviee will be Iaid before you before gration Movement to Canada. B5 io 9a; Seloelay BU lo SA No 2 cen, akeries and Sto is estimated af from $800,000 to] iG FIRE ATT Ti ‘TILLSONBURG. Set his Saini until he caught |¢xtent_ and complexion of the new re-} it. own armies and fleets, and wielded | Their complete home cure. Post Needs No Testimonial it ie a| Syrup. taken according to directions, | exercise at a washtub improves the Gotieee anc te Ne unt of care dorm {the close of the session. A. masa.ot in: eins Sabon: athe ‘s it TSE docket Sate ix aaa iiMiabali ek ne famine $1,000.00 is dead at her home in him plum ack, to 3 ns before we return to civilization. | cowens little less than Impérial. thi Reo in itself. If testimonials were | Rill subdue a cough in @ short time: | complexion, Ki t i totai |rmation has been collected, which will, | A Winnipeg despatch says.: ‘Theodore | led, ; eriteeal Bronx. Her death was caused by star- Peskin tau al “Oat Mins Destroyed gaa D > expe alton on alarge scale by free to readers of this paper. | guarant the could be furnished” in| This assertion cap be verified by M4 eet time career. the total) no doubt, be of great value in the futuro | Knappen, secretary of the Western Can-| Choicest creamery, 2234c; undergrades, in the Meridional Provinces agai AMOR amie beoeiiie: aie to: har lle : HIS HUGE AMUSEMENT. ship, and in proportion to the discove] ae ae Beicd only. tn Baan {fs da and -eaaaitions | arets who: have (ried tt end are: pleas |) Og ot ma number of students of all classes ex-| consideration of this very important | adian Immigration Association, said on 740 d aaah 19 to Oe. Cheese—Ontario, | grave. The intense cold of ee days| Vation and exp pete Its Conte di . But listen! ‘The beaters are drawing |ers and its value, will then only tow ES Ta spel all axed seen Many | that all may’ know- chat a splendid | tloxged with mucous on phogen Aliant. Late Ceeded one thousand. ‘The Macdonald | question, Wednesday that sixty thousand Ameri-| 13 10 13%; Quebec, res has killed the sugar crop in the Prov-[ Seclusion and economy. She jived | en. ‘i ae : nearer and nearer and from the fringe| matter of course. ” SEPARATION. a ing (Ut deseesption. cf Phoumati oo oral locas medicine it im Te Costs you only 36 oe in gteing a ed, gleste Que’ ting aie Inslilute hos apparently taken firm hold THE UNIVERSITY. cans wilk-find thelr way *inlo “Westertt ines of Seville, Cadls, Malaga and Gran- Hiplyepione iayihig hettell, svecisiuairieed A cog, fom lisonburg — says: OC ie wood! the tral Sheseanteilantio: ‘ PEralvrsay with ioesroctions for Ber | cents. to om. tie rank of the in roncbial tu Gh the ‘sppresiatton OL Wwe: publics, andl 5G. Ao ar Oeinber ell a Cacc{Canndn’ this year wn neseaso Ot thinly ca Serene ada, Nume men’ unable Tesidence, denying heteell even the nes: goes @ gun and down he-dro a “1 have called.” began Mr. Nervey | Encceesiil treatnient in the world,” rex mutation every day since | Baia, Re Se eee Pa a pve come tos per cent. over last year. — Prejudices ae {o-oblain worl are seouring Ye coun esstries of lls and refusing the warmth c @ lifeless heap of feathers. Another and NEW, SAFE EXPLOSIVE. < -/Poorman, (19 spenis.lo, you about your commended yo oe wt te Beh hae Kes appears First Man: “How many wvants do] “No.” “Why da you avoid mecling Bri pei ten ee teats aoe ea i eter Lee dea NO: Caer Cl ES a ne eee lave onal. wien had Sten: th the eallan another follow, the leaders of the eomieg % daughter. Of course, you must have no- ritten Dy we ea you keep?” Second Man ee gen-| him?” “Dont MANE “hint to; owe, iid hee br ied or seen nae ae archical form of government have pee er A Sie pr Hess ha eure Ua Oorbade ® Vhotecrde aey eee fo years Hiei onde oy athet earenls oie pune: et doe ua Toe “Vigorit” Can Only be Fired ae Pe re a eee Oe ehecn ixeases. ie pietace ie | oN run ee ete icesartes Eo erally—one in the kitchen, one leaving, | money." Geuing the Aesching teciiies of the the experiences of Amescan aallcta a |N6o 1 Orson BEeyNo. & 856" benching tue” eocuaatitement ol: Coverereht night after thirty-six hows of medica y ‘us—". TSI el er. Pp —_— " 6X] - PS ok a ae} * a Fi *. ry in turn, And now the bitds are coming “No,” interrupted Mr. Roxley, “bist ae elie wt | Nosday,” and | id one man to another. | 4 one coming College in various departments. bs ready here, who find that the Gover. | ple, $6 {0 Sto, Com—May, 4830 asked, |fuanine works, which are indispensable| weatment, which, Was | provided by in swarms, driven by the beaters from bh og ara "m sure there will-be pretty soon.” You will rwcelve the” book free by “re-| "No: but Tve seen people run after you bel moe icetecivel San Ae Experience wi Ht aaa Dis- Tho past year has ee a large in- ment rests absolutely with the peopl: Duluth, Feb. 20 — Wheat — No. 1/to effect any improvement in the fright-| neighbors. On Seah ooeuue ter a their lafrs into the very teeth of the} Consus Borde), of Bamberg, reports] fA!" Bing es est ae a ee crated pani’ bait adociey ewoe ie Guiedy, tar tbe tee mont iervesians| Oars ne ae de Riemer oa ith x See eanligeedd: eon he eh: ———+———— abit iars: Te Norte, io | pei or atin Wee weer fate aut Mathes” maeighbors. tak i i at Hi ‘ the Atlant ean. . ” fed S$ SO sorely rou! led ans Y r of immigrants settling in Ontario. May, 7a July, 84 cannot be measure e- conditions i ee a oye new explosive Aig sbese Sve he oent hee Aurbut uals she si psi RAIN THAT WON A BATTLE. | pS ee Peat aia tal 1 was unable fo ‘Preparations are being made to receive |PAYMENT OF WAR DEBTS. | ‘st’ roais, Feb. 20°— wheat — Cash, | are prolonged. ee svotked Siac ree anes . : e ; 5 § 4 | months to lie down in soe f ey 3 est : : ing shot, the fusillade ‘becomes furious! Fritz ‘Gehre, an’ engineer of Pullach, |e sense The Battle of Cry. 1246, was the Eng-|, “My Physicians Told Me U Must Dies|can Nerving, for.’ she s Grippe| ther, After aking one dose of poe en eit SH ares diets 3) © 5 n Japan ‘Will. Not HE Fres ét: Biden tor ete May, Be: ee. a Wheat di But ste. dist agian repeiiing oan) and deafening, and down the birds fall | Ravaria, which has been given the nam —+—-—-- lish victory in which ¢ Of iugk| but South’ American Kidney Cure cured | end. the complications 1] Agnew's Heart Cure: 1 retired and slept the fi f the Pr a japan % ie 8 | WAGES FOR IDLE EMPLOYES. | oj bbe ea ea eerie ns like rain to strew the groun We amt Thea abut sie : played the greatest ( net| me of that awful Bright's Disease.” This| jt iaft her net to deat with Indios pains sy bette andthe : creased foiles Aaa BOD a Cast tie Years. She Sori No eee Pree Se Port Morris fal gaits WEI us. the unequal. baitle ‘continues,| 7f veaitors-cinimn ‘What the sna ox: A BOY'S BREAKFAST. casion the English ar my 7a outnum-| is a sentence from a eller of a well-/ Dyspepsia and General Nervous Shatter-| trouble has not returned." : “4 impr sys- Se os: Gormlon. trom, Lolo C5 ag Nor - | Communal Es in Polish as Delivers} were both old Knickerbocker. families, RO ling, flercér. end flercer. Swift an]. Th2 im Poon Mae ae in he oe fem, it is confidently expected that the Spal ern, ‘81 Flours Unchanged Bran ! sate CALL FOR POLICE. the attendants can lond the guns they | Posive "is absolutely safe again se ce bad ed by more than tw et Oe ant he aaah oreo was Saat : immigration and colonization wor! se eat financial programme of Sin bulk, $1450 to 81 ange Judgment, and with, the Sehuylers, Valentine, janded to the sportsmen and emp-| 0h, Of concussions thal it can only be / there's a Natural Food That Makes It’s St TO ar Guitvacied Wie kidery. “pestilonae Mother Graves’) Worm | Exterminator thi ment. will reach the highest the Cabinet, which has ihe Lower A ae ee Warsaw says: Con-| Tans and Briggs were among the first| Physicians Want Help in Dealing With tied until the barrels become almost too ee ete Own Way. 2 Pulig; ondared the en ee eC eeE NE [It wil rélieve* kislanlly ard cure Tait] DDS, sahog were SH agai Aa gailre, mapakine tet caeionl site cre: aoa 30 Sifslned, Ths rs SDDTODTT- |b sour" eoprOusl OF SE-EROY ahle srt eee bey = be endorsed a LIVE See oar — |siderable comment has been caused Ly sellers in. Fordham Seven Islands: Rpkdamio, * i e rs x gthsjer & i i aor : 2ARa] T PIP 219 A\,, BS oy it a trial! and be al are being used sole! ee assist in * e pper louse. ing to e judgr t the Communal Court es RS ser Reece eas ig ed eat a P| There's « bey, up in Hoosick Falls, N. pring: facce eer OR ae jouy ysouoy 08 tees w's08 Wops nox || ee ® tial and be convinced providing farm and domestic help, hos programme, the, war, dels, which, wil er ee a easolle a feay FUR Ay yuatonay: Sear Lode nedetlig A QUEER CONCOCTION. A despite trom Queso says Ph 5 S jivorit i wrap is growing into sturdy manhood : z ig- “I say, REFEREN' ; 3 aggregate in pall te Coates thread factory to pay the wa; “ t Seven Islands dec! fain. Al length, pee ae nd a a et is tee fs one eNte: reekfastes = 10 sigh wen while the English iad tenth ig said the tiny <inaig vile Soap se eter Shan ha me | 1 say, = a ae é mie a eae TO EARL GREY. | FREIGHT STRUCK SLEEPER completely pad off in 1030, during which | ng at the. Westen Gaitte Market this eo ga yes darn 4 poy the Wages! what An Analyst i Foun firs Gone | GRE aE Soren Meine ee Per iy wean 3 3 have been im, as his “Fy % “i ” ling it is when use: | stream?” ” Since the last meeting of the Legisla- —— interval there will be six operations o! the works wi The factor; ré without a detachment o! sia to trop thelr fee ‘The dead bi as, led for mining pur- | mother explei : a : yee re ge ere slightest | Buy Sualight Soap end follow directions.) {\veamn?” Mien ture, his ees Earl Grey, Gov ver. | Sevene Passengers et on he €. P,| conversion. The programme shows that ‘Export Sree aay quoted “at shut down Nov. 20, ne & shortage at The New oe nae a Sveresday | p pase anit kate requested that a squad E WE COS ieee feredesy and. is furthe | velop Yearly pant hasaices hh s x pe you needn't go ito oe wale to tah ci Cilinlets: Grey a0 tha secompinil by ee $987.500.000, will bo entirely dischasged S120, “others at $975 to Sh, Hulls ay [CoM was given’ as the reason for publishes: the following Health Com-|be sent to their assistance by steamer i et | develo] i Ss -been untess Grey and their estimable 5 287,500,000, roe 3 og Fe ‘ 2 = ae aru alles indied ‘ow appent on claimed to be particularly well adapted) mage so. by” his Sa ee in es ee ‘ fly, have visited several sections of tha A Winnipeg dpa says in 1942. Sten Jy callie Pieced We oe i mente sald it was nol apie eh Bre bereattea ty salaried ate se | raseaat so Ei 2 the scene to inspect the bag, 4 few Tvetorg| Nuts food.” At Jes ee : si te Sa id Beet saad td a of Government | the engineer of i ple ee eee a Gee ee ats ESO. to | tr high price ot Cake whieh hd uc vd Bey beens me antares the falc OLE Oe minutes laicr the sportsmen ana lady rae: 0 S i oI ‘as been honored by their presence on 4 the closing of the works, and found ink sold in this city hat visitors are discussing a. hearty lanch- Se Ea frequent alta ee noe i ai s odes terrible "Siughter Cash or Gite fo occasions. |The people of the Pros -|REDUCTION BY MAGNETS. ‘ that this was not a good’ reason » for] 100d 9pa eceeal tual fishin goreat 51 Wetee ee “ot ene Makes a é mak ie a ni ; : ‘ vince have noted with satisfaction the - ae stopping work, hence the order for the i iit chuirches for commun. ——— $e Faeries auinder Sethian meen neck (NES Ne sce i ee See ot i meee usta ou pec ted rest interest taken by his Excellency 4! New: Scheme of Producing Iron Invent- : feea.{Pavment of the wages of the employes, | fe Wines used in churches for commun eet, - SILENCE: 1S GOLDEN. i costs 200 marks $871.49) | fe Jnis breakfast until f tried -"G Grape natant ing their a wot pete Youle nat ef eae ate -eteaare Haren se 2 are ed eee, ‘iu, "0d ers PEE des ia er aye he Ned nad a Oe so to i sg: olen Sa epee 100 kilograms, including all expenses, | Nuc vs. patna ; : eB pate _| at 0 $3.90, medium at to FIGHT IN THE CORTES. a bottle bearing the label “Communion ; ; Sats ni ottatoe te caeatege| ee ge 2 nate fear hall to change — ee Ie a= he ee ee viens nee Hear ee Pull at $2 to $2.75, good Pica Wine,” and found that i was made of | district {his--season, thowgh circum. When speech {s a barbed arrow that|at the s ig 2°} from’ that. He makes his entire reel s at w jel ren @ sure cure, this would public positions whieh he has occupied Sontann: Canadian ae at Christiania. 5 i i 7 it favorable to longevit; nds, silence is golden i | other similar fest of Grape-Nuls food. It isa CAUSE FOR THANKS. I old cop not be made. fers his opinions ons ok,| Norway, in a report to the Department | rn at $2.80 to $3.50, rough to common | One Spanish Deputy Hee eee a A iiee aoe itor te Ie ST Re Le Folin storie But kind words are golden, too, and le the merits ied by him and be says that it satiec+ A man lost a leg in ilroad acci- Ss ai =e both of| vi hich Can anything be fixer ? fof the greatest possible value; while the R.|ct Trade and Commerce, says that con-| at $2 to e275, and ae al $1.75 to-$2.50, © His Cane.” coloring matter. After the meeting Dr.| there. NSepeetotery Baye silence is sometimes ihe refuge of the|of the new explosive diferente experi- | fes ae Fetter than the ordinary kind | dent. and when-they picked him up the ath > ite insects, together with th i Jou tani interested manifested by the Countess S.| siderable attention has been directed 1o| Milch Cows—The market is quoled _ | Darlington was asked if he had any rea- | were killed at Sabascoshwg Bay, Lake - oward and the Poltroon. When an ab-|ments have been made under the supet-| of meal, first word he said was: Thank the Lord, Sy pis Tie i: which etd than toe dete Lees Pe are) |Grey in all movements of a philanthro.| yr invention of two Swedes, who have {rather firmer at a range of-$30 10 $60| A despatch from Madrid si | son to believe that the score et Pah ORI ss ot nt friend needs defen: ilence is mean { vision of men of experience ~and other Botton than all he is no longer | trou- | it was the leg with the rheumatism ‘n LK vias . ea a . i sappear ‘ing be- “g is y pic and social nature has been a source} iscovered a new method of producing | ach. rel occeurred in the Corte: es on ean examined was iSpee #8 in the | Kenora, and~the “ret oe iment » ns ee behind tear, ‘instead of com-jexperts, and officers of the army, andj pied with indigestion or nervousness, | it.” TES S ee the: close. culttealion other pe pt peat aebistacuane A iron ore. The ore is crushed ‘into a fine ae es are steady at 3% day between Teplice Segui and Doval,| churches. ~“{ don’t ine ie repliéd, | has received his application for bounties y.to the fro olden. it is|the result was pronounced to be highly |and-has got to bea splendidly develop dae Tie be S Hi i I oO H & : ny, ag dust, and then the iron is drawn out] to 7c per Wt. and the Jatter was punched in the face. “but I'do know that the wine we exam- sugregating $210, or ie pee bees the ee te acts as an inpresmable abatlis }successful. Arrangements are now Ss fellow si = he began to use Grape-| “So he said I was a Salieid. gentle- : IN NEWER ONTARIO, Battle ‘con Mich.;|by the aid of strong magnates, after Ses and Lan ewes arc | He retaliated, striking ow fabs with] ined was an unwholesome, and. even | bonus for the killing of wolves in wn- against slander and malicious tongues. nee oar for permits to transfer Mite food.” Name e given by Postum Co.,{man, did Ter z Rs yes; it was the a Wt You will be pleased to learn that the! Mice A. D. Cardinald, Darlingford, Man. which it is molded into brick form. quoted arm at $4 2 0 s ae ewt., ana| his cane. ‘Both were arrest dangerous, mixture," a a ese We ie Seeeiaindte. “By my |on the ralieoads. - Unll 3 rats Mit same thing.” “Ab! What was the exact n olds sehen words, thon. abalt be jualied, and’ by pleted the comp parts of the explo- nes a reason. Read the little vook, | word?” “He sald you were slippery fo do a words sh #s@u be condemned.” {sive have to jie apoet separately. « Road ie Wellville” in pkgs. fellow.” of his oa iit