| REXAL silt, Jute or The “Milverton nee Ts the best Local son a 4 “Ady County s' vertisi L HOUSE- HOLD TEE PUBLIC DRUG COMPANY . ese Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton, hey are the intest and on improved nd mos Dye in the world, Try a *peckena AJ A Good Man Will provide for his family in ease of his death. ASensihble Man Will guard against the dan- ger of poverty in his = old age. G. T.R. Time Table ‘Trains due to leave Milverton. Stenography, Telegraph. 1906 of Perth. ft is in, ve += Madium, ‘Kates reasonable. Subscription Milvortoie ROS COR ea he eee ate ager. in advance. : id. —M, MacBera, Porrisier. —WINGHAM: BUSINESS COLLEGE Is a High-grade Commercial School. THREE COURSES —Commercial WritE—CEO, SPOTTON. PRINCIPAL The Dominion Life Will Guarantee Safety to Both by i Bes one. ofits reliable Life or ment Policies. Special paletloges to-Total Abstainers. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, Head Office : “t Watarlos: Ont. Strained Back And Side. ilnite orking ina saw Kei 4 / DEEL ‘Visa “A Beate ONT. ver! OF orture, [ The lea Com land Sh erent. ils and lintwente atta a iat want taped hs aed Seri || amen rtm Outer, Weel | Faun. Hostean, Supt of Agencies Even the first application | mare i vi Meslesencaie : considerable relief. In three was it work. Other mente the ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN,PRINCIPALS é: THos, Hittarp, President and Managing Director. “He. H. sf 3. B. Bricker, ile a ort-|| Hon. Jas. McMouvax, J Presidents. mill fe: Foals Hee Sun Life Assurance nearly tty ve years iias arab hi Palue of Polson's Nerviline one ‘he ee What .The Farmers are god “for. of other people. Batis (a) I Cece et i he a files ageatian on signiog of one of them, "A SIGNIFICANT FACT There are four Life Companies in Canada which, from their” pro- minence, have long been look- i (Hamilton Times.) ed an 3 pasion a sU tie aval bcos rte Association, if y the brief filed yesterday hy its president with the Tart Commi: Ansets at -3Ist. trie ot NG Mutual ‘life 1904 the millions of farmers and other pro- f Tnerease over 1903 Mii sibinie Winter OF Canada} rrutis paid Puticytoiiers 117,298 21 oh ee le interests may get rich | out distanced them all in two yery| Life Assurance in force Dee. su, Pap aan ea pipers respects ida eee ps er Amount nd | Profits e ae piieyhaders than any Company of Ganada Results for 1904 Assurances isued and paid $15,911,904.24 “TTocrease over 1903 1:744°698.77 Deeonten, 851,760.92 gets 984 44 5,327, 66: in Tnerease over 1903. 9) 646,473. 98 A. S. MacCre; HARDWARE Just now we have some Real Bargains in Cross Cut Saws, Axe Handles, Axe Wedges, Axes, Saw Sets, Saw Jointers We keep nothing but the best makes of the above goods at the very lowest prices. If you need anything in Hardware be sure and come here for it. W.F.FINKBEINER gy SELEY SY Le Se Se CORN... EsraBLisHeD 1x THE Year 181 Sold at the Station Eleva-~ tor at per bushel... D4 in quantities of 26 bushels and Less than that amount President, Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal, G. C. M1 Paid up Capital - - Reserve Fund - - - over, SAVINGS BANK DEPT. 56 cents per bushel, = Interest paid or yea FEFFER BROS compounded rly. Srratrorp Brancu, 4,000, $10,000, BANK OF MONTREAL 7. 000 000 half thee contract. ox bak t Se its surplus by z i = me ee 414,000 A eet ete cee perio Mgr. Weein Ontario, London. HERRERERERERERE B..P. php nA dy f You Are Ailing. ease of the four companies. re MacBeth. Stratford, ines The Mutual Life of Canada own: District Saperi . _ lett te sok bat, robbed of} ro stocks, and its assets were there: » k—fin ard to} (ore not affected in any way by the ink early. “Not, il snongP £2) enorinous shrinkage in values in cer H MO HR’S rf "be. preity dal There is g| tin securities, which occurred dur . : ly lifts} ing the past year. ‘RAIMI al cling (Breeious, but | wt GROSCH, Local Agent esate oa St kt ki Sale ! = ’ siatbane oe rappetite, er gat |. STEWART, Stratford, Gen. Agt. 0c a Il SHEA IAIN dl deal leet New Goods Arriving We are through stock-taking and find that our business for 1905 has increased nearly $2;000 over all former years, for which we have to thank our num- erous customers forjthe liberal patronage they have given us. Durin; the year-1906 we will by fair deal- ing and moderate prices try and do even better than in the year 1905. Our New Goods for spring are now arriving and ina few weeks we will be able to have our stock completed. New Prints We are sorry to announce that our Crum’s Prints have not arrived, but we are informed from the whole- sale house that the steamer with the cargo will arrive in a few days, and we would ask our customers to bear with us for a few days until their arrival. Wall Paper We are again on deck with one of the largest as- sortment of samples ever brought into Milverton. Over 1000 ‘patierns to choose from, at prices ranging from 5c to $2 per roll. Remember, we sell border same price as wall. We take back all full rolls not used. Let us have your order early. Nowis the time to do your paper hanging. Our Grocery Dept. 28 lb. Box Raisins for $1.75, 1 sack of Tillson’s Rolled Oats $2.50, Heintz Sweet Pickles 25¢ quart, Thames Corn 3 for 25c, Crown Peas 4 for 25c, Ko- Jona Tea black and mixed 25c, Washing Powder 1cc, Gold Medal Syrup 25¢, 50c and $1. 2000 Ibs. Dutch Setts Wanted This Week W. K. LOTH HAEFER & WHALEY We have These are the shirts for you, that is, if yon want the good sort. shirts we don’t want to know about—nor do you. rubbish is to patronize the store that doesn’t keep it. fitting shirts, some of them shrink and fade. - We can save you this aj money too. Our New Stock of : Fancy Shirts will please you—they can’t help it. The New Shirts have orings. The fit of every shirt is perfect. to fade with washing, and our prices are lower than similar qualities elsewhere for. $1, 1.25 and 1.50 are some of our prices. Asin Table Covers 12 only Tapestry Table Covers, 8-4 size, (suitable for dining deep fringe all round. ers at a big reduction, regular value 2. Wall Paper 50:10 3.00, = Special :.% Sait Menzie’s UR SHIRT e just received a big shipment of W. G. @ R. Fancy Shirts. There are lots of Best way to keep out of the shirt Men have trouble with bad nnoyance and beautiful col- We guarantee the colorings not can be bought room: tables) We secured that lot direct from the manufactur- { THIS SEASON WE ARE HANDLING They ers in Canada that are not Wall Papers are the only firm of Wall Paper manufactur- in the combine. We We would kindly ask you to compare our prices. can save you money’ on Wall Papers. Try us. The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1906 GENERAL NEWS Tt is said the production of fee sugar in Ontario this year will kee in the province $1, which would otherwise have gone out for foreign sugar. A Yorkshireman, who recently came to Canada, in writing to afriend and then it turn around and thaw, then does it all over again, you knaw.” dealers are very active throughout the township, Ww ving for the West. from the prairie country say great demand Visitors to do the work, ‘anada Flax and Cordage Com- Bad will establish a twine factory in Marys to cost $60,000 and ae to employ 50 hands, on condition that the town guarantee bonds to the ould they em- ploy an additional 26 hands they want! 499): an additional guarantee of $10 The town is also asked to provide a s than five acres, the E) CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES and Charles MeMane i each.—Ci nee eal shi id under-} r el 12.80; J. Lot 11, con, sand 17, . |Iy, rep. culvert opposite Lot 10, an work on the| 11 & 12 P. ree aneeial meetings were read and “Goanielor Scott then entered waif took his seat ‘chmond-Scott—That By- Law oblast ow read a third eine De finally pasted. -Can uchanan—Seot it That the Clerk made application to have said transferred frow No, 5, Elma, No. elma, and to attend the next meeting of Connell in prelerk 0, as adopted, ani pore thesia Beenthoe ized to have copies of A Beeuters ane es be acceptes a ae himself in a ae of Blair; Cyrus Harvey, Wm, Rovb, he Mit hell, John S TBowak n the sum of ond—That milton, a there for horses in the spring Pall |G ploughing is not 0 far advanced Hiehnc bat- the usual, and as everybody is enthusi- | following MEGUNEL be ald GNESI ie Reeve and ute issue orders for Mri ¥, salary as Greig, 123 eas praveliten 46.50; 3. Hat . gravel 8.28; Ducklow, gravel 70 n IT. L. B. & M gotiatio effectively, Gown or ae . 4 and it is likely the factory will be in 2 ria Hotes, rap, ef. eon, 18s operation within a year. r. 1.25; W. sultan salary It is said that the girl st to-day is tspolcetor i De Robiana. ra lacking. in breedin en manners. Lol a [Set ough, ‘That is because two classes of daugh- a Serie eer ie ters are in the public eye; the daugh- $00 y, ison ges et tee vers ofthe supper-rich w o have grown | £0015; Coates, rep. cul. 's arrogant and who ines that ee con. oe 50; A. Ward, rep. cul. wealth endows them with the nght-to| tle & g. 250; -G. Coghlin, repairin, be rude, and the daughters of the poor} washout Blind Line apt 16 1.00; who d manners in public be-| Barnhardt, tile 1005, 20.00; W. Scott, cau no better. Between | drain s. r. 20 & 2t con: A et thesé two is that great mass of well- shh Fe natalie, nollying cota Pree Sat get te ner [1m of abet meeting Soe Cave 5 iehmoi whose fathers may have laid bricks or| gouneil do now voghene to oat agele even carried them, but who tl with the better class of men and wo- men in the business world have mas- e at the call of 0G, RAtcuIFRR, Clerk, and inspect our stock. | G.R.Honderich & Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers One carload of new upto-date Furniture has recently arrived, comprising Buffets, Sideboards China Cabinets - Bedroom Suites Iron Beds _ _ Extension Tables in fact, every Ilne of furniture is complete. A big assortment of <2 SPRING BLINDS Tate arrived, ehewias comune real new. Call in Goods Delivered Free Each Day up to 4 o'clock C.R.Honderich & Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers "a Ge liek oe gee, ee tered thetrue art of gentle womanhood It now appears Shek the carrying of the municipali- < = Quality Tells! AAAI AAI I ARICA RAAT TAIRA AAT ATI I ATA ATI II Our Furniture Stock must be greatly reduced by TRIRIBISIS TSE ATS IERIE TIE TE TER ICICI TE IERIE March ist, so we have fixed red tickets on a lot — Our grocery business is getting WHY : —tUtHVtMVD=wwyOwol Tl F ree oe tl eae i of lingering lines and lowered them 20 to 25 per ae atoning raion i oe i § cent, i price. There bargains that ™mean a sav- ance people against the liquor taille, HAT ( LR ARIN (i Fi BRUARY SALE Our ing of dollars in furnishing any room in your home C A R N E A C The liquor interests are now carrying GR Japan Teas and that will pay for a journey of many. miles. I : eerily Ioan tea brain tae ~ Are noted for their splendid tea: drink- There's a Surface Oak Sideboard, reg. $22 for $15. Made in Canada by Canadians raped seer ie heer Gonered oF iti ing qualities. Just the right kinds cavara [eM acehara: Wadia orcs an vey Sod og oan cert Meg YOU TALK OF LOYALTY, then show that yon mean what you say eres scm ontop lke rom cheap by PATRONIZING HOME INDUSTRY: SBE our dealers, or ‘write ieee us at once for our TERMS and TESTIMONIALS showing that’ CAR: i = NEFAC is USED and RECOMMENDED by all the BEST FEEDERS 25, 30 and 40c in Canada, and proving that it PAYS any man who feeds stock to use a pound R. WHITE & CO. CARNEFAG, they write like this :-— There is a story of a young fellow Can you afford to miss such savings. on the Teeves Mr. J. Slater, i restrain incil. from reading the local option ae law, carried by “he People aes married in haste Aas repented at ure. The other nj $6,500 WORTH OF STOCK AT NEWTON advertise--WE DO! Ifyou have any intention ou don’t a ‘ ikem ay Seley of « iach why sir, you of buying a Butkcrcig: Obed BisEaeityre Be ‘ 3 g pore: Say pola Teak Cag 9 Cents Eggs 16 Cents irst Furniture Store Stratford Soitan Gabeganaae othine H dc You didn't. erry a. cook P*_ Reage F ; Reece East of the Post Office. THEE CAENEFAC STOCK FOOD CO, pee og aa eu Our goods are all marked in plain figures and our prices we guarantee to be Having purchased the stock of Mr. W, J. Zoeger at a low rate on the dollar, I ete 18 of the morning there was WA CH H M £ ae eset ‘CAR AG teil vars good as low or lower than anybody can quote on the same grade of goods. am thereby enabled to meet the public in the line ef prices, ore I ts. th a He poe Ae let eraulne Cea ° O H RK e ive eerie rst mre sun pig : 7 peek, see eee Harel this spring, Now is — : - larger than one pail sae Ho siery Specials T am determined to clear out the full stock of : : wn and cato z ——————= SS them !” Lazily rolling over, he re- the time. i Fano ie the by-law without discussion. * MO: bile: aw toby, go dome 'nadeap- |B, ao AC OGGSHCGISISPGCEPCGCGGCGGSESSGSEESSSESESSSSSS (Signed), 1. VANNEST ‘The King launched ‘at Portsmouth Dry Goods, Cr cker and Wall Paper Pa You" didn’t Si ee ee ee ° lozen pair of Children’s Fine Plain Ribbed the other day the new monster battle. y OOoGs, oO y Ipe: : them j_oumael auarry a policem When dou Fail, ee Declines A pair for 25c Now is your time to put in a stock of hose and this is the ati "Dreadasaeht {fear oe) which nished will c the Deeadatea it is Leese ee Sore powerful Bate of Sens tage in wi hat the British Acmicalig oan as the greatest achievement in naval eonstesntint ‘The details of her con- struction remain a secret, and is the of experiements made by rd Note the SMALL QUANTITY required to show GOOD RESULTS “FOR SALE BY << FRED PRUETER HARNESS-MAKER MILVERTON Ss bd Meise 10 d Wool Hose sizes 4% to 8. Reg. 15 to 25c. To clear... prices you cannot afford to miss. P, H. Bastendorff during the month of February. Bargains will be given in all fines, “The House of Quality.” SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ! We have just placed in stock a full line of thie” Choicest Groceries, =~ _ Our Dry Goods are well assorted and all vacant lines have been filled, ONTARIO Dull, sing Back : Pains, Scanty and . Highly Colored Urine, Headaches and Insownia Indicate Diseseed Kidneys. SESE SY Le aM SM SM Se SL a Si ES Si SY Si Sy aly ale a aie ai oe Ladies! Here is your chance tofbuy Hosiery at Rock Bottom Prices. 4 / Ge GY] fi f GBs , f é ; ° l yy Specials eu ¥ ae We are continually at the front with Special ; 4 Values for you; When we buy goods at special C C R pices, we pass them over to you with the same se ; profit as when we buy them in the regular way. : B ms ¥ (2s! We never disappoint you, s! place to buy them 10 dozen pair travellers samples Fine Ribbed Cashmere Hose, “sizes 95 9,9%, 10. Regular 35 to 50 cents, per pair... .ssssevecsesnerererseees C Flour, Etc., Etc. Goods we can —— In our grocey we handle nothing but Standard Coods. would Le too terrible for words. “Dr, Hamilton’s Pills helped me from the first- day. Uelief- was in Ez a ie else 50 IS of Fe Send us a trial order by mail and be-convinced that. we can recommend. mediate. They. reaideed me and ‘elt Romoes from the J. sch send you first-class goods. Give us a trial. 5 health’s better than ever. Pelt Shoe Co. at a low price, eR Sri Z Elma Council. The Manicipal Couneil of the Town- ae ddaSTSSSEDSETSSSOSOSEIEES T. HUTCHISON NEWTON All ey laints kindred to kidneyj|clear the lot at CHARLES H. DAVIES wimrep _disease are prevented by Dr. Hawii- | pair. Send Your Orders to : tom's Pille.” Their use’ Ineures you | Regular price $1.40. Cail pal and se of Elina d he 13th day of rs 6, “Members J. A. MONTEITH & SON Opp. Market (Box 416) 20 Wellington-st STRATFORD USE PHONE AT OUR EXPENSE FAA ATTA ARR AI BIRR A present, ist Diabetes, Bright’s disease Richmond and ary, sae Teeatie, ‘Bachanan. In wet your size OUTFITTER TO MEN, F. B. Deacon's old stand, Stratford, Ontario SSSSSISSSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSIIS SG P42gee ere Sie Boe ae eee co io Seake ZESEE Bae oreaet Eocag 3 = = oat ied 2 Has y i & oP sae eeees 4 po Se. che 2 gf eis S32 : Seer ae ed. 4 . = obeetee 2.888 o8 4 ee 2 & ao a = ages ae ae aEaS 239 oe oasis Be 3 Bry Bs ® e208 8 Fos Ba S28, 3 : Mw = Atter experimenting for nearly 20 # #* iil disslace 18,500. te z aries eee 100 PAIRS BOYS’ ODD KNICKERS z fr! The Premier Store | St" € Dress Goods getline ae A Carload of Sait has just d } i of 49,568 a: O22. DS ce en mand rake ant mtterbat x i | 88 “a the gunscarried by other battleshipsof ar, Oa 0. a as jus arrive Yan you afford to delay? No, . = a ‘ th ajestic class In Aatereut compels you to use this oor Sizes 22 to 32, worth from 65 cents to $1.00 a pair 49c # WHOLESALE AND RETAIL % In order to make room for our import order of Dress Goods, we will place on eadhaupht lll ie ableto discharse and salt will always be kept 0 on hand, Ree Bile eal ae abeainte on sale Seis es diet hare nee ts ae eee eee meray: # % sale about 300 yards Dress Goods, plain and fancy serges anfd cashmeres. 25 prone mingle em opcecalee eAleNIoE es ry igguaranteed Pi ousands 2 Orders attuned to Milverton, Monkton ie Regular value from 25 to 50 cents per yard, at per yard. .....+sssseveeseee Cc ee toumnd fies: ae The Terms of this sale are strictly cases relief has been instantaneous wton, Etc. *% tek ort rate kiout apeid 5 Such was the experience of James dle ogre cama mager pen eames j . Gordon, of Maryville 2 I JINDERWEAR Ea Grocery Orders put up and shipped to these places and to 1 M ° Ww ki Shirt CASH or TRADE : TweNTyY YEARS A SUFFERER FH all points west of Toront 1% ens or ing 1rts ie bea tara fe % 2 ¥ ght‘nothing as devastat- % : * A si" Uibe biadass « borbereds: mio’ for ee . : - z a = Grocery ered or Department Stores should have an * BP ee ‘ z pe ing as this concen’ erated destruction and the highest price will be paid for produce. cent vents. 1 ed ‘gnawing pera Wool Fleece, at $1.25 a suit, the regular $2.00 kind. Tye RS tines ample tos. ie 5 dozen Men’s Working Working Shirts, Flannelette and Denim’s 25¢ epee or onceived in the ts res ; 2 i@estipalvall tie time My digestion > its, Confectionery, Canned Goods, Staple and “y regular 35 to 50 cents, to clear at each. ..... ees sees sees eevee eeeter seers ea nile of one mites wcll dtnusted International Stock Food. at Half Price. was aes and I had specks before my GOODS ALWAYS AS ADVERTISED % seaes ieocerieal Patent Medicines, Teas, Coffees and fire at the enemy's ships and when one ze x minute is followed hyo eben: the effect # ca % x ca * 5 SCHAEFER & WHALEY oo ona | ZORGERS OLD STAND, - - - Peter ottie inte rewuice-an °F Meer rT re rere rT CSCS SYEVEE Coates The 1 fi Sesssssccessssssssssscsssssc00ssee0 oa WM. panelaey, ike Shoeman 16 IIIA IE IEA ISAC HAs