66 iO 9.9 | And att that fain would do : Se ‘ 2 Contempt, wall be their final Tol, E G eaten ok ts, ~ SAFEGUARD YOUR HEALTH |THE duty OF OFFICERS/WHEN ALL ARE FEARLESS : i Cadre aan ver sat Sermon By th Ei TE See WHAT THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT | INSTANCES OF THE LAST MOMENIS m WwW “Our Father which art in Heav EXPECTS THEM TO DO. OF FAN oN. Eg e peror illiam Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom ee cogs of Ge . me. Thy will be done on earth iS age in . Give us this da i rman Hele Wiad And trae oa ee They Must Act as Cooks, Tailors,/y nat They Said While on Their Death- me 3 ve Wwe forgive them thet trespass Butchers, Grocers, Beer Experts, — Do Men Think of ‘us not into temp- E: ners. “The Lord of Hosts is with us.” tation, but deliver us from evil: For and Executioners. the Beyond. Im xlvi., And so. they still remain in ur days. thine is the kingdom and the power ani| ey] By a recent Army Order a certain recent Army Order n z Once again’ the kindly hand of Goa ets mo mela on the spiders sword | ie glory, for ever. Amen.” ylon Natural.GREEN Tea ——e Pegi ngune cadre Ge ee TrOLanE ia tngelhin Ba anes ae eee of the truth that] Tord our God. heavenly Father. Thou moned his at friend to his. side ~ the week shall be hallowed by our eal SOLDIER'S LOYALTY, circ? eligi eget ever. Thine|Of the adulterated Japan Teas. tL may. hest worship of the Lord. “Religious| his strength and his iseipline are root-| we are son ate we val Let ee Buapoteieeal “ gi oe M vices,” some one has said, “shoul re] ed_in that legend: “God ae Let LEAD PACKETS: cara 490, 600 AND 600 PER LB. AT ALL cRocEnS. — ri t 4 the mill-stones of the path of man’s| _ Still, what would it ear on ree this thy “raithtut ‘hand a » Never yet IGHEST AWARD: ST. LOUIS, 1904. S$ cook fo or themselves, although! nian. Notaing else will give you Journey through life and bear the in-| device’ ders and coins, on our| hast thon forsaken us. Neither will we con seco. the many curious and Kok eee your scription “Nearer to God. relig-| escutcheons and shields, if it was not'n-|¢vermore forsake thee. Thine will we SOE ORR Se é ious services of ours are likewise to rej scribed in our hearts? No, the fa] |Temain for ter fehueh oe more than a venerable custom en a sol-| Point is that it shall become our device, | Amen. 4 > for having died t emn ceremony—they are to be founts of that lege end: “God with us!” “The bless thee and kee| 2 ee thought for @ flashing moment strapath for the human soul that lives| Oh. Took once Into thy fe with eon-|he Lord. make His fee shine upon i eee donko Doce’ hates leeply_ within secraed eye! not then the whole | ious unto ti e z Z colonel, pate ea : vl today, the holy ‘day of Trinity. is| sum of IC egntained in hosp words "God tor i up His countenance upon thee, ~ee pe i ba surgeon, “I have not been a great peing celebrated throughout. Christen-{ with us?” Who gave thee this life? Who |@nd give thee peace, 1 object of th der, how dom=it the Christmas bells mingle thels| has guarded thee by day and night, an This is Beautiful Fur Fur Scarf Given Awa; Lecatee alors he a kuuye (eo ee a Grea clear sounds to chime forth the message | placed His angels behind thee in —e ray haeld linary art” ene | ene ee ae “God to us: bs of the “culinary art” as will graphy pointing ie the fact-that men die od to usi” the Easter ‘ells the an-| sravest has cared for thee AGONIZING. NEURALGIA: able them in the future more “negen | ih outa thought of the world beyond, Minelation, “God for us:" and the bells| rom yea ear? Who hath ly to supervise the all-ir eet sing Che POcRenTelL®: of Pentecost the promise “God in us’—| thee with so-mueh Joy, oa upheld th thee | are ter of the good, ye economia ord Waa ile a vi ore he where en could we find in this present| iti the days of deepest s know | Due to Poor, Weak Blood — Dr. Wil- iigabedhwlrcmens: avhose dick“ by maya, full of ee eee our bi i 7 7 3 < ra ein eee ears ee es ee Hat one answer: thw as God—God with: liams’ Pink Pills will Insure rae has een greatly Tmunroved of late ‘and dogs” who had ee a tha: bold s of his faith: “The Lord of| Who has stood at the baptismal font ‘ a Cure. ile Revenge ay Spaniards. History josts is with us," or transposed into the| and consecrated thee as a child of eter- my P tongue of the Prussian, iy? Whorheld oul his hand to th een Neuralgia is the surest sign that your : deed, it is @ memorable subject fow ot whe 3 Soldier, the legend: “Gad wtte| the. hour af holy. confirmation? Whole system is weak and unstrung. | sui tea! such coffee) and. bread, whilst | consideration,” Slevensou, lh spoke to thee out of thy old Bible Bok. us as a b hunk of e a d with us"-only three short words, met thee among the worshipping con: — heavy chunk of roast of boiled | | pricks on along invralley of the sha low three ‘ula enly, merely nine smali| eregation, gave thee His greeting in the attic be. WHOLE: Weis: One ers—and ‘anyone could tell the| silent chamber of thy prayers, and re- A BREAD-AND.- ip ; ‘ear and ie ae for poy, of this patie it would be a long eof the Ha ito Bye Darel But now ‘fish, butter, bacon, and hose “ ho fear ree ein pie otters est of ie Holy Supper. Now ul es figure in bre: A GLORIOUS TALE. one answer: Tt was, God—God with)” seihst duane Le diyecal ally tke @ party for the Vis Gina hares nd: piles eaes troduction: of soups, curries nd a tol ws hese. three words are inscribed? ‘They | ANd thou—wvouldst thou go nag all kinds of puddings, and this withont | pital pee ena Ae bed PRe ey are raved y Prussian thaler, pe itt re oe ee re ioe costing him a-penny more than it gratefully confessing: “Icome from the Ve? ‘oul i y back im, formerly, which shows what a Mare ‘ Band of God_the blessing of God is nL ait He aid in es set WO ii cay ho Medicine Co.; thore wis in the ad old. day A SENSATIONAL DEATHBED. all.” i only i Sy re iar = aliens ener m | The bof death tn ry ov gen, | haem me UR DEPT. 2 TORONTO, OFT, Yi tne (lc olly Sn Ee Seat Mika iestion: - | lesly-utter 2 sing man. 2 3s th Lae he replys @With, Go's help.” {hott carriest thy henet in the|— fair knowledge of the.talloring trade. Hee env rietion in'ihe ee and thereby, proclaiming the SoHienn night p place, Esau cane reco maiseel aya i sae lo sit on boards. and report ly t “Give all honor to God! G {: Ese vettt | 2s thot ofthe hen, and that of the goose the-quality of the clothing supplied Solere, il tig Runes: ah = Scare FOR. Ss fs preferable to .eilher-for al ‘05° the Government to his men. tle has t0| jesling seems the Inst act of courage “Who me the men, and name then reply, to the devoted promise, of E | purposes. Duck's eggs hav h ti 2 aulworn: and, possible to a fighting man, and he makes ar ae ha roe iene LEAS CALF eneaiieabere ie Be tae eee nae Ce detetle enc (raost dinvortant of all; hes’ imotedfately | the mastsok tt s are the stories with this legend? Wheteher the favorite thse words. expressing the ‘fullness alone; they are, however, as good for ail |fesponsible for the fit of his then of soldiers a ing in action with a shou! device of Margr George was: “If; thy faith: “The f hosts is with us.” 1 purposes of cookery, and for custards | Cloth f hw on their lips. Be ees “ele ODS AUS eEIOES 5 Soest aE NV Bere ee & | and puduings superior to any. The exe Then every year each regiment sens), Even, more wonderful ie the cold a whel cr Elector Frederick II. words conquer a human and be of the guinea-hen are also good for eal- | © sr el ‘ough a|Ploodedness of men going to the scal- fe de re Rend spe forsaketh not} come the rie ca ar slo of @ | ing and u.. culinary purposes, epi ees That is, they | fold. Rite feel ne edge of the a as ie eho pul hele teuabette Bin meen bite 1c ie havavar ectumalhenrtstanie are taught. on very. carefully taughi, {something of a jest in old d and ther Emperor William the Great ac-|on and in this. conviction “God 13 OES Ea $e Sa, how to judge he sauelty of the rations | there is the st story of the felon, callie to i knowledg with us—all hon-} with me; His clear parental eye rd DOMESTIC RECIPES. supplied to the A only urn, who blew the froth from his Bin Hin silt in their hearts they | eth me during each ‘When eae Sad = ue AND THEIR USES. For a Rolly-Poly Filling try this mix-|8"*. oot ‘he: ul this but the oetual ox Inst as because it always gav “God wi = eS z ereise 5 2 SW Gould count. alt those. ho ureein| temal heart beateth me in the commit REO Ute rai 2 apd $l. be frequently | CAT re eri ear alohare:thb prime cus, which: bre AAU aggered which this Tegend “has blazed up and |and pain, the distress and death of this cured RUMAH Bote Ce n cream Cannot be procured | '0 tablespoonsful of sullanas. Mix all] THE OFFICER AS A GROCER trace Z . ante date Dower Twill recall | life; God is with me, the omniscent God! couse they actually make the el for ole the yolk of a soft-boiled egg; !horougly and add a squeeze of lemon “a th itateitet ee as OTUs he, dey of Eutean. What | wo. ka what I need; the Al-| blood thal feeds asd seathee is.a very good. substit juice, Mt all the incroguous and distasteful! (2° Cau Aat 8 DE Noveniber: tse Wat oe day | mighty: God who hath what'I' need; the nerves and sends Neslit and sttonae To prevent the juice Of fruit pies from|_ 1ees—Home-made ices are very inex-|dulies an officer tas to perform, how- vd ne thronging was the war-|all-gracious God who giveth me what {9 every part of th soaking into { rust; v nsive, bul, if provided for litile chil perhaps first. place should be Bey ory of the Swedes, as they stotmed (o| 1’ need;’—trul feet of man. rest ane. Hoag, That te sang crust, Mash tbe | Gren, they should be made of jo the keeping of a gr alone with the un ~— the advance? Undér what did they bat-| on granite, and heroic courage enters set ree AL cat Aaa Ea tng ‘her wh a beaten egg before put-| {ret wed, ane Hg te toads oe aan Care Pieivical Nene antes ee nay have unwavering faith in 2 Sates ‘ tt} info his soul, and sunshine into his ins, indigestion, Ete eee en making frosting in warm) P@ frozen. ° Sporige eakes or wafers {what the canteen president and his, co Pe ha ee oe i three undinehing Words: God with ua a ie i te ments of growing girls ean conte set Ane wis of te egg on ioe] SPOuld be handed with thera. There oe ee Ee inca ice teat “the dread: us! od is with ust” This devieo makes | Put you meet ae the emis wOmeR: for a short time before using, cIt dhe, MANY inexpensive ice machines. soid | tet" is in vos {v1 loneliness with which “the pinch” a full name, “Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for |@S6S You have to use for frosting are | PoWadays, nak: dh, easily worked and| Under this. system the tenant pays a} must } ured: smites the bi . rr” ale People,” on the wrapper etoined {ROL quite as. fresh as you could desire. | Produce good r cerlain sum for the privilege of “run-|with its iey blasts. ti ou : a sabia bows in aon, fae at @ pinch of salt will'make them beat | _ SWviss ree: heat the yolks an g* the canteen, and the committee's} And yet it is only in brief moment Wien ay Medicine Cont Brociviiee Gn: ee fer. lee Iwo. -*86s separately; with the ee eu irae ssesng RGN that the true horror of death sweens and the pi “itr t ‘he white of an eg; e wo tablespoo! of sugar itions of his contract. Bu e ? iS ‘phat’ Sees 50 cents per: box, ie ee tor $2.50. | tity. of cold alee ant: lvoe gugar 8nd three tablespoonsful of brandy ani otherwise, the canteen president becomes | we putt eeey eae eee —That's what a prominent in| (ft you are-ailing, try them to-day, Mcient to make it the required con-,Str them together in a basin stood over | retail grocer. He must carefully wate pea eR Us. iT cret Roe druggist said of Scott’s y Reece: mac dieen Saree 0. Be thie Ree ie hareyue ue Conn sles tar te tne che THe surat ohne | Tighlened. Death, indeed, is ad * requires no al r it Sait. 0 i ¢ a PETTY THEFTS IN PRISON. Mery Gall pitas beaten whiles of egg and pour into|# certain pro 1 be asked PREFERRED BEFORE Emulsion a short time sid ee Riek: ter eggs are to be mixed lasses or cups. 3 ew Brag plain his reasons.”| 4 hopeless infatuation for a painted ago. Asa rule we don't ae- | Convicts Alec Kieptomania to (Have | with hot milk, as in‘making gravies and eieabie Geegs tines Sede iioatts ee Stok ones a month We foi wilt drve Feclunatee: (0 came use of réfer to téstitnonials ntel custard, dip the hot milk into the beaten | of pour and half-o Gint of milk; fecse toounts. and he is in every way directly | Money, woubles will fing t t a Kleptomaniaes in prison are not com-|°#& @ spoonful at a: time, stirring well | fnis with grated oran} oe mus Dear lresponsihle forthe eommercisl= airseaey |£ passin express, and in addressing the public, on, but prisoners sentenced tor a |< s Hin Mate cues grea sin, tie over with @ cloth|*t the canteen. PrettdeMinn ance s series of petty thefts will sometimes coa- 5 a logether; and boil for one-hour. Re the in re a ethineepion met a eg above remark and fervize more Jevtlly and es ns ca ioe 1 fail im order to | Wil prevent the ens, from, cu loth, let the steam escape. and serve |posed to the wid canon, ie oie ee ae ila Iv, i ear grander ink they ough’ ith the following : * . t expressions are f'n e i, ne "| ane hewn a egen wc [Pe ane route sda, hese, have gn expen knows pend te mars of enh ae made so often in connec-| “God with us!” ‘This legend make: Has the criminal lunatic | 8"@ Sometimes left over after mal on the rinds of two oranges, add the | used to sing. Wh ie ebody | over Poaceae i ‘ . 1eC~ |, Strong and unyielding te temptation, | svlum. Worm Serubbs_ prison | Coke frosting, and s0 forth." Eit trained juice of the oranges and half a|supplly of beer for 1 {he eontenct for the as become of that soul? Bag s tion with Scott’s Emulsion |in truth, thou wouldst not bear the|Was once very much joubled by Keep well for a day or two if kept in «| pint of water. Boll all very fast while| he given onl. tenders, ees i ha etl edd Sc teat ath ~. that they are worthy of jis"! 0s many wounds in thy breast, |aggravaled case of the kind. very cool place, well = bAelecia earring Yar he lewd manaaleecUNl: SARI THE. DFEVGRAT. Goel Ae ae oat eat force shih lille ~ ys 'Y OF | nor so many painful recollections in they man had pleaded ieptomania ab 0d. the whites tindeaten- Whites andy sup fs obiain ee, assisted by a willing subordinat ever ved? oe ee occasional note. From fetes thy sees ene 5 ue ‘i at oh in rain, and five years | gs In any cake or other aie cies Dressing Sr Ot ae rn Mon-commissioned “officers "as. who watch the poor infancy to old age Scott's “God wi om ten ihe jimes ee need aie os him, ae for ~ eSBs, ing two yolks or two Herel turl — aa wy yolks ze tor taste ai test samples sub- arenched and ‘load cae de body + ee the fone tha bloodate . | Scrubbs (eat whites as 01 cee i i Regionale 3 ortuary turn Emulsion offers a reliable |“ ~ THIN OF THY “coor ies to ste ot inthe inoet | When eggs. are cheap and ete Bits Fait : tesopecntyy OC alarms fel RIOT Uo He we oe ee age ene rz ath means of remedying im- | When the ness, | ee Lo Sie my Joa a the ee Sania those: ous in oe cayenne, | bl 0) Mie nd salt fo|¥ a a fastidions taste in wine. doe AB add th oar mente ai ah the ce mer es . ce . 3 _ i. “ laste, an het legrees four five ly swallow if = proper and weale develop. |sniic i'l ttl ic ee n= mp ih Tay i's eb ia, Saint net hese ae Hi thy. heart une oe ‘th ii . tarragon vinegar a te; i : ke Brie lost flesh ris cant ae - Sentae tne oe trousers, ae ‘he tie, eae Bs rm ere | about a tablespoonful will be a ier ms fe Deter inet may er selec ap death? They fear nothing in the an Z al ee and are eee ae oe have another. But it proved to be th ‘ Seen) ane aT ee ee ee ee gee, ft avert- otra waste. The action of |Have God in view and in th teats hrabiors, Hest iad Deon. lo BLETS. s y heart; that thereupon the thet fell und gus rctataree ond dear, a table TH Rae i 5 is IE WORS Scotts. Hmiulsion .i8. noi. eee le hoe eee Pyas, of course, the object of mg {Spoonful of this mixture put ih a cup, OHST DUTY OE ALE ——+-— Bei oeshd fasameratethaet <i peng NA nemo for- me ‘ole. Oi he call ting searched | # little cold water over it and to the nent mothers tae anes pa a Turning to some minor. duties, every ALARMED HIM. : fit = © | “God with ust” -This device gives us| Suicics was found in Kis tatcesee The hour es ee crentag betoro bet | er ‘medicine in th can. The| school and see that the ting sctnane eee | “Will_you" he asked, in. tremblin, composition of thé Emul- sa oe strength amid the sullerings| is of items. would half fil a column, {fast, will answer Epics pectese SES ‘ablets cure. constipation, indigestion, /“all present and correct.” Once. a. week | Hopeful. tones, “be mine?” se te “sion itself. What it docs |*\ le usttine Ravacritfae' |i hurt cme tnes'wee'Bu [il gesagt | yi a i We “ny ada a aga MPTP Hh A W i , nails, scraps of soap, g stains can easil rom |}, a 2 5. | married quarters of his unit and assure: vatees it does through nourish- |Pycue'in suiting the vce tae ae | ta ood. AL one fell swoop, saver by rubbing with a wet Tag dipped | break ape event rx They ‘himself that they are clean, Bee Evo have: Birenring hope that-you ment—the kind of nourish- ees y few 4 ble to. conceive, pian cijet hate anal ot ea ed yo well beaten and added to a oh iret e they move th e of | Mrs. Sn to ner = =e “ wenawe ee y 4 ee ment that cannot be ob- wi me coane ws thief, Aen of being Sent to|tumbler of milk well sweetened, and! icine aie saves coe oe onls | not ae an promising that you would iainled: in: Grdinaky. food. pul ristian’s faith, the| Eredmoor, was punished, but never: | two ns of ine, is excellent : ikecouinbus gazes eels is ano ae i TY 100A. | Christian's hope: “ with ns. Ha’ who| wees he resume ractice; and he} for feeble, aged ms who can take| afe a jother thing,” she said, in No. system is too weak or has no faith in God soon loses his cour- ttl he was eonaternd 19 bo td Kala ehh s. iP gave hin him great age, while faith possesses a her ans! ortla Bute Yatintyesronetice “for burns th a D great hope. delicate to Pe ian it the usual course, when he suddenly and | and m the following ways: !have to sit on examination : Ah. then you will be my wife?” he ae tetain Scott's ne an ae te ae aio cisaly Getaeniods ae while ot he the gsm used 8 | mer fey a ae rae aliy. to to come to the most awful duty sided wall a brighter light in his mulsion and gather good |o' this ii i : ee Ls eet tale westhe y ed Baby's Own Tah : officer may be ealled. upon ‘to | {9¢e. ife, and im : d wa Tablels for the. trowe| . < from it. intly exclaim, even in dee] Fa | beaien for a long time,~vith a tab! een bles that come to ite, ones with | he may be required to act as| “Hardly that,J think.” she told him, * ness: “The Lord of ho: VOTING BY COMPULSION. — Jot fresh lard, lila liltie water separates: | fect satisfaction. 1 think there is ro| “Herk with the chill Sait Tit Yoles We will send you a |The God of Jacob is our if in the discharge of elec- | °F 8 excel edy is a mi 2f) medirine can equal the Tablets. PCy es ee away ee fine elnicat sestcrale sample free. ell then, write thou toral duties has hitherto been nothing | he, yolks of eggs with glycerine. equal) mother ought tok ‘of thes 5 . “ pa a head she eal ee en nothing | penis; put in a botlle and cork tight Puente Se ree | plored. “What w oul eat wave ve date secon “God with ust" Switeriand, however in its chosen rote | HK Before using, i will Keep for some} her little ‘ones. oid by i drat, | Be loa © drew herself up proudly, almost wiped out nor let it be as the school of social and_political ex. | time in SS peeing mts a box “Do?” she exetnimed. “Do? : the winds! Hold it fast with sacred iment, has elected to translate it in-| For a boil, beng the skin of a boiled ng the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co: | Sore tn Fit be th; fo practice. A bill just introduc egg, moisten it and apply. {twill any Brockille, Ont 'y_ husband SCOTT & BOWNE fie! Tuen go joyfully and undaunted | the Federal Legistture makes it pena e reness ——— 5 : £ d oneal es oe Chemists thy way, and me paren for any registered elector to fail to 0 cl air ana NOT LOOKING FOR IT. je Safle. Roe ee ee Torosto, Ont, . eral tin, "eke under Shun ee wel nto the ely, and” nse a | ne e tat mary wow owe mer 2 °F cata oa <= aes Hest $i aildrogetts, |S" Ged 3 Js a Word revealed cis which can be shown to be be- ghly with warm water. Phiy deo ire ae wan eit fan aerial Le ote ee ee eee é jainst-devil, world and hell shield, ' yo = ‘ 's/ Week _ out. That's wi i jell our shield, r nd his The egg of the turkey is nearly as good Fe Sitaae trouble. Pearson's’ Weekly. \niakes some ee. noses so! re fe 5 a Or, The Strange Disappearance 4 ARAN CHAPT IX. of her; ae sight, even to a good board- After a stormy passage in life comes pe ee wi ee seit ‘a long calm, pres igs perhaps, ano-} tt. saeea thas ries —_ the ae ayes taust pass rapidly over! spect of sian having @ compan- ‘Thursti . So ee ine ‘and so the engagement was oon &. 4 ris was a eget cordial! solved to dane ne Nine Senta and eaene hoyden, really bout n means, first-of all to carrying on and perfecting those worke of education end reform started dy Marian in his own neighborhood. But this was a very mournful eonsol- ation, for in a thought and the whole work, the memory of arian a) was so intimately woven, th was felt with double kee: effort was doubl iy aimeult; cvery-obsine ie was "doubly discourage- :, en aE 23 | tensantest sounds in all.the precincts | eocRel neve received |p PE aes coe te amraenritnate agen ae oa Dea Stack sexnken der wes be Beh hare avere: (ol Deli Delight. "When Palit trad Beats A should have free access to pure water al |j oe lied. often, |S20W that during the last four years the ings; he missed } think thes wee, nvasion ee a RIA all tim Tel paca To eee, ood Birth rate (excluding London) has re- ais htt és Soli el e a ieee of educatin, vel hee pee eeps wi i A ie sequel was interesting. el a Sone tase “women and giris” Into ben Delight i as npc? sie’ reparation fos PINS EDR OT ant ear ea i mained Braplleally aMODATy, ANT) I hoe ine alee Wherehovas event ae: Ge Was Zone’ all oli | declared he hed rather there had been that thought, had fitted ‘up a little school- | winter feeding may have taken 60 days.| "Results show that the proper basis <f pie red a well-to-do old shopkeeper led repulsive to his sight; irruption of the Couns “ana (Vandals |room adjoining his library, where, in |and by the first of January each a imal | comparing foodstuffs is according to the AEN OF EYE DISEASE. ng woman to the altar.’ The voice was silent, all ‘other |! once—for if there were any Volks De | the presence of Mrs. Morris, Miriam and|ought to be taking 6 bund shock |amount of digestible protein they con-| yp the London medical officer's report | bride's feelings may be imagined when discordant to his ear; Id not get along with, they were| Paul pursued their sludies,’Mrs. Morris |¢orn that, contains eight to ten good jtain. It is thus apparent. that. farm a Me piehed. there are many other {she leamt that her onetime lover had love was impossible, all other | “te gals.” Besides which, he wis Sit" | hearing such citations lay. witt rs twice a day and have b th often make the mistake of feeding wheat | interesting points. Boarder tar ink ged” all the details of his financial ind affections were repug-| ROW {0 have the coldest seat around The |her proyince, and Mr. Willeoxen a growing and fatiening. The noonday|bran which contains only twelye pe that throughout our’ schools | downfall and was as wealthy. as ever, nant to his heart; and Thurston, young, Gre, the darkest place at the table, li° Hending to the Classical ‘and mathena-|meal may ‘consist of clover hay and {cent. of digestible protein, as compar is an entire absence of that |All this became known when the young mmplished "and wealthy, backward ride in the carriage, ane °° | tical ranches. Thus passed Tony other roughage to the amount that wil |with coltonseed meal, which, when PUre,|irqublesome disease of the eyelids— man’s enga to his school-girl Beemer niente aneicnay. a Set Sheesh ot a ae months, and every the heal Pits puree ration of [contains 372 per cent. of digestible pr0- | trachoma — English-horn chil. {cousin was announced, : s "| the children were tmited closer to each groan eed, like one-third each of corn, | tein. As cottonseed meal and wheat bran i cae al exes ty, old Couey Wh i Boys were always put upon by the gir) other and to their guar ts and wheat bran with 5 per cent. oil-|can often be bought at practically the | ao eeu. cya onde seca A EE CRRS PAL his-horded wealth og eoatika, | ane Soreeeenn aE » he eeu, : = nd Thurston Willeoxen “grew in eg added, which can be increased 4|same price, the farmer who buys wheat }}oys and four girls were found to oe Anotbee ; oung man discovered that he Hee wen die cancion ee “the nose, (And he} tayor, with God and man." His name/Itile every day from two quarts until /bran. pays three as much for the trachoma ad Faken weevetior| a Miss Wrong for Miss. Bs abe Deaucalied.te Lis | vaws ish vow—"by thunder and] recame the synonym for integrity, pro-|flve or six quarts are given each ani-|digestible protein contained as the far- reign oF the brothers and misled right Wt this ovcurred after he “had upon the sole condition that-ii should not bity and philanthropy. He built a|mal. A moderate allowance of roots can who ulilizes cottonseed m« aliens. siting she home of ona | &Spoused ‘rong. It was an intro- divided gin church and a frec-school, and supported |be given with much benefit after the + at these ‘children, the. fatner was found |duetion to the sister of an old college Pi Delight, siti ita natura): Beatties, ©} oth at his own expense. In the third |evening meal. This plan of feeding can be a bad case, as both eyel chum which caused ke thé aaimics Hamie: thabewenine eoeld ‘i nik | Year after entering upon ts inheritance, |be followed until the time comes to be-| CRABS CAUSED EARTHQUAKE. bi ved in the serious nt lary re-| discovery, and to long for his freedom inflon material are Meee Orne ered tire “The was received into hol lers; and oe ripen for sia: : a See suits of the disc again in order ue ES the _ two years after, he wes elected pastor| When the ripening process is G real Miss Right and gain her hand. to atorpand beats ihe anichless boat of his native parish, ‘Thus time went | about the middie to the last of rebrutty, At Least Tha’s How the Chinese Bx-| From 8 pute tng Bolnt ob view Miss Wrong soon noticed a change x and make ft worthy bib Siem , and brought at length the next |the amount of roughage can be dim plained It. is a retailer of milk—hardly 0 SCarable|in him. He was manifestly unwell and tended nisi Ae es A pa lan, one in- eventful epoch of oui estic history—-|ished and the concenirates increas occupation for a sufferer from tra- trembled in a peculiar manner, to think of thee ey of | Me oH ear that upon which Miriam completed tan Clover hay, f small quantities, is| Very curious were 2om the expla name she cted him using a small syringe, P jome-beauty ee ee aired ne sixteenth year. perhaps as good for rougl ewes any- uations a a dy China oh ee eeechian OR EON. and apEReen NY: making pager. ing found on te area farm, ent earthquakes which have felt at Hong . injection. fe anneal yver= sidered ‘roth something of an aid Le Re ie he grain should be ground and the) Kong, Can Macao. ‘The Hong! pore ig sil plenty of room for ne whelmed with embarrassment, and, in bachelor, and old bachelors woul peniedre wise following is a met mixture 0| Kong Dail ss tells about them:] ¢ regard. to the inspection of | answer to her tory interrogations, queer. i per cent., oats 20 per cent., wheat m maid: | “The. famous dragon whose privilege i/iroat, Tt is alarming to. read. in the falteringly ackno that he was a Bit ‘Thitrston syellimiew. ow to ante IN A-RUSSIAN COURT. Glings and bran 20 per cent., ollmeal 10| has been an nal | Fondon. ‘County Council's health report {Slave to the habit of narcotic injection. bee vi ne aes ere = id nat 2 é cent. Of this me each animal to the earth’s rest is not ‘held sore that’ “the extent the meat, is she endeavored tv pathy inthe ad's heart, He ay objec.| Oriental justice sometimes nds a par-|should consume 20 or more poun ible for the recent scare in Macao and|tiperculous pigs is supplied to the con- sisted, and she ae nnd pop bctad Seer eee ae ihat littic| @e! in Russia, where j and law-|day, varying the ancunte a appetite elsewhere. Some Chinese attribute the mer pack not Hagnlated ape nage sites "fluently to put an end to bere ate ane cckoned Paul into | Sets see no difficulty in ‘auriving at ee.{demands. Add a few roots each meal, | last shocks to the water dragon o! Stapaiile siaughienhouses smere | ager as well for him het” the parlor, where the ehild sat, alone, Centric decisions and taking the most of both for the bene ffi in alding |ton, ‘whose anger has Deen ralsed by He aainh sia “Willen -annald: beat exenined Le was nol, lng h making this ie al eds i ‘| the nut for themselves, Jeaving the shell |digestion and to prevent animals get-|the reclamation works. olies are i — {sion, for oug! was all no} therefore, though i splstualy, ‘seemed ana pointing her out to him, sald m8] soF Plait and_defenden ing tired of ground feed. Much depends |dumping daily boatloads of sand and iematie inpe singh aod of the £YS-) about the alle bit, yet he by ils every turn, he was true to’ his! "Look at her; she has lost all her], me Qay, at: @ village ae a soe: on the man Handing the stock and fed, |slone on ths poor dragons pack, end obvious can eo adequate Gon | #85, Man himself really 1 by taking eamlatice. to cerntin, tniane Bounty cand | trian du -ehed hal vat ate: icorastien| Se Duan a A AS ceptor nner should 38 tees en Ie ae pul for the palo of fuberemous pork.” Gries to elmiiste he, See we a y - wo an alf roubles, an ba Ving no} animals in this manner shoul! “Tt_al jowever, that real causes of the ni fe eee of avin’ abilities to mother’s grave—she is strange, ond sus'{money with him, went holné to p ready for market by Ap! of the ven uakes wero the Macao! st, Slapnes peasy est Sone One of the ‘the commonest st dodges to. get it - _ ere ie story: jose by the hot ie ith i, {out of an gem marry works or benevolen “Tm lo her, though I hardl, las! ar. One iculty met with in ie woot t remained. unaltered. . He| know howe’ replied the lad, moving The farmer meanwhile sold the, skin THE LIGHT BRAHMA. springs in the neighborhood of | Maceo | ins inspection of food is the sale on the mutate soine eed hai gemertly i 5 a ‘0-1 to @ second buyer for three roubles. Theri ands a small village wherein lives an rr temperance in drink, fordew women will yuld ab bear to make it beautiful, since = the spot where the abstracted child ‘i same premises of food which is sold for} \i at deeply mnuaing the original buyer returned, and wh farmers look upon utility as the }Ol0 woman who has the misfortune to|Niman consumption with that which is| ¥ilingly m i “Miriam! that your name?” he he discovered the trick that had been} important thing to be considered before be the m of an unworthy young} iced as cat's meat. MADE OUT TO BE MAD. sae ie capt opening tne gonverss [Played was so indignant that a quarrel|emberking upon ny new enterprise, man whose sole occupation is fishin Lesa usntly it tee lnepestan: canctig ‘ ce ensued, and the matter was brought be- mG. W. Cormack. They ask, A few days previous to the first earth-|agyn upon food unfit for, human con-| ,Another favorite pds or goung ett “Yes.” replied the child, very sottly | ZS, 2 justice, s there a fair pro! ng thorough- | quake shock experienced in Macao the| sumption, he is met with the statement | "00 Dovome en. mney Ae te are . | tou ought the skin first?” sald the| Enea fowls? Ht aoe what, breed 1s: best [Young turned home. with altar it ie meant. fo cals, and, of |P!8y upon the natural jealousy of ue “I's a very heathenish—ob, Lord!—I latter to the shoemaker, after carefully | adap! et fi and how must couple of cral d a few small fish. | course, it is not possible for the Inspec: man. Thi effected in many ways ; “|mean is avery preity nase, is Mam, listening to the evidence. aiensa to insure the best| “Nothing extraordinary was noticed | {or e man’s inention, and at-| {i7ung violently, with gome prety, le te it’s a Bible , too. don’t know but} results? I confidently believe, by reason |®' first, but AE Srebs N} though a man may be Shviously ving. | any” in the secret, by lent i aug! e| what itera aainty Pst AS oy For how much?” of years of experience and by reason of |Foiled one of them presented a pecul-|it is- no use attempting to ally” dropping love-1 aie preennedly wi arrangement otherwise!" The ite girl mde no rep ply, and the “Hw and a half roubles.” the experience of the best known men in | ‘@" app AS On. A back | him Meet Dae Boe Ground Suave preload to have tie boy ape opin eh Maeve or “Have you the money?” the WReiness, that the Light Brahma | €round of its shell stood in hold relief IS Araki any method which mak man @ orphan girl with herself, but Commo, After figetiog trom ene foot to the olme| ay! issesses more desirable qualities for the |® design in white which resembled - Le opepbree at sy one a may bes SEP “eo an in| oat og Pot on Ba ames tne am nga te te ag [ROMS pte, NeM weg] RELATING To MON. cathe. sue a i en uring ‘0 the second buyer, the . dark shelled and much sought | is ag Miriam's, ‘coming to Hekenough i vith| “Miriam, shall 1 show, vee He iene = are Jeet coc ‘who appreciate rich and |s00n explained that it was the king of| |The Bible speaks of Tubal Cain as the | breaks Eaeiet straight away, BET Oriat rine tt lines sitar: | Cae ead PTT eee aise ley SOS You Dau the skin afterward and| mateble eggs. 1 ageee with that Wes-| the crabs thal had found its way into | discoverer of iron and | the father of though she mnay be sorry wards. tunes would have happened,” he sai ONO. ht think you tatere pied the esa fern poultry man, I. K, Fetch, in the be- | he old woman's kettle. het He ee uieuie eune kien ante Pl Pliny Deere Suae nn dee mae Even Jacquelina had been forced to pecaunmeny lief that a Light’ Bratima hen will lay | ,,, Thereupon rae Nee entione’at having bean dl Cy kaeitg ceatio ee 1 f fly from Luckenough; no one knew| “Well, would you like to see’my pic- “toe ie at gb more pounds of eggs than any other | dicted that some great calamity would fet oles ou ‘Mouge dda etter: dhe forests [that tthe sae should rset whither; some said that she had ru tivo volumes of engravings, and Bieler breed. When properly fed and housed | ¥isit the unfortunate village. an- | Dacly eae haa desteoys| aioe cant woman ge Ne away; some knew that she had retired |a riot fa t sicatines “You have he skin?” their laying quililies leave nothing for | While the crabs of Macao and the neigh- | oF pacing in-side ha mn destroy- | disquieti Goo tion regarding the ia kamnveale -sotiecaakd only. 10: escape |: No Bi “Yes.” the farmer to complain of, but it must |P0rhood, having learned the fate of ae by, le ane wins. ena 1432 es “ena ‘af some of his ante- _ the din and turmon of the world, and “spat ts urine eae drawer full of “Put it under the table.” be remembered that: ginos the “Asiatic | HHele, Kings assetibled in great numbers ee een in thel paste trephine lb net - find rest to her Tew ipiomths: op! titnebelaestashiersted he ron. Gheyesjangl the tovaes: wes bee ma Mesh rapidly. they soon | filling up. every avaliable hole, and ie falter, specially “mentioning two strane vel oats ra tis ad: K + 5 next a i eve i Sie bad Wiican Tee the ounces |= aver Ucar anid yon ie Gee “You agreed to sell for twoiand a half} ayers. iat cod i tele displensure at the death ofthe King | qualities of the metal, and calling one] Ms bee eae sand or te pups puget Pve gat whole cards of dike the dried | roubles, andas the buyer did not re-| Since they are seldom broody uml |b clearly shown!” PRT retusa pol socal tte development at aubont ie bh che Hi cle cece ae turn promptly with the rooney, You sol i}iate in the season som bre Bass i and | incipient insanity. As time went on she except to, discotirage in. dou wont them either, please. in Yo snantion: tor three roubles? tat be ee ans Sena MARRIED AT FIVE YEARS. teen qhouennila ce tage nneraaanrgt Sean ot ~ midst o: ear me! got anything at a} s the. Cl “ Jacquelina’s| else to amuse you Iwill: WWHBL "do You iss rave you the three: roubles?” reed & fowl easily y me is the fact that Over a quarter of a million girls: in Be oe aa inane ace me iicalle: o kee pone » Sttered no Mornington | wenlt?-euclaliied: Pauly Rn6- he walle Ris low f ices to keep the | India, of five years of age and under,| knives, and such things. Sparta first | objection to. th lation of the en- Z s in hi ut them on the table. cin ft min; does bet- - e 5 . Spi objection to the cancel mn. of en- a day or two| off in high dudgeon. th is from roaming. were already married when the last cen-|sed iron for money; Britain also used ement. It was just what he wanted. Dell The next day fortune favored Paul, in ee done, the judge|{er when confined. ‘Their Beauty ep-| sus was taken, Belween five Hick @aneditnn of Dacles aid esananenti : ‘oken | his efforts to please Miriam. He red his decision: peals to others; no one of the various | ye; of age the number of married] prior to the conpuest the Ri \ re % id |tame white rabbit, and he thought. that "The shoemaker is to blame for bar-|breeds presents a finer appearance. | girls was over 2,000,000, and between |The Britons, before the time. of vais got < poh a distant. ana active the cl weal t for a pet—so he Of course, the farm er ooking solely for |fen and. fifteen years. the number was ised So Texpodt ficon’ i oul aad atta WHAT IS A MONGER? service. rai profit will not feel am close upon © the girls in the | the Roman Conquest, the conquerors ¢s- ¢ also other considerations |W The quality of the Light Brahma as a | first two categories, seekers tablished exte ie Gmeti Pots eros eee has oe that rendered it desirable for Miriam 10 excelled, eet meant nothing more than a_ contract | which e: pet at least as late as the Sax ai ipobatd ‘ reside at Dell-Delight, rather than uty hrotler, a rooster or s full-grow entered into for them by others, long be- English language, It means literally ma Liuckenouh; Commodare Waugh would a your old cook “i wea fore they themselves were capabl pied Sing Dieee wes once © nye ave made a terrible guardian to a chi Mahi to twelve pounds, live weight, and | understandi ny of ‘ . ‘ so lately used te the ess of | a males weighing sixteen | been bound by engagemen's when ee FANCY. BREADS: that eer e Diving fat to sel aya again, home with her mother—and withal, so pounds are well authenticated. The fe-| were s ld arms. of the made from moss, tte scede in spite.of this-law, ee shy and sensilive as to breathe freely males weight from eight to twelve) widows of such tender years become so. sinus bier or linseed. —Ree!| facetloualy ‘termed: Nstventers or fshe o 4n atmosphere of peace and nd ; pounds. Sharp business men who raise | befor ki what’ widowhood tae cael food ub bee ely, er affection, and Luckenough would have|say—"Oh, wh i CEYLON FOR CLEVER DOCTORS. “| roosters for profit. have selected the | m hey grow out ut | Sree as, and te ie portion ¢ Or mate lobes purduaseasel Hate Sere Zell be supplied’ dark and dreary, home: for tel Paul, thanky?” After this, by slow| The native medical profession of Cey-| Light Brahma ag the tow producing the infancy that they learn the sad life tolienitante-of India ‘The “hunger-bi ne large, purohucenol tits ere anil ie er whos lancholy ternperamen' rees, he was endl ‘approa largest return. $ -oosters | whic! tondemmni Th 7 B recent bereavements rendered change of “ine lite blackbird” without Artin eaten ae ane the ‘high es are Light Brahmas, They at thes net} the Engtish iny ib luda vould recogagel Se Wao eaee Peat Salielibig sone aida cnesnoager nie eR seene ie companionship of other/her. And after a while he coaxed her to i ni the lucers more 2.50 each ‘n | the legal; arri he 1 a children absolute necessities. row in his lille boat, and a ride|"\vayiy: becoming - extinct ut it is de-/the “height of the season without his RAlie coidow=-<anexereble “Gastar te ora Etc two deputies Wel Kaguenen et a liane age danse several reson; UE os Ee litte pony—always qualifying his|Iack of encouragement, and shortly will pavisig to tommt 6 mane Ue Aoigts | Jortate ty ana. Tie oocerwhce is pate a whixed, are made into'large| was applied to the dealer in hardwere, ‘augh was forced to consent that Thurs-| attentions by saying that he OL be are in such demand that they are rare! ere were in India; in 1901, nearly i 2|“E o " fon should. carry bis tle adopte u as a general thing, but that she eee ane baling. system “Cayles | quoted in the market reports because the 426,000 widows under’ iteen years ot ts woke Sy Halacha ese Ce Lee ae ites eae Me EE ee Ret jaughter is own hom wston’s ae an ea irom of A ry al sell ys or even | age, whom n yee ch $, houselioldeonsisted "now of iinet na siinibeed, “wit tee aati: macteesare pes ree weeks in advance of see shipment, dex tac yout 0 Were es | pete by alt ell Doel -an the ‘pena @ of listening, 19 0F, overlook ris, his, housekeeper: Alice | ac jon ‘tie growing’ friends hip between For al o rket fowl : ead 2 is, her daughter; Paul Douglass. his| the girl a “ot 2 ee Srouetiec an the tight Brahe is the most profitable, eR OU A ree eta alec ta oe, a ion. he nei eae inal Cr imp, hut, crete re, frase | a be endfor ners | dow | ith marianne. gland gprs ne, ur, which serves |the wae ran. throug, Going and Me y = y jor- v i Ms, Morris was a lady of good temiy. ett of the children upon eacl Seen ec rniNe Emig: late size, qualty, doelity. beauty ‘and jeo powerful, you know: but fo Mbging [ou be “Haly chestnuts ik ee mut fortune. of sober years and| character y howevel jen. | utility. For the same number of dollars | silvery tone, give me my and daugh- meal, and ust J jpemeiait CRS cea picty.-1n_closing _her_{erms jand. joyou te a of fe ancther, are continually. Pan invested no stock will pay better than | ter’s. iid you like ton her mt siege ne ton sree with Mr. Willeoxen, her one great slipu|charme hos ring each other down, k of Light Brahmas, i fa bal = is allenlve ois wife in Jation en that she should bring| melancholy, to pad Be was by t al class natives seek ‘Eu managed to aah the profit eee sure Avs. runic she forgives him for every her manontees raricia bile: Ueslared. \G-be peramen' glances @ prey, ti cas Tl ment that the bre thing he has e1 Laesacs to her when t ‘hey vere alone, e. but seeming from clove and Propo jortions, at ie fine andsome, ing upon whom the chanced to igh was, and ever first arrival in sg | the house, had een, “the life of the fara- ily.” His merry laugh and shout were too “young ahd giddy” to be trusted out while the litle ants, shyness and timid- ity taught Paul to tame hi his own bois- [ +++ + care, iso no weight, for how terous manners for her 24 J jcan realize from ety 0G J Jother branch of forming.” m thing not Mrs. even had not forgotten = + } | worth working for is not worth having. young protege. She came as often as | + possible to Ba Eneligas to inquire + oll Hy arm + The hedlity and progress of be ite pri lt + FARM NOTES. Tap noo te upposed in any neigh- | + + rhood where there existed managing ae 34 ae — ot eras abe is mammas and wnmarried daughters, that more ne} or more gross- i young genlean handsome caccom| APe ttt ee thet teehee tT: ly: atwsed “on, the average (art than Je plished, wealthy, and of repi e. woodlo' Should ‘remain Unmolested in is back: {FEEDING BEEF CATTLE IN WINTER. Heatran Race see een elorhood. Indeed, the matrons and| ‘7 ani- | tion of rabbits inthe orchard is to wrap maidens po bad put in fr history of that {the stem of each tree with building pa- think themselves, individually sggrievea thelr Ife by viieties of alternating {Pet leaving air spaces between paper by the young heir’s mode o} rode Dene ed taeanenvand stand {2d tree. The blood and liver remedy many were the dinners ‘ond “eveig Rall: ox over. retro praeion r 1 {answers only temporarily. parties go! sake, ih vain, for, |make the venture salisfactory as regards | | Sheep require more fresh air than any {o their infinite disgust, Thurston always {ine curpee ot pounds gained, the habits [other farm stock, excepting turkeys. returned an excuse instead of an accep- | of tne animals need to be chenged, both {100 many sheep are often huddled to: tance. $ regards regularity of and continuous [gether in close quarlers, and they cal At length, the wounded self-esteem of | feeding, as well as ihe habits and eapa not move about easily, but jostle, crowd e community received a healing salve, | ilities ‘of the animal's system in not |@hd push; that's about all the exere in the form of a report that Mr. Will-|onty consuming food, but Stat of assimi- | bey get. coxen had withdrawn from the gay|tuing as much as may be the available It has been too much the custom in world, in ofder the betler to prepare | nutrients contained in the this country for farmers, when they imseit for the Christian ministry. A |" nt a large grain crop, to ihcrease the report that, in twelve months, receiv he winter ee need ex | production of a small area. The large its confirmation in the well- eablisNe pensive. in r to get 8 fp profit | area busin: most invariably tends t fact that Thurston Willcoxen was 9 |"0™ impoverish the soil, while the other prac- candidate for holy orders. tice adds to ils v value. And in the meantime the young guar- Many farmers -wait several years afler dian did not neglect his _youthfu' e painting a building before painting charges, but in strict interpretation of a They wait until the building is in is assi luties of guardianship, he aasondlieand it requit mucl had taken the education of the girl and paint to cover il as at first. boy under his own personal charge, should be 8 described, favaves ropean advice, and the native science is being gradually ruined. of fowls, ah ‘a8 LOWEST IN FIFTY YEARS BIRTH RATE OF THE CITY OF LON- DON, ENGLAND. Statistics for Past Year are Startling—| | Tricks Used to Sell Unsound Food. The population of ens County of Lon- red is/estimat medical officer f health to the pate County Council “s being up to the middle of last year, 4,G48,950. Although ae marriage rate has n serene in London. since 1881, ee ing: 17.6 per 1,000 living twenty-three years ago, and 17.0in 1908, yet the birth rate continues to. steadil of births registered in (fifty-two. weeks) was 129,335, giving a birth rate of 27.9 per 1,000 living p n i the lowest record institution of civil table:— 1851—1861........33.6 1861—1870........: “Bd \—1880. figures of England and Wales WAYS OF FICKLE LOVERS INGENIOUS METHODS OF BREAKING ENGAGEMENTS. One Young Man Professed to Be Utteriy Ruined by Bambling—Another ¥ Used Narcotics. en @ man who is engaged to m discovers that all affections are not cenired in the lady he has ed to his wife, ‘what is he to e case known infatuation upon t H gagement had not he discovered the fit ns coe the young be ae im of apparent- Shay iy ease dissipation. In a few months to make He col mn aah oe : rs, Reutiee anes