“It Shines For All.” Vol. XV—No. 6 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO,, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1906 i Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher large or small. wards received. Interest Paid 4 Times a Year Sovereign Bank of Canada E. W. Interest Paid Quarterly means more than interest paid only half yearly or yearly, you as a business_ man will see the advantage by your account Deposits of $1.00 up- LOCAL NEWS } HORNE, Manager, Milverton The Merchants Bank of Canada STRATFORD BRANCH : A, M, Campbell Manager Renew your subscription to the Sun Mr. Otto Finkbeiner, of Stratford, spent Sunday in town. or two in Berlin visiting his brother, Wellington. Miss Bessie Acheson, of St. Paul’s Station, is spending a week or two echt friends in and around Milver- ton. Somnath attention ! If you want the very best clover, alsick and timo- thy seed obtainable, at lowest price, ‘ustin, Newton. H. Pugh and family are spending a few days this week at “Elmwood”, the residence of her aise, Mr. Duncan Stewart, of Hamp- Mrs. 8, we Glassie Hasenpflug, of “the Tor General Hespital nursing staff. spent Monday aod Tuesday at her home in Milverton. It is over a year since Miss Hasenpflug was home last. Mr. Fred Smith is spending a week | da Mr. T. P. Roe is at present confined to his room with a slight attack of quinsy. Mr. James Ford, of Mt.. Forest, is t present visiting at the residence of Mn H. Mr. and Mrs, J, B. Musselman and ughter, Helen, of Capar-Sask., are visitors at M. I. Grimm’s Mr. C. Sleeman, of tay is at pre- mat visiting sega w” the resi- ice of Mr. H. M. Schacfer. rs. Geo. Guenther returned hom on Monday after spent miting @ sonele sat weeks with friends in Brantford Detective Wells, of ce. be- lieves that he has unrayelled the Bar- ton murder mystery, but will not revea the n: of the victim or murderer until an arrest has been m: 'The car shops of the Intercolonial been thrown out of employment. The Joss is estimated at about a million dollars. Mr. G. H, Singleton, who has been on the Glencoe Transcript staff for beiner’s The wedding of Miss eldest daughter of Mr. Ear! Switzer of Atw: All Lost. county to buy some lan ers got the idea that ona a buy th aid fr i one. of se thes could not agres be the lucky man. fee ounty County no girl spoil thelr anion of Eden Butter 17 cents at oc. A. 's. tate agent showed them a thre cltizens =e Analls: settled ne ea to| to further The tru Fink- Ella Smith, Alex Smith takes place today reneeiey) to Mr. acre (Topeka State Journal.) ‘Three brothers went out to Phillips a ie farm other ee ed High School beiahadiand Examin- | mu dstia aie Grants. The Canadian Bank of Commerce A month ago a epatation from Drayton Schoo fared hefone the “ep eend ee tba, "Hon, ina, Toronto, teapecting te” Govern: are Ent geante. 10 continuation school Se bieets: et apeibon.hcs. There is no provision made for grants 3 $4,500, this Kind of school, which is just coming] HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO in an ming popular, beyon each teacher engaged’ in the work,| HON. GEO. A, COX, President ‘he lowest kind of bieh school, with two} G, E, WALKER, General Manager teachers, will receive over $400, while continuatior ool with the same _n ly $200. The late Minis- strongly ment tinuation hools snd stated that legislation would surely be introduced r future put them on the 1 ; securing an In” comparing the fous, echiols Wal stands sixth with 68 Wallucobarg frst. with 78. and last with 23, Wallace! $200 “Gorernment grants Dover, with a high school, gts if cheaper to the country, meet the 2 arenes of at least he ; [Ber cent of onl are two sohpola Faking worite gompletion, 3rd | forin work; Junior Peachers and. Junior Matriculation, as Drayton It is to be hoped that as a nl ae the Yepresentations: made .to be to the Department, one ey eee ill be materially increased, The apes ee team captured| nearly a year past, and formerly of | at a recent meeting of the examin- Caprran Par UP ++++++ 86,000,000 | the championship on | the Sun staff Milverton leftfor Winni-}ers at the Educational Department, RESERVE. $8,473,197 wens night, on one e the hottest | peg recently to take a position in the] Toronto, the Minister of Education grr H. MONTAGUE ALLAN, . HEB contests ever witnessed in Berlin, | new publishing yeure OF the. ektmara! | War sedueatel- cy Ate one abranes President. General Manager. §| their opponents being the Toronto Ar-| Advocate in that city. ae a senule thas folleweynietbimatte gonauts, The score stood 4:3, The sey ntiful a ae pu aah ae Nepal i q 1 hop given weather that we enjoyed last week has : i Interest at most favorable rates allowed on Savings Bank Ac- |, Aes cas Abt tS oY sees ee hatin and Febenary ACapeR eo cloisonne : eae June 27th, counts. Zimmerman’s hall on Monday even- peta ge! wiles it knows how to be se-/9tolla. m., composition; 11.10 Special attention given to the business of FARMERS AND DRov., ing last was a most successful affair, ere areno regrets over the] 11.55 a. m., spelling. ERs to Whom money is lent at lowest rates on promissory notes. about one hundred of the youth and change, however, as the roads were (ney “Stef Boa beauty ing gather- | becomin | od there, A splendid time was spent depth of mud, The winter so far lins Eee ee ee and the evening’s entertainment re-| been singularily beautiful. lish grammar : 1 Dentistry Con: Tn any quantity at 53c, flects credit on those Reskaevaisry in] Under the auspices of the local aux-| Oral reading may be taken either Fri- bustle instead of 54 and 56 as in adyt, | the management of it. iliary of the Woman’s Missionary So-|day aftermoon or at other hours con- DR, R, LEDERMAN, Dentist, Licentiate | PURE fia wants best has been removed | ciety an illustrated lecthre will be| venient to the examiner and candi- of Dental Surgery and Mi Royal |e tewen so nee ee Oe e furniture |given in the Methodist church on| date but not to conflict with other Gollege of Dentel Surgeons of Ontario,| Go tothe Victor Art studio, Milyer- | from tl tiraitare | Fiver Mache Ba ” snbjectaus heretofore. fonor graduate of ‘Toronto University. |ton, for first-class photos, and en-| store of Messrs C. R. Honderich & Son| Thursday evening, Marel + com Regulation of teeth, Crown and Bridge Jarged portra its. As Mr. W. ruder the chairman enciag at eight o'clock. A collec- work a Specialty. Hours 9a. m. to 5 p.m. y one having timothy seed, (welt and Norman Honderich, librarian are | tion will be taken and the proceeds de- Horse Racing at Fairs. Office above Finkbeiner Bros, hardware pene to dispose of, kindly subm destriots of making an inventory of| voted to the support of the work of store, Milver' samples to H. Gustin, Newto the son hand, all parties elaine the Woman's Missionary Society of The Globe has ‘the: followin, ee Get your supply of butter wrappers books ate requested to bring. thi ee eae ie he pradtically unanithous decleton Medtent at the Sun office, or Post o Pnre|once to facilitate the pet es in Ladi f the Evangelical} of the Ontario Assoviut of fairs coe parchment the only goods|completing their work as soon as pos- ee frovided ‘he programme for | and Exhibi 3s for a repeal of the BE dees eM. sf ren . ah ke; ible, the ing servi 6 ote ich Cpveniotas. probit a horse raci Grad, old Nodal Ay at | Wanted at once, a good smart boy] Dr. Willonghley, of Brantford,| consisted ol nes sepia rah nities ge oe, eal Coleg also Go en Si ver Medallists to learn printing. deley.-ta | formerly of Listowel, aad twice peat fate- he nai furnished their own tan Seba Feet et ne eee De Eybert. Office in. Post’ Office block. | making your application if yon want}sident of the London Conference and ee and c rs general- Aaiteeontearyt Sit. eeaontt | ‘Telephone eran eee Poole, Brunner, | the pos ay —Apply at Sun Orrice, @ of the leading Divines of the A sliver bulledtion was taken up, | loo never bee! egarded, though moserville and Ros = smart boy for|Methodist church, died suddenly in hie wl ill go towards defraying the | directors of some Fairs, fooluding the Millbank. store to learn the general|the pulpit of the Blenheim Methodist | expenses ent: tailed in connection with | Toronto Industrial, made a poor pre- Legs. store business, age about 15, wae church, Peis preaching a if Gp fitting up the basement. tenee by alt. ering the cee ange of the er week to start,—Apply to H. |sermon on Sunday evening: He Mr. H. P. Morphy, of Listowel, is | onditions of the harne:s races, and A. M. PANTON, Barristor, Solicitor Etc, Office Fhursday, *Vm. Burton’ Gustin, Newton. Mr. Morphy, - lara: on Thursday last acted a joined he: ae in- singing the ie verse of the closi aie hymn, but was Division Be held hes in ato ab- sence of ige Barron, who was ill. A large bers of cases were dis- sed of some of which were quite interesting otice settlement before the 15th day of Mai paid by that date Hey will be given Anas Sie er Veterinary =3W. VETERINARY SUR: | Dos GEON, Oui (Graduate of On- tario Veterinary College, * roront 3 ted animals. Calls by telephone or otherwise promptly | ang 3 Giteuded to Office nt J. m. Engels |* Soars old N Livery AMB! r to Mil'se, rosa tives doors east Hi lass horses snd poanad ys 6 Baggag eostar,. Ooumefcisl driving « speclalty. Givens a call. ars weloom BUH: Pugh, Recording Secretar . 2; 4 F. % “Silver Star Cathe a ight at p.m. = hel fa, ae sore ailing. Visiting bre Aine SS eateien; N. G3 Lot! Business Cards W. D. WEIR, Acctioneer for the Coun rosch’s Shoe Store, ‘Main street Silverton. Hotels ehceaer HOTEL, Brunner, Ont Jolin Gro Eopetiatee. ‘Best liquors and cigars -cluss accomm oda tion ad ties weabling. GRAND no nb HOTEL, Milveston First-class QUEENS HOTEL, Milverton. Ont. The i aceommoation oe oka: Pasties seeps Ouly ‘the choicest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the bar, Good warm stables and pleuty of shod room: geo, ¥ Paull, prop. collection.— Pfeffer Bros. Rev Father MoGee, of St. Joseph’s church, Str: suet rae to the lo necked g worn by women public jaastpus and balls. He en- Many people will agree that Father McGee's ies is well taken. robably been the gens winter to bai wood in Wia: it the farmers have ever eoioacad is has been ‘due to the mild weather | years ge ot the high price of fuel, that follow- ed the coal strike, and figuratively speaking held the town th ae the result was very many people urchased coal stoves, and have since racial coal.— Wiarton Echo, in Thursday evening of last week modation for commercial | hy Dr. Rutherford and Mr. F. W. Hay, who with his wife accompanies Dr. and Mrs. Rutherford on their Euro- ther- ing of lady friends took place at Mrs. Main street, when Nica: Rutherford eae presen agold cross and chain as a farewell token, and Mr; Tefen where they will be joined ‘e Mrs. Park and Miss Park of Woodstock Seber ks join the party. They leave Bost morning by steamer Canopie of the White Star line, and sail to Naples. ‘The party will visit Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, many, France and British Isles, Listowel Standard is hereby given. that all] {2 hands for | an | Judge McTavish, Otta: esday morning for | wi Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers of|ed to G of hee and pee 10 Boston. wi He was 70 years of age. Horne, of Exeter, the new manager of the Sovereign Bank at this point, arrived on Friday morn- ly after. Mr. E doubt, countinue to flourish as it di ander his predecessor, Mr. Ran- ney. The Federal government has ap- pointed a oe Beta cf fe commission wi given a wide scope and any ilepkoliee will be permit- ted to have his greivances aire le government has acted judiciously in appointing: = commission as there was a feeling of unrest among policy-} « holders atti the disclosures made in New York. n Friday evening at the regular ‘dette of the: members of Silver Sta 02 T. O. O. F., a littl A event of more than apres interest took mbers of the a|lodge met with the ‘radiant probably for the last time in the person of . E. Goodhand, pal pete and Henry Schen fore departing for the Sag ‘where they are to make there home in Raeck J g + and for years drill captain of the initiation team, h ree linked locket. Torrance, suitable '. Luncheo: rwards served by carterer Valeatine Weitzel. + | McCic e ‘ar. | the facto: mn: delivered A teks by Mr. James} i at present investigating the charg: preferred against Sasa Wheliham of St. Marys, by J. Graham, the effect that ‘Whelihan used infor- mation obtained in his official capa- city in defeating a client of Graham’: ae ee property for which negotiating. The case is the center oe tutateet in Gath Partin On Friday evening, the citizens of Milverton will banquet Messrs. Geo mney, be- ax their departure from the ene: the former to Dauphin, Sask., and t terling, Ont. pivindeas ns ae le yest as the affair will be quite informal. Anyone desiring tc ie honor to either of these gentlemer can reels tickets from Mr Robt Dan ee as:istant engineer at of the Ingersoll Packing Co., was badly scalded one day last weel fe was sass cleaning a bo'l- er, that had not use for ¢ week, when the Forint received in- structions to fire up. Not knowing that McInnis ze inside he turned the hot water fro1 e heates injured man is severely scalded about the sone arms and hands, but it expected that he will recover. Mr. Joseph eet of Elma, was the other day in receipt of a letter from Beaver Crossing, ware ity Nebraska, pad that his brother, ae 8 ad died on Feb. ae again fourteen weeks ears ago. iteckly was the Hib of ry *silarons grandfather of 4 children ony and many "| beautiful flowers of lip csi fra- grance, if grown in a jar water. The flowers are about tiparaia lenis blossom, and as a ers for 25 y bloom the veer found le and will grow in any clima terin. The] O: Mr. | cai 47 children and great grandfather of bie tment. ss “f It is expected that a for to farmers’ wi jed po! of the Agric the Experi Farmers’ ati ites. at is the Gigte respective districts. this could n year, Patit is hoped that ves, make urseof time lands, but with judicio ge is connection ae Ssedilugs for farm.reforest Winnipeg has iscourage and re: 3trict or abolish his field of operations, ns Farmers And Wood Lots. uation: of. waste lands fae ep 8, W. strongest attedstion wae ithe eadltie rward m¢ ment will be made Phlasestia respec ct t recla- intario ‘greta College cc tbe seconipli shed this breaks and attractive plots of wooded us care failing supplies of wood for press iiien: of oe Ar ar Toronto, cove soil is ee esultable that fi 01 ive] sense peo | Pax in ig from the present session.— Denyton Advocate, Sac cel Sir The Stoien Bible. en: Epiror ‘Dear Sir:—In your issue of the 21st totived are & € Be is 3 inconvenience by any, further response than this prese in Bello's ran- sida diarimatation [fom aut sat scipline. Ey S01 jowever, 1 uebodiatingly oie that if Pax in bell this} A General Banking Busi- ness Transacted Municipal and other debentures bought and sold, Drafts on all points iss Farmers’ Notes Discounted attention given to the collection pecial | ot earmerst salenota 1 attention is-directed to the fol- " inne ‘advantages offered by our an|Savings Bank Department Deposits of One Dollar and upwards re- ceived and interest allowed at current rates. Interest is added to the deposit Twice in each year, at the end of May and November. The depositor ts subject to no delay migtorer tn the winds wal of aheetele Or any portion of the deposit. WM. MAYNARD, Manager STRATFORD BRANCH. FOOL _Mr. and Mrs, W. W Wilson, of Atwood, isited at the home of Mr. ‘T, Mayberry Go to the Victor Art studio, Milver- ton, for first-cl rege pet larged portent er have been in and around List A fair- ‘sized oni ard out on onal Lied Fri- _{Resol- us ~Biratiers whe is Opper, hh wd J. Flemi or iogitvaaiie. zhalmers "au thoroughly di, save their d ol ting the pros, and cons. ision in favor of the n cl Biesiy’ oF ga Rae ed the crowd -o a ccupte of well-rendered coon songs, success in utitis Belo, with cbureh, notwithstandiig all thts, Dani ig Bello.falminaten the. yaetar: ian ery ag ie members. of reaby trian Pebarehs gle holds ts Coal inciples’ the Westwinister session at t Edinburgh, Scotland, against the Free yet 33 it would seen in if pe ‘se | Spark of Wadarstanh ne Pana the me bers of Ni hiner confessio would Fetrln them from Le diabolical act ut, Mr. Editor ir-my concluding Femarks, J notioe thet Bello asks the the Bible. Mye reply aad weston is that by alse from io this sees pe f me, aA x “in lo as contradistin; bra from utitis ae, vei the thi t ignorant who stol> the Bible, and iy the secrets of hat fear and | thet. smbng itt papers > JAMES Munro, Reform Presbyterian Evangelist. He Ralph Connor On Church Of f England. - | eed eaciamonitesied of W. of| has b e tole | the be therefore Pax | iy oe (Psalm 25-147) j @,Achan by. is are ve JL. Gordon,(Ralph Con- Re: , pastor of one of’ the of all r= t heir office by an s; the enitital sna hema remarking in seni that icant on prayer, and thai nonconfor- no! in| pends on the minister rin. thee oto ut in the peat church sey take a li part, all in coe fa thew world with the traly | oes ti- " and en- ~ spending the past week Eatin fea : aha