Milverton Sun, 1 Mar 1906, p. 3

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ertning Subseription $1 per year, strictly nadvance 1.50 if not so paid, —M. MacBrri, Sree HOUSE- ee REXALL DYES, alse yes Cotte: Sills Fate oF ied Goods ta one path= they Are the latest and most improve Dye in the world, Try a package “il TEE PUBLIC DRUG COMPANY Milverton and Atwood. A Good Man wilt provide for his Fanny i in s deat! ASensible Man Will guard against the dan- ger of poverty in his G. T. R. Time Table Trains eke ihe leave Milverton. Go1Ne sovrn, Express. ..9:07 803 am, 58 pre a. 00 p. Express....6:44 p.m. Express. 4:56 p m THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1906 === WINGHAM: BUSINESS COLLEGE Is a High-grade Commercial School: E COURSES :—Coinmercial Pi on Telegraph, WRITE—GEO, SPOTTON. PRINCIPAL, A in have strong an le to filter disease— reeding poisons from the blood. At : once you feel better, stronger, bright- ~ Kidney h guaranteed to every user of D milton’s Pills Get a 3 from vour druggist, and refuse substitutes. dis a [7 CENTRAL “MNS “GTRATFORD, ONT. The leading Commercial and Short- hand schoolin Western Ontario. Write for ourlargecatalogue. You may enter 4 The Dominion Life Will Guarantee Safety to Both by ii apne one of its reliable Life or Endowment Polici Special privileges to Total Abstainers. Head Office : = Meili Ont. THos, Hiariarp, President and Managing Director. P. H. Sims, Vice- i Burcnen, | Yiee: Hon. Jas. McMuttan, J Presidents. Frep Huusrgap, Supt. of Agencies, jime, ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN,PRINCIPALS Sun Life Assurance Short tories Retold re you going to ‘dor asked Pat. “Lan oing to stop th clock,” answered d Mike vector. A milkman in a cou Mary town was brought before the local court to an- swer a charge o: A SIGNIFICANT FACT ethers: are fonr Tite Companica’ fi Canada which, from their pro- minence, have long been look- ed upan as en a others, at The Mutual ‘life -of Ganada out dista “You are charged,” said the jadge. P “with @ most serions offense, of se ing adulterated milk, “Have you y. thing to say inanswer to the charge?” = your honor,” replied the milk than, “the night before it was rainin; very hard, and the only cause I ean give ae cow must have got wet ees ee after four in the ped i Pas has! sband retul Hoe - aeitie ad ‘ SRG wa ‘cise, gave si longed cahigition of lire ish ores tory. In cot who came home at four in the 1 ing.” “My dear.” expostulated the husband, “itsh ne o’el Just now I lays when he foun it c living, Oscar ilde le his superallious fan Tt was exerci lea ldcrativel an was: “Ani ah— ect to eat with the family?” “That,” ilde answered, “would depend alto- gether on how the family behaved n ss ‘atte ér much persuasion, Sir John Astley lowed himself to be put for- came the query: at do think of Sir Wilfrid Lawson’s liquor. bill?” For ise pone as O) - hae rte ite fora Pul oe blige ‘gether, ie a canu 3 Witia Game 8 Hitor bil, bat I do as a know that last year my own Ww deuced sight too big!” An American Disease, Indigestion is Responsible soe: aor = ny sickness pe a ica Tha 2 er Disease. Som cstore BO Wb to euat i inaigestion is ye srativiial ate te Here is a Snap ! a Felt 8 d a all in two very important respect: (a) Te paid a Tae Amount in FL Beotes to its policyholders than “a =} one of them, a increased its surplus by $10,000 more than the combined in- enormous shrinkage in values in cer- tain securities, which occurred dur- ej ing the past year. W. H. GROSCH, Local Agen: D. STEWART, Stratford, ae Agt. If you have any intention. of buying a [WATCH this spring, Now is the time. We have some big specials in prices you cannot afford to miss. P. H. Bastendorff Company of Canada Results for = Assurances issued and p: for is, 911,904. ae Increase over 1903” 1,744,698.7 Assets at 3lst. December 1904 760.92 Tnerease over 1903 sf srk 984 44 Profits paid Policyholders 117,238 21 Life Assurance in force Dec. 85,327,662.85 Tacrease over 1903 9.646,473.98 ALS. Mee Mgr. Mone Ontari - London. A. MacBeth. Stratfor District He eee IDEAL Woven Wise We E np eg a age eis St YER eae ES SB Be SS SEL ; EE NSS ID Fi ENCE sn Merchant ESE WEL Se Se Se Ye CORN. =. Sold at the Station Eleva- tor at: per bushel... D4 in quantities of 25 bushels and over. Less than 56 cents per bushel. PFEFFER BROS BREE BIBER IS ISAAC that amount BANK OF MONTRE. EstaBLisHep 1N tHe Year: 181 AL 7. President, Lord Strathcona and Mount Roya G Paid up Onpital + Reserve Fund “- - SAVINGS BANK DEPT. Interest paid or compounded yearly. Srratrorp Brancu, E. P. Winslow, $14,000,000 $10,000,000 half Manager /H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY Quality Tells ! Our grocery business is getting larger every day. WHY? Because weare giving our customers the qual- ity. Let us prove it to you Our Japan Teas Ave noted for their splendid tea drink- ing qualities. Just the right kinds give that clear, fragrant 110 sou on top like from cheap colored tea 25, 30 and 40c a pound Butter 19 Cents Eggs 16 Cents iH. MOHR. cent. in price. First Furniture Store East of the Post Office. Stocktaking Sale ! Our Furniture Stock must be greatly reduced by March 1st, so we have fixed red tickets on a~ lot of lingering lines and lowered them 20 to 25 per here bargains that mean a sav- ing of dollars in furnishing any room in your home and that will pay for a journey of many miles. There’s a Surface Oak Sideboard, reg. $22 for $15. Can you afford to miss such savings. R. WHITE & CO. Stratford &. T have purchased 50 pair of wastes Felt Romoes from the J. G. Grosch hoe Co. at a low price, as will pee the lot at per pai teeealae price $1.40. Gall early and get your size. n Hamilton's Pills your system will n rally; ouee more you'llenjoy the blessings of health. ‘Pest - Hawi Pills yourself. 25¢. pals re Be five Botan for $1; at all aaslere - aod mail from N. C. Polson & Co. U-. ye A., and iiusston, ial 7 WM, ZIMMERMAN Si SESSISSSSISSSIS£GSGSGSGSSSSSEESSIESSESSSSESSS You are not called upon to be a fop, but you are called upon to dress according to the mode that prevails. 20th Century Brand Clothing is designed for men of fine habits in dress and it retains its good appearance to the very end. We sell them. GOODS ALWAYS AS ADVERTISED CHARLES H. DAVIES tunorep OUTFITTER TO MEN, F. B. Deacon's old stand, Stratford, Ontario The shoean SSISSSISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS AEICGESOCGSESIEEIESSSESESSESSSISESSSSSSSESS “The House of Quality.” FASHIONABLY DRESSED @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ %@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ G @ ea iliac dih da naa Settle Iva indndininpiinds Selina i else of New Goods Arriving Weare through stock-taking and find that our business for 1905 has increased nearly $2,000 over all former years, for which we have to thank our num- erous customers for the liberal patronage they have given us. Durin the year 1906 we will by fair deal- ing and moderate prices try'and do even better than in the year 1905. Our New Goods for spring are now arriving and ina few weeks we will be able to have our stock completed, New Prints We are sorry to announce that ourCrum’s Prints have not arrived, but we are informed from the whole- -sale house that the steamer with the cargo will arrive in a few days, and we would ask our customers to bear with us for a few days until their arrival. Wall Paper We are again on deck with one of the largest as- sortment of samples ever brought into Milverton, Over 1000 patterns to choose from, at prices ranging from 5c to $2 per-roll. Remember, we sell border same price as wall. We take back all full rolls not used. Let us have your order eatly. Nowis the time to do your paper’ hanging. Our Grocery Dept. 28 Ib. Box Raisins for $1.75,'1 sack of Tillson’s Rolled Oats $2.50, Heintz Sweet Pickles 25¢ quart, Thames Corn 3 for 25c, Crown Peas 4 for 25c, Ko- lona Tea black and mixed 25c, Washing Powder toc, Gold Medal S¥rup 25c, 50c and $1. 2000 Ibs. Dutch Setts Wantad This Week W. K. LOTH SESE Se Se a ye ae THe ae aes FR RAR ARIAT RI ATTA AAA ATRIA AR AA IAAT IATA NAIA TAIT | PAP EST TESTE ER ARE EEERAR AER CARNEFAC Made in Canada by Canadians YOU TALK OF LOYALTY, then show cyte mean what you say by PATRONIZING HOME INDUSTR RY. SEE our dealers, or write us at once for our TERMS and TESTIMONIALS showing that CAR- NEFAC is USED and RECOMMENDED by all the SEEDERS in Canada, and proving that it PAYS or man who feeds stook to use CARNEFAC, they write like this ; Solina, Ont. ary 6th, 1906 THE CARNEFAC STOCK FOOD Co., De eee aranto;, Oat DEAE SIRS <I have used your pail of CAKNEFAC with very good results, 1 think i€is a fine food for young pigs at weaning tim will give It room In my stable again as soon dell have some more young pigs, Please find enclosed $8.50 for pal Yours as ever, (Signed) F. 1. Note the SMALL QUANTITY required to show GOOD RESULTS “< FOR SALE BY < ~< FRED PRUETER HARNESS-MAKER MILVERTON _~ SE Kia Yo, ONTARIO Cash for | Cash for Butter | The Premier Store | i: WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Orders eee to Milverton, Monkton wton, Etc. Grocery Orders put al and shipped to these places and to all points west of Toronto, All Grocery Stores or Sie gamete Stores should have an Automatic Bag Rack Holder. ruits, Confectionery, Canned Goods, Staple and yay Groceries, Patent Medicines, Teas, Coffees and Flour, Etc., E Send us a trial order by mail and be convinced that we can send you first-class goods. Give us a trial. Send Your Orders to J. A. MONTEITH & SON Opp. Market (Box 416) 20 Wellington-st STRATFORD USE PHONE AT OUR EXPENSE BAIR IRA IERAR IER IRATE TAA IER AS SESS AM Si aM SY SY Se Ee a EE Se a Me YY SY a ae We HARARE IRR TE TATRA ARIA <elaibre SCHAEFER & WHALEY HATS OFFI ATTENTION PLEASE! Take off your Hat—look at it—you need a new one. We are now showing . a large stock of all the latest and most popular Spring Style Hats Prices the Lowest. Quality and style the Highest. DERBYS—All Biocks—$2, 2.25 and 2.50. FEDORAS—All Blocks—$1 to 2.50. GENTLEMEN! Come in and see,the New Spring Styles. Separate Trousers THIS BRANCH of our business is a very important one. We have strong and durable workingman’s pants, also the pants for fine wear. Juct now we have an extra special in a Men's Heavy Corda- roy Pant at i $2.00 Per Pair See These and compare them with what you have They are the pants for wear and the price is easy. seen. Another \ Curtain Special No need for us to preach the value of our Lace Cur- tains. Our big selling in Lace Curtains tell us we have the right goods at the right prices. We can save you lots of | good money on Lace Curtains, F 50 pair Nottingham Lace Cnrtains, 3% yards Extra Special } long, good and wide, re- a 19 Pair SPCCIA eae ens cee are rates tea cheers We give FREE with every pair of Curtains, a nice White Curtain Pole, all complete. UNDERSKIRTS at under price gular $1.50 to $1.75. LADIES! This is the store that you can get suited with an Underskirt. No mistake about it. We heve them as low as 50c up to $3. 14 only Heavy Black Sateen Special! Underskirts (like cut) regular value 1.75 to$2. Special....... de 39 OUR GROCERY ea ne | Goods at Modern Prices Heintz Tomato Soup.... .... 25. Heintz Pork and Beans...... . Heintz Olives...... ... Heintz Worcester Sau ais...15¢ a bottle McLaren's Cheese 25c¢ a jar, Maple Syrup (padrantead: absolutely pure) 30c Imper- ial quart, Grape Nuts 15¢ a package. (The ahove lines always on hand) BRING US Our goods are right! YOUR PRODUCE Our prices are the lowest! CHAEFER & WHALEY The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1906 "GENERAL NEWS Pi CULLED FROM ALLSOURCES Phe Drug Store here has changed hands, and is now in charge of C. H. McFarlane. who purchased the stock from the Public Drug Co. He ce rent the store sa Bastllog from J. A. Mitchell.—Atw: vice in Trini Church, ‘i will be held ‘D. V.) at 10.30 on Sunday morning, Feb. 25th. the afterncon. at eax he Sunday in Be month when they will be held in ote ae unless further announcements are made. —. This is how a writer in a contem- porary calls down the man who com- plains that the church is always begg- ing: ‘People complain that ils egging. vein, we cou all the church's activities fro: now till millenium without vad again for a single dollar. Many country papers are just now men over 21 hi granted the right to vote at parliamen- tary elections. andas they tramp the and think the young man is when he is required by law to pay the enormous? sum of one dollar for these privileges. | A writer, fond of statistics, has ana- lyzed the occupations of the members! of the Dominion Ho ns as it was during the last session. He} * finds that its composition was fol {sun Agents and dealers, 6; bankers 8; brokers, 2; contractor 1; droggiste, 2} editors and journalists, 12; engin cers, 1; farmers, 38; fruit pe aletseld 1; gentleine mn, 11; lawyers, 71; lumber- men, 3: manufactnres, 23; merchants, 27; sentinel 18% millers, 2: notaries, 4ai1F ranchers. 1 ; veterinary | surgeons, 1. Tots 14, ; The most successful advertisers of this country are the steady advertisers; | he men who plan campaigns in great) tail advertise in a modest way an inereased their appropriations. These| men. havenev. ver been foolhar Chea eve that they couldseale carry them along on ey through the sah gathers rhe as it goes a ae and you have'to pie loss of momentum. ie small or an ufacturer who drops his advertis- ing during dull seasons is droppi is oars in mid stream and letting Fite current bear him backwards, “advent the Lieutenant-Governor of the Pro- ince of Ontario, under the great seal of the Province, to Hugh Boulton MorpBts Esquire, ister, Listo- se ld an investigation under all charges that have been harles Edward Wheli- istray on of the South cerning the i ditluietcotioh of his of- e early date, notice of the issue of e Commission having been already =o nt to a parties interested. —Listo- wel Standard. The aad Government proposes to take measures looking to the in- cases e education pro- perly realized. Perhaps even yet ingering remnant of the old prejudice, but it ought not to be interfere wit needs of the twentieth century. For that purpose there must ompe= tent staff able to cope with the grave and responsible duties it is expected to fulfil. It only he obtained by Offering renumeration atleast approxi- mating that ined in other avo- life at its most-receptive and forma- ae _ Stage and leaves _ineffaceable disposition and character. While i it eue its cpUnEREA OLN the work is try and arduous, if con- scentiosly ‘estore, and itis ae all inevitable wh cient to earls asaile peed : red on the id eorsiai at ZOEGER'S OLD STAND, - - - C.R.Honderich & Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers If you owe, say, $50.00 to, say. six stores you have six creditors. Why. not borrow the $50.00 from cee money lender and pay up and so have only one creditor. Ents would then stand well with seven people instead of be- tores would Mireeen he would have to go out of just consider Clearing | Sale EA Carpet Ends Before our Spring sam- ples of Carpets arrive, we must clean out the balance of last fall ends, mee benefactor. egg merchants of Chicago, who iat rete s sustained loses of $1,000,- on hand large ILeents. ‘The New York Fruit and te estimates that there We have in, all about ave at least 750,000 cases of storage 25 ends in 1% yard eggs in ‘the eogleneels. So ae m estimate of $2 loss on es e, which means $1,500,000, a if receipts continue to come. in ‘sels the loss will be nearer $3 An explosion of acetylene A oceur- lengths, comprising of Brussels, Velvets, Wil r Hotel, being run by W. J. Hawkshaw, son of Mrs. “Win Hawkshaw, of Exet- er. Fortunately no person was hurt. It is thought there was a leak—in the pipe between the ceiling and the floor, and that scmeone trying to poate it, caused the explosion. indows om above were blown ae and floor and walls badly ea et while the plaster was knocked off t! ceiling beneath, and hetpalorbiodghe out the building badly cracked. fire started but Was extinguished be- fore much damage was done. givea discount of 25 per ene off market price. CALL EARLY FOR SELECTION ; Iron Beds A new line of 1906 de- signs in Iron Beds haye + lately arrived. Our as- sortment 1s now com- plete and at prices to fit every purse. Ranging’ from $3.75 to $35. See our stock before buying. Goods Delivered Free Each Day up to 4 o’clock C.R.Honderich & Son Furniture Dealers and —— phan irs alien aie Sal atta Radiant Womanhood. The glory and satisfaction of Baautital womanhood pan be ae spirit: is, true womanly strength. Fifty ‘cents f Ferrozone in an drag aie AE pgmmpacaumeneacs gacemtana SERIRSIE T | GREAT CLEARING PEBRUARY SA if 6,000 WORTH OF ST0OK AT NEWTON Having purchased the stock of Mr. W, J, Zoeger at a low rate on the dollar, I am thereby enabled to meet the public in the line cf prices, I am determined to clear out the full stock of Dry Goods, Crockery and Wall Paper during the month of February, Bargains will be given in all lines. We have just placed in stock a full line of the Choicest Groceries, Our Dry Goods are well assorted and all vacant lines have been filled, A Carload of Salt has just arrived and salt will always be kept on hand, 2 The Terms of this sale are strictly CASH or ‘TRADE : and the highest price will be paid for produce. t International Stock Food at Half Price. T. HUTCHISON NEWTON ITT damn

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