Milverton Sun, 1 Mar 1906, p. 4

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. eae : t ' ae 3 : Re 5 SER and other leguminous plants, take. the ‘ | THIN! ‘ : , that 1 have peace eee Hiteseeeteteseseeetes |naternis sod wae vey wont domi DOD GES A USEFUL INSTITUTION |iitogen trom te'stmosptere and con: THE WORLD'S MARKETS{ NOTHING To LIVE FOR. [ONTARIO LEGISLATURE|MORE ONTARIO INSANITY | CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS Paul; Bi ‘ : s e Deve Lave ler LetiaeT Tete Dee oe t thing Tne toring end Sonat one OF PRISONERS|WHITE FACED ALASKANS _ Tnelet propagate i fod pune pote Seq coatite. of 5 Xone yous Hs = pees z ved her be- sec ies in small bottles millions of Torot = ; sale cite Ta Rg i t anette aaa reine at ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE |Upples in sma les millions of these ; : AND| HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE Seas ronentive Sanita t en ielien : teal eatire day. Peanuts ‘and milk seemed | e : avenue is Sa igh i, “which REPORTS FROM THE LEADING) 4 oronio despatch says: “No children | WHAT THE LEGISLATURE A7 TO- ECTOR'S REPORT OF 1010T GLOBE. * to believe that I have never been quite t ll e arm +|to take the pla of meat for them,| VAIN CONVICTS TAKE GREAT PAINS |SCIENTISTS ARE PUZZLED OVER AND EXPERIMENTAL FARM. TRADE CENTRES. and ppaing to live for, life isa burden,” RONTO IS DOING. LUNATIC ASYLUMS, x right since the loss of Marian. Not but : op jeceing: Yes the “way they grew and TO BEAUTIFY THEMSELVES. STRANGE Thpe. = wrote Mrs. Isabella Brooks, the young Sere eas ; ans t Z| thrived. ‘The pullets be an ing by - P —- wifé of Fred Brooks, a stonemason, just any : : 4 that I am reconciled to it—knowing that R + | middie of oc! gan laying y the ed Brooks, | mn, I welegraphic Biiets From Our Own and ae sieges elt sea a J] middle ‘of Octover. ‘To sun up the sum- —_ BES ~ Great Work the College is Doing to Fit Prices of Calile, Grain, Cheese andl before ending her existence on Werlnes- INTERIM: VOTE OF $600, Housekeepers, Labore®s, Farmegs and] 7°00" en : pederngeet ns aarti ng peewee CUT SeO Te Te Loe S: Heat Rasta consider my" incubata : : 2 Y : : : : day afternoon in her home at 17 Van bag Other Countries of Recent ? Here.” geld Misarn. placins hes hen $4444444444444444 | and brooder the best investment I Ree A Man Who Blackened His Eyebrows | Traveller Tells of Alaska’s “Sst Tribe” S Boys and Girls for Life on se per aci s Other Dairy Produce at Home Horne street. Her husband found the essage from his Honor the Lieut: Domestic Servants Suffer ° 2 Or, The Strange Disappearance upon her forehead ahd upon her heart. ‘A GOOD INVESTMENT. made for many years. and Artificially Colored His —Valley That Has Tropl- the Farm. ees t's pal Soe ote Sr Aad: ae ees when he relurned, hone Sain en resolved transui Most. Occurrence. é oa “] pro (iriam—yor Last winter I decided to try an incu- — 5 3 E Es 5 from work al ce , and forcing the} tmg estimates to the amou ft ‘ 3 x promise,” pees Paul, with fare Se believing that even with my flock = Cheeks. cal Climate. The College was established in 1874.{and the farmer has the clover crop. ‘oronto, Feb. 27,—Wheat—No. 2 On- h’s wife lying insen- WO tor the continuance of ati aandca ‘The thirly-eighth annual report on the CANA WS | ocd anxiety. only 5 hens it would pay, writes} REARING CALVES ON SKIM MILK. “ “ Its objects were twofold: First to train| tops, and leaves to the good. This, ifjtario white, :774c; No. 2 red Winter, sible! ch the gre she having drank a] until the estimates for 1906 are finally} lunatic and idiot asylums of Ontario he © id estimated expert ure oft chi 2 s ° ‘Ay, true! Well, Paul, I promised to note fotfarthe Tt-wes, rather aiicul ‘A conviet’s cell is about the last place} Dr.“D. C. Benjamin, one of the origi young men in the Bierad od art Froptiead ont overY, form, Svould mean [7234 fig, 2 mntast, Ties No. 2- goose, | uantity of carbolic acid. Before Drs. | passed. Hon. Mr. Matheson pe ved the lebowecdhat there, were 8,818 “patients | / Crow PSeMs San eRe imeaae [APTER XXX. the honorable. If not remorse, what| devole my whole life to the pursuit and |‘ decide on what make to purchase a5 ‘A great many people think a good calf |i the world where one might expec ectinal Alaska “sour doughs,” and now 4 improved husban: ey Pa |, second, to Provii Thc; No. 2 Spring, the. Manttoba grades, |Dumble and Convey reached the house} House into ‘committees of supply and | certified insane. on Sey tember 30, 1! The Hamillon City Council refused to Six years had passed aveay ‘Thurs- ae i the nature of his eas ye apr eneecn at D of h sand never {f had but little money and none at all ecb e kaited onal, milk, says a tbe eopeuice , ersonl grecily in: BR mi conduct @ experiments and publish the re- No. rd, 87c; | the woman. was cae ; Broa ang, his| ways and means, when the vole waS{an increase of ete me year, during | Vote for a reduction of liquor licenses. Le ton Wilk . sro any, n volved | to give room bosom to any thought | waste on experimenti i re- " our le form, but a conversati - sults, 1875, the prosident said in his}) Poy e out from Manchester, Eng.,| passed, e i ilted. Bi and ed tiie weet ea bee Gee uestien, in hor haind Ane 9% Abe }af I5ve at marriage until that murderer {able machines, Advertisements. and iit hop Gini ad ere oe pe recently had with a gentleman who, f _first report: “it is evident to the mo: ee, 0. Sie. All rail, |@ short time ago. Deceased was 24 years ead iar ie Tei oervice ahd for ihe September gh 15. the ae at be spend "880000 In'm aiung. © tensions Mati gUnteaT eiy Mia ot his dep apa | Mmtured: in ought and. affection,” ihe) shou from a gallows; and 1|@alogues galore were studied end a] p, eins so Sees nehariel. Ob ae aie deputy governor of one prison and | b 7 cursory observer that Canada cen et | North Bay regis, ie more. cld. Before leaving for Canada she took) payment of members, tients was 4,613, The tolal cost of main-} The New Brunswick Legislauire iias state. His church was always crowded, question grew more earnest and impor- | sealed that promise with a solemn oath.” }™achine to suit my purse and my re- ve kept on trying until we had | governor of ae be = met thousands | able story of the “lo: st “tribe” ‘of the great nd will man, \ {| Oats—No. 2 white we at 34c, |Roison to end her life. The Chief Cor- tenance for the year was $760,204, a| unanimously Pastey. ill permittit xeept when he changed with some| nate, Oh. would unburden his} “That was all very strange, dear Mir- | (uirements was found. something to be proud of. After much |of law breakers. di st that | northern’ territory—ihe tribe over which © depend largely, if not exclusively, on her and No. 2 mixed, at oe e. oner decided that there was no necessity} - eee CREDIT is ee Weekly cost per patient of $2.38, Rev-|women to practi xcept when he changed with some) heart to her; oh! that she might share | iam.” i iirements was found. th auing {Ted and experimenting we have) there are conceited criminals in almést| American scientists have puzzled not raw produce for her national wet ath. Peus—71 to Ti34e ou for an inquest. was inforin Hon. pce Mae ons ted 10 Edmonton's cily Engi s nin which case “ 2 SSaking and alleviate his griefs. If “all earnest} “Paul, yes it was—and it weighs upon |With eggs that hed been chilled ea mastered the subject, and now raise fine, | every walk in life. lite. Dr. Benjamin claims that he is hat we n grow "as good beels ley—No. 2 eee ae 49 to 49740; Sa an dae mtb during the the = ‘ar 1905, Bre a 2 aving Se alae Maar faethe iy enn ah fe zr rite congregatio phy da desires are pr ayers,” then prayer was| me like eed. consequently I gota very. poor hatch. ee cal After letting the calf suck} 1 think the hie conceited man I ever |one of the few known white men who any part of the world, and men are mt ree eat at 46 to 4634c, and No. 3 at T. PACIFIC CONTRACTS. the Government had eived several] Dr, Rite Winslow is quoted a: Say- of reel railway. Mane fattering calls” se the atte | Miriam’s “vital breath and native air” | be lifted off my heart, I should be hap-|Counting the eggs at market price, and $ we put it in a pen by|met was a criminal who very narrowly | have ever come in contact with them. ting their _ money into the ed cf G. T. : seftatte proposals’ for the = purchase of |ing that “alcohol must be given. the first |. Ottawa will apply to. the Le ‘statu, Hany, fattening’ “calls” had the, gited| indecd; er” soul earnestly desired | py. should Fre the castor UE ent Hoke aehepeings the ee ene et ae bunery.. Thee with [escaped being hung for a particularly | “The sirngest people as to custome sugar best factories. Over 22,000,000 | “Rye No. 2 quoted outside at 69 to 70, eae serudties th be issued ‘by. the provinee- | pisces ea. & caus of Insanity,” with to- {for aultonty to frend $i 0 Tor ex z a ae or antey Daren recat Tea iG ie able Ub eae te aotmowing cana whet Uist of the oll used in, hafching the three pints ofits mother’s milk we teach |irutal crime, said this gentleman. He and. laws, 1 mel th were the Far pounds of sugar were made in Western Balckwtcat- Ne. 0 40 |Nearly Thousand eg Now Let tor] Several of the pariies making the offers | becoo, especially clgarelie-smoking, asa |tending the, waterworks the flhtul suepherdot his own flocs brother peace, ie Wal weights are they that J nave not oa be sold for when two months oli- Ge he a tae ee eae ene wo: OC Fest onan aaideabeaninein Audi cine 5 ‘lost tribe,” Ete rt e eee fe al eee Construction: had asked that they be considered s|rotent factor in lunacy. In the British| Out of 250. girls al ihe "ono Coe - pe na they ould heat his voices — 0 i neighbors chaffed me good naturedly : of only S| ecomes fou aight as well have asked as many ‘sour doug ie! oall them” said i partment last year! Corn—No. 2 Canadian, 41 to 42c, Cha- : confidential unless the sale was com- is asi te king ‘As. ares grew up into Si tis 4 CHAPTER XXXI. Pr ly you over the attempt, and te to be shown pe 3 en is Tats at first in three}; mountain to get up and bow to you/Dr. Benjamin. . oe s| analyzed flour-made from four different |tham freights; No, 3 American yellow, donut beh eet ig a sale of a 4 permanent issue ssyling easy ae ee ot ne tl ee ie ines cine on oS gruere tol ners pte siet| ner wanes, Wah Da a our rather stds Hat oppress my | here the prot was to come ine My jee ring oe ‘not seem 0 De fas have iried to persuade the fellow, to| | Dr. Benjamin, began his nerthem ad- grades of wheal grown in the North | 480, Toronto frei NGS mnined A730 [eee pene nathan anata a [ERE IOOE a bonds had not yet been com-| sanity, while in Ontario nly 6% Pee Hon. Sydney Fisher has necepted the ee of her strange vow. She, however, pré-| tend z - | spirit ie time; success in raising fine chicks aah nen bed ti 2 behave properly; bul his worst | ventures in 1892, when, with 32 pack aS “ ae ‘oronto freight. ‘hursday that contracts for the .|Pleted, it was deemed a in the inter- | cent. ot the cases are buted to eae Ly of ve PF. W. ne Do- : A , however, pre- jed the commodore to the south, for|memory of that, unac ished vow :|made me feel t : ed time. It always gets new milk| moments he was pompously co eoUs animals, h : cents per bushel in the market value sf] Flour— _ r_the ‘con- i Ji S 5 ery ie ;}me sure 1 could do well > sem Pp is ly courteous, e broke: 400 miles of trail int ‘ lour—90 pe ent, Ontario wheat ve ests of the province the detail: ERC IE ee de a [OR eset er, Sacra ei eran peng enh ee ng : Ges ae ae ti sao ee erage lp hy "Um go |e eee ae ee : hamely, beginning with: Mecan’s rewrd = l. my thoughts, that they seem connected. e next hatch was good enough to} jj, hae g é is first consideration. He would epo-jcroft, B.C. This point has fives Aas a 5 buyers’ bags outside; panes high pa-|for which tenders were received to| time. During the present year a pro-|iz recommended for the different insti- t hi tw jorris anid Alice were absent on| seem to >| lense. tha omen tance, oe | tice continues for sepeacen jogize for giving so ruch trouble while |the Mecca for man cee Hn farmers pursuing the improved system ecch of the different lots, it was found| tents, bags included, Topontn’ and’ nt re received up to iv ‘ 5 for act to be brought sown is session w! (0 Washington—her |g jong visit to a relative in Washington | bility—and I ma {sid jost exacting, but a con-| ‘At two weeks we begin to feed skim | je ai ’ ‘ the gold fi pig. nto Of culffvation; yet the great majority are|that the fourth grade made bread just le 3 . Toronto; and |Tyesday, had been awarded, in two Posal hat received from respon-|{utions which have shown a disposition } include the Fea gor ey Race nye oy Bag norieprapagar es era ly—and I even dr fre one siderable percent. of the chicks were| miik, "A teaspoonful. of flaxseed meal Is [oC cane ney ee SY ts dis tor |the gold flelds of Alaska and northern See eee een or [da goad Neh es palalablactust an Tnuch 0 pee ent 50, Toronter Manitoba | paris, “thé” first part, 140 miles, from | *!le parties which would secure to the | t, live apart instead of working in sym-) Brantford is penincin hing CREST cart aaeeatinae cemioty: ok cre ane Spee ack for a}could be accomplished only wiih the |!0st from over-crowding in the brooder-| mixed with half 4 a warder who hed earned his displeas- | British Columbia. It. was at the close of for i vasa , P je, just as much | patents, $4.30 to $4.40, Toronto freights; | ‘Touchwood Hills to Saskato ing 1o | Province @ higher net rate than any pre-|y-athy, The itmerant-system among f- Meet: te month. Paul remained in Baltimore, at-| othe.” third hateh if Apri he | with half a teacupful of warm | ure by frustrating some litile device for |this venture that Benjami : for ingreased returns.” bread per bushel of flour, and just as d ‘patents, $4, 0 SREK ALOU a ee foal Hoa Tsepeesirpeniea tnt Yana oom, it vaiipaton 3 thee Portis: GORE UIE tse Filey | omy a ere oth ¢ third hatch came off April 24. The| water. and placed on the back of the |n0,e% iz i u enjamin unexpected ays sages sae one flour gecond patenis, $1, and strong Inkerss| he ‘Canadian White Compan.” Mon ous offers, ‘There was no question |hcials is considered a helpful one. ‘The tablishment of anuustie is ‘Dearest Miriam, let me ass' thriftiest, finest Barred Pi; th Rock “PI a je back of the) improving his appéarance, and the first ly whet with and studied the w: ; irty years ago, an he | nutritious as the higher 4grade, but it) $3.99, pany, * i" 8 Ipful a ment of eon ees ng 5 shi letters, which she] “the on eee Dalen ure you, | thriftiest, red Plymouth Rock | stove a few minutes. ‘This is mixed with | ni p > ae led the ways of the College, facing these conditions, with|was not so bright in col 1 real, and the second part, 817. miles, |Sb0ut the province being able to sell | appointmen} of a, Provincial pathologist | Mr. H. H. en appointed > fue heen aS frre nd lence, of ag ouse al ght_was, very | that such dreams and-visions are but. the | Chicks from farm raised pure bred stock. Sicint catik thing he would do on entering ny room | lost. tribe. Lil : rien in colons ee Bran—Oniario bran in bulk, outside, trom Saskatoon to Ed ing io| The matter was entirely one of the rate | ded. Son a d lonely: ‘The family consisted of| effect of your isolated lif is ut of 7 a ' one quart skim milk and one quart new|t, be dealt with would b at of Lad analysis will enable poor people | $16.50 m Saskatoon to Edmonton, going to : is. recommen _ |General Manager Ht the Prstootrieal De- when questioned c ‘ing them, would eniy “TI me your iso ife—they come one became puny and died,| mink and fed i ‘ : ealt with would be to glance é e to $17; and shorts at $16.50 to | Foley Co. ot interest. This had to be considered] A st i : y Thurston; Fanny and Miriam, —|frdm an’ over-heated bral | and, alt died, | milk, and ree times a day, always|round for anything in whi ‘i ISOLATED PEOPLE. erate circumstances, 4 01 » St. Paul. x strong protest is once more regis-| velopment a1 es ‘oronto & Niagara Pow- wean sey tee, te on A change had also passed oyer poor strained nerves. And ape small verge ie inas 00 square feat Now bene ine aif take ee ee some sort ot ee oe “Their domain,” tinued thi t if a Sune a mergtes tes ee a OKAY MARKETS. Tami neler a ip ce Lak fneant. S70000, He asked the Members tse EE Tec RA Bina ne Barr Le & Chic Navi, 3 ; Fanny’s molady. She. was no longer |to throw off those eeltdiposed a Wariner s | Now we have the calf taking two quarts ‘ continued the yeter- -}at ver? much less than they have bee : : JARKETS. tween Fort iam and Lake (ont : emt ns to jail. It is pointed out thal . Lawrence ago Navige: ‘warming at Luckenough, where Marian self-imposed weights. | Until six weeks old, they grew aston-| three times a day. ‘ REFLECTION OF HIMSELF. an “sour dough,” eg bel th yin, uperior Junction, ané Nr ta{t© Pemember that while negotiations |the word “asylum” in connection with laced trac! \ddenly hecame so bright and gay, and cae igre eteemeny an mans Pega erat Rag ebe oon ee young | and hen This yard was moved twice) then gradually Paty amenen pallet: epee a RU tail sky WOR Nene and ” Hu a, Baye ey Mal Gl ehyelel’ — In wie depart rel a eee eon oh oa Fee rre and Touctiwvood Hills, makes «| Were going on it was advisable to do no-| the insane is “pecorning obsolete, Hospl- Oe nen eer te car eis ae a su ing, when she re-| wild songs through the ho cere es pad sane 3 pe r chicks nt ; fat onc nGaIRRBCORIO c y eae phe itear we nee of sta- year in attendance “4 the various College taught the principles of soil cultivation cholo» ary sy stb a a oe to |total of 942 miles under contract. The | ing to injure the credit of the province. tal is the proper name obey institutions | upper lake traffic. i Sired home through night and storm,| now there—now everywhere, awaking were fine, lange and rare ®, and apparently healthy, isfeeecs classes st aud. soll dratnege. AU fan crops take |Cuoee Cay. ube: EO Ae Ein aad tn feric | colaaiuads tiapoeed span: tha Sanaa GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES. | 2evoted. to their cave Tt was decided at a meeting of the Seek ath ere ee of ao nf poe smiles a Fee in spite « of pity, By July 4 chores averaged two : tnaty iPeeaue ; or Flies eve on moral{- 1,004 STUDENTS. tee food from the soil in a watery so- 24x a che eand eae mad By to ny atl is that ie eae shall be rushed with the} py Lewis (Dufferin) presented a peli ont x to York County, which furnished | governors of McGill Wank Sarai on a & refusal to el i ut i ye a4 * 3 2 of A 3 ye .D. mM. be Yathod; unaccountable: dletress ihnt tale] See Reahine Ot One te per anneal a ust 5, 31 cl] Wee ieighnoriog. (ihe “1 fear ste aorta More than 1,20 teachers visited the Col-|feod an be takens ence the necessity | gate grees ad, 170 per | tion ‘trom Dulferin County. asking that | ath 6g, Wenlwoith, and. Pacrtense ned fing, Mi en Wine ne Jowed this! All these things Miriam 1e-| spirits y ee Peers pens me ae weighed. 88 Pounds ‘and were sald decade will see their utter extermina- Jege andl examined the workings of the |for a knowledge 0 b paneerve| oe Lane Sa eee ING ar A Te Mi pogkori nde sare BS each; Carleton, 46; Leeds and Gren-} Rich indications ot gow ailven, co hllcd And ‘winiaied if by aniaucane they | oes - 0 put on the local market | § fants eNotes ncn but oe different departments during the past sollanosture, ‘hi e neese—Large cheese, 13%c, and twins ®” telephone service receive the early at-| vine, 45; Sincoe, 41, _ a1 r i re might direct here in the diseovery ofthe Bergin ety, wornentes at season. I had handful, some 130 souls. ‘They are not AU ie important Sesto ‘theta Marie has 3 [at 13%e per 1h. fo [antic of the Government of Onlale AG aed eerie to, tcOl ite Geel imo Leer pom be ei gui lost in deep: pnd ‘concentrate) ating them from the pullets, and all w warlike, but through . Mm the beginning students were paid t de: ° and the Legislative Assembly. The ed from Spurt aes Abbit ry G. study, her face having the careworn fed alik f ike, ough some mysterious ‘ » deal with, and experiments are being ce PRODUCTS. Friendly vitae ott the Two Monarchs y. number of patients 1,097 hail from York | p WP And her iD shady i had ended in| took of j t ae, nae coulk workings of the medicine men of oth in bliega the Institution, and there was |conducted in the De rtment reine retition recites that the telephone service ty, 354 aM r f engineers. sh ee RRs etna SEeHe Be toh tank cok of one striving to recall the past, 10| re ma Alesis : sf Practically no revenue from the Colloge par of Physics) Dressed hogs in car lots are stead: Likely in Near Future. is a monopoly, that it i ogni SSK: Krom - MILA aL RS A sonar Ober Savoy” pea hen assurance of one or two facle—or one! gather up and reunite the broken inks weil a ore Resi eet Sie niiey Are 2A etecay Ura In: Wh. wa Menedninis the sere eee $8.50 to $8.75. Bacon, long clear, vee omepadla Sse says: King Edwara|| ther the Le a rs ae pagoer des pa m Sincoe, and 245|santry in northern Alberta is of great Jinks, in » even shunn 2 ‘ In 50 to $8.75. 5 : says: King Edwarc ni ill take el ae of evid ‘The first was, that of ene manary Lo peie pelptrn ers fed any sloppy Nauppiee thy are ol Oneal acta Provineial ‘Treasury as revenue from the | subject fee ee nee department the per t in case lots: mess pork, $18 to|has written a most cordial letter to the|0y action towards the taking over and yale eee 643 patients have been in LSant tai da a ies ae dege te at ont Ss mrmnvelbrious loves naa Bean ft leiter from Paul, announcing the termin= rel in olor they resemble the sallow College and farm $61, ethene tie Guestion oe tungous ery Bigot short cut S213) to’ hams, | Emperor on the occasion of hs” Ma-|ePeraon of the telephone, service or the residence twenty Years and upwards itr treat = genta the neighborhood, and perhaps.| ation of the winter’s Soe tecture potatoes, re ae mule a com; |each is a month old we begin to feed alc red brick ha had aoa faced tribes of west ern work of the different er is as|and when and how ty exter. | light to medium. 18 to 13240; do., heavy, |jesty's birthday, and foreshadowing the dom wha i that, the foe aie isuneeet cured during pe prins ee rumen ‘at the time of the house- Uae 4 Set lec is 0 round peanuts mixed | 3; a rick ha had secretely obtained | Asia, but, strange t ( ma ti ne 11; shoulders, 10% to of a. friendly meeti jovernment of Manitoba a one une- rs 7 < warming al Pie ak decade een oe examination of | appear; and we shall have you joyous with the bread or potatoes and all the | itHe Seas a oe eee meal, and mixing the powder into a paste | different trang to sy, thy se ot i id Agrioullure. — Teaching of ae ney the importance ot sean Met aks, 15% to 16c; breakfast Wei twetionarehs: insthe coures orn ous [ew ils intention of establishing a ieee re one. Ot te. altar fwehly) whet ged wiWmte ae $800-from. a far: met here of more and (hat his nae hs own ian the i coeee teh tate ob any gon gir sre enh Ana 1 ie ae ie een ey an Shay "He was always ge: [Iner seciolation, nas teonme cn and oe ie tin ‘eid the taken up and douse. ui ae cen ent. The new wil be welcomed] ment serie, (nel the conaions in On| sear : SE ee Peet ayant cy Mena iomas Truman—that the latter _ 2 wil y a il vs. me pueeiee ‘a) m the origit Ors le wi imen' 9 “Tyas ‘0 ec; tubs, |at Berlin with great satisfaction, whi ‘ario are exceptional lavorable for the she Tat yaa Reged ae GR ie ee | anise on he ne OF Hs eee est mnedloltiex for the writer of those lelters and the mur-|°Ub "PAYS; that, and nothing made ‘ims Sel aiie Animes ard se anne eieOt BS Vee dollars: ape aah recs: yonctier cent ae 1082 t they ali, 1 to 11% ‘is the recent strained relations belvreen the | OPeration of a proviilal telephone sor. ee a cae OES SATE | RDRDRYS, Ola TIE SOP ey oy observation and astute investigation,|""Miviam's impulsive nature rebounded your brother. Will-you follow my. ad eer of Manian was the same person. 9 be deprived of one or other ‘ot fis} by oiliey: tribes ‘roering olfier sections ander the| predation. Only by studying the life BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. ie paor ‘and his uncle have made. a| vice, and that the lack of such’n service | hiet causes. psy were the next) Toronto's sewage,’ to, cost $8,885,000, pie tae een MnP cd NGL Ane | pon Ee oe a ate : “Tell me more about those letters.” ~ RATIONS FOR SWINE. precious “hes a few miles distant from the borders of “pesults. show hlstory andl habits of an insect can it be g most unpleasant impression. is felt by. farmers and others alike. Of ti tong “oft And: ais adniall cos} Of Die enarecnseegt trinbn at vert nce che ESS te Eee Leen ae Deas, Paul, 1 know nothing more Suuat femaloscanyiola like 19 do 1a lo (Sistema terttiory. nt gave dosidedely properly These are taught|,.Montreal, Feb. 27.—(Special.)—Grain— BILLS GIVEN FIRST READNGS. | the great bull of them come fi persons| It is reported that the Department of en or heard of in the eounly. ed forward with gludness {0 the einer inslancet 1 eamnot, Paul! It is |about them; I told you that was na The time of greatest fatality among| possess themselves of a small piece of| “They are migratory, and subsist on eee. of the’ tour| fs thectarren eters abn There | wag an improved demand for " is great bull of them come trom four| Lands and Mines wil be changed ta ae hag een StHe eamiastaserathe Impossible! 1 cannot steel my ear |sificently “familiar with the renct{ hogs is when they are compelled to sub-|ted material, by molstening which they {animal flesh and berries. ubougly (ue Period of Ofleon| BULLETINS ARE PUB Manitobe “Spring wheel. tostey and «| WINNIPEG BANK’ ROBBERY | ana'% following bills. were, introduced | Classes): Housskeepers head the list for| the: Department of Lande; Fotos and the man vie, Spode a ian wah He came toward the last of the week | against sympathy with his sorrows, nor | language hem sist for any Tength of time on the dry |can color their lips and cheeks. A yard {understand the trading system me and also for the last five years, LISHED better feeling prevails in the ‘market. eS [tS aa fhe period under survey with 5,484 cas-| Mines, with Mr. ‘T. M. Gibson and Mr. storm, when s ie had andere een th , ce i roused for a moment! can I so ignore the requirements of my| “But it is trande that you never made | 2nd most concentrated foods. When the | or two of red flannel, or some other red | ployed by the ola, line Hadean the “Magescheurt gave an average cf|#nd sent broadcast to the farmers from Quotations Ein steady at 890 siore for |Money Found in the Caretaker’s” Tool Mr. Hoyle—To amend the Assessment is laborers follow wit : farmers, uubrey White as Deputy isters, aoe ee trom his sad absiraction, gave the youlh| solemn wow. "I do not by anj/ means yourself acquainted with their contents|hogs are turned into the auturnn stub-| material, would bring jey to a whole|and know the value of American foods 2 bushels per acre per annum over the | Ut Entomological Department. No. 4 oats, 40c¢ for No. 3, and 41c for Chest Act. ce servants, with| Mr. W. F, Tye, chief engineer of the She remembered war ihe, songs | Mehr ee cneathine wilt w bestifias toe smplishment an. ‘imposs- by getting some one else to reed thet ble fats to glegn’ ihe dry concentrated prisonful of female convicts, 1 assure |and wearing ae common -six-rowed barley in the aver-| (10) Poultry. — Chickens used to sell) No, 2 Flo iir—Millers have reduced their ai antes eh PRL cH i aoe ME is eS eR OT Pa ease ee of that man—the tall form shroud-| piyeni ,| bility, nor was it in ignorance of its na- | for you:” food there obtained, if ever hog cholera | you; it would go such 2 long way and i Winnipe; ae says: The mys- we no! at ext }ed, and, it. is understood, will become = Shin Wig Mlocke blogic ine hat Green| ne ove : ture that Tmade It. ‘No, Paul! I knew | “Dear Paul, you know that I was [or any other disease occurs, that is the |be so much appreciate NORTHERN WANDERERS. tery surrounding the clever robbery in| cM: M", Hendrie—To amend the|two classes. are wives, with 650, cases,| superintendent of construction for 8 ln te Blas, clone the al, awn | He ed assed through Washinglon| what 1 promised, and-1 Know that its mere child when they, st came into my time. It is not so much because the} NH A LITTLE, “The name of being a lost tribe tho Merchants’ Banke here last Decem<|MUniepel Se fodecepene sina Tere company now beng aeons yer the eyes the faint spectro gleam | ity on his way, home, and hed spent| performance is possible. Therefore possession, accompanied with the charge | germs of the disease are more prevalent wnrewasi De vextieined yr the eustanetiey: bate ber, when @ package of $8,000, all in $5 REDUCING BUSINESS TAX, — | Patients are given employment in the| Mr. S. A. Bedi jgned 2 of light and shade, the decided indivi- tnd heh n Mrs. Morris and her friends, cannot feel absolved! 1 must_accom- that I should never part with them until | ihen, as because the hog is forced into| which is generally obtainable, makes | of leaving one localit Mae wanton ills, was abstracted from the ‘teller's| Mn. Hoyle’ at amend the Assess. | °S¥Um to the mumber of 4,431, with an | the “superintendeney of the Brandon Ex: DALEY COAG Gri pale ali ype TNR COME eee oo | Bue ay won spd you if you they had done their ofl, 1 feit bound | copaition whieh makes him more sus: | ery respectable substitute for viole-| steppes for another every eevears: 20g cage under the very eyes of the officials, eliminate ‘the | Bverege Humber of 208 daye for eich pe. | perimental Sari 6 ee teat es lle eRe itl chestia ae Pictseeye una Bho folk , must help me to do it,” my promise, I was afraid of losing|centible to the germs of disease. ‘owder. Red flannel and whit menue pear Guring business. hours, was partiall “ : ed acceptably for eighteen years. He at she would be able to identity sae, cai, bad an aosepted eutor:| “MT wotld eve you wih my life, Mi] tem nd of thos persons that eo diye co intended, out | Reagnied poerdelice Aon niiead use: lal Routes: Uumeteo- lice Vee Ie Ree ha es ae oh ie 81.75. | ved on. Tuesday night, when Jerry or commercial business” pear seat ara weil engage in the, seed end nursery, mn \ a ythis asonable an ISsi- French, except our bro-| sist alone on dry, concentra’ me convicts, too, not only use burnt i Ql = i : v aid james, it watchman in the kK, “trade” - usiness at Brandon. Up is. ime; the thought of her | found Miviam in th ci wast pe you di 4a Be a eheeliont vol ina pelpankt yunced | V hat the hog needs along with concen: | twigs for darkening their Pri oa fies ee ie scares eee 2 saga Hae atios fe “$18.50'to 819; shorts, if pags, $80 discovered. $2,300 hidden under a false interpreted as Geen INVASION OF CAPITAL. A scrutiny by City Clerk Baker of the ras tow ‘and her lifes mission, had |igr sealed by the,fire. She appeared 10 ae nega eh Sear for many reasons ee anes ae: ration a a as also as-toothpowder. “I may say, how- |following season. Had they een able ig fanitoba. bran, Jn bags, $18; esa on ce eee eee jarter and sale,” or “calling.” The] — Se cree nei eee pe a: garded only a roraantio Ang bernie’ ¢-tbe itt ded. sd pau Mnoudnie Fler (el wyen Piiave sewe: Pak? ing upon brother.” SI ANSE SR ae LL ay a eal en cm PO ORE RT re ay per Bu bes 7 business’ ‘are con. | Several ai England Corps to Visit], fhe, lest munlepal ine toriy-threa meni; but the day was fast approndl? BE ee eee rae tabled tek ka aie Pa “hoe Tap . artichokes | the most, cleanly. sign language used by the Sickanese, Vike 0, 2, $7.30 re a slower nine at once communicated his discov. | sidered sufficient for the proper meaning ttawa This Summ don, Ont., shows.that of the forty-three Ing w jese indexes she retained, | jy _Wwotlelable,| | “You have? What is it Why have you} Does, fe know that you have the|and silage, ele. “There is no reason why | Hairdressing. exercises the ingenuity |the name of ‘Lost ‘Tribe’ would never Riapdseheurl batiey’ was i 4 ‘ ar i" : 3 mixed, | Ee eo. se lion, we Mie ese: tet oof the! 4, deputies only LR iets te should point to a clue that should lead Jand ner face was -consealed by the droop: ee a 3 Fas Pe e Eo bandoned to the condi-|of many female prisoners severely. Fre-|have been” circulated throughayft. the i by te Ontar ifn st ae ae : ora oe Beans—Choice primes, 31,85 1 sit = Thompson was immediately placed un-| Dill proposes to reduce | the minimum | j n ees despatch say: law i . rough of damning circumstan-|ing black ringle She wa s sing ‘unimportanee. ppose that he does not even know Jtions which invite disease ahd death. |quently they get | themselves reported jnorth, as a deserted camp to the Sick -picked, er arrest.’ risoner refused to ices held by one | 2eene regiments, are Dianning a joint) A report from Me D. U. Ross of Mot. Ma} evidence destined to fest her soul by ‘What is the matter, dear sister?” he Sse ore ah ally elaees ia (nar eonfess,” said Paul, “that hee Rent eathap year en is fearing up their clothes and using | anese is an open book, and he can tell xc Ibs, Honey— | Plead, end was remanded until wae person, fom 880 to i G Heeottnnied na "ihe ten di pqurnesto- sie etarieientot Erase ead 3 : ni I, by others less in- ul, “that if Thurs-|an_ oc rips of the material to curt their hair, | where his comrades have gone, when, Coleg domestic sci 7 : tye lactams 13 to To per |Elforls of the police have hitherto been SUPERANUATION Fol estimated that i number o “oops Commerce states that a large portion of jar to) t aan, myselt to on, lew them to have no connection o pilsaue (hele: Bibles op wcie | and whee HUE le, Ihe: traBiiee he. SOM nega ee ia hho given high rests in| comentio selzne® there Ce ae ne section; extract, 8 to 96 be | fruitless in locating the slightest clue. | jon, J, S, Hendi on Ponce, [that wil jm in ae Seer vale dhe: uaten meen OF ee is it, then? At least allow me |with the murder, I have so much eonfi- tbe chaplain bas given. them, pie 78s operative ¢ through- year, . each one being| Poet gs ta i fon, J. S. Hendrie’s bill is to amend] over 1,200, and may be as many as| United Slates, beri rth tl denoert 5 F or curi-|dough’ the signs are unreadable, and oul Ontario and has been grown in gen-| io. learn” cooking, sewi wheat, 6% to 70. Provisions—Heavy eee section 492 of the Consoli - m , numbering —over ‘fitty er eee Hod judging ot | dene: his exeeliont. judgment, that 1 2 woman constructed a pair the Sickanese absolutely refuse to pass ral culliivation very successtullly dueme apie Ein eer Ppa ata Canadian shor cut pork, $21; light short | PYRE GOOD BILL IS LAW. |P#! Act. 1908, by adding “t sub-eaion| have signed ie tention ‘ot Paying transit Bee a erator ested 1 ut to do so,” said Miriam, |ion, and to think as he does, at least un-| Kill when subjected to conditions invit- mat 7 ‘them she He piece | the forest telepathy on to aliens. the past few year i the | over 90 per cont of the women do their} ican cut patente cut, $20; Amer- Sits Be empower te Municipal Councils to raise}a visit to the capital are the 5th Regi-| p u ia ain id she commenced aia told him ‘il ane til I see the letters. I remember, too.| ing death. peciran ae gas- TROPICAL VALLEY. 2 records of the Bureau of Industries, we | vhat blessing it] (om Ht mi fy backs, $19 to $20;1 1 tea states Senate Fina Pi hi sum annually: sufficient to provide for it, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, ante Harrison Lake hatcher; ee Ne Sr ite (ONS Mae Goiversal “cbalont aL sia tine 7 Bee fender was find that’ the ndustrics, Wo ould be it they were all properly train-| ComPound lard, 0% to-7%c; Canadian 8 inally Passes the | Superannuation or retiring” allowances illitary. ys 1 cireumstances that ef assas- | was oor young lady had fallen wire guard over ee ea me se ae Ea Aspe pA tho Province for the period | ; es. Manual train-| 290" 40) vame, IB to IS Pee for members of the police force of not| V SE Tey gcen buating PaGt hind: tol leave dronie for Baltimore, ueve.tts ea rea i ny. Felson, ination ie emaheeone a vi 10 0 ee aca eee hg of contr ting a. patt ot ae pihe ane ste : ee f Hie ane in, 1B ns Le years from 1895 ei Te Seite tos pg makes Etiet ao gts menty - ue Wee: Thea (iver ep en ae a noes, A eta, ay | despatch says 2) epee thn te eee ae service in tford, 150; Amosktag ey all return to the Fraser River and z if to remain absent all winter, for the pur-|Greams. Tell me-cdo vou Bee geen informed him we the letters in her ne oy ee Sr ae have happened. on ‘ot ee, Than deloseerop,” ihe hair. {eternally ‘swathed in. clouds of steam, et ot toad years mt at for | erally seinen taby- Heel a ays si to. $10.25; country dressed, $8.75 to After 15 years of more or ness serious Seepanall the sen ee ance. a Veterans. ) me a pshire, "1505 Provi- | fifty cent. of them should be caught i Bose of ailnding the course ‘of ectirs| hing can be “ne for oa pee Se tere [OO isfy you, Miriam, if you will days, the gram mn aresing of urface in the time of the GMCIUSIVe, Wee ESS taskets plo [helps teachers: to the extent that. they RA ghee EER ap iehien consideration of the subjesh the United) Prove to re salary 1 months | dence Light Infantry, number not and a mined, this alone would mean a are fee neler parma anicuneer stood haw do nol Imow! I have just left} Miriam? What are they. like What sl be reduced one-| ver known to hay This shows an sued Gat rive to their pupils ap {mixed lols. Eggs—New’ laid, 170; | pure SE ee et mecane aes xories OF MOTI i ack of over alt ralion eas ‘ are te feat et Papo Li ti dear Miriam, where T have had their purport? It seems to me that {hey ‘hieds, ‘and the usual ration not be giver been! covered with a mablle of snow, Se of about education that will more nearly: fit them | $elects (nominal), 1c; No. “candied, 12 tae tans tle dese Olof 6b Mr. May — Question 2 iu G eae : : - ba Jong “and seri aation Ghih Vor te tee : % For miles around the air is warmed, and r ir dail tt = = jov-| Ne ee Ss i PEN Skates aged pte : Ee rine, “aveinot, thet dediontas {Miriam rt der inthe early. perl a jeonseruentiy it is a land of plenty for 494 BUSHELS PER ACT ote College & then doing Unrer things: |oreemery, 2224c% Teanga, te Wevied slrinal Secunia ye deste ot erner any changes in the| SIX MONTHS’ EXPORTS. ‘GREAT BRITAIN, Se uly, more than, half their lives, and ior [oa wha wast aboul? May Linow!" | assssin road abet sting fo me | Trones eee ee er | game and birds. spot is semi- for the Jallor, as compared with the for-|Fiest, fling boys and. girls for os No 2130; dairy, 19 to 200, Cheese--ontario, peat oser ne RE stat woh, the Normal. sohools? ‘The Unionist party have pi 3 ern iatane. Na anid eines Sa “You a | know, dearest Miriam, it| that the wore, ‘not examined, with < tea et ne tine eae te tho valleys ne eternally mer_patiod of ten years, From these| Work on the farm; second, by ¢ 130; Quebec, 1294¢, Ht Mgrs eee Ly ley ae soe eee at ‘aches sae ee ‘Total. -of Canadian Produce Was cies Ballou in the I ership ee concern ryotireelt and met ‘said Paul, | view to th: ie bright, early-cut with verdure he cause is @ restilis docs it noot appear as though| menting along different lines it ae 2 2 Ts re x aie Mr; four. g in. favor of his wearing Uncle Sam’s|end he took a view to that a 0 ight, early-cu' money hind Toni then | igh "Sa UNITED STATES MARKETS. eg foods, drugs, medicines, or race of the $183,180, 72_Beitain Took Bulk. feat by her elie end telgts PA iat tt Glover Hay the gedin pin cial i ; pretences: trom | slumbering voleano, whose. smouldering he introduction of the Mandscheuri|/ng the farmers millions of dollars each Labor tthe Britisi zi livery, although she had offen expressed | ner now much he loved geet tbat be | Balnt oo ing Fe eras a folie f al if” the sheep are in. good flesh. id the evidently. prided vitals bring abou! the ge circum- barley by the Ontario Agricultural Col.| year by securing trom them exact data} Milwaukee, | Feb. 37—Wheal No. 1 Bae ee Distt Of Columbia, the]. Me. May ~ Queslion -— What | action] An Ottawa despatch says: According | Commons wil ‘oie carr, ces a wish that he should enter the army.” |inad Thurston's consentt to asking. her ian Tene i ieee ea ee ia in biz ‘asliyon his if,” gave half |Stances—I thi hout: asporgliel ig Jege has been worth to the Province of|in reference to” the value "of different Nore 98-09 pas, oe Naetne i ospessiants | A653 50) Government intend to take into the official returns issued by the Cus- the goad wishes at the Bish ~ Gn aD piety far, eee iv pos hand in marriage, ieatlGn Wiles MASER: upon ihe ng a There were ate foe He a a ea aeacne Tpdavaics tarané cou’ osepat z myself half an ane history of the Saba of the Pignignt mae nigh within i past ten years an an-|farm crops, farm animals, and so forth; iets May, noe ia Bete arcn ne | ie United States, Pee prot He APs A @? Peer ara Joan eee toms Department on Thursday, the total ee < 5 firiam replied: vente bod xen, cata ot a thelt Douley gal ila 8s 0¢ 1 in forcibly discussing | * nual ney value equal to more than | and third, by. one writing and publica: 1 charters | exports of Canadian Broducs for the six the statem Reset cae hake tl ht] PESEDEES oe cet tt haves athe ace | ee eh te See sand tonne Re yee ent of io Uo a iting nd rv th emer ag ft me P 2 Pay Stn. | amy Cnn ie | mans eng Drei St i a rl i At ne Se Ee eee re ee eae ne never impatled to younot that 1 wisted| But: that nole contains nothing to-in people do secure a profit able egg vied BMIT TO THE “crop.” lege?” Similar work is being done with |! supplied in his own home with relt b. 27.—_Wheat—No, 1 North- at @ receipt of such goods. | Mr. Carseallen (Hetnilton)-—— Bill to| 180,729. Of this. amount Great. Britain Commons will be separate and distinct ¥ a ae ae AG a had ‘taught her, |to keen ween you, » ut that nothing has cate the identity of its Allice sles; announcing her approach-| 12 some localities is solute cer- | The vee ae sa ad pens. and rye and|able information in reference to his busi-| ¢ . 2 Northern, 7834c; May, Seguinsnt ice Tea ie ae ae ease an Act respecting. stationary cn, so fanaes a8 ie ate States Henne ihe a cae a a 7 occu fo call 7 K cha supply of rest Jai a of sses ver and r ness. c. i :) my i . From Grea Britain during |» ut amber! ave reac ced twined with every chord and fibi les, a Humber of foreign letters {ing marriage with Olive Murray, a ply id eggs in| with t Q) 7 —+— - i 8 f Teac vend how tdenticel will wer ie, cate pause, whe "Pau eee wenien in ee oe ee nas si ng lawyer of Washington, ‘and in tha 1 doubled 4 ie eee dents appt santthe comparative val F uae Mg Bile ofan "cara ae mnude responsi ES: 835 410 885, Pee. Wroet edie: “Uallat tani Lh are Pa ean hes ete - ‘ruman,’ enc] . byt al viting ting } 3 an oy led in the last two years, a alue 4 7 ‘i ‘ 825, Marie oie Mat toa MAR SE nun no aan ete SNe es | ie ns eee ey te pur one ow Mer ea re ae oe eee eee fh ess, ee ee Mirae as te caled ner urd. ae 1 ae aye nie ce thigh must have been an assured one’ i tiers were trom same ot ie sunnly the dem emand at good prices, a ait Gescrops aro ea te ee ome of a, Massachusetts, Woman—One ae oad a No. 1 hard, £0240; ee SIX YEARS FOR RTRAND | xotat Production in Bee Wale f Gare tele. ysterious sorrow, the incurable} scaled the promise with an oath, never aici Cr 4 y : narioets fed to tive stock. it- will hal reales eA i bull Be os ee a eh 4 , never ion of the wriler, either? and discussed th ¢o tents of t a cold stable well ventilated than in a hi “i lock,’ it--will be lour— Unchanged. Bran—In bulk, ’ = mamta fae ton WH ope a bun sel have bein contents of ee thing ding no so wel ita. Be eee eats eset | saps Wes tale Cemia omer hee |e ae amend ee Mafonee | An Ota desatc says: Arreneren wonDen. | age son et Vs on Sa ae 2 a ler when ronin, wife of Alex- 2 & ‘An Ottawi lespata says: Years ago ai * ty Peculiar tnterest and even steange fas-| “An avenger of blood” q ‘ : tea: fone eee eee Pet) CATTLE MARKET. the Dominion Government oe Thrice While Returning | 2%; a even fas- atest 2 ns ea =m R: ai Whetate. Wilicoxen. jomed yp =l gemeR EB 5 Cronin, of No. 90 Union Strect,| © ‘Montreal mee says: — Cyril ment established orety: "Hie “men. were “killed and OR elas an iriam? than print. But 1 presume i rhe laid a letter on Miriam's lap, here im ommats 4 , Dairying, — The making of better |Gied on Wednesiay morning, after hav:| Toronto, Feb. 27-—There was a very | Chenitand, aged, So, War nt to the creamer inthe North-West Teor me From Owen Sound. iets njurat by an explosion ts'a dye. nue coer lembenarent ene ove twas all he said, and then he remain-|to nothing definitely, for my dear-mo-|informing her thal it was = esata 7 oa s- grucl : ing bools were lille protection, an i : heese and the bree. ing submited to 107 operations, Physi-| active demand for cattle of all classes penitentiary on Thursday for six years des wtih were the means of developing A aes 4G h from Ow. mite factory at Hannibal, Mo., on Si Tinh with more than a daighisr’s love |ea gazing at her, as if he doubled her| ther showed them to Mr: Willeoxen, who | Morris: who advised them of her daug nabaafie fe es forced to: admit (ne ‘ruth of the ng sndeteeting of belter animals. The| cians say her case is one of the strangest | Straight loads! of- good butcher catt fis|on_ conviction of sacrilege, ne having | Me, rs indusiry there to respectable | yy, se om, se eras ey: ae! a earnibstiiess' of, her nature; ee heart torte sanity. took the greatest interest inthe discovery ters intended marriage, eh ales 1 had hear¢ “f 300 pee ae "at os wae gives less than Se Mrs. Cronin was 28 years old.| were sold at $4.50, ‘and more of the} stolen mahey from 4 > BODE w-box of St. 5 Sd de a The total ‘Production of the | jiving near Leith, eran fromm here,| EF. H. y & Co.'s recone Mase ie caged eee cao SiR et po i ara ld Fring oh Pye ir her-that {them to resent at the cermony. AWE INDIAN HORATIUS. coitege Mea careful sslzction, aril. Gore] his liver for thie sullerer_trom’ drops aime jan Naidoo: funn eaty ee arate Caolig) chute on. St twolve Aiberta creameries last year Was | was shot twice through the head and | & Duluth was destroyed by fire on Sate : intense longing to do hi -) y' 6 we these letters afforded not the slightest Miriam replied that she had received a it, the more tight we make a build- ee “the bot- i 5 bui ee er for three years. During the last | market, Maurice street. The accused has already and the average |sonbed of $145. whi i urday. The~loss is about $1,000, o brnpg haat at Sota him some good, 6 Explain, youirselt, dear. Miriam.” clue to the perpetratod of the crime, and tc: the: eante <eABOe ing to keep the ouiside air out, er the, paces jee over is gas and rub | ei eeeneee ne toresbly ‘ feeding. ins built up 9 grade herd which |year operations were necessary almost The export trade is also good ae AA Wlernirok ties mente th sail tor| PES 1.85 cents a pound | Geos sound an Wedne Sar NE ea bg | ce. ee a > z “| “Lam going to do so. Yor eee : 2 ck into his Sosa io. Ay. NUE’ spension. bridge 1904, sixteen cows which | every d for the whole y' output. n 3 There -wehe mbuigele syben bat Tor the Mavian Mastic?” she said, her face og Sea Seiaeny Gamay Bel Gates * ashingtn & pas tow ge we make ie belalny anion with the ol Or dispute aver ihe foaming Hocklegate River, con ge e than 6,000 pounds each. is on er more were wanted: Th | three on sage ene aly. fae 1 scribes fo the Donan | Was found in an unconscious condition | fresieemy Hodes Me sass: ery aunatur & eee. sparred can tat to quiver, with emoli the author of those letters. He wished | atten: Reece Sa ae ie Be Tit eee Dy allege leben COC MERON ECan. ne COMPANION OF LIVINGSTONE. best quotations ran from $5 to $5.25, | itentiary for robbery. RoI ria ieee MRO Om NA SPS kate Pini eens EA bee aes Bee ae freaty “with Canad ihated tes oe “this wild desive was strong enough 10| “You danember the time and fo take them with him, but mother de- Pies of. Genes Yegmionn t|S Gan weaning Rigor ©. pas she aw’ se oti ee a ater ScACiioNe Heing WW) fect above Lake eho Aer? in. good -deman Ge a A or peaides is, Were Ae Morrison came to town on Wednesday [ect Niagara Falls. ag ae ‘estrution Cast her at his fee, fo embrace is mnees| of herd ica ime and manner| clined to give them wp; she thought i$} lonely a life for one of you ry ve moh, Bord Newlawn's: butler; are] Mune: Mella. possesses able water. It is made out of iimbs of Ontario (age canriot. grow the more deli | en, Wee Accompanied Remains of ig aeee | Fat $4.15 to $4.90. A RAISES $200,000,000. re tet Soe ee ame Tics | with a load of hogs, which he disposed | . aN aie ies ouperra ts ants aeitll teas Reser Sent tp: 16 hes. es!” eu ie i. bicsioveh Eee ewe ee ne age ae ave a| tive memory that she can ata = fe ‘| trees and roots, sroven together in such ; cate fruits. Students are given instruc- aioe eg scar gp 3 he pene ee bets Poot —— : Cae abo ee bs: left for home about |i by the pleadings of his’ Into, that dar, sorrowful bosom, to see oder Beall that story nigh dentiren| cctnuer and 20 ote lolecain. He then tel rs opera within a week. ‘She does much of |2,¥°Y ,88, 10 be almost indestructible by ton nthe wowing of olf Kinds of rut] A despateh, from, Honolulu says Mocleer ane aa Bapppliatiog. ot Tareas can by the shore Food, At a) ne ton wll iv concalong oy — ae eS ee nd any fakes Scattering nehtaing,” and struck | said that Lait ea: coriaisilf be had fal per ny Se bed wher free epee ae oe expenimonts |James Arthur Laing died on Tuesday nt} Sheep and “ans —Mare eager in. Syndica fonely spot, where trees shelloe he road quae al Bi ve ee sual’ z i Bie tbat sano peas sinned, | three places at once jut, oh, Paul!| least right to claim them, and so thi 0 tee Sie ee Oe ee ‘anit a peter sual rus see | Ques east 2 ae ae aon ted. 1 A. despatch ee Pari ‘The on. Doth sides, fhe was allacked, sno! | Revised estimates of the requirements 5 pS aM eo Woden ded “Giaih, (evctel by INS camervecy ot Marien) waved leey bela the Wey: lo the diearvory of Sane re, 1 | It is ne i many Se v itrogen is one of Ployed here several years as in searcher [Mae ee t the ris sa ee ne tee ne respondent at si ‘Polen in F te bo ah When found he was taken (0 iis home ae LR uC Ree nb ‘i ? lieved they hel e key to the discov jay “st ty fi ‘nal i y. hear an epi 4 =3 8 y vise 0 e er | sti e Governmé r whic! en < £ ee tee deat neat Mis Bava aoe 19] ertte vatoed atte venous oer] ree guilty party: and afterward she thus far out of bine, and is do aig 8 onats Ol abc gle Planes oplige co zie res bas by ie OCHRE. tha. m life, ashe te oa ee of ty aie” a tai een 8 fons ne tee ate Ascombly aball meet May 1, | Brought the férmerst in Lalth, and doctors were summoned |eonarccd “aggregate. S105,500,00. S al unn <eept| Te 4 - i ss it in " a 2 a hi i ‘3 : s plunge his sou! in such a hell of remorse? | ny that: eeepecttiee Temes ot ti Should n mers cee toss ieee tren sonia hailed as a happy omen by the| you, I'm sure; and-now I think Til gc Z elibly on her memory. | og, the legend has a ‘eflesward from ie air is 80 per cent. nitrogen g ARR SES oh See) great | ied OES mien coe Morrison's injuries will not prove} . He commit ime? Impossible! the ceased. Child as 1 then, was, Paul, 1] ms. p ney set Tollnied f° Their few ara ae ooase: and’ have @ look at the ‘job lof in the| Miss Hoamle his numerous- wound ental thee | vit mee Uy ay “to give commercial advantages The Persian Minister of aS Oe ee Mote ou; is treason; a sin it ie i ? se cf . e Mn com- ing: 2 ‘And, . ig hie J appears in the z S10 2 sian inister al tua arg inten pet [if one meni a of fda of ren agit he pie, a ts, fr of Maro rhe ccna dap put ire ee ain Bagh, tf fntsduged nt. te | Ja So epee wis ae aa | ann Kucenctorrre hp simian sat to eal ty or fee. thie even has srped pt tol Janet eommandets rebwelirely "tt The sie his nate Tease arora Amnong f x r. Willeoxen | went fo Washington City. Recent Was Bion warty chek : i : : soil, will work von the roots. of clover |i ‘bond [Russian Turkesta for forly years "cn petual banishment. Te rae a ao Pes | serenborhgbd, and tate. fret to haved fre threw-me entirely out of my centre, so! might think, mother felt convinced that {To y shaking [but 1 cou an exact jikeness| Many a man who cries ow wis: (oF : 2 ___ | Payment ‘Ot §200,000,000. Keading a revolutionary mover oy Fae courted in thab section. first and third: Manchurian cris, h AYO be continued). the band of his hostess. if you wish.” lice simply howls if te gols ik Pa

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