dl sins — “rt Shines For All.” Vol. XV—No. 7 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1906 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher Interest Paid Quarterly means more than interest paid only half yearly or yearly, you will see the advantage by your account Deposits of $1.00 large or small. wards received. Interest Paid 4 Times a Year Sovereign Bank of Canada EB. W. HORNE, Manager, Milverton LOCAL NEWS HT as a business man up- CaprraL Par UP. Sir H. Monra@uk Aba resident. The Merchants Bank of Canada STRATFORD BRANCH : A, M, Campbell Manager 000,000 473,197 ws $i P. HEBDEY, General Manager. coun: Interest at most favorable rates allowed on Savings Bank Ac- 8. Special attention given to the business of FARMERS AND DRov- ERs to whom money is lent at lowest rates on promissory notes. Renew. your subscription to the Sun Miss Maggie Schwindt Lege last week with friends in Linwo x Bros. are selling corn for 53 eents, instead of 54 and 56 asin advt, Mr. J.L. Tucker, of Norwich spent a day or two in the village last week. Miss Sarah Honderich, of Baden, is spending a week at the home of Mr J R. Yost. Mrs. Samuel Henry is at present confined to her room with a slight| 0 attack of pneumonia. Go to the Station Stofe for potatoes. They are good any end the price is right.—J. R. Jost Goverment yes seeds. Guar- anteed to free of foul seeds can be had from J. R. Yost & Son. Miss Sophia Klocknas and Miss Mary former’s home in Mr. Ed. Reinwald, me Stratford, spent a few days last week renewing acquaintances in Milverton. Miss Minnie Pfeffer has been en- gaged by the Sovereign Bank ss stenographer and type Meera Mor MCE Beers home” to the choir of ‘the seo church last Thnrsday evenin i Bier narr 8 cape from being killed in the grist mill last week through a broken belt. i forelady “f theShoe factory, left on last for her home in Elmira. Mrs. L. B. be tape of Perth, _ Dentistry LEDERMAN, Denti co y and’ Member ee Royal r r lation of teeth, Crown Brid en Aegis vdtonsa Bam to 5B. Office above store, Milverton Medien PARKE! D. Hover Graduate and ri ta Medalist ‘rely Medi- Nege, also Gold Medallist, gil College sina ol nto, Bacoewor to Dr, Egbert. Office in Office block. ‘Telephone connection with Poole, Brunner, soserville and Ros __Bluck, Milverton, . Veterinary =i Sete Ne EE BARR, VETERINARY SUR o Milverton, (Graduate of On- ry College of domesticated animals. otherwise promptly “F BERT, successor to. J. Ww Barr, ai 12 ry eg oe it ieen’s Hotel. Meee te Soeisad ak sll tates. ‘Commercial driving @ apectelty Socteties : Samuel Henry, C. Res 8 wel SUE Puch, Recording Secreta L 0, 0. F., “Silver Star PMD wie’ No. 202, Milverton, meets’ every Friday night at | in their hall, deag store building. 30 p. Visitlag brethren always ins W. Business Cards on' | from Kingston, John Li r. Whaley and W. K. Loth were in Toronto this week on business, ‘y successful song service was held in the Methodist chureh last Sab- bate eyening. Sr eaeion McCloy, Sarat and in Stra Tena Pfeffer and Miss Gertie Weir are in’ Toronto attending the millinery openings. ‘Mrs. Wm Holmes and ‘son, anton, spent a few last week visit- ing Mr. George Miller, of Wiarton. Get your supply of butter ‘wrappers at the Sun office, or Post office. Pure ae parchment the only goods of Milverton, Sunday with iene Mies Ella Hoffman had one of her fingers badly injured in the eyelet miachineetheshea taboey ate tine lay last. Mrs. John Burton has Bd es where she spent couple of months with her aecgkter Mrs. Seriaie King, at once, a eee smart boy] 8. learn pone t delay in Aeeoe icattes Hig ages pos left last Satara jor Forrest, where they will spend three weeks visiting the font parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Rumford. Rev. mE Kay, of Norwich, and tor of Burns church here, was in the village on Thursday last. It is the intention of Mr. Kay to as- sumecharge ofthe Port Austin (Mich) Presb; phe een r, the chairman of Mr. the public hazy ‘board, is at present | an\ Aste together to discuss ways and means of raising funds for the pur- chase of a new lot of bool Miss White’s music fags met ai er home on Thursday etches March 1st, when a program was given Schaefer, Beatrice Go Goodhand and M. ‘aster Wilfred Weir. 3 for the Coun | SuN fi Munro, Reform a ETE Avateice,, Ooaveyancer Presbyterian Evangelist, ission Deeds, cece a Morten es drawn ant s made, which slightly affected the ‘Afidavits made. Village Clerk. Office speaninigs with MGC AM , desired over Gr Shoe St rel Main street | to convey—it read ‘‘but the property Milverton, also would have been inalienable and = incontestable heritage ‘ree Hotels Presbyterian church of Scotland, who | M have sacrificed their claim of right to EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont |the Westminster Confession of Faith John Gropp, P-oprietor. ‘Best liquors and | and the sacrificed claim, the Synod of cigars at the bar. First-class accomm tion and large stabling. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton First-class accommodation for commercial panies ot 30 ers. ee large sample Good etal ea eigen 8 Wo fiquors Saget Me and Mill streets. Chas, Ritter, Proprietor a QUEEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. The st accommodation for commercial trav- elers and others. Two large sample.rooms. the choicest of Wines, Ligaors and Cigars at the bar, Good tables and plenty of shed room. ae: F. Pauli, prop. Free Presbyterian church of Scot- reas it should havé ae’ referred to, should also have “read Alex. McCrae’’ at few days with her parenta, Me andra rion neau Stewart, of Ham d, isin ‘a very precarious pricey of hes and his reobvery is despaired és cl Ritter spent Sunday, ab the) 7 Switzer—Smith. Avery pretty house wedding to ie lace at the residence of Mr. Alex smth, ge, the bride, dnintly attired in white silk with | 2 chiffon tri entered the parlor form pastor of the brid the guests repaired to whete dinner was served; after wildh the D ay at Atwood. bride’s | menu and good cheer provided for the travelling costume was a neat suit of | occasion was excellent. as has always navy blue lady’s cloth, trimmed wi white silk and applique with hatto match, Droppod All Others. “T dropped all linim2nts but Nervi- | line because I iS Nerv viline the e of cramps or Stoniach ache turns up, Nerviline is ever ready. We use Nerviline for ; theamatism and all kin for the past fifty years has sons Nerviline—nothing betens fande, Presentation And Address. Miss Batlor, the teacher and the hand bel n uereat tks Cards are ene announcing _ the | hand belongs, gathered at the home wedding of Mr. Isaac Atkin to Miss|@fMr-and eo aa ae Ruby Coxon on Wednesday, March | sfjes qeauie with a copy of the Meth, ee aha Ae Beat tenis pope art ue elowioe lara Guenther an isses wit left last week for Toronto, malic they will attend the Seeing millinery | ¥! openings. Remember the illustrated lecture in sn Methodist church to-night (Thurs- fp mission fee, only a silver | Wy, collectioy repented of its semblance and has Become as mild as Janu- ot March sun nee frostis like- ly to ieee an injurious effect the wheat fields, See are Fragen faerie of theirsnow coveri Mrs. Fred McCloy, vies ant been ending a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John McCloy, returned to her home in Toronto on Tu Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Musselman and laughter, len, left londay — for Hoa leaving for their home in Cupar, acre Epworth League ef the Met! odist church will give a literary ae o- gramme next Tuesday evening, and at te ee a social half hour will be ie and Mrs. McPhail, of Goderich, honeymo while on their n, spent a day or two this week with Rev. Mr. r McPail is a The service will oe conducted by Rev. R. Knechtel, of the ctors of the Mornington Agricultral society wil! be heid at the Sun office on Fi e has any suggestion to make, they will be gladly Seeeltes by the direct- ie regular monthly meeting of Women! 's Institute will be held at the ome of Mrs. aefer, ie rch 9th, commencin| The! following demonstrations will he shown:—Scotch Short Bread—by Mrs. D. Alexander. Frying oysters—by Mrs. Parker and Mrs. R. Ranney. pile Aare f Mrs. ees on heri Kerr and Mrs. airs at taies willbe welcomed. Kindly attend if possible. a mage a Everything Now Right. To rae Eptror or THE Sux ‘The quarterly board of the Milver-| 2! ton Methodist church circuit have last done the proper thing by apologis- ing for the ee ike way in which n they undertoo! close ae chure! Pool: Now, yes they oe tone Be i os hope for them measure o prosperity and spiritual blessing in uture, —METHODIST. feel Mareh camein like a tame lion, but] | you long to Ss JRsstR: It a been jeep re: ur irouaut Mieeins teas mnccaeet tus for the aioe and we ean not let Lord bless you abundantiy and five ive & noble and naetal lite is our heartfelt praye ask you to raceept this tonkaae ‘rua token of our friend edon behaif ol pe the 8. S. class The evening was spent after which all departed for their F| home at. « cowparatively early honr, eB i as NS The Blood Is The Life, Owing to faulty act abe of the kid- neys and liver, lood becomes filled with disease germs that imperil health. The first: warning i: acl ache, dizziness, gy eed A lack of vital’ energy. et quic! if you w. ae avoid the terrible ee of ch idney complaint. Get Dr. Hameo 's Pills to-day; t liver appet roper treativent is Dr. Tpetesn eine 25c. per box, at all ee EE Milverton Public School. Divison 1,—Continuation Class:— kner, Emmeline it, Fred ae ‘Tillie Schmidt, W ealthy Morlock, DER, Principal. Jun, 4th—Eddie ps ‘easeal Coulter, Roy. Zinmieriany cae pe atts, Wake Hot 8 vera Barnby, Marjo ellie oe ae Beatrice Mor- ae Nor Magyie Schaefer Henry Pauli, Hester Guenther. g. 5 H 8 = Zimmerman, Elva ee Mary Smith, Alice Hamil- iss M. H. McKay. Teacher. —Edua Zimmerman, Ge arith, ‘Perey Coulter, Theodore L Charlotte Linder, Willie raat ete ‘nby, enn Schmidt, Clarenes , Ruby i ilfri divin Boehmer, 1 int n Wei ite Wi illie Maleeahorh: = So pratapai citizens of ,|ereign Bank at Stirling, in Peter! S!thrown open to over eighty of the :| business and professional men of the ,|BANQUET TO AND R. J. On last Friday evening a number of Milverton y asi Central. Hotel, prominent business E. Goodhand and Mr. Robert J. Ri ney—previous to their departure to heli respective future places of resi- len r. Goodhand removes with ough County in the East, manager. The spacions, newly-appointed din- ing room in Grand Central was as general rounding ph: may be unnecessary to 8 laces, and it that the een the reputation of this popular GEORGE E, GOODHAND, RANNEY. evening,.and several haypy speeches fe ; and in this c nessa! Mr. Goodhand has for many years been connected with the cheese indus- try in Western Ontario, having. been for two years chief instructor in the manufacture of cheese in the Strath- roy dairy school, sears ago, rnment instituted an illustration school for the CRE long modern lines and according apnroved: methods Mr. Goodhand’s coy in Milverton was Sheen oe sae LU eae He has of the Western Osteria Dairymen’s PE oak for a nui of years. During the fifteen ante, a 40 a resident of Milverton, Mr. Goodhand has municipal and educational oceupied important positions in affairs, MESSRS. GEO. E. GOODHAND| The Canadian Bank of Commerce pat Pais: Up = $10,000,000 Resi 7 st id 000 EAD OFFICE, TOR: HON. GEO. A, COX, President G. E. birt General Manager A General ‘Banking Busi- ~ mess Transacted Paenletpat and other debentures bought and sold, Drafts on all points issued. Farmers’ Notes Discounted Special Shenton Latcn to the collection of farmers’ sale ne ipa attention is directed to the fol- lowing ad offered by our Savings. ‘Bank Deparsnien® Deposits of One Dollar and upward, ceived amd interest a allowed ae curre interest {a alded cach yea st the en is re whatever i the idhatast of the Wack BF any portion of the deposit. WM. MAYNARD, Manager SIRATFORD BRANCH. ~ ROBERT J. RANNEY hostelry. The genial proprietor, Mr: Ritter, left nothing undone to add to the comfort and happiness of ‘his many gue: Ce oh this occasion. a happy inspiration that Bich the common consent that Mr. James Torrance, WA, old ve unanimously elected chairman, and that Mr. E. W. Horne, the new man- tger of the Sovereign Bank, as vice- shairman of theevening’s deliberations orthy expon- ents of the art of etiquette and pro- cedure on such occasions could well be selecte ter an ‘excellent repast, journment’ was mai POC = & an ad- @ programme was open 'verton is losing two estimable citizens cannot be better exemplified than by what was said by/s municipal, Banta es education- al, financial, jonal and % ocial features were abe derteaer tan the press was not overlooked. | These institutions were all duly hon- ored on the programme of toats for the profess al honored by hos having occupied the: Reeve’s chair with Ne eae ae as aa ee three. years a t public ait tae faa Bia coun- ul for several years. obert J. Ranney has bee dentified with banking institutions for interests and popelarity of the Sovereign Bank here in the surrounding country. In the departure of these” two gen- life of the place, and whose true worth nd popularity were ight royally ‘on Friday evening last. 04 hy ganday at the homeot Mr. 1. Haddan, 3 Willie Eyat, Nellie Mu Tiger, at TRALEE Miss E, Large s| spent Saturday sna Wevaod Mre, D. We Ish, of Feri viet sen heney, at the home rot i aie Armstrong's sale was iaegely attended and proved. to bel o quite a success. Fy Mr, and Mrs: Chas. Neilson attend- gland groom are held by their many friends. ba the Neilson-Burnett ~ weddit Weanesaes, Feb, 28th. O'Grady, who has_ bee: conn He re set for the past few wh: is recoveri ‘eFarlane, of Mount Forest, r. and Mrs. lhe iretisa <an8 eeu, left last week for Michigan, ere Sey will make their home in the future. e-are sorry to report the sad death of Mr, J. A. Mec Cauley, who- -had been ill a short time with pneu- monia, Much eeaigauiy is felt for the Perea presence of only thelimmediate friends | n Tp i more eloquent, miore eon vi mee kk with herj ban been extended to the bride and groom the wedding party sat down to sumptuous repast, after which, the young couple left on the a short honeymoon trip. The bride's of navy ne a cloth ah Beal to match. On thei arn will wake their bante er MILLBANK pew Sunda: eg be risen Lord, speak such to all tells men as nothing Stee tan ts of admiring citizens ¢} #7 Schoolroom in ni aie fe the ground: an deeply Ly ile fous ‘too solid, its windows lorious in eriutan Ala ha Be nile: aati Il be a power felt. by all, conscious- ty or not, it is the same; it er for pbrieslantne a cane ye et in earts and handy and pi Tee men. A parish that expends thous- iD in a church does well, does w: a, ly -besthers, “could Special a eeeiies were held on San- vs Aap 2th inst, when the Rev. C. RB. Gunue, M.A., Rure poco uel listened to by large con- On Monday evening, the 26th inst, and concert wel ive! irs. Grosch and M Milverton, delighted tis eee with their select ‘ion: dE, Mill elocutionary pa tee and ca inkler Acslated by Misses and ee delighted the aud: thei epee selections. rand success, A ienee with The ss aeuee sinueete wish to congratulate gees chureh congre; te upon their beautifal schoolroom, and magnificent church ~ building. pe EAA Bass The Stolen Bible. oe oF MILVERTON SUN, Munro’s v: yeas m the sentence dealing with the treatment a ep ae, no claim to the rights, aes ol a a! of the Free church. Mr. Munro ap- at eae ae the ‘fellow. wilted Handreho, Jacobs, Mabel | of both parties. The bride, who was Griffi Jr.—Maggie Jacobs, | unattended, looked , handsome in ajavy pre nee in its pul pie Ban of the tots Tad lewton and a Ly Se Roy Coulter, Grant|gown of with 1 eburch, new pulpit Bib! Weitzel, act Loth, Charles Barr, trimmings and “il a bogie! of eieeny ee the it) ne buildii Yours truly, Gordon carnations and mai hair ferns.|preaci. Its tower eaunot O mAs: Tor eee ; wanes 1, B, J, GLENN, Teacher, Alter a hearty podeiettlartotl hed fives Its buttresses cannot be too Newton, Merch Sth, 1!