Milverton Sun, 8 Mar 1906, p. 3

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DYES REXALL "fonp The Milverton Sun bop oats kei! Local Newspaper in the Count: h, “ft is the Best Adverti ining Stalks ates thanoninie, Sabseription 81 per ye ‘strictly imadvance. $1.50 not so paid.—M, MacBrrn, hes ‘hese Dyes. wi foo}, Cotton, Silt Jute gr ited Goode Ta one bathe: they, ‘are the latest and most imy ned a package in the world. Try Sore at TEE PUBLIC: DRUG COMPANY Milverton and Atwood. A Good Man ‘Will provide for his family in case of his ASensihble Man Will guard against the dan- ger of poverty in his old age, G. T. R. Time Table ‘Trains due to leave Milverton, GoING NORTH. 58 a. Expres: pm 6:14 p.m. Express.. 4:56 p "| THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1906 Physically Exhausted, on speak- box in any drug sto! Sis ROR SA Shipping Out American Siiver. announced for getting rid of the Ame ING SOUTH. 7 a.m = WINGHAM: BUSINESS COLLEGE Isa High-grade Commercial School, BE COURSES :—Coinmercial accaries. ‘Telegraph. WRITR—GEO, SPOTTON. PRINCIPAL CENTRAL 7 7- * STBATFORD, ONT. The leading Commercial and Short- hand schoolin Western’ Ont tario. on rite atany tim ELLIOTT & SEGA Fainsiods _ A SIGNIFICANT FACT There are four Life Companies in which, from their minence, have long been look- ed upon as leading all others. t last- year The Mutual Life of Canada easat ‘ican silver T banks are re to ship United Statessilver to the Bank of Montreal, the Domin- ral itreal at Be D. STEWART, Stratford, Gen. Agt. d them all in two very important respects : (a) Tt paid a Larger Amount in Profits to its policyholders than any one of uhem, ant (b) Te. increased fi surplus by $10,000 more than the combined in- se . - The Dominion Life Will Guarantee Safety to Both by issuing one = its reliable Life or Endowment Policies. Special petyileges to Total Abstainers. Head Office : Waterloo, Ont. Txos, Hivrarp, President and Managing Director. P. H. Sis, S. B. Bricker, Hon. Jas. MoMuuzan, J Presidents. Frep Husrsap, Supt. of Agencies. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Results for aes Assurances issued and pai ior $15, oH 904.24 Increase over 1903 1,744,698.7 Assets at 31st. December, 1904 17,851,760.92 Inerease over 1903 2,345,984 44 Profits paid. Policyholders 117,238.21 ife Assurance in force Dec. 31st, 1904 85,327,662.85 Tnerense over 1903 9.646,473.98 A. S. entree Pare Ontario, London, have it. Come in whenever you. you cant do better in style of fence IDEA a Woven Wire gh roehcase gethe Eeeat is not Affected by Weather Changes by climbing over it and retains its shape even after hard See 3 But Mecing the real thing is better Seges looking at the pictur ready to ‘talk fence. “or pric SARK Sebi aay CORN ae Sold at the Station Eleva- tor at per busnel. 54¢ in quantities of 25 iichels and Less than 56 cents per bushel. PFEFFER BROS over. that amount BRIERE REERICB ERA BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED IN THE Year 1817. President, Lord Strathcona and fount Royal. G. C. M1. @ Paid up Capital = - Reserve Fund - - - $14,000,000 $10,000,000 SAVINGS BANK DEPT. Tnterest paid or compounded half yearly. Srratrorp Brancu, EP: Ogg Le anager A. Sects Stratford, District i ing the past year. W. H. GROSCH, Local Agent rded_ for the transfer of American aver to is "iegitinate Avlogs el it is move will r e the sup- poet of every er ant? ~ soon as portation. RHEUMATISM Lives in “the Blood. Consequently itrequiresan internal bese cael one that will restore the biood, and thereby valleys the cause After. yet ears of experiment {Dr. Hawmilton succeeded in prod ‘nut pane in every ate! By toning the kid cova and liver, Dr. feces ‘Pill insure a healthy bod: ood is vontored to anormal Teatthy condition, renew- ed vigor is imparted to overworked organs, and thus oa general health is built ne and no room is left for rheumatism to ¢1 in. Discouraged cutfersr, relief is at hand. Use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills, and you wills ae hake hand sith Here is sub- stantis ie I proof Cripple’s Story o Le omhts Hs glad day for write: ee E. : Browndlel, from. “Midland, nt., be ean speak of y Nenad they cured, and ever since my health has been Viet aah Hawilton’s Pills are to be had in any drug store, it’s foolish tolive on in and ill-health. You ought to get this meicine to-day and enre yourself. Price 25c. per box or five boxes for $1 at ae by mail from siete Conn,, U. 8. st: ton, Ison and Kings- ¢ If you have any intention of buying a “1H. ian | t#in securities, which occurred dur- -MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND KERY Quality Telis ! Our. grocery business is getting larger évery day. WHY ? Because we are giving our eae the qual- ity, Let us prove it to you! Our Japan Teas Are noted for their splendid tea drink- ing qualities, used, as to give that clear, fragrant flayor, Hee scum on top like from cheap colored ae 30 and 40c a pound Butter 17 Cents Eggs 13 Cents H. MOHR our “Red Tag” list. First Furniture Store East of the Post Office. Couches__.= Z==m_ Reduced ae PE luxurious comfort of a soft, spring couch can be enjoyed by anyone at the prices we are asking for them. They're certainly tempting. “There’s a Verona Rug Reclining Couclr worth $21 for $12. R. WHITE & CO. We have a few on Stratford Ee this spring, Now is © the time. ‘We have some big specials in prices you cannot afford to miss. P. H. Bastendorff Before buying your Spring Shoes, I want you to see my lines.. We are Special agents for Empress Shoes for Women Geo. A. Slater Shoes for Men ‘hese shoes are up-to-dste in every re- spect, WM. ZIMMERMAN with the best materials, “The House of Quality.” CLOTHING FOR MEN Fine Tailored Garments, unexcelled workmanship, made in our own factory These are the clothes that fit well, and will keep their shape and appearance longer than any other. ‘The Shoeman R g g g R Rg g 2 Call eid ted fueta: R g R g g 6 Double and Single-Breasted Tweeds and Worsteds, also Blue Serges and Black Cheviots. GOODS ALWAYS AS ADVERTISED OUTFITTER TO MEN, F. B. Deacon's old stand, Stratford, Ontario : CHARLES H. DAVIES inte EE EEE SE SEE SE SEES SESE a TE Te IE Se EE Te Se SE STE SES SE OR ee Sie Ree SEE Se SE Se 3 3 9 3 9 3 3 3 3 J 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 7 3 2 J + g J J 3 3 z g z z 3 3 9 3 3 z J re, re, 3 3 z 3 9 re, 3 3 Ee, R New Spring Arrivals ————S LADIES! We have j oe received another shipment of spring goods, such as : Dress Goods, Muslins, Cham- bray’s, Art Sateens, Ginghams Shirtings, Fancy Collars, Belts Shirt Waists, Etc. Also a case of Stamped Mats, all sizes. We invite the ladies of Milverton and vicinity to call in and take a look through our stock. We. will be pleased to show you what we have. We have placed on sale about 6 dozen Ladies’ Fleece Hose (just the kind for this weather). These hose are regular 20 cents a pair, but having bought too many, we offer them to you for 2 pair 25¢e. GENTLEMEN ! Our Barrington Hats have arrived. Fresh from the Emporium of Fashion. Call and see them whether you buy or not. We have the sole agency and we guarantee every hat not to fade, Bring us your produce, the high- est prices paid. YM NM wy W. K. LOTH {HARE HEA DERE AE HEHEHE HE AI RIAA AAI I IAAI RII II ISI AA TAT AI III AIT III IIT BEER Pee ee PRE EAERE REE CARNEFAC Made in Canada by Canadians YOU TALK OF LOYALTY, then show that yon mean what yon say by PATRONIZING HOME INDUSTRY. SEE our dealers, or write us at once for our TERMS and TESTIMONIALS. showing that CARK- NEFAC is USED and RECOMMENDED by all the BEST FEEDERS. in Canada, and proving that it PAYS any man who feeds stock to use CARNEFAC, they write like this :— Solina, Ont,, January 6th, 1906 THE CARNEFAC STOCK FOOD CO., Toronto, Ont. DEAR SIRS :—I have used your pail of CARNEFAC with very good . I think it is a fine food for young pigs at weaning time, aude will room ia my stable again as soon as Ihave some more young pias, id perhaps ooner than that, and expect my next order to be much larger than one pall. Please flad enclosed $8.80 for pail Yours as ever, (Signed) F. L. VANNEST Note the SMALL QUANTITY required to show GOOD RESULTS “ “ FOR SALE BY ~< FRED PRUETER HARNESS-MAKER MILVERTON << “x “ “< ONTARIO % * * Ea ca # # # * % * # # + ‘3 > 3 # Ea # # # # * # Cs Cash for Butter | Cash for | Eggs WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Orders bale to Milverton, Monkton wton, Etc. ocery Orders put up and shipped to these places and to all polite west of Toronto, | The Premier Store | All Grocery Stores or Department Stores should have an Automatic Bag Rack Holder. Fruits, Confectionery, Canned Goods, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Patent Medicines, Teas, Coffees and Flour, Etc., Etc. Send us a trial order by mail and a convinced that we can send you first-class goods. Give us a tri: Send Your Orders to J. A. MONTEITH & SON Opp. Market (Box 416) 20 Wellington-st STRATFORD USE PHONE AT OUR EXPENSE KIRIEIARARIAS HERAT AAA RAT MEMES MIE LIE ML ET SL SL Se ee a a aM a Me e % ¥ Ls % LS *% % % % % + i He % % % %e * Lg U4 % Es * ~stey Hy I SCHAEFER & WHALEY SCHAEFER & WHALEY NEW WAIST ENDS Weare showing a big range of Silks, Lus- tres, Madras, Vestings, EHtc., in Waist Lengths, no two alike. =u2SPECIA | 10 only, 5 yd. ends, Brocaded Japanese Silk in neat patterns, at per waist end $2.50. LADIES ! If you want something nice for a waist we can supply you. FURS This being a very mild winter, we are left with a few tomany furs. Now, if you are real- ly needing anything in the fur line, don’t fail to see us. On Friday and Saturday, we will place on sale the balance of our fur stock at cost price. LAST CALL! Here’s Part of the List: 3 only Ladies’ Astrachan Jackets, sizes 34 36, regular $30 to $35 for $22. 1 only Fur Lined Cape, regular $80 for $15 1 only Canadian Coon Coat, rege $65 for $50 2 only Imitation Buffalo Robes, regular $10 for $'7.50. 1 only Goat Robe, regular $10 for $6.50. Also a number of Ruffs, Caperines, Muffs, and Children’s Caps at the lowest prices we ever quoted. JAPANESE MATTING Have you seen the new printed Japanese Matting °? They make beautiful coverings for bedrooms, halls, etc., and the price no more than the common kind. SPHCIAL—100 yds, good heavy Japanese Matting, reg. 20c per yard for 12 1-2c. Watch our advertisement next week it will pay you. BRING US YOUR PRODUCE Our goods are right! Our prices are the lowest! a | Vears, but ow! # | mitted Harrison to Huros z | ised he would lea The Milverton Sun An Atwood lady quarreled with her lover and sent back all the letters and THURSDAY, MAROH 8, 1906 little gifts she had received from him. He returned the compliment: by send- ne her half a dozen eee ot Bee GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES he Russian apple trees have begun to bear fruit in the Canadian North- tario. fruit- hese progressive “flooding” their mar- ket with this hardy Riles The er: and fru Canadian wheat has made good record and another proof of this is that the Queensland ase cabled for fivehundred bushels of wheat from Manitoba. It will nap shipped to the Department of ree culture at Brisbane, on March 7. Some seed wheat from the Canadian North-west was sent on a previous oc- casion, an is found so valuable that a further supply is desir Th al Option meeting held in the hiaeient oS the Presbyterian Church on Mon afternoon was largely attended aut was manifested by those eupace understand thatit seem: feeling of the meeting to aa allin their wer to insure the successful oper- aaa of the Local Option Law in our township. finite organization will be undertaken at once.— Atwood Bee. The Canadian Methodist Girescl missionary board have resolved to shorten the period of service Cakes ir unmarried missionaries in China and Japan by two years, These pute Sieee daa. have been sery- ing the as-was required of Jacob before’ he got Rechel. ure, they will be permitted to return home on furlough and to marry after g five years. Few missionaries follo whe example of the late Dr.!si George Mackay, the most successful Holey EHRESOUBIY. in recent years. He marr ‘inese lady, a pow erfal aid to him in his w “The extraordinary prosperity en- growing conviction that the penis will witness immense progress in the im: Secale: Pieated the attention of capitalists to as a fleld for in- mately the astute Yankee was early in the field; but, of late, business men in the ol have been waking ap to money in the Dominion, with the sult that many might otherwise have been enterprises’ which financed it| know he wil. Government |" mediate future have | awder vlaibing. that he had prabably: seated away that much on his coat sleeve during their acquaintance, T tor of a western paper has printed the following list of rates for “puffs”. For telling the public that aman is a successful citizen, everybody knows he is lazy as a government mule, $2.80; refering to a deceased citizen as one who is mourn- ed by the entire Meee ae when we ly be missed by a poker circle, $1 a phe ths to some one coming, $8; calling an ordinary Bape: 4 a an eminent divine, 60 cents; sendin sinner to heayen, taro oGceeanene License report for the past year just issued ‘rom. My aenpe department shows that the: 2,8 ion in th duction of 76 from and a reduction of 125 from the year before. The total government col- lections from the License holders last were $637,762 $248,4) the previous year the County of Perth, against 67 for the previous year, report shows a steadily decreasing number of. lic- enses, year by year, butstrange to say here is no decrease, but rather an in- crease in the committals for drunk- eness. vd Township Clerk, T.G. Ratcliffe, was in Stratford last Friday attend- ing at the youre house for examin- nold suit of 1903, but for some reason was lai: aside, and is now bein; conclusion. his is in addition to the wit for damages instituted by Baillie against the township, the collector and constable Gilchrist for wrongful ae xcessive seizure, Baillie claim- ing that he offered to pay his taxes, tess the amount placed against his m for engineer’s inspection of a foata which Baillie claimed was not Baillie says that he would willingly haye paid for the inspection. ‘The amount for engin- C.R.Honderich & Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Clearing Sale of Carpet Ends Before our Spring sam- ples of Carpets arrive, we must clean out the balance of last fall ends. We have in all about 25 ends in 1% yard lengths, comprising of Brussels, Velvets, Wil- ort give a discount of 25 per ane off market price. CALL EARLY FOR SELECTION Iron Beds A new line of 1906 de- signs in Iron Beds have lately arrived. Our as- sortment is now com- plete and at prices to fit every purse. Ranging from $3.75 to $35. = See our alas before buying. % Goods Delivered Free Each Day up to 4 o'clock C.R.Honderich & Son Furniture Dealers and —— eer's inspection was $6.34.—Atwood Bee, | rom America are now obt«ining the backing they want at home:"— London (Eng.) Financial News. | Harrison, Fred Da- The whiskey informer, who tried to blackmail Mr. review- od the case an he prisoner the seriousness of the crime, he stated the latter only a few months old, he would feel dispord to give him si ing to the circumstances and with a hope that he would lea moremanly and honorablelife. Henke on, ee jail for one month with hard labs The prisoner broke down and Sone bitter- yl and appealed forleniency and prom- amore manly life in the future. The annual report of the Ontario Sh # 8 FS & & 4 <3 ra & $7.49 per head ofthe population. levy_for bent yu 89.57 per hea sistent with se strike our citizens very acutely, but when things settle down the size of | = another thirty days, 25 cents each. the bill that peopleare called upo pay will be anore“elonely~ séutiniseds Another winter has passedinto the not discurd the aoe. The te n favorable, the theremometer only. resistering below zero on few occasions and quite fre- quently the weather became oe mild that summer Bis! was all that was needed. It ee itspossttip to} find fault with wi e have received | ibe ai psaple akan et gratefal to-| wards the weather-1 dare.—Mitchell Advocate, ee Crockery will cleared out at 25 per cent. off. of Full Setts, Odd Cups and Saucers, Plates, Pitchers, he es, Cheese Dishes, Glassware, Lamps, Ete, A big cut in Men’s Top Shirts, Undershirts, Smocks, Girls Pie Neckties, Gloves, Ete. 3 SALT ON HAND IN BARRELS OR SACKS TERMS OF SALE - - ~ CASH OR TRADE BAG cur rate SA LE Owing to the depressed condition of trade in the aeoth of February, we have*decided to continue our clearing sale for We Have Sortep up att Lines and have a full stock in every department. “ In our Dry Goods Department, we have some snaps. We will run off 60 pair of Corsets, marked at $1, We have thrown on our counterour Dress Goods, Cloth Caps, Woollens and Flannelettes, which will be dispos- ed ai a low rate On the dollar as we are in Neep or THE Mon- Ey to meet our payments. We have left in stock 2 Ladies’ Fur Coats, 1 Cape and 8 Caperines, which will be cleared out away below cost. Seven doz, Christie Stiff Hats, reg. $2.50and $3 line for They must be cleared out. for -75¢. Tweeds, It consists Thanking you for your liberal patronage in the past and hoping for a continuance of the same in the future, I remain, rT. HOUTCHISON ZOEGER'S OLD STAND, - - - NEWTON pvr 2 hd

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