Milverton Sun, 8 Mar 1906, p. 5

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Kingeap—h a sorangte Feb, 25th, = wife of of a daughter. on, Sa Maurer—At Gumedsa on Sunday, Mar. Byam let 0 nls Friday to spend} 4th, Rev. M. pees Evangelical a G5 rs Hen: minister, aged 73 | Mr. Alex and! iss Addie Harron gemma eee «| yg Sea in Berlin, Hi The Arch-Friend Of The Age. a4 yn attended the funeral of ad hesetraraie Crawford at Gorrie a1 Fae war, more aaa iy ere bales weel innouncement at the People’s Store EW Stock, New Cloths, New Styles, New Colors, New Season. Every season brings with it something new. We are able, with our new Messrs Ge eo, Gibson, Wim McFadden] ahiy kills more than famine and war k Geo, Butler attended the fair in| Combined. ‘The doctors now suocess- area ilies ay. folly Bght eatarrh with a remedy r. n and Miss Lottie Lang, of | that never fails—“Catarrhozone,” it's F ican a, Sent ‘a few days last week with | death to every type of catarrb. friends in this vicinity. destroys every rootand branch of the Miss Auna Kells returned to Listowel] Geed never be feared, If troubled Saturday, after spending a couple of | with colds, nasal or throat eatarrh, or be ee subject to bronehitis or asthma ss ‘Mrs Geo. ‘Gitaon ave a|Catarrhozone and you'll be enred for stock, to show you the latest and best in everything. A e Tee Ba Gillon, ee eee There is not an old piece of Dress Goods left here. We can (| previous to their departure for Manitoba. OROSSHILL. truthfully say that this store has the finest, newest and f best selected stock ever shown in this town—such was the expressions of scores of ladies in our store last Saturday, and the ladies of Milverton and vicieity are competent judges. ‘The literary and debating society held] Mr. Perkins moved into the house KI, Hardware | NEWTON their regular meeting and concert on | yacated by Mr. Anticl na F] Mereheny, Feb. 27th, -Mr, Moffat ably filled the| Mr, Jas, Vance, . ew Hamburg, chair for the evening. The programme | was tite reat ‘of Mr, Jno, Webster, consisted of dialogues, speeches, reei-] Mr.and Mrs, Alex Eampel, of Wing- abine teeel aude netcurueijal male (Gan, are isting, oes ‘ound here. and lasc but not dr. of Manito ba, “that single life Secret to married | called on ake ie the ‘village on Mon life.” “Mr. N. Mea iss W Dress Goods Department | da Der upheld ho afirunative, while Meet Aiea Manser of Linwood, was the Mrs. W. McFadden| guest of Mrs. Jno, H, Campbell on Tooled after the interests of the negative. | Sunday. Many strong points were brought out on| Mr, Jas. Anticknap moved his family both sid ing i i and Household effects to iad cate t week, where he has purchased a f This department embraces the most staple and up-to-date lines, both Plain and Fancy Weaves, as well as the latest styles and newest colorings for the spring and summer of 1906. Forcasts from the great dress centres indicate that plain goods will probably hold supremacy for spring and summer 1906. Figured Lustres, Tweeds and Homespun Suitings in greys, blues, greens, browns and wines will be greatly worn. You will have to see our assortment in order to appreciate. 5 the judges deliberation they ga favor of the afirmative. ‘The judges B) vere, Mrs. G. Gibson, Mise B Strong} Horses For Sale ! Jand Mr. J. Bri - zone heavy horses and three. Nght. b orses. : _— NOME foSsosepu We Rteclyy 33 oes ae ELLICE : Tima, loess, Milverton, BO. The council met a pe € Haraits hotel, El- lice, on the 26th The members FOR SALE t ir. Tl i vis ‘Simproved Farms and wild land in Central etl ae ioe i es dered. Kinerea.’ ‘For pamphlet and fall particulars, |to be signed, Petition of Chas. Quipp, ‘ J. W. McKINLEY, Christian Brunk, and other ratepayers 1-20-38 Linwood, Ont. of the township of Ellice, praying the wee council to take the necessary steps to Dog Estray. The Choicest, Freshest and most Elegant Styles Here Did You See Our New Prints ? THEY ARE A WONDER township of Ellice and North Easthope| strayed onto the premines of the under, e was oy Mate council granted the re- eletied sont tre waaeeks pas he ete haired $ : || quest of the petitioners and appointed | D!tck collic pu dedi aes y 2 . Theodore Parker, as arbitrator, in| }ayiox for this wees eee a appiing s 4 wee ee and better assortment of patterns you cannot } the matter in reference, ‘ommunication to CONRAD LIPPERT | i in the largest city stores. Ask your neighbors they will avi i Ps peop is esa Da yisonese Poteet at os tell you all about our Prints. They are the talk of the town: 4 by-law dengnating certain roads to be| House and Lot for Sale. : Hundreds of Patt ‘The undersigned desires to sell his house Wall Paper Hanae siecle e erns EY heated that this panne do approve of hy: Meteo: AOD aR tie eoiaie OC Wer hy ated | ee Oe eae eS Tailor also of the plan as far as tie oe are head frees. rec ear, ie ie a : Tailors §| designated in the township of Ellice and | {t cannot be sold, it will be ss 4 eee . oe : <2. ae woul Reaule alee npoa Feat : AbRanaM? 7 Ilin stock—very pretty designs, and prices {low enough maa Bee teers wuneil to pass said by-la Wa be r enable you to paper your whole house from tcp to bottom mem ene | tine, om and i ji ‘i ‘ A - ‘Thompton, solicitor for the applicants FOR SALE ! iberal terms, right prices and patterns just to suit. Rise |The ntarioPacificrailway Co. and | - i “Ie " le Bi Li ite ny , . li aa, oh pi butie uA aes eg Brand ty aiken Mammal iF clover Comparision is the only true test of value. We court it “4 3 ‘orn, = m8, H, Kent, seey. of| Pocacocs and our kere pate t Bes on every line we sell. the Ontario Municipal Association re the D. ROSS, Newton, Ont. ‘ : respecting. the, hoary. Soe Farm For Sate. Here are a few Specials and ways imposed by pie n 606 of the| ‘The south halfet Jot 30 and south half of Municipal Act w: pieete e council | 10f 34s 0 deres more oF, Tee pee et Pri ces f ‘oO thi k “CRE ICI cERY authe a Foove: aad ol sign | Stenened gost00, brick veneered house with r Is wee eres the seid petitionand to forward the same Hitten and ws adsted Yiand aliseared’and gore to the member the North | well drain ze 5 i i i ae ; i THIS WEEK Rid the oscee a Pari eri the (Tee connoe,, eee $e 000 92.000 toe Corset and Waist Embroidery with beading insertion and at D, WEIR. H ij i 7: 2 = just recently received a large shipmentot wits $5 ine vase ed eet Neeappare tee tal = wide insertion to match, special per yd. 25, 65 and 7 5c. it ee and we arein sane to sell fet ae a ‘when it comes up for consideration. By- FARM FOR SALE: m: e 3 ‘ : jayne; 405, of he townaltp of lion, pe ee aaa Ss All-over Embroidery in all the new designs at special per y-law to provide for the assessment o! acre farm situated partly in the ¥ certain lands and roads in the, township corporation of tiverton, ago pom yard 50 cents, me of certain damages and costs reco i saaee ses 5 apainat the said | township of Ellive in re- Ba he ot oe atarge frame nomee, driving: i Our stock of Embroideries and Insertions is now complete ‘spect of the maintenance of the Mait-| 200d bush, reprace hedges. ‘Apply to. in all the new designs, all widths, with insertion to match at land and other drains and for borrowing OBERT GOODALE. per yd from 2 to 75c. on credit us = said municipality of the ives 2 S township of Ellice the snm of $1249.20 to Pr ict Satta FARMS FOR SALE ! We have the “Dontear” Self Adjusting Waist Holder iy adopted on the ‘eather wal ‘uous pares of land Known ae (ast). and Skirt Supporter with rubber and dainty clasp; the only ie auditors presented their report on yor Teon. iS Mornis cane pe ee kind that will not tear your waist or skirt at 30c. ae A full range of colors in Silkine, Shetland Floss and Sax- = onys just arrived, A very special in Women’s Cashmere Hose, spliced heel, full fashioned, all sizes in plain aud ribbed, regular go for 25c, big fax barn $0700, timber ? and oa ee a Too, Ror further Bele to 50 for 35 cents. > Ont Robertson and fo" lin, barristers, ae EXTRA SPECIALS oS tit School 3 ‘ ; e Parker vs Zs ra lie dip Sree Ay pure Irish Linen Huckabock Towell, size 36x20, wh i reas side road 2% THES a sro toe wor ap se ee eae Syn ae Seats North-West fringe and colored border, reg 30c each, special 4oc a pair. eto of vite ete sey, 80; do for ork, aetz, for Hoswmcatumek | Regulations » TAILOR A pure Irish Table Linen, half bleached, 56 inches wide Fleur de Leis design reg. 35c per yd, special 20c. ir repai ri eestons, | ANY even numbered section of Dominion 9, lots 4 : is in Manitoba Hei North-' Ate 5, $2; homas Armstrong. for hauling Proviaces excepting Bis acy peraoee ents 500 yards of Linen Crash Towelling 18 inches wide, col- gravel on side road, 26 & 26, con. 10, $3;| the sole head of a family, or oanle: gees < ; janro Schneider,4 cost for gravelling ou | 35 years of age, to the extent Sy, one-quarter ored border, regular 8 and 40 cents, special 5c a yard. i ae Si {" less. ‘shij Spring Suitings has inst arriv rat and Batry may be mai dc personally at the local ee ey James J. Brown, for to pay members pd Fras istrict ia which the land Eau aicoes ‘and most up- to-date line of Suitings tha total Baged/ot sali or ous amet: [te eta’ ceric Pee son cercaten Oetiven, te es E ii The Municipal World, for | ™23,,0% appli plication to. the “Minister of the Reg if Bring us your produce, the highest prices paid, Interior, the Commissioner of Im- . F. J. Ure, civil” engin- + costae ‘we wel ink, for survey eh Hae ee A TON OF DUTCH SET ONIONS WANTED gation at Louis Stroth an | ¢,2 "Namen Gon cccced! therewith under for which we will pay the highest cash price. Also Lard ; Fred Parker, M. D.,- 10; ‘one of the following tans: el iri {| G) At least six months’ residence upon {cultivation of the land in each year for (best quality) and all the dried apples you have got. C. A. Finkbeiner MILVERTON of mo’ Ifthe settler has his permanent resi- aro farming land owned by him in th homestead, the requi sean KS rar be satisfied oF ssidence upon the said-la: Six months’ notice in writing should be iven to. the Commissioner of Dominion to appoint mene and other town: ern St Ottawa of intention to apply for e ip official Ww. W. Justus Krevrer, Clerk Depaty ofthe stinicter of the qatertor: sssessescocsceessvee 4S BASS EE ‘The People’s Store’ 8868 sessvosce:soesveseeee0%

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