AN EXPERIMENTAL pops THE “DESERTING MANIA” |GAPE HORN T0 CAPE TOWN), CLIFTON SPRINGS SANITARIUM WICKED USE OF SATIRE :: ; |PEDLAR'S STEEL Designs ete for all pes of jane eet as erate Sra Stores, ie wide end of each et into this so. CLIFTON STRINGS, N. Y. FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE/MICROBE LADEN ‘PHONES: oS aaa eee If Given a Trial ALL RAIL ROUTE FROM NEW YORK ES etc. No- equal alors Stoel Ceilings for { ro houses. alch is quires a little aes inn preparing i 4 special fo as lath and sue ‘and will never crack or face ae basis “No eget His Wife Thirty- NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRELANDS | /HE OLD STYLE RECEIVER MAY BB. Sl Es LIS! . Virtue and Worth Are Maimed By |‘. foo mow aedly _ Ridicule. Whoseoever shall say to his brother;ed. But Cer A at nae ‘are without “Raca” shall be in danger of the coun-| number, fami Happenings in the Emerald Isle of A New Swedish Instrument Puts the Re~ This distinction belongs to Mr. Thomas ie Ceylon Natural GREEN Tea will prove its Luni Ireland: es exaton for aan is able in teaching the science of mining. Parents bey years ago would have dil; and whosoever shall say “Thon fool" | - Socieh Saas oe sje tural outho iel shall be in danger of hell fire,—Matt. v-| victims “Or this order ‘continually, and 3 i 0 idicule is an edged tool, satire a that eat Sanbrpanity to man makes | p, deadly weapon, rate scorn may beconie| countless J sands mourn.” Even one ins! . | such vieum nahould hagepes admon- el hoot ro h is to prevalent vice — ight! rect, ve, but|the wicked use of satire, We shou Sey NO core Te ay toy: void it because it is cowardly and aru vast press, the ae tea feclivies cf| and because it is so dangerous—so very ever-increasin, soasiig dangerous. It is soo! art for the conveyan ce | helpless and paar anes pee: sat | display f ideas, together with the| lion or pecularities they- cannot help, And display of ideas, togelher wiiitiong|nd-which should make them ratiier agi- | 0 22 g ee) Es g ae aE ise " ‘ f satire to help entitles thm. to place, consideration, fel- epormounly. he power of salt 10 HED) vatio’ and! the helpful word and hand. conscientiously, diseretly and mercifully. | Let us follow the ou , it is a cowardly, pernicious Eres ann Ue uv eapon, Virhue ‘and worth pity. be:masnca or|, Let Us lesa | Lear Menu ae slain as'easily as viee and pee ind more earnestly to pursue the “golden misfor ‘Adversity. ai ry . aed at! top often the pitiable vilims ‘of the [ue oe ce eae (oes Lea Ea: ee pony cruel tacks of the satirist mat ourselves in his place will serve to uid in_the-way fk What worse calamity could be broug! nt] © ‘our fellow bein; g in all situation eae emia caegiiy ale hah-spined Bako Cage vaste eeribie lene are + . Jesus mocked as a crazy king by brutal ABSURD OR CONTEMPTIBLE ~or outcast or that they are mentally dis-} © ‘crdered, materially Bed Ge spiritually 1? Day day we see the r 91 this idie, mischevious fun or vicious eatire it 1S terror, humilfa- qe disgrace, loss, grief, insanity, sui- k SA “sensational bbe uataunced. story in pers the newspay e Brovenstonat of young he : ‘an of our wars —a man of loftiest aliainments and faultless life, le, mischevious sie hero they ha Bye host TE cept gees as sup ad ever: Tobe Gvonieand yb Seneeant oe he no Whia was ison tg defend thern and an the the rounds of the decks at night serve {8 ‘ith His Me, to drive him insane. Persistent ridicule} Let that stek ae scene of cruel mock- is - on ae part of his pernicious comrades} !ng stand before the shamed eyes of all camp worked the mental wreck of 2 |men as God’s rebuke to human ridicule. fine utile pugler- -whom.I knew and lov- é C. Q. WRIGHT, NEW YORK’S PET AMBITION. is prosperous he has no use “bE DES + ae hist tends if he isn’t they have no . TESTED RECIPES. i Ginger Bread.- gar Creamed with piece of butter sates eu egg. a last of all. Be Well and bake in shallow pans. -Mix-in- frodients oo wrilien, Brown Meal Biscuits—One pound of s = wheaten meal, one teaspoonful of bak- ing-powder, a teaspoonful of brown into a. stiff paste with a little milk. Bel ee very thin, and bake in rather a ven, Creda Chicken Salad.—This is made of el very finely chopped, mixed Pe oan ae j dual plates; with, “ jeituas Wacunnes ie mould, “and a spoonful of mayonnaise Stet, Matton with Celery. Pace a of celery cut in pieces ‘an inch thick. Let: ail slew togettien gently until, ten: der, slighlly. thicken the grévy, season with pepper and salt. | Place the meat a hot dish, pour the gravy round, ranish with geppet parsley, and Co coanut Snow.—Soak half a pint :f gelatine in a little cold water for an water ond stir until the. gelatine is It nourishes and builds stiffly beaten whites ~ef three eggs. up the body when ordi- Rinse some small moulds in cold water, nary foods absolutely fill them with the “cocoanut snow,” and fail. Jeave them in a cold place to get firm. Serve with whipped cream, or plain. ‘We will send you a sample frees Kensington Cullets,—Take two ounces Be sure that this stock and spread on a aise saan te and $I; si ated ee onit a narrow mound of pota- about the width of the cutlets, press superiority over all Japan Teas. Lead Packets only — 40c, S@c and 6%c per Me. HIGHEST AWARD ST. LOUIS, 1904, ‘The al or ‘tom can “ New York uilt, And wi thin a as, are , it all human way horses at an average price of £18 FEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO. th “Annual Meeting of the Sharcholders was held at tthe Head Oftice of the Company, at Hamilton, March 6th, . H. Davis, Acting Secretary, when the all eeae Made to fit be size ae and can nae. on at any mechanic. Ship- apply. BODD'S KIDNEY PILLS DOING GOOD WORK AROUND PORT ARTHUR. talogue, ae tie, tes many pi Write for it. It costs rite TE FPHDLAR PEOPLE, rT. LONDON, CHT, WINNIPEG, | VANOOUVER, 8.9, kicking off er boots and throwing his eRiiney ‘Troubles and the Great Gana-| | MOMTREAL QUE. OTTAWA OWT Toe vorie 8 dian Kidney eat Cured ‘Them. hom Christ | °° = |eant inc! ees "ion. with a Ree Wepiies bi "he “me n, the spiens and as ‘money 10 1 Your Directors ee Rat Ago ee ee the Report and Secon ie them 50 nice any: voiher Way: au oe sh icy alsa of rd ad women. ake has Small Boy (who has forgolten what to 532, ‘ee hundred and twenty-eight eeaetione for” $3,329,537.08 Dr. “James B. Arm ‘mstrong, a Ne psk for cl se, d as the direct Lone st ae ia ou Il find the ri in the eo and I ith Be Es As in previous years, the income of the Coma shows & oy ae oe, ets, pal ve : Reset, ‘and. great Nescilalite atand reed: mn. : ae the 16th i found dead ye his house is oung rabbit-can always. be known, tonsa eine are very, sharp and the jaw Royal Household Flour, neai At a gpecial meeilog of the Senale of eee Pills, and have found them a big| tel i hi h “ Bie started ane, ne between the | « oo presiding, a ‘heldaac was than similar instruments’ in use inthis wns?” “Bro of 8156, 888.00, of whieh $8,911 was ro sured in wil question while she was Ser to put ier vay.” eather invention is a fie! 1d talgpone, mil penis, with Veumnulttee: the total payment to fe 38 a ey attention has been given to mortgage peat and loans on the “ I can ee mining that his aap . Catarrhal Headaches.—That an wrel- while. When oileloth is dull and shows signs f as. ny gt ae: ea raha line is eatiated ce sb. nave told vot the same thing myself ten me, "est. _ lls a mistake to marry 190; Sug) but es ave "een confined to @ reasonable limit, consistent with due F 's_you i gulkest ‘and. surest trealment to prev vent ane year Lace a most eee progress. submit he suburban railroads, Se terminals, Vitality. “tuy Ie ie pe at ak parte Sees ae coached ee a skilled assist- ice and mo ath fers grounds, fo ice and oan eady the railway south from New nin ten ralnules, and eure. 80 gents 1 about nine inches eats yt Nites in oe i 'y batter Perhaps truth is stranger than fiction =| saa we don’t get so well acquainted a Le oraneeonipen ate intelligent end loyal po presentation of Cor posed, lawyer whom the writer neuen on the h progresed noross Bolivia and a large calle dried, "which the nurse @ may-forget 1 0 do. Se, RHEUMATISM “AND PARALYSIS. | ¢ and who every now and again leave their hs gt Inst veary onl anal the outlook for the future ard lows ‘the lots ‘est of the ‘Andes Hoan Where Fortunes Grow. for @ local road ‘con Bh Waa iuneértned a been lying there for © great mimber at (Une ey appai enlly ‘the man is devoted to his wife—| {ic when he is with her. Bat he is possessed |i viaré Lough was recently. the scene | be. used ste oa ther “ot tepid * ater aes no aa (to Porno way |R H an MATI ae M =: form and cold persplring feet positively a witht 0 ca “nomly wpacontod which ache leniets on hor sebsck. my. 1 adaptation of this televhone hag. cians ot water sie ences rowan the Ht # ite, and all eruption of the sin naging ett in moving the adop- aaa =3 * stent Stor in i cot itching Blend The rail thou ‘the Behng Stent tunnel, Scot “of repre glue to a ua ot hospital va Chinaford England, “shoud “So little Flutterby ciara the stron, : Western eave Land Go) = of i building fe which conatiinle- the. teolation “ Pe eg : ct tie months iter the ola ton, itt of Policy eaves, Dearne sprinkle freely with coffee, allowing t two attlacke ie and for a second time he ‘aisappear: rofits paid to poles: Boe alec Shoe an increase a 16 per bats and Is Necessary to Health, Strength : Happiness tor a’month, and wien bo did. show up over Vand ‘route will be a ‘real “speciact- ae did McSosh appear at the fanty |p on erroneously and frequently rng wp in the search for a-different subscriber. ball. “He went in the character of a sh it- t mal id. wheat and ranch “land S, ‘wholesale and retail, a ide vith te thst a satution of moderate strength a tn , ‘ ‘ previous thereto are secured by reserves on 334 per c he the te dacs, and Dackaches; and side- he “van, os Why, he didn’t know be oad preps ing with this por ven at cine and wi rs have been maintained in des far as it wi The Instinct of the Mother is a Marvel- 1s t ing that can ‘telp you is Dr. A lems) mal aan nerente of the seal is something {| wale or pall for any information de- red. levi greater privileges and coavanleges granted to the palace -holder under contract. ,| Explains — e Kore up Mental and ysi wild hefe remark in explanation of the last item Ahat these aes) nefls are increased privileges of travel, BEERS Bead r- bed ‘revilion gan qvainaie of Bisel ti aes The three eat railway lines thet are ~ ttle 's Wvesteninste r and the = ondos a " re 1 ies in hh bering sot boo. ig 10, 000 inhabitants, m zi peti oe an active hs after severe the paid-up and additional guarantee cap- ital toh scouniy to policy: holders wien such is abs at the aime fine ike earala [UNION fat | oicaso ee of the hea rt, x hea a bs ae ‘The rt he a “tae bri goes bid but in return foe “heir cash Pete tmnede than the average rate of ae sare! = ~ endeavored to ihe best of their ability to Ha — + WHAT ae TITLES COST. « find that ihe GrepeNuts diet ea: bs! sibs beard while the latter was in i Turkdsh 8 g< “On oe aay. 1 remember 5, there are two special trains, one for the 7 5 ee aR 85 Be8 se man ability, pa (a of a belter life and a. better vi the & ‘ams Pink | Pills ie, ae Peerle, pe _ a Se cine 38 sat tie pills wil = raed at wih ‘a gang of thieves in a witb ts count 2% payne of 36,000 is steceeanry.