sn “It Shines For All.” + Vol. XV—No. 10 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1906 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher Interest Paid Quarterly means more than interest paid only half yearly or yearly, you as a business man will see the advantage by your account large or small. Deposits of $1.00 up- wards received. 3 = a 4 Interest Paid 4 Times a Year Sovereign Bank of Canada E£. W. HORNE, Manager, Milverton SEES E EEE EE ¥ LocAL NEWS = reer ee ety Potatoes in stock at the Milverton rentice see Apply at once.—Schaefer & W! r and Whalley wi ‘hel their millinery openings on Apr: and 7th. W. Burke, of Cleveland, Ohio, is visiting at the home of Mr. m Burgma Mrs. M it. ‘Grimm and sons, Homer and Corks are at present visiting friends in Berlin. iss May Daily, of Trowbridge, is at present eee her cousin, Miss Hannah Westm See Sovereign Bank's great sale of horses, The Merchants Bank of Canada STRATFORD BRANCH : A, M, Campbell Manager $6,000,000 $3,473,197 CAPITAL Paip UP RESERVE Sir H. Montagur ALLAN, '. HEBDEN, President. General Manager. Interest at most favorable rates allowed on Savings Bank Ac- counts. Special attention given to the business of FARMERS AND DROvV- ERs to Whom money is lent at lowest rates on promissory notes. Dentistry HAM— DR. R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Licentiate pues of Dental Surgery Royal College of Dental Surgeons BUSINESS COLLEGE Honor graduate of Torouts Is a High-grade Commercial School. @| Regulation of teeth, Crown ai THREE COURSES “Commercial Bice ave fib peicset Somers arenes gi Stenography, Telegra sei ice store. Mil WRITE—GEO, SPOTTON. PRINCIPAL Medieat . PARKER, M. D. U. M., Honor Graduate and Gold Medallist Trinity Medi- eal College, also Gold and Silver Medallist, moserville and Rostock. THE - BUTCHER ar . PANTON, Barristor, Solicitor, Ete. ofce ice every Thursday, Win, Burton's Block, Milvertor Has just stocked his larder ad shelves with veces in the meat and canned pro- ston on For the best values in the County i: wall Papers, £0 to Schaefer & Whaley. He has now on hand, Sum- Martha Kinkead, of Listowel mer Sausage, Smoked Meats high School, acu Sunday with Miss I =] Trinity University, Toronto. Successor to | §! Dr. Egbert. Office in Post Office block.| Mr. Sai ‘Telephone connection with Poole, Brunner, dec! ‘wagons, erences Mr. Beowhing left on Monday for Toronto, where he will avers a few days on business and pleasure. Mr. Wm Me irpeets ri Mount Forest. is at present spending a sooule of weeks with hii pasa Mrs. J.J. K ring along y horse signers: and have them aeieoall up as good as new.—W. F. Finkbeiner’s Hard-| fore, (Re Miller, of Mevsiatony a18 ap few days with their father Mr, Henry Miller. Buy your dairy utensils from us, Pails, creamery cans, milk cans, ete. Our own make. Prices right.—W. F. T e is again drawing near when Fred Zimmerman and George Pauli will cause a fall in the waters of the creek by the size of the fish they The snow which fell last week the incessant rain on Monday night and Maer, brated ‘‘Tdcal Fence” endorsed by the Railroad Companies as being the fence made N iteel wire.—W. F. Finkbeiner. muel Boyle on Monday last ue rn of cattle paying out nearly $6,000 to the farmers of the surrounding dis- trict. It was stated on eunlby last on the authority of the. session that th waa nae of Burns church, Milverton, during its existence of all ante Pickled Pigs Sada Naismit ‘eet, Corned Beef, Tripe 8. Jno Kelterborn, who has been pickled and raw, Jellied socal ill during the past week is Tongue, etc. -apidly reco vering. Mr rs. Wm Attig, of Newton, is con- ae has also put ina full fined to her bed with a severe attack me of Canned Meats and Canned Vegetables, Pickles folder, of B Oeste kia Bonen McLat: are host, Joe Wing’ ‘elder, o: 08- en’s Imperial Cheese, ete. VEAL on Feday and Satur- wishes Joe a ile rect Mies Clits Grobbccok Mr ealee’ te spending a couple of days. this week ey oe with her aunt, Mrs. Wm Zimmerman. CALL : AND : INSPECT We are now prepared to quote the THE : STOCK. lowest prices on nails, fence wire, i baflding hardware—W. F. Hi Reg os Ae oe bey R. MILLER fac Eerie "Or Seretlords |e ve Poles at the home of Mr. Wm Listas friends of “Mra. Welling- ton Smith will be pleased to know son the sick list.” Everyone 7) istry of! ee is citer : an record or a bad ne. Just arrivéd, another large ship-| ° easy sellers, we had to more. ‘all and ae. agi whether you want to buy o: trouble show goods. alten ee The Tailor. as having been appointéd a justice of the peace. Mr. Pughisalso a member | of the ks town council 5 ace ing an active oe in the dis- cussion of all affairs appertaining to western town. Mr. Andrew MeMeans, of Brantford, oP be appointed vegetable expert at| © . A. C., Guelph. His duty will ais taking cates of the opstatis gardens, supplying vegetables for the Macdonald Hall and College, conclud- in, ing experiments in vegetable grow. for the market gardens of the Pro- vince and experimenting in forcing vegetable sot under lass ie winter. Mr. McMeans is promi Growers. Association. The quiet village of Milverton was treated to a mild sensation on Satur- day last in the way: ofan elopement, en a young girl of sixteen drove ist Stratford with ater Bone, a ae r little Frenchm: ployed as a laster in coe shoe tatiory: ‘The irate father 2 the girl eceived information of what was transpiring and immediately notified the Stratford ‘The girl’s father was notified of capture and immediately went out and brought her home. The sequel to the elop2ment took place in Milverton on Monday morning. when the ardent lover returned to the village for his belongings. The girl’s father met him im such a walloping as will serve for some days to remind ‘him that the course of true love does not ron x4 Bitola ode IS ding ye that she bas gait = from an % meres of appendiciti a Enl rged * . John Biddle, Sr@line, is able he . wa tot avandia after Nard con- ined to her bed for same time from a & Portraits... | Micsnous mis ey &) M rew Pauli, while assisting | y ee Z Pa, couneillns Bear Hale ot llice, in What nicer Seeorsbion for taking out timber from the bush, had your parlor than an enlarged ™° 1), very narrow escape on Saturday ee well framed pertrait of father >| from being killed. A large piece of fy OF Mother * ber, which was being hi vale | : ively pair of horses suddenly became et yo8 bar not got one, | upended and swung around striking & BY nee get MY ge | Andrew on the side of th in- prices. All kinds of enlarged i A aiok ‘4 < work in crayon, India ink or © srgeansatiention sessing; Liked pais ¥ | Mr. Wm, Burton, one of the oldest © = residents of Milverton, departed this a Satisfaction Guaranteed! life at his home on Mill street early on Monday morning, af e Photos *P lextending over a coupl Now is the time to have the. S| Mt, Button was a native of Yorkshire, ow is the time t », | England, and ci to F photo of your family taken. °° |50 years ago, wher 8 ever since ef First-class work and photos "| worked at the ialoring business. ee guaranteed not to fade. Ge ak ben a rieeldant ot Aileen for 6 fs over 40 years and for eae years was * Ath attention given to “|, well known figure on our streets ee chiere *>|In religious matters, Mr. Burton oe si | thought for himself and held opinions |; & H. D. McCRAE that would not be considered orthodox. aac es Clee His remains were interred in the Mil- & < ¥|vetton Presb: St my cemetery on he fo Bo fe fo fe fe fe fe of Wednesday afternoon. moot The Stolen Bible Further Oon- sidered. si fentiment to publish may remarke. With- out any loss of dignity or revocation ii m, in ee other column of Mrs. (Rev.) W. A. Beese and Lydia | Ver in in the person of Alex McCrae deputy of ’ the Free Presbyterian elurch Gf Seot- | health from diabetes and abont two ith the Free Presby-| Weeks ago he w n | business and while there Se a specialist regarding i situation of Newton church, neither have| ordered him to go which he did, but ne elie weaker until death took place on Bie land, in union church in-Canada,: is. not anything iously {rom God or man nthe steps whicl ave taken and th sah which bier’ ne abe. On Th itor, Pax Vobisoum awakes ont of 6 late Mr. afforded a week of indifferent sleigh-| ™ vm. ing, but it has all disappeared under We are selling agents for the cele-| acted a are resented overtures to 0. 9 high carbon |} Free church of Scotland to the Newton ‘o| church, is ashameless falsehood of Pax} children. ‘They ar t, y's, which is-evident from the was associated with his faite in the ose church and whea the said and impending interred in anion will be consolidated. the, members| cemetery"on Tuesday. the home of his parents and fai aioe any overture made to them by the Atty years has not yb given a single C of that overture as a standing monument ment of those nice patterns of spring | and summer suitings, they are such | dent order some] j The name of J. D. Pugh, of Oko- church | existence found the confession o Faith and the principles of 1843. w to the welfare of that progressive| eaneane verutbfaly a that the Bible donated to them is salen city and legis! s Pox ‘Vobisoam 4 fasely de-| lay inthe Pe of his Fell low Palieae to the aoa on Bi inet * identified with the Ontario Voss ecks. elise who met the errant couple as] # they entered the confines of the city. her Reform presby yterian Evangelist, eee ivingston’s continu ae conditionof Mrs James Squires, tinge i feel, pass with an attack pepsicied: is now hopeful for a speedy | expressio 3 di tral hotel, ing rer inthe above| A very pretty weddin, i ‘wise under- | at the Ellice Laheran ‘tulations conveyed | nesday, 4 rem n church, kindly permit me to | BI ake the: ietoleoneg question, aamely, who Vobiscum? TI rep! Be at Fe & 5 & & ‘3 5 19 consti- & uty of should ae ‘he, Canadian’ mind | stone of ‘Okotoks ‘and Miss Myrtle Sher: 801 indicative of corruption in | wood of St Ignace, h and incompatibleness| ‘‘Just a few friends, seule ae And, Mr. Editor, | groom ’s sister and her hus i that constitution "deroge- can I indulge the | bestow upon him, thought phn Diets is any necessity to| The bride’s charming and unaffected le 5 by, general disposition had endeared ‘ood to the ege rad i peatariae: society, and_affectiona’ the Bible to its orginal owner and in | her good qual ee) sttachment-with those y _ | ties of intimate coe party most Editor, I will ask Pax Vobiscum the st is vhom Liss tolen, but lost, if he will nntie this knot | please. Asa leader in church affairs, a articipant in choir w public yiew I will then suggest to him, | sistance of her excellent voice was freely the honor of his name to} Pp: 4 rs 0 them the tight hand oi pin all that. pertains to. trath fortunate Bride Bator, that you will give Fulda ieuesh teas farmer and ranch: fice ts your valuable paper, ire: er of the Northwest, main, sincerely yours in the Lg Soy, versal outburst 3 MUNRO, — | their ‘welfare. ton, who ha‘ al condition for the past two of Bright’s dis- | 2° Mr. Chas. Rae ot the Grand Cen- had pees stables thoroughly disinfected EDITOR OF MILVERTON SUN, Barr, V. 8., an Rn S1x:—In your issue of the 5th | it done weekly toe some time to c ate inst. I noticed a reply to my preyious|This is taken as a ini Pax|to glanders being prevailent Seeaint has) maliciously | mis-| Atwood and Monkton. —— resbyterian Hetieah See equitably |a. m., when Mi nds abont the diaboli-| of Poole, was united in mi disgraceful act of stealing the|Mr. Jaco Bible out of Newton Presbyterian chureb. D: he ;|WM. MAYNARD, Death of A. J. Babb, s more-| It was rit -wuivesa, regret that Editor, kindly ermit me to} the death of M: abb’s sd inform the general public that the) was receive: ae the | Mornington Roitineroe for some time has been ly invented reve-|country mercantile business in this wire thai lex eCrae,| section of c A Millbank’s most r and was held in universal esteem by eile whom as member of the Methodist ‘ton —s Now, Mr, peace peel and took a deep interest in we re presented from the| progress of all church sides his wife, he is survived eee the Mitchell + In The Far North West. (St. Ignace Mich, Enterprise.) news of thi Ee 5 a 2 5 z= 5 ia : 3 Pe wi Livingstone, the sever us from tl 4 is in store for them; improved somewhat and her | crowns that sistinakat: with this public it, and with our own bene- BE pe aaa: General Manager A BANKING BY MA. mail. ‘| 'THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ~~ Paid-up Capital, $10, 000,000. R 1,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000 BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND IN THE UNITED STATES AND ENGLAND A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED c FARMERS’ BANKIN Every sro el iy eee ae for their ete beneiae Sales Notes for collection, ‘L.—Deposits may be made or withdrawn by Out-of-town_accounts receive every attention, Manager, | STRATFORD BRANCH > ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen’ Manager 1G cashed or Ladies meer Exounmyr: he desire of one and all, able: Of visting 1 Prot, Doren- senae urinate Hotel, Milverton, onTuesday, April 10th ee the many beautiful inventions ia Silo of Human Hair Coverings, Wi Bigruge: Bevin. (ets (oud gieapeae new patent structu: CARTHAGE. We are pl leased to. to TepOkie that Mrs. Wn. Johnston, who hed n ill for oe a week Is recove Maud Kerr 42 bss stds visit- jing trends i in ha 2 ce ‘Fort William, who ii steno hie friends here, bad the aiaeeteht) to break a bone in his arm on Sat cae ae iv iss Annie Johnston visited ‘ittends ote Palmerston last} §) 2 _ = BRUNNER Mr. Sam Boyle, 0} of ae eertans ship- ped a carload of fat cattle on Monday parte sparnoass shipping a ogee leand one of hogs on Monday, Hans 2 fer Bros., Fa dey take possession of ite mleyuRGr pril 2nd, having purchased it at hr Schaefer. he directors of the St. Marys Creamery Co. have announced for on Monday afternoon, April 2nd Gy Patrons maid fevers ase respectfully | 47° ited, a HESEON. Miss McGuire, “teacher of the Seper- ate gp ti spent Sunday in patna noblauch made a busi- nee rip to Stratford last Bataieclay Ye is lagen of Glenallen and Miss Luckhart, of Elmira, spent'a day last ee vinttine Mr. Charlie Coote, anit Art oe Isley left Wednesday for Bhit shurch a week ago SLE accom- panied by the Lintrood oe red a few days last week ‘with pinends. me Elora. ve er Dantzer was in Strat- ford on ee attending the new sc Ts obe re Hossle,® of Linwood, spent § Bonday wit dry. Nae Gar Born on March, 16th, the wife cf William Serada, of oo. PEFFERS. gangs number from here attended ¢ funeral on Monday of the late Mr, Bade pe gs Fie Sanderson fers. Martin, Mr. John Sat ‘the | Ntiscos Martin. went to North evening, to at- spent Sunday rat a Mr, A. Mr. Walter wullbank, ee Sanday with friends fractured last week. We hope an mm eA iss Emma Freeman has returned a ‘rom Atwoot 5 ared E | Bitonely, these days, Hitt iy it "hs bronco. Mrs. James Squires has been i past_week. friends learn le with net igratiflovtion that ati is re- covering. ‘Farmera here took advantage of the a Pe eit os get their saw logs to Newton mill varload of i a meeting tobe heed W. Gropp’s hall | mas W. D. Weir's Sale Register. Pa Cuaby, aoe 30th, estate tock and im Jomets of of Willian Dielugeeair in village of Milverton. Gentlemen Who Are Bald. Or hi heald call on Prof, Dorenvoo Milverton, Teeny roth tt see his wonder ful and Yorn on heads. Explan- ion and teat tration free, Priyate apartments at Hotel, Don't fail to’ see his new invention, patented all over the wor! SESE TRALEE Mr. and Mrs, A MeLennan, of Doneya gpent a day last week with oa and A of her lady frie Mr, John O'Grady, accident lately; broken. | We at 07 i oe Daria returned to her hor 2 Bl ymbe, after nding a week with eat Mrs, ere : Aare cs TS, ter wil, wpm couple of days lent Mr, A. MoCloy,- of Stratiord, visited ‘R. McConkey, and Mrs, I, Fanlkner haye moved to their new home at Drayton, of Glenallen, is pend ing a few w the home of M Ww r Peffers, of to brighten our sth after a long| HOFFMAN— eeks fe h lin, * r. Almonte visited last week at Mr. RL Lyitle’s, NEWTON: to learn that Mrs, Wee Mitohel nen is laid up ore: few weeks with a sore khee, Mrs. Wm, ‘Attig is indisposed at present with rheumatism. Miss Lizzie Ruhl unfortunately met + home on Tuesday. Mrs. John Ludwigis visting reiends in es ae our prominent save fo 4 a fel GH these days be- him on oocha ee vie exceedingly — a fe nuinber of ie ES the incessant hui shows itself in the thousands of fest of lumber, which is coming out ir. Wm. J, ee ae the funeral of Mr. A. in Mitchell on fess ien of thi: awoke Mr. kie was a business visitor to. Waterloo for & few days last week. Mr. oe fri Philip King, of Lin- et junday at the home of Mr. Joh mn Tabbert on Sunday last. po essrs ® Mitebell & Hawk shipped a load of hogs this on Wednesday oi eek, . BOR Pueu.—At Llanno Teeh, oe ton, on Sunday. March 25th, the wife of . H. Pugh, ofa pee wr Barxer—At Swan River, Man. tee Sunday, March 18th, the wife oh i Se rae Barker = Aah Miss E. Strong) ofa foffma: ilverto: Se Miss Annie F. Neumeister, of Poole, By Coxon—ALLEX—At the Methodist par- »pMfilverton, on Wednesday, Buea Milverton, on Monday, ih Wm. Burton, in his Slst soe