Milverton Sun, 19 Apr 1906, p. 2

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One of the remarkable sights Act Very Much Like Human Creatures} Great S; Lak Ke of Utah, ereioped of the Country. rs DOMINION PARLIAMENT : en ae FLASHES FROM THE WIRE |! : ‘MURD N * PEOPLE DREAM T0 ORDER | ABYSSINIAN MONKEYS. Sb T MAN'S HARVEST HOME ey . hundred if he wishes. Ano! OCEEDIN ; The Very Latest It Ps Parte pet ; et tata ies wees |e NGS. OF 7URG points “in the report of the 7 aales Regs Piao =e : : : S RONTO IS ING. , 0 e of the OTTAWA HOUSE. E Power ior of the Globe. ; x -SOME OF THE EARLIEST AND MOST | INVENTED “VE ONS” TO DECEIVE pie es patent of hi “out atone, when thi Rees -|which was Tid on the table of the. On: cankbk : NOTORIOUS: CASES. THE POLICE. Very similar repotis’ are made from iB ine Death List Continues to anes fond’ wil be subject “and. a seh erature an, Wodnesisy: 2 : a PEEP aeat vermin a aes oxranios ELECTION bo oe ee en AMERICAN SILVER. ens m of power from Niagara) ‘The city of Vancouver, eelebralia=ts Se + — to the monkey tribes that occupy that roduced § : twentieth anniversary last ; “ag ead a i 4. |continent fro! ia. amen vie MGntarto, election. Sct. re |meriy he did ot get his Patent ‘for ten ies Eikhet Gok ical by. Sie WH palilies of five separate divisions “S| | Chath rittpen easy bene ore ee ‘Man Who Murdered His Own Father, | Dreams Have Formed Part of the Ev )i.3t toy orn “ setfle the vexed ques — Les sive had hen collbotad ‘by Canadien etc e iz cetniees a¥-~ Hamad oer ale : Father-in-Law, His Four Chil- dence in Very Sensational es on reeade bat. peer a itlons ped on ondin~ Bho - NS cate parole: net fort har and winder ; ie é saris of the teachers at the - Se eR € f . eerees jor horse power could} Stratford’ Collegiate Institute have been . : o Men. oe te. to which Protessor Garner has given so ss ; = , mi N les 0 ie orga ‘are pouring into Naples - mber. pies SS eS ees ic eae in depth. | pate teen a on it Xa of the bays “Their ot ee be oblained as soon as, the Be Eee le eet : a8 ae . J [much stidy. “Some points of, interest with water, ag. the evaporation goes on Fete oupand s Aaslens at pins all : fi ts sty aan ee eta te ered with volesnic ein ahs Wace SEEDING IN THE WEST. __ PROPOSED CANAL. Tines could be constructed, and for Geo. Waiker of Port-Hope,-aged. six- © Maidens. in which “the ‘eriminal has few an rail- lore found in an Eglsh ob: FAVS ty they Yea tac teaees the tea ch . Halls. : ba as ins acre ue they are in a piliable conden for, ere; a Mak Lennox d by Mr. Ayles. [000 horse power ‘within five years afler-| teen years, was run over while altempl- : ssought to profit by insuring his victi vay company Ph recover rt Abyss ge s Den a 2 . 7 hens, Dining-Roomis, Nothing has ever ree at i A abn. the Bishop” ot il elurni o ic Spring Suntan Satisfactory tor ROO: SUES Ft aersdh| WALES ing to bo&rd~a moving train oy Satur- : life, as ane Bae, the Cape murderer, terrible injuries whic! alieged he} | have me raicnet that large numbers | peared. alin, er OFS F 3 S * mn ir Farm Houses. Cheap 8s rave interryy tod ieee a y tram 4 cna Naples an and the municipality ras co-op-| he F ‘arm Work. Purchase of a right of way for aj}day, and pat pots legs amputal who ihe discovery. of | had received as the result of an neoident of monkeys frequent these bills, They ~ " eatin, ay plat ruway y oe Gummelerating to provide food and. shelter for f sapee tan ento . transmission ine over the enlire| ‘The shovellers’ wages in the pies “his inst, chim, care recorded: in the crim-|for- which ~the company was liable. |move abot in organized bands, ‘andl : £ “Fers eo citizens to oe ordin- ‘the refugees. s poll K, thus de avay “with the Winnipeg despatch The firs! = Peet estimate he ‘ power district lying ‘between | mines have se en, advanced from $2.50 Be inal annals ait connie Fortunate) Both his legs were cut off below -the | their proceedings” are arranged in the]i:p with ploughs bolon ae : Sareuil is vol nee from the Cans aris Paci agents | ment Tol Sai s sted. to $2.75 per day. y ¥ he existence mo-| kn. In evidence it came out that the} most orderly and tactical manner. They |{o the mills, where the tat pean and bil n ary closed, heres LINED WITH BOD! ed, In that sense i g f seeding oper-jCost of the work, bul i ot nedge of recent sales of large) The Montreal Board of ‘Trade, Tinve : hes its own Sequel In paint had, some days before the J : : ve . ' . iay n : s gra-| w ‘ : a ia the aioe = he pees ee hun aed bodies a 2 ion of the numbered The lations. was receiv \ Tf public interest io publish i it at the ia broek 2 A wer at Niagara determined | collected 90 for the relief of Japan- F the afcest and conviction of the miut- {to ged accident declar tk anally end-csuspusiy rae mie! evel innowing’ are done. E Pedlar’ s - Steel “Ceilings. ed sane es and te i the yoleano, and) measure now: int : ene indies t ng ations, |sent 2 per 24-hour horse power as the basis | ese famine init rs. 3 a ni ae that a bad pa a dream, in |< él in. getti vithit Cure for Headache.—Bilious it tte i : Pre feared the i said, was to: aera question unm: | whi n full blast, to pen POST-QFFIGE> E: calculation for the hat of transmit-| London will have” 95-cent gas afler One of the earliest and most notorious | which he met with just such a similar!) few yard: em when they wel yoni to which women are more sub- i "Made to fit any size room and can by any mechanic, ag wi ne | the ballots, about which, there |be ger x Gun eat Mr. Hyman |*ing power from that poin! July next, and in five years will have of insurance oreo Is, says the meen accident. v OX | crossil the path ahead o! ject than men, becomes so acute in S Shipped from our warehouses painted an ee to “apply. > stories at ‘ne terror ere are faliing under the j}iad been’ mor bysterioal: lened: | Vinnes,. andi Sgn Datos. tna nie ge are i man | Cost prices of power Gelivered to con-| 0-cent gas. Daily Mail, ‘Thomas Grifiths e had told them. | fifty i i ir ,|some subjects tat they are utterly pros- - ‘OUR | CATALOGUE NO. 44 G, Descrinns MANY \DESIGNS. ght bi wesiehe of the SOIR joahor om Dee nee eed. Poi ied Regubeoats Gv) is far advanced. On me tn Tine west) that the total cost of building ‘a =| cumers at four typical points are cal-| During the past month the denths in ES Wainewright. “priond and com panat Sure vn few days e and rated. ch refuses d i ‘WRITE FO} 1 COSTS YOU NOTHING. WRITE TO-DAY. begun any points, ne a * st-offl i in; » cent, allow-| Winnipeg exceeded the births by 25, the = ‘of the artists and litterateur: S| is i 3 z me is aan OS ERS, tog th if ‘ t ley at ch o ao. wah Ths a flowing down the slopes cf|,y nt le being the first district to. re- . . he G n ince. for “future wth with nual gues pas births 233, deaths 258, of Charles Lamb, Wainew vas | leged, ust the circumstances he had ni ‘astal inereasing panic Vesuvius has reached Pompeii. to enabl ati be ma port operations as. general. "i ick: $200 a year z ee .. ile which > r ae ee Proper PES ke Geitarne NO tes OF eene ompell enable a seruliny: n mL opera lone Ragin cn 3 § ae charges of operation, repairs, 7 The G. T. R. has offered young € @ by the-reckles dreamt. an Cay etmarvalion’ has b unduly. secreted there, Par. |THE PEDI _PEOP E 5 k ii 3 4 +5 eres 4 e toy d Ni ne which d. H rst know! F Hy vance s Vi 7 if * estimated So and 4 be no scrutiny. Next session they |try a newhat uniform, taken nd $40 r to the Ban id and interest al 424 per cent.,| Floyes: and yin aoe tacully 0 ee aye pun THE DREAM THAT FAILED. chiefs, sentr advanced an rear] thelec's Veglable Pills are a | ke A : I rent less. ‘he f ec in cin ternative, and in neutralizing the ah col c x » a = rs ex is have | ir " i port i @ es fs 4 5 : : 4 Th rai a t the | guards on the march. The sunlight is Binet pales by the take up the wi a “said | Commerce for the rent ‘ ye s Seas ; Gi rsily. q ath. le himself oe aie com ibe ny declare es Me eeethelr: child Fee ay bl the titrating bile xe ine eee. 3 Orga On, i pari ONT. oT mosphere, an Naa oes they ni Hes Me oe fae apiiredtneet ir opera epeern ooen apeserth aris Toast | er “ne con ree 5.6 bee? ee (rade ath : failed. his uncle, his is pes ee ent penal himself under {lie the Jarger human ‘creatures tn. these / err Oh ee fy eine ine Bbscacste i 4 i . ‘: Ys i est, says umber trad : ed his 4 in-law re of ihe people. “Further dié- new form of ballot oF adopt pt Ae Dorin: Few Provinces a6, Manitoba, and - with its furnishings, "cost {Sumer ALSt. Thera sage three: Sooo anh Aapiasmadeliiaasintet 2 Senate ba fe | scans te talk _and__chalter, _ headache, ‘Try, them. “$5,000 saweano va | Ware Youn Naanssr Orricx, pe a ee 5 Be eae 5° load, 1,500 horse pow Slates- evil ‘ake all our sup lumber. : sured for £18,000. i jury returned | @uarrelsome and co De A SF A cook has been ie ea Eos Soap res . A in the South of India with the followi sien 7 acter," and is suena surprised Abdul has persons were killed be-Jever, and ‘which no. scrutiny ent i 2 ji P ; me sepesea ae ued by. the guards. f ipa , : th Sas . ELECTRIC uci ad 1,000:hor: $35.08,| Ina quarrel in Hull on Saturd None of these crimes was broughi *0 oe e sey an ate pee tween Oitajai Guis gould De ek i, fo tee ne hol ~ i RY Sf ts Napoleon Roy: was stabbed In the back a hiis account, bul the insurance com a ream ad pare Ce eats + =however, doubled guards. Pens i “4 8. ehalt}and sel eriously wounded, and Arthur ies refusing on other grounds fo pay the} © ¢re all rhe: bY is not eng ee Uae tty The stream of lava. which was. flow-| with ballots without numbers. of any |the grain oR Ik, whieh number all pat the. instalation of electle tight | 8 Richard is in jail charged with the stab- gum fue, Walnewright took alarm and * se among . a ven" cook for three. "months tt sae oad, $19. ; Ragan : ’ $ @ “it is feported from. Ollajano, i re del Annunziata was|Kind, though it would not be. possible | w be sai i Buildings [Joad, $22.91. Galt, ful £730 hor: : : in ave ‘4 : te! nd Somma that. us shocks ¢ . ch aarti es ieee re Jenps. 00; the Parliament Bulldig ; three-quarters load, bing. FLED TO FRANCE. ce : oo Set t i ; nitich longer. He leaves on account of | | / e 5 iS In Western C anada & sect cua eee avert : if such were demand-|be included. In addition. to ort | grounds ‘had been done by the Public nree-qua “Engr Waker tart of ue and : freeman. hs Freeng ken |i] mos ya ee ane best : un 1g ria\e "aeenttcnsead he doc sates : 2 aa land turned to the left toward Pompeii. | ed if ave tor rk of sedi i e <e-| Works staff. hore power, $%4.74; half load, 875 horse re he andotely poisoned a friend | j : 1 the risk of plugging. Premier con- | cur owi in. e Toronto, full load, 50.250| Ashleigh Crofton’ Moorhouse of Toro) Wwhos8 life he had insured, bul aga ir m are} : d AN AWFUL PICTURE. is ipa ye on ts ip pope ta pre agape HUDSON BAY CO.-SERVANTS. — |Porse ‘power, $16.53; thre (quarters Toad, {Were upset in-a canoe off Mimieo creak Re AS a pate laa ea ire wo iy tae aa fee ; ut Couldn't Estimate ts Value!—Dr. Ag- eluded ying es Ps Di to her The in Ph high ain Sie heeb tata teh "iain Leg psneon nea 7 car ‘3 i irability, of provid- }majori a i i ft, Oliver |37.687 horse’ power, $16.91; half load,)and drowned on Salva { consummate impudence he now j aye f s i i i for in from a visit ve , an Zi oe) 35:125 horse e saw mills of Ald. James David- e . <j ihe ut ve-ling that the expenses n 5 to A Cal ft 25 horse power, $17.15. ; turned to England and began an action eater sel Iie ate aad wal natine aida _is buried pooths at cielo 8 should ie earned | se of 25 per cent. is report Go. and their aescen: Aching to. Toronto, of $684,000 a| son Ottawa, al Fort Colounge, ‘Pon; re iu ashe f s_inhabi-| hy the Go barat id not be borne by }and in t of mds of {year is calculated including $53,000 on ta eoumts agin ST eae tee ‘j Accused of for} A reali ig tibiae terrible y, jogging Ss pater inter-| i | ee. treat decrease. At_ certain’ cou 4 Tiaias: Earl of Selkirk, in the former |the pumping station, $217,200 on the | PY uek ae - 3 ed, and sentenced 2 dream that she had t ru sily. re ~ NEW ceot itis MEASURE. 4 : ig still Inrger. Wey: district af ‘Assiniboia, were against the|street railway, $144,800 on the Electric UF ie os Aya nee F : tude in the year 185. SE at re that "Mra. Freeman had| On one occasion T saw a sole fam- | Agnew or ‘ ss The following are the principal points | ¢+ mn inslanceesneroH @/Hudson Bay Co. and not against the | Light Company, ion. ae steam GREAT BRITAIN. £ cl. Sahanean in the year died, and she was perfectly ante fly tribe ‘on the road home aller a forag- net p ng is better than other soaps, eo ow educalional. mensuré pone ol x eent.; Macoln, 65 per cent. eoaiey? power displ $169,000 by ta ng ae Spas mn ate ies ae = ine “ugly that the dream would come true. t ne ext ine and ager ranitne 439 in but is best when used i in c iia, by the Minister ot Bale cent., and on the RAILWAY BILLS oo. va r tr a Hep RTE aises : oa fest okies al send Bae eee Sateen erent agen anks by quie ing pl “pee : the Sunlight way. vn ny appointnent of a Superintendent Moose Mountain, 25 per cent.” ‘The Crawford Bay and St. Mary's ‘Anglo-Saxon. amily Ww : _aenustion of wealth as thelr’ motive » Robi an : @ = ees, ig : 5 i . i = piel 5 sean intake site is propos » Pilgrims’ dinner i mong those who died sudden) and r ye. suc eal and returned a dollar that the cashier li ngs pace Naples under ‘marti ‘The| An eae council of seventeen mem —+— Railway Company's bill was adopted j ho ‘inta propose the Vigrins i mM. ly to be ‘regarded 3 i, eye me by mistake today unli; joap contains Na) olilans are in a'state of fre iy ters, resentative of all branches at AN PRES’ by the Railway Committee of the House ve th the | ar ver Lael ir ein: Si a é ee iaisly after being ia the company | kind of se it & sy yy mistake BETH a Ege and revolt “are tr ihe ciation, les leetve and two, the| ~ od ee sehr neha of Commons. jalliher had charge }Comp: _ Niagara, with an alterna- | Shaughn said that he R. woul of Palmer were his own father, his |self fell ih, and oe more Mrs, Robin- disappea ing over “the ledge, and a istake. He tried 4 work that no injurious ch apa : ee : ae f the University of pera Dealing With Neglected and Dependent | °! ‘t Be ae a ver to build |tive site _eig! fles wes e | build 8% 350 mies of new road this at ie father-in-law, his four is!son had a dream. In it the unfortunate | proving the youngsters: as thoy retired: eau jertit off’ on me, on : ae oy fines rd nee in erica Bei ey ‘of Education we cee and Bependent | °! I 11 Siecle, B.C., by.& convenient | Falls. where double the head can be ob-| Leading British piven see In the Goy- wife, brother, and a i ey fran died just as bis wife had. Robia- : — Sunlight Soap is pure ‘ ; 2 wonder ful on atu nom ain a i ver the cable, but bids continued about peng ex-officio. pass feoagie the Rockies to Lethbridge, |tained and only half the water required | ernment’s allude on the atte embar- Iman’ named Cook. ‘The murder of his |son was certain her dream would again it is Known Everywhere, — There is | Ae moun Sar ae vie he mae ent ay oi cine ae net bustel out of tine, and. conse: “Supplementary estimates to contain} One of the oe Decks yeporrs|in Alberta. It was amended to confine |for the same power. measure of protectio Suilure (broughl, Palnier nearer 40 the come rue. nor _hamie f soap, scientifically made, ‘ ew ain. others ae deseribed in | “Wonder ently there was’ litte or nothing do- |a Rit grant to the ural, public and |i the Government is that deal-|the railway the use of the North British Government aecided | that. 7 realization of the fortune inheriled b; ‘A POISONER’S RUSE. tor of a ~ sent | sepa ing wil ae Plan voir» sumimer journ church, writes: sae be a diplomatic impropriety to their mother. : Hie eecahinaac creed nee ing a sultered Baie eh A Sie oe eal] Every step in its manu- —atasona eae i estes. teritoriat She a yerous illus 4 bal os ihe: i 2| UNITED STATES POACHERS BUSY. nse te House ean eaitemegt the ? Before he killed his wife Palmer. in- oT rhe’ man died, But the fame ot matism. “Just one bottle of peat Soho hue lained — il. - facture is watched by an he | railway from Ki crake ta a i pit at r $ i NE ee asian tite splendid. works eared on 2 chile | Teteja — eo mas, tered toa special Fishing on the Canadian Side of Inter- UNITED STATES. ek te atta ansgraae value} tHe, © Y sit ieplty (one wae Eee. ee ays cual Pee expert chemist. ding the oma school projec! ‘ibuli nyone oorne national Boundary. John Alexander Dowie has been dis of £13,000, bi andes DE a ean T feel ike proclaiming it from th loubt. ‘There is mi i Sunlight Soap saves shout $90,000 the fist year terested can secu by addre i stensi me _ | missed from the membership and: de- E REFUSED HIS on. isclosed the | nouse-tops.”—138 Gil, and that 4s Dr. ‘Thomes’ Take no- : co out $90, sles Se AI SI Mange ee i Rddress: | Railway 3 ex : # A despateh fom Toronto says: Fish- rion City. o ig Os wi Revcys te ity tect that he had died of arsenic. Mr: thing, else. labor, and the wear of J 5 i ers. 2. A 3 A ie sum, ani e application was | Robinson had poisoned him, and ha Ss Sie anaes (Baines ‘ Aoege 1 ery overseers have reported to the a fo ia Ih 8 T celebrate: amy. twen-| wy 3 iz] Eoards to aaulte apm nee ee veh Reis edgtdcusansis on also for building er cetnent that United Stat See ant onieto sf : Rol Tenowed, After Pa was hanged ita = story of her dren 50, that wou ure _foamorro pooh 1 stepped speaking to him,” she 16 “rubbing which common ehilaren should seek for the, good, thal nother. goes to Edmon- |Lake Exit have ten ternational. bout- reasonahly “sure of their supply. i = high aac rsa er arama ua eee Oldage — “Indeed! Andisn’t it singn-| "* DS, HE See eae oar soaps require in washing || y ate fabi : i 2 | ten i ers, | Sch 2 ge is 5,000 and had | partial dreams in onder | @ “ ‘Toronto; “April meat—No. to 8500; bad ; Is is was |is in every heart, ignoring the badness The Brandon and Transfer, Rail- | %die matlone PEAS iktedenc, Grams, forme srly of Brant- d f ing taro, do 12" Miss Sharpe = “Oh, but white and No. 2 est “Winter each 7c stat extras eee Ba cerng | $872 for orale “and $283 iste tou: | deli i is crowded out by oh ernene wy campany bill was held over until |&° a5 7 : vd x te italy" a Be by, z t SPR ESCAI divert stpieon Sie ss "at poe Hye celebrate mine for the rst time! a They " h 1 : age ee ibe ars routed TORE OU pay he vin | the, 19th partment at Oltawa has been communi-| fay. e ‘ in the records of the another in Jeeland last year Halloway's Corn Care, isa specifle for ¥ eae to the Pt ee ions. ¢ i ‘desi ‘ ¥;Jeated with, and urged to put the cruiser Nimes Colletto, of Brooklyn, N. Y., ff States the murder for one ae af the village to another the |the removal of gorns and, wats. ¢ We Sunlight Boap is oor mosey ‘refunc & a CP.R. vie ifant into commission at the earliest) who has men despa nde mt because the r ognized place. Or f the “most as-|story of a dream had hi have nevi cP ae de failing to re- by is Serica edo onight ea Sous re et you buy — : ossible moment, in order to put a stop farents o in, of whom, e was fond, Daas See the Goss- | co clim’s death. Here, } move oventthe word kid. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions, ight Soap if you Je cra 2 {othe raids of the poachers. would a f allawehiin to continue saa idderzook case. In thi ain, the y of the dream reaching ieee ‘ : {entions, shot himself in hse cheertige é ccrirne i scheme for the 5 i » excited | ‘itewood, — “I thought you said you An) old farmer said to his sons: “Boys, Lever Brothers Limited. To text-book qe e the route from a point on the Que 4 esas ST TAS a. revolver. nan ral by |them to investigation. _Suspici | wouldn't charge me anything for ‘the D. erento schoo) inspeslor {0 be. disinissed Thin te ‘on ilo ine Dtween Sarto Take ee GENERAL. were quickly discovered respecting 1 Tittle legal question 1 asked you?” Law- -| exept by. a majority vole, for causes|iMimitable poss ibllitics. of goodness, the |= at iy as : reamer, and her guilt was brought|yer — “I didn't. I charged you for the i ‘a with ie al OR AEG Pahire thei et and Bathurst to Carlet tead The Stag, a nae et in the Black W. S. Gos: answer.” with a “pal iwixt, your legs ‘and F {sand wit ese awa ee eesast Mion leisy lhe pope ta on trom Sharbot Lake a cavieign Boe: |Birabt bas oP press on a Cross-| Forest, collapsed on Thursday. while : vas_reported to en Nothing. Pe eatin 1 ae ty 2 < [for a. cow to back up 0. you to te Farms otot Sale. at ou will dovote vez, RABE and faxvann: success wil surely POSTMASTERS WANT INCREASE, mae Leonard. nat oe wwere at funch, and 55 Were > Bet Yan \accly cottages In which ‘hel gannaeta deteati vee ahepselon “Keep Your. Stormneh in Good. Working | TKEt “ pr ias hasnss o ee pa to conduct experiments Algent of a supernatural prodiction. Order and your feneral health will take ne svanted me to, Marry afin Pi d, addit the changes outlined ate nd the ti N moa TABLETS. Tie: Canadian pure lard, 113’ to o ade b; fa welkallénded meeting in Gi Sapo ane Se ete eae [tenre, 22 9 ee Ls a ubbersmaking... The defaced body am. cerlain,” said a nl-girl | care : the advice of an} yqc ag gis ry -Occupation.— | send’ for our list of over 3,000 f ee Gommoncense tl tezes ket dered, 12% 10. 12%c;| pr, Pyne to a DIE Ee Chilaen' ald Sooty wns av Jover Canadn. waited on- Une Postmasley |1 a the Mice Se 7 Ss CANADIAN WHEAT IN BRITAIN. ; tae Wenialieds by fis. wite, is ‘brother, named iKibbler, "ihat_ something area ecinlist on. stomach troubles, | Men. “gl sale, How wr 100 Prepaid SEND Batt ‘Fonda & ae gate ds pe ae ute. normal schools, which. are| ganized recently to cover part of the | GeNCTEL: | Oe "gna their salaries in-| Griving a i cre aa 4 TT St a hath Ueno: | fis about to happen To misiess” [4d he. linge the advice by Gh na Rieti mt ya ie Be as hee Palate xchange Had lee are ra thee a » 15¢; cok J jolt Wi * : 4 2 Experi cuntivat vie 8S. ; a G 3 r ing Dr. Von inea Hi: 4 sce yor with ie vi = — empowered under exisling legislation. | Muskoka Di . Dr. J. Ae molt was| creased. They ask per cent, on|on Wednesday morning. Je was sii:!| Experiments cs a vation—Yield Less. ; age Pennsylvania. Suspeeting He Ee eek sardchar raeeerth ab- Jet the H i ‘4 “THE Besa CHEMI 1 00., co. ee mn cine, a trings it , $10.50; cow r i lates: z Evoes, y Se eet a - B y varning. at res: h onder’ wo! 1 phases |‘ 5 ellen iets to ‘The establistiment by ember, | Secretary-Treasur ~W. HH. Cross.) Setual and proper stamp sales up to | hv ed up. and wa? lity Better. : : | faking be of stomach disorders from the title “fer- eos ieee. ;_ Outdoor tives, > a He) | selects. Hee Riu new lakhs 48 tot 10H al eases 2a $1,000 per_annum. In small country cn boat he ening OLAWa, elas des from London says a Q to pay the sum of £8,000, for which | thing. Ki hinking of such a terrible) rent” afler. eating to the chronic dys-| (inte ce Vegetable STA Ml M E RI R LD | vi E : . Oputier = Choicest and location of thes: yel SURO UGE DAG o Poe s wy | the ets Reraut ural Society Jow pan 08S Wi re An ped: papain: 3 cert 1s. —136 : ‘ WIA eeeacnok ye Mt by Marlatt CHEAPER POWER PROMISED. eration of $50, then $5 His left hip was fractured, and his left eas erm aaven- ol expeciien A S Ane eitiow be SR lives nee alan with Die Kite: . most efficacious on the market, | They |v WRG aA is : s ee goa eae s the at AD per at 1 Station re ty ‘ of every one the id vive. “alah: sie eds Hea ANTLTREATING CUSTOM. PAP RAE Date biecrnhe “The Arnott Method is the tances i eee eOR a iH . . be + Canadii eties A CONSPIRATORS WON THE CASE. {strange noises in the empty aes rs. thee woritieen | ly foie on Prising- only logical see tl ABSELMAN 6.0, BOHMOND, | ARK ition the News. $1,000. to $3 f wheat. The Journal results 2 The successful verdict sealed the fate} They were just as if a number of people t Se ee se taps RR apie. hited ae i pee atebaahes geen AI 1. on sales from $3,000 pe * resting youl oO! itammering. treats the a iss pe April 17— z ounty and ode scl eta A Toronto despatch says: The rapidly | Cy : A BURIED CITY, wou ey Stent hapless Goss. Before a week had | were walking to and fro. i "hoe Hoggs — Not, often enough c E zr ‘Timothy LF Fancy, ml mma “ae 3 ‘Cash, The a d 1s to be refai elite: Ue oat public sentient pr jegmum. Thal. ten. per cent of legitimate inthe Domini 4 Spottaps, ied ipl’ sleeps (ok oak zh, old man.) THIS, WAY. 10 FORTUNE, PLEASE! CAUSE, not eae ie HABIT, heumatiom ¢ machine thresh : psoas Discover ancient Ruins in|! ‘of mean insuranes companies, w n She had opened her patron door and man whoris unable to hear money| Work done is the paerion, See hanistan It you a to res a farm in ontene arms for ie, sickly children should due Mo ” Graves’ sor ‘terminator, arm was also fractured in two piacrs.| 6, and insures natural s; + peeped out timidl sfocnotiand |lalk te nivage watching 10 seo if i w ig Biber LB artes re 5 wil 1s hi ercilesgi ep: again’ 6h jak Accept eet iE reenince as an educa- phlet, particulars and. reference: 7 a ee oo Be camp ue seehoals the truancy. and ote cf Ningara Falls, cheap electric power should be allowed The following news has been received | Us een a a 2 wank Ils followed by it ao bare ter an tor, ook for the Tesson contained i) sent on request. Address. it Ske. Corn—No. 1 cash, 45% to Fjwas strikingly evident by the monster “overtime all They fi from_ Afghénistan: Fea s pre at Udderzook, [a sure sign of deal Gra mist es ae mi, tee ee ae aie wie ior es 1 and consolidated at the nest session | deputation of about one a rep. ay ie ena pos Postal stores and| ‘The Ameer of Afghanistan has Jefl| (00 ag. 36 sania ene aoe aa ani vo hanged, protest Rie Mion all The ceilone an within an ace} ways ito, “eu dy 7 * what is duly? Bol fine ana i ; nf “ Tyna aa THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE, | Beans ~Hal is. pri Ss 7 is > e rs 6 e insure companies. of be a correct. Her mistress was taken | bie — It's the thing we min it to ie. and_ prim eae to $1.75. 793 “steps e to be taken next session to ited Pr | supplies at =f tor convenience of : compared with the English 32 ari Se Z ‘ try it out to a ‘ BERLIN, ONTARIO. rained, 28 Sito | Te: ae : se; Seplember, — ae reorganize "te system of public school upon sop ee UR TA erica tn the guar Daranow. Soon after’ his | COMP 8) eo. ee Le as ee suddenly i, dul seas rescued hy the doe, |= hen we want to do something else. | '7r%: to. the point Don't "avast a = inspectio Sone Th a3 fees : : ey. tors, and was arrested, : Ar . aa ime may who, in “osition |. When it comes to” oti parties the} We Bs NS , dc : i iE : Fess Ib. nT ee cen ceien wade ie i! epg ane ee SGEMA| ciao meet the postmsters, and wound to have receiv elle ton) ee ee ahs re mexe eras, at Warwick Absa, sly poston | yhitect Piodision dg iti No. 1 tet ere | rm a ea age Stain Gintssohinl “oediig ok bas Kingston in the cast, from Orillia’ in the| seriously consider their case. “It seemed | FENG. | : 3, Gnnouneité | peputation Suggests an Amendment (0 | itled sons ‘when Mrs, Va arto Ripathat A TORONTO MAY TRIES | ‘oot of zeal a abil is piceiteel: and. corpeneManreaicicly in 10, and No. Z : nial sbagiow 5. Catharines in the|!0 Bim he had to ew , 3 - the see! ‘Act. ‘ 5 Be Fae ae Re ’ i. faye the: ae ae is found, occ | Bess Sears tee stmasters e he wage of Zama, consisting of gold} A to. despatel guts e : ng of sixteen, and ae ci 1 o1|The gh at story was told j i ena es See ey Pesto: OU SE ere allt, ord re rane department was now eatning for the) % silver coins of ancient Kings. Two | tion oF St ‘atnetines. district fra men ters” were put on trial in 1884 for | aid much to convince the jury that Ki LIGHTED. FE K shat on end in Heats simply il not, take bow afc ee Morden improvement of the rural mail routes, ae anies of sappers and miners had ion. Mr. Monteith on Wed- i SSIS EHTS ler had planned on awful deed. a5: bn amears 10's tA tin Ey St foneral stores, | po oe thn f these mi agi di es as to give more frequent mail ser- been despatched under the command of|nesday, and suggested an amen : - i “ever: reeg “there havey been man- named Macdonald invented a * r ‘The “nou be saiend as an setnesit ah to} Poullry—Turkeys, freshe killed: 2885 t a eos ates : Pe cin oe mere siniatinetaie andar i i i e Falls vice. ;, Mobamnet Nabi Khan to guard the|to i i cl i Z sania coisas india ene the more detai 2 pe QUOTATION ? - o ekin despal says: The hs 01 it pS paliti altempt eradicate. the : z Fonseca case +s ia the er AZ to 186; live chickens, 7 101 ture of Junig, in the southern f eo ores Hered the newspapers for | ari manufacluring | CEN. KODAMA MADE VISCOUNT. anoles letter has now been recetved |San Jose se ti are the 5 in the same year, and France ihe place inthe: west of Scotland for the a ia tolling his | olng justice to yourself; to refuse “pve got something g important 0 9 per ce of ae sa ee. es aot reat habit. ji sai i g gas os * |¢rom Sardar Abdulla Khan ~ Tokhi, upants make. no 5 | d os ale se oe ne Bey fie un-|death of a farmer in U d pict. He i dé js to hide your light under a said A en ical oan ae oy z ayes ount of the activity of the . ipalit fi ve a « 7 i i kh, ile | to do so. The cost of such action, it dow. by whose death Count | declared th at he had seen the ghost of ealth after f shel vhich others cos neither ‘i just. d y out it. form ps cipalities at cos! us from| Was the Brains of the Army feast ‘ ceil : a eeial emia be ag) Eee eray pat HS ee Ves G years o| ime : aa ran | ae eke id. possibl : aa ae two of the less advanced coun- i ive Ul nicipalities {20d Neht, . ight. A tie i ithin a radius of one hundred aes ee one ie Hon. M A vari said A score of speakers urged the Gov- @ action to pre- m| taxes against the properties. Vieretaaa ee h oe 7 homes : ; a - Sint PeGhtosuiben itink som WI ek ee arg Be ° » YOUR IDLE DREAMS. bendin; im. rently the o Bir: “bos coguest “pon work | ie ST tins “ Be ite 4 Sold ‘bent forced into the revolution. : een | inj of — were the} Chi ‘i ¢den, Antung, and | {01 r res of a , ‘A doslor*calls atiention to the fact| PE had cast 1 t (and perhi aps Nightly fais) atfords mie aad crs. ier society is ae ecinpul- | the ctor of Prisons: ai ariti Sepia ion Tatun; io rei; ‘i ejruined city. The Gr i SMALLPOX ON JOHN'S ISLAND. ~ that “dreams . Z 8 : ome ‘olf sion "to obtain recruils, and is devustat- Ber d vers ‘The Premier, in his reply fo the de-| month of “April sp: sul | ¥ Ls a — E ated eine EaGerk iam ae We unable fo ell. e Sais e uch ie ane anes . Ge ing the | oe of those ee. refase i Montreal anufac ft ro} ee ae that x believed in giv-|has been appointed at Antung. ‘The |® Jar 2 Dr. Bell is Song There to Assist the 4 fi <. og i tiene ii THES WITH HIS OWN PETARD. Y ty rform his duties in a ‘finan ane a ae ji has sprea:l to| and cord a ie Catlesl Prisss and tor nici pal cheap power, el-|post, may ‘be.ralsed 10 Consul-General- | inscripti hich y could read. Inhabitants. favo view is found in the cir- rs and have tak le is hy, the: perform: wath’ for- jon | Peay in ne grey aid I Bind are able mer was dis pee ng MN Daroz meaty all the adver- |, 2, and. oly the ee ‘work and, transmizs A despatch from ‘Toronto says: word PE Ap ceaaik dreamis--6 wilviess the bean murdered an has been = received he. Prot i at Se age chose, He, and twins| of shanty 14% per sen ita ne ba lince ing Aone Ball Bacon, long clear, 11% RE aa ee 3 2 | a aieine previols year Farm nets, | Gor 7 a rere th air kings. Some | shore. o} Georgian Bay. TD pur se coCePAES That” Tin his vision. Tt-was Tik a teanes So ila bl at at : Bie pete ‘ fa AR S n ear. | Governmer re " he 2 : c A 5 mn 3 vik s vision. s like no one i : ase lots; mess pork, $18 to $18.50; —— "| teo,, purchas ce jder the question of power fer the] O'S. tam ise ihe pipe ee ee [on tte coins wre sent to the Ameer for| 190 people on the senses Sere uses ont sa ia a Bae for tho past tae months hey | t wh a fr foes sate fe Sait ape + $22.50 to $23. U . s 4 less than the local mi is| whole prov! ee real Oyama, chief of ‘the general ing tion. of smallpox have so fi 5 pM vis Ae raves 3 ‘at, thie deduction| ee 2 tae 4 ng oe my Corre tes preg be 2 . oti 1 20) ‘ : ‘ : The as a3 = $ sat Felined. fi hat post res is discovery was also regarded as|The mek has no annutelat capenica aking fer in de- aa 0., heavy, 1240; roll es SOONOEIS, - jar wine, 974. cents 2. "pound; 55 ss = ‘ he Ameer, and h ion, and Dr. ithe oCuntantted y, 11 ie im penutheror ahs seer eth ie hacks, 1534 to 160s rea lifast bacon noon ter be an oo 103402 2 600.| “The finenelal statement for the last | 449, ond z suceode by Gen. Kodama, | A F Govenion Wsguara the a ore, being sent 10 the BES egrinch a "nan apg pled areas ca which he <r s ult of this unhoped #0 expericiie ' suse i the nite inform tot, tine, Uy cents ay aid ene onine Sone $57,005 whs was his chief of safl in Manchuria, | WT guard the Se oe ‘ol 2 Sn ae a eat ane Saad to valk credits ts ul_kighers—ond they wl “ioe aoa . x , : 4 5 rid tha 4 aoa ie Cont hess reached hand vorenent, offi] al this, too, the: labor: ite med |562. and a surplus Gree ier eS ie avin BB eed er ‘nencures, ordering. ihat| 9eainst the outbreak. He is. taking with ee gua de th 2 aceite ‘4 nti-Pill. oe Gials here that large rge numbers of Ttal say a ten ee tee soa $5,169,225. ike brains of the army during the war. [everything | found. is to be despatched i the necessary supplies for vaccin ec ; oinls and 1 et Fobservati eto search fon an imaginary per | ya 2 tee ry—“What wnt do they oh: "A J i -Pill, or the department George Git, recently. from Re wath art io. Kabul. ion oe disinfect Fi jore, which has rez Me 4 Hon. Cochrane's bill for the be Paul, Minn., was burned to death in’ Ser eOt aps The rig in Afghanistan have special meer vot the board is going — n ee consciou: adoption of extreine’ 7 mes: | dem] ae aE Volunteer land grant cer-|fire that destroyed hee dwelling at Ses. English firms are Begoliating for man-|tnis year been very good, promising a cobalt to assist in the cone o ehend these men. tifleales was put wee Eeminiee, katoon on Saturday. besantn Sd sites in Toronto, good crops. f proper sanitary arrangements there.

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