g AD turtanies or ANY Ne IN Sut up in sealed iéad ts many excel © 40c, 50¢ and Bilin tb. EST “AWARD: st. LOUIS, 1904, pa ets to preserva lent qualitie: At ar syed —Well grouse a a nd put in a layer of Points, sprinkle with sar de ae mings to taste, including a ie report eee oh some or goo eee ae “Repeat the the Seo and oil » stock. = ‘so as to 1 the iy re Mae of flo ren Dt tite thick and smooth, stir a Ne ilk, Bring to the boil, | etione ae ‘a pound of Ble ts with one base as a teacupful of cream, inary vm Gita bese Cake.—Ingredient @ quarter pounds of (ee one sy treacle, tour mu moist i adding the wari amet ~ Beat all through a and bake pou in hour. ether 01 rown sugar, half a cup onful of a powde a Stew. Dare quart austen Geant te Cae pepper. ng in jouble Se man ni coele ink 1p aN begin to move oysters” tim tren with butter; “Add oyster liquid, strained a iT ill Serve wil = in Soda Scones.—Weigh out into a : @ half pounds of fine Take a heaped _ teaspoor soda. a artar rid tal these th ill sm ah and the mes ea be | spall ah Las a cake ky eae 1 the stew ters Cut 1g in not oven for shy minutes. h That will m Pitsis w ‘at ‘Then take some of il in powdery, an ¥ ta. distinguish. the different maeticlen etl Vy tila toe ‘eeltt® pend of it for myself!” TS, hi I. ne titans ie cups scalded milk, ?4 % Ss sie a with skimmer, | uulter;salt and i it ind the same aumnity 9 of Bee ak owder over ‘ihe Bot ae mig into the hot fat and shake it over the the dumplings around the edge | of the in centre a e baking on and ash thickly ‘with parsley es together two tablespoon tule of but. Beet ives.- round steak into ey two ohes wide ‘and four inches long; make a dressing the oven for half an hour, es vo aa oe |, see. that oun a ari ages tinge: our hant -,| press it; in lumps. ings it will not fe feel entirely sooth , but you will be able any acidity. ‘hat sit flour it will doall these things. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. One quart of sifted flour is one pound. One quart of granulated sugar is one pound. aunt. cups of bulter packed are one pound. Ten eggs are one pound. -Five cups of ‘A wineglasstal i is half a aN, even tablespoons are a Keine ans _even _ saltspor make Spool it, of course, like any- oa ears GRE one of money “Oh, no; I'm fond : have been teaching he is like one. » te dreai r. eS ‘are rock-founded ee they Hive T admire my having taken the tro 'Y |dation than he. Hi critical praise of Tat precepts makes 1 tl ft apart loosely, ‘al ; between sified flour are one monia or Pol : mo REAL FOUNDATION ns ‘ Enduring 5 ~ Built on ue house upon the dit a try vii., eid any erate a mye hi on ext, probably peace we at them with pnet conversion, obtain saving fallh and join the churen- tbe discovered in every divine | words of any man hei does the things { ids on & ne sy ft conduct, the wind of character -he has at outlined in the ‘ished “sfaple rh hilt on, k that their admiration for the moi éachings of Jesus. On the whole thay THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT; le fo say as mich erous hypocrites is the easy going, thoughtless being who fancies that the indorsemen' uty n your conduct this day. But this is Simply to ignore the plain | W% e great teacher. It would be! pease: ee rify ls statement: ermon on the mount gives the estab-| YOu char bs anf le ites daily ‘details.on the plain (0 | tion y | physics, ife Is Not That Dreams. = them only offensive a those who might desire to Others imagine assent to certain statements concel that an infellectual rning his’ charabler on fhe honest opinions on the theories of e past and the future, which heve de since im the great those dyna y kac are determining He pas conduct before creed. jong 0 ston! be able to do them, he 3 th says, first do these things, PRACTICE MY PRECEPTS, uit ther. Wil se ‘become plain to Men learn “lion by doing. Be- atid you will get the M m- ple.--Deeds are the solvents of doctrines. house of life is built ailferently ther; we erecting the structure. character it is houses rather #1 fecture.we need. Build but | Bie ours Tl holo conduct squarely ae ae plain, be a oe teachings of the Naza you will serve ihe ag better aes at you gave 8 lifetime {0 the explanation | of his of his principies. Nothing coul: plainery there are no hair-spli ine meta- 0 subtle questions of policy here; do these things sand the heart finds calm, the life certitude, the soul satis- tion. sete HENRY F. COPE. ~ SAFETY FOR CHILDREN. atiy's Own Tablets ts’ the only medi- clas that gives the. Sone “the guar ling a them a splendid medici Tablets. al he credit for” the Siena 1 from The Dr. per iiteet Medicine fer Brock- ville, Ont., cents a ae ence USEFUL HINTS. When cleaning neodaye use a ittle ae ae water. ‘0 remove grease from ehicken broth or beatles pass a piece of while paper ; Lover, the: how! before using. ~The grease will adhere to the paper. spoons: according t htauy. reno Be hung on the line with- out wringing out any of the water. [Dried in this way, the shrinkage is said FIFTY CENTS |: IN some conditions the enough for an ordinary |. coughor cold or useful trial for i be bai in a day. In such ae Scott’s rather than it's a food tor tired and pti iigestions. — s of slyearine, after ‘ich polish well with chamois. mixed with the water to the oiet of a large fablespoonful, when ig dresses or blouses with delicate eee table to fade, will prevent fading colors nd bright. pe oe Sa WORDS VS. ACTIONS, Deforem (time 11 p.m.) — “I believe in the chap wi ant (Plenty 0 push and go in bis m Miss Cu lings S (yawning) — “So do but a uta Til have to get paj an ze in order to oe Piyou eae DOINGS. “iter Husband —“I'd like to know how yuo expect me to earn don’t give me something to eat.’ HEARTS AND ong “He ler heart is very hardy I io make any impression ghar c ry ““Have you iried using a diamond?” scott & BOWNE, “Chemis, nds ef pub a on cuphul eee thé crack age thro soc, and $1.00. alt rugaists “Who gave away?” Tittle polar? of. the mony ani id yelled, ‘Hurrah, Panay” him si? ee ns e|grain and bran ‘wih pera n fiir the epeing fata ie His Wife—“T'd like to know how youjF expect me to provide something for you to eat if.you don’t give me the mon- pos the money if you ta h ide “Her i stood up right in the youve got ai} aces LAMB. amb is‘a luxury, and it is wi ‘thet fetch the. “highest price. ape 0" , luxuries ee out that would eae roots which will imulate aoe They should any have pa comfortable lenty of sunshine no bi winds, and a bed to sis upon. ——+——» A SPRING TONIC. Weak, Tired and Depressed People Need a Tonic at This Season to Put the Blood Right. — Spring blood is bad blood. oe pe: for weak, to give it vitenity for the bad. blood In. some paowe alban, ney ie it breeds pimples and eruptions. others it ma; through octasional laches, a taciable appetite, perhaps bwingés of 'n or pring ailments it is a tonic pd the pane. Pink Pills. yvomen, need & tonic ing, and to a He that me gh ase heresy no! % Kidney Pills, and I did ‘50. After ee cf _ Deets are but teachings intended iux-| 0 bi Indoor es eee during, the ‘winter wionths is respon | fv9 sul eatest blood- making neaitn? a iving ike in all the world is Dr. Wil-| 8Scertail rook. a. Chas. "bisdburs| tation, N.S. Thousands” aa people not actually sick to|- an. gracio RAINY RIVER MAN HAD TROUBLES TILL DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED ~ HIS KIDNEYS. Then His Rheumatism and — Other Pains Vanished Once and For All — His Case Only One of Many. Barwick, Ont., Apr. 9 — That Dodd's Kidney Rheumatism so bad 1 walk. I had pains in my hip, Aresrinreste in seeping. - ‘L_could no more than dress or un- myself ie gre two months, fe, three weeks I ly brother advised me to try Dodd's the human family suffers SERRE ES MUZSTERY IN A PHOTOGRAPH. Picture of a Girl Shows Her Fiancee Holding a Dagger. astounding story of mysteFlous photograph taken, a week the yo aquiries, on Bele oes sayin, ed taint, were clearly discern ‘0 her horror Miss roti wa thas ofcher A ficer in the Indian army. this experience was si wrote to India breaking off her engage- ment. —_+—_—_- HOW TO IMPROVE COAL. _Important pe are being car- months ago iron crates ach ‘containing two sunk in the big basin in Af the 0a] iy increases, while n air a decided aval coaling lecrease in ealorific valle is very great, the heat sun extracting “the light, volatile lmiralty is satisfied with. Thi e physical and financial advantages ine storage. th plidrying, heretofore after ithe open air has not been feasible. eye ANOTHER SORT OF FOWL, “The impudencé of ther of mine! the tr i toy was a@ goose.” ~ NO FRILLS. fr Seg ae the = 8" | F#No, I ee THE VICEROY OF INDIA OFFICE 1S VERY FAR FROM BEING y Fond Dues ay this of omes ald pe of the first inportanes are cause of nine-lenths of ae ills the) in from. T 2 /members, @}of India is subjected. fa The British — as Submarine | i Sto see of | si of hunkers of warships is the sale method Spread- ing: quantities of Thovsnniis. "7 tons in unsympathetic eno rou A SINECURE. Tite Frontier Troubles and Independ- "ent Rulers a Beavy Burden. The appointnfent of Viceroy of India of the greatest po- sublee t it is yey far from being a sinecut ee The aa of te gay ordinarily starts urs then the la'e he wo td often be at work with his secretaries a ere ah the morning. rresp°n- Cence that hi read and attended | iy only equalled by that received by the resident of the Uniled States, | From B Bengal, Madras, Un Provinces, Burmeh, OS other parle at our Indian Empii and doo ived ev sod’ these ‘have to. be Se by the Viceroy Counc TO ASSIST. very ¢ carefully 0 fo deol with rmed icero} To vn in the administration of In- dia, the Viceroy Lh with cf the noe army as an extra member five members tal Kes char; is oeepencibie tor RAbh taupatthe at the worries to which the Governor-General FRONTIER TROUBLES When Lord Lansdowne held this office use of pri e- nor' Patt of Asia the strain on the Viceroy at times very severe. THE THe PERIODS. “regal year naturally divides snow make one feel cool even on the hottest day. he third portion of the year, though the shortest, Viceroy's whieh is practically. the only opportim- during his period of office. INDEPENDENT RUL nother. source of anxiety for the eroy are sof the pa and i to us_ SS ee them cussed people on the wa a the and! tbe na s If the Viceroy « ak which { bah sinary, omplitient. to themselves entitled, or ¢ by one soldier fewer than thy mot honored. w Hah the s, th ot Ree c dies bringeihem: to ihetn 00 ge ga BLOCKED. THE CIIRISTMAS BRAND, : ne smoking at home,” “Oh, no. On the contrary. she vished the cigars. SHE KNEW THE. TERMS. “We have some fine egg plant “Fresh: or storage? Did pba this on your. pro Z succeed in raising “s mise. to pay?” yt - ee ped “GO UP HEAD.” - eacher—“When_ waler ery day carefully considered ‘and dealt with Les la. Methods of oa ish to see anything uf; ‘8 Wil - imocking him T succeeded in raising» becomes ice, REMARKABLE INVENTION AN AIR ENGINE WHICH MAY KILO THE COAL TRADE. New Invention Will Propel a Locomo+ tive or Vessel Without the Use of Steam. Arrangements are-now being made n a. greater revolution hat which ar of the application ei electricity: to: motive eh da Me enormous, and. is provi | on ie claims for os new follows:— economic e use of coal and ee engine are as engine wil all cost of fuel; it will take steam, which wil pate A LOCOMOTIVE, ip, work a mill forge, Sy without using’ e gas, water, coal, electricity oF oil “and it-will entirely pret vent si The economic’ cylinder will be more owerful than. any other type of cylin- it will save the i Sader wit ‘keep up the pressure of alt if set to w In Ioeomolies and other high pres: Leases steam te id sideral tes the use “ot dirty stant pressure, all having a ten pieces and cause serious rents @ proved, e use of coal in be N ACCOMPLISHED FACT. Mr, J. Corbin Weld, Deputy Governor int which resulted in pene that ae ne would be successfully achieved by el © | tricity. The experiments were made, not h Hin distri He had Peoavad laisenab eine results of the experiments were and conclusive. and t cf ore ‘by electricity could be profilably and lucratively carried o EDUCATION AND BURGLARY sh House-breaker Have Much Improved. Eaucation, $23 Baia: ax, certainly he ¢ upon crimes of dishonesty in that it extent eliminated pi on the head ed, hs cavmpete: in iife on. ne Mike ual terms. sae eS LOYAL TO HER PATH | sours ee ‘Woman Would Net isclose Her Al Bee woman named A young er ‘a to prison ath one in = ub land, and rose what important “ch e takes place? Pupil—"The change in. price.” uired tof, pressure of air constant: it. willk< > the Head Constabloof 6 & . a seaport of lier life to fulfill. geen sabecol F ROW nos what—| contempl F "serge, perhaps: i fer whole “ presence—heér countenance,| : Marian Or, The Strange Disappearance Maytiel AAD CHAPTER XXXV. Great was the Seurrishaoo caused the art a tle all-a Beene iz and, conversation. t Teaned eagerly with - preal dilated dogmatic for elingers, discussed sth customers the ‘merle Village €d with impunity customers wh thems them gage ements. lected, or badly Es er domestic ayocations ; a down qiielly ncllon of a pudding ‘while their Pelover “all-praised” crime As usual in such eases, there was very litle cool eta irs the church was’ close: pulpit was unoceupled, haunted By the sce aiscussed the matter anew, aa ditered is and disp se , and fell out y ever. Parliés formed for and against the mas and purly feuds raged| high. Upon. the second Sabbath—being the day before the coun congregation re- assembled to hear an edi myself have seen the reat power, and eel ay-tree. “I went by, and lo! he was won, Fought him, but nis place was nowhere to und.” tie merits ware: ales y pointed allusions) upon-the area eleva. tion and sudden downfall o} iealed ininisier und, in eaeiens , erga one portion of ae pues hi and enraged Ahe other. The las tioned. noherued the new preacher wah vy, hatred, end malice, and al charitableness, Besides. the’ wish to rise fortunate they went home in peopl doi nae oat rtutetod Willcoxen great evil, as 1 excite less attention. signal event spread j ‘i like wildfire all aver the country, from Louisiana, and with the crushing force of a thun It. First by oh firesid \e. demeanor of arior of a quiet hotels| temptuous manner in which he treated lady, now nearly thirty yours of bue; 3 stil a the bloom of her womanly ¢ henevolen! sited iness and es ant She. had Ee nei ived ee Europe, ed a tho: is the was late i encending gin. threw changed Marian much—a little less avid, ‘perhaps, the bloom on teri wha ssid ce to every fold and fail of ‘the could eenly form, in its plain 8 } ut ther m e and color, act ine Cig et manner and tone revealed the richness, strength and serenity of a faithful, lov- | self-denying Sometimes th aay: 's soft eyes would mselves. ca have noticed her presence but [folowing the lady's 1 in a tiny rock "Title white rabbit on her lap. |not a Se child—she was too dimi- pale, with te blue eyes hair; yet her little face d “her ae am days had been received into the “Children’s Home.” favorite among completely the perianing lite human life and heallh. If ever a mother’s heart n % maiden’s bosom, it was ian's. As she had cherished Miriam, hed Angel, and she was he one as she pai been by the other. so for fi past Angel had been Marian’s inse} ae companion. She na with her Title or her sewing, 01 ASE a ene when she walked out, sat by e table or in the carriage, and slepl nestied in her arms e earthly Blosan that 's solitary path. Angel now sat with her rabbit on her imees, waiting demurely till Marian should have time ta notice her. lady still worked on, stop-/ and a full heart could si bast glowed around hel strolls and woodland wanderings— The veh WOULD OVERLOOK HIM. a) tan Recruit—Have 1 always to kee She was my ead te Xs . com.—( Tall Recruit Well goo bye, Tl never see you agai ade? pan Wak mat An den of the forest shade—” contain. ut soon came cas then. for his repentance! tana good works, bul But the light of the r—their seaside} 5 “The still, green places where tay met, the the embrace, the tone ihat kindling a. pure rapture from memory, wild longing from hope, that her another current of ve jee and feeling opposed to the first sympathy, Presently Marian began passing h hands slowly over, her forehead, ks cious _ self-mesmerism ane then she asthe them wearily uporr her lap, and-Angel saw how pallid was r face, how ashen and tremulous her ul af ter ed the ead the long et nder-mongering’ allan, in whieh es at ey and all that had seemed ss that coule cheeks, ae Leelee eyes, hands, “with exceeding gre probably not be as and hearin how would Thurston meet this thot up to life, e defenses reared yl raith, Few k her head fell my word, ik the best is were cier! clasped convulsively, as es walked up Bu He had suffered such toss from: re- morse that doubtless the Fens er in Hetien! ore ‘0 forgiveness —no! in that blessed path of light all space was open to the human will, and ue heart might forgive intinitelyand o its own measure her? rejoice ould leased to see her. to ge that e| they made him As ught had seized her iain then, indeed, “all the foes scenes in ie as start ‘oke and down the floor—striving with her- self—striving. to her wonted calmriess, and meacduD sa Sell-possession, at ast praying “Oh, “Taine the rains de; loods come, and the Tent” upon my rae let not ils een fall as | if buil le one, heara oh nd as she et nw evening yin, inat soothed the ‘ebiid to sleep Baltimore, on their way fo St. Mary’s County. (To be continued), ieee CURING TOE DISH-WASHER, _ | An English Householder’s Experience in li india. \e experience of an English house- holder in India are declared, by, the au. thor “An Indian Gai 0 ke es trying and o tf ing. instance of one of we vamnuaing ‘ex: earded butler announc- much the best Rien, the enema eoale give ni “what was proper. bearer a dose "ol ‘ot to inquire re i ‘il two digs ater Then see mistal oolie!”, iif Sseiaieuea sher said, ‘Work is, therefore cannot go myself; bazaar cod- rrands; he may fefch me the azar ee took letter. Shop. pacatey prepared ie sic; then told bazaar coolie to drink “Coolie said, ‘Not Be Tet cine, but ae another man. him. is the medi- 1 yeu) it to Not so,’ said the shop master. ‘The jistress ee written, “Give to bearer,” sand she must ‘drink it here. 43 ie was ey woul, ma listen, and| “HIS REVERENCE” BEST MAN. Juk Sah? — “Who was the best man at the wedding?” Sean — “Well, tride’s father T'm not sure. n|had to give handsome presents; man Ww fia tho only one anything out of it ae who ning and related the whol Story? trom the first disappearance o! Marian Mayfield to the late discoveries jed-to the apprehension of the i S| areal dful fate, and had bee interred article concluded by describing the calm A DOUBLE SURPRISE. In Your feiauve Time If ld afart at ones ina busty ness which would add a good rot 0 your present pach wire poe ‘earth G A DOLLARS-wouldn't you do i ‘Well, we ace willing: to start you in fitable business and We don’t ask ship | ae the Lhasa a eons and Bi ‘ight prepai You. Pay No Cash Until After 200g) Harvest. — Poultry raising pays. People Sate tell you that there is no money in raising chicks may have tried to make money in the aaiaee shy using | they money investe Thousands of poultry-raisers—men all over Canada and the -d to their CHATHAM INCUBATOR AND BROODER. “Yours isthe first incubatorThaye 1 The Manson “Manson Campbell Cou Limited sped ond Foray ete ba ghlota one 0f 58 opps leased (on AUGHTON, Ais w! THOS. eo hatch camo off, 170 Who ehlcky trons 10 eRes, can beat that for the fh say, Dounville, “The incubator you farnished m< isn ee oo ai iui ently erie aban Binnter at ‘attention every R McG sb JAW, ‘The Chathtas teedoatee aid Brooder is honestly constructed. There is no thoroughly tested, the machine is no cash until after 1906 a post eard to i ick aivetboting suppl, Yau a Calpscy bse on, Rains, Winnie, ee taster, EK 3, Montel, Hasta: Cha Guathowe Sit Dept. 35, CHATHAM, CANADA | Factories at Caatzat, Ovr.,and Dernorr, Let us quote you prices on a good img Mill - or good Farm Scale. e con- 80 grave, scorning even ti not wonder at np horror _TWO OLD gilt E LOVE-LETTERS. “They Both Stow Plays Play |a a ae then e is ears love epist ates lost worthy of admiration} the senor [pi on waist pion your name and address_on || | | lee of Kernels. Mie hill, A ann ae each hill +t++ ~ CALF JOTTINGS. Seni Sees or alfalfa hay is just the thing Ives E be < vowels ++ ++++4 ae give more grain than will Keep the calf pails scrupulously clean. Bowel trouble starts from filthy Nhe ive’ or ea and ni per. Berens is belies i horning is a Gree operation and should not be ee We've blind calves as e ta ret careless : cpp leation of the “ate uid. asa e COW | dies in paving, rive Bins oil or. flax in w i ea) nm out the bow: 5 ie first ‘th ing. re is a ey ieee that the air alt aust, not be fed so gel fat, 1 ani a This te aero scours,.or calf. ehalees wea that th the naval cord bi wu ed a healed, It omnes tom ying we It comes on a cold day, and you did not the cow liberty to lick | f tie baby, the calf i ” through. Get | busy. bee with bay and and bunker is Hutt low, He it aul shive s a ‘atu jor and di rot Haat ne tinge as hes Batic uy gels frisky. Of course the cow must ta ion lick the head or you lon . cat see tires times a r three w first his 1 ai a singl feed ofa tie. ede two quarts, ae ay pail full as many thinks is n Milk’ is the baby’s most Give it to the call also ie bt e months, cae Te feedin, change gradually the nth te starting he er alt Ee the ground: is} tb to | hunk i Se Remember | a pa t. Brace up f better next time. bass ond a0 = Wh early ‘sprit in intended ooking | SO as i et planting time. your planter \ mall ee feed oul ol ni bane or over feeding. an cw Pr are to i Laer) malas Hf 2 tical ae P ae ly e ae yin then si dant ay ise ae abe poun se “to igo he be “thar rind m calf sae have the first gest mill of the cow ae 17, you magic: tabl Sooeee be ularly the number |! this is right now,” Alas! is this the end of yeai oa a ee met Le te fruit of emo! 1 had pia? for fie redenpiona remorse without repentance, Yet I must ee him I fy i tempeh. I supposed your Dissimulation,”. ian, vi i beyond all eee ‘et fhe joy and exultation o} “ hes owing is ‘still @ more curic is eeu n ruit of site ae sprun; from ies display cation by an odd « enumersteni or all id down the try and walle oa the excitement that ke fast gaining wy this dis liscovery, not for the ae would Marian hard or rather | § the same | ler thou; oh “of great variation co Be et aenioea an NGA fi disp! Dlleation re SO" teablib serves com esuiatian ‘and th thinkin, ‘tation a enfiicient gratification, lation, yours, i jary Mo eration.” erat an your busing Go If our mnything 10 sel ee geod apd; out be | eee rs Tet you buyers a farmer is o ‘tot Ge feces a led on nthe toi i ras. ced n too little. ‘The trou: vith many ‘armor i is that, owing| ok are SNE Tey impre a = + rove sly. The mee uae ee See huse it is better” to |ust). and fifth o« ie oO! of tess alone ums; coh ve ¢ yut ou aor a bo ei fs dey neuen “secret. Up) will: uit ‘that nu ad th ums. | E BENSE 528 be inereased and ernieen | at the Bed Ef es tion contains te ee of nae er hay four to five p st pala ene ate to cig! stil Pea