oe travelers and o' f jood ‘te “It Shines For All.” Vol. XV—No. 14 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1906 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher INSURANCE The very best kind of insurance—i.e. provision for the FUTURE as well as the pRES- ENT isa Savings Account in The Sovereign Bank of Canada Interest paid FOUR TIMES A YEAR. $1.00 will open an account. Pat your money ina place where you can get-it when you want it. E. W. HORNE, Manager, Milverton sie ra aaeaaee ALLAN, President. counts. The Merchants Bank of Canada STRATFORD BRANCH : A, M, Campbell Manager Interest at most favorable rates allowed on Savings Bank. Ac- Special attention given to the business of FARMERS AND DROV ERs to whom money is lent at lowest rates on promissory notes. + $6,000,000 . Be 478,197 E. F. HE) Bakes Manager. Dentistry DR. R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Licentiate 10 pounds sulphur for 2bcts at H. Mohr’s. of Dental Surgery and’ Member of Royal aS eee for sale at C, R. College of Dental Surgeon ntario, | Honderi ‘onor graduate of Toronto University. e your orders for seed potatoes Regulation of teeth, Crown and Bridge] at pea pont pedi nee. ka Specialty, Hours 9a. m. to 5 p.m. Suet eral, wee a 166,220 | Seaizad cream ot wheat S00 « store, Milverton barat at H. Mohr’ ———— = = ‘om now on fres! tah Tee Cream may Medient be. had at Kelterborn’s restaurant. brand soap for cleaning, KER, M, Tonor scouring eater nat polishing, 3 Graduate rad Geld Medalist tet lai ot. ae rte i peat aa sautae a ries paces owing ae late firm of Dr, Ej ffice in Post Office block. Miller & Kelterborn are requested to ert. ‘Telephone connection with Poole, nrunner, ck, moserville and. Ros! Legal, Qi SA LE i aes DCR ANTON, Barristor, Solicitor, Be, fice ee every Thursday, Wm. Burton's Block, Milverto Veterinary W. BARR, VETERINARY SUR- Milverton, (Graduate of On- Calls by telephone, oF otherwise promptly attended, Office Engel's old sta J. MBERT, successor to J. W Barr, Teil Ber;- abeat- tee Gosra- bast 6 First clans horses and rigs to aggace pe Comercial diving a specialty. Give usa cal Business Cards w. D. W rice! Anctioneer for the Coun si ties of Perth a fonveyancet ds, Wills an irawn Affidavits made. village Glerk. Of over Grosch's Shoe Store, Main stre Milverton. Socleties G: 89, Milverton, meets every second an a ‘ast ‘Tuesday of ways welcom amuel Henry, C. B.; Hy Pugh, Recording Secretary. F., ‘Silver Star Milverton, Vinteg brethren ee i welk eg John Westman, N. G.; Loth, R. S, Motels EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont» John Gropp, Poprietor. Best liquors and cigars at the bar. First-class je aaa tion and large stabling. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton irst-class ere: m for in rooms. “liquors and cigai and Mill stresta, Ca QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Out. The best accommodation for commercial trav- "Ritter, Proprietor. settle either by cash or note before May Ist. After that date all accounts will be placed in other hands for collec- tion. Dr. Butler, of London, will be at Queen’s hotel, Milverton, on, Friday, April 27th, Friday, June 22nd, Friday, Tuly 20th. Hours 9.80, m. to 4 p yes, ear, nose and throat consul- aie Eyes tested for glasses. ME Chas. Ritter, ot the Grand Cen tral horel, ‘has had his sheds and] R. stables thoroughly disinfected by J. Barr, V. 8., and will continue to have it done weekly for some time to com ied is taken as a precaution owing 6 glanders being prevailent around yee ‘ood and Monkton, 29-3-6. W. D.—Girls to learn dress- two weeks. Eater than most elaborate gown, without the use of paper patterns, I holda certificate to teach this method. Will commence my appartmen Burton, main street.—Mrs. Caters. Dr. Shoop has created at his Labor- atories a superior, sweet, toothsome e W. B. attractive little lithographed metal boxes. in oe these tablets are sold. Lax-et lat the very low price of Seen! sater, or more certain laxative then Lax-ets is. Dr. we absolutely impos- sible. ax-ets are for Constipation, | to Sour Stomac! , Bad Breath, Sallow Complexion, Biliousness, Headache, Dizzin ite., etc. by The Public Drug Store. When Sir Wilfrid Laurier spoke of the twentieth century belonging to g nada he had the vision of a true rophet and hii for her surplus millions and ther are coming over as iyo as ships carry them. There ae indi- cation that the present pao ent is but the forecast of the deluge t to fol- low. It is well for us Wilf: at had the foresight to anti courage ‘to provide fc conditions, The rid | ed work NEES E EE LOCAL NEWS REEEEEEEEEEER eiaaexeent for sale at the station w Bea rberry jam Scents a pound at H, Moh Shee dieda Ste prepared special music for the big concert on Friday night. The Milverton Sun and the weekly ene to the end of the year, for one ae W. E. Benning, architect, of SS eret Bute in the village on Friday on busi aie or anes old drivers for sale. oa goo yee hand wagon.— Row and Gall Orchestra concent 27th, Admi n 35 Plan at brag ae _ Mr. Wellington Smith, after spend- at his home in Mil- Friday, April and- 25. cents. We regret to hear that Mr. “Milton Loth has been, for some days, con- es to the house with pharyngitis, F. Preuter, who for over @ oe has been confined to his room fr. P. Ducklow, Messrs Schaefer & Whaley wish to announce to many customers that they have just added a fresh stock of Mangle seed, Turnip eetead Farmers will do well to m them, as they carry only ‘Best Quality.” The fine weather has afforded a ge ae opportanity to Mr. L. Schmidt building operations. Sines the season began he baa che iM completed the (eaqdations of Mr. G Guenther’s babery, Mr. 3. Whaley’s and his own dwelling. We have just added to the mechan- ical department of the Son office new gasoline news of the county and district. ‘Theone thing in your carrer that slows be in perfect taste is your aterial, die ater On AE m- graving should be correct, and they will be if you entrust the matter to.us. make a specially of hurry orders on visiting cards and polite statione:y. Mr. Williams, verte Rte ee Nee of the construction work o1 2. is hustling ote a ee notwithstanding, that his gang all last week was confined to four teams consequently the work is progressing more rapidly. Kelly, merchant of Sarnia. een owing since 1858, when the signer left Sarnia, Mr. ieee still ee eee in the honesty um: A species oi game was captured somewhere along the Black Creek, in the big swamp, by an Indian one day |1 last week, which has become very rare throughout this district. It was an otter, and was a remarkably big fel- low, the Indian selling the skin of it toa party in London for $25. Bit mae ss could be seen along the c1 all ter and many tried Scgnhieatnty NE Beri it. b; Ey cap- any wild animal at all times, in season or out of season, as oe as he does it to risk a living by —Zurich Herald. ‘Birds can oud do work far harder than human beings. A pair of house- martins, peer nesting, will feed their young on an average once in twenty seconds—that is, each bird, male and female, makes ninety journeys to and fro in an hour, or, perhaps a thousan aday. bered that on each journey the bird has the add- of catching an insect, Even ke tinya bird as the wren ounted to make 110 tripsto and from and the chances are that there will be a blockade of traffic in the west long before the road can be completed, Soon | prey it ¢ ft nest within 430 minutes; and the carried home consis! of in- sects much larger, heavier and harder to find than were caught by the swallows. i eS dried up. tury, | att % complimented for bringing such a fine | Come and enjoy ear ‘€ the Orchestral concert Friday ni Miss E. A. Riddell has a on a month’s visit to Berlin and Stratford. Don't fail to hear the popular com- ic singer, W. J. McLeod, on Friday night. ir. A. H. Curtis, who has had a bine attack of quinsy is able to be around again. Le Died % White, who has been som isposed from a severe ois he: Wes recovel Miss Clara Riddell, Gi: spending a week at her home in Mornington. has returded to her studies in Berlin. r, Christian man, ag in the village the other day with is $3,000 Belgian horse. ‘The animal a Ae is a beauty. Mr, Samuel Boyle on canst ship- ped three deck loads for eaieh he paid the Haat Pry 000 at the rate of $7.15 per hundred. ads) an attack of neuritis. regret to hear that Mr. Henry |a! genic who had just recovered from un attack of tonsilitis, has taken a re- apse and is now suffering froma se- vere attack of inflammatory rheu- matism. The office has the sbeutehice of lay out the neatest and m« pb gla route bills, to be seen an: ee er Horsemen should leave oe att their orders, which will hay ere attention. Mr. Geo. Brown, of the Latte bank staff, entertained the members of the Methodist ‘church aioe to a maple ‘sugar off” at the residence of M ed O. White on Wednesday evening of last week. r. W. D, Weir will, on Saturday, April 28th, new, and of the best pay the public to attend the si chilling oes after the beautiful weather of las ae weather has -con- fine ever teers Keeling and Dahms struck a strong spring on the farm of Mr. Jas. feet of the surface in a short Mr. Riddell has had a Stratford Aer Giant wind mill on a forty foot tower placed over the well and he be- lieves he hag lots of water now. Mr. D. J. Dwyer has made arrange- ments with the merchants of the vill- age to handle the retail trade in cheese during the coming season. Mr. Dwy- er has found it inconvenient to sell cheese to anyone outside uot patrons at the factory. The factory will com- mence operations on May 1st, when cheese and butter will be made usual. as The regular monthly meeting of Women’s Institute will be ee at the home of Mrs: Jas. Trim’ o1 April 27th, at 2 p. m. pi oon rogramime is bein; Scotch short-bread, by eg Alexander salad, by Mrs. Fruit sald ‘by Mrs “Parker ; Ra Bae nger embroidery, by Mrs. . Connell, aia he is coupled short, has splendid legs and feet, hair, ike. silk and fine confirmation. The horse was impor ixon Bros., of Hibbert, and purchased by Kerr Se animal into this Heap ork for #1 purpose of improving the stock. For further particulars see route bills. Mr. David Parker arrived at Mill- 1st Batt. Gordon Highlanders through | } the South African war, and has two ive clasps for distinguish- ed service. He afterwards went with his regiment to India, w! is time expired and he was sent home He has been | many interesting stories to tell of the campaign and pays a high tribute to the Canadians, whom he met in South, Africa. Mr. Parker is the first of a number of of Ireland men to rahe that Mr. Sayers i is placing with @ farmers in his vicinity, , of Brunner, me rd | 2an, who rr : Tiderton branch, The snow storm of Sunday e af riday, | th i © | also be on the road this season looking | ,, George Debus, of Rostock is convalescing after an acute attack of peritonitis. yeceeie? Burdette Coutts is. busi- ly engaged in making a cut on the C. om es “est of Main st. pearl sunburst on Main se Fader will be suitably rewarded by léaving it at Sun o! ‘orsemen, get your sats bills printed at the. Sun office—a large assortment of cuts to choose from, Mr, George Roulston is now entitled to the congratulations of his friends over his success in passing his final examinations at the Koyal College as ental Surgeries at Toronto, and i: now entitled to ed to ae na.ne a following : D.D. 8. eae. ai perce the cae of Dr. Anderson,’ of ey ‘ett on Wednesday to assume charge, Mr. Roulston is a young man of splendid morals and held in high esteem in Milverton and we bespeak for him success in his new venture, _ On Sunday morningas two. strangers in the village were leisurely strolling vom the street proached by a large Believing pele ee anor to be better part of valor, they immediately took ie bail soup found a dodging as ane up the stairs of Sacre hall. wl hey were kept ee srt Mr. Noll, the owner of he animal, diseovered his ian aa and took him home. a thing as alive bear treeing our “aitigdie could never have taker place in the days when chief ewe wasin his prime. Mr. G. 'N. nm, late accountant. of the Siyeslen Tae a Milverton, has been appointed manager a the ranch just opened at Walton. He is succeeded in the anise: of uccountant Als by Mr. J. J. Buchan- ently came from Twee and who Aste been esting as teller here. Mr. F. J. Delbridge, of the suceeet a him as mt of Listowel. Mr. R, Grieve, of Millbank, is to be taken on the staff a the Milverton branch next weel ch has been eanitereed to the’ Baden branch an leaves here on May 1s! ee Let The Inquiry Go On. (Toronto Telegram,) count; it ced to a state of animation by the ill-health ,of oF misioner, Let the Government increase the sup- n- ream eat result: that wl follo®, the life of the Insurance Com- the energetic continuance. o} ‘or ke will not be dependent upon the health, of one individual, The Glander Scare, will be on the road in usual. Mr. McKenzie has also thes ed anoth.r splen ir. Wm. Mitchell. The Pride of Bogie for a share of public patronage. Prii of 847, was bred by James e- of Bogie ae See in Cai hire in 1 Pome old. His sire Royal Stewae travelled Caitnes- shire district for three sons, that heis descended from blood in Scotland, tracing back to the Darnley 222 and Prince of Wales 675, and if to good mares he cannot ap-| the position, vr. see auEy connections, Hee bee superintend w fail to get stock of the right kind. x HEAD OFFICE, BE. WALKER, General Manager BONEN BY MA WM. MAYNARD, Manager, ‘Sales Notes cashed or taken xr collectior IL.—Deposits may mail. Out-of-town accounts receive every attention. THE CANADIAN BANK > OF COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000 TORONTO ALEX, LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l Manager BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND IN ~ THE UNITED STATES AND ENGLAND : A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED FARMERS’ BANKING Every Fidget afforded Farm ers for their banking be made or withdrawn by STRATFORD BRANCH - t ted at once, a good smart boy]: to learn printing. delay in making your spr soaten if you wan ly at Sun Orricn. Spring (Francis Parkman.) forests are bud: foe Toe ee ta Oe prairies gemmed with rs; when on the o. innumerable its canopy, and bri dations: its shades with their Some lady visttors, fe ea reat the @ penitentiary uaen the sh oe of “Because they have no ot oat This is our ps ‘room, my wife and t: ee a eae or the abutment. agit a be, built ith Ge Doe and 9 dauizhiers,” onal by m posite hee big mill dace and a See advt.? for teams in another column. ‘h the opening Spring, when the | spot s|ed by the people of nine nations. P. R. Construction Notes. (Goderich Star.) Nhe heave rails for this end of the i glancing hues, R. track are-being delivered at — Sian i idbont thee ura mnade by the Cana- Short Stories Retold dian Mills, Sault Ste. Marie, large gang of men are cutting out a foundation on Macdermont? yn the hill south of t! 1 ie new connections op- to get his hair cut. The farmer's looks had an oda, ed look, and| Isl the ter regarding ‘the eee eae el rr an?’ “My wife,” the 1 ah a nla cn Ey so Ba s Ej a lisued e do it with?” he-asked; ‘‘a|R., by which the cars fire and fork?’ will aay the Two Irishmen were digging asewer | Ptidge to a positio hem vr rong man | Can be raised | about six feet four inches in height, by the wattle and the other one was a little, puny Bessie i LORE oot i je work of” man about four feet six inches, ‘The ee ee foreman came glong to see how the tn fall operation 8 work then the Stor: “Look here,” he cried, ales is it that little Dennis your gize, is alaen early tw! much wor on, Patric ke Glan g down. to iis pat tner, Pat re} “And plied: ain't The néarer to it?” A medical practitioner in the west of Trelanl had for rapa he, share an swallowin’ it, ain't come A country hina got bun a motor. al Pe oth owner of the car conducted? his own ae Tol ae ees of eu oobi, case, and started to cross examine spent wee! with cher the ce Bide B. gave te evi- pate is. on Henn lence. * ’t you hear my horn?’ asked. earem dam noise peas ae he Hiee'dat,” sald the cabbage man 1 row that convulsed the court: ee < Farmers around he 5 ise cnough/ rontent the Mazi¢-| saediug ; the heavy nnowlall On Bune perionmanee. “Wine henpaned. cay wil keep hom Uae Mt ape *Ob, wellen big sine “append,” ings Bi id ashoin Be t into me time like dis.” The ive John,'“him him goin’ all ‘thet Mongolian start nee im in: while the “beak” tried to compose Bu nis face before delivering judgment. Mr. We are sorry af @ learn of the illn of tr, 0.Gra Be same, and L. rn Baden. we'll he a4 perhaps oa Mr. and N. ie met near Pintteviite over Sunday. Mr. visited at Mr. week. Miss Bellinger, of Wellesley, was ae Mrs. H. ie ith ecttor the west where they In tend making pes Orn rm a nis anna paki SS 3 SATO TRALEE oTorents: waar ithe “hits yas Mr. GicALs Miss Minnie Kerr is spending some at intreted are kindly requested to peasant whose particular ailment he/tinie with her aunt, Mi Me- \d these meetings. McKenzie, of Elma, | was diagnose. Z ro Messrs. George and Charles Kerr |,"ishes 'o iniimata to his many cus: | poy oertal pills, tel rat ihe Trade RO OC iba eae have” Seer 5 Dutshiseed SP aMmiGh 81 the senor that his stallton KCaugnstery palit ented tities Ave | eeone: atte wel ber pe eae ore en shot and his stables quaran-| the hoy. In due eourse the ni BE ae Gates mene bet returne pene which at four years old weighs | ined on accotint of glanders. is abso-| looked in and sone the suiterer in to hla’ seanlen att Toronta, ieeumeted 00 pounds and stands 16 hands lutely untrue, Mr. McKenzie’s stables I, at di high, ie animal is one of the fortunately escaped the infection, and beat ne soe, ery th 2 pile a pad aie Seer is parents eae ioned that poet coe. ae this Conqueror is in the best of sha) pe hip ou thet, * 4 Ls ‘ sar a - CROSSHILL, rabies spent last week in Shantz. visited — John Mundell, of Listows Wm. Mundell’s last Be Bellinger over r. Wm z ae a sustained 4 Seine of a a able colt last week. porn nd had Master Harold at ee : Khight, of Guelph, returned to, thet home on Sat jaturday, after spending ster week with thiegrand pa parents, and Mrs, A. Knight, 8 had