mie tovae reach thelr second | up Character | things become the lower into the b t h.| -Greater far than the aes that have lace in our physical form are tablishes an shoppe take anes nye oie ue cn 'y- hour. no: thing oi colder that a Piely that is petri- é ith is does Hes soe comes. ever in hi er © rirahtes an {heretics have ee es who. ie kept aren at truth; the rest st the ea “depends not in the cloth a tivine. is we wear, but in the men cs are, it of the bay apres away; those taking place per eee anh oe personal char: If yo Bate So-ey than. ce y, then ¥ iN *| theology. really are living — bile anc =| ove, more law, more likeness er | for his living temple. "HENRY FE. COPE. merges fone pos re worse. To stand still is to retresty ita (alt you can dof 16 hold-yodr ground, | he ground might #8 svell. hold you.for- ‘e do nol measure the youth’s growth by his Imowledge of physiology: 1 neither ge the char: purpose, by- ieolenios ‘of disposition, au proficiency in» human ad. it is an ap- al. leap in an instaat 8: wa better gs day Py day, het aa fra oul ero gti the shining ideal |); 2 § to thi ‘which the Greet Architect has. planned leans | comm Peiaduing = needie deep ane ain,” and i iately “Sas if te Eagar esis ait that addi on the subject of = tc pioduced by ly. whic! as sfactorily answ: A SPRING DANGER. Many People Weaken Their Systems by Dosing With Purgative eter Pills Cane Bh Braet en $ thatding “up, papi ast are wee sett] SAFECUARD: YOUR HEALTH LADAY -jCeylon Natural Green Tea instead of the adulterated Japan Teas. hing accent ‘bolle rinse i ‘ge tablespoon tu, whe 2 with 1 pre- aig a Ros is co: 5 roll dd and fry for a min- fat, draining | 5, with they eces the size Your eecuiresstnen Farms and Blocks of Land medicine seems. to ao = ne- ea qd per- cessity.. oNetre demands it as sere ed_per: Then after ois transpar rent, MANITOBA, “SASKATGHEWAN' an and ALBERTA TERMS *° sant and ME_PFUL that Ie industrious man may ewn a copy, ana vib. it i hghly es pure ben zine. Efe the mg Mi her eave the Aosmas (OF THE INDEPENDENT OROE OF roursre«s, may fee dosoribed as Ce, mover: be-put | ‘For Information and Pricss, apply to Fane Habe babel D ER LAND _ The Union Trust Company, Limited, PLE betise drops of lemon juice and pour over tho ets. feo omnia on Toast,—Peel and broil butler, dest wit: Sait and. pepper, and Ap, as ‘would nen if it-were walercre: F Vegeiables in water ‘he first thn ‘when starting, {0 a liltle slap against the aig of ihe hand, and'much 0 forth buying these pills see that the full name. “Dr. W " Tv I hirly uolinds of tel eran’ fe quarto good molasses enough to color salt the Paicanhtbheces, at wilh the yolk a be ate the Dr. Williams’ Medicine scsi Brockville, ols into water all these pa white they are hot sift spratea pees CURE FOR Lhe Le ota geo eae Soon Beco ed An. Malian ane ie Chevalier % es _ faba, main| Piet bef Kitchens Dr. ret the ‘author Fas “Deeds ire, ol sry faults, a ai filvision of bat Tam | sure they woujd oir at omer od Yes, c angi es ‘paint T tell you micro- sues i the Deca For the eu of these hi has proved me from a few months to thirty years, 90 -| perce cured. Rheumatism, Neural, ma Gout Will a chemical compound Aue he asseris aly an of” trace 6 to oy sari: tan iineases dang mt. were completely or cathe The ireatment fs hypodermic, % ‘and Dr. st} z 'ypo 2 - The death is annoy Lansatl, the Bendi; The deat roves one of the most wi eres Inthe “history. of Australian ne ae Mr. “Lansell was the chief owner of Bendi, The gold a. Fas eo pore ings all ay i low the surface of theearth | ‘hey found tie rch _eoistbearing: gg ja ue had bgt paroles interests a st of the mi te worked in Butter : Reomaiier the best more good alone could. That makes Ifa Cow gave ““| mankind would have to invent milk. Milk is Na- vteg| ture’s emulsion—butter .|put in shape for diges- “e/tion. Cod liver oil is ex- 2|tremely nourishing, but |it has to be emulsified *t| before we can digest it. cis Scott’s Emulsion halt foie but which proved veritable bonanaas at ee depths. Lansell's “kk Lage eo ae hero of thi who get their tiving in the er ous tke of Beni - ‘pron gare One his peculiarities was the fact that nen never coun! epee the taeod on of outside tal, ly done in the West Avsiralian mines, As a consequence, Pendigo mines was Tocally. distributed. and their shares have never even been quoted —_+——_ FISH ON LAND. it is to be supposed ti is absolutely comfortable aay eredia ts ‘own. element, but it that is somelimes ¢ aquenting Ash red eee near its gills, for use eee Sweeten one pint of milk with sugar A NOTED MINE OWNER. as e a half lemon ae Risked a Fortune o i “ee “and Strus di dozen other things, al ot “hich rast a brown sugar and three tablespoontuls of the ae etre At ‘the first indication of diphtheria in ake the room in cup and pour into it an quantity of tar and {urpentine he almonds require a thicker cov eines sugar, three of flour, four eggs, one cup eneous matter; than to pees it and wey and dally rand fraealaee lessen has been put tlie pan, pe on, citron the ae in the throat and afford in- a “thing, perhaps. someone else will do and ade- beautifully following ello He soap into small ie in 2 quarts ge ta ai trouble of which ee frequently had no fore needs ee ai preparation. Take nt using a pint o of the mixture te half vatel halt thet weight In flour. Then separate iegrees an t iy agreed |i in. but turn the cake into a tin and bake ther ak ov i z youre a any man yourself?” BODD'S KIDNEY PILLS _ CURE pl YOUNG MAN WHO HAD REACH. ‘id Mrs. Spendiotz, by wi “would you consider tn “T would ip t got a bill ior one and he | His Case Was More Serious Than We | had fo husband Thought, But Thanks to Dodd's Kid- F ; with a sharp knife = into inch lengths. Bake m = oe T ordered a dia- Stea ont half cupful of butler vill ‘one cupful of ga gick rae BREE ? ul te a | disease 1 . é he would ropably. nok have been ‘alive e % Rot jor p. and ne did rot ail rae frsing pan with boiling water to ‘Certainly, ie ite, aa ag pore Py you coming out the Tost Sone er ae id nourishing va, cine in the world. Send for free sample. ‘Scorr & BOWNE, Chemists Toronto, Ont. Boe. and $100. All druggists pro: they contain such enol apt cf fossi Ragnar fact, "gia unimhabied, Up. ‘oduce a revenue yy, 5, 7000 800. a yar or want your punishment at ‘He! laughing at?” “I was thinking that 3 eit. Jcant aie me for the time I've lived you, to put pa- ae The bles tove ma ¢ NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL Last Letters of a Broken-Down Englik, te @ S PEOPLE. at a cost of £2,500,000, which will enable beautiful ase are. aval Ti a a “agen to by wiping’ their boots on the bride's wi ton's skipper, defeated a farmer in a ploughing match at BrighUingsen.. The captain h plough, and thereby made sae ane somest furrows on recor A ‘an lew of fing this enjoyable, piace, this evening to average throught the "ulony. ae fat ush he got t Tales "Be iy ire out ot a i ssn os passed the cambridge dunn [peat e masqueraded as a lady of title and ee are Deal Month ot a Oe means for at least twenty-one years. A seed oil crushing mill and stores at oplar, @ fve-storey building, has. been destroyed by fire, the damage being es- works, but not till ae ‘eople orally ‘Th the case of “Jarndyce vs..Jarndyce,” ‘n “Bleak Aes of Yorkshire the ipa “a see Head to Spurn fend oer itn remains the same for two conseeulive days. cee London, recently, to the mem- Gua Africa Rea Kosngen, (Lanes) Union who recent} Sf Essex cmb, ‘practieally spent six weeks under. 3 day any ory unto you for the tore of ‘God ib nd ae of which fae Telumed aneal 1d nt from his family led to his poverty, d for some time he™hatl been lost sight of by his relatives. In ‘the work- id charge of the boys, b; describes some remarkable Giatiies of sounding stones, or “stone gongs,” which he saw at Chufu, the birthplace and burial -place of Confucius. One of bea or with the knuckl les. it rings, like tat it is difficult to ates composed of metal. Sounding’ stones are known “in other Spuniriea, A coke ig the ; coping Be out a musica} note when in “On, 1 say!” . ater, “paby’s got your watch in h zou lied uncle and 1 won't let it go down too far.” IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND Occurrences in the Land That Reigns Supreme in the Commercial World. Sixteen London churches are now fitted with the electrophone. ndon aia has 3,000 automobile omnibuses plying in the streets, and that number will soon. be dou The, new vicar of Robert ieee near Liversedge, was in his early days a weaver in a mill at Milnsbridge. Instead of the present allowance of only two shirts, British soldiers are for Pe ae to - granid tieo.e ‘age in Nolintone place, Nolimgham< Raoit neste placed ording. the fact that. General Booth s born there on April 10, 1829. Cpartarioitn Dockyard is to be extend- the Admiralty to construct one new battleship yearly. urgiars have not only stolen £100 Captain erences Sir Thomas Lip- who entered. the Darlington. Workhouse with his mother in 1895, and | 5 either a pot of grog or a portion of the had always shown aptitude for ‘The daughter of a Perce “imated al %e0,000. The floors being said that on the Holderness eg? Lord Roberts unveiled a memorial at of the 67% te non-commission- rivates o! ie ie en Coldstream Wr as Be lost their lives ath ‘the South lunatic ‘belonging to the members of the Field b hom he was greally loved, and who | ward. always catled him Captain Thomson, little thinking that once he ha Ty | H borne that title. “STONE GONGS.” A recent English traveller in China he soun distinct , without in- jon, that the object is not rea te xclaimed” the young ber “pat Ve ot ‘hold of the chain, pttd Ahe London Globe, and n years hard labor from Sir Nak Fielding for a long series ut frauds. in sentencing the man the dge expressed his regrets th could not order him to be hang’ HE HOSPITAL GATES. the men had and was certainly the most liked. Potatoes were always served i me |the shiney somelimes wo teach mans and & good natured cook was frequent: une that the men had made for them- bri ed by ney, and in that wa a creased te an y of 35 shillings a month, which was his perquisite. The other half belonged to the ship for greasing wear a iform, nor’ was sleep in comfort and compare vacy Ea the night. But on the other hand he had some |i duties not connected with food, among was in port, of a hol poker for firing t man of the galley with the famous | ® course, there were, as now, the mes cooks, men who were appointed by the rs. ¢|from the purser at the daily esuing af victuals, and who had to. hand these on 1 Z e ae drew a:cook's, or double, portion e duties were arduous and his critics wit he spoiled the duff he was tried by a Jury of the mess, and this jury was folded member of the mess was required named, and probably no mote salis- factory method of dealing. ‘wit the «question could have been foun mie gown by five hundred men, and to | fc ee in ie Crerar Library, Chicago: caavlia learned to sm ‘as was at school.” Not, keeping my, position, But grew | Siac Agee “Thinking. that ny boss could not do wa good other pec young.” SEA COOKS OF LONG AGO 9p] PERQUISITES AND HONORS THAT THEY CLAIMED. is aot British Navy Chefs of the Olden Time Were Men of Very Great a Importance. Sea cooks were, and are, very neces- sary persons in the internal economy of the ship of war, but there were rogues among them as among all classes of country. But they were nol all permil- ted to ply thelr trade with impunity. I soup was generally the best ration t revailed upon to cook cakes and @s, demanding “for his services ish _he cooked. bps . however, he could only be in- IN THE LOWER GUN DECK. em the preparation, when. the s Ea 3 “SON OF A SEA C addline’ toe tae stipe of eamen themselves to be presidents of hi grog, and he deserved it, for his GREAT BLU F LIFE. lere are some “thunders ee lemon juice or apple juice, aoa me ee pai kes we RUB ON SUNLIGHT SOAP neers Sen by Using Pedlar’s Steel Ceilings. sso Ha A any sie room and can be nailed on by any meet pay ply. iy ae renaey AC aie hands, and the eating iousness, fa, yeriaue bad breathe sick ly ie Cc, teettstaa cd MANY DESIGNS. suright pees aw OU N WRITE TO-DAY THE EAD VERON RAILWAY he 5 pioneer oat bat canwapia aa [ = si selneay Montreal and ‘hice, has {STARR'S Macis RHEUMATIC Cure Farmer—“If I were as lazy as you Td! then, and were sure of handling your Me abject. than seme subjects that they are ulterly pros. | Ca i ie those familiar with, it, but to those - a in toubl what ae use, "the advice is—try Seer The Arnott Method is the i ea logical method for the cure| youn f Tm_ getting slong, mitch better now d it was an established custom of | Mi the navy that the ship was not properly |m paid off until i pennant was struck |“ by the cee i It CAUSE, not merely e HABIT, Pau Canes Jali ae references | que: A oeue 3 ee} It cures all itching and a entaling THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE, .| BERLIN, ONTARIO. ted “= NORTHERN LIFE = IC Lays o Siig Hand on Pain.—For mon ee An a pores HIGH eee rat Bete ‘ z! ne Retains Old ane Makes New eres. tee i you propose iS es my ae oir had but a small field of distribution, anon, “your unwillingness to. see. her elwe eri a Ue difference is the size of the doe. in once uses it, will sib) be without it, A VAD, PROGRESSIVE cna) “Dad, what’s Abe Shira oe "man a f poe ing her daughier Tappliy married General and ane Agent 3a To those mie can write ‘0 distinction is made as to the kind of onhardt’ Insurance a liberal contract Apply, stating age, and Piles tion of Blood in th on eaers Loe and he ‘sce Husband— “Well, madam, you've got he greatest blunder in my life was en T tet my church and mother.” “My greatest. blunder was when 1 5 to tool avvay my. lime ‘whan 1 in my worl Resse a steady position with a firm.” Sua Big: hearken to the advice of ae le $ money when I was ‘Beating some one out of money.” “Did not stick to an; “Carel on about. my salen duties.” “Did not take care of my money.” oa every 3 Ob Dat any age or the ioe imited Boag a. 0 eo you ever notice that “the size of is ive one | year longer than a single sa of the] The eo tol thinnest iy ra