Milverton Sun, 26 Apr 1906, p. 4

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$ aieently” fold her beads The Convent -only the sanctuary the abans, but it wi hom was | parlor Le ete will attend you, » E a i ety e ae of © ya oan, dar Mother ?” The er ha superior officer, “Vrouching his hat at preiely a if he ld < he hi ney had been his id. hastily ital Ta tht “tect sae your pai Mother, bi Ht tel; is at presi as tho haror as if it 1 | ack a he. was going . rte “The blac eh she cannol 19 heres very pressing form ae itt ins nh lige are not Did you ever ease, Sister 1 ‘Theresa, and devout, was and coi them all. Sh ne yawned ‘horribly over the: lot auspies and long serm io there was a #6 | Beh SNe a ae sued I her lina—se eresa, if the les ment, thera teu aulsed nie ght pans Hee i went inter fel it sides of ‘ue fourth receiviny side were like Pathe Ae but al 7 | Sic . was a eelng, instead of aa ating appeal 0 white and thin with. Rates atinG, and_ pied pee 80 pe her nun’s lo be wi cognizable to one bua a jigvere “eyes at tee was the 2 Cloudy went up an the a kind greetiny the Abbess, Jacquelina, mgs ut, Cloudy glanced at looked reproachfully at “and then “turning to the and tempest, ine, alt oe thay appy was or} in a ne was moody, hystn tig aft is weight, the spirits revive, ‘nd Bors on joyously in harmony. wi king Binerior Se oi Jdissuad led her and life, with we her; she $ oe witout Dera. ‘And so each year she if “ a twelvemonth or of her wish now, after bi mn, To take the ‘ows: perpe-| more ell, ae oa the Abbess! had, at length, eee to her expressed Ries? a} “Madam, 1 wish to as | Shoule 1-} vent—never ane I ahi ee soul to to By cout: meres ‘Gan so?” sung. seentlenns: st Th was i “Thank you, ee ets which T ay, and ret i ele ioohew ‘at Jacquelina reproach- rae you her to disturb, it thoughts so for? Oh, Cloudy! e ihe SM meant th at make ords | | What ‘aia, "ou send Y Rrotnes Eitienne away thal y might talk to you alone. io you den: Lina? Why | smalt ee How have 1 offended, that ys treat me “In no way at al coat Pea see, dearest Cloudy—St. be there it is nun, you. aoe as. too 1? But ale aise re your convent, and ini world yet once fare and mn.” + ing to you before your Ni e my con. fo, no; never will "Ly art a. temptat we the cabalisto| P ii ch of Marian Magill a ‘tea ‘shriek fYfror Jacquelin: id thei circum- evidence a, inst him at yea yon wi, 1 then “With me?” see ti payee peek be nacke @ case. sol oecasioned sin nen ‘inst be no oppositio “Certainly Soe? Why, Cloudy, ‘ere you one of those nd credit ‘raw head and fis bo ut conve of for school for oe, io nursery. of or- ‘Medan, ify you Please, - iste 0 see you Prey ay ansion Ioapalings > par ees ii see the lady abl; she Ce dear 4 ig her ase Hiciaore to ‘ak ing th ihe rn veil.” {com! hat!” exclaimed ener with Pieriauee shape roasting n ee ine that burneth with rating. Jac | Side, queue, put her A ne and | ate perecraok that had so agitated Marian. io js | rather eee in at her own: request ‘hat a tended tee aa pee eiling news fom the sick man until the | 6 ‘ied in the old stately | # then 1 shall have opportunities of talk-j ed yu. be! aes tro yes! ei it,” exclaim great vo ed ero re -\swearing al = the time that ee the for uy,” said Jacquelina, hurrying away to Koa’ aay Tie awang to to sh Lge -arm and his family in thi arm ae Mrs. L’Oiseau droned, in a dreai » long | bpd for the good of the ee Li Oiseau hi ot to be one of the lest and cane fanatics that ever amet a famil; ni ere were Ws when, by holding up too graphic, ieee ‘and exasperating pictures of ae poieran's past and present ‘wickedne mentee, ee iis an "external boar ot Bee a be mae eae must ‘t HOTEL TRAYMORE ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY ee Ocean View. The House is mild and bracing climate makes Atlantic City especially attractive as Traymore is beautifully located on the most desirable section of the Boardwalk, and commands a magnificent every modern improvement that will add to the comfort and pleasure of the guests, and no expense has been spared in perfecting the details of the appointments. The rooms are handsomely furnished, and the commun. .icating baths are supplied with both fresh and salt water. The Atlantic City Golf Links are acknowledged to be the finest in :he United States. Traymore Book- lets will be mailed or request, and corresvondence rela- winter resort. The thoroughly equipped with tive to rates and ace TRAYMORE “OTEL COMPANY Pp solicited President and Manage they fina rahe Gharleston, on their Irs. eau, oo mucl ML Tataued fo persecute her uaa for ‘his e004, had gone to her cha: commodore was put Pcamtealaniy ‘And Mrs. Waugh™~took the aper, and sat down by the o} as rag by ni weans eX contrary, she was to Be moved;’ but on seein; i danencoernent of the arrest of Mr. mornin, had heard the unwonted cry, and now, It was in vain to evade the question—|P the commodore would hear the news, And Mrs, pe told him e bones of Paul Jones. I tee ae Deioved it! falsely swore the dore; and thereupon he demanded uit it.” and: in count ill: a rough. ;made no c casi runt = casts, until she had Say, rowled ou! they'll hang him !— a—d cee If Tt hadn't been for hi the no Now call Fe to help to turn me over. je up, Henrietta; 1 want to ss. Waugh said nothing, E- “But it was too late—the commodore |) eeching out in that | fai him, le in the family !|5 S| pen broken In the alone weighing forty-seven ane and re- it BIG LINERS BEING BUILT. British Sister Ships to Outclass Any- thing Afloat. * ew ocean. liners, which are be- Sone aes ever aoe vessel will have a gross ton- nage of 33,200, while. they will be sixty are the first to surpass the S eighty: -three passengers an¢ zal of $00. ted will be p works of art, white the n the sane et pases fo another. ee, dining saloon will be unpreesdente arine architecture. will be am apa ficeciie Reed construction of the | stem frames and brad ships. The known. the former ps are the largest ever will be ‘the pes ea ships ithe u son may 3 from. one part of ane athe a guising 0 OEE sixty nine tons f molten meta! in the mi er Thi rudder weighs pre ne tons, i s {vel at the same time the hen is seclu ee ee A CONTINENT OF ICE. The tie mass of ice in the world the one which fills up nearly the dawn of tf form a Dae Stalan w.cunctek of & snile’ dean, ee eS NO PLACE LIKE HOME. What seoms unattractive to one per- b Mr. away wid mie Broken, eee at meh be he ak ‘barr’ 7 bas nd nates eae ‘ser nile ates covered wid pan Pe Tim Kelley’: sé elie elling’ at me. eae fornist the he fears fair blinded | \ and Canmic’s Alley danced up an’| her me choo: me, «own befoor hate sc ee pa richly to be hang- Nace- so “much xed and urged in ue usly; of ood “that nothing reat turn Henrie | the path of -duty, and drea ha all thimgs Lamesa See be kk fary “VOien, he _Tieises though sith the ce, villain wot t ze. e trunks were packed, "hand. the travellers sued “their home- (To be continued). 2 ETERNALLY INDEBTED. oo: you ever know. Bilkins to keep “Wh “t Tent 6a ‘te, Cree he'd be eter- nally: indebted One must come ee with the coin WEB? tw,” before “renewing them pe Lhe, OF COURSE WEB. - seven day, me es ¢ B¢ : 3 re About the Farm :)*: SHH t ttt ttt ttt teg tt SETTING THE HEN. makes ttt teres w mistal mistake in her selection ee A Fie = best peauttee sgfites? ME . EB. spring, when y ell shaded fence corner or un- While it s sinpesie e conditions. closely, can be packed i bottom, upon the gr oun yt its foundation a sod at of moisture. and ai seperate e of the nest ge should depend size of the ‘wing out an opening b. can enter, stand the space as when a be These barrels can yy side in one part of t rule the hens ane ests ieee a slat nm d water, before he barrel oF e nest itself should be made esi It should alse as to TEES, er 0 that ¢ taken olf before giving them | as ‘believe little can be gained by plac: Then if the eggs test out. poo all the fertile eg: ed under one hen and the other re- an be given to on hen and the other reset. The care of: the ailing hen is this ‘will cause rrhoea, AS whieh all sitting hen: nS slay off to air the eces properly acoord.| m i to the temperature of the day bet- tet_tban you could. hi if they se se at ign have the ss basket. rake up the h y lo the p 0 and gentle tere: will, be little" cause A complain of results, DAIRY NOTES, y it is breed first and care rds. Age alone bes ripen cream, but not too much of i The Arcata cow is one that grows eet by using as a dairy-animal. is ig pails should be of heavy tin be soldered o1 as well The ++o4+4 ara TL have eine that hens which ‘steal e ie wer | cl e flonallty ae Senneting Somet 6 For feeding to young stock, especial. ly eet imilk is decidedly pro~ hat rag times as much ya ae when not contain. to exceed one;half ounce of salt 4 e-iieh > butter ie’ canada wh breaking the is oe ‘nd the le: will bes Works and ‘income 0 have a good portion of the cows come fresh in’ Oe- tober and the balance Matter thot as been dlssiroa in the milk eamnot be thrown out by the sep- as can be done, a cow in full nie ot ek should be fed to her full recigcstioty with a well-bal- “| enced rath When you’ are feeding for butter you cannot aor long to nt exclusive: fat form d lains, or should contain, iderable quantity of fat, the food’ k production ‘shou some- what rich in readily: digestible fa Clover hay is a etter production than alm it has a Jse sour y the albume inion ebeientaren tint teiiceieae o quicker union of the butter fats, bul. we do- not: want, if we desire pure butter flavor, to sour the cream and get pro~ nounced sourin, GREEN MANURING. Very. ae Gilg are more apt fo: ct _ vay se "hime. eflerded is more entirely 1¢~ tained, fiselt adding to the hody of the loo, are nearly cll enh cheapest me- "| thod of supplying this factor. Ba CLEVER MEN AND WOMEN. dded| Bright Paragraphs Written by Bright People. A married woman should tak ” gel-| tive part in the business world. oHeltie Gi ren. ‘The danger to boys nowadays from the pernicious cigarette is probably, more real than that from alcohol,—Prof. illips. When a man insures his life he con- efit on wey by relieving ecting those ne leaves behind Lane, K.-C. acquire the habit—in” winter—of always wearing a great coat is: nearly as unreasonable as never wearing one at Always dress to the day.—Leo ev ‘The dominion of man is too prevalent much attention is di- he adult anaes portion of the fe 10 the women and cl tite, if not Jong en ou for us a en ormed. What we ae to_) discover qs: whieh is ae Best kin dof 3} work and to stick to that.—Sir William Whitey K.C.B. wrong fo give to 9 man that degrades and demoralizes ‘him, ial hardship of the man out of he is deprived of doing protects his manhood.— he speci very er the service is mare looke fajesty’s subjects.—Duke st af, but not il ree “aside ean. the of another nation have joy-of him, humanly, spiritually we It is a mistaki reasons are two aoe Ty Ge cee si vans along with the inferior arti -E. V. Lucas h thod of photography from @ long distance. Recent expert ments have shown that a cabinet-s portrait-now requires from 20 minute for. transmission over tnaidveds of miles. tt tw aot ket that the invention will often be — us personal photographs, but as it is equi mae ly applicable to the production of signa- et etc. the ‘ich is now available for pub- service to WHEN DIAMONDS EXPLODE. Acurious, but littlexnown. fact re not unco:: 3 they are brougt imes they have Durst in. the pock y way of safeguard ede dealers bet large ‘dlemends in 8 raw eae tor safe transport from South Africa. Teacher—Willie, what animal is web-footed? Willie—The spider, ams. % milk and beet traits, characteris-| B: tics, temperaments and form of the ani- mals are entirely distinct, Gayest City on the American Continent Re- duced to Veritable Hell in a Few Minutes. AN NEWINESS.DESERES THE ENT SHES ‘A despatch from San Francisco say marked the trap yest, the most to fake the earth from under their feet, and ihemselves face downward on the ground perfect: agony of fear. FOUND THEIR VOICES. It seemed to be after the great shocl People found their voices, aming of toms ‘with, terror, am f mer was over before There fol refoe the a i ton ele the burning ware ise daira whe brave no. families. to. watch over, sine ing befor» ine. he gines, called from the outlying dis! ty, the general alarm rung ‘in by the as sistan' he dead civ eitea IN A tee of the quake ran up the hill hina’ e Ital ian ten- enients, The-rish 10 Portsmouth Square n_almost unchecked by the po- more business elsewhere. their ground burrows like rals, and ‘ume into the square, beating such gongs id olsy instru uments ¢ they had nalcho up. panic became a madne: least-two Chinamen were taken to the knife. wounds, than the pani ie are thousand Chinese in the quarter, and pani r side, of these. together with ine Mitratf of the Barbary at one block of open - in pon they fought ea ihe e troops restored or- BANKS REMOVE GOLD. The the dawn broke and t Tiete tity tags o-be overhing The-smoke ‘of burning buildings, Francisco. One old nighthawk n by a cabman mad with ie ro! ‘ied more than $1 i cag reney and ities. M corpses 0 broken png dng stopped € ie or three minutes _ stay by the atk ae to look {¢ e vater, They were met €tation fe by the refugecs of The f given | 201 ten | Pui 5 an destr royed as this, and outside of the ’ North barrier of debris, where some buil ling had fallen into the street, and ~ wourl pile up til the- guards cleared a way through the streets. SHOT DOWN THIEVES. then the vandals formed and to work, outed out as “he along the Gnuesee) the rats « And ; Sie ALTO: aan soso, og << pp v= OHOLLISTER Francisco water front, the iz lund: nan ‘caught one of these men dene through the window cf he @ with little tremors, brought down At tae of these the re: fire would ‘sto for o'clock, the newest a e big o1 drove even thos wie fea “felrnned ms oi A SAFETY COMMITTER. sity Hall. Here, in defau' Tiere: were, perhan: 400: Ih jured people. many of thom tel ‘Buungled, laid cut on the floor before DEAD AND CATA, ery, physician in the city volunteer. aie eet y got fogelier enough tained nurses to do the work... Th wel ihe e| Ness Ay .s | coomed. There was an open park aah ce Re i ih s a the bay or ocean. e. | improvements i Map of the congas’ Dist Showing Towns Badly Wrecked he Earthquake. ey g|then that the flames had crossed Van venue, the dividing line between the better residence, district and the rest tary reservation is goin thing worth mentioni oe lence oe was burt afternoon. ished ‘vith the district Sewn ran} their stores of scuth throu tae what remained . of the tion va gaeat tg ict, extended out soos it thoney in sight a a region | o} “the covernment has ed to Nob Hill, Nace at ee of the early- y California millior e that the water aaa had been wholly o1 % utes Even ve were gelling supplies ee: Wo. o'clock the firmen absolutely the Gerke dis the e dyna- It passed-from_ m nae to pe “NO MORE DYNAMITE!" ery. was the doom of San Fran- cisco. Ralimore: fires are PEPE Os st resort, Gen. Funston emp- STABBED, BUT NO MALICE. tied the artillery magazines of the Pro. sae sidio, I echiing 19 ye "| bed Fred J.” Ore quarrel ot the d, direct wire confirm- orth Co. Buttalo, ed ws over the Many must have died in the fire, Teast four men were shot durin Gay for looting. The unburied’ dead, many of them half burned in the ruins, arc becoming a problem. It may be-| ! come ‘necessary to sink’ many, Podies | M# alice or forethough Reis ZULU REVOLT SPREAD! the rea mortality. ieee know z Sac * i asaiand; to’ ae flaneie: tee ese “| Disquieting News from Natal—Impe itanuy ber selt tat ‘Troops are Ready, A London despatch says : ;{news continues where the Zulus ‘ito either bettiendl roll gives the value of land and i improve the rebel chief, Bambaati nients in San Francisco at $402,000,000, | {rainin, i insurance held in San Franclsco| thal are being m is estimated in New Yory at from The loyal tribes ar “mobilizing, and ee 00.000. ‘This estimateta| Government. Is en ling special vol ent’ of premiums.|tecr forces. is imperial troops. a They deus Of the homeless-people who | Meritzbirg ‘are held 4n ‘Peadines were rin Stopping ‘ne cone and caring for the living the parks are filled’ with. people a Ing out of doors, under guard of the “say FRANCISCO IS GONE. all information is greatly ex. Set thi earthquake we escaped { ie Bess ond “at least 00000 p in the parks or the dic mil reservation. All the Is except the free city Hospital have been destroye they have .| been dragging the inure, i and dy- lace to place of safety all day Thursday. A rate Pepe bya eet ern Union wire direct from San p from a curse these as they pas Time and agsin a Pane of wagoue st eabs would run on to an yaa hich Gen. Depgrtinent DEL MONTE HOTEL AT MONTEREY. ‘early on Thur: crane: He said provisions and star Disquiéting are sleeping in the parks and the ay 1g A ee? is their. feeling: rva- for roprial fal isas- eri aS je it the Chicago, Boston, an mf almost unimport- | 4. A Man Was Discharged for Stabbing at Bulfalo. an bus despatch from Buffalo says: Rudolph ars Ard v fit fatally stab- T labbing was ote without | vial s the bth | Prices of Catile, 50. ibs, fy 0 mg REPORTS FROM THE TRALE CENT! RES. Grain, Cheese a Other Dairy Pro/uce at Home and Abroad. April 24.—Flour— Ontario ents are quoted at $3.10 bid in oulsi LEADING ronto, rong ave a ‘oronto, Bran i pon al 20 in bulk, outside. No. i said to be worth 360 days, but none offered. ¢ bid Point Edward, May delivery. na SU. sellers. Oats—No. arrive, Toronto, with, per dozen. Tops td to tie lay—Car lols the Ne quoted at 85,30 to $9 01 and No. 2 at $6.50. Straw—$5.50 ti 0 $6 Pa ton. Pot atee Ontario stock, 70 to 5c pel es and Eastern, 82 ta. 850 per bag ae "Poultry —Turkeys, fresh killed, 160; chickens, 13 to 15¢; live chickens, 10 to 1ic per tb. x 1 jimothy are n track, Toronto, THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter—Pou to 21c; large rolls, Wy to choiee datey ub s, 17 to 20c, Ba crane ery prints sell at 24 10 toe and cols at 22 to 2 Hides Soles at 15 to 1534c per dozen in| case New cheese, 1340. HOG PRODUCTS. hogs in lots nie Beson to Jong clear, 1 to 11%¢ in case short cut, $22.50 t cena iett to meditim, 13% 10 Hes avy, 13c; rolls, 1134¢; shoulders, tel Re 15% to- 16¢; breakfast bacon, ot 14340 pe per Ib Lard—Tierces, 1c; tubs, 1x0; pails, |, 113g0. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. _ Montreal, April 24—There was some m foreign sources to-day, 905 ‘a 98. to Feed in bags, Bis Ontario re i bags, $19. 50 to $21; milled mouille, UNITED STATES Gaia. sqhlinneapols, ree 2H july, lo 80%; nite kee, ‘Wheat. N ne si af "Big No. 2 do.. 8i% Bye No, Bani No.8 2, BS’ to 55: a io, 3 coat ay, Minn. Nonna: 81%c;\No. 3; Mi 80%e; me 81%; Se athe: Ne, fi J ly heavy run 2! ing at ite Western Cattle--Choiee ee quoted at good at 84. 0 $135, se to Hee oh ae rough the roof, Killing . bridal couple and persone. 6: bevel cove wh siete teveral other i eh io nv, $2.75 to. 255, pls, 83 to 84; j ri lear "si.50 to. Stockers THE WORLD'S NARKETS ao rie; Bers 2 wanted at 50c clin “al cay 2 white offered dur ee to. ef 3740 mer: nd rolls are net at ie ( SF se Talpe cheese uct and waits Mey oD, th Cal are nominal. alg bes (Bon $20 to $20.505 Ino action improvement (nthe demand for, Mani-| ui v 2 Mee Baron Col. ane ger Mik On 19} get -cavern, - | eble distance. Ho; i for selects and $6.90 for Tats ead ite fed annd ay watered. NOTES AND PROCEEDINGS ak THE OTTAWA HOUSE, PETROLEUM COMPANY. scribed capital at the as of panera tion ao 32,000 Siler and at it wi 869, re eoamerson slid ne a digneeed of any a ‘his stock in the com- ny. BORING FOR OIL. a neertaee ates wee es by. oi. elc., near Easton Le forth-West Gas and Ol] Company, Bt Eatonton’ had anvlied to the overs mi advance for this yvernment pe. eavance them or Jat Calgary had not been e: GOVERNMENT LAND. f au made, wine FENCING, | Clements ws by Mr. Oliver tat ihe Ee Roe was. hatter build- nor _ proposing y wire eeclge on boundary mee bate ‘the United States and Canada year. Both ihe Commons joir ined enthusiast in ie of a_resolu inviting ty King Edward was a econded They made abla pet a favor of ae. resolution, ved. -by ifrid Lauri Im Jer, Bourassa, and Chis! the address was Wilfrid's — suggestion amended so as to leave it an open tion with the King, cee the mnvitation be accey minion open of the Quebec Boies, ited by Mr. Belcourt. 2 LAKE UNDER. LARGE CITY. pete ree GPs he Co. Charleston, W. pues i State of Great|terms of peace, hi . / si tl sub: ae ven ec wat in su nade re ‘ation. Se ghee eh ery ee) new DOMINION PARLIAMENT to he onto unt Su sit eived _ the se Joan, will be “suifletent to mn the road, which’ epout | fifty les remain to the G. T. P. Railway. ‘ GAMEY MONEY. was ln eed used es mele the am eC omit tee tage, sors fe fin~ ae with pele one amend- thal al a m ortant sd wil 6 i ; timendiment a pate Me . ea, by v nt of thee Ine mney : thon Ae wyer noted that ‘any ron ba of ona anes the privi ania ol rating ays aa Thi woud oe Deana to ‘the Premier aehe .C., despatch Pipe the e Epres of China which araved esday ste es the ae s ington. A despatch from Chareatai Vv ys: T ra ck | v etth to crumble and fall in, “aving «| hole. ie rk aes rane MAE discovered the vse ae un Sai rning ‘9 -the surface, TRAGEDY IN NORTH vicToRIA, Man Fem Dead in in the ei with Head Open, A fees pe ey. says: Word ie i es S < ‘the fa cNulty, Sa shout four ae north. Wednesday m ee at an early hour. iy were. ven a n the farr aH pnopaing wood in Their employer, ater aoe ‘necessary ce a _— |vol “Wiest ough Charleston joons

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