Milverton Sun, 3 May 1906, p. 1

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“It Shines For All.” MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1906 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher — The very best Pat your money ina @ insURANCE => provision for the FUTURE as well as the PRES- ENT is a Savings Account in The Sovereign Bank of Canada Interest paid FOUR TIMES A YEAR. $1.00 will open an account. get it when you want it. kind of insurance—ie. place where you can xetbt teeth LOCAL NEws © Ear LEE EE EEEEEEER Try J.R Yost & Son dor cement. You will find the price right. Mrs. John Schaefer, of Preston, is at present visiting her mother, Mrs. MacBeth. ‘Two three-year-old drivers for sale. Also a pak eet hand wagon.— Hes: eae the ee bills for particulars siting to it. Fle: eo ee pure bred Clydeedale Stallion, Bold Boy. y. Alex. D., Chair- ete Be Stratford District, will preach Office open every Thur Blook, Milverton. Veterinary Dr. Butler, of London, will be Queen's hotel, Milverton, on Friday, aoe 27th, Friday, Jane 22nd, Friday 20th. Hours 9.3 at within the last few weeks it might be well to ire te attention of parents y to the fac: H. Mohr is paying 17 cents- for butter instead of 19 centsas in advt. The S aioe has the reputation of turning out the neatest and most ke a route le nm any- . Horsems should ge attention. 1 school trustee suggests ite as as the Legislature has fixed the salaries of teachers in the country schools, the same body might under- take to select the teachers and fix a rice for lighting schools, and ea there would be no necessity of rural trustees. It is our duty fi week to chronicle the death of aie ae McCloy, ihe ars had been a resident ay “MeCloy had eee ‘s leave or |] WAT thair orders, whisk will have [0 ires and agentes i Card of Thanks. Mrs. Henry Den: piniatied toconvey to the Canadian esters, neighbors sires, especially, the Bores ters for their Diomptiess and atten tion to her nee ee A Fareliy.n Necessity. It’s remedv cay f affording one ailment constantly arise. Tt may be a cold, id, pethas toothache, neural Polson's Nerviling, it is penetrating and powerful. Nervi- THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE — Paid-up Capital, $10, 000,000. R 000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000 — HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ‘B. E, WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l Manager BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND IN THE UNITED STATES AND ENGLAND A general Banking business ier ed. Account is may be opened and conducted by mail. witl ranches of this Bank, es BANK D DEPARTMENT Vo eall attention to the great damand that will thes be wrenton toe eee this in- Sabbath morning and evening in ton. E. W. HORNE, Manager, Milverton ners es es 4 than orainary remedies and its Phe Mee Sh aingw tow Ser ae gee tals nt, but | war fu ay Bouschld gare be over] Deposite ofS ond up apd intrest allowed at e ue is spending a few i nH pe 4 pI th ad catlivasetec ir or beast Nervyi- current rates The ositor is fe er to no delay what- < STEED TRIS BLAINE aS lays at his home in Milverton previoas | malady assumed an acute form, and | ine is pannce. ma all pain an ever in the withdrawal of the whole or any to leaving for ipeg, where he | since that time she pa gees acaba costs 25e. le y Ner. nm of the dep has secured a good position with the|to sufferin; hi she bore with| viline to-day font ue druggist. ‘i Union Bank. eat fortitude and patience until WM. MAYNARD, Manager, STRATFORD BRANCH ‘Any one wishing to take lessons in | death released her on Friday last. She The Merch Bank of C d sila Reeee tint 3 "was a daughter of the late Nelson A Great Oppo y. e erc ants ank 0 anada parler i hate Hunter, and became the wife of Rol Fe Card of Thanks. Unionville, STRATFORD BRANCH : A, M, Campbell Manager Milverton, who is prepared to give| McCloy in 1883, who still survives t| _ Mr, Robt. McCloy desiresio thank the) lessons in’ any of these after May the | her, and who during her long ines | Rees Pee parle aererea nec la the he of U. 8. 8. x $6,000,000 1st. gave her unremitting. attention. The sympathy extended to him in his recent ‘Total 100 per cent. pass 50 per eee a Capitan Parp U: 000, “f fa ‘uneral took place to the Milverton eave it. i t Wy 3,478,197 Mr. L. Schmidt has now completed i ; ferret ttn g es to convey | Sr. IV.—Ella Harrow 78, Willa Barr RESERVE is 7 the dovndattanecklie for ‘A. Gallop’s, asltheta Cemetery on Sunday Seine fy Silver Star lodge No.|59, ‘Jr, IV.—Annie Bay (absent), Sr Sin H. Monvagun ALLA E. F.H ation walls for A- Gallop’s.| afternoon and was o very 202 his thanks Yor the) IIL—Eveline Cuthbertson 4. Jr, IIT. : ‘Dresident Geared \Manager: | acoicua catdeceaene eameer on Tagen! over. sata i anyelleaD} Hants Hoautifer dora 0 Sterag wei hey laid Teens allow: 56, ‘Grant Roe 41, pia eae, iy gaged on | being rom many parts quite | on the bier of his late wife, Mazgie Sage 6 89, Carrie Hoo 30 Belle Interest at most favorable rates allowed on Savings Bank Ac- @| bakery. Itis a long time since bs pi ceetatsuleivie she'was held, a MILLBANK Sage se Te Vinee waentas = ing operations were in such an ad- Jacob Albrecht 39, Jr. ‘Alla counts. : “| Mr, Andre mbach returned The 8 SHRaeie Real Special attention given to the business of FARMERS AND Drov- @| Yanred condition of progress s0 early liact week from me "Pra isco, whe: fl braneh in eitore Clock aan een schnaler vee Seater, ea Rs to Whom money is lent at lowest rates on promissory notes. ct nb a have taken oer 3 he has been residing since last Jan a ere | completed, will "the best ward etic Tish, Banter ae aie ote baaAicdy ROR VOUIYE.: praise uary. He says that the results of the PAs Ae in ae Approxim-|furnished qui banking rene Edwards, Janet Brydone, ecaken. noah aGRRGUeG ot eee ne nia eens Bal Se about epener fhoueena | ioellee hey Eineeetres tik tak aa Sines edits seeds os 4 a= = = eregarig. that it wi ye months before a correct eS Dentistey Leave your orders for good seed thotr eesti that, they have lost} estimata of cho loss af life ean be given. | Manan ‘ana vuperated, “oder” mad| Doimiaion, and should seseive the M. Roacu, Teacher, : — —— ] potatoes with J. R. Yost & Sone heir effect—will find a pleasant sur-| He said that was awakened by above what mileage we have at hi i —_—_>-——_ % = 2 pre-|hearty support of the village al DR. R. LEDERMAN,Dentist, Licentinte] |Get your butter parchment at the| No pain, gripin mS hove i Binet [being thrown ~violewtly from bes; and surrounding country, It is ander the 8 8'No'> Rima of Dental Surgery and Member Royal/SuN office, where the quality is| fore hi he intimates that but a short time pport of this, it is estimated | man: of Mr. J. 'effer- College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, | guarant ‘ort even in severe cases. This candy | elupsed before he was on the street, | on pee antharity that the present {name that carries with it the confi-] Th foll “ fae guaranteed. bowel laxative—-LAX-ETS is only be. Remy the en ee Honor graduate of ‘Toronto University. [Oo ait vastotion of seed e y ‘here he saw the people teeming out | season will s re than a thousand | denee of the eoumunity. pu 9 Peaine Regulation of teeth, Crown and Bridge} > : s! wigs Fake i seed | and is sold by The Public Drug Store. | of the poe in thousands. ‘The city, | miles of new phe Mr: John Fewings is making ex- 4 eens oii Rewer ge m. te eee Staton sae hand at the Milverton! Phere has been some speculation in| Mr, Bi ach aays, was put under iy tote paket veil ete ate tensive re ae to his house, (pods : inkbeiner Bros. “hardware | Sts the village a5 to. the whereabouts of| strict martial law, and the soldiers | Y. to thelr mileage, ntaric } When finished, will make a neat an we i ot Tink te Seve Eg” aoa eee ee Ses sidihe Noth, hy Jee Bat |S come, she ie leanne ER oe tee Mr. McCrae in} down ‘anyone who ‘ve jo. obey | build tnany Miles thie year, While the| ta ales’ Batidinga-Hew house. and] Rant Med! ny is January from Mitchell and med | orders. People were flocking trom the Canadiai ‘1 andthe Grand {at ‘ Zel : ‘The Sacrament of the Lord’s supper |out for business in Maitla oe old | city in train loads, transportation being | Trunk Pasifle will each build long| Work has been resuiwed_on_ the i z PARKE! Db She M.. Lic will be dispenced in - Methodist | studio in C. S. Grosch’s in | given free to relieve the'distress in the stretehes of their ‘Trans-Continental railway and good headway is being | Kuepher, Sr 2ud—Jonathan Steckly, Graduate and Geld Meaaii t Ti Rie a di-| church net ee bbath “mi ang turday, after Good. Friday he aay Mr. Baumbach got as far ‘as | syste! eorge Parkinson, John Whit es cal College, also Gold and Miver Medal ist, ae once, si ad smart boy left here, as hesaid, to visit friends ffalo w' a hand grip and a ten thet es Sean Ria! atthe same the fine spring bela farmers | wane Zehr, Maggie stead Teinity niversity, Toronto. Successor to] 1) anted at DY: | fa Mitchelle.anailiny et thas plage by actin val after i nut $1500 | tim movement in the|to get in their ork with| Edith. Lambert, Eleanor ce in Post Office block printing. not delay in * ropp a pas Bios Fa. oat Oniee 2 ee | makbideey aah auphondowae vant | bis mother revealed the fact that he}which he had invested there. M way of building into out. Northvest | and it is practically | Rud: Kupfer, Johnnie, Atkin. Telepboue conoeetion With Poole, zrunner, | making yi pee ication if you wan! a ting with all three of the| completed with ihe cexception tle Steekly, Bertha Parki Milli * aoserville and Ros he position.—Apply at Sun Orrice, | had not been th et 0 ap-| Baw rae gies cr rebuilt! Ganadiah Trans-Continental--Nnda,| some late felds of pe eer irtneat he Bae —————| Mr.Z.E. Gill’s celebrated Clydes- rie aD HP aaron San ee ena him over a] for which purpose they will require 6 gang here working on the C.P.R pert Jost Sates ot von Sone tas dale stallion, Bay Sampson, is again |/08ve Milverton with so, little core-| deed of the p qo: ne under- to build an enormous tileage of new|have struck for higher wages. ‘The E NE Oe POE meh ST ape VEE this season. Horse |™ ; a noe ae that he may} standing that manently hei th : contractor permits men only to wor Miss M.E.Kinty, Teacher, ‘A.M, PANTON, Barristor, Solicitor,Etc. | breeders would do well to consult ooh ieee ng ; heey oe ip sen aa 1 Cis in the light of those facts that | fiye days a week, and they have made Shale ton Se es Wi “ i rf ie says thal thousands like % ‘ - day, Wm. Burton’ [route bills as to terms and particulars. | Ju view of recent panes ed v1 tious, eiihe nan iaeite sR a We Noles Se aA gtcsp Son te a aa North Perth Licenses. 3 pected that their places will be taken by the gang working at Milverton. of the ioense Commissioners for, North in the board room of the City The Li Canada Perth m Tul more! "A note for $5 by A.J.Babb in| crease in railway m “yeaa x Hi Hl, vat Stratford, onSaturday afternoon ). W. BARR, V@TERINARY SUR- es, ea n nose ‘ayia: aceis tre Beate measures of hom: vor of Mrs. Ell wart, dated on| 2. ‘To point out how the necessary Evangelical Association: * ‘h GEON, | Milyerton, (Graduate of On-|tation, Eyes for glasses ment are necessary in omen to protect} or about Dec. Hwt;2004. Parties are ivataite may be acs ae tario.’ Veterinary College, Toronto.) 4 @ youth and preserve the warned against negotiating for said} The different branche ee arailwey| Bismark, April 23rd.—The 42nd] Gibson were presen re lic ‘y Ber At th f e' Lg Pi treats all diseases of domesticated animals. he’ conieaie of Mr. Gustave|name of our town, We hope that a| note, as payment: Bee oe stopped. service re espevially trained | session of the Canada Conference. of| ense Ts pit ‘and deputy ee Calls by telephone or otherwise eany Kraje ee “ ee = ere laid) timely word spoken with rieve, 3 Oran Jeter lal IES at bran the Evang. Lies cael Justoloned or, Jou tte : J. el's|ugainst Mr. Fred Prost for violation ‘Millban is is case of ismark, On) oie ited to the folle —— —— il bs his reason, ‘aphy an ner was ted resid) ivy from the village, and all ef-| cave heart- yc and heart ieee HESSON. er duties connected with it in railway | Bl Wee was qreioned Da The Went aris very orts, so far made to effect his capture, |in the domestic circle, AL the same va operatin ry ‘a Special | district, Rev. M. 1 . Albion. Gusts a JUlnasne ones yy | have tailed time it m| counsel a|~M¥., George Lantz, of Stratford, | Stodyin inany Universities and Col-| stationed on the east and Rev. 8, k, | Mansion, Arlington, Ontario, American, J. H, LAMBERT, successor to J. V 8) was at home for afew days last wee! ei ol: atationed on the east and Rev. 8.. Ry al, Vietoria, Crown, . saloon, to he publi r rath ri ey rp about, te doors ese announce to the public | more charitable spirit with regard to wire fonee has been erected | e8¢8 but such a Universit pay Knechtel, P, E., on thenorth district City ‘hotel 3mos extension, “Cabinet the Queen's Hotel loors euet © |that we have greatly reduced the price | eortain gossip that usually prevails in | around the Roman Catholic. come. | ‘Aes s0 much time and Is s0 expen-| Deacon's orders were voted to hotel mos extension, Dominion 3mok Se ee a asl ‘ange | Of Wall paper about 25 per cent. on all " eats - sive as to-excludemany from taking| Koepke and Jobn. Burn, Elders Sere cai eda Ra Partlion: GSRReSe CIEE Leciter Caner diving 's specuity. |lines. Over a hundred designs to|this kind are brought to public} Mise’ MeQuiré and Miss Addie |®4van ih ders were voted to, -D: ing; | shop licenses, Walsh and T. Quirk, ode tesa ke " ‘ €| Itis a well-known and acknow-| A. Clemens and F. B. Meyer. P 3 Give us « cal i season's designs | notice Gatschene spent Saturday and Sun: MORNINGTON are Allin sock ; no wating for paper dag ‘with fiends at Listowel ledged fact that no other branch of| The following young men wei zi ——— Bt saci Ps eect rani atieniter lett Monday railway service offers the same in-|lieensed to preach: J. H. Neufeld, A. Ballantyne, Topping, three month's Hotels M Ch ‘Rites Ces Ges dices iy for: Stratford. ‘pe me The it 7 legraph| E. Miller, x Kellerman, extension for further consideration. 4 2 tine had hig. chods ana |The home of Mrs. Fred 0, White,| , Mf John Cook, Jr, who has been |i atnrost direot from the positic eel Parc e meiews ‘ crate ose seo : EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont, | 1%) 106 is sheds “and | witvertou, was te iasene. Of a very Fes nding the owinter ths in ve RE fiat the ontt GbE | > Dai uSiA Ree tute reer een ey 's extension ee ones Pairiaeaty Boss digas ond stables See disinfected ‘4 2 3 ery De troit, returned to hia sities last | Operator up e highest official | resolution was d approving of atschene, son, gran’ e ya Tohn Gropp, Pop ee VCR ale soheinge to Ais appy a, t on storeisy last, | week. positions. In of thi the course of the Lord’s Day Alliance | Donley, Newton, granted. Mrs. C. Gies, cigars at. the bar. eee pairameanimras TEE GOP. April 25th, daughter, | ¥ BOs ouly say that it is estimated by com-] in its efforts to secure legislation to] Newton, granted. P. TF, Doersam, tion and large stablin; i is ten for some time to come. | Freddie Bell, pete the ine ot e TRALEE petent anthority that no less than| better pr O ie obseryance of the} Poole, granted. Mrs, P. Mulcahy, ‘ is is taken as a precaution owing eee Macdonell Rosamond, ay Wires ieee the aileay uate Lord’s Day. appointments are | Millbank, ~ granted. Louis Schmidt, 2 GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton |to glanders being prevailent around |dent engineer of the Guciph aed ers of to-day, in America, started o1 as follow: bi orth district—S._ R. ‘ralee, three month’s extension and no Fi (iawsolslion sir oumparcal | Abeged wad tet oes 6. Goderich railway, at Walton, | The Will Davidson has returned | jy thele Coreen; ad telegraph oper:| Knechtel, P. E Bt. Jacobs, J. H| furthes license, Wa. Pollock, Milver- Goa “ihag at" Earie"| Oltensime in th sudden ines [teers banal bak oilock fn er aan of enatgn. | pe Pe) Gronzobaeh:’ Elmira, Win. Zimmer: | ton, Station tee months extension aud ood tal st brands of is & Rts and car. Wcorae of ta [of chideen im reliable s | toni ofa Sena bank of, at gating hers biotin, Me Hag v Gomiterog the statment, of | man: ate rica ae me and Mill streets. Chi iter, Proprietor. | availiable fatal 3 - B icy, = co consequences cane away by Mr. James Torrance, M. P-| "WE'are pleased to learn that Mr. apeaig ot i ey rants Becker: Carrick 3: putas Walkerton. | “CherlesRitter, ‘Gran Conte granted, QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. The 2 M. Hanley is recovering from a se- ¥ B sire Meatet 4 Ys - Thomas;| Gy, Pauli, Queens, ents are urged to haye ready. for im-| Barnby, of the Methodist church, was the son, it seems to me, a| Hanover, D. rand; Port Fi age io ee no peal gr cant ial trav-J mediate use Dr. p's Diptheria | the officiating: minister The bride| vers attac ipflammatery rheu- Togival conclusion, that in the near|L. Wittich; Chesley, H. L. Seiten: ELLICE ar am Care, Dr. Shop's Croup Cure, Dr. | Wore pale pink eolienne over white z fatu ny years to come, wood, A. Geiger; Parry Sound, | Joseph Wingfelder, Se epmieds 7 5 , Dr. 5 a Carte ie Sool wat sts an | Shot's Worm Gare and. Dr. Shoop’ [tae wim, hiflon and lace tlw] gEyctie howe father, Ae, Albin:| Ie rata “ralinay|EDorseh, Wioeipeg Selkirk, 'W:| Win" rpg ea 2 enty of shed room, Geo. F. Pauli, prop. Panacea. Children’s ailments | MD&* Gnd cartied a boquet of bridal) on, of St. Marys, was buried last telegraphers w oh A De Beal iia Sect i ecponte Meme tty cae Rickard, bring, thee = oat ene prompbaead above all. elon, Lee be ie eed Mint Gattlel Cn ccadas ibis fact taken in canpestion| Brown; Medicine Hat, Chas. Koepke;| extension | foe further - consideration . hors tolling hahha enp | alte elas wi afener ie tra, Br MeCoteheon nave | hana rag ome Breda | an Wan rl tieroe tga ‘A medicine vendor by name, Wm. | possibly harm in any of these a yoke and carried cream roses. The| T¢* nas after visiting | s condition which, in my estimation | Yell i's cs Le Burts, of Woodstock, was brought Jont household medicines. Sold by |Aroomenan was Dr. iph Leder-{# the homeof Mr. and Mrs.J. Welsh. | Offers a most desirable opportunity Yellow Gree es ied ein rae GS. Biokek ame Be SetcraiP. Public Drug Stor man, of, Milverton. | The wedding FE for young men who are anxious ‘agner, ew Hamb z Ing chen with Teftning Wo we! Sahday ho EW. Panton, patr| Wie, site ef hemlet = See creat Smee a POL, Fae oe biel ae ete ee is boar. an - age: " ‘avis-| Rov bs b, smictaaniee Bok penne airy oS St. cae, ‘Strationd for | ceremony, all rep ieee the dining orge Farrel shipped a deck of|- Inconelusion, I ‘ock, E. Burn; Stratford, A. Y. Haist; LISTOWEL adalat dag in tll ty Sree 810; wind ent; ree years, stat to the a ‘in pad was | hcgs iteni here yesterday, and James | those who may be tbicking of ta king Bebelagsille, J. G. Litt; Pullart ‘on, E. Grand Gentral, granted. Arlington, Roepe H ih to over $10, and) congregation that his sresignation ore 's gift the | Coutts ships on Thursday. up the study, that it wonld be M. Graf; Miivertom ©. Morlock granted, Station house, granted. Jos. ad his revolver confisca! would be presented to a special meet- aap was a ates gold wateh, to! “The patrons of the St. Mary’s Cream- | for them to bear in mind that it Ss Maitland, 3.8. Damm; pace A.D. Boehmer’s house was giv ree iar Carson 8. Sleoman, of Kincar.|ing of the Presbytery af Stratford, to] pe Diels ies ery receive be smionbr “of Marck | oes eave. ene siete oat ‘tL. Eidt;| month’s extension ior Oueaeer, uel Sleoman of that |be held at Brantford during the meet-| With, dowels, to th 8 | 96.93 for Uutter fat, equal to within Boat OF fue ARR AK ee Sines Aalborg. ey - | Shop license, #. Bing : eats on the 11th inst., |ing of Synod, opening there Monday. | set with fee ris. fraction of per pound for butter LS, pate $e toate NORTH re < eldest daughter of Mr. an resignation will e up for |ed were very beautiful, among others | clear o! Hee as It required 83,7| more than it is possi! o perform— Eby;| Wm, Miller, Gadshill, ne month’s se fer atthe home of her/disposal at the regular meeting of | were checks from Ibs. of butter fat to make 100 Ibs. of | I say it will be well to bear in mind ’ extension for improveme Hitz- 5 parents in Milverton, tye ceremony | Presbytery in Stratford on May 8th, |@room, brother of the groom and|butter for on rch, | that such institutions do not always O. | rozh, Amalree, three months extension 2 ormed by Re rn seiotioners from St. acne reat aunt of the bride. as is pleasing to note throngh the| Produce the best results or prove. the ie considerati Wee Carson was a resident Sn pe church will to appe: ie as present ae listance 3 reised: confhdence id the busines shea ar tory when it comes to ——_>— ~ for some Jength ff fe, and Panton also intimated that ‘it the | iy. r le Hespler, A. H. Pleyleys Niagara, A. & friends i te iii euncar a pronld irri owe cee : manageneit ioe conan eee ions Porson ia any, way Leite ge Sraprig, ore bares ia a ee tree a ak ae rao ~ 1s rnprior, O. G, Aal an, embri OP i—: lorning on atu 3 Z per happiness. Pala ston Spec: oe reach hi faroel sermon on Sunday bridge: lice Past Greeti at Nor- pate is gradually growing in this] send for a copy of this Pamphlet oF of| J. G. olden Lake, E. OM April 28th, the oie of George opt, v ening, community. Information.” Free of charge. Gishler; Hockingtnity E. F, Hai

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