Milverton Sun, 3 May 1906, p. 4

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The Conditions Are Much Improved ; In San Francisco. A despatch from Oakland, California,)and identify their property. They will says: Conditions are~still looking up.) be left in the streets to cool-for the pre- The restriction against entering the city | sent. The work of razing the at ingerous | at 793g¢ oul is now practically off, ‘The electric cars| walls goes on smooihly. The next im- i Market: i ‘The banks have both a name and a local | laying of railroad tracks down the main aye eh have found a row of} business streets, to get out the great) al private res aguna Street, a} masses o} Kage. insas fe > haan @ stranger to i nerce, and from the windows a THE FIRE-SWEPT AREA. flags proclaim that the} atter a careful surve: y the en; Crocker-Wooliorth, the Nevada and al of the Board of Public Works esa | a pro Le Ela one art al at Teratorial area, Within the district rary needs on a proportionate scales) vere nearly 100 banks alone, some of fach withdrawal fo te lialed. to 20 -}the finest office buildings outside of Correspondents of the several banks ‘| ney “York, thousands ef mercantile London, Paris and New York will trans") ang manufacturing establishments, and feecertain sums to tele credit. The Fapout 250,000 inhabitants, together with), Mint will be the cashler’s window for] spout 95,00 transien S. out in the usual form, endorsed by the| These facts may ae some idea of thi ize of the ruin and of the loss savancht they will be cashed. Superintendent of| bul they also cups the small loss hes Mint Leach says that he will co-| of life from earthquake, fire and shoot- operate in this as et as he can getjing. For the death ine may not go over enough clerks. The savings banks re-| 700, and will almost port a satisfactory Anpaiiene They will] 1,000. This-is a striking proof of the ‘open on the same day as the commercial angie manner in which He authori- banks, , civil and military, ran things. ° LABOR SUPPLY Lee esis “The market price for laborers is $2.50], The homes of more than 150,000 Hee @ day, with the supply limited, but in-| Slandi i 5 e ia structures. Happily, we are almost. n again, The restrictions on the use of water for save but external use ae ‘been removed. large retail district Aft Filh oa DANGER OF EPIDEMIC OVER. Daveade e ae ra big oy Every day the danger of epidemic] ‘The Chinese Consul-General registers “seems smaller. There is absolutely no} kick. He says that the soldiers have increase in the numberof smallpox} peen collecting graft from his courtry- measles and scarlet fever gfe] Gas taken from the ruined district the so hin SAFES ARE STILL GOOLING. usually $5 a head, to be guided to the fert y at _ Donkey and construction engines were | the e military guard was fatndreyya: as hauled into-the ruined business district) Chinatown yesterday, allowing ci to get the safes of business men out of|of white toughs to poke iaedE tne the ruins. They are in the same fix as| ruins and help themselves to the stocks the banks; they dare not open the safes | of Chinese stores. He said that a large il they are thoroughly cooled. In| amount of properly was stolen in cases where floors: fell, five or six safes} way, while the ae stood by an are often j Henees together in the base-| took it all in, 1g Chinese and in {ment ‘The owners get them all out| California, they fe ng ONTARIO LEGISLATURE tani aa ie ag A | ning i lin h WHAT THE LEGISLATURE AT _TO-; orders (o arrest all sulomopiiste break- ing the regulations. e offenders Re RO were then properly punished the efect < spay would be salutary. A f ae ons are WAYS. sons-of that nature would be sufficien Hon ee oe fay ‘Taxa-|he thought, to impress the automobilists ti broustt in ‘under the of-| Wilh the necessity of obeying the law, ficial litle of An Amendment to the Sup- THE MUNICIPAL ACT. plementary Revenue Act. Before touch-| A number of bills making various ang on the‘railway question it provides ee ae the ees act were that @ tax of $25 shail be imposed on] approved o! these gives muni each agency of a bank in any munici- chaites thee ‘o take stock in S which is the system at present obtaining eae “the Spounaes of the munici- | ne eae how many branches a bank palities supplying the may have. ~ LIQUOR LICENSE ACT. 0} E bution of the revenue from this source, jee lay- i all n new lines. Afler the deduction of $30,- hotels and liquor stores will thus begin 600-for expenses of collection, etc., and | from that date to pay the higher Hoense for mai nce of the Railway Com-| provided for in the measure. mission, half of the remainder will ke , received ils third reading in the Rooke nded over to municipalities in pro-| lature on Thursday. oy oa to. eer ae bee as EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. unt ey will be asked to contribute *o Mai be P: A wet . Dr. Pyne’ bill seeslae the é support of the provincial asylums. Educatio Deaatinent, 80,000, of iene “the committee stage. USES a CRUSHED BY HUGE ROCK. 000, 01 centitbation to the asylums will be con- siderably less than this. A Dynamite ae cons the Deatt | mis- kaming and Northern Ontario Railway} A Kenora pedis says: A double Vides slong Ahe ‘nubt-ot: way and on net PASSED PROSPECTUS BILL. and Jo abi Gace After a few amendments “had been| injuries to the h made, Mr. Hayle’s bill respecting pros- had men suffe be 5 Is dy was to the effect that where subscrip-| Will be held. Carlson, the man who was fone for stock have been made on the| charging the hole, states that he has ength of verbal-representations, they} ad @ long experience An shail not be yeahs he unless the | dynamite ‘and ‘never. imew It to‘explode purchaser has the company’s| in this manner before. prospectus. ——e——_ Z AFTER AUTOMOBILISTS. YEAST BACILLUS FOR CANCER. The Municipal Committee discussed 5 ea the various proposed amendments to the Dr. specs TelS Medical ee at automobile legislation. Hon. Mr. Hanna, Lisbon of New re. “the chainnan, thought that if a clause) 4 _ despa eon oe ae DS could be added to the present law pro-| poyen, the French scientist, anaounced Viding for the arrest on sight and sum-| {the Medical ‘Congress here’ tha! he ary- dealing with offenders it would go} pad cured (ne by inoculating the heey vi silty: e vest cotta tion in, this Sirection The Government could then | would ‘lead to discoveries* of the great- * DOMINION PARLIAMENT are; NOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF TUE THE WORLD'S MARKETS. BANKS ARE-DOING BUSINESS ™ Authorities coving Win the Situation i Pe firm. “At ‘ts ‘merit dealers: give prices . Bia 5 ow or the destitution of thousands of idle coe and "Sete" ped! ante Sane: te wer at the he ed uiput ‘ ith yu ae romp May ee ee 2 ar ing A Hunter's Experiences in the Wilds of ong cis rae? “i i830 to ‘$19 ouside, Se NS. 2 white offered at 36?4¢ Fy har museum building a on mEiin ‘Street called for we Burka —No 2 offered at Sic, out- x an Suen ue came upon the ‘tra A gou must reckon. Your blood and thetrs ks for. {wo AUDared_Ya0ds or £0;/end hands, hs ats D BRIGADES FOR SOUTH AFRICA. Lae rf ns | Alleged Destination of the First Alder- ones. sities ee sy at oe ito ied shot Division. eigh dpe —The market is dull. at 12 to 17¢| moving TorwaGechaltonvesed na th aay Ca ots of No. 1 dass Usement, and the contracts given to the A350 to iy Potatoes—Onlario sock a a aoe per E 82 to 85c rede hi bag Bi .s|for the Third Military District this year | $4 an i falserita up betieases-of aocie! Tides See dairy tu for at 15 to 16+ _ eases, no typhoid has appeared, and the] men, When the first crowd of refugees }22 to 23c, and solids at 2Ic. case: eis See 1s at 15% to 16c per dozen in cas estan New cheese is selling at 134¢ Gunner jp Barey aver Hage: Guitty| * fs th in case lols; mess pork, $21 to Bist suit nee Leer fallen eee tne. thes Bye; tolls, sc ie padi 1294 to 160; breakfast It Was a cae Aone in the House | hed h Was aa Manitoba v wheat from lors NE Ate fatality Shieh paren eas quarry, north of this city, 4 a pound for pure manilla and 10. cents THE CREAM OF IMMIGRATION. ee himself cured peas it was noted, mallng the rescue | ji), The Lieutenant-Governor’s assent was | 2° thn cinetfles were jisked ioe any ald ‘A despetch from Wing says: Ac- Wedni 2 ¢ Gigantic Losses of Bi San Motion eee, Defeated by iS well advanced Peverywvhere along the lone be eston ccupe the Legis ied tinues the work will ba finished in nearly record { == bon Flames Now Completing Destruction of Bellevue, Texas. — despatch from Fort Worth, Texas, nage tie et. state thet Bellevue A London despatch says: In the House demand for at moderately sctive ot the Western Mar. “ ee crease was contel enpeed in the strength iwas‘to be permanént-oF only tempor- 90 = of 81%, pals Ba 200 to $4, and cows it $2.’ | Many Deaths Occur in Kashmir, North- ern India. > oz FLASHES FROMTHE WIRE x 4 cays :| TM Very Latest. items From all Parte Thanks to the conciliatory pring of of the Giube. CANADA. id Winnipeg wil! spend @ milion and & half in local improvements. | B, Brooks, lately of Ow nd, was run over at Saskatoon and killed. Five thousand dollars has been sub- scribed se te for a local nable discoveries of silver have T/ been reported around the upper waters of Lake Winnipe; eg. Somers Co.'s elevator at Beeton was- burned on Satruday, with 3,000 to 5,000 bushels of grain, Murphy, a “hall-breed, was. pean? oe relatives 3 Echriadians in San Francisco are receiving messages announcing their Pellatt. and others of Toronto are applying for a charter for a railway from Victoria, BO, to Hut son's ay. The Quebec Board of Trade will ten- der a banquet to Sir Thomas Shaugn- nessy and olher C.P.R. officials on or ir about Ma ey 22. au Benj. Jenkins, an electric railway con- juctor, a squeezed between a car and barn door at Preston, and received: fatal injuries on Saturda; . Morse, general manager af the Grand ‘Trunk Pacific, announces that 200 miles of the. G.T. Edmonton is under cont ‘he Gover ent have purcha: steamer — Prine at Charlottetown, The body of a woman found on the beach near Stokes Bay on Saturday It believed to be that of Mrs. Laflam cook on the steamer Keliyuga, whieh foundered los GREAT-BRITAIN. ¢ London Post advocates the Sale of liquor licenses by pu British insurance companies will pay every dollar of liability fncurces red bythe | San UNITED STATES. ‘wenty-lwo ae were lost in a coal mine explosion near Trinidad, Col By tapping pipe lines in ‘Texas’ com- panies were rahbed of 200,000 bariels of oil. An international Salvation Army con- despa be held in New York May 11 rhe. Grand ‘Trunk Railroad Nae pala taxes in Michigan, amonting to Th All. records tor lnmigration volume hava teen: bravent“at New by the arrival last, week ot 48.000, the nearest ing 30,506 in rence Fale, So Misa: says the leaders: of the lynch mob at Springfield will be punished. He a in; uld be a good object | the course of a “ess to the .| Democratic’ Club Mayor McClellan, of ew York, said a spi an hopelessness, masking under. the mome of 8 atened ihe count ry. Benj Pa., ged sixt Sih. hes just ended af maul faith the design of curing stomach roubles. A pint of water daily was all that passed his lips. From 164 pounds his weight Heaibel to 104 pou: and is weak as a child, but he believes NERAL. ane new Fussian Joan will amount to 000,000 frar ime Sultan of Turkey 1s dying, accord- ing to a London despatch: Prof, Curie, discoverer of radium, was ¢| killed by being run over by a wagon in men were killed at gunnery practice on the French warship Cour- onne on Friday. ieee top eae SIXTY-FIVE MILLION DOLLARS h Companies int Francisco Fire. ES 3 3 13 g = as bey BZ Be iE) FS Eas is ne irom their San Francisco agents Dreliminary estimates ‘of the liabilities on account of the earthquake ani The Royal's agents cable that the com- pany’s loss may reach £1.35 is. xty-ihree times the premium ae recei by the company an ived ” subsidary company from San Francisco Takin, t tet ubsldaries mpanies in the aggregate may be call- ed. upon to pay 213,000,000, It would appear, however, that the British com- panies ‘ultimately will pay considerably h amount of thir normal Ma- the present indications are ty towards their San Francisco Clients, t will pay strictly according to —_+——_ McAULIFFI ac Three Years sa a Halt For Man- slaugh' erboro’ desp sday aad: Patrick Mekoida an at id zilty of manslaughter, with - scom- miendation to ae me Assizes he and was sentenced by Mr. 4 glin to ti rears &N sisted in hav atenick Hu e fj a blow £. the course of en “terealion | in the of the latter's ates iy which he ater a few days Tatler. plain! give the So-Called frontier police some-] est value. < A Marian Mayfiel Or, The Strange Disappearance Stttteret ey aK return ine a pater ds vec jie lady }remained in the sue all night—those | meer sebiroed home to come back in| Do arose cree Te prisoner. was shorlly.aflerward brought Sie fo time corresponding “with te facts they ae A BEee putea Es at and flashed fae the eye ieox a sl Miopearit day and make them run about, for i they do not get exercise they will become too j fo e moe boing to wait for Noe arrival of “the as np 30 important 8 case upon his hands, and S ¢ favorable ‘to ped ae Oliver Leen = 5 a 3 wi ed | i LaatNe evidences le ino r|meeling ‘upon the beach for the ght in |i stone conclusions,” had. inevitably isaac the real murderer. for him- self. allusion e th, fate of Marian, once so p sti ri “Thurston beard all this—not in the t eC Thurston saw the struggle in hs Pee fine esa ae tie Ap raised, nor jointed, obsoure pe that is “the Lah of Jury—they were all strangers, from dis- bea ae Bout soning brothers as ever| his grandfather upon the hight of ie tt morning. ~ “Why do ee reputed murder ?” Pg rotate yeceyse) Sccah BROOD SOWS AND PIGS. Feed the sow lightly for a few days u fore and after farrowing. A purely |, bel E Rages hog is never Veomirible The stomach and bowels y|mhent oF she Ws liable to kill the pigs 10 Beseee fo protect them. not pr phe os pigs confined Do en's bourd will become croaked ieee. anit aeoreee Les Let them the diet of ‘the growing steer when n first will not feed heavily upon. th grass when turned out. as been found that a good feed, of mixed grain, When feeding have a trough that is How enough for them to get their noses is a own living. Do not place their corn in : s,|@ trough, for they will eat too fast fan |not as good as properly will not chew it. It is better to scatter the grain. around on the floor where { they will have to pick it up and thus fake more tine, f pigs are fed in this way, they a are old enough to wean, and instead of weaning being a revolution it will be an evolution. Wean ‘the pigs when eight or ten}? 3| weeks old. Place in a pen that is not close to the sow, for they will forget her sooner if they cannot hear her squeal-| [°° dl. given good pasture and plenty of resh | PUSHING EARLY LAMBS. m It is an excellent plan tc have some small pens in or near the shed. As fast m they. c ter than if compelled to remain wil the flock. An old-fashioned teapot, with ia bas ee from the soft, flabby condi- rule from. cows that have recentiy | Hom #0 # hardened condition capable of freshened, and feed the little lambs, as they. scem to require more than they are e geting from the mother. ‘The teapot is so very convenient to set on the stove, & hold in hot water, to heat the milk for immediate use. re and attention ry a or room, where they can be oy e grain. Bran and fine middlings, that has been sweetened @ uae with th Bid pee sugar, are exceller th oon as they begin to Het: leave out the sugar and Tadd oals to the other oa feeds. Feed onl, uch as they nes fastidious ¢ He will an ge Lae which has been picked over for a | Cow. she. will soon regain her lost| ¢ jesh and will need no extra food. esh supply often. linue to feed both lambs and ewes suppl it nthe ne them to give a larger Fire tam of milk and consequently mah i ee None faster. ler the sheep |¥ e turned out to grass and ate brought mat night i ‘it is a good plan to keep ine grain feeding, leaving out the mid- fF it-nossseary and feedthe bran not followed this practice the re- wi surprising. I know in- where lambs have gained a Found per day, afler the first month to #4 the time of marketing. fa for ‘careful, regulation, of} the tue they will not overfeed 1 ly taxalive fresh grass, the animals. wil fe jee checked in grov bu eigneat eauon cankol yacente' 31 furfished by, early” spring grass ‘This early~ growth is largely sticeulend grass containing practically |‘ the small grains, should form a part of rning ration, The well mixed feed composed of grain, such as oats, arley, rye and corn, is. at this time, to be vprelerned above one formed chiefly of PREPARING TEAMS FOR WORK. Horses just taken up after a long rest jot need much grain at first, but the be increased, little by but that the capabilities will inerease, radually, as’ the system requires, to labor. Increase in capabilities in feeding and capabilities for Jabor be developed slowly at the same time horses and seeks to. give them a chance slisiring the hari {o gall, oF Tor Took er adjust He will not orry one horse or mie hit a disad- vantage beside the other. It is too often e case that ene er’ driver of many -find. the man behind the team is responsible, Spm misssive othe Eagle—I have one great seve fu over you. I don’t need to keep denetiy ae all the time. re No; but ae wait till they get! these airships ol xt ont hed believed qe body to be that Hi Dr ne: fouched wait sre Batiste ote i called eine stand, and corroboraled the ired | “that ad ay exaids se anes ‘that Mae: wore a little Tock 1 tng on her Bes Dri sti dea ahat ‘al darkening upon it. a 0 sive to our mands, ‘a not Sulit to r ost Bees pay of The fest The * a t \ MORE THAN a The Cook—Will you an’ th’ Master toime yer own eggs th’ morni pia’am? The clock I do be havin’ in ns kitchen is fast.” MINUTES FAST. ONE SECRET OF OLD AGE. John Van der Elst at 89 Walks Twelve Miles a Day. If there is any nm in New Jersey. who has a good iti of reoohing the century mark in years, it is J ‘Vai up |der Elst of Newark. He is 89 and wal ar average of twelve miles every work- ing day. He is a collector for two or three oat rit i: “desirable to market the lambs | busine: early they can be crowded right along hey have attained the weights at me market requires. ol ways stands al a hig! now somewhat bent. He has a ruddy his white hair. He says that beer has ort Sonsume more of the fresh palatable} spite geass, and will not eat enough of strong nitrogenous or fat producing foods. ie lay, at ‘ihe next Any.) felt’ 0 en | evil cee whatever. s bul two meals a day, mnomning aa ean meals are ‘bi snd he eniore (hem. Ho alsens ice the {op of tradition and enjoys. his work. neve oubee aban town, and is always rest- e¢ when he wakes up. through sks during the last quar- ter of a cen . He can do the work of the average man of fifty-five or sixty. Exposure and in ould pine and sicken if his ron kept i Van der "Elst was born in Belgium. Fut came to this country fifty-four years ago. er Seach Canteen ~ SENTENCE SERMONS, Daily duly may be the divine drill. reihe, hill of pride Js ley all the year ro be rich one must learn to profit by losses, ney never fills the hand and for- gets the heart. ane rite weeds spoils many a large harvest. The serenity of ene saints is not en- hanced by their Work Dullds areal “against most of the tempter’s than smoke and whistle. The gets fooled by -ever Many churches are buil ling t {oo many Jovens and baking too liltle Some men think that saving the soul leather. Dark days always last longest “and 0 oe blackest to people who frow 1. gets little provender out of ary. When furniture - becomes all. impor- tant to the faith it has reached ils own meral. ee the world when you are roast- ing ol 6 atic the brave can learn to be most ewhelaves helps us to think more kindly of another helps to bring in the | kn kingdom of heaven. ‘Some people would be dreadfully sad if they could not take an occasional ex- cursion into the land of sorrow. g Fi : g 3 = = e 2 form this world is tc retire {o heaven ae try to wash it with the rain of their "S. Speen Seas PRESPICUOUS. “The paper says underground wire- less_is the latest development in tele- “Just the same as overhead wireless; cnly in the one thé wires they in the other, the wires they. don't use, they aon lay ee . ‘soi i hat hal I knew it must be something Ii (Ee Gee “1 hate that fellow Dudds, les. noi Van der Bist is eboul six fect tall, but the day of the recent blizzard | al weary while on _ his | sides we asionall he had to ative for Vain the mourning over sin without ed | ifs mending. tte @ man who has no faith in any one! is only an easy way Of saving shoe | mo: aaleitonce that looks only to the sal-}° It is easy to get to think that you are|made , nae e where temptation is fiercest | hous! graphy. What is underground wire. ss?” tur siting--they don't string--gverhead. and|0 Tuilor, Td like. to murder “him 1” odie probably die of surprise.” FAMOUS LADY EXPLORERS a as BAVE SET ‘FOOT WHERE NO WIITR IAN HAS TROD. Miss Mary Hall’s Adventures in. Africa — Mrs, French Sheldas 13 a Great Explorer, There jopanty arrived in England the G | famous I explorer, Miss Mary Hall, after Gece Africa. from south to rl ing from Chinde, on tne coast of Portuguese East Africa, nine months, ago, Miss tall sailed up the Zambes rivers until she ‘oduce an activ ition and this especially ea to ingen gran as Sone maore ta prolang his lite inant any-|en by rail. to Wag ero nol kee~ her on a cor et thing nie He never smokes, but ie] pamm: ee fo Blantyre, in shoul form only a very. arial pert, at FINISHING STEERS. Must have his beer. ide, springy | NVassaland, and thence to Abero rn, on the most, of her ration= A Se amount | being fed all winter on dryland clastic. Ie got into walling ‘throu the: et a no Lake rans ater ie cr tron 1b iene nae foods, which to a certain extent become | tnding that the cars did not take him |eventually iy Fetchod ice Victoria: Nyame resin agi m s_ to the fattening animal. | very near many places 0 Geen he ha G aller walking miles and miles through ey ne sro jist have | steers fee stein eat bi eau else|to ‘go to collect moi G East a shallow of finely eut straw oF when ured suddenly upon fresh pas-| his “mind thal ik Was sel to. waste ches aif. Pigs are often caught in the hol- less they are kept off the|money on earfares soe i ee tyeniy-lght, days pls low o: or me tangled ‘n | grass for all but brief periods during the |and now he Salies bah as the uae whatever. On her arrival at Hea sts e straw and are crushed by the eeks, there will be a checking of | piace where he has to do business, and | { fives: their. chief, mother well to place ler in! growth due to the fact that the succu-}keeps it up until noon time. ught: her ‘banan mm nd too, sat round her for hours at a nays eee te many villages the a i ad never scen a white man or + | woman aye ACROSS AFRICA. noment, too, another lady, At Mrs. mea Sheldon, famous also as a ee -tiding on a seat that was a pool; In her first jour to Africa, f icy water, with his clothing frozen |an nnouncement of her inten. rf his “pack! le i not remember | t:on to visit the pi under the rule having Tost a single day from work|cf the cruel Sullan Mandara, the Ger- barian, who er St before, and who had in vain offer- eda hundred fo any Aral ‘0 would bring him a white wife in his © caravan, was too amaz lo more than gaze at his visitor in awe and won IN SEACH: OF THE NORTH “POLE the hostile Masai, upon whose Even in “{lund no white man had at that time set ic rer consider he terror of all Africa, allowed her to visit omes, took her, five villages, and entrusted her with many of their_state and fai secrets. tl Masai warriors, a. le of i, ed in monkey skins, with eae gulf their wats, si oH French aon Bante ‘ated amongat these ee folk merely to write novel eooreen Mrs. Peary, wife at the famous Aro. explorer, has a The gospel wore must produce moret tend in search Me abe Any Pol he panied the mission of explora ‘ion which cost her husband his life by pti s amped across frozen Labrad penetrated wilds unknown to white t companion: only, she reached the Nascaupees.- and, wee a i dallale ad them for several retu mee her New York home. CH ea. yaa A 1APANESE INTERPRETATION, orge Kennan, the well-1 ‘Anown Mr. journals, relates this story in ea \ A at came in with a laquered tray holding two small cups of keer 4a pan tea, and then awaited on her ees the shia orders of the “asin qusned forei The iene ‘tried to sarNie to her in ek OIE v4 tia e English; French, German, Russifn, and fashioned to the faithful. we the sign language, that thes were fam- ishing for: something to eat, but their polygtot stforts lo} be intelligible elieited ‘look a ae aie “Try her with pictures, Villiers,” sug- gested Kennan. “You'll neyer put your artistic tallent to better use. a << fish, an egg, a loaf of bread, a1 lle of beer, and I'll-go bene ‘he motions of eating and drinking oe fetch hei expir- Pui Now, Villiers,” said Me Kennan, nf you can’t draw a fish, an egg, anda . bottle of beer so that an intelligent ~ nelgori, ‘a Turkish towel, and a cake of soi ‘ou'd better go otit of the illus- haste “Why don't you pay his bill: ialing sins. Weill sclanyeoas death Re if we have to depend on your piciures.*

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