_ Gold Medal, _ We are Sole Agents for Sherwin-Williams Paints See the List Grow COIL SPRING WIRE Y IDEAL FENCE, the popular railroad fence of to-day, : BLACK WIRE for fences, Fence Plyers, Fence Hooks, PINCERS for applying same Plymouth. Binder Twine Silver Sheaf, Green Sheaf We are Sole Agents for this twine for Newton. We are Sole Agents for Pfeffer Bros. Flour Jas. S. Lockie % j.NEWTON _ Hardware Merchant % we make it our busi- > ness to have the..... _.Proper Thing Our suits have that swagger look, so dear to the heart of every young dresser. You get the latest cut and the very finest of. Vee that can be had. Smith & Finkbeiner Milverton’s + Leading + Tailors ‘DISHES a We have something special to offer thisweek in the line of Dinner Sets. One full-Dinner Set, nicely decorated for $7.50. Another line, most: beautiful set, decorated with gold, which we offer this week for $9.75, before buying elsewhere. 3 t Tt will pay you to come and see it, Toilet sets range from $1.75 and up. CEMENT We beg to announce that we aim to haye the best. Port- land Cement alwayson hand this summer, If cement, just come along you won't go amiss. load in now, you need any We have a car- POTATOES A car load of choice Seed Potatoes are expected in a few days. Leave your orders now at the Milverton Station Store, J. R. YOST & SON 5 HAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAULAAAAUNA4UH44HA4AU4Ai ODA AT THE “~ .- “HEAD OF OUR CLASS Our Line - { To Become - Contains Latest Styles Acquainted with Our Spring AP RT EP Oo bcch. check: chs checks ibs bbahschs hechsok PAP HE SRP SEP RET RS SEP ET ERE SAT EAP OEP RE OEP OES AS OES ET PHN d ; 2 = an operating—not a proposed railway. Young Men S Suits 38 Settlers-on adjacent sections. +. is Dad The young men and even the ladies are some- G33 Prices from $1 0, 00 what stirred up a our handsome spring suits. ty - 3 au THE SUITS 3 per acre up We know what the young men of our town a and surrounding country want in clothes and ss IE RE EE ET EP RET RE SRE TT RT PAT HE AEP EP ARE AAT SEP EE AE SEP EP RP RT SEPT RT ton. $5.00 pe pa parties applying, Leon they remain least agchrrtestredertestestenfente ote nbentented nfentestententestestentente steote For Sale = 100,000 acres of Saskat- chewan Valley Lands Greatest bargain in farm lands in the West to-day. We have 100,000 acres of the best farm lands in the Valley of the North Branch of the Saskatchewan River. - All within easy distance of Stations F on the Canadian Northern Railway, All carefully selected sections, Sales made in 4%, % or whole sec- tions or blocks of 10,000 acres. ere Sry Cs Ore te be ae a es he hal ed al bad ed Dae ae a ahd eat ae Daa ad Dee be ae es De a ee De a ad eet al ee ell OT eT PE TR OP Ee Pe as Oe Oe Oe OY Oe PT ON OY Oe Ee OT FI OP CUT A I ON CP CB CPS OP ON OP Oe Oe ONY Purchasers from us get an oppor- tunity of acquiring the very best avail- able lands in the most fertile district of the great wheat belt of the Northwest. These lands can be secured at once at Rock Bottom Prices, but are rapidly advancing i in value, Our Western Office is at North Battleford, Sask. Our Ontario Office i is at Stratford, Ontario. oe sks cts ots ak oka checks feck o£, aks cts aksate ate ak pe HS aps eps AGS OF «»-ADDRESS... The Battleford, Saskatchewan Farm Lands Company, Stratford, ies A. MacBETH Manager. PEEL Sa PA SAG aE RY UU PRI IT HT TY CUR I a Oe A Oe Oe Ee OY CP Ce FOR SALE! = Improved Farms ‘gnd wild fand in. Central Alberta. For pamphlet and full partiewlars, write oF eall on J. W. McKINLEY, -~ 1-20-8 Linwood, Ont. TO LET! House, garden and stable on Mill Strect, lately ocenpied by the fate Wm. Burton. On me examine. th Yemices "may call on Mrs, W, Harris Bor further particu PASOLOMON BAUMAN, Milverton, Ont. 8 Bee! "| Synopsis of Canadian North-West Homestead Regulations NY even pumbered: “section of Dominio in Manitoba or. the North-west S Teams Wanted he korn IMMEDIATELY ! Boe eee jy Bo ae RG fe over the extent of one-quarter 12.6000 HEAVY, HAMS WANTED FOR rading in G. & G. Railway at Milver- 00 per day will b aid to the first nf at Work expected to ook in st) from 3 t Work stares Monday | interior, Covering all ea ey om migration, Winnipeg, or the local ag and Summer if Wi W. WILLIAMS, Foreman. sei i authority for some one to make Grades Meets Popular Stock is to Satisfy Demand. Yourself. JOHN KELTERBORN “MILVERTON Opposite Post Office, - - ¢ homesteader 1s required to perform the Conditions comiected therewith under om ig plat (i). At least six months’. residence apon and cultivation of the land in each year for three years) (2) If thé father (or mother, if the father is er, dee jetihuhestcadler ‘resides pom # farm vicinity of the land entered for the regu as to residence may be sat- isfled by Sich person residing with thefather or mothef. (3) If the settler ha dence up§m farming laud owned. by ata ts the vicinfty of his homestead, the require. ie idence may be satisfied by regidencd upon thé said land ths’ notice in. wri Fiting should be wen. the the toemnis ‘of Dominion Lands dé Ottawa offntention to apply fo patent. cory, eee Of te Minister of tne taterior. *« The People’s Store ”’ : om wee This Store is Full of New Things Customers tell us it is a pleasure to deal at our 30, a large range in plain Worsteds, Scotch and Irish Tweeds, regular 3.75, for $2.50 ; regular 5.50 for $4 ; regular 6.50 for $4.50. Boys’ two and three piece suits, size 22 to 26, regular $3 store, and that for a number of reasons : Our store is full of new things. stock is up-to-date. Ist— 2nd—Our 3rd—Almost everything you want you can get it at Finkbeiner’s, There is always large choice and_ big values in the goods you buy here. a =~ Clothing | =:- $4.75 for $3.50. WALL PAPER Wall Paper asa result of double shipment of paper sent us by mistake, and‘in order to induce us to put same into stock, the manufacturer allowed us a special discount, so we have decided to cut the regular selling prices about 25 per cent. season's designs, CHILD’S AND BOYS’ SUITS able terms. Highest prices possible paid for Butter and us your Eggs. Bring Shoulders and Hams, for which we will pay highest j prices. Let us quote you figures. arrange to have the hanging done for you on reason- New Styles F We are offering Specials in Clothing for this week, and and if there is anything you want, either in an every day or Sunday Suit, Trousers or Working Pants, Etc., we can save you money. Wequote only a few lines which are Specials for this week only, - MEN’S SUITS All sizes in small and large overcheck, full style, regu- lar $4.50 to $6 for $3.00 A better grade of goods, regular $6.50 and $8.50 for $5 BOYS’ AND YOUTH’S CLOTHING In boys’ and youth's clothing we make a specialty. If you have a boy who needs clothing, you're lucky. You're for- tunate in having the boy in the first place ; you're fortunate that he is in good health, that he wears out clothes and you should consider yourself fortunate that you can buy such good Just read this :— clothes for so little money. Youth’s Suits— sizes 33 and 34 in Corded Wor- sted and Scotch Tweeds, regular $5.50 and $6.00 for $4.00. Boys’ Suits—in | sizes 27, 28 and for $2; reg. Child’s and Boys’ Suits in sizes 21 to 25 in Russian, Buster and Sailor Collar styles, regular $4 for $2.50, regu- lar 5.50 and $6 for $3,75. These are Special Cut Prices for This Week Misses Skirts—Just the skirt for the girls. We put into stock a fine line of made up Misses Skirts, made up in a number of styles, regular $2, 2.50 and $3 at Extra Special for this week $1.50. Ladies’ Rain and Dust Proof Coats in Cravenette cloths, all sizes and styles. For this week, regular $9 line for 7.00. The cheaper lines in proportionately cut prices. We beg to announce that we have reduced the prices on This is all new stock, this Zapp We will Gy cured meats, such as Sides, -| CHARLES A. FINKBEINER Hs.