The Milverton cg at Harlof S85 _ The ut, Is the best Local Newspay 3 te the Count of Perth. {t is the $1 per yea not so paid.—M, MacBeru, PurrisHer. sare a cure beoause ase G. T. R. Time Table ness: ‘about: the heart caused by bronchial tubes or We ‘Trains duo to leave Milverton, i @oING NORTH, GOING SOUTH, Hard on Billy. Express....8:02a.m, Express. ..9:07 a.m — * Express oh pi Express, p.m| “Billy” has a sweetheart. Billy Express....6:44 pm. Express. , 4:56 p.m eoosumed the beet of wesda, always t ‘ 13, onse- pe Be See re : as nee odor of which was detecte: y his THURSDAY, MAY 10 1906 lady fair, She asked Bill stop Dr. Sh 8. ow cou And he ean Bee ee ae he stopped ns emeuy, sti a ¥ late xe nat nd now the bakers threaten to| smoking he could not help accumula- to reaction. Th ne sereth sie gives a is strike, Probably they think their ting eigars, which he stacked away aan ae pena eT eee dough will not be (k) needed, in his pockets. The sweet one was) Dr. Shoop’s Restorative creates strength which ic be on his formati mn, and ever: over ole inside nerve system—it om night he called, after he had given up | (rene pe eee rae aed ae weed for eet sake, she too! -Hon. Peter White, a former speaker fe ie Sale f THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. of the Dominion Parliament, and one that fd Witte, ear, they: will er complete, health. ea puly tee of the few left of Sir Jonn’s ‘‘ old! tem ing ee . ‘ , often ; but this week Craaly think 1/stre th. ve force was go guard,” died at Clifton Springs, where tha tn has noticed that his Pro-! did mak’ a mistake. You see there|andfrom headaches and poor sleep | he had gone it t of his health, | Sbective father-in-law had of late di: was an English clergyman staying|1_ was in bad straights. Ferrozone ieee wane we. Anesh OF Rie ee. garded a pipe and taken to smoking my) ; ae with us: nor bishop, a: was just what I needed. It increased May 3rd. The deceased was one of] fine cigars, 2 penne at business |-al) them. Teeutpahotmeniuce my strength, gave me a new feeling 3 the all-too-few statesmen we have to- was prosper ane ee with him in, the morning, ae as we entirely. “I used about eight boxes i ini s went down the path a rabbi crosse je perfectly well. My day jn the Dominion Parliament. He/ueual. Just as he was saying good- Sto him, doctor thinks Berrosans' > yenderfut was born in Pembroke and was a man universally esteemed by both parties, ae At the time the Dominion Parlia- ment was putting a vote through for $100,000 to grant relief to the suffer- ers in San Francisco, the United States House of Representatives was passing an Act imposing a fine of $2,500, with imprisonment for any person in the United States who con- tracted for Niagara power from the Canada side, Let brotherly love continue | wy To make up for the absence of May aye ae ike 2 a Day riots in Great Britain, the Sultan was giving her trouble this year. Abul Hamid is a sly old codger, but | tt’ he will have to get up early in the morning before he catches Great Britain napping. She generally takes him by the nape of the neck and gives him a shaking until he. resembles. an old pair of pantaloons in a gale, alts this always proves efficacious. . 0 eS Aes een ELLICE COUNCIL The council met at Hill's hotel, Ellice, on the ses ult.,, pursuant to ‘adjournmen oe attendance’ ae ere Bpon thes plication: of is, spe, the council eis road in the Village motion was made by the council rge Jundt, Collector for n clusive Ba: ae: ath and 7th concessions. The ne ing pee! Lay polling ou’ stot fhe Tead ies the there any a his Willie said smoking cigars again. Sa eae ad Othe slight exercise; fainting spells; LL. bye ‘‘for the last time,” he heard the ase ee entleman, who thought he had call danghter from “How about sigur fo. etl Were 0c Aas ale "but is now The Passion of Public Owner- ship. 7 ~ its kind achieved by a Canadian since (Goldwin Smith.) fanlan: won the. rowing: cham Everything now is a passion with|ship of the world. Hamilton is to be us, The world some think is jeongratulated. ‘hat city has for saved by public ownership, Public|years been the training ground for ownership of public services, though |!ong distance run Pwice | Me- Caffery bea ors in the so-called Mai The Signs of Heart Trouble s| You can Surely Secu ae Pag! Health and Strength thi Dr. Shoop’s Bastocties Wealmess which can be dealt. with us it, and I just said deevil, your Holiness’ spor the on aac the way he looked at me, mehow I don’t think Igave him his Fahe title.” pee SNR Ey Hamilton Runners. © ttawa © Citizen) ‘The winning of the Mara thon Hai ci Rebuild Your Tired, Aching Body. Winter has left pee. of fatigue and wearin, The vitality of your "bleed ta gone. ur nerves are wretchedly weak and you rind it hard to sleep. on ie temptation to “brace up” with alcoholic mixture is great,—but it's ibeledtinke is plain to everyone. Better follow Nature's plan; it’s al- Ways a sure one, nk create new appetite. Im) ‘our digestion. Perfect the pro ina state POINT reine ach So. 9 wo twenty shes Ok, ale wie of pill eusure @ supply of Moh nourishing bl lood. ealthy blood soon makesahealthy sates and a system ure, rich blood in bone fo gain in energy and stren 'o get well and stay well, use the (00d Onis Ponte hien is com Posed of concentrated vegetable ex- Waste thar supply, nutrition that =—or— ae ve been in|Situations provided. for slop | giving full information. i nt., who writes: “Ferrozone not only’ brings health to R. LARMOUR the sick, but has power to cure quick- d mnake any headway on the road to The Larmour School Telegraphy and Railway Instruction New Method Entirely Successful.— F graduating without delay.—Write for Catalogue, Principal and Instructor Stratford, Ont. eel ane it. ne 50¢ boxes or ae bores By mail from ne C. Px eee ae Hariford, Conn., U.8. A., and Kingston, Oni eS ee ‘Two former Walkerton boys, John P. McConnell and John M. Miller, have struck it rich in the mountains of British Columbia. They are repor- ted to have cleared up $60,000 on a antag claim, In any quantity at 60 cents a bushel at the Station Elevator. PFEFFER BROS Me ESE SESE SESE SE SESE SE SESE SESE SESE SESE ESSE SESE SESE SESE SIE SI YE SI Re «| Boston, which practically represented country; provided see that ine e State, such as Mea France, and Dachey no extraordinary con- may be our opinion as to the ateatisa. of ancese itis be hoped there will be no thought of violating right. a confiscate the ine but of all robberies the worst. for it would make the State a robber. id ee rs SHORT STORIES RETOLD. Ys, |, Was ever *watehfal lest ner: speech pele aos Cel Jol rigin. On one occasion she suvius, it was her regret that had not seen the “creature,” ¢ Goodwin, in describing an an iemieta play, said; “Why, lied ight, during this company’s West ini 2) 2 3 e im, sto ay a wt ee is and there before hi oy, weeping bitterly, matter, my little man?’ h boy, on lot Dumber ai in ihe sth conobaion |" said t pip he change |, wil affect palin sub-divisions num- concessions; to 14 “inclusive let ae mt h and | §1 Sth concessions fro: numbers 4 to ; lots Ist, 2nd) 8rd, 4th and 5th concessions from humber rT Seog mas was referres eee of the coanell amp Bo suggested that iS ralitig bill. of te cit should made- Lanes heat and ordered to be at sc begoanell Sdetes tomeetay Wagar on urg, on | day, the Bath general busi: fag Eun eon to adjourn- re-con- or Eoin ps k to Ireland re- The Milverton Suy and es weekly. | 4, Ti inclusive in the oth | ach e, wo! 01 ¢ Ababtiess ‘abo, it on that ey | el talkin moer of accounts were | and lon: |“ sof May, 1906, for} p! sobbed athe boy, ‘ime atid to sit up {in the gallery all alone. thi Justice Harlan of the Pale States h of] ha ircuit last “Su mERoee.. evens eae to hit me in ges “but you n Montserrat the population, al- | hough Hake a Le a with a brogue, ias been an Hibernian lena a forcing the populace into slavery, ‘and the dei pal of ea an Ar Cigoged tie anuing 1 juice and ngaged in ma! ne ime: Hie ‘an Irish. “A sailor particularly black newcomer ous: ah bys an eee: x ke ES afendote ae ch ‘as Don 6 mekeeper’s oie that he ee ull designation af every aristo- a cratic. aot at she vest le, ae ‘more: | - over? for ‘o. addres “your ete. presentatives of the public interest are y, which experience, muni- a to| instil such vim and resisting po nd of private enterp: Bs Seance! taken with the full cognizance of the An eS i . State, on the plea that the work ought hikes first instance to tee been done Woodstook, Mey 8—An not of re Be the pabHG, would be bt t only rob- ue cruelty to animals hes been e id! The wite of a wealthy Trish eon- fe tractor of nsas e | traveling abr co! Rear 66 say that while tia had visit | mean = a A e a.| theflam ie piece to a good-sized saucer. be the next | erica, and Hinow hleranginn mate has won the world’s championship. fs easy to buy FROST FENCES bedi deme dicta norll te honestly worth. Fence you need :—One third cash third by note, due Oct. rst, ’65. One March 1st, oe No Savieraction in Eating. loes you no good. You eigen conncguentiy Goose atrelt to t; tong! h_tastes ity. AS from date of cee And remember—should ERos’ $ go wrong, from mechanical defects or yakaaiahep in apataing: ey are repaired, free of charg ae REIS & BECKER - s for Frost Fence are only as much as the nd we that ev aa farmer and stock- wil let aes buy all the Frost on delivery, third by note, due t. discount for cash if paid within 60 ice, 4 Brunner One SM SM SM SY. SU SY SME SL SS Ss SS SI Ss SS Ss Ss SS SS Ss ts Se SS SI Ss SA ol SO Se SY Si SS Si os oe Sl ol i Sl SELIM IL IL SL SE LSM SIL ILE SY SY YL SOM SY OM SIL Sa THE NEW SAILORS. This is a season of Sailor Hats, and the new styles are not only attractive, but reasonable enoug be within easy reach of, modest means. The mat- ter of style in millinery need no longer be an ex- travagance. We can sur- prise you with the value we're giving in thenewest hats of the season, with ample assortment to choose from in Sailairs including Panamas, Leghorns, Chip and Milan in all the newest shades and the handsomest of stylish effects. No longer any occasion to go to Stratford or Toronto for hats. The showing we have now is equal to’the best they can do there, unless you want to pay as much again for something decidedly extreme. ’ * Our stock is now complete with Boys Suits Children’s and Youths’ Suits, Our prices are very modest and fit guaranteed, Re- member our stock is new and up-to-date. Thames Corn 4 tins 25¢, Grocery Specials Alymer Corn toc each, Crown Peas 4 tins 25¢,‘Maple Leaf Peas 3 tins 25¢, Aylmer Tomatoes 2 tins 25c, Laural: Tomatoes toc each, Hand Brushes 2 for 5c, Roasted Coffee 8 Ibs. for $1, Try our Goat Brand Japan Tea at 25¢ equal to peddlars at goc. 4,000 lbs. Butter wana we sup- ply boxes. Bring us your produce. Pa a a a a ee eae ee a ee ee ee ee TS IS AS ISAS ISAS ARS AS AS AS AS AS ASS RS PN SDS SAS he the ihe he Ae Ale Ate he Hie BN AIS AS AS AS AS AS AAS AS AN AS AS AS AS AS AS AS OS AN AS AN AS AS AS AS AN IS HF Ble Re A ke Fhe Fe a A he A a le th te ‘ation, ion ee acres esata and Bui ests ‘pepsia and intligentions ie Me douvitel it a better remedy will e is rescript anes ‘8 ee wer into the system that sickness is impos- sible; try Dr. Hamilton's Pills, orted to the police from the west may mployed by an vermin the Ag the cow. She belowed or rush into the ‘adjacent river to extinguish Her bod at of-a ten- cent The “ PEED ” furnace and — “sunny” ways are synonymous, The cold, dreary winter days can be made cheery and warm with a pure, healthful heat if you have a “Sunshine” furnace. Is easier to operate, “shines” in many other ways over common furnaces, Two shakers are used to shake the heavy, triangular- shaped grates. This just cuts the work of.shaking- down in half, besides being easier on the furnace than the old one-shaker style, Sold by enterprising deal- ers everywhere, Booklet free, M¢Clary’s Lonvox, ‘Toronto, MonvREAL. WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, BT. JOHN, Hamrurox, cleaner, uses less fuel and WANTED! Every farmer in Canada, who has not already done so, to PROVE for HIMSELF that CARNEPAC is an absolute necessity for the SUCCESSFUL raising of CALVES and PIGS, as well as the BEST TONIC on earth for horses or cattle that are not thriving properly. Moose Creek, Ont., June 20th, 1905 THE CARNEFAC STOCK FOOD Co., GENTLEMEN This is to certify that I bought four pais of Carne: fac Stock Mood last March, and have foundit most sat , have fed it to horses, cattle, calves a len put on we always. found nee dia’ neler Seeding Neighbors Who had calves scouring and got some from me were d hie with results, Yours tru (Signed) ALES ‘MeGILLIVRAY These are not manufacturer’s statments, but COLD SOLID FACTS from responsible breeders, We invite you to prove them for yourselff we offer no gifts, or premioms, et OARNEPAG, the tonic used by all good feeders. For s FRED PREUTER Harnessmaker - - Milverton Fresh Bedroom Furniture John Rothaermel & Son Agents “The House of Quality.’ all good kinds. are here. GLOVES! Men’s Spring Gloves For the Street For the Afternoon For the Evening | Men’s Gloves follow the English fashion, for England sets the styles for men, just as France does for the women. All kinds that are good, and the best of Td to $2.50. HOSIERY ! Mens Spring Hosiery Exclusive for Design | Excellent for Wear Exquisite in Taste If there’s anything we are proud of it’s our reputation for having the latest ideas and best variety of everything that goes to make up the toilet ofa particular man, Just now we are giving particular attention to his hosiery, Prices 25c to $2.00 F. B. Deacon's ‘ail and By of the} 1 for gui lollar, “No,” re lied Donal, w We ash but correcting himsel least n Chas. H. Davies Limited Outfitters to all Mankind, Se stand, ‘Stratford, Ontario You intend sit aad things in your bedrooms this spring ? hon come in’ and "ese. the witene= tiye suits and individual pieces we are showing now, This handsome age gold- uartered ¢ British bevelled $31 Net | Or with stand to match $41 net. carved and polisbed., R. WHITE & CO. First Furniture Store East of the Post Office. STRATFORD SESESE NES SY SY SSM YL SSL AML SY SY SY SL SL SL SL Sl Fee Cash for Butter | Cash for | Eggs WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Orders hla se to Milverton, Monkton jewton, Etc. rocery Orders Pe Sg and shipped to these places and to all points west of Toronti | The Premier Store | All Grocery Stores or Department Stores should have an Automatic Bag Rack Holder. Fruits, Gsateotivnety, Canned Goods, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Patent Medicines, Teas, Coffees and Flour, Etc., Etc. end us a trial order by mail and me ee that we can send. ps first-class goods, Give us a trial. Send Your Orders to J. A. MONTEITH & CO. ‘Opp. Market (Box 416) 20 Wellington-st STRATFORD USE PHONE AT OUR EXPENSE AAI AERAIIASISER TAIRA IAEA SEAN II EEL Wb i i ey a FRERERIERERER ISIE RARE ISIS IIE IG IRIE shia ea ak aa ath ala a ah a a og ah, EEECLEESESEESEESEESESESESSESESSSSESES SSSSSSSSSSSSS SSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS °W2%IIHIHIGGSSESSIIISHGSISSSSSSSSSSSSSSGSS SCHAEFER & WHALEY § HelloGentral!! Give Us Everybody We are Slicing the Price Instead of the Values In Ready-to-wear Waists, Embroidery, Hosiery, Muslins, Whitewear and Fancy Crockery. GEPSGEEESGVGIEEs For one week commencing Friday morning, we will place on_ sale the best values we have ever had in the above lines. These are goods you are looking for now and you will do injustice to your pocket book to stay away. The quantities are not large and first comes fares best. You can increase the purchasing power of your dollar by buying now.—READ THE LIST. SHIRT WAISTS 2 only, Ladies’ Shirt Waists, in fine Lawns, trimmed with embroidery and regular 12%e 10 The fo goo yards Embroideay 4 to 5 in, wide, good patterns, reg. 8%c for # I-2e. Don't miss this chance to lay in a stock of Embroidery. We secured the above lot at a bargain and are passing it ovor to you at a big saving. HOSIERY SNAP 10 dozen only Ladies’ Heavy Cotton a eins Fans dye, sizes 81%, 9, 934, at only per pair - WHITEWEAR 15 only Ladies’ White Underskirts, oe trimmed es ies and insertion, regular value $1.25 to $1.50, 10e 98e 36 dozen ue oe 's, nicely trimmed with embroidery and lace 25ce Special each . A MUSLIN SNAP 300 yards Fancy American Dress and Waist Ml neat Batiere regularto to 12% centsat peryard = - - = 6c MOTHERS —you will want to buy the children dresses when you see these FANCY CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS This little lot came our way—the other day. We are continually"giving big values in Crockery, but we think this is one of the best bargains we have given. 10e 100 only Fancy Chine oe and meee S, ney oe uae clic 25 cents, at only ; . Now We've Only One Thing to Say We can’t compel you to buy or even to Jook, we can only place the facts before you, but if you will look, if you will compare, we feel satisfied you will at once at- knowledge we are the leaders, We buy right and we sell right. We will be pleds- ed to have you come in and see the special inducements we are offering now. BRING US YOUR TRADE Highest Market Price Always Paid. 7 SCHAEFER & WHALEY Toru im et adsossssssssssssssssss MDA UAL A A G. T. R. STATION STORE DISHES We have something special to offer this week in the line of Dinner Sets. One full Dinner Set, nicely decorated for $7.50, Another line, most beautiful set, decorated with gold, which we offer this week for $9.75. It will pay you to come and see it, before buying elsewhere, ‘Toilet sets range from $1.75 and-up. CEMENT ‘We beg to announce that we ain to have the best Port- land Cement alwayson hand this summer. If you need any cement, just come along you won't go amiss. We have a car- load in now. POTATOES A car load of choice Seed Potatoes are expected ina few Leave your orders now at the Milverton Station Store. J. R. YOST & SON E|, Sun Life Assurance|~ Company of Canada Results for 1904 Assurances issued and paid for $15,911,904.24 Increase over 1903 1,744,698.77 Assets at 31st. December, 1904 17, 861, 760.92 Increase over 1903 2,345,984.44 Profits paid Policyholders 117,238.21 Life Assurance in force Dec. 31st, 190: 85,327,662.85 Tnorease over 1903 9.646,473,98 days. Ls Ss. emeosl . stern Ontario, London. Ccecvacacencecerevesesdersoactecesteceevecesuessessesseeteeeedeceseecaesecossecsesesssesocsseaseseaee oS | gave most of them to the flames The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1906 GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALLSOURCES The Milverton SuN and the weel eouly Globe to the end of the year, for on dollar. Horsemen, printed assortment of cuts to choose york The Central Presbyterian Church get your rents bills fice costing $4, Boel. completed the bells being sab cribed by individual members of the Sougeopaice. If you acter to take ae in tablet for now the Public Drug Store. According to the present prospects, Goderich is to have three pecaiae steamer lines this year. Edward will run on 4 old route Hatt Toledo to the Soo, and in addition the i Line, Detroit, and the Northern Navigation Co., will each have a steamer ab to Goderich. Craig, M. for Wellington es pearl into the ario Legislature a Bill providing Se the ‘proper care of the tee Public School Children.” The neg- lect of children’s teeth iy their youth, stogrious cpnsequences in oe Tatas days. People een Sewing it, who m ie Taveliel goed tooth, had it Siok been that ey were neg: lected when they were young. A curious result of the earth- at in Cal., laces, new sleeve. Right up to the minute for style, fit and finish. Sizes 98e the Mokeluma River ham fallen 19 32to 42, Regular $1.25 to $1.50, while they last...........ssseeseeee ee ot at dhe fogs pene earthquake shock, As the waterway EMBRODERIES @ overflowed frequently, farmers along the stream are highly pleased 1 witl the change, since it can say heretefore, an ,000 yards, F ybroidery, all new patterns, 6 to 7 inches wide far more water than ‘i le ots eee nov endavgor thelt lands: The license bill has become 1: in the press a occupied the attenti y of its chiesuonalls features haye been overlooked. is such unfair manni palities are treated. A good extra mney is raised by the new schedule of fees but the government takes more than its fair share of the increase. As it is, none of out municipalities are any too flush of funds and this bill will make a see drain out of local tax vin cial purposes. It saentie 3 that $500 a pda ake extra out of this town alon ink we have more use fori itand right to it than they have down at Toronto.—Listo- wel Banner. Don’t be afraid of a little fun? at ome. Don’t shut your door for fear the sun, will fade your carpet and your hearts lest a hearty laugh shake down somé musty old cobwebs there. If you wish to ruin your sons let them un- derstand that all mirth and social laxation somewhere. find it at their own hearthstones, it will be sought at ie profitable places. Therefore let the fire barn enn at night and make ‘the homestead de- lightful ae hal those little: oa which paren’ and so perfectly. Don’t repress rs SaRnyant erica a your children; half an hour’s merriment around the fireside blots out the re- headend they cca esr with them @ world is the ea of a bright little agitestip sanctum, The success < the Russian leh puts in ‘easy street’ for a coupla o! ens Count Witte’s position. Again, Russia ‘is indebted to the friendship, | {" the self-interest, 0 France for floating the loan and for taking by farthe greater part of it ‘The arrangement was sigued in Paris recently for a total new lo: $440,000;000, of w! scribes $240,000,000; Great Britain, | ¥ years, free of ta: est at fiue yercent; the issu 88, and the banker's commission is 3 ‘The subscribers will there- fore get a return of over five and two- thirds pervene en how low s B 2. iy 5 2 5 3 25 & g ge @ 2 & a & Seas: of he new Soa is to sane r the payment of interest on Russia’ 's sforsien debt. a special article in the London, Eng., Speaker, to the fact that Treland_ was e dark eee after the barbarians shad deeueoya the civilization ome. The schools of Lismore, Clommacnoise, Bangor, Clonfert, and other: ed an education to students from all over the Continent. The Saxon King of Northumberland was among those who enjoyed the advantages o} education so given, Hut Irish train- ing was not confined tq Ireland itself, @ nngees of was Irish satatae; deca "Thiel scholar was made head of the, University of Pavia; the flame of learning aad ‘ianity, then flickering almost) to extinction, all over the Continent, Where no’ are the schools from) which thee The Danish coo ani + the Sun oi large 1 T tit was | merchant to se East] wie action in doing so has more years or so, ae mai Settee phe he ce Attention hosbeenrecently drawn in t}an outlet is furnish- | seem: petitio “ he a thet bi kay be live ay ill be good the public generally.” Whenever your bowels skip a day. without a movement—takea LAX-ET Whenever your a is espe skin waxy tongue coated—your eens foultakea LAX- Ee only 5c, Sold by The Public Drug ian Nester estate, of Detroit, and Bay district in On mere Soe it Large purchased ‘a one hun- and fifty mune. Sour of timber, oi Harriston merchant sent an ac- count to“a gentleman, ‘an intimate fri@hd, to the effect that the account was old and that was growing whiskers. Whe gentleman. to whom sent returned it immediately enclosed fifteen cents, ae esting the nd it to the barber shop and get its whiskers Aides © United States postoffice asieneny has decided th going to and from school shal allowed tg baat Los parent’s mail so lo not the postmaster if your. children se refused. i se says an toffice habit sate He Ava an elderly Scotchman, per- fectly sober, but appéared to’ be in destitute est gen From he n St. George st., and | got on the Sahih ‘ay track at the ov: ¢ along, when he was stru by the suena goa to ae fence. rain the poor old man picked e and simon! to pieationt hospital, wher: foun t he was taribly injured, and te isa at 7, io fa same evening, —Mitchell Adyo In a certain school district one. of the trustees was rank on the The convention of miners at.Seran- 0. CARPETS Sold by us at see a Be Honderich & Son. abjaev ok tne: unl ries Kewanee school with the examining inspectors he always confined his remarks to question addressed to the pupils as_to what they would do in case the build- caught fire, this little pecularity, the m: his pupils as to the answer they should ‘ive. Wh en the visitor ale how- “You, e you a little speech ?”” annonce of the master a hundred voices shouted in unision ; ~ Form a line and march downstairs. The Queen's Own ans Regi- to New were received inthe sil manner ot visitors on a ‘oliday. But there were no_ British meee give people to understand that when. thi visit the United States they must . 2 in ander the American fii We not question the justios or dignity a the ee they take in this eepeot, But wi juestion the action of Canadien especially the eines of Toronto, in heneine out the stars and stripes in ot people from the United States yisiting Canada. Their ie aps pearance of a mean spirit of snobbery than an expression a -sopa-vall for the visitors.—Bruce Herald. once in brings forward the i Ih mi material that will be taken up in the sap that will kill insects and disease. tions, but if © made strong enough to kill insects ae PRE they have been found to kill the plants, | Pol cision a the tie ‘Atlantic. sere instead ‘The respective governments of Can: lions of money s trying to make Montreal the head of ocean navigation. It was always an artificial Ssadan and never had a real foundation in the eames conditions of the country. Quel the natural ee Atlantic Ser ov Gagrnaer anning the contin- ent with their railway, the “Wellesley pres drain to ly to the thirteenth line where it finds ii ‘ornington township. The principal objection tothe scheme is to come from those whose land naturally drains towards this swamp and who will be assessed to help and Irish mgnks rekindled | twice a pat ADMNERTISE IN THE SUM ment, Toronto, recently paid a visit| % ork, They PS = = \ 2 100,000 acres of Saskat- chewan Valley Lands Greatest bargain in farm lands in the West to-day. We have 100,000 acres of the best farm lands in the Valley of the North Branch of the Saskatchewan River. All within easy distance of Stations on the Canadian Northern Railway, an operating—not a proposed railway. rare FP EP HP EEE IRE SEP REE SRE RE RE EE SRE RE IRE NEP AEP OR RE OEE EP RE Te RT ae EE ES RE EE A EE RE ET ET ORE AEE RE SEE TEP ERE OEP AEP ORE AEE SEP NEP AE EP NH EP Ee Nee nee ee ake ote ake eke eke age oye age eke are ey ‘dest 2 a Settlers on adjacent sections. Prices from $10.00 per acre up All carefully selected sections. Sales made in 4%, % or whole sec- tions or blocks of 10,000 acres. Purchasers from us get an oppor- tunity of acquiring the very best avail- able lands in the most fertile district of the great-wheat belt of the Northwest. # These lands ‘can be secured at once at Rock Bottom Prices, but-are tee advancing in value, Our Western Office. is at North Battleford, Sask. ; - Our Ontario Offices is at Stratford, Ontario. ; Re ting dae if tee pawn ienvert be vie Ras until late in the day ef er occas ihe ifs ahs aks hs aks aks chs chs ahs ahs aks checks ke cke aks cks chs ok oke checks os oksoks Xe cha checks aks cfs oka ok oh oh oh ok ok ok oh oh oh ok ce oe O O v O