ignorance or the stinted shi ret e has ae i the sw is ot ie bay any plant foods. There are only SS ail AN led food: Any man should Sone mel before bands over money w! defrauded in buying pl 0 is through, the sale by manufacturers of RE OF CREAM. goods which do not analyze equal to ee fuaranlee; on the label. ‘The other Prof. E. H. Farrington, of through his own ignorance in failing to e sonsin dairy school, gives the folowing te on the basis of actual plant food, aaivieo in regard “Place the separ « m in a tone thout @ cloth or drying hot with steam or boiling water that wiping is unnecess to, separator. the eream as it comes from the immediately fifty degrees F., and] 7st until delivered. the temperature near keep it cold Ne rov! ee -f ue an heated again when saved wl 4il another milking. cream fat, or more, is the most sauatactary: to The shams is left on Sie farm when rich cream 10. Cream should be perfectly. sweet. eeietvng no and actly asi BY THEIR FRUITS YE SHALL KNOW THEM. : rom all gan odors. ator ae wit ce ger of contaminating the next Tot of e sour bowl. This inds of cream asic ry. the milk receiving can and {he} instead of the price per ton basis. ator on a firm ee un wel-ventilated room ITALIANS RIOT AT KINGSTON. bow! and all towel; heat them so They refused, and the police attempted {) enforce obedience. meleee which followed Sergt. Kingston police after to cream, in the with possible injury to tne Is. Mayor Mowat was at once notified, time peace had and the Italians had dis- Nine were ar- testing 35 per cent, Constables Ni ream, and more +—— RECEIVED Sriend VOLTS. imps of cloth when vered to the haulers} Engineer in Supreme seeks sea 3 : Had a Narrow Escay ee lespatch from Ottawa ae : william ably narrow escape from death by elec- trocutio je received Lightning and the sngneering staff faa & busy. few minutes in putting out the femes. mn the fire being ed, banker would be} Mr. te over is 5 the switchboard to cut off the electric current and receiy- etter. There is no sucl ing 88/ed tho shock. He unconscious, bt “guessing” at a cow's. valu A poet oe a Mazel time. The arm was may have the ance of 8! badly reat milker. She may have the required form and ue ough PAP STRESS eep as a Meyers, onthe Policemen Beh sealant ag With Knives | j, 3 histientons are k Dr. Evans] Si transformers in a bs LONDON WORSE THAN CHICAGO The Slaughtering Plants are in a Bad Condition. despatch from London says: Jacob a slaughtering plantsare than those in New “In e United ‘States,” he said ‘Wednesday, the streets and lanes, where the inspector seldom or never cheapest packages to the ‘small. shops throughout the coun: part of the industry is of atten wildcat character, with no sup- m compelled to believe’ that most of the outcry in England is mage with inted commercial motives. _ If s0, {ne incredibly foolish; for © meat-packing business, irrespective of nationality; will be involved in com- mon disas| er “We feel that no impartial man, ac- pate An ‘weighing matters carefully, uld confirm 2 before long, Bl nm this side will have some neeption of this loss and suffering needlessly ci GUARDS DEFIANT. grace—Commander Censured. St. Petersburg despatch comander of the want no more police duty en- ae the slaying of brother or father, ee zm eeteely reprimanded by the e most honored regiment in the Russian service and the reprimand revolutionary, eeriottl spread of the P f ment of the Guards and has rst she - 2a es us Bl ee onus ole Empire. The Bae is tituiar” cots of the, regi- ment and almost invariably wears ie fate occasion: full. to-day, show clearly by their on sembling of cattle, | P i-|o> currant Favored Regiment of the Czar in Dis- | th’ pint fresh h na |i & glass dish is the clearest comment possible on the | j pil regi- ee of recruits | mi SOR IIICR I IEIOE £ HOME, § Sk eC | oc = SUMMER DESSERTS. mmer should be ent | placed in the icebox until perfectly 2old and then served sliced on a plate cov- ered with grape leaves are an attractive CE dessert inds of small befries should’ be |is id left ee chill, rge glass dish and fill around berries fore serving, and @ proved by the audition of a little orange squeezed over them. Peaches should never be pared until dust they are nha ares Nass or china dish and lightly sprink: Jed with _ sugar. oy should bé passed in a tcllowing are some very Laer frult lusserts. Pineapple and Strawberry Salad. Pare and cut the eyes‘from a lar; the juice et two i baa to, spongi Frozen Mixed Fruits. — Take one cup vies, —blackberri straw- eep on serve. Serve with mixture one pint ice wa‘ Strawberry Pyramid, — Mash strawbert with one pint Powdered sugar, ane the whipped whites or ft s and whip until it will re- tain nits shape when piled in a pyramid | s; Whip rich cream an set on ice until ag one cup ripe red raspberries carefully, ee into a mould and press the cover down, covering the fotning ith a strip of paraffin pap ice and salt for three hours. berry Cream Mold. — To one tf of mashed raspberries add ~ one tablespoon powd sugar an let stand for ai saobtiat of the motto, “One for All, All} whipped and fi ies. r One,” that the movement was en- each isse.— Peel one dozen very ee ed by evolutionists, de-|iellow peaches and press through a mands of the first battalion were adop-|Ticer. Soak one teaspoon gelatin ing held i barracks |{hree tablespoons cold water, dissolve yard in open deflance of their officers. hot water and strain into the pe Instead of this entailing punishment, pulp with the juice of one-half lemon their demands received the respectf one cup powdered sugar. with whipped | more than in ‘one | i will soon remove the objectionable nell. ‘0 destroy cockroaches nothing feats ant ee. as Do this regu- ty very night tl the plague is era- sponges soft and white wash m of warm Which @ teaspoonful of tartarie has-been dissolved. Afterwards fe. in plenty of cold water and set m be air. A Meat Hint for Mot Weather—As it will re a rubbed with slices of lemon, this will be found an excellent without flavoring the mea ake muslin, ete., incombustible, a wise precaution. Procure stale of soda and make a weal solu- tion of it with warm water. — Afte washing the surtains, just dip them into some tung- excellent for corns. Another. good way to treat bunions is to ee nae every second day with tine- BRITISH SHOE TRADE SAFE. ne- | Expert Who Toured United aie Says Invasion Need Not A London despaten says : ae Sways- land, a shoe trade expert, who made a tour of the United States on behalf -f hoes. ‘The American makers have direct advantage over their Competitors, while the handicapp. jarpness, le the eet fave a. wholethearted bellet’ in. the sioerionly of their workmanship system, ps PE ES MORE POVERTY AHE. Ranks of Reg Will Be Swelled xt Wil A Toronto Bae says: e offi- of. three flux into the city at the approach of Winter, and. a large increase in the ranks of the destitute. —— FOUR WILL BE HANGED. in Egyptians Sentenced {0 Death for Kill- h ing Capt. Bull. Egypt, despatch says A Cail ‘i trial of the natives concerned in then ae e a ider is PPLED LIFE. wartiving the | set in the x become chilled. | tack June 13 on the party of five British desirable if it does @ “big bus barge ee OR next day, proniised ol ty pone et Bibeiteeah res ixtu ie a pa ae Nee ee ete aunch, big mouth, — bri ht eyes, lon egins to stiffen and then|shooting at the vi 3 Tali vandcalle thatacn: anak tree ne | Casee. Farmer Soot = ther endineten the olliers to bs sper | raja in geadually.-the’ whipped: erearny| heah Tanlehi-resulling im the king of meanest an endthe ‘pall ends It ee ee discarding the thin cream. When mix:|one of the officers, Ca they prominent features and the despatch from Windsor, Ont., says —-+——__ ed evenly pour into a mould and pack|of the 6th (Inniskilling) Desacaes. ei xe eat show the goods at the pail,| Magistrate Bartlet on Thursday commit- ia salt and ice for three hours before| the serio’ tment of the others, a on are of no value. her Baillergeau, a farmer living AGRICULTURAL EXPERT. servin hae reenltadinctour natives being sen: oin' ts Satioate at Puce, near this city, for trial for a Sas Fruit’ Salad.— Four large ‘peaches | teneed to death, four to penal servilude joa tuilking qualities. ‘True, they brutal assault committed upon his wife| Representative of German Government| halved, three bananas, one pine-|for life, and five to receive fifty lashes. fit them, but ‘tis like the “clouds several days a, d from the effects ‘Touring: Canada. appli ice and drain off juice. In the} Thirty-one of the accused were acquit- summer day which she San be crippled for life ing ruit. juice dissolve one-half box oats ted. e executions and the flogging an ihe every promise of a much need. 8 is still to n onto despatch says : rrange the fruit ip layers ai S01 ill occur at Demshawai. All the ed rain. some unseen influence | Attorney Rodd found th necessary to go aeatatts of a Deparinent of} with nutmeg. the gelatin sae sentenced to death will be hanged by turns the storm aside and the rain|to her bedside fo ire the evidence | Agriculture of the German’ Government, | the fruit. Steer salted English walnuts iT the presence of the come: has had the ildings on| over the top. turns on gallows in the presence o! of bloom and yet show no fruit in the against Baillargeau, +» THREW STONE AT TRAIN. .... 8 nit Nees ie and rs aig and Half s in Ki ‘ily good on ighti ne from are Arthur, Ont., rest of the wi A des) oa Tout C. Rioux, arrested for throw. stone at a pe Pacific train ner “waite ge oe ey days Was 8 year's test. Some sy wenletiead to ay Tete imprisonment in & great prchisian | ates ane Kingston penitendary, Th stone whi ew struck a etsencer on the It regattas ills time to weigh the necessitating his removal milk and record it. The test need not Bot’ Arthur Hospital. By frequent, ‘Theré is no oth way to ERAS Uae breed up When working with unknown 001 are as. apt to keep SPEEDING TO BE STOPPED. the heifers of the no-gaods as of the : Pons really good » This seems absurd, | Special Constables Appointed to Enforce et At is true, hou, forget before a year Automobile Law. is gone ‘ pe A me fa moe Ad lespaten trom Ton manta says: Five eight montls.” By @ heat a oit| constables have been appointed by the ae incial Government Mor the special BALING HAY FROM THE FIELD, There are severa! ™ , “By thelr fearon Se Rha now “important points to te observed in this. Do not bale hay, be 3 are John Stanley, Toronto; E ~ however dry otherwise, with dew on or ve lierope, Ottawa; Robert tee Mahe Un ., eats Sera Mackay. Fallowfield; William Kavanay x he dew dry entire! yu ille, and Elea; Frisby, a off and then if it egies windrows, ‘ feu eee een fhe rake and furn them over. If it fn shocks pursue the same course b FIND NEAR WENDIGO Lae may be required ii siderable and th sweep rake will run Plaoe then e, leavin, space e oF two Inches between | SiC Promises ee the aides or. sland. them on end, which WINNIPEG BY-LAWS. bales of 100 pounds hi i ot perfectly | ad a junds have e ee choise Cae cen pee Som y,/ Sunday Cars aes z ue Electric Power ju the wrong time, It is. po: that they tight heat. Th baling ae A despatch ee ‘Winnipeg says: All tically cosls nothing as it can be ene four by-laws voted upon on Thursday /ahe Surface Ores As oe ‘Twenty-three Per Cer “| A despatch ay ia che a pre 5 pena find c showing for a surface assay. to| passed with good majorities. This in- atid in. any other sures lay car service and the es- zs ' | tablisament of. a civic electrical power aaa lant at a cost of $3, in- FARM NOTES. Sas of ford or of Control. The It 200,000 for school exten- There can be no great improv fee “in faring no alien how m ny papers eee ees ear endorse Jess “the farmers groceries, is hardly what might be called business farming. It is not the ene or poor ny pal —_+-—__ —e ns ‘heir ONE DEAD FROM SHOCK. for also “tel tie our- breakfast foods, ete... 4 win vate ee . result of the explosion of dynamite patie and there i Sod nitro: sivosrine at Fox Island, near % | a we lay _ after- eee eat SRW 69 Moore is dead, while a number of other persons are suffering was felt for a distance of nine miles or 1| More. rae cause of the explosion is believed ie to a bullet fired e & 5 B 5 5 ‘Sf 3 B 2 ly, and do not lay aS results to their own] striking the magazine on the island. Result of Explosion Nome e Auhorstbarg pa t As} and ‘as at the Parliament, of Agriculture on the farming industry of Ont He as traveled ihrougie out tia Wales tea province, and intends spending a year travelling aves th Cana re, says , “Canada is the best spasniea coun- try I have yet seen, and I have travelled a - to the United States. papeee ne ‘sid his reports of Canada in Government would affect fruulgration to this country, in - ing more Germans to settle here. “Fifty years ago it was the United States that altracted Europeans isd a the doc- tor, “but now it is Cant pelea FOR PURE FOOD. Bill Is aes on ‘by: Senate and House | © Representatives. ee despatch says: The furs phe Bill was sgierd upon by the conferees for the Sena led or which contains any poisonous or deleterious substance. It prescribes for each offence a fine not to excet ment, or bo! offence a fine ‘ot nok less than> $1,000 or one year’s Section two prohibits the eps i into any State or any forei; t| or the shipment to any foreign country country it is provided that no article met be ated when substance is used in conflict of the ae ca the doreles coun- | try for which it is intende EE SA, EARTHQUAKES IN WALES. Chimneys and Houses oe ‘Thrown to the Groun $ ‘A despatch from se Wales, ae B Violent earth shocks were experienc many ett ings there wi They were accompanied by loud rumblings. st ce de eats ‘y uf ie 0 |bake for an hour. hi on |.lil thick, then beat gered Hee or adul- | in: Te | water, togethor © en inches. - | saturated with WITH: RICE. Meringue, — Boil cup of rice in = a vie g oe sugar, a ti light; add juice and rind (grated) of ene lemon; turn into ing Ad nid: Provincial Treasurer, Hon. pies GaP ese ST ANOTHER LOAN ON RAILWAY. Canadian eS wa Have a Chance h oe Pete says: . A. J. (cp of pudding, brown in ‘oven, and atayn Pe Serve cold, i ; ‘ f the nglish loa. Snowb: Wash one cup of rice {Sa a ul in double boler with one pint ah tere sunt was wilt ot milk, boil until tender and add one| panded ont road has been s peereone t zane ‘3 put in eal plied by the peovinGial chest. As the ps to cool en cold turn ou! previous loan cleared off ols fous. id deep dish and pour soft custard sauce ing liabilities the ae one ap ov ued wi ee : q| pled, after the are op the treasury Ses Wee one cup of rice mes is paid atts to. the mpletion. of the Pr ish with three pints of road. It will be offered for publle ie milk, a mack of salt, and one-half uP | sription, eaheaee ie 3% p i. ine cf washed nl ae Ser erve with cream one cup of rice tn one sree ot Tne in double Boller ins son with salt ne . r \d- add yolks. of four eggs and one tablespoon- ful of cl Pi nd aw: once on a HINTS FOR THE HOME. Mud stains on black cloth will yield to ee ing with the cut side of a ae ota’ a scienndoe frying pan, pour in a it tle vinegar, heat it over the fire, and al of common ‘Lettuce for salad is greatly improved |; y being put in cold wi hours before it is to be. pre table. ater for several pared for eSouy and stock. should be boiled up in summer and put in clean If this precaution be taken, Pp Sweet ae oes lays. Breadcrumbs for ing — Let thes always be baked in “he oven wvilhatt pane gers to take color: by this me- a e fish or meat, etc., will be much Keep a bottle of linseed oil and lime- ‘b- ff carpet an of burlap forty-five by vent -SeV- eS = =} 7a, ris} 2 a2 Ei B ey a 2 all. we Articles infested with moth should be enzine, or motor-spirit. Y |for it injures nothing ang kills the de- 1 Ex sto-th slroyer! | terest, payable half-yearly. ig | Analysis_ of Loos! i Bologna Z (rom. San as City say ry iespatel A ener ana of hamburger steak; bones sauangss Toons. stusage, ols frankfurter: (adi packing companies. on- vineed Dr. B. W. Lindberg, professor of chemistry and toxicology in ihe Kai i ann ical College, every sample two out of five of the other samples, sul- phites were found. ——+—_ CUTTING SMALL TREES. al Serious Charge Against a Lumber Firm in Quebec. A Montreal despatch says: For some time repor been reaching the Provincial fae ey that cutting ws x vincial ae at Sherbrooke, has-been commissione jake an’ inspectio: oa report thereon. It is said that a pee hi been oe pro ved, uld liable to a fine of S240, ),000, at the rate ot) $3 —_+-———. WIFE REFUSED HIM MONEY. Double foes Salen at Buffalo | : : 1) Be A despatch from Buffalo Oe: Haas, of Cleveland, on Mita shot and get tate killed hi Ny. reet, He then shot himself throug the head, dying a et minutes Mprs.- Haas’ ‘supply se nae ith money ee the cause of the murder. yhich are used as draperies and curtains | 7 y_ fatally wou! ae CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS MAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER TUb GLOBE. Telegraphi, Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries of Recent Occurrence. CANADA. Winnipeg. assessors. place the popula-| N hon of the city at 101,057, Provincial Board of at 2481. Sheard reports that the abaltoirs of Toronto are generally in a first-class conditioi Over twelve thousand people will be placed by the Salvation Army in Can- ada this year, most m in Ontario. The Hudson's Ba bonus of ten per cent. of salary fo every employee who has been in the service for a year. Crop. reports from the west continue favorable, the C.P.R. agents agree that every ie points to.a splendid wheat harvest Creditors a the Atlas Loan will re- ceive a little over forty cents on the dol- lar. There will be absolutely nothing for ne sets Iders. Clement Wilkinson, the Hamilton tai- it Who Tent into the sltéot firing a re- volver and wounding pedestrians, “has been pronounced insane. 4 letter to: Premier Whitney, from sir Wilfrid Laurier is to the etek that the Dominion Government hes no. intention be | of selling the military training grounds at Niagara-on-the-Lake. Thomes Lee Sing, @ ‘a Hamilton China- GREAT BRITAIN. lamar Greenwood, Ba ae for York, cate ie? called to ve ing and a vast Thitlence ‘bitend, ce ee Aveincstiny, “ihe British-Canadian Concert at London, harles Harriss of Ottawa. UNITED STATES. Three small children of Charles ‘ thorn, of Harrison, Onio, were burned tove at their home. eir mother was burned in trying to. rescue from mt sections of South- p that plant and lo Kilt several workmen, GENERAL. The pela ats spirit is spreading in the pee A The oe St. bie ore are Seking vaaies measures to protect the pwS. e Douma will be asked to authorize a foreign loan of £7,500,000 for stricken provinces of Russia. K) 's pe deo Y HONORS. Emilius Irving, KG. ie bee baron Te. ceives a London’ despa fone ¢ ong the long list of King’s birthday. yiners ¥ . Mr. Turgeon of Quebec William Lyon Mackenzie King of “Oe pale to be coi St. George; Hon. Fa B= a = 5 ‘on commanding stait ot the regular forces of Canada, to be an ordinary member of the military diy: iain of the ee Companions of --e Order of ; George raser (cit = Clot of the Department at Justice), L. K. Jones (Secretary o! ie Department 20!) of Railways), Juchereau ae Saint De ou Lemoine (Sergeant-at-Arms in the Se Pope (Under Sec of Sutherland (Assistant are all appointed to Bue born: at Bedegue, Prince Edward Island, April 7, 1836. He was educated at College and Acndia Bar in 1863. He became Judge of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia in 1878. eg SIR JAMES HECTOR'S MONUMENT. Memorial of the Discoverer of the Kick- ing Hor: from Vancouver says: Pann The former is a mement ue great services rendered by Sir James ector as scientist of the peta itr which ~discovel Kicking jorse Pass, through which ries canadian The Kicl ent of this James Hector was. laid | So badly injured was he fhought he was dead, ne 3 : 5 g g 5 2 ze ooe E5 Fy 2 S 2 5 atior thd -veleron. explorer. et to bis achievements sia ander the Thadow of that lowering. hil A Se RELICS. Brisk Bidding Other Effects. ‘A San Francisco despatch says : ee rings and otter personal otteats Milton Andrews, Slayer of Bessie d_ the Olivii has 000. janes, anenE ae the estate = to go to th \drews, who lives in a by the explosion of a gasoline cials at the immigration office at the | £0, death by. the expl g bag. painfully | them. famine- 2 whi s for Diamond Rings. and 0} we Attenipt to Set a St. Thomad LEADING MARKRTS BREADSTUFFS. July 3.—Flour— Exporters’ are midair O3: 15 to $3.20 for r 90 per cent. aut v = No. it 85¢ al nd No, 3 Sfominat ae Gals—Easier tone, No. 2 white, 40c, outside, se eaine at, No. Corn—Ni yellow, i e_Notnl He at 60c. Barley—Nominal at 52c, tone 1 Toronto, COUNTRY PRODUCE, Butter—The market continues easy in tone, “ath receipts heavy. + 20¢ to 2ie do, solids + 19¢ to me prints 16c to 170 Roll Tubs 724 8c. mtario, Dee $1.30; Qusbes, $1.10 to $1, ’ Hay—Prii ces re quoted un- engl at 9.50 to $10 me ton for No, 1 timothy and $7.50 for mixed or clover. Straw—Car lots on track here are quoted unchanged at $5.50 to $6 per n. MONTREAL MARKETS, Montreal, July 3.—Grain—No improve- ment in the ol for Manitoba wheat from over the Oats—No. 2, oe to 43%0; 3, 42% to 42%o; 4 4 to ‘ate, 56340 ; No. 3 yel- ee "30% TioutMonttoba “spring wheat pa tents, $4.60 to $4.70; strong bakers’, fo winter ee patents, 8, $3.90 to » $1.85 0 8: extras, $1.50 to $1.70. Milleed Manitoba bran, in” bags, $16.50 to $17; shorts, $20 to $21 per ton; Ontario bran, in buik, His, $2 to $20.50; milled moui ; straight grain mouille, $85 to $27 pe per Rolled Oats—Per $2.10 to $2.20, in car lots; eet $1 30 to $1.40 per x tlay—No. 1 to $10; No. 2, $8.50 $8, Le rather firm. 0 20c for selected tock, 1634 to 17¢ ioe Now 1 candied, 14 to tie for No. 2. Provisions—Barrels of heavy Cana- dian short cut pork, $23; light short per barrel; clear fat backs, 50; compound lard, 734 to 8c; Can- % ‘to 120; ep BUFFALO M. 0 sei Whente-ghring. dul ee pee Northern, 873%¢ ; a hard Winter, c¢.i.f shipm: Rye— es at 66c. Canal Quiet; No. freighis steady, NEW YORK ane MARKET, New York, July 3.—Spot, slondy «No. 2 red, ane elevator ; No Tred, 94% fo.b at No. IN eaten Duluth, 93% f. ; No. 1 Northern Man- itoba, 91¢ ay b atloat. CATTLE M Manwer. Toronto, July 3.— the Cily Cattle sari this morning, es firm all und. Pt ttle. — Chea cattle were eagerly taken up al lo $5.20, a few Pg Ra ei $5.5 oe Chale are pret . lium to good, pi tes 85 10 $5; bulls, et lo $4.25; bulls, light, $3.50 to $4; cows, $3.75 es fe Butchers’ Cattle—$4.65 to $5 jm to good, $4.40 to $4.50; bulls, ey {0 eae reg $3.25 lo '$3.75;" canners, 32 SRES Stocker ers: cra Feeders — Choi manded_ $3.50 to $3.25; 85 5 Seta ee 5 Shee ee te Ae 75 to $4.60 to. $4.20; each. Choice sold at to $50: common, $25 to $35; soringes, Mar to eS ruled steady at from at to 6c per oo and Tims Export ewes are to Sh while spring lambs were from 25 te oe logs— are quoted at $7.50 for selects a $7.25 for lights and fats, fed and watered. —-+ — , HIDING IN A VAT. Much-Wanted Anarchist Captured in Spanish Province. ich from Madrid says: 10 is believed to be col ent Li arrest Wednseday al la, Province of Jaen. ie was hiding in a vat in the gai m as n Hots g about eee as a pilgrim, selling images of sain —_+—__. BRANTFORD MAN KILLED. John Wonch Bac rie a Train at A aentnd sae Says: John Brantford, aged Ne le was wo along the tracks and did £ r the ah which was sounded as a evil 0 him. —_-———_ CAUGHT IN THE ACT, pane] bs ie A. despatel was fire dami