Ml 4 —_——_. “But, Miss Sybil, honey, you look so Soren “it they had not ae me off, § pale and weak and wore out. Better |I should not now be at. liberty,” she| CULTIVATION FOR POTATOES. Sunlight Soap is better than OR, SYBIL BERNER’S stay here while I go and get a conwey- | conclude other soaps, but is best when 5 5 ne That this was true, they all agreed,| The success of the potato crop de- used-in the Sunlight way (follow ; no, no,, Joe! It would take vou Now Sybil had to hear le peihulaes eee in a large measure on the kind directions). b VINDICATION 0 long, and I cannot wait. I can|of the exnlosion, and the names of ils}! Cultivation given. “No matter how walk,” “said Sybil, impatiently vane micliiag~ She. stiudideead as CA tale ey the land has been manured Hard rubbing ; and drawing the shawl up over her head | Pendleton went over the list, how carefully the sets have been planted things of = in age p for she had no hat or bonn “One feels the less comp: if the Soll J allowed ty beconie hard, Hi s nigh ra pied “Name o! de then, come on,|evér, when one considers that this was| 170, Weeds Permitted to grow apace, and rece eee ‘ed CHAPTER Vil—(Continued). ee’ Ga au ak ney,” replied Joe, who knew it would|a case of the ‘engineer hoist with his|reguruy? 1st ‘whieh sould eee anh gain she sat down to look! ‘useless to oppose his mistress when | own petard.’” see gt pboun 4 i Was a clear, bright December da; Te Ree (eee ee ane | shieewis full Tet mrt ee weDea't you think, Tew days after the sets have by Tes Sean ais shice Tho morning, if sharp and cold, was tom behind the mountain, and tnging }""thoy set out together, picking. their| Mrs. Berners around be the neler Yar ff Seo he ee dl al e wintr: is B fresh and invigorating. eee Saath levee golden hues) way slowly over the rubbish that filled Dit of brealast ™ inguired Aunt Margy, hands, and the clothes will be ie ‘They spent the middle of the day in|frosty morning, Sybil was persplring | "®,, Churchyard and lay belween the} | “Certainly. Remers; eat te, Fambling through the loneliest parts ct) from her lato Penmaes Aue BONN Bieta pushing none ee everything eee unta ii sinesse: a . le Ne! (0! 1 i) i cite) oe a treasure a Bates 28, and Yalhcring | her heavy shaw! arotind her shoulders | peels, fy Aan es Tatneiliy at hele ND ipeeel BOME G aS ioe The reason for this is because a y soris ‘of the sweelest| to protect chill while forgetfuine’s, ald" CapainPen- Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure, J rested. The little as aie had leap- SS leton, anxiously cxmiing. the. condi- rane: rin night while Gentiliska slept | ed up afler her mistee 1d not rest, CHAPTI tion of the ti contains no injurious chemi Zoundly, and Sybil sat with wide open but continued to jump about and bark, |APTER VILL. “Oh, never you mind, Marse Clem, 1]4 ings are given —indeed, nothing but the active, eyes, wondering what fat in store | as if to testify her joy and triumph in was yet early morning, and Lyo = Sa, Resa up sanies Cap ter shot ‘shotta be vale rouble from weeds cleansing, dirt-removing proper- for her, there came a scratching from|® work accomplished. , Every leap and|Berners silll lay on his comlortable bed | reakast: and another cup and sasser, nd Ying As 8 oKeh ties of soap that is nothing but oulside' and like a flash a lilte dog| bark. said as plainly as tongue could|in the spacious front chamber, at Pon-|2%¢ then may be the master and missis | [27° senna vay te soap, i da Me into the eavern Giedapsken wieunee lon Hull’ The, widow. shutters: weret Mee es Cae Or eee eee ADE the olalos are reap ae Ne Equally eo ith hard Nelly gasped) “I have found-her. and brought her Open. admitting a fine view of the wood- pea Uae ert ee ea) He " : he ae be Sybil, 8 the lil tertler jumped Gn her| Backe! 1 knew could 11 knew Teould!| ed mountains, not yet wholly divested |'°ui@ke tt from the room. he ouatvaiies steals Se tes pw ae pressed in dog-fashion its|I have done it at last! 1 have done it} of their gay aulumn hues. A fine wood Bsa weld Canta soll osene between the YOUR MONEY REFUNDED ight at finding its mi cerning our new visitor,” said Captain ess, pen fire blazed in the broad fireplace. A a depth as possible the first time ‘by ‘the Gealer: trou yrhem. you. ey eee den In. you have, Nelly, dear, and 1] ee breakfast, slood on ile stand pen ae, ae Jocked 'he/and as near the sets as it is safe tay cause foc complain on } vs , Nelly, dear, i : } Midis friend had founa is tie testers ie you Delter: {han enybody-in uy ete cate at poe i ond on’ this orfand, | {he soll for the labeter "Alt tettoe onli RINSE WELL LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TCRONTO re sublerranean passage. Why should | Yor to holy we to. find Exod, Newt [sided over the lite Cie hese Gye Pee turer details of| vation should be quis shallow. (a “pre. it not lead Sybil back through tial pas yon, Nelly!) pendieton stood: b: ife among, Wis, mountain “robbers 5 | vent inju hi : - " é y the invalid, try’ i} ver y to the roots and tubers. The! havi ; sage? was not guard Lyon! Lyon!" said Sybil, holding the cas +. er matters, she related the| soil should be having to remain in the pasture. It ae ee es {S2¥e By/ ittio terier’s tace between ‘her ‘Bands | '© persuade im to take nourishmer ‘i rey, al hich |ien days, depend cnr ated every iweek or|is just as valuable after the lambs are FINDS TEMPLE OF ONIAS be at east, ana sleeP|and gazing into its loving brown eyes.) jictyn peayey ey inclination, dear | her hearers w ere tiueh muroed. bein} cep thé ‘surface -gotl | Weune. The abundant euoowlent tod catching little Nelly in her arms’ she 2 ped away at her ‘bidding hel uh ce, Wak oe Aa (To be continued), ieee ath ‘the tops meet between the| oat eae 3 By rae wrapped Beatrix Pend!eton's 1g. | an ie Bae Over the place, and snuf- - if the soil becomes back : 4 s nothing else hhalieetaw! closely around her ate a eeelately foe sat “m9 ents aiid ae bread from the plate, and put it pee a oration of molstire will be a Rk can, ae Seeture ae for the als EGYPTOLOGIST SOLVES RIDDLE OF A $2] 7 > " y * il 8 beet te entcance of the cavern tmrough | heh nding hers early a fal ran] "e¥ou must eat witout inctnaton,| PERSONAL POINTERS. | mov, are none loo many and wil be | Seg ag te gen, ROL on oe ee i a en, Berners. It is your duly {o live,” found gives.a good grain while they are graz- _— seftete she paused for ‘a moment to lis: parce sre er a ecent or | marked Captain Toudlote ae Gosip Ab Roget sith Si pees nue increases ing it, bub it puts them in a condition breathing of ronnie that ea deep | ryon'! Oh, Nelly! Nelly! what shall | yout et El ihe Sakae ale ipsa tears ae ery careful series of ex rbot em ilyonhaven cient setae eT eee Gentiliska, that on! we ee tealoes ! have I Jett t a : uu haven't tried it before, tow prafound ae Anat ony Proved |e do Venture back boldly to Black | pa aqedtyst® o live for?” groaned th! an. award Hughes, the famous por. |i! ents 8 determine the wale of cultiva eee) ne fore, a poms Buried Beneath Its Fortili- fin at be ateeed her little “ion custs Hall? Run right in the teeth of the] luis OP ealuineas at trait painfer—Queen ce tas ast eee tole Gmeecty ch ke ree ‘ob- | infested will is a go cations. saying in a tow voles }law officers, and be snapped up by | nappiness, for a fulure of duly. if if motlto him. three times, by the by—had a|ment Station in one Cornet Exper place to put ites Plow it thoroughly ence Lyon, Nelly! Where is Lyon?” __| them?” sighed Sybi te cove pled the’ captain, | Picture exhibited: at the Royal ‘Academy | yield. from six veuteath ee ne oats | cr fsvico, and ane hen up| That he has discovered b se. nad Shoe tre ricked up her] yey meee cas aed ele | carnest Plain, | vhen he was fiftesn. Hushels and from three cullivations 208.3| ie COUCH #5 completely as possible. Get |doubt, the remains of the temple of eT aa Sons Sant a cae et Foblslebs: were. héard pon the stairs |, Mr. Nicholas Longworth, who married | bushels or a difference of 41.5 bushels| {ho [net of Toes ann oom, Gondition by | Onias, the fugitive nephew of the high as n Sybil was stire that Nelly under-| Tey xt moment. a ballin without, but mo one heeded the Roosevelt, has « most valuable 19 another ease the yield from a plot rape in dri ung and sow Dwart Essex | priest of Jerusalem, at the Mound of the ed Me panatber oe ‘ape in drills about 20 inches apart at cy d t ‘Duty,’ ‘usefulne: bitter], eeahded pallediion of violins, and i: ered | Cultivated six times was 310.5 ae the rate of about Jew, the famous Tel-elYahoodieh, 18 loge Lyon tna ie Sit aking” Lyon!) Sehing Bere, Se peancnin gang e280 ®|Lyon Berneis, “I might, indeed, have |an expert in them. His collection in- eee oe culllvated thtes Utara Fete a tect tend Per | inltes no iro, rid: i 2 sel ting the lived and labored for them, and clu ine Stradivarius, a Guillaums ushels, or a difference of 40. 5 e die of the Hyksos, thus making th ite dog down and h “y ae can’t give her up! Tbaguniny x A bushi tear out the couch until the plants be- lyksos, thus making the most a y_and my kind, if—if— Oh, | formerly belonging to Ysaye, and an j Pushels. come large important addition of recent yea the th ay she Vind come os, sant! Bt sho did bite me, it wan't Sybil Sybil! Ob, Sybil! Sybil My | Amatt once the property of ‘Theodore _oeeperatlon of snalators 1B oP ye Tho couch will be badly cote neta results of Egyptian, gemini arr - y, re she had left 5 young, sweet wife !" b ‘owing potatoes and thor- 5 ri WwW. Lyon," and 60, with & glad bene ape to tho mistress—on'y to make mo drap| groaned with the infra pi Gugh cultivation is one of the best ways| rou, "have ® ood supply of late tor-| Tey 4 a irie,-of the leaped fo: d ran on as f @ {her down, so she could go back to dis] Sgony of a-strong man's grief ree | oct, Wullingstone Caste, the entit {to retain mote "The Vines ‘éhould Se Cer ee (ous ait for her mistress, which Wier sho Is manatee Bre de Ls residence of Sir William ad¥|not suffer from drought as they often STINET ved ths pibe Hee by ik CA do expect she have starved fo death by prague Bess ae Tord |Emily Hart-Dyke,” is, prese among do in the middle of summer, if the soil HOSPITALS FOR ANIMALS. Dr ‘William ‘Copley Winslow, of Bos: {Ti see. Nelly Melly t tnd a lanza welt cqhity |the many interesting things there @|was properly preoared. to. bezin with . Dr, Waliam Copley Winslow, of Bos ’ i + |leather bag of coin: and well oon 8 as is one of tl Sybits heath leaped: with’ Joy He Ee ae eee ne nd well cullvated during the early part | Spectal ax for Httes, Donkeys; fora Egyptologists of the »world to- gs ane take “Door dear little faithful Nat don't run so fast. You were tired almost to death when you came in from he first “| cognizing the voice of her faithful cer e. id Nelly jumped forward with a cry of delight to meet journey, and wag me-} Tay . Spe ik Marster in diately on this the moment I ask you to| Heaven for dat!" exclaimed Joe, stoop- do it; but abate your ah ‘gait little | ing painfully, while he leaned upon his friend, or you will not Je to hota | Ctutch, to lift the little dog to his bo- ut to the end,” said Sybil, sitting down| som. “B lat young ‘oman, Nel- ly?” continued J st a peeing her little dog while they ested. nol whe tty re-commenced their jour-| Staring a w ney, they found the passage growing | disguised er the large India shawl. and narrower, dar! ‘and more tortuous | the red merino gown, both of which than before, were compelied to | were entirely opposite to her usual style move slowly and cou 8 ybil had already recognized obbled dana the supposed fnatitral underground ‘road. by. whieh she sttaneer, “entious tad been brought to the robber's cave ;| “Don't rates me, dear old Joe?” but she did not know this portion of it. ‘nduited yun, aropping oy eee from So she supposed tl @ must have i through it while in that fad fallen from first bein seized by the masked and shrouded forms of the men who had carried her es, the oullet of the subterranean pas- But where aha ue goign be, she could not ie last.she remem. ‘ered before “talling its that ie ‘oon -of) thi horror, ong SS us the Seiki ‘Chapel, @ first she ing feat <P the middle of the at jut whether that er head and rising to “Ah-h-h-ah !" yelled Toe - a pro- to be a ghost. And then, as he could not run away, he dropped ate an na ae ae flat upon was | his face and r¢ onl Sybil and Mer ‘itile Te Bisiea’ ‘Yo soothe and reassure him—Sybil by repeating to him ov atthe moment ; stance over the upper earth, before |self alone, while st and sat down dscending into it, ie a “ = “4 at some distance to wait the isue of the of knowing or si ing. event. wait for the Bt sa fi the cas Mot ( this sie hen a little while Joe slowly lifted up undergroun tay is is head, and gautiously glanced around, The end was fast approaching. Far oh erin, ahead, a ittlee ‘aim dot of grey light kept{ “Is she gone?” dodging right and left before her eyes,} “No,” answered Sybil, sharply ; “ following as it were the abrupt turn-|not gone! I am sitting here Peng ir ing of the passage. It nearer, and now at last it was before cher, The little dog that had been testing bei her mistress now sprang pi nae ent began to dig away at the hole srith her paws. bil stooped down, durough it. By the early ‘ight or ie ‘now dawning day, she discerned a a foundation wall, that she felt he old: vault rt ya now jumped through around and pawed if inviting and ex- er. small gout pasiete ust have “thi auntil she pitied out a short, nartow piec ik, which she immediately ag a t lig away the nee way into the vault, once uN saw the dome af heaven above her Lite Nelly ly sie around her with and then ran up the and looked at her and barked, s if ae Say: is way ‘But the "eeris a ie. dilapi- ed & foot- dated wall, furnish hold. for Nelly’s litle feet, woul not ‘serve i furn. joked about the place, pie cast around \d to consider “her min ould a “she soon saw the way, but she had to t fore she could mence a new work. So she sat down led the dog to ‘limb, she found Neal, Sanding of the old aunted Che 5 id} as Tm: fers which as all that | tee ,| you to come to your senses I” 01 Joe, who after the first glimpse had| de it is 1.’ “But ies you dead ?” mysteriously Bs quired Joe, gazing at the pale face of hi mistress, now very pale indeed thous all that she had suffers really ae aed Sy’ ‘bil 2” “Not mi “But wa’ wnt ed robbed ne murdered em riporate ane a other, Joe! and he s Sybil, hee att right now! y sad ieving arter you! ‘cause every- 3 z = as you pe in the ee “0. of the Old chapel. Lord! where Se ou all the time? Did Nelly “Yes, Nelly found me; and. me about my husbé e 2” ‘He is at arepoing Pendulum's, a doing very wel “Doing vi ES Pesialt d now! That he has been doing badly lately! HG been ill?” oes Sybil, brpablese anxie' “No, 3 Sybil; but he was in the old fund "Chapel when de debbil blowed ee heavens!” cried Sybil, clasping her hands, and unable to speak means Has in 2 3 The wasn’t coe net tol fectly nateral, you see. nor likewise sleeped a wink o' since gone you's been! eo oh! fie t ~ he op. | thank ly Marster as has nee. ‘mare ‘alive and uh !" cried Joey hobbling toward Sybil, jy and to , burst and ed his - 1 the sense of that. mre ¢ thing? gt Sybil raised him up, and then noticed for the first time how lame he was. “It's nothin’ to speak on, ae Sybil. On’y a sprained anki well enough with a crutch, as willin’ and able to s al you can, to go with me to my husbap: immediate! and threw herself sudden, orerehtniay ov, as he clasp- wife to his your maste for this?” was the first question Captain Pendleton thought of asking tared, He ‘and found ‘nothing to did not understand pre- paration Nelly jumped upon the sisted upon being reco ani body n joble. hum: eee Sibeeietan ‘to thelr souttools ee n Berners, forgetful of everybody Sd ‘everything else in the world, was gazing wonderingly se BeaulfUl pale tase, His f + | like longed howl af horror at what he took : My ” he murmured. By sncurecle anv you been pre- id not answer; she could y at this reunion, forget- ful danger ved 7” seSybit coul wae, ae ae Captain ale remembered He first aes ee und ce ene ley oH who was in ther ‘and Mrs. Berners, oeraselt, one ond sine ‘colored woman .Margy—only one new witness, if there were a others outside who mi have seen the entrance of 7 He went and locked the door, that no one else should enter the chamber. And- ites he called Joe to the ice win- You very reckless fellow ! tell me who besides eee shave seen Mrs, Berners acaba singe ‘soul, marster, auten dis alk all de way fro seed us, nobody, ‘cept him,” said: Joe, contemp- “erhat is true; but lucky on this occa- mind, Joe—not fact to any ving soul,” said the cap- tain. pony Mai is a ‘fernal fool? ? Roh ve Joe,” answered the peat indigni “Mind, then, ate ony ” repeated the ra who then Joe, and oe to come to te whisper “do ues the hora aaa in witch al ane rd, Marse Clement, woman, with a dismayed loo! “T am glad gon feel and ‘appreciate this peril, id that no secret is safe that # Hee and myself Tt ae can mae le secrecy of all,” aid Captain Pendleton, with a cues fan rely on mine, Marse Cle- Td suffer my tongue to pes ore out by the roots afore ever I'd bre: fol slip her off © | matrimonial. offertory. bec ov did you not bed, and in: i's any is Ente = a iD} aesi fe ariel the ‘Presidential families. li pride of Martha Washington's hear and * Hage vanes Sut in the drier parts level ee a living in the ee ‘of New y T pping | who you think }St yeckoned the motherly-] ee colored del | ike—loafing about in Sate collin.” a word about here being here,” said | the Pl myse’f hasn't eat a meal’s ae wot reveal P|” “Quite right !_Now we must see about | {2 concealing her for a few days, until we|\a7 ani io. some foreign coun- | gj, be sure, marster ; 8 are 6 you cer: | va ete ter 5) Meanwhile Sybil sat down on the stair the side of py hand clasped it story of her Aiduotion and captivity among the robbers ners, seeing his host now at luau BEKGn ne oe to approach and ue ne strange story, Hake it briefly to her wondering and his bride place a coin The legend ther enjoins that this ed, or some dire seen will e the newly- ihe of lingt tan “who h ieinday, is also Prince of Wate! = e ss of Torres of Irel ‘The Duke is not unlike gee grandfather in point of per- sonal eS When Lord. Giron’ was. appointed Viceroy of India, the post he recently vacated, he fuliled one of the dreams of his school-days; From-the time he rst’ knew that Government House at Calcutia was @ facsimile of his ancestral age ol of I pany deci cutta for the residence of the they. inspected most of ‘ue ‘stl nornes of England in search of sa result, the GovernorGeneral’s hous 5 at Calcutta was modelled’ on Kedleston Hall é M ee os ns = the collection of old Under hi rvision one of the oat “valuable catetions in the United tat laced on exhibition in of historic worth to the treasures. ae exnbi ig made up entirely of rem: e dinner-sets which formerly be- gins with some rare gold- trimmed ine and cups and saucers, which the Nea down to we era 0! isit or at the Com| who auaience With him. Fifty years ago ers was newsboy selling Paper ford, Massachusetts. millionaire a dozen times trols’ twenty-two commence wholly or partly, and was quite recently described by an opponent, Mr. wwson, the joston “Copper King,” as “the strong- est, most acute, an persuasive of m: agian ed with enor- was at the 2 be der Once, after an employe had | een sound- im, the man said, han have you 2. on cA say you That's just the sort of we ou would FO SEES SEARCHLIGHT BURGLAR ALARM. Mr. alert the American oil mil- lionaire, at mountain: estate has rec- ent placed upon of the house a searchlight pels m be lights] by pressing a button, and will instantiy ry ne that no ae one down ruite certain,” answered a captain. grounds around the 2. searchlight to do. g must never | maximu just been cafouretlng his _fifty- ako mi: ar] Shas ou Dangan Castle in the peer-| ), ) | easier in so} irs. Roosevelt has one well-developed | ! human being that in the thirty-five years | in in fall, the feeder ler of | beef cattle has got “I wish | ° in a The millionaire's honse. enables the} fen efficient work, |p ttt ttt tttttttte ttt About the Farm Ht ttt ttt tet ett ttt t+ $4444 + $3 3 ¥§ 3 + + t + ines must be btained and thi good cullivator ig very essential in ae moderately cool ae Pi eytea of ble to thé cf shapel =] 2 5 As 28 Bu 3 oe Fe 3 ae} 5 a2 ee Ei aq 35 gs Be affords, Potatoes are dug mt Hl whieh is ridged than wie level ouMry is of know- the soil would soon get hard if Teft ‘nat end not cultival ere are isriets in Canada where condition in summer i Great Britain. 3 = comparing with culture has, of tubers when it Se ridged will offset the advantages vie 5 8 a acre in ies ot ridgin; cae et ‘past aie iging chels RAPE FOR CATTLE, HOGS AND SHEEP ‘hen the pasture gets dry and poor in fo provide an his feeding account is to s ind, if {| the first floor, where is the mer when | A‘ WAY * , dates his letter to Or bended at Tek “Yahoodieh. He say: Hospital in Hugh HYKSOS, Cerne ondon nm, Eng-| “Our discovery of the actual t _ veterinary Panvit aod temple site of Onias the actual town and The Duchess of Teck recently eee s fussing wil es representative was conducted yy the superintendent. the wards lo dom about twenty-five roomy and well-ven- | remarkab Wlated pens, with a larger end for ver: close ‘ksos age, a oe Gitte ainbinig magekseieaiea fri horse ward, een a 3 eee examining the great ca’ na his town, I’find that it floor the receiving } j, it * horses was pointed out, In is curved and ANGE: in arheauenS extensive atoreeodie, iy not gateway, sloping e the earth But a general tier remodelled all pete Tortiications ant all their carthw such defence from the Egyptians. CHILD. SACRIFICES, * a i honpllate we shall supply Referring to the Lighrecoy dys Hae Pe emporan with another in Its | eccchty Conn ng : find ae ES st eys' Ba ne nice eS last touched their work in ce, and earned that hel stalls and eight rite bridles hanging up od aacka ready for prospective patients. qT In the Dasement 8 tia Tehaniber 1840 Turkomens. he be fitted for the 5 Tl iS will have charge of the animals which will be open for patients soon. r its first fortifications, en Rameses II. built a temple of which we have half the front and other insorip- Rameses III. of the —_+——_. tk VALUABLE FIND. walls mi ‘The director of the Treasury of Rio] i, Ramieses (Exodus i., 11), he ®t pape Neen a ny aslonting aoe tat leaves no other site possible the “a box which had hat ely.” ee pte been disturbed tor many pale Prag{ Some of. the rélicg of the “finds” are found to contain gold, silver, and dia- expected America, and Dr. Z ‘nds to the value of’ at leas! , err - waiting in the petation 4 ong the valuables recovered are tho that tl ial Crown and Sceptre of Brazil, may ba ath: valued at $105,000, and the Imperial fantle bordered with gold. ‘The box in pea aRI EEH I Some people boast of taking time by the forelock, but most of us are lucky, if we can catch it by the back hair. “ine Wit : { ayes wes you the one [ heard aces love_ to Bist ‘sae last night? ae fi ek Recee epee