Milverton Sun, 12 Jul 1906, p. 8

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Lest Ye Forget! We repeat ye 12th of the Programme the JULY ——AT— MILVERTON is now complete a money by b nd you can save uying your Hardware Tinware Roofing Etc. FROM JAS. S. LOCKIE Hardware Merchant Ps + NEWTON)" Are r-4 They gripe, cause burning and make the constipated con ven worse. BOR EAD ae thei taxa ative is Dr. Hami Pills owels, strengthen stomach and purify the blood. constipation, Blok hi 25. box yoursel HESSON. Mr. Sage {Gob home on a of Detroii Mr. ntz, pant Ginday ab tizhomohere: r. and Mrs, Joe Helm spent via. rold Kieffer and Mr, Gatschene took in the Berlin cire as bi illness of a few days. Much sym of Stratford, urday and Sunday with friends in n ; uried here on Saturday after Pap Gupte t a aie caoon ecumncne seless. You hav. ition deal of | w 3 8 & é m $ E P a S a the For Remember you ma Es —use tarrh cure m heer Death of M Mrs, PE P. Barth, Sat- 27, at Milverton, Ont. Mr. Barth re- ") ceived a telegram on Wedn Hable Be eae So his father tos: to the Dogs! ae best they are re unpleasant, often. some disease of no other but ota the best ca> ate sympathy of of the community, Remnants ——aT— ! Remnants ! “ The People’s Store ”’ breaker. Business Cards Dentistry. y' R. R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Hee entiate of Dental Surgery and Mem of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. of nitario, Honor graduate of Toronto Uni. ee 8 Necinare eee Milverton, DYSPEPTIC Food Does You No Good, Half the time you're afraid to eat, tongue is coated, mouth tastes bad, stomach is bloated, If you want to get well, stop using dyspepsia tab- lets and go to the sour a Medical. ARKER, M.D,C.M., Honor Grad- aa Gold Medalist Trinit: (edical Got ity University, Toronto, | Snovessor to Dr. Egbert. ‘Office blic Drug Store, ‘Telephone connection with Poole Brunner, Moserville and Kostoc! nd indigestion. Legai Lorkvevened dave te Thai with friends Mr. Fi ed to his home on M You Are Ailing. —but rol bbed of am- Not quite siek,— bition to work—fins y food did me no good because I] €T8 ; couldn't digeste or assimilate. My|Stive: Mitty cents buys a box of MORPHY & CARTHRW, Barristers, doctor said constipation was atthe Solicitors, Ete. Solicitors for ank | root of my trouble, so 1 got Dr. Ham- eee 7 of Hamilton. Mone; oan, Milver: | iiton eae My app tite inibraved, HAMPSTEAD. oft been | pain after eating ceased, and my fo es a ony ammamber of the firm will| digested quickly. I am delighted (Too late forlust weak. he in Milverton every Thur a with the thorough a I deriyed 'y- H. B, MORPHY, |. CARTHEW, (Signed) “MARTIN ¥ WALKER Veterinary. W. BARR, Veterinary Surgeon, Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Veterin- Toronto. fifa sar Gtiser wise promptly atton 16d to, idgewater.” Quick results attend ie use of Dr, Haniilton’s Pills; this medicine cures Mr. Peter Wahl uae See last thats A, Ste aoueanh here last Sun Our principal, Mr. Rich McGillawee has ng in Stratford during the y : two weeks, merson ee has pur- , or five boxes for $1, at} fy Peter McDonald has his beat dinsea ae Almon Rennie’s driver, Livery. all reliable dealers, aus ora ie out working in the grant received re-| The mare is a good one. U_8,A.7and Kingston, Ont: cently from the council. Miss Montgomery, of Owen Sound, H. LAMBERT, Mill St., about 3 ee Day passed off very quiet, | 18 at present visiting her cousin, Miss aiiy actor the Queen’s hotel. First. mber of jeople went to| Montgomery, of Linwood. a rses and rigs Ee : ained at For Sale or Rent atone. ie see the races. = eae Dietrich eee had a al jaggage transfer, Commer: ees Sevarakcct ‘first-to-get-fin- | Sale of farm: stocl mplements tial driving a specialty. Give him call, «cS 008 house and tot tn Milverton with lat Codec cee hay. | Which was very successful. M, A. LEIGHTON, making, but the most of farmers do} Miss Della Berlet, of Alma College, Societies. Millbank, Ont. | not intend to start for some days yet. | St. Thomas, and Miss Lizzie Berleta re heen | Spending their holidays at home C. 0, F., No, 99; Milverton, meets FOR SALE. teaching in the Clachon school during} Mrs. E. H. Dierlamm and children, ery naisse Tuesday of every the past six months, has resigned of London, are at present visiting at month, at 8 o’clock, in their hall over | , Choice Town Lots on e intends pursuing his studies at the| the residence of Mrs. John Bundy, onlees se ‘ Lge ; eR store. with C. R. University. in the fall A large number from here attended Henry, C, R., 8. H. Pugh, Rec'Secy. {You want any "| Qur school has closed for the sum-| the Crosshill picnic on July 2nd. They INC ta aadatse ” SAMUEL WHALEY. |mer vacation, The exams are over | report having had A splendid time. : — ———|and 100 per cent of the ye were mon Rennie, late of the J, 0.,0. Fy (Silver, Star successful in passing, ‘This is an ex-| Ruggle Co., left last. week for Bout: Lesige, Ao tides night st(100 Acre Farm For Sale in Elma ceptionally good showing and one thet ampton, where he has seeured « good 7,30 p.m. in their alt over Publis Dru Ror ing brethren always w come, pail Ross,N.G,, W.K,Loth, R S Notary Public. W. D, WEIR, Notary Public, Auc- ence f for the Cou) erth and Wa lao, Conveyancer, Deeds, Wills and es drawn and Affidavits made. Village ler. Ofico over Zimmerman’s store, Main street Milves Hotels: EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. John Gropp, Proprietor. Best liquors and éigars at the bar, First-class ac- commodation and large stabling . HE UNDERSIG: CED | offers for s: being Lot in, corneniat apicndid face wind mill, good roads, 6 miles from Milver. ton and 4 miles from Monkton on theC.P-R Rare chance, Apply ¢ farm or to W. D. Grorek W. POSLIFE, ‘roprietor. fo the proprietor on the | tions. The Women’s Institute held noon at the home of Mr. Scarboro, and Miss Gray, of Tor THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO, under the auth- GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil verton, First-class accommodation for commercial eeetalicts and others, ple rooms, Go i lodation for ¢ re ravellers others, 0 large sai rooms, Only the choca Wines Le quors and Cigars at the bar. warm stables. George F, Pauli, Proprietor. For Sale or Rent! The wadersigned is offering for sale, his cre lot with good orchard wirg. On. the place is. a Stanie and shop, whieh would also make fine dwelling. | The place is in a good loca- tion, suitable for a retired farmer or anyone Sadie Weesutahoptrcch ny gener be a Shoemaker, For further particulars zpply to ‘WM. BURGMAN, Milverton, Ont. th Synopsis of Canadian North-West | Py *Three | 941) ority of Chapter 4, of the Statutes of On- rio nut for.a loan of $3,000,000 on bond. the Province st Ontario, 4 dated Ist ul oro} nto. Bonds wil arn the denuntnaions 0f $200, $500 1,000, and will able to bearer, bal os "request will be Paaieecad: se offi e Provincial Treasurer and aie F sae 1900, the isgue price will be par and accrued interest, AND oe 6 ust, Homestead Regulations | september, 10 per cent, Ist October, 10 NY even numbered section of Dominion | Per cent. ae vember, and 50 per cen Joalide te Masitabe of, Se Boric were | 18t _De 5 with privilege of Provinces, ex and 26, not reserved, at te earlier date, the lietot on homesteaded 6 ho. is | PAYIng & zs The sole head of a family, or aay male over Tnstalent : sabscriptians bean sais ted f i. more Oe an Despite perm ctig at We len) hd off ee for the district in, which, the Ta nd I titeate, or ithe he ader desires, he may,,on 4 plication to the Minister of the Ini . the Commissioner of Im- ority for some one to make entry or him, “The homesteader is required to perform oe conditions connected therewith wader mg of the following plan: cast siz months’ residence” upon 18 yeas of age, to the extent ‘oh one: quarter | 01 fn of 160 ei a 0 Iileration, Winnipeg, or the local agent re- | © to and cuitivation of the land in each year for ares irthe’ ‘father (or mother, ifthe father is the ap Same resic Eye Se a Of the and entered for ‘or moi (By if the settier has his permanent. resi- farming land owned by him in the vicinity of is homestead, the require- nay, be, satissed. by should, be ominion finds at Ottawa a ofintention £0 apply for CORY, Ww. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. ment will not be paid for it. veane oceonde Gara A.J. MATHESON, Treasury Depart ment, hoe oon Build: ‘oronto, 27th serting stn aivertise: from the Depart ot in Nowopapete aso ment without authorlt Provineial Loan tt $3,000,000 1906, invites ‘subscriptions from the| year INSCRIBED a THE jomas Mason. 2 rane Reinwald ducted a short prayer meeting. Miss G. Skelton, who has resi He summerin; ord. On th the web bracelet pupils the eve of her depai ade the recipient of a gi and an address the total was To Sick Fourth. was the total. To Junior Third. w weeks ran! ‘Kieffer of ‘Bertin, return- Mon Mr. William Voll, of Berlin, qent had a successful wart, sees patie au aes spending his vacation at his home in “| Sarnia, > | Summer meeting last aa after- art. "3 were Miss ineyaolis, of from the teaching staff of our school, at her home in Str oe of eoSutlar iar add Tan 0 Senior 3rd it re- @| quires 360 3 ae avid for honors, 720, From 2d to Junior 3d it required 300 to pass, 450 for honors, and 600 at the same tim ‘otoks New Strained | Back : and Side. eens " find it hard to. think clearly. Not illenough to think of! (| aan Pit aot ronet condition ee a ser but bad enough ite t9. be] “While working in a saw mill eee ieee ae lton's Pills| pretty dull, ‘There oes writes C. E. Kenney, ata Ottawa, teat ian eg tiver, no. better | ozone—that quickly lifts the halt sora ed tay Bards and pln ns remedy will ever be devised, for Dr.|Gead feeling, Gracious, but Rerro- Beall ane ils are perect. To the] the dullest appetite, makes it,keen strength. The general health i)*'Biooa? Ferrozone makes lots of| # built up, and all trace of dyspepsia lit, the rich nourishing kind. that vit- Goede A alizes the whole bo oll be| Work Five Years of eas Cured. | won ickened, immensely No one sould realize my sufferings Sep lenis ge east Neots fifty years has established the value of Polson’s Nerviline. fifty LINWOOD. visiting her at present. vi Mrs. Geo. 38 of Wellesley. been fees ws ae situation as salesn ately in filling up aro ees ws, resident engines conto, | livered to Mr. W, he fi They each delivered two addresses, | ; 3 which were moh etey ved. After the | ee handled this, yess, Whey meeting Mrs. (Rev.) ae con-| S™Pped “ro! hs igned rture | having closed for the present, old| Mr, Otis Bundy root ey. foe Shee a fine driver in Hamilto tainly makes a very swell o' Bundy does aah now propose. t0 anybody’s di SA ‘gon ota | fith, 1, the yo permanent iniry, Our teach and ons the public pet staff h ton ‘has been up Saeco in the eran reandle has been, for eee ple. '. MeEachern is about to take iday daughter and three sons to mourn her ste tuorad POE Alasetnn Friday at friends and gy mapathizsrs were present, eis having her “mother . Pollock, of Drayton, spent Sunday with his family in the village. ‘ittle, of Toronto, has been ing her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) McEach- . Maurer is at presen! visiting her sister, Mrs. Greenwood, Mr. Thos. Hackett has enlarged his barn which will be a very fine one Mr. John Friedman has been busy late und his new residence which is now scupted by. Mi Mr, Robt. Lintick the ie day de- Miss Bailey, ey of the firm of respeetive homes, the millinery season new pneumatic tired bu, ney Phi a ers. Mr. Beaton and Miss Moran have resigned their positions ere but the of Mr. filled te Mr. Donald ie has meds taken village ir. Klein, asian of the Luth- hoped that he may soon be able to resume active work among his clean, OE eee Our Semi-Annual Sale was a Hugh Success, a Record- Scores of people saying that they had never seen anything like it in Milverton before. bute to our Genuine Bargains. All WE DID AS WE ADVERTISED! Full Weight and Full Measure at Advertis- ed Prices is Our Motto Naturally such a clearing sale would leave us with a lot of Remnants, such as Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Ging- hams, Plauneletees. Cottons, in fact, most ee all of which will be cleared at Your Own Price. Our stock must be kept of which we. attri- We Still Offer Many Lines at Sale Prices ATAQST. Our full stock of Prints, regular 12% and 15 cents, for. All our Muslins will be sold AT about COST. Parasols and Umbrellas—a finer lot will be hard to find, at Sale prices. We still have a fine lot of Ladies Whitewear in stock, all’ of which we will sell at 25 per cent. discount. Ladies’ Skirts—in light, dark, brown and blue colors, nearly all sizes in stock, When we say cost we mean it. We Are Not Selling Out, \‘e but Outselling Others senesvas To cents, If you want anything in Hosiery and Sox, we can supply you a beautiful line of Fancy Summer Ladies’ Hose, such as the White Lisle, Black Lace, Tans, Etc., also Children’s, all sizes in red, black and tan. i Special Another lot of Corsets, regular 50, 75 cents and $1, for 25 Cents Notice We have made arrangements to doany kind of Millinery in emer- gency on Shortest Notice A Plain es Pine ~ ulated.” Our Carpet and Linoleum Stock is Complete Let us Quote You Prices in These Lines The July number of Weldon’s and Harrison's Ladies’ Journal at... With five patterns FREE. “4 10c. Groceric Always Fresh and Clean Here and meee Cokes Le Shipments << from the bakery each week at time to put in your supply of sugar, we keep only Redpath’s Gran- Tt will be higher within a week Best Farmer’s Lard For Sale, also Hams Shoulders and Bacons aA to take his practice while Mrs. John Hayes, who 91 pean visiting Hs son, Mr. eS, 0! is aCe. occupy the new Mr. H. Poomer. Jacob Bisanmengen, Jr. residence put up xIrene Ni xViva Nichole Grace Martin lie McLennan . at Wut J. Lyris, Teache er... Edgar Rutherford Mamie Leighton . Lizzie eee x, took hon Junior ahaa To Junior Third. 30 | Willie Henderson. 43) . 353. RS. R, L, Erstar, Teacher, ee isk supe are marked by|in this section and greatly pri an her owner. we or not, but it is to e will. The operation at elniost untold agon ee a SEShensaneses = ee ° Stewart, while out 1 “| narrow \escape from 436 |The beast hecame frightened achern has secur- ed the servi ces of a gom ee th man awa; ie been visiting during the past few months with friends at Sagnaw, Mioh., re- turned about a month and has Since On Monaey s) pede into the village and will. 2 py | by. 8. J. Scott that this council adopt gave him great ee as Me Saffered On. Thursday ae ee cee dvi Joseph MeArdle’s spite mare, Bats a rious injury h a wheel caine “of the buggy. 4221 a dash to get away; in doing so one y Lasmang "$20.80 MORNINGTON. ‘The council met at Donnelly’s Hall, Newton, on Monday the 2nd of July, members all present. The minutes of last meeting were read and signed, port on the Beggs Drain, when it was read, itwas moved by S. Burnett,sec. the engineer's report as read on the who| Beggs Drain.—Carried, The Report r the re- : engineer’s report on Moench Drain as read.—Carried. ‘The eve was authorized to issue a oe orders: A. Henderson, $1.51 tis C. Livingston, $20; We Tusaball, $10; M Dobson, $71.50; ditto, $78,75; H. Sayler, $14. 70; A. Uroanere $65 = A. Cook, $44.05; 10; J. Tee ing, $31, 4 5 We Lickfora, 2; Klock! $3. bare 390; J. The clerk presented the Engineers Re-| ROP’ Bees gravel for Hay’ in general sect threatenin, -ers thron| asi ravel ydt hauling ity to fill the founda- tion of a straw shed, Miss ete ence ing suecessful a seats silo; g his lane, M Wier, of rah ne Sea purchasing a pelng: light. ‘Unionville, eld “at Mr, ing mat O88. ‘withstan aah he ae es and Third Line, Wellesley. are the order of the day, |‘ those hav week are Mr. bees last David Lichty, Lan Oh r. adres Stratford, w days Sinn, her cousin, ais ie eat Hai on: Sr. and Miss = Bertha'l ry restore ee fora few day jays been on the sic! tis ee Ae Mr, Peter Erb ied this spring.) will bé much missed on thi his iteher, Ss he ing has Sitiebies the erop |?” st 1): Phe annual garden party of Trinity chureh hi Jol eae rea § |$1.25; J. S. Elingham, $240; J. Guar: ag ei the show- ge crowd | 01 every pleas co! ant evenin An interesti: gram Os Speeches, ni hieige inusic and singin, much appreciated. Mr, = . wartet enthusiastically eneosed, e Mi verton rches' (ety Are sbniriouten: much to the entertainment, The rec- tor, the nee acted as chairman i ina 1e inds and their kind ev. Spence, of Trinity oh add dressed the Orangemen of on Sunday afternoon. le flstened with interest ann and satisfaction to an earnest and eloquent

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