Milverton Sun, 12 Jul 1906, p. 5

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C.R.Honderich & Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Just Like :| Finding It If you found a silver dol- lar lying in the street, would you hestitate picking it up ? We think not.» If you had any opportunity to save a clean silver dollar in purchasing a piece of Furniture for any room, would you take. advan- tage of it? We think yes. That's just what we are offer- ing. With any piece of fur- niture sold at this store we will save you at least a clean silver dollar. :: C.R.Honderich & Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers 2 peg eS THE SUBTLE SULTAN. 3 . |PFEFFER BROS | oucaspay, sv: e Lg HURSDAY, JULY 12, 1906 Latent ee Ty >i a ae 3 - Of the subtlety and guile of the a ca of Turkey @ diplomat writes: « is ais BARLEY 45c GENERAL NEWS | gultan cena and’ chest with all 4 Bg | bland simplicity of the h Chin ¢ *~ PEAS.....70c CULLED FROMALLSOURCES| in act, his eapaclty for deception e the amounts to little short of genius. I re- fom SPOILER OF THE POOR. _| member that a shr ankee friend PFEFFER BROS ort ean eucanececons & Cd Prison Gates Shut on Gaynor and tnople, pitea his brains against those | c= Greene But Open to Notorlous | ot the been specially bd ee z 3 Swindler, Jabez 8. Balfour. | commis dy fa tiation es tp Oe | Prison gates clanged behind Gaynor | Collect some outstanding» debis whic " @ | and Greene at the same time that they | bad Jo1 e. ‘The sult - be b he ee ; se ae : to + The semi-annual sale is moving in our favor, be- cause people se it is GENUINE, and that we do as © | oh rs we say. | <5 | _) . + 7D ILLO {0 INGE-STAY. F | ke ae “ yober te lon CE STAY 2 ents on kiver INGE SUNTE ‘ ee % ert oes reot iat and of + . ay. esi 7 is di = WIRE FENCE CO. LIMITED. | ides & cannot be picked up every day. Be sides this discount 4 \ | | Sees the ‘elem sare ee i he bg | Balfour, Hooley and Welght. | reached ae - Cd eaten ion pees it he had eat been two minutes in sonviotion mo comment’ in. the dis nosey Gat dbo coniaaiee Qh ol \ i 3g T L .§ hool was more common than the assertion e+ For asi Ul + The armour Choo! wer ore somncn, than she ceeton tut before al of hi seeateat be Be pors. It was predicted that Balfour | 20 to 0 fi ie eo se or | oe pathink Wks esGeak af -atitedt <n me that, looking into Bet beiety: ‘ ‘ ts Posen tect fae at another such could never prey | 18 countenance and listening to that he Every day we are putting various articles on our Telegraphy and Railway Instruction | et See eee eeenor the BT Heir ealce te KAS Mht bolere Gat * job counter i | there was much solemn congratulation | the sultan wa ent as ie i * | on this point. | : & c New Method Entirely Successful, —| Sapaed Many otter e ~ an = er Hall w> (Situations provided for graduati. ompletely wm © 4B | without delay.— Write for Catalogue, rebar ata of a tribe. a gp | iving full information. arte he Less than usual price. *% R. LARMOUR aa eran as ee he Principal and Instructor [Died Setatotiony would pas ays ai = at 118 . cada $100,000,000, to aay nothing of the + Qur Millinery will be sold at a GREAT + stratford, Ont,| Soe 10000008 io sky no ee ah jomfort at the expense of | tate thers. Yet nglish investors are the | ad REDUCTION a | ne in the world, and | \ mpany laws the strietest. The reault | = ae EXPORT BEEF +: that the English swindler has to be | “Then came dinner. There followed, ee © gent | smile they stoked cigars together Ike ae ———naee | | A Femous Hypoerlte. ae old jes, a edy, "as ah ae | But no rascal on a grand scale hes | With Turkish dancing girls, Then sud- Th } { \ H aving a number of ex- ever been so bitterly hated and atback- | day and ei words Leora but few & p g d e 0 d © |f porters on hand of our f/ £4,8¢ Baltour. To was 2 ite, | the sultan disappeared. It was late, .. A a hh upon the poo! this | My friend returned to the legation, 29 e : = | own feeding, we haye de- | ganterioe ts {the explanation to the fury | cheerful and exasperated, beaten ‘and 4 + ~| a1 jsdeeds prov: ie cided to butcher them and | content, The next realized 1 | been. frank! promoter with ta MILLBANK ey offer them for sale at the f) tensions to religious faith, Uke Hooley, ee s pasa play. vith the eur 4 ; > iar peices ah and hed fis victims been people who | #22 t was he who was as innocent #5 EEE EEE EERE REE EEE EEE PR ff Gr regular prices at our shop. § couig, in a sense, afford to lose, his | the child that had just seen the light,” ¢ 2 punighment would he He never got those debts patd,”—Chica- —_——— —————| These cattle are decided- 9 ana his crimes more qulekly forgotten. | go News, : $ | But Balfou he ol ——_—_—__—- SIE AE atl te esis eis sie tekst let kal Mg | ly a primejot-and we cat fii ® rb “he widos ang the orphans CANADA FOR GOOD MEN. = Cash t i Gash t We certainly assure you of ob- jana 4 ‘s m there ie NO forgiven | Fe . ash for Ms ash ior 5 eligioh, 2 Lia ag & blow in nis ‘Industry and Manliness the Passpo ey saree e Premier tore | Eggs | taining good beef. | dowatal, £ cae ae ety scodm a: | Demanded by:the Empire, = ne ae es on hand is | gree aie. cote fom th soure ‘olags | ie oes vf satel eatin “nasdals ace k, veal §/ in the United Stat i OL ESI SUSE BCr te ot Seis 1 ‘mlaslonniy, bn 4 his father’s “ens, tf ‘The London Standard by A, J. Daw= bs - smoked ham and canned | ater whom ee ed, on. He Says that “emigration 1s our z ens est Maple ‘Leaf [| preacher. modern name for the spirit which made | $y Orders shipped to Milverton, Monkton es Bi eee Fe che Balfours and the Burne | the days of Queen mi spactous. S: ra x jewton, Etc. a Brand Salmon 15 cents. §| Sabie: Bouncer Ballounrvakhonecld one e ee to regard it only bs = p % | ~ | as the last resource of orkless oe 3 ery Orders put up and shipped to these places and to je Tomatoes 15 cents. ye rece Se Some ae the broken man ts strongly t bo ae-| & i re | precated; a. decadent tendency; © mora co # Lit idm och deekie SA Cs | ea pig or less inevitable outcrop of artificial | Sy a ll Grocery Stores or pereestiment Stores should have an R. M I Li L E R | Riensae in = fo in falls Diaieaes centres, Broad & Automatic Bag Rack Holder . senger in the | jy speaking, the writer's message ts to at i three sections of th dle-class com: | By opens Confectionery, Canned Goods, Staple and THE BUTCHER 6§/%¥ were living ‘sa roonis pver ‘the bone | munity; the active and ambitious youth ed a eet on Tend Outneen naan: emporium when, ance, they ps | ie Petula ceo heciiuetngeea reat oes } the Ht | inclinations do not lea to anticl-| rieun Etc., ri id | A ae ae Bas? ix. ss ren oe their | vote with cofifldende:or watistao- a . | as Roy. Jabez Burns, noted | Pate With much co ia | St end us a trial order by mail and be convinced that we can . | see i “ a Tivsuine exhorter andthe m_the propect of nt ring hi Me a cise secise Givens teks Sun Life Assurance yrorvictes st « weckty oammit, | iC%,2"Gne his beat in Bound, ands| Ee aH 1% | this publication Mrs, Balfour conteibut- | Raving, Gone is best athe leads or| $t He te | ed a few essays, and thus came to know the prospect his affords him; and| oo Your Orders to < Company of Canada| le fhe man Who, belng possessed ot & small] $y at 1 | income and an affection for sport ani He J. A. MONTEITH & CO. e pe ie ciaing St pOaNy. SPURS | tho open air life, 1s unable to secure in| . We ty nodoidt HayGahon Gurik Waaade | Se eal ths sreelom Or AEH OA BAD Br sie eT Opp. Market (Box 416) 20 Wellington-st STRATFORD e Results for = other tribute. Later on the marriage Pe tee fad mh bert ticle oa de USE PHONE AT OUR EXPENSE of his sister to Rev. son Burns | pie: | ig #€ | Assurances issued and_p: forged @ link in gcmor ebm [Oe von gona abt; jand _aluvan| IAAI TIAA RIAA REAR ARATE AATTE |" sloyar1go1.21)$ue.ha whol enero of oth fe | gout fio exe ta atten and, |e “To the man of spirit and discern- 3 -1,744,698.77 Bropaxend ja, an jalfour and the & Tnerease over 1903. 1,744,698,77 | Dropekapes, oe quite prominent in the ment pee co de, not a last, i, ALAA ALAA ALAA ALAA AAA AAA AAA AA A Assets at 31st, aera ork - pt tr so oo judicious emigration 1904 851,760.92) aeeacer 2 ebgeh id tee for the Englishman ts that tt means taking possession of the chest inuert=| $4 G.T. R. STATION STORE Tnorense over 1903 2,345,084 44| pony and fame bin Blogaphonl mateo | {ane re Nast offer him a plated = tHnt he had beer -edueke ngland has the men, {n super- = Profits paid Policyholders 117,238.21 ab As a matter of fact he was | ayundance, but lacks the places. The) $+ : ; educated in Chelsea, and was sent to | smpire has the places, waiting, in SUp=| $ Life Assurance in force De erabundance, but lacks, the men, st, 190: 8 “England is full 1c St | ' W IN | } : ia Empire is full of chon opportunition. "| $y nerease over 3 9.64 “Th 01 mis jemandes i. cane i pire are not nce and capital, but) + Industry and maniiness." =: ue 5 : . ‘The second article of the series was We are again in the field with Binder Twine, A. S. MacGregor, ss addressed to the middle-class man 9 a . Ty: a youth wi and a ir Oo and making an effort to please our customers. To Mgr. Western Ontario, London, | busi yomething for himself in life. ‘To them| alii ; ag oF ‘r. Dawson says: “Forget for the mo-| do that, means that the quality must be good and A. MacBeth, Stratford am No: ment the familiar purview, and t # rices right. Our price on twine is guaranteed to 3 : Sopra acts ar our attention’ to the wider field, to : 1 8 Se P ee SOARS ates : District Superintendant* Ruger the vast uncrowded uplands of is Em-| $+ n east est. 3 pire, ‘ou are wanted, ral as low in price as the lowest Bullaies foolety a Arie 28 ae Liber-|| Pre vrartunitien you gesire od “lack | Sailer a bet 3 are awa in plenty.” He then) All kinds of Produce taken in exchange. ete alan ot hardoestnen oceeds to aketch the lite of the young | &, A itleh wold: Misi settler for the first year or so of, hi ; = ‘The. Philanthroplo. Millionaire: ay in the land of hls adoption, and) s+ concludes with a stirring exhortation to 6 Don’t Forget we Handle Cement SEVENTEEN YEAR’S Conte Monae socnealite oat" | Pest 2 ak Me aos oA Upon the gigantic stage of the Empire | $* father than acc fa “super"| J aS aes RECORD | upon aver; smaller platform | ‘¢* ———— “orowded Sin nighiytrainea spectal- | $+ Sore ists.’ fe J. R. YOST & SON ov es At Hugh Clark’s Exp 4 Sound & Careful Management J . P,P, inveterate! humorist, 1s responsible for the follow- ENTITLES mors oF less dublous story on hls | set Legislative deskmate, Major Hugh| &, THE Clark, of Centre Bruce, whom he dubs the “Minister of Immigration.” oo DOMINION LEE he two journalists had arranged to) 3) vel a portion of the way to thelr -THIS SPACE belongs to the oo Sahin ge ge: root : | ee from the Toronto station when the| & enterprising progressive member for Wellington espled a loyal | $t PUBLIC GONFIDENCE aspired old Scottish lady? the wife of a rural) 2, . and was aggrieved when Mr. Gladstone | constituent of his own, sitting behind merchant tailor assed him by. He blossomed forth a talon tee : : NY ad OFF ‘ ritionaire; bought ® reat ‘country | joined her and found her deeply inter~| i ice ¢ ‘ place, headed every Nonconformist char-| ested in the reports of the new Scot- ty | we aes aterloo, Ont ity. Then one day he packed several | tish immigrants, arriving for farm work | gt | Se trunks and fled to the Argentine Re-| jn Ontari 1d lady was particu- | CaS 2 eee a Scam eect public, oes eis ae come ate a larly delighted with the fact that the 4 = loans of people had to be repaid, an: Epes was in greatest deman 3 S. BRICKER, there were Dracticaly fo funda. It took) and why diana yo get a fow, Joo? | Sy i = : ic to | HY District Agent, Listowel, Ont. three years to MEE ce she seks i : England, for th po nb-wcirealijdh | onanas a ahuniy weaned me ia) 3 24 JOH N K E L ER B 0 R N treaty with the republic. in 1805 he ras Trisha with an in (ot, weet | dee sentenced, and al conf 8 ere Ww! E ith hii — ~ icteoel Ry eke He's iting ere" ahead.” indicating the | a Pern would have been lyfiched, for cof his brothe For Sale in Milverton pennies of the poor bon emllllons|; act tertie octusolonder ?-ehe murs =, bd a c of Tabor Spencer Balfour, ex- mured action 4 {PEAT PORTION of the West Halle Uap gor: grawfleyy erily,” responded the wily Joseph. | 2, 8 in the athe Ae ion of Mi whose nam zs on, lying south of the Guelph and _G: ‘modern hypocrites, “The reas ew ever u t e Railway, containing abo es chery him ig. I suppose, because he talks the) ¥ Pc 0 treet settee Seago Yip) A Perfeet Bowel a for. con-| Gaelic.” 5 & stands for merit pe ind a depth of 210 feet. ’Soiie Sf the pest |stipation, sallow complexion, head-| ‘Then Major Clark rose and took- = uilding lots in the village. On one of these | acho, diz: ed a Sse coated | ed around to locate his colleague. It| ts is a gor -w solid 2-sto: brick house 4 % liabilit d = deal = = cere ne cand not water |tongwie, iliousnoss. Lax-ets act soe rs ee ey eee ee out ween the village anc he i pi , then scornful lability an@ SQUAwe Cem: Me eer eee etl ete are testy | ge ee eee errs iy te Eee tg bremisee,| cents, Sold by ‘The Public Drug | USECE ae pape eee atliveroi, ay oth, 18 Store. Prous hon PP? a) % PO SPY ea Rta a wage Ww TY AP ERE IE EE EE RT ERR RS For Sale 100,000 acres of Saskat- chewan Valley Lands Greatest bargain in farm lands in the West to-day. We have 100,000 acres of the best farm-lands in the Valley of the North Branch of the Saskatchewan River. All within easy distance of Stations on the Canadian Northern Railway, an operating—not a proposed railway. Settlers on adjacent sections. Prices from $10.00 per-acre up All carefully selected sections. _ Sales made in 4, % or whole sec- tions or blocks of 10,000 acres. Purchasers from us get an oppor- tunity of acquiring the very best avail- able lands in the most fertile district of the great wheat belt of the Northwest. These lands can be secured at once at Rock Bottom Prices, but are ok advancing in value. Our Western Office is at North { Battleford, Sask. _ Our Crisco Office is at Stratford. 4 Ontario. «»-ADDRESS... The Battleford, Saskatchewan Farm Lands Gompany, xmeeonager. _ otratford, On} sabbath et bah lesb Boe oe he he he he oh he ok oe ke oh ote oh ok ake os aka aks aks ake aks ake chs ake checks cha cheats ahs ae ERE DIN ae v . SCT oe am Tercera’ Se = Ed

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